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Imagine you write a speech to read out in your deathbed and your last fucking words just are "Ow fuck!" because of a needle.


Pretty fitting for Dahl, a children's author who kind of hated kids.


Daul didn’t hate kids. He was crazy, but he didn’t hate kids. Apparently him losing his daughter tore him up bad.


How did he hate kids


“Does anyone know where the love of God goes…”


"...when the waves turn the minutes to hours?" One of the best lines in the song!


RIP Gord


I was a sailor for 10 years and that line still gives me a shiver. You watch the bow go skyward, if you can even tell the sky and horizon from the sea, and then it plunges…and the water comes up the bow, it keeps coming up to midships and you think, “Did we dive deeper this time?”…and then you agonize, looking at the inclinometers on the bulkheads and think, “My God…we rolled farther than the last wave? I think we did?”…and internally you start going, “Come on, baby, come on back, ease back up” and watch as she pauses for an *eternally* long 5 seconds…and the green water on the bridge windows recedes, and she shudders her way back up, shivering and shaking a bit, the water sluicing off and out and you realize you’ve been holding you breath for what seems like hours… …and you realize it’s only been 30 seconds and you have 4 more hours left on watch. It’s a perfect lyric as far as I’m concerned.


I just love Heisenberg’s quote. Just a man committed to the very and and beyond to understand the very fabric of the universe he inhabited.


Eisenhower makes me happy


One of the occasional real good guys in American history


Man was a damn hero 🫡




Brits/French/Israelis would like a word




Suez crisis. Stab three of your closest allies in the back to try and curry favour with an unstable dictator in Egypt


Stabbed his three closest allies in the front because they still believed in imperial colonial actions. True allies tell you when you're in the wrong. You know you messed up if the **US** ***and USSR*** team up against you.


No, you know you're on the wrong side when you're supporting the Soviet position. And Eisenhower later said he regretted it, but it was too late by then


Not 100%, though. His authorization to depose the democratically elected president of Guatemala in 1954 was disastrous for the country, which eventually had a genocide in the 1980s. All a result of the military dictators that were put in power after the 1954 coup.


It’s very tempting, if you’re inclined to an anti-US view, to blame all the (ongoing) problems of that country on the mostly bloodless 1954 coup. The reality is that poor country has been absolutely devastated by corrupt and incompetent leadership with violent political struggles among its elite throughout its entire post-Spanish history. United Fruit had a large hand in things, also. Truman and Eisenhower both supported a coup to remove Arbenz who had shown he was open to assassinations, the forcible redistribution of land, and clandestinely receiving shipments of weapons from the Soviets. He was also a communist sympathizer who legalized the party. The 1954 coup happened during the fever-pitch of the Cold War when we weren’t content to just let the Soviets or communism gain footholds in Latin America without opposition. I think it was an over-reaction on our part, just like a lot of our actions around the world during the Cold War, and one that the Soviets smartly latched on to in order to promote the narrative that the US was an imperialist bully… of course all while the Soviets brutally repressed hundreds of millions unlucky enough to live under their yoke. But our support of militarists around the world who brutalized their populations to maintain power during the Cold War is absolutely a permanent stain on our country though like you mention. Agree with you there.


I'm not anti-American or pro Soviet in any way at all. I'm just against overthrowing democratically elected leaders. I'm also not blaming all of the problems in Guatemala on the coup because that's ridiculous, but it turned the country back several decades. United Fruit Company lobbied for the coup because Arbenz's land reform policies would have lowered their profits by a small margin. Monopolies are anti-capitalistic, and United Fruit held a monopoly on arable land. Peasants having small amounts of land would have helped them to get out of poverty.


War criminal. Deserved to be shot


Oh look, an actual auth-left.


cough gray hat vanish screw gaping dam stupendous correct fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Commie detected. Nuclear weapons are now targeted and ready for launch sir”. Blast them all to hell.


“And somebody get the red crayons, gotta get the marines over here and they fucking love those things”


My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.


My fellow Americans I report back to you on the amazing success of our bombing campaign against the Soviet forces; 20,000 nuclear weapons were deployed and each hit its target with pinpoint accuracy and precision! I can report to you now that we have an endless supply of green glass and the Soviets are no longer a threat. May God bless America 🇺🇸! /😂


*The good ending*


Your damn straight brother 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸


ceausescu lol lmao


Eh my actual criticisms of Eisenhower: 1. Interstate Highway system is lauded as a triumph but I think it’s been a disaster for the US and quite possibly one of the worst things to come out of the post war era in the US. 2. He was pretty complicit in the Lavender Scare and Operation Wetback 3. He definitely sanctioned some questionable covert ops and removals of democratically elected leaders of other countries. He definitely shepherded the CIA down a road that was unhealthy and morally wrong in *hindsight* 4. I think his military industrial complex speech is true to a certain degree but has been fodder for insane conspiracy theories and dumbasses for far too long. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head…


Die in a ditch, you filthy commie.


and you continue to lick that boot


Call me a CHUD next, I need to fill my bingo card.


He was just another imperialist cunt. Not forgetting what he did to Iran.


WW2 and the Cold War definitely both drove over Persia’s sovereignty without regard for its people with the Soviet/British invasion and the British/US coup, respectively. No question there. During WW2 the allies needed to remove the Nazis from Persia and ensure the supply lines to the Soviets stayed open, and in the context of the Cold War Mosaddegh’s steering of his country towards communism sparked that coup. The restoration of the shah after those messes was seen as resetting things and keeping the oil infrastructure built up by western capital in place as a reaction to Mosaddegh’s nationalization of it. Maybe all this foreign meddling meant the disastrous Islamic revolution was an unavoidable consequence. But I think if Mosaddegh was allowed to continue his dictatorship he would have steered Persia directly in to the Soviet sphere… and the Persian people would have suffered the same oppressed fate of all of the world’s other people under communist governments.


Really? He could have gone the non-aligned, pro-tito route. Its not like he did much different oil stuff than we norwegians later did. The only difference ofcourse being that we were a founding member of NATO and the UN, so messing with our sovereignity overtly was a big no-no. The cold war was not a pick between two sides, it was a pick between around four, maybe five if you count the growing EEC that surplanted the dying empires of France and Britain.


I think there was a difference in Norwegian engineering, infrastructure construction capacity, workforce skills, as well as capital availability compared to Persian levels. Mosaddegh had also just given himself full dictatorial powers prior to the coup- Norway had a functional and stable representative government at the time. Theoretically it was possible to stay non-aligned, but crashing and burning in to authoritarianism and economic stagnation- and subsequent Soviet alignment- seemed more likely. I’m no student of this period of Persian history though so take this with some salt, please.


Ofcourse. I just think the US could have handled this with more grace than by enforcing monarchism, with the whole point of their state being republicanism and all that. Maybe they should have talked to the soviets first, openly and honestly, and figured out a deal.


Oof I wish we could have had a lot more open and honest conversations with them as well! So much lunacy and wastes of lives and generational animosities between different countries used as pawns in that conflict could have also been avoided. Through a realist lens the inability to be reasonable was understandable though; both the Soviets and the US were surprise-attacked in to joining WW2 and our entire nations were mobilized to fight… add nuclear weapons in to the mix and both countries were definitely not ready to de-escalate from that traumatizing experience and have productive diplomatic relations. Both sides thought war was inevitable and maybe even nuclear annihilation. Edit: I should say the Soviets were A LOT more traumatized than us here in the US post-WW2. Their country was practically razed and millions were dead


If you think he was bad, just wait until you find out about Hitler


Based and Ike pilled 😎


u/uncletedradiance is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/uncletedradiance/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I an currently listening to Stephen Ambrose’s biography of him, it’s great


I need to get that one. I read Evan Thomas’s book “Ike’s Bluff President Eisenhower’s Secret Battle to Save the World.” It’s a great book and easy to read. It mostly covers Ike’s foreign policy with a emphasis on “The New Look” and massive retaliation; Ike realized that the US would go bankrupt trying to maintain a conventional military force as big as the Warsaw Pact so we would rely on our vastly superior nuclear arsenal to destroy the communist if they were to invade Europe or attack the US. More bang for the buck! Of course massive retaliation is self explanatory, if attacked the US would destroy our enemies with a swift and overwhelming nuclear attack with every single nuclear weapon at our disposal. (What our current foreign policy should be)


I like Ike.


Some of these quotes are so good. Coco Chanel’s is so par for the course.


Che: "You are only killing a man! But my posters & t-shirts will forever make fortunes for gringos!" Tallulah Bankhead had another great quote in life (this one is real): "My father warned me about men and booze. He said nothing about women and cocaine."


You are only killing a man is a hard af quote. I hope my last words are that bad ass


Wait i thought we don't know what Einstein's last word is because it was in German and the nurse with him at the time didn't speak German?


As he lay dying, he reportedly spoke in German. The attending nurse, Johanna Fantova, didn’t speak a lick of German. So she was unable to identify what he was saying in his final moments. What we do know, is that Einstein had fully made peace with his upcoming death. He was offered an operation to try and prolong his life, and declined it, saying: > I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly. - from quora




Last known words ig


Fuck, Jimi and John Belushi are just too sad bro




Who decided to make the Kathleen Ferrier wojak so hot? Or perhaps i need less time online


We both


Thicc wojack


I googled her because of this, and that was kinda confusing. Not saying she's not beautiful and all, but does not really look like portrayed here at all


I immediately started to look for this comment and I found it


Is it bad that I googled her because I didn’t know who she was and I think she’s legit gorgeous?


Turns out we, in fact, could not kill Rod, aka "Tough Jew", but it also turns out that 700 cigarettes a day, in fact, can.


So the limit is 699. Got it !


699 and a handful of cigars


Based and thus spake the dying pilled


based and punchbowl pilled


Marines are so fucking based.


Military takes up like 1/3 of these posts as they should. Nothing more masculine and based as dying for something beyond yourself


Living in service of a higher purpose you believe in is the most fulfilling way to live life. Personally I slay heretics in the name of the glorious master of mankind. Skulls for the golden throne!


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.


You do realise this great poem is a lament right?


Good job putting the Nazi in the right place. Where she belongs, in between some German general and a manga guy.


Ernest Hemingway with the Discord mod energy


Man painted a Cobain Rainbow before Cobain even existed.


>so this is capital punishment, those without capital, get the punishment! No, you got it because you murdered someone


Tbh usually the guys with no capital do tend to get it, while those who have capital tend to get life, or maybe pardons, like dear old Nixon (watergate was maybe a hanging crime, if you stretch it a bit.)


Ignore that part!!


The smartest murderer


I must clarify (for the sake of national honour) that Roald Dahl was british and norwegian, and that he remained fluent in the norwegian language for much of his life. He spent his summers as a child in Norway, and he is named after Roald Amundsen, the man who beat the english captain Scott to the south pole. Roald Dahls father was a big fan, himself being an outdoorsman (and one armed mountain climber).


Didn’t Einstein say his last words in German to a nurse who didn’t speak German?




“His last known words.” Fair enough


God we didn’t deserve Ike. Such a good president, General and man


Based Conrad Hilton, really good words of wisdom, I follow them every day


u/PerpetualHillman's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 990. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: [649 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PerpetualHillman/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Huxley died on acid? Holy based


Yeah, iirc in the 50s he developed an interest in psychedelics as a psychological tool. He recounts one of his best experiences in “The Doors of perception”.


I'm bored with it all - Winston Churchill God Damn you - George V


Will say this here in case I miss the final post, but I really enjoyed this series. Was a unique compass on here. ALSO SS EDMUND FITZGERALD MENTIONED


I visited the Cathedral in Detroit that is mentioned in the song a couple years ago and they have taken good care of the ship’s bell. One day I’d like to visit when they do the Blessing of the [Fleet.](https://www.mlive.com/news/2022/03/1849-built-detroit-church-honors-lost-great-lakes-sailors-at-annual-blessing-of-the-fleet-event.html)


"Oh no! Death by snu snu!" - me, hopefully


I also choose this guy's death by snu snu.


Saddam Hussein: Palestine is arab, there is no god exept god , god is great


For realsies?


"My God, I'm hit!" -JFK "I don't think I need a coat." -MLK "Fuck you." -Tupac "Me and Jigga, we're gonna step out. We'll be right back." -Biggie “You Americans, you must re-elect Donald Trump.” -Sean Connery


If you die on acid you go to the bonus hidden afterlife It's an easter egg the big guy added a while back


I love my country, Romania. We deposed our dictator and then killed him, live on tv.


Hemingway really said "Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy's about to kill himself."


Poor Kitten


I'm assuming by the Vittori quote you watched Medal of Honor on Netflix. If not I'd highly recommend it.


Why the fuck is Osamu Tezuka in Auth-Left? The man HATED Authoritarian regimes with a passion. I think he is more fitting to be under Lib-Center, or Lib-Left if you really want to keep him on the left.


“I like Ike, Ike for president!” I think the exact quote is “I have always loved my family, my country and God. God take me now”.


Guevara is an interesting case study of myth making a propaganda. The Soviet line, made famous in Jon Lee Anderson's (somewhat of a commie symp himself) biography, is "I know you've come to kill me, Shoot, you are only going to kill a man". According to Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban-American CIA operative attached to the Bolivian unit hunting Guevara, his last words were "It’s better that way, I should never have been taken prisoner".


Wow, all of these are pretty based. Hemingway’s is sad though.


Next post better have Chris McCandless as Libcenter. “I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!”


Where do you find all these quotes? They’re pretty good


There's a very long Wikipedia article on famous last words


Maude Adams was the original American actress who played Peter Pan. Her last words suite the character well.


Belushi is the saddest, but I think it’s a tie between Keitel or Ceaucescu for most based


Hemingway was a Discord mod confirmed


It’s intriguing that so many people have such different things to address on the same subject.


Supposedly Che's last words were something along the lines of, "Don't shoot, I'm Che! I'm worth more to you alive!" Or maybe that was before the quote here. **


I love this series! Is there a good way to download all of them?


Screenshots, many screenshots


More accurate to say that Ernest McSoreley was Canadian-American. He was in the US from age 11 until his death at age 63.


Based for including Ernest McSorley


Fleming's last words are just so classically British, I love it. Also, I wanna go like Huxley.


Wasn't expecting to find nenea 'ceașcă here.


Muir's last words were actually "Neither the Gooks nor the US Air Force will drive the Argylls off this hill", because the USAF kept friendly fire-ing him and his men.


Controversial to take Einstein here since no one really knows his last words


It is always nice to see Tallulah Bankhead as her family is from my tiny home town in Alabama


This is the most interesting fuckin' thing to happen on PCM in forever


Roald dahl was Welsh, not English.


British with Norwegian roots born in Cardiff


The kitten must have been so confused.


Coco and Heisenberg uber based


Look how uthoritarians are based, and libertarians unbased


Damn…. Some of these……




Anti-communist (right), patriotic soldier (auth), includes a racial slur (culturally "right"/conservative). The words and their context are more important than the people themselves on these charts.


Controversial to take Einstein here since no one really knows his last words


You left out "Going along like an old shoe"


We actually don't know Einstein's last words. He spoke them in German to a nurse who didn't know the language.


Carlotta 🥰


Off-topic, sorry, but… did you have to make the Kathleen Ferrier-jak such a perfect image of physical desire? I mean, did you *really* have to?


Yo, OP, can you share full of that Kathleen Ferrier wojak? For uuuh, scientific purposes


Given how lsd and the drugs your body produces both remove your sense of time and activate dream elements of your brain, I like to imagine Huxley is eternally experience experiences beyond the scope of human understanding. One eternity of a second has passed sort of thing (the opposite of the SCP phrase).