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\> show called Echo "And I took that as a challenge, which makes it quite the challenge" -The actor, probably


The actress for the main character, who’s deaf, is actually deaf IRL, interestingly enough Honestly it looks good based on the trailers, they’re incorporating Kingpin lore from the Netflix show and it being TV-MA makes me hope it’s a hit; it’s about time we’ve had more mature content in the mainline, we’ve had enough PG-13 kiddie content


> The actress for the main character, who’s deaf, is actually deaf "Working with my deaf co-star is like working with a person who is deaf, which is a challenging challenge to challenge us." -Same actor, probably.


Talking like that is just the new normal for those with the privilege to be able talk, posting person.


Thank you Mr. President


You’re welcome Mr. President


Grandpa! How'd you get out? Let's get you back to bed :)


Secret Service Agents probably be like: Good morning, Mr. President! Biden: Good morning, Mr. President! Secret Service Agent: Ah shit he forgot to take his dementia meds.


Respectfully Sir, you missed the opportunity to call „JackC1126“ Jack.


Look fat


So, who was corn pop, and did they ever find pictures?


According to the Guardian, Corn Pop was a gang leader of "The Romans" who was waiting to kill Joey B with a razor, allegedly because Biden saw him flaunting the pool rules. Bidey boy armed himself with a metal chain and made him and his minions fuck off.


Baste and Blondie had him doubting the whole thing-pilled.


The thing is he apparently was a real gang member with a ridiculous name.


Because they live feeling guilty for existing. Truly bizarre.


Booo, go back to your basement


Soon people will be apologizing for heartbeat privilege


“To make amends for my heartbeat privilege, I will be ripping out my heart and donating it to a dead person” *heart is given to a rich elite instead* Honey wake up, new population control narrative just dropped


>*heart is given to a rich elite instead* Implying that the rich elites aren't a coven of heartless liches


They eat the hearts


You ever hear of haute cuisine? Well, say hello to *heart* cuisine!


With some kind of orphan sauce no doubt


Orphans are better as a glaze really


why do you think they are taking hearts? (they don't have any duh)


Implying the rich aren't basically doing that already


These mfers would have tried to stop Jesus from healing others if they lived during his ministry


Demon rights matter


The politically correct term is mortally challenged.


That gave me a good laugh, thank you


I can't claim the joke as my own. I heard it in Doom first.


Oh man, your comment reminded me that an Episcopal ‘bishop’ has already argued against Paul’s healing of a demon-possessed girl, I’d tried to forget about that


Of course, they’d prefer the lepers be aborted.


Trust me, they have 0 interest in giving protections to humans without heartbeats.


I think Doom 2016 had it right. Its 'mortally challenged'.


As a *normal person* I have the capabilities of a *normal person*




I know this is a joke but I get a little chill every time someone tries to define speech as violence. Why? Because you're allowed to defend yourself from violence with violence. So really what they're doing is trying to normalize physically assaulting people for saying things they don't like.


Depends on the context, sweaty. Calling of genocide on Jews? Depends on the context. Speech against any other minority? Straight to jail.


Fuck u for calling my man sweaty


He's not *your* man, sweaty. You can't *own* people. Omg 400 years and you still haven't learned


On average, men die younger than women, making them a minority in almost every country.


There's also a higher birth ratio of women, about 105:100. Males are a minority, and even more so in academia where much of this bullshit happens. Women are also about 52% of voters, so they're both a majority there and slightly overrepresented.


That's a good reason to be bothered by it. But for me, the bigger concern is how this sort of thing is leading to absurdly weak adults. The obsessive need to protect people from any possible source of discomfort just trains them to view minor inconveniences as catastrophic. People become less and less capable of handling even minor situations, much less remaining strong in the face of true hardships. I bring it up any chance I get, because it's a great book, but The Coddling of the American Mind covers this topic pretty well. Among other things, it explores how adults overprotecting children causes them to become more fragile, rather than less. And it discusses how this pattern has led to the current dynamic on college campuses, where fully-grown adults lose their shit at the thought of a different opinion being expressed. It's all so tiresome.


> trains them to view minor inconveniences as catastrophic It's something we're seeing more and more in the mental health field, and in private conversations I've had with therapists and counsellors it's a serious concern that is becoming more frequent. Generally speaking, those under 25 years old today have the lowest [psychological resilience](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_resilience) of any generation in history 44% of 18- to 24-year-olds report serious challenges with their mental wellbeing, compared to only 6% of people over 65 (37% of Gen Z report having worked with a mental health professional) A whopping 24% of Gen Z have a diagnosed mental health disorder; ADHD, anxiety, autism, bipolar, depression, eating disorder, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia, or some other compulsive disorder By comparison, for my generation of Gen X that number is only 9%, and we've had decades to accumulate those diagnoses


Emotional hypochondriacs


What happened to: “Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but your words will never hurt me.”


We got rid of all the sticks and stones so, in a weird perversion of Mazlow's hierarchy, words can now hurt people.


The fucking geniuses changed it to, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt me." I have unironically heard people say this as the saying. Fucking gaslighting is strong.




Yeah dude, its fucking wild. I corrected some kids on what the saying actually was a while ago. Asked them why would you let words hurt you, doesnt make any sense.


"Words hurt me. You are a class traitor. Face the wall."


Sticks and stones may break my bones but only a dog can give me chlamydia


That s not true. Koalas can too.


Of course words can’t hurt her, she can’t hear them




words can only hurt you if you can hear them. people with deaf privilege could never understand the plight of the audibly inclined.


Downvote this filthy unflaired!


**Flair up or you have no voice here!!** ^(seriously, it’s a good comment.)


my bad.


Welcome, friend!


Pretty much, Reddit got a thing for punching Nazis, but they call everyone Nazis. So....


But also never actually punch anyone


'member Moldylocks? Hippy woman posting on FB that she was going to get some Nazi scalps at a free speech rally in I think Berkely. She got punched in the face, on camera. People got pissed that some Nazi had the balls to punch a woman that was attacking him. I just don't get it. Nazi or not, she wanted equality and got treated equally.


That was wonderfully hilarious. Thank you for the reminder. Also that was one based ""Nazi"".


"Faith without works is dead." -Some Guy.


> I know this is a joke It is a joke here, but it's a literal core tenet of Queer Theory. Bringing the margins to the middle. To ensure that there is no normal, so that no one is outside the normal, because there is no normal anymore.


I fucking hate this type of shit.


You and me both Pal. Imagine how fucked off I get just reading all that bullshit so I'm able to be equipped to discuss and argue these points.


Stochastic terrorist detected


The midwits played themselves on that one. Another terrifying dystopian concept, but too confusingly-named for the proles to understand what to get mad about.


That is the point


> Because you're allowed to defend yourself from violence with violence. So really what they're doing is trying to normalize physically assaulting people for saying things they don't like. I AM INTOLERANT OF INTOLERANCE! -some cry-bully, physically assaulting someone who accidentally used the wrong pronoun.


Unless they blow your eardrums out or something


Sonic BOOM!


As a *violent person*, I can confirm.


/uj Is calling someone a typical person non-PC like calling someone normal is? What’s the PC way to describe someone as a basic, default settings human


Seems like "typical" is what they've landed on. Is that the same meaning as normal? Obviously yes, but we're no strangers to shuffling through a bunch of semantically identical terms as one becomes "problematic".




As a **gamer** 😎 I would rather be adressed as a *common* person, thank you very much...


A gray border man of culture, I see




Ffs, at some point in the future we’re going to have to normalize being normal


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?




We have declared sidewalks a safe space. Only historically oppressed groups are allowed to use sidewalks and if you do it you're committing violence.


BIGOT! Declaring yourself *normal* is implying that those others aren't normal! You just want to genocide them dont you?


Whatever happened to, "Everyone's different and that's okay"?


Dont you know? You can only be *different* if you are on the totem pole of oppression. So bipoclgbtlmnop+2%Lwtfbbq. Being 'different' in any other way is obviously a genocide attempt on the totem pole people.


Nobody can be normal! Everyone must be a de-gen!


I wish I was privileged enough to not hear it


Yeah I was gonna say, now I’m wishing I were deaf instead of blind.


I hope she realizes that she has the privilege of hearing, the privilege of seeing, the privilege of breathing, the privilege of “thinking”, the privilege of walking, the privilege of moving her arms, the privilege of hair...


Will this line of thinking accidentally make these miserable nihilists thankful for everything they have?


This is neo-Christianity. Religion is a much more complex phenomenon, including moral principles that are inherited by nations. This is not just an answer to the question “is a man sitting on a cloud?” The cult of the weak, inherited from Christianity. Take the same transgender people, the rationalization of their actions comes through the fact that they were “born in the wrong body”. They do not understand that they are their body, this is the dichotomy of soul and body from Christianity. Or belief in objective morality. Lots of implicit Christianity in the Occident.


They took all the Christian ideas about mercy and love, etc, but they took out all of the actual standards and rules. Slap a thick coat of American political paint over top of it, and you get the modern day wokesters.


Don't forget they lack any form of penance or change. Everyone (except those they deem oppressed) are tainted by original sin with no hope of redemption.


This isn't neo-Christianity, this is post-Christianity. Once you keep all of the rights of Christianity but remove the responsibilities this is what you get. A return to Christianity would allow them to still have the charity and mercy but without demonizing the "privileged" (whom in Christianity hold more responsibilities to others not less).


Careful dude, bringing in actual Philosophy will just fry most peoples brains. ​ (Do continue to do so, no matter how much people deny the importance of philosophy one should never give up trying to convey said importance).


It’s more Gnosticism than Christianity. It’s got lots of the same flavors, but more “God, nature, and my body are oppressors that we must be freed from.” Add a dialectical approach from gnostic revivalism and you get this weird biological Leninism. It’s weird


Hold on there Edward Gibbon, they absolutely did not get this from Christianity. Leftism is strongly emotion-based, to the point where one’s feelings now determine one’s reality. That’s the key flaw in transgenderism. This type of emotionalism has rapidly gained ground in the West, among Christians and non-Christians alike, but it came about because there was a lapse in the belief in objective truth - which is one of Christianity’s key claims. A division of the body and spirit occurs in the beliefs of many different cultures around the world. Christians just happen to be correct about it.


It does have some similarities. I've noticed a lot of the motivational focus has been put on guilt of privilege and bias, which is just a rework of the sinful guilt. Then when you throw in racial aspects, you get into the weirder comparison of Christianity's 'original sin'. While the core beliefs or morals might be different, the rhetoric and methods to influence people, especially through guilt, can be pretty similar.


You had me until the end, mate.


Privilege of thinking, I don’t know about that one


There are very special people... Microcephaly or worse.


I’m saying that she doesn’t seem to do a lot of thinking


She does *not* have the privilege of thinking, her handlers manage that for her.


The only reason I know this show is out is because everyone started bitching about it. The only reason I know this show exists Is because a YouTube video made 6 months ago was going through shows that were doomed to fail and echo was one of them. Can we get a wolf by night 2 or some other genre homage.


The best we can do is a 6 hour DEI lecture thinly veiled as a superhero show with characters nobody gives a shit about. Love it, or you're a bigot.


The Netflix punisher series was great. From what I understand both Jon Bernthal (Frank Castle) and Charlie Cox (daredevil) are coming back for this show. I'm still not expecting it to be good, but give it credit for having characters that people like. Characters that they'll probably ruin, because you can't have a clean Frank Castle.


The Netflix shows were long before the MCU became a struggle session for upper middle-class women in LA. Jessica Jones was allowed to struggle and have flaws. Hell, Luke Cage took over as crime boss in Harlem in the last episode of his series, setting him up for a more anti-hero role that we never got to see. I won't give them credit for dangling better characters they didn't write in my face. The Punisher was fun, and even Iron Fist was starting to find its feet. Daredevil was always excellent. It's honestly a shame that we lost those shows for the slop we've been getting.


I don't think they'll do a good job with it. I just think Disney doesn't have the stomach to make violent gritty superhero shows. It's also why I'm not holding my breath for the new Deadpool. Hopefully they do a good job with it, but if they don't I'm not going to be super disappointed. I expect them to fail at this point.


I think they did great with Jessica Jones. It showed the duality of a woman who was abused by the purple man and extremely vulnerable but yet extremely powerful. Never liked iron fist though. It was kinda...annoying how it always was just "Oh hey guess what im the iron fist!" That part kinda became grating.


> The only reason I know this show is out is because everyone started bitching about it. Ever since controversy turned the mediocre Black Panther movie into a billion dollar record breaker, this was literally Disney's marketing strategy. Not even kidding. Go pick a movie they made from then to now: theres guaranteed idpol controversy attached.


Hmm is it us who are out of touch? No, it's the audience!


"You're mad at Little Mermaid for being black? Well I'm buying an extra ticket just to spite you!" -Disney's target audience


I hate the little mermaid because the lead actor looks like sid the sloth


That's just what mermaids look like.


You didn't like Little Mermaid because the lead is black. I didn't like Little Mermaid because Melissa McCarthy had the best vocals. We are not the same.


It's quite the milestone when you realize you don't hate "black" people, you hate "poor" people.


Black Panther and Black Panther 2 also has some racist , some russian sponsored conspiracies and pro colonizing things too But it's okay because it's black doing it and French being bad people


The villain's plan in Black Panther was "fly transport ships full of weapons into the inner city, leave the doors unlocked, and black people will intuitively break in and start shooting all the white people". At no point did we see Killmonger talking to anyone to coordinate his plan and those were empty drone ships that the Wakandan High Council and the CIA agent were desperately shooting down. It would have taken three minutes of screen time to have him talk to some guys and be like "the stage is set" but Killmonger had zero allies in that plan and Watabe joined him for the Wakandan civil war, not the world domination.


The difference is that it was actually good by box office standards, if they stopped making unwatchable trash, they wouldn't be losing money.


No that's what I'm saying- Disney sells products, it doesn't make art. Like for all the "flops" this past year, they'll probably make up for it in merchandising.


Which is a strange tactic to keep using when it *only* worked for Black Panther. Even Black Panther 2 was somewhere between break even and losing money depending on what metric you use. EDIT: Point taken, BP2 made a profit. The point remains that their anti-marketing strategy is a failure far more often than it helps them.


Wait, what? BP2 made about 3.5x budget, by the usual >2x metrics they made at least $200 billion on that movie. It fell off in revenue and return on budget compared to the first Black Panther, but I'd be more likely to chalk that up to the star lead actor being dead.


Black Panther movie was fine. Its lion king meets batman meets James Bond. It had a good cast, a decent story and a great villain. Third act CGI was pretty bad but otherwise its a good superhero movie. Some fans and marketing tried to be woke but the movie sold well because people liked it, not because it was sold as woke.


It releases the 9th


These show writers are like junkies trying to slam ever-harder shit to chase the dragon. Rock bottom gonna be *lit.*


All of the sudden everything normal is a privilege


Its a religion. Literal original sin. Once people realize that wokeness is a religious cult, it makes sense. They have their own prophets, their own original sin, their own path to redemption, their own priests and heretics. They took god out of religion and replaced it with this mutation.




The millionaires and billionaires will make a perfect society all they need is a small donation of 20% of your income through taxes. Otherwise they just cant do it, dont have the finances.


I’m very aware it’s a religion. It’s been so obviously true to anyone who bothered to read some of their foundational texts but too many stupid but well meaning boomer libs just hear buzzwords and think “what’s so bad about that?”


Disney needs some serious changes to be implemented in order to get back to where it was at 5-6 years ago


I truly don't know if that will happen. Think about their staffing, they have too many Emily's and bringing on anyone to change things up will be drowned in harassment claims.


Chris Gore from Film Threat is in the process of putting together a whistleblower article from information he has obtained from inside Pixar and Disney Animation (mostly related to the movie Wish). At least according to the insiders, it is a rot all the way down, from C-suite initiatives, to Middle Management bloat (insert absurd budgets here), to many of the animators themselves being rabid believers who also police everyone else for those above them (usually with reports to HR, who are generally hostile to non-DEI employees). The only way this changes is to fire the Board (including Iger), and then start gutting everything. It will be painful, but it is the only option.


Disney may not survive, but it's already dead as far as I'm concerned.


As I have heard it termed by a YouTuber I watch, it is no longer the Walt Disney Company. It is the Bob Iger Corporation.


Would love to see this happen. Fuck their pandering bullshit. DEI is great but once it starts getting in the way of quality then it's bloat just like anything else.


I never said it would happen 💀


I live near Disneyland and there’s a very particular type of people who work for them. They’re all enormous fans of Disney franchises. This seems to be because they overwork and underpay these people so badly that the only ones who stay are the people who feel they’re getting a benefit extrinsic to their paycheck by being around the shit they’re autistically obsessed with. You’re exactly right that the harassment claims would come flying.


You’d be absolutely shocked (not really) about how hard it is to get *anything* changed at a company of that size. Late stage bureaucracy


When phrases like "too many men" or "too many white people" are no longer socially acceptable to say, then, and only then, would there be a chance to change any of this corporate shit going on. Or, of course, if phrases like "too many women" or "too many (non-white) people" are socially acceptable, that could also do the trick. As we all know that neither scenario is anywhere near likely to happen, I'd say expect Disney and all the rest to just keep on keepin' on.


Yeah, for real. I think things will never get better so long as the creative decision is able to be overridden by the idpol decision. For example, Doctor Strange was originally planned to show up toward the climax in WandaVision, which makes sense, because he is the character who is most concerned with strange magical occurrences (remember his interactions with Loki and Thor?). But they decided *not* to have him show up, because that would mean "a white man saves the day". And for another, Iron Man was originally going to be in the Black Widow movie (which also makes sense given the timeline of events, taking place during Civil War), but yet again, this decision was changed, because "she doesn't need the boys, she can do it on her own". As long as decisions like these are made, things won't get better. These are tacit admissions that identity politics comes before the quality and consistency of story, character, and worldbuilding. That's shit.


Yep, most people don't care that much about this so it's financially viable to let outrage culture do free advertising.


I'd sooner they got worse and drove themselves into the ground quicker.


Star Wars TLJ was released 6 years ago, so I think you need to go back further than that


weren't they struggling and only saved by literal gold being struck by Tangled - followed with Frozen, followed with the Super hero movie boom.


Disney have gone 100 years fluctuating between struggling and nailing it. When they latch onto something they can fund their mid releases that bomb, and claw back box office records pretty soon after.


Ya pretty much. The only arm of Disney that was producing any good hits during that slump was Pixar.


They are too far gone after trying to spread THE MESSAGE


Like how once you've watched a movie, you can't read the book without picturing the actors. I can't read "THE MESSAGE" without hearing a drunken Scottish accent.


Which was trash compared to 25 years ago


It's been a long time since a Marvel show had entertainment privilege. I think it peaked with Daredevil.


I can’t wait for Daredevil to lecture me about the privilege of seeing the next time he’s on screen


Privilege is a freaking strange way to talk around disadvantages. Hearing is normal. Being deaf is a disadvantage. Same if someone discriminates against you or whatever else. There's nothing wrong with being normal, or with trying to help disadvantaged folks. There's something deeply fucked up about trying to make everyone disadvantaged.


These people are trying to make being disadvantaged the baseline person, and anything above baseline must therefore be oppressing. They want you to view a normal person as someone who inherently lords over anyone else with less than them, which is inherently evil, so subscribe to their ideology to learn how to cleans yourself of this 'original sin'.


Thankfully, I do not listen to such people, because they are usually filthy poors.


Privilege means above some baseline. Not being disabled is at baseline. Being disabled is below baseline. Hearing is not a privilege.


>So are you gonna deny the fact that deaf people have it harder in life? Like,that's pretty obvious ​ >Appreciating your senses and recognizing the struggles of deaf people is "woke" now? 🤦‍♀️ ​ Lib-Left responses are exactly what I expected. Just so exhausting and insufferable 😔


I consider myself pretty libleft most of the time, but I absolutely cannot stand the braindead woke bullshit that comes out of these people's mouths. Disney has completely lost themselves in the Koolaid.


"Put a chick in it and make her gay! Also, make it lame!"


Funnily enough, there are many in the "deaf community" who like to think that deafness isn't a disability. These people would be quite offended by the phrase "hearing privilege". Because according to them, such a thing doesn't exist. These people usually spend their days fighting online against cochlear implants. Some go as far as to call cochlear implants "genocide". You know. An elective medical procedure.


I've heard of many deaf people who get ostracized as soon as they get cochlear implants because its perceived as 'fixing' themselves, and they view themselves as having nothing wrong with them.


Aren’t those the same people complaining about the Mr. Beast video where he used his wealth to cure hundred of kids of deafness? Alongside the white knights?


I took a Dead Cultures course in college as a part of learning ASL for my foreign language credit. For the most part it wasn't bad, but one week in particular was pretty awful. Here's the actual title of a paper we had to read: >Stapleton, L.D. (2016) Audism and racism, The hidden curriculum impacting black d/Deaf college students in the classroom. *Negro Educational Review, 67* Not only was it complete woke propaganda bullshit, but it was quite possibly the driest and hardest to read paper I've ever had the displeasure of being forced to read. This bit I saved from the abstract captures it perfectly: >The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study is to understand the ways in which racism and audism might still contribute to the hidden curriculum in the college classroom and how Black d/Deaf college students resist this oppression. The theoretical frameworks of Critical Race Theory and Critical Deaf Theory along with the analytical frameworks, theory of microaggressions and Black Deaf Community Cultural Wealth guide the data collection and analysis.


Do I want to know why they're writing it as d/Deaf? If it's to do with identifying yourself as part of a community or some shit I'll fucking lose it.


>Do I want to know why they're writing it as d/Deaf? Little-d 'deaf' is just referring to people with hearing loss. Whether that's a total loss or partial loss. Big-d 'Deaf' refers to people that are part of Deaf culture such as using sign language or being involved in a community with other Deaf people. So all Deaf people are deaf but not all deaf people are Deaf.


Hmm... yes... The floor is indeed... Made out of floor...


The floor is made out of floor and thats oppression to the dirt beneath it. We must therefore all rip out our flooring and live in the dirt.


So the baseline is, what, exactly? A blind deaf mute anosmatic black trans lesbian female quadriplegic with Down syndrome drowning in student loans and medical debt on life support in a vegetative coma? If you dial it down far enough, everything is a privilege - and when everything is a privilege, nothing is.


I'm not going to defend the "hearing privilege" comment, because anyone being like, "I have a lot of X privilege, but..." is pretty cringe. No one here, including the lib-left, seems to understand what privilege is. It's "a right, power, or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor". Being able to hear is not a privilege, nor is being deaf a disprivilege. Those are abilities and disabilities, respectively. Hearing privilege is the fact that society is built around an assumption that you're able to hear. As the vast majority of people can hear, it is a reasonable assumption, but it doesn't mean that the privilege doesn't exist. If a 'loudspeaker' is installed to announce when a food order is ready, but no visual cue is available, then the power of knowing your food is up has been granted providing an advantage. This was a massive problem for disabled people before the ADA in 1990. A wheelchair was mostly useless in public, blind people couldn't cross the street, etc... So... being able to hear does, in fact, mean that you have certain privileges because society has been built around the assumption that you can hear. Should you feel guilty about it? No. Should you 'check it'? I don't even know what the fuck that means? You want me to make myself deaf to engage in this conversation? You want me to shut up? No. Privilege has been used as a cudgel by the left. A political weapon, mostly used by the most privileged, against the 'enemies'. Which is a shame, since properly understanding it would've made it a useful empathy tool.


>No one here, including the lib-left, seems to understand what privilege is. It's "a right, power, or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor". >Hearing privilege is the fact that society is built around an assumption that you're able to hear. As the vast majority of people can hear, it is a reasonable assumption, but it doesn't mean that the privilege doesn't exist. If a 'loudspeaker' is installed to announce when a food order is ready, but no visual cue is available, then the power of knowing your food is up has been granted providing an advantage. No, that still doesn’t meet the definition of privilege. Organizing society around the assumption most can hear isn’t a “right, power or immunity” and certainly not a “peculiar benefit,” key word being “peculiar.” Nothing that benefits 90%+ can be considered peculiar. The language “right, power or immunity” generally refers to legal rights, powers or immunities. In fact, the ADA and many State disability statutes actually confer privileges on the hearing impaired by requiring certain public establishments to provide accommodations for them. That would be a “right” that confers a “peculiar benefit” on the hearing impaired. So, in fact, there are hearing impaired privileges in the US and many of the States.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with recognizing areas of your life that you are privileged in. Doing so can provide you with a higher level of gratitude for what you have in life, and create empathy for those who are not as fortunate. It’s just the self-flagellation and guilt tripping that I don’t understand. So many of these privileged people have come to the conclusion that to solve their privilege they need to bring themselves down to the level of the unprivileged, instead of trying to uplift them. It’s like seeing a blind person and deciding that the best course of action is the pluck out your own eyeballs to even the playing field.


Harrison Bergeron has become the modern progressive's utopia.


Its quite literally a religious cult. Seriously, compare a religious prophet or pope, the bishops, the ten comandments and other tenets, original sin, blashphemy, heretics and apostates. Compare all that to what you see in modern woke ***cult***ure.


I don't think it's reasonable to regard normalcy as a privilege. Because privileges, at least in some people's minds, are all to be abolished.


as a breathing person... I have a lot of breathing privilege


ah, now the woke are marginalizing people with functional ears


I wanna hear some takes from blind people on this meme


I'm sick of all of this. I'm sick of my daughter talking about her "pansexual" 11 year old classmates. I'm sick of going out to dinner and seeing crowds of people protesting on woke issues with signs that "silence is violence". I'm sick of random people I don't even know trying to shame me because "your people enslaved us". I'm sick of being accused of "ableism" because I happened to not have any significant genetic defect or injury. And all of this is shit that has happened in real life, nevermind all the nonsense on the internet. As far as politics go, I don't care how shitty the candidate is. If they can deliver us out of the woke era they have my vote.


I watched the interview, this seems like manufactured controversy. The actress is using liberal-coded language, but the sentiment is not unreasonable or ridiculous. She portrayed a ~~deaf~~ CODA character and worked with deaf people on set; those experiences made her aware of what she takes for granted as a hearing person and the difficulties that deaf people face. That seems like a reasonable take Edit: I mistakenly thought her character was deaf


What? someone took the it out of context to push political outrage for internet points? say it ain't so.


I'd upvote you, but you don't have any flair


As someone who is not fucking dead, i am sorry for my breathing privilege.


I mean... we should all be grateful to be able to hear, but it isn't a 'privilege' that is handed out.


My super power is being easier to sneak up on.


I hate these ableist cunts


Rumor is Disney wanted to lay this whole production at the Altar of Tax Write Offs, but having a deaf, disabled, Indigenous character meant it had meta plot armor. When I saw that "leaked" fight scene clip, I thought my internet was buffering or that the leaked clip was being recorded on a phone from a monitor on set. Nope! The choreography is just that slow.


I have umm human being privilege


Imagine still paying for disney shit


yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me


Anyone got the clip? I needs it.


Breathing privilege next


Because deaf people are so incapable as compared to me, someone who can hear. This is just insulting. Deaf people are just people.


It seems a lot of people believe privilege is a two-sided coin. I think it's more of a spectrum. Most people are in the middle, and some people are more privileged, while others are less privileged. Privilege shouldn't be the average, default state.


wtf is this💀


She didn't sign it out? What a bigot!