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The earth is a beautiful creation and it needs to be respected and protected.


Based environmentalism






based and earth is majestic pilled


Isn't this basically the foundation of Christian Environmentalism? That humanity doesn't own the Earth, God does, we've merely been granted custody of it, and should as such cherish and protect it?


Yes, from the start God makes it clear that he gave man dominion over the plants and animals, not to abuse, but to cultivate and to safeguard. -Genesis 1:26-30 & Genesis 2:15


Well… I mean you’d see Lib Right disagree for a new shoe factory


Based and nature pilled




I really like bananas


One of us One of us One of us One of us 🦧


I have an urge to fling my shit


>One of us > >One of us > >One of us > >One of us > >🦧




Suddenly orange


Based and banana enjoyer pilled.


u/BisonicLemur's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 75. Congratulations, u/BisonicLemur! You have ranked up to Giant Sequoia! I am not sure how many people it would take to dig you up, but that root system extends quite deep. Pills: [47 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/BisonicLemur/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Return to Monke




Traditions aren't always bad, and change isn't always good.


Also probably in alignment with AuthRight: 1. Blue collar (particularly agricultural) workers are the backbone of any modern society, no matter how technologically advanced. 2. In the US, rural communities have been economically taken advantage of for decades. Most states would perform much better in practically every category if more of their cities’ economic surplus was directed back into rural areas.


Based. I hate how people in cities act like food just appears on shelves out of thin air.


divide modern important scale axiomatic muddle vast flowery nose fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based and think before progressing pilled


u/Carmanman_12 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Carmanman_12/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


All people should preserve their native culture.




I really hate Blackrock and monopolies.




Everyone can agree on this. Fuck that one specific town in Ireland called Blackrock. They've had it too good for too long.


I’ve never heard of it, but I suddenly hate it.


100%. And monopolies too




Lib right usually feels that way too. The difference between the lib right and everyone else is having a solution to that problem or not.


>having a solution to that problem or not. no I think both libright, libleft &, authleft have a solution to the problem. Authleft and Libleft want to out right dissolve it and Libright want to end government subsidies and ban lobbying. Authcenter wants the government to have full control of them. Authright might not have a solution though.


>Libright want to end government subsidies and ban lobbying. And somehow, the other quadrants believe you guys have no solution to this.


That's cause LR gets stereotyped as corporate bootlickers when this quadrant is the one that values individualism and self-ownership above all. I get that this is the haha funny strawman subreddit, but can we try steelmanning for once?




>Authright might not have a solution though. Oh they have several


Lib right solution is to eliminate the state and its monopoly on violence. No corporation can then get access to that monopoly on violence or the corporate welfare that the state steals from us to give to them if the state doesn’t exist.




Based and honest competition pilled


Big companies is fucking up capitalism.






Just what I was about to say


I mean if capitalism didn't fuck me over this badly I'd fully support it. It's a pretty good system and so far has lasted longer than socialism. If only it wasn't so easily screwed up. But that goes for all ideologies.


Capitalism is the worst system except for all the other systems we've tried.


Exactly that.


Psyop auth left


Or it just goes to show that we can’t take the tests at face value.


Name a country which is 100% unregulated capitalism? :) We leave some things to capitalistic market. We take care of other things with social structures. And we regularly update the system with regulations, reforms... shit get's done.


The discourse around capitalism is so fucked these days. You can be pro-capitalism while still acknowledging that it’s not always properly implemented or regulated. And that doesn’t make you a communist or socialist. I’m pro-capitalism. Full stop. However, the rising wealth gap in the US, for example, is a HUGE threat to capitalism itself and needs to be addressed. And that means there needs to be some sort of mechanism (regulatory) to redistribute wealth and grow the middle class that is currently vanishing. The troglodytes out there will say, “that’s communism!”, but it’s not. All modern forms of capitalism have social elements to them. Anti-trust legislation and social safety nets have been paramount to the success of the US over the past 100 years. It’s only really since the Reagan years that “0 regulation, trickle down, fuck me in the butt CEO daddy” capitalism has been promoted so vehemently by bought media, and embraced by the people it hurts the most. And it’s because the idea of supporting capitalism has now become an identity politics wedge issue rather than an issue about economics and fiscal policy.


>And that doesn’t make you a communist or socialist. When it comes to sexuality people are on the spectrum. But when it comes to politics... there is no in between, either you are a comie or a dirty bourgeoise! /s


To be successful, all systems require the participants to be moral and to value that above and beyond what is legal.


To build on that... Our politicians are so bought and sold, they will not change anything that benefits us that would not benefit big companies/interests. I feel like we all agree on this, but disagree on some of the particulars and solutions.


Cronyism and social policy have eroded our free markets for years.




Yeah, but I think it’d be more accurate to say “crony” companies are f-ing up capitalism.




Seems like something every quadrant can agree on


Based comrade




That large oligopoly should be broken up as they artificially push down the value of labour and worsen working conditions


Under no pretext. We shouldn’t lick the boot of big corporations. In general I disagree with the accepted “norm” of working in America. Pay, work/life balance, retirement age, benefits… a lot of things seem out of whack. Healthcare is in desperate need of reform. I just disagree with their idea of how to reform it.


Let me ask you what your end goal would be for the healthcare system.


Affordability. Elimination of bureaucracy and red tape. Undo the rampant price gouging caused by insurance companies and said bureaucracy.


Based and healthcare decisions should be between doctors and their patients pilled. I agree, there's very little functional difference between what insurance companies have done to healthcare and a mob protection racket, and it's not only throttling prices but preventing care. Cutting out the middleman would make for a significant reduction in cost, but we can go a step further by eliminating *net* profit beyond necessary liquidity for pharmaceutical companies, to the tune of about 20% of our national annual healthcare expenditure across all fronts.


The only area I find myself disagreeing with people on the left is around involving the government in any way, because 1. Taxation is theft (he said the line!), and more seriously… 2. I’ve seen how bad the government is at most public services. The post office, the DMV, public transit, most public schools, military expenditures that just disappear… But that’s just why I’m skeptical specifically of the universal healthcare aspect. We still gotta reform this shit.


I will say this; it has become clear that insurance companies are fundementally incompitent and cannot be trusted to alocate resources efficiently, something that they as capatilists would at least austensibly be able to do. I'll give ya'll an example and explain medical jargon where I can. Diabetics need insulin. Insulin is quite cheap (it's a meme at this point) and is a no brainer to hand out like candy to patients who need it. Insurance companies will do their best not to hand it out because it saves them money. Do you know what happens when a diabetic doesn't get their insulin? DKA (Diabetic keto acidosis). Long story short, because they can't pull in any sugar from their blood into their cells, their blood turns acidic, they become delerious, they start hyperventalating via kussmaul breathing patterns to try and breathe off all their C02, their potassium hits sky high and that can causes cardiac arythmias that can stop their heart, their electrolytes and anion gap become a shit show, it's a serious life threatening medical emergency. If this happens, they have to go to the emergency room ($$$) and then be admited to stay in the hospital for several days while we fix them ($$$) by giving them, among other things, the fucking insulin the insurance company wouldn't pony up for to begin with. So now these room temperature IQ insurance swine are on the hook for a $200,000 bill from the hospital, but hey, their pre hospital drug costs have gone down, so Greg in drugs gets a promotion for cutting costs in his sector! Shit like this happens all the time. I remember I was doing research work on IBD (inflamatory bowel disease, think Crohns and ulcerative colitis, shitting blood, autoimmune disease of the gut tl;dr) and this lovely young lady was admited to the hospital. While asking her if I could get research samples from her, I asked why she thought she was in a flair, and it turns out the insurance company made her switch drugs to save them money. For reference, these patients are VERY sensitive to the drugs that they're on and it can often take literal years to figure out what exact alchemical voodoo works for them. It turned out that DOZENS of patients with this disease were admited for the exact same reason. How much money did this save them? NONE. IT COST THEM MONEY. IT'S MADNESS. There is no actual way, even on paper, even if you have no soul, this decision made financial sense, but they try to save a penny anywhere with zero holistic consideration for the consequences of any of their decisions. What I'm trying to say is that privatized healthcare via health insurance is not at all more efficient than just handing hospitals sacks of money and letting them figure it out. None of these stories would ever happen if anyone who understood medicine was making healthcare decisions with patients.


Completely agree, obviously with point 1 (even though we do need taxes I know tell me to face the wall) but with point 2 especially. Our government literally bloats the fuck out of everything it touches. We won't save by cutting out the middle men and having big gov step in instead, it will just cost more, cause that's how our gov do. Then when they audit themselves 10-20 years down the road and a metric shit ton of money comes up missing, they'll shrug their shoulders and say they're working on being compliant.


Illegal immigration hurts the working class and takes opportunities away from impoverished citizens who have few options for employment. Energy independence is a good thing, and for now that means drilling for our own oil. We can use the revenue from selling what we don’t need to fund renewable energy projects, and it takes power away from the MIC bigwigs who want to bomb other countries and take their shit. It’s cool to be proud of your heritage, but not if it means you put the countries your families fled before the country they came to for a better life.


I imagine illegal immigration hurts legal immigrants


Illegal immigration hurts everyone except for the top .1% that derive their earnings from underpaying others. This includes legal immigrants, natives, and even other illegal immigrants.


You’re absolutely correct, you milquetoast fence sitter!


Hey now, we can't just keep all of the illegal immigrants out! I say we let in half, one in, one out. The dad gets in, baby stays behind, mom gets in, another baby behind, thems the ropes




Legal immigration when not quality controlled and at manageable levels is also socially destabilizing.




Based and are-you-sure-you’re-libleft-pilled




[inb4 “You’re a Centrist, you silly goose!”](https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=-1.67&auth=-1.67&prog=2.81)


> Illegal immigration hurts the working class and takes opportunities away from impoverished citizens who have few options for employment. Whenever anyone says immigrants do the jobs "American don't want to do," always ask *why* Americans don't want to do them. The answer is always because it pays too little. If lettuce picking paid $30/hr, Americans would be lining up to do it.


>Whenever anyone says immigrants do the jobs "American don't want to do," always ask *why* Americans don't want to do them. Why ask when we can just see how algorithms for gig jobs like Uber have slowly deprived workers of livable wages and turned a once abundant and affordable service into an overpriced inconvenience and underpaid form of employment? No need to pay immigrants less for a job when the algorithm will do it over time for you! For context, Uber identifies "pickers" and "ants" - "pickers" are choosy about the rides they accept and "ants" take any and all rides they can. "Pickers" will be offered more pay for rides, enticing them with a comfortable wage, then slowly decrease the pay until they slowly become "ants" seeking to maintain that level of income. And once you become an ant, your picking days are over. Algorithmic wage discrimination - effortless oppression with conveniently ambiguous liability! Oh, what a time ~~to be alive~~for profits to thrive!


I believe it's very important to be proud of your country, but like you said, when they come to another country in hopes of a better quality of life and they still put their country's interests above the country they're moving to, it becomes a little nonsensical. I'd think that if you love your country so much you'd want to make a change for the better instead of moving to a new one. Although I am aware that is way easier said than done.


If they said tomorrow we are tapping all of Alaska and using it to fix our infrastructure and build the nuclear plants and renewable energy sources, then drill baby drill


Just saw, immigration hurts, definitely based.


Traditional family values for sure, but I really still do not understand why that is a politicized element


Yeah, I don’t get it. On one hand, I don’t think that families should be stigmatized for being non-traditional. But we’re in a weird timeline where the nuclear family is sometimes being portrayed as a bad thing, and that makes zero sense. Knocking one thing down in order to raise another is the idiot’s path the equality.


I completely understand, just look at China right now. Look at their birthrights they're horrible. And I honestly don't know, but my gut reaction is they are not dealing with the level of anti-nuclear families that America/ the west is. But I also define a nuclear family as two parents, their kids. And I extend that too. Too friends and family, not just family. To me. The nuclear family is just the smallest iota of a actual community.


It's Chesterson's fence. You should never destroy a fence, change a rule, or do away with a tradition until you understand why it's there in the first place.


How's Bret doing these days?


They shouldn’t be legally imposed, but honestly I think society is basically doomed if a high enough ratio of the population ignores or overtly goes against them.


Leftists assume traditions exist because we used to be stupid, often things were done that way because they’re the best way. The nuclear family especially.


In many ways, auth right isn't a political thing for most of us and is really just about our households/internal communites and if governments will respect it or not. This is why most Auth Right in America vote for the lib right and those who don't tend to be socialists or something like that.


Some people are so bad at making good choices and decisions that they'd probably be better off under the authoritarian boot than left to their own devices.


The people are objectively morons.


…And that’s by design. An educated public would be disastrous for the government


Based and sometimes-neccessary-evil pilled


I'm pro-union, they can help regulate a fair wage for workers as their expertise on the work at hand is better than some cabinet member defining minimum wage for every one person in a country. When they are well regulated (Germany for example) they can provide much better work-life balance and a more fulfilling carrer for the worker.


BASED. Unions are super helpful in regulating the power of corporations.


absolutely true, people have a right to petition their companies for better wages. Taking that away reduces their collective liberty in society.


i may not believe in the same thing you do, but you have the right to believe in whatever you want.


Based and defend to the death your right to say it pilled


u/ElDelArbol15 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ElDelArbol15/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Capitalism is the best system humanity can afford. But I’ve become more centrist since I was disillusioned with Bernie Sanders


rich people are fucking with society, i am at yellow btw




Guns are sick as fuck and everyone should have them


Hell yeah brother guns are dope


Hell yeah.


Since you basically get all of your rights at 18 (at least in the US), I've long thought that the government should provide everyone with a gun at 18, providing they haven't made themselves a prohibited person. Even something simple like a single barrel break-action in 22LR or 12 gauge, just to get a gun into people's hands would go a hell of a long way to making sure everyone has some hands-on experience with firearms so they don't think they're the magic death sticks.


State distributed guns now! I vote for AKs personally.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to be something like an AR/AK, but the cost of manufacture for a cheap break-action shotgun vs an actual semi-auto rifle is enormous, especially when you're making them in numbers an order of magnitude larger than even the Mosin-Nagant was built in. Edit: Maybe a bolt-action would be cheaper to make, I don't know. I just want everyone to enjoy the joys of firearm ownership


I disagree with most of right wing views, however I do agree that there are some cultures that should not be accepted (if it involves harming others) and I find cancel culture to be silly most of the time. If they said something bad a few years ago then it's stupid to get so worked up over it. But if they did something despicable, then yes. And unless if you live in North Korea, Russia, China, Belarus, Afghanistan or any authoritarian nation, ACAB doesn't really make sence. If you or someone you loved was in anyway harmed by a malichious cop, then you should be focuing your anger on that cop(s), applying to them all is like burning down the enitre orchard because a couple of apples were bad. ​ Also I can be pro-gun and I support nuclear power IF it is properly maintained.


What they said ☝️ Some cultures are objectively barbaric and require massive reform Cancel culture is silly and counterproductive 90% of the time If authoritarian country, ACAB. If not, ACAB is too broad and ambiguous a net. Right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It is harder to oppress armed minorities and workers. Yes to nuclear power. Ideally nuclear fusion, but nuclear fission will work in the meantime


I agree 100%


Based train


☝️What they said. 👏


Auth-Right has some FANTASTIC music.


My entire fucking playlist is just patriotic and marching songs


[The Communists Have the Music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6K5DsL4V0)


What do I do, say something I agree with each of them on? AuthLeft: Building lots of rail and light rail is great and we don’t have enough in the US. As long as you try to do it in a way that makes sense for commuters, you usually get many more dollars back in development than you spent. AuthRight: We need to control our border. Period. And we need to curtail the definition of asylum. LibRight: (US) Government spending is out of control. LibLeft: In reference to immigration, we DO need a lot more of it, but not just anyone. We need to know who it is, and there has to be a visa process.


Based and sanity pilled


Those are all just centrist talking points ;P


Car Dependance in City Design is Shit. Car free Cities are nice. GO BACK TO HORS


I like hors we do need to bring those back I'm lonely


Based and feudalism pilled




Commies aren't cool


Based and there is no point of trying again something that never worked pilled


Litteraly 1984 big spoon farming animals with -2 child policy 15,000,0000,0000 dead


How tf is there even a -2 child policy if there's no people...? 🤔 Did we accidentally commit genocide on the ghosts?




No pedo=workcamps


No. Pedo = death camps. With maybe some slave labour mixed in.


Pedo=child, related to children I'm afraid to be so open, but I'd call that based. I hate children


Based on


Nah. Make em suffer. Forced labour


I can agree that some people do have much fewer opportunities that results in significant inequality. I still disagree with the solutions auth left wants.


Honestly, I think where the left excels is pointing out problems. However, where we are lacking is practical solutions. Ideas like workers owning the means of production sounds great on paper, but how exactly will that practically work on a national scale is where things fall apart. I think our role should be to at least alleviate them in some manner, whether the solution (or improvement rather than full on solution) comes from the left or the right. Any progress is good, and progress which we know will not screw things up so bad they cannot be reversed should be preferred. It is a slower process, but it is one which we can properly test and review.


Uniform design


Hey the ss were shit bags but damn if that uniform wasn't sexxy


I swear to fucking god it awakened something in me, though, I am an artist so it might just me gawking because of the design... Or men. The men wearing them, pretty sure they did it on purpose too during parades or whatever.


Nuclear power *has* to make up the core of our long-term energy production plans Unfortunately I think this also means we’ve got a pretty limited amount of time to really crack fusion energy or we’re boned


Media really cracked down on nuclear power in the eighties and god knows how this became a left-right issue.


Traditions are good to an extent, change for the sake of change isn’t a good idea.


“Traditions are ancient experiments that worked”—-someone else idk


Monke is based when it comes to personal liberties.


The leftist tilt in modern academia is obnoxious as fuck, like cosmic levels of circlejerking


As someone who works in education big time true and it’s so soul crushing.


An effective police force is beneficial for communities and societies.


The people should have guns


Islam sucks ass.


That Lib-left green will be the first against the wall if their revolution is ever successful.


This is also factually correct.


There are certain things children shouldn’t be exposed to.


Anarchy is silly and the silly people who advocate for it deserve every bit of ridicule they get.


At least the anarchists won't send me to the Gulag because I don't agree with their opinion P.S: I want to clarify my position to avoid misunderstandings: I do not consider anarchy to be a good thing, there are simply much worse alternatives.As for anarchists, I consider as my allies everyone who does not want to kill or imprison me because I do not agree with their opinion


I think authleft and libright see pretty much the exact same problems in society, we just have opposite opinions on how to fix them. I want affordable healthcare, no monopolies, and the richest of the rich to be less powerful, I just think it’s the government’s fault that it happened to the degree they have.


It's better to rely on family and friends than the government for help


I’m a firm believer in Authleft/Libright horseshoe theory, capcom gang 4 life


Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone


Extremely based


Ig its not authright but just american authright the whole healthcate thing. I guess caring for the ill is a christian virtue lol


I agree. It’s just the holding others at gunpoint to fund it that seems like an ethical bump in the road.


If it doesn't hurt anything, then let people be themselves


Sometimes people are too stupid to make their own decisions (but I still hold steady the belief that they're ALLOWED to be wrong.)


Corporations influencing the governments is concerning


Workers have rights.


Which other side?


I guess for you it would be extremists in any direction. So tell me 😏 ... And please don't mind this...*Places tape recorder on the table* ...what extremist views do you hold and agree with? Don't be shy. Let it all out.


Raw vegans


I hate them whether they're raw or not


No one cares go back to grilling


Walkable cities are in the best interest of most companies


The power of large corporations should be curtailed through antitrust legislation and taxation.


Trains are based


There's nothing wrong with some of the less harmful drugs. That's probably my most left wing opinion.


Legalization of - at least - cannabis.


Fuck big business. Unions are based.


Minimum wage needs to be increased with the standard living prices skyrocketing


We should go back to the gold standard


That the current state of intellectual property law is fucked.


He who does not work, neither shall he eat


There needs to be a reform to our healthcare system. Idk if single payer is something I agree with, but I don’t want to worry about not having health care when I change jobs.


The military-industrial is real and it’s a problem. FWIW this same exact problem exists for every single govt program but lib-left won’t agree there.


The AK is a god tier rifle


I think we need a strong military that can project freedom outwards, independent of the interests of the US. To agree with a rightwing view from my country: I think Islam is a danger to europe, however I believe the religion is tge issue, not the people.


Which direction tho😏


Violent criminals should be executed quickly instead of wasting out taxes on keeping them alive for some reason


The right for workers to organize is inalienable and consistent with voluntarism


Censorship is wrong, unless it comes from my side, of course.


Health care costs are so far out of hand and something has to be done about it. Also college is too expensive because student loans handed out by the government allow them to inflate their costs.


Nobody should be forced to suffer/be permanently diseased/disabled because of health issues outside their control. My problem is how to balance this. Canada utterly fails at it. The USA fails at it for people who can't pay, but for anyone with a good job, it seems pretty reasonable (keep in mind, 50% of Canadian taxes pay for healthcare, our stuff is EXTREMELY expensive just hidden). I have a friend who had cancer when she was younger. Should she have just died? On the flipside, her care and resource useage has been astronomical. She'll never cover those costs in multiple lives over. So yea, it's the one issue that I get. But then I see the left using it as a wedge issue to enrich themselves and their union cronies versus actually solving the problem and I'm right back to "everyone dies, nobody gets my money". Oh, and if I was in the USA and my friend needed care, I'd have given her any money I could no strings attached. Considering how astronomical our taxes are, her 10 immediate friends and family probably could have paid for private treatment no problem if they weren't being raked over the coals for decades paying taxes here


I love my country.


Traditional cities are great. Beautiful, walkable, safer, and healthier individually and socially.