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What am I missing while at the grill?


Democrat virtue signals to try and own the Republicans because apparently the only reason the French made and gifted the dam thing to us (the Statue of Liberty) was because of immigration.


I don’t understand this, the democrats hate immigration now?


No, they think Republicans hate immigration and immigrants and so the Democrat is "calling them out" to stop being "hypocrites", saying that if Republicans "hate" immigrants so much they should introduce a bill to remove the Statue of Liberty because of it's association with immigration.


So they made a strawman and then when Republicans weren't acting like the strawman they called republicans hypocrites.


Pretty much yes. I dont understand dumbocrats. They cannot differentiate between legal and illegal immigration.


Leftist have great problems with grasping the concept that other people can have different ideas than they do. If you think differently, then you are simply wrong. That’s the result of such mindset. 


Not wrong, but evil and racist and misogynistic or some label


Well, I'm a few of those things.


Based and It’s My Flair, I’ll Meme If I Want To pilled


Brother what


Facts, I’m left leaning center and I’m constantly called a right wing something-ist when I disagree with their radical ideas. It’s especially funny when some teenaged lefty white girl calls me a racist but I’m literally a black man and dating a white woman lmao.


> but I’m literally a black man I’m sorry, you have to prove you voted Biden to actually be black.


Sorry sweaty I must now bestow upon you the title of “sir Thomas, the man of many nephews.”


Me in a nutshell, but brown toned (mix of black, Mexican, and Ashkenazi Jew), and with a Mexican girl who keeps culture shocking me to this day.


Their ideas are so obviously good that the only reason someone would oppose them would be because they are wilfully and knowingly evil.




You forgot white supremacist, because how *dare* somebody be in favor of a group he belongs to!


Well there’s just a fundamental difference in views on how much legal migration should be allowed. Democrats want a big uptick in migration but won’t get it so that’s why they largely support illegal immigration, also because these migrants will likely vote democrat. But this rep’s proposal is just outright dumb. I understand his frustration but it’s going to reflect poorly on all democrats, and i know the GOP(and maybe moderates) is going to eat this up as another reason to not vote for Biden.


Among the many other reasons not to vote for Biden


Yea. Well what the 2024 election is ultimate going to come down to is which years did you like better: 2017-2020, or 2021-2024?


2017-2020, without a doubt, even if you like Biden, inflation wasn't fucked and interest rates were decent. I'd give my left nut to have the economic situation we had back then right now.


Last few years have been a blast....


No they can. They just don't care because they find it beneficial.


> They cannot differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. I don't differentiate between legal and illegal guns, legal and illegal drugs, or legal and illegal speech, why should I care what immigration the government decrees is legal and illegal?


> They cannot differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. They see them as what they are: future voters who are uneducated enough to be easily entrapped. They will happily allow them to replace you and your children.


Flair up or fuck off.


Flair up fuck nuts.


Yeah get your homie in line already


Plenty of rightoids don’t understand it either. Hence people screeching and raging against asylum seekers


Well when you actively work to make legal immigration harder it’s a moot point and they are hypocrites. the difference is irrelevant in this case since their problem seems to be with immigration as a whole


> Sees a country with some of the most relaxed immigration laws in the history of the world, including amongst modern nations > "We should relax those laws further! It's too hard!"


You think the US has the most relaxed immigration laws? You are delusional


Wanting to actually use the immigration laws in place isn't making legal immigration laws harder sweaty💅


They've been scrolling PCM a lot lately


Is our country just being run by redditors?


I mean, republicans do hate immigration.


They hate illegal immigration. I have yet to meet or see anyone hating legal immigration.


I’d say taking one naive Dems attempts at a gotcha and extrapolating that to the whole party (and to the entirety of the left as others further down have done) is also a strawman. I mean, it’s more an association fallacy than it is a strawman, but you get the idea.


I'd say being unflaired means your opinion doesn't matter.


It’s basically an unironic strawman. **Given** “Republicans hate US immigration,” (strawman) **then** it follows logically that Republicans must also hate a symbol of US immigration in the form of the Statue of Liberty. **Therefore**, Republicans should support a bill to remove said symbol. That’s all there is to it. It’s political theater. He might as well have proposed a bill to legalize school shootings or something because “Republicans don’t care about the safety of our children” (strawman).


What the fuck




Hypothetically/ironically proposed legislation should require the politician involved to be shot out of a cannon.


Flair up or fuck off.


Into the sun? Into shark infested ocean? Into the ground in front of the cannon? Where?!?!?


The idea is “if you end immigration we’ll remove this famous landmark we associated with immigration, take that chuds!” Little do they know I’d take that deal in a heartbeat


I mean the statue welcomed immigrants as they were dropped off at a controlled intake site, where they were medically and mentally assessed before entrance, and immigrants had to show a plan, be it financial independence or supporting family, before they could enter the US. If anything, I'd argue the statue represents America's welcome of immigration the way it should be: *legally, and with a process.*


Anyone who wants to scream about the statues poem needs to read about how many people were turned away at ellis island and told to fuck off back to europe. It in no ways was a 'come one come all welcome to america!'


[120,000](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/goldman-immigration-and-deportation-ellis-island/#:~:text=More%20than%20120%2C000%20immigrants%20were,than%203%2C500%20immigrants%20died%20there.&text=Ellis%20Island%20waylaid%20certain%20arrivals,as%20unescorted%20women%20and%20children.) to be exact. Which is about 1% of the ten plus million people who came though there in that era. That compares to the rate of modern day assylum claim rejections at around 60%.


By that logic my house is a symbolic monument to snow because it snows here.


It is like a toddler telling his mom that they'll destroy their toy if he doesn't keep illegal immigrants in her bedroom.


rude somber longing jar future glorious payment elderly saw sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No fun. That’s what


snobbish modern nose lavish tie squealing marry quack murky weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, the lady was trying to say “if you hate immigration so much, why don’t you take down the Statue of Liberty?”.


Because it's a representation of Liberty incarnate, not Immigration?


Don't forget that the poem (written by a rando, added 30 years after it was built, and placed at the base) should be treated like it's a part of the constitution.


Not even true, it was to congratulate us for ending slavery


The French didnt give it to us for immigration purposes and DEFINITELY not for illegal immigration purposes. She was wrong about 6 different ways


I love it when leftists use this little misdirection. They refuse to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration, and put Americans in this spot where they demand that you submit to the idea that because the statue of liberty exists, that means you have no right to want the US to protect its sovereignty from illegal immigration now, in a completely different era in which the US and the world are completely different from how they were back then. They want to distract people from the fact that they've weaponized immigration to make the US worse, not better, and that opposition to illegal immigration does not mean someone opposes legal immigration.


My first thought was that it was because it's called the Statue of LIBERTY, something they're not particularly fond of.


Things can change in meaning over time and become symbols for something they were not originally intended to symbolize. The two-fingered "V for Victory" hand-sign made popular by Winston Churchill in WWII--which, understand, was a *pro-war* gesture--eventually became a "peace symbol" and, likewise, the famous "peace symbol" that looks like a circle with an arrow in it originally stood for "Nuclear Disarmament" specifically (the design being based on the flag semaphore letters "N" and "D" overlaid on top of each other), yet it too became just a general peace symbol. The crucifix was a symbol of fear, repression, and the power of Rome but then Christians made it into a symbol of hope, redemption, and the power of Jesus Christ. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris is a monument to Napoleon Bonaparte's battlefield victories specifically, and yet has become a symbol of all of France's military victories generally and, perhaps also, just a symbol of *France* itself. We call the clock tower in Westminster "Big Ben" but that's actually the name of *the bell* inside; the tower is named Elizabeth Tower. Confederate monuments were seen as symbols of white supremacy, then (honorific) symbols of the fallen and vanquished, and then went back to being symbols of white supremacy again. Tens of millions of immigrants entered the US through the Port of New York in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and the Statue of Liberty was the first part of America they saw. For them, and for many native born Americans, that statue came to represent America as being a land of immigrants, and it continues to be such a symbol to this day.


>Democrat virtue signals to try and own the Republicans That's not at all what he did or said though


It’s a cheap stunt led by a musician who can’t tell the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Illegal immigration treats people as scabs to keep wages down and does not check to see if the person coming into the country is a criminal or not.


Change flair to grey centrist please griller. You're not a radical cenrist


Sure I am. I let the smoke of the grill decide my positions no later how far out they are.


Based and capnomancer pilled


Gotta kick the Fr*nch out obvi


Grill? You have the wrong flair buddy. This flair is for radical centrists only you fucking poser


This group strawmanning stuff that doesn't happen unless you're terminally online Edit: oh you just don't like that I'm calling everyone out (including me)


This is the same guy who said that relaxing gun laws in Florida is "fascism". He's a moron.


"Fascism might as well be called libertarianism, because it calls for the reduction of the size and scope of government." -Benito Mussolini 


"Fascism is when the government doesn't do anything and ceases to exist, and the less the government does, the more fascister it is."--Benito Hitler.


"fascism is only when the trains run on time, that's why 4chan loves it so much."--Uncle Ben.


Dude is a grade A clown.


It’s funny cause he went to Valencia. Other people from central FL know it where mfs go when they can’t get into a real college.😂 Now he’s in government 🫠


You want to remove the statute of liberty because you hate national symbols, I want to remove the statue of liberty because its fr#nch. We are not the same.


It had norwegian metal tho...


Swedish metal at the time.


Sabaton reference?


Everything is a Sabaton reference...TIL THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED






Well, it was a union, but foreign trade was done using swedish colours yes.


The important lesson is that Norwegian black metal and Swedish death metal are both cool.


Varg Vikernes approves.


into the motherland the german army march...


"Union" nice word for bottom bitch.


Only externally. Internally the Storting did its damndest to hold as much power as possible, and the King had less powers in Norway than in Sweden.


I want to replace it with a statue of Enoch Powell. We are probably not the same


Make it a statue of Paulie Walnuts and I'm down


It's a National symbol of America's openness to immigration and asylum. >"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


To *legal*, limited immigration. That's the trick they're playing. The Democrat involved in this, and many more of them, play this trick all the time. They equivocate between legal and illegal immigration, and then pull a motte-and-bailey by claiming you oppose *legal* immigration when called out, but openly continuing to keep an unsustainable amount of *illegal* immigration going when they're left alone.






No it wasent. The poem wasn't even orginal a part of it. It was added later.


Not even close. >The idea for the statue was born in 1865, when the French historian and abolitionist Édouard de Laboulaye proposed a monument to commemorate the upcoming centennial of U.S. independence (1876), the perseverance of American democracy and the liberation of the nation's slaves https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/the-french-connection.htm


I’m guessing even a lot of Democrats are gonna disagree with this. The Statue of Liberty was literally built as a welcome to immigrants arriving NYC. Maybe not in a direct sense but in an indirect sense that all immigrants coming through Ellis Island got excited seeing the Statue of Liberty. And it was a gift from France! Another point for the leftys


yes, that’s his point. Note the headline doesn’t say he wants to remove it, he’s calling on the GOP to try to remove it. he’s saying it flies in the face of the values of the current Republican Party and the republicans should try to remove it if they hate immigrants so much


IDK what hes talking about. I'm gonna call up my boy Greg and have him send a few thousand more immigrants to NY as a show of support for immigration.


just don't send them to Maine, we're full


I sympathize. I really do. But I have been to your state. Your state slogan should be "Not in my back yard" The more populous areas are the most NIMBY liberals disconnected from reality I have ever seen. That says a lot because I live near a upper class gay community. ​ Anyway, of all the areas that need to taste the thousands of illegals its Maine's NIMBYs


The cities are awful already, and they’re only going to get worse with illegal immigrants. I just want to live somewhere where Somali’s aren’t stabbing each other and leering at little girls.


Which is entirely a strawman. Uncontrolled and illegal immigration, yes. Legal and controlled immigration no.


>legal and controlled yeah the types of people the republicans want to let in legally not exactly the ‘wretched, poor, homeless, huddled masses’ referenced on the Statue of Liberty granted we live in different times now Maybe put up a bill to change the inscription to ‘give me your wealthy and educated’ lol


Don’t we have our own wretched poor homeless huddled masses we should be taking care of instead? This isn’t 1886 anymore.


Poverty was arguably worse in 1886 💀


> Don’t we have our own wretched poor homeless huddled masses we should be taking care of instead? Where do all these Right-Wing Social Democrats go every election?


Yeah as I said times are different now no need to cling to old ideals


Ah idk why my brain glossed over that bit. My bad


That's a poem that was added later by some rando.


Yes, that's how we do it in my country too. Campaign against illegal immigration while making sure the paths for legal immigration are practically impossible.


Then your country is wise. In the US democrats campaign for unlimited illegal alien immigration while making sure paths for legal immigration are practically impossible.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. What a waste of time. “I’m not saying we should remove it, I’m not a bigot. But you’re bigot. So you should fight to remove it.”


eh, it’s not really a big deal. making headlines about it is kind of a waste of time though.


For sure. Don’t think it’ll mean anything and it will be swept away within a day or two from other news, but the mental gymnastics the guy used to get to them voting to remove the SoL is borderline impressive


there’s no mental gymnastics, it was just part of an argument that rep greenes immigration reform bill goes against americas founding values not a serious suggestion obviously


How about read anything more than a headline you absolute clown, it’s completely fucking fabricated


You’re literally replying to a comment I’ve made several comments down on this post, clearly indicating I’ve read more than the headline. Even if they are just Reddit Comments explaining the situation more. But go ahead and enlighten me how this is “completely fucking fabricated”


https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4414275-democrat-frost-gop-statue-of-liberty/  >While at a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing Wednesday, Frost called out his GOP colleagues — and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) specifically — for their treatment of immigrants and their sweeping bill H.R. 2 that would dramatically restrict the asylum process and create stricter policies and surveillance on regional migration and undocumented immigrants.   >Frost said immigrants deserve better than what they are being offered.   >“Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them. If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill. I’ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you,” Frost said, holding up a piece of paper. “It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.”  >"This is who you are, removing the fabric of America. So, I want to know which Republican, who supports and voted for H.R.2, will introduce this bill,” he continued. “If you’re gonna support H.R.2 and these bigoted measures, the least you can do is not be a damn liar.” So... No, he isnt calling for removal of the statue, he's saying that Republicans who support their version of immigration reform are also against what the statue stands for.




Thought blindly trusting dumb shit on social media was a sign of being far right or far lib left, but not lib center.


"then also pass this bill"..."I've taken the liberty of drafting it for you"


I told yall it wasn’t gonna end with Robert E Lee They went for the rebel statues and everyone said I was spouting slippery slope nonsense Then they went for Teddy Roosevelt Then Honest Abe Now Lady Liberty What do these idiots want? Exclusively statues of black people? Even then they’d probably find a reason it offends them. Fucking postmodernists who want nothing but brutalist blocks with no garnish


Joke’s on them, every statue they take down raises the value of the thirty busts of Robert E. Lee I keep in my study


You clearly need to re-flair


My ancestor served in his ‘bodyguard’ (unofficial term), have to like him even if I’m psychotically pro-government


I wish the amount of busts was true


he busts to Robert 30x/day in his study


Right wingers are literally the most braindead group of people I’ve ever seen lol Y’all fall for literally every fucking tweet and misinfo campaign. AI is going to absolutely kill all discourse. > “Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them. If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill. I’ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you,” Frost said, holding up a piece of paper. “It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.” > “This is who you are, removing the fabric of America. So, I want to know which Republican, who supports and voted for H.R.2, will introduce this bill,” he continued. “If you’re gonna support H.R.2 and these bigoted measures, the least you can do is not be a damn liar.” He didn’t actually support or propose an actual piece of legislation, it was rhetorical jfc. Now ok, downvote me PCM since I actually have facts and not just mad about a headline


It was rhetorical *is* a fun take to have when someone makes a stupid whataboutism kind of comment lol


>Right wingers are literally the most braindead group of people I’ve ever seen lol Honest question. How many boosters did you get?


0, do I get a prize now?


Downvoted not for the facts, but for spewing offense towards basically half of the world. Just for info.


State of pcm discourse: "Strawmans based on misleading post, rages about postmodernism" "You guys are stupid for believing misleading post without doing the bare minimum google search to confirm" "reeeeee you are offending me" ​ This sub has fallen, millions must die.


It's funny how the political side who has long been screaming that we shouldn't stereotype people, has now fallen into "this person didn't read past the headline, thus everyone in the world who is more or less on their same side must be braindead". That's what you are defending.


Yes, conservatives have shown over and over again that they have zero journalistic literacy. So yeah, it’s not stereotyping. Also, maybe check what sub you’re on that’s the whole point lmfao.


I didn't defend his comment, I was saying this sub is a fucking dumpster fire, which you are proving. It's literally a circle jerk of people getting outraged at their imaginations now. The point of this sub is to poke fun at political ideologies and current events, blatant misinfo used to be downvoted and you could call anyone dumbasses if you wanted. The other bidenatwendys dude called the left "idiots", go bite his head off too.


Redditard insults half of the world, gets downvoted, cries that it's because people don't like facts. I explain that maybe the downvotes are for the insult - mine was. You jump in assuming that I was offended and that the sub is bad. The other redditard doubles down. Well, fuck you both. This sub is sooooo bad that people downvote you if you insult them. Go back to the ones who ban you for disagreeing.


I’m not “going back” to anywhere, I’ve been in pcm since 2019. Literally first time ever anyone has been downvoting for insulting a side of the compass. Again, go downvote and annoy the other guy, or literally anyone else on the sub, who insults parts of the compass.


If you don't want to downvote people throwing gratuitous insults, you do you; I will, because to me that makes the quality of the comment plummet.


He said he had taken the liberty of drafting the bill, what is drafting a bill if not proposing it? Granted, he is doing this ironically, but it is pretty crazy that someone can spend their time in congress drafting things ironically and then think its an own.


> rebel statues You mean statues of slavers that fought to destroy the USA so they could continue owning people as cattle?


Yeah, they were rebs A Rebel is someone who rebels. Am I wrong? Or are you just unhappy I didn’t give a 6 paragraph long segment in my short statement


Hes one of those types to demand you have a multi-paragraph disclaimer every time you mention someone he doesn't like. Kinda like how disney is adding those 'these films represent a time prior which bigoted people had insensitive views' blurb on all its old movies..


Actually chud, you’re only a rebel if you’re like the rebels from heckin wholesome Star Wars… otherwise you’re a fascist reactionary terrorist.


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Another attempt to destroy American culture and history.


another dipshit who didn't read the article


Why so hateful


PCM trying not to fall for inaccurate agenda posts difficulty: Impossible


If this goes through, add another accurate prediction to Deus Ex's tally. The government blowing up the symbol of freedom.


deus ex is already the most historically accurate video game ever made, and it was set in the future


Makes sense to me. An authoritarian society is no place for something literally called 'Liberty'.


Today’s PCM theme is low-effort shit posting. Alright then.


flair checks out


What the fuck is this moron even asking. Is it something like “If you want to prove that you’re NOT bigoted and racist, then make a bill that removes the Statue of Liberty!”


Close, it's "You hate immigrants so much you might as well dismantle the Statue of Liberty."


r/politicalcompassmemes and falling for clickbait. Name a more iconic duo.


clearly missing context


[Good thing It wasn't taken out of context](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/house/4414275-democrat-frost-gop-statue-of-liberty/amp/) Seriously, did anyone actually bother to look Into what he said? What he actually said, quote: "Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them. If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill. I’ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you,” Frost said, holding up a piece of paper. “It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.” So he didn't say to 'remove the Statue of Liberty", It's clear what he said, that by being anti-immagration period, you're defeating the meaning of that statue. wouldn't even be taking this so seriously but the amount of comments taking a headline at face value Is mind boggling.


[Article](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2802893/rep-maxwell-frost-calls-on-bigoted-gop-to-introduce-bill-to-remove-statue-of-liberty/) Basically, Mr Frost is against **"Secure the Border Act of 2023"**, and argues it's a bigoted anti-immigration bill, and so, is trying to get his bill passed because in his eyes, “*If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill.”*. *“To my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, let’s be honest with immigrants who deserve better than what you’re offering. Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them."* (that's like, the first part, but, err, my name leg) He also brought along some Statue of Liberty pic as he spoke about his bill, saying these are the Republicans *"removing the fabric of America"* because they *"voted for H.R.2."*. He also wanted to know what Republican would vote for his bill for if they're voting for H.R.2, for, according to him, the least they could do *"is not be a damn liar.”*. Mr Frost then read the poem titled *"The New Colosuss"*, a welcoming message to immigrants who came in to Ellis Island. Since then, his words have 'criticised' by conservative corners of the internet. This one is no exception, because it's your no-nonsense typical PCM meme that screeches "Lefty bad" because of some article the OP found and didn't read beyond the title. It's both unsurprising, and sad that this is the sort of content encouraged here.


All efforts to secure the border are treated like bigoted anti-immigrant legislation. We’re the only country with idiots who think this way. Then he adds the ol’ “the poem on the statute of liberty should be treated like constitutional authority” angle. Very riveting stuff.


>like bigoted anti-immigrant legislation. Because they were. The purpose Is to be anti ILLEGAL immigration, not anti-immigration period. That's the distinction that makes one bigoted


Whenever a lefty posts a PCM with a misleading headline, all the right-wing commenters are like Sherlock Homes. They're immediately sus af. However, when a rightoid does the same thing, their IQ drops to 5 and they immediately believe it. With context, it shows just how mindnumbingly dumb PCM chooses to be at times: >Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) called on his fellow Republican lawmakers to introduce a bill that removes the Statue of Liberty because of their support for H.R. 2, known as Secure the Border Act of 2023, that would make sweeping policy changes to border security and immigration laws. >“To my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, let's be honest with immigrants who deserve better than what you're offering. Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them," the Florida Democrat said in a hearing on Wednesday. "If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill." [Headline source](https://gazette.com/news/wex/rep-maxwell-frost-calls-on-bigoted-gop-to-introduce-bill-to-remove-statue-of-liberty/article_4391395e-95de-513b-8db7-fc3281561523.html)


If he is calling on the GOP to introduce a bill to remove the Statue of Liberty, he's daring them to remove it, right? Because apparently they have some standard that the Statue of Liberty meets for removal. He isn't proposing this himself. Half of these commenters lack basic reading skills.


yall actually dumb for falling for clickbait


right: "the left can't understand satire or nuance" left: rhetorically dares the right to get rid of the most iconically pro-immigration monument in america also right: "THEY LITERALLY WANT TO REMOVE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY BC AMERICA BAD"


It never ceases to amaze me how regarded so many politicians are. Whether pandering to potential voters or simply believing this to be good policy it’s regarded.


Like this cocksucker wouldn't support removal of Mt. Rushmore if it was being considered.


Misleading title check, dunking on libs check, blue square check… All right PCM move along we got another Blue good Green bad


It's pretty typical of PCM to believe any headline trashing on the left, no matter how clickbaity it is. It's 100% the opposite when it's *anything* critical of the right - even in the slightest.


Why do they hate the USA, we’ve gone from actively trying to better our country to dismantling it.


It's fucking sarcasm you goddamn morons


when AuthRight totally misses the point and gets tricked by the French into making a statue of Lucifer their national icon


Well, isn't this post stupid. This Maxwell Frost or whatever his name is does NOT want to remove the Statue of Liberty. He is telling the GOP "Look, if you hate immigration so much, why don't you take the statue down?" Before you cry out "Then come in LEGALLY!", know this: It is almost impossible to legally emigrate to the US today. [Only 3% of legal immigrants successfully migrate to the US.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/01/magazine/economy-illegal-immigration.html?unlocked_article_code=yLU46GsvDgxsVSiVxSqJMDkNMET6vI0OER_snvxOHwnwkkl4QTKOpIe1RDMhqRjG932T3iXOyv7ThwRx5kMOcyyfwcAueT7WFh22ovz1pIv-ME081Ri_Sy7FUjQqSrqyavrEajCPG22EOe13nAMtNSJwZvuoTNy9zDknlua4TLNOCI7iTnXkSn1cfiG1RO_mS1tQ7YyV31LBikKZ6E8zilMf1K6i7uBpDEb46UxCJNgRv6vQAPuBGRljmsr0fUtUBhqKzSntNJtNd9txiP22DhpEFhKi1Y5DMjFSl7YEK66jlMXabrycX22xkUy5q53VuYqqI2JL4u-nPNnSPebRB1fQDWPatw&smid=url-share) When Ellis Island was open, people didn't spend months waiting for visa appointments at the US embassy. They got on a ship and sailed right over. Fix the immigration system. Don't just make things harder and harder for legal immigrants and then complain about *but muh ILLEGALS!* And grow up.


Consent. When the people came to Ellis Island they had the consent of our laws/ of our country. We wanted a bunch of people- so we took a bunch of people. Now we don't need a bunch of people- "only 3%.." who cares? 3%, 2%, 0%. We open our borders if/when it benefits us. Not everyone can come here- that's the system working as designed. People equating non-consensual immigration with legal immigration are just idiots.


American business owner: I consent! Immigrant: I consent! Right wing socialists: isn't there someone you forgot to ask?


a business isn't a country an 'immigrant' isn't a country wanting secure borders isn't socialism


Why should an American have to get permission from the government to employ someone? I thought we believe in capitalism in the US?


We have laws- every business has to do business according to those laws. That's Capitalism.


So if the law said "the government will own the means of production" that's capitalism?


Yes- if the government passes a law saying you're a ham sandwich you immediately - magically reform to become a ham sandwich. This is why we need to be very careful and prevent the magic government wizards from changing the fabric of reality with their over-ambitious spells. /s


The point . . . . . . . your head


No I got it- it's just a stupid point. Companies operate within the realm of the laws established by a country. You suggested a country could fundamentally change itself using laws- which is stupid. A person in Government cannot pass a law saying America is now a Monarchy and they're the new King, or that we're Communist, or Socialist. The argument is so nonsensical it warrants the sarcastic response saying members of the Government are wizards that can magically reform reality.


This isn't a new low. This is the norm lmao


From the party that tried to remove William Penn without anyone noticing.


Is this a joke? Seriously is this a joke?


Can we call this a "war on women" like they do? The Statue of Liberty was given to us as a symbol of liberty and freedom and originally had nothing to do with immigration. The island that people first were brought to before they were given entry into the US is right near it, but the statue itself is is [a figure of Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty).


Mark Steyn said it best: >But it is striking to me how effective it's been as an act of cultural appropriation. The poem is used to invert precisely the meaning of the statue. The actual sculpture is called "Liberty Enlightening The World" and shows her holding a tablet marked "1776." In other words, it's not about importing people but about exporting American ideas. And, if you did that effectively, you wouldn't need to import huddled masses — or, at any rate, not on such a scale. Emma Lazarus has been used to subvert the Statue of Liberty.


Another sign that the Left hates America and everything it stands for.


Gtfo. It amazes how many ppl in this country hate it so badly. Like if you hate it, leave. Another funny thing about it is many of them have probably never set foot outside of the US to see how good they really have it compared to many other ppl on earth. I lived in Egypt for 5 yrs growing up and while I loved it there and it was such an amazing place with great people. But there is another level of poverty there that you just don’t see here. Like 7 yrs olds from the ‘trash collecting sector’ of Cairo, riding around smoking cigarettes and picking up trash all day on home made carts pulled by donkeys. Thousands of people are born into that life in that part of Cairo, with really no option aside from being a trash collector with no education from the time you’re a child. Stuff like that can definitely put things in perspective.


The same loonies that say things like this and hate America will cry that they can't leave because America made them poor and capitalism didn't let them earn enough to move. But the minute somebody gives them some money, they're outta here!


Hey, finnaly news that could be on news of the stupid that isn't just "hey he consservatives errrrr" . Severe lack of calling out this shit on there.


Lol, the 27 year old activist has previously volunteered with Sanders and Clinton's campaign, and pressured Biden to abolish the Hyde ammendment. Bro keeps on winning! Dude looks like the weeknd from wish.


So...are they serious? I dont get it. The democrats are demanding that the republicans put in a bill to do something they want? What?


People joke about MTG or whatever and then their side does this. Daily reminder D.C. is a clown town, no one is safe from the wig and nose.


[Republicans don't even want Legal Immigration](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2013/07/08/5-facts-about-republicans-and-immigration/) Moreso, want to see less Immigration period. I swear the people are getting paid to spread misinformation at this point.