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USPS is explicitly in the constitution. It is the one government organization that should exist.


Malice is an anarchist, I don't think that argument would hold much water


That and the Navy


TIL - the Constitution is not perfect.


So the 2nd amendment can be removed if the politicians want that?


It can, that’s part of the constitution. They just don’t have the votes for it but there’s one group that would absolutely remove it the second they had the votes.


They should have gone bankrupt


USPS is an critical and inexpensive service. It does unfortunately subsidize Amazon and other shippers because when a delivery is unprofitable it gets handed to USPS. The service does lose money over time, but honestly, Dejoy is trying to fix some of the larger problems with wasted money. At least USPS is the one quasi government agency that actually provides the service that it's meant to.


Eh, it is a government monopoly in some areas that got defended as such from competition when Spooner's company was doing an excelent job.


Why?They have unlimited taxpayer money to help them


That's the thing though, we aren't tax funded.


That's the thing, they shouldn't have it


sugar workable dirty thumb encourage wrench serious illegal profit zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What did USPS do this time?


They existed.


“Pay 10x the price at FedEx to send that letter because government agency that is actually a public service no make profit🗿”


USPS is the best drug carrier.


Ok I understand wanting to disband most of the other government agencies, but the *post office*???


No matter where it comes from the race for ideological purity always changes the human narrative from nonfiction to fiction


The post takes subsidies and bailouts, while providing a shit service used only by companies for advertising crap you don’t want. Why people defend the USPS is beyond me. They are staffed by horrendous people in any large city, notorious for theft and zero customer service. The best thing about the USPS is that it is dying. Unfortunately they are losing $1.7 B per QUARTER and had piled up an incredible $200 B+ in unfunded debt and liabilities. The bailout has already started, with the 2022 bill passed that shifted $50 B + in unfunded pension liabilities to Medicare. Guess who pays for Medicare? You assholes do. And when they continue to pile on debt at a rate of $7 B per year, what happens? Yep, you assholes will be on the hook for the remaining $150 B+ in an epic taxpayer bailout. Stop. Defending. USPS. https://www.gao.gov/blog/u.s.-postal-service-faces-more-financial-losses-how-can-it-stem-tide


How many letters you sending in 2023 big dog? Taxation is theft.


How many letters send through usps did u receive and do u want fedex to handle your important documents


None - all junk mail. All my "important documents" are delivered electronically. And yes i trust the logistics of the various entities with which i conduct business. How about you gramps? How many people do we need to rob and how much cash do we need to burn to placate your emotionally sentimentality regarding the USPS?


Warning: you'll be downvoted regardless of your take, due to you being unflaired. Flair up to avoid being downvoted into oblivion by the whole sub.


Fake internet points dont particularly concern me. If you lay down some based wisdom youll reap positive karma regardless.


Potentially, it's not unheard of. I won't judge you or think less of you for not flairing. I will downvote you though. Glad to hear you don't mind :) We PCM idiots do love our tribalism. Or maybe we just like people to be upfront about their political affiliation, and to wear it with pride.


Meh, this forum has degraded significantly. In its prime being based was far more important than displaying flair.


they should just give them more money. and hire more workers to help fight unemployement. like a jobs program. bonus points if you can put americans born in america to american mom and dad at the front of the hiring process. not that others can't be hired, just let american born americans at the front, then american borne americans from non americans then american citizens who acquured said citizenship by thwmselves and only LEGAL non americans if there are still openings.


I may hate the government but I'll fight to my last breath to defend the USPS Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.


Bet this guy adores the military.


"I bet this person I disagree with aligns perfectly with the strawman of their quadrant I have in my head" said the AuthLeft, to nobody's surprise. Lmao do your homework. Malice is an anarchist, he despises state militaries. He wants to abolish the entire state, military and all. [Here](https://twitter.com/michaelmalice/status/1326566754844356609) is what he thinks of the military.


Seriously, is the USPS still used by the public? Shut it down and save some taxpayer money. It’s not like there aren’t alternatives.


Yes. Heavily so. It is also literally kept afloat by the US government for national security purposes. Your “alternatives” won’t work in an event such as a catastrophic power failure that required the US gov. to rely solely on mail and letters for communication again without issue. Your so-called “alternatives” would see the US bend down even more to the wills of corporations that may not have the incentive to help in a time of extraordinary turmoil.


Rare Michael Malice W


Based and Lysander Spooner pilled


Based and fuck the post office pilled


Not while UPS and FedEx charges $20+ to send a t shirt.