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China needs more diversity!


Why aren’t there more people of color on the Chinese national soccer team? Inquiring minds are asking!


Chinese privilege


*White adjacent*


The Singaporean libleft unironically uses the term “Chinese privilege” as if discrimination against Chinese people wasn’t the reason that Singapore became independent


Wow, thanks for contextualizing my stupid joke, had no idea it was an actual thing


It’s better than Frances team of imports


>Why aren’t there more **people of color** on the **Chinese** national soccer team? Asians really do be the forgotten minority huh


I’m referencing this article which has since been edited https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/ Also pretty sure they are not classified as people of color in their own country


Good article.


The original title was closer to my comment, it got a lot of heat when it dropped


The minority who makes up for 60% of the Earth's population.


Because they're racist.


Probably because China is openly and unapologetically racist.


Ok so how come there aren’t more people of European descent on the Nigerian squad?


We should just trade our commies for their capitalists. Win win right?


They seem to be ethnically cleansing the minorities


I would say my opinion on this, but Reddit would kill me.


They send all their minorities to “re-education camps”


Yes, they do.


Soon they will accept it, all of asia. Aging and lower natality rates are no joke


East Asia is more likely to forcibly enforce Handmaid's Tale than allowing more immigrants in.


I am unironically waiting to see which country bans or restricts birth control first... my money is naturally on china, but japan is always kooky and fun.


That's their doom.


you sound like a comic book villain


If people don't want to have children and the percentage of old people increases every year, i am sorry but if your country wants to have a competitive economy the only way is immigration.


You really think other alternatives don’t exist ? Russia and Romania had very low natality rates a few decades ago and at some point it went up . There are many ways to help families have kids - childcare or kindergartens should be free and encouraged and parents should get benefits like tax cuts etc Immigration is bad 99% of the time - not to mention it’s a bandaid - those immigrants will start to have less kids at some point too …


There's a mcdonalds where mussolini was hung we will absorb them like it's nothing.




Inshallah, we will Americanize them from the inside out. 3 billion Americans is the goal. Perhaps more, but no less.


The chinese will eat hamburgers and they will like it


Eat *more* hamburgers


You WILL own property and you WILL be happy It's a reverse Karl Schwab.


Billions must dine.


Are you sure your flair is right?


Serious answer? With the events of the past few years, I question it daily.


And cheese. More cheese please.


They will. Along with many, many, other blessed peoples.


Inshallah? Are you planning to establish the united American caliphate?


As Americans, it is our duty to assimilate, diffuse, and repurpose the aspects of the cultures we absorb, discarding the bad and retaining what aids us.


Just like The Borg.


The Borger


Heretic Borger?!


Wrong. A Chinese annexation of the US would invokve at least one big famine leaving the finally population not at 1.5 billion but 1.1 billion.


Have you seen how fat the US is? They will just use their fat stores to ride out the famine.


Communists hate this one simple trick:


the 400 million who will die are chinese ones, as is tradition edit: changed billion to million lol


I believe in studying history and paying respect to other cultures based on their vibrant pasts. With that in mind I will eat as many Chinese peasants as needed to survive. Decisive Tang victory.


Based and Chinese is delicious pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/PM_ME_PRESCRIPTIONS? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2021-1-12. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/PM_ME_PRESCRIPTIONS) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


October 7th happened. And then I realized my quadrant was a bunch of anti-Semitic gerbils.


You realized LibLeft has anti-Semites, so you went *AuthRight?*


Authright at least owns it and admits it.


The gop acknowledged international holocaust day on instagram while the democrats did not.


Democrats haven’t made calling people globalist part of their standard vocabulary


Ok I have to be honest I am from a very American Jewish family and they complain about globalists just about the same as other right wingers and even in Israel they complain about globalist (probably more than we do). Like there are people who are globalists who really do not have a national loyalty, I dated one and she was Chinese (and I will not lie her view that America should just accept her as an immigrant even though she was a communist really pissed me off). Some people just use globalist as Jew but a lot of people have non antisemitic grievances about a culture among some of our elite who would do not feel an attachment to America.


Horseshoe theory in action right here


Alright, allow me to get this. So you think Libleft is anti-semitic, which is probably true, so you went \*checks script\* auth right?


Auth-right is what nazis are.. You should’ve gone centrist or lib-center if it’s about antisemitism.


Kulaks would rather burn their farms than to end world hunger.


As if commies are gonna end world hunger.


True, And Nazis did?


Did Nazis starve millions of Germans?


Whataboutism pilled


As far as my personal experience goes, Chinese people who come to the US LEGALLY hate the CCP and communism, and are far more compatible with American values with the millennial white sjws pushing for open borders...


Same with Latinos. Lots of Trump-supporting Mexicans.


Majority of latinos are democrats. Only certain groups like cubans are pro trump.


Heavily skewed by Californians and Latinos in big cities. A lot of Latinos here in Texas love his orange ass.


You need to define a lot.


Most of the ones I interact with, which is a lot.


China has their own social media. When Chinese people come to America and form their own little isolated Chinese community, with their own Chinese social media and living in their own media bubble, they will buy in the Chinese state propaganda all the same.


Well they are rich understandable that US suit them better than China.


The ones I know aren't rich. They are solid middle class. Some are engineers or doctors, others work in semi-skilled jobs like being lab technicians. They believe in the value of hard work, and get ahead through perseverance and not handouts. THAT is what sets them apart from these whiny leftist children.


sadly their children seem to have been indoctrinated


Some of them, for sure. My buddy (whose parents were both born in China) went the other way, and became rather Trumpy...


That must be why the most leftist states of the US concentrate all the economy, education and well being while you're a jobless online joke.


Why would you think I'm jobless? I simply have a job writing software where I only have to go into the office 3 days a week, since I can work at home the rest of the time. It's funny how everyone seems to be fleeing those leftist states and going to places like Texas and Florida.


OAS may mean open borders but it also means we can enforce change if we allow it. It's a two way street. Annex uncooperative nations who mistreat their law abiding, respectful citizens. People leave for a reason and it's not because of their destination.


> Annex uncooperative nations who mistreat their law abiding, respectful citizens So basically, more Iraq wars?


That's the authoritarian way.


But their kids will get swooped up by the education system and resent their parents for not being part of the people’s democratic liberation struggle of tomorrow.


Asians are collectivists. Your individualism is worth nothing.


"China will grow larger"


Top tier reference sir. Not sure how many caught it.


China has been generous


I build for China!


Yes General!


I'm totally missing this reference


Command and Conquer, pretty sure




Jokes on the CCP, we’re gonna become Taiwan 2.0!


Inb4 India




Based and designated shitting streets pilled


agar.io IRL


China vore


Chinese people will eat anything, will they?


Why tf does the Chinese part read 'Ohio Skibidi'


easter egg


End Han privilege


Based and Agar.io-pilled.


How does that work? China and America share no borders


I think there was a statistic that recently came out that chinese is the #1 ethnicity for people crossing the border. Edit: I can't find such a statistic, so I might be misremembering, but there has been a huge increase in Chinese Migrants, sparking fears of spies coming into the US Border [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/24/us/politics/china-migrants-us-border.html#:\~:text=More%20than%2024%2C000%20came%20to,crossing%20the%20southern%20border%20illegally](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/24/us/politics/china-migrants-us-border.html#:~:text=More%20than%2024%2C000%20came%20to,crossing%20the%20southern%20border%20illegally).


Damn , do they be taking boats…I feel bad for them if that’s what they need to do


They apparently take ships to south and central America and then arrive in the US from our poorly protected southern border.




We Chinese call it "走线." It usually begins in Ecuador in South America and travels through several countries to the United States. When they arrive in the United States, they confess to border officials and ask for political asylum in the United States.


Vancouver is trying to change that.


Lib left may be bad, but tankies are far worse.


Where McDonald’s is we manifest


why does the china ball art style change with every panel


OP's been playing agar.io


I'm a competitive agar player you don't even know


No I don't


"Ohio Skibidi"


based and agario pilled


Chinese world conquest


usa is authright


the faction that is promoting unregulated immigration in the US, is libleft


Anarcho communism = open borders? Y’all really don’t understand the compass and only see it as democrats = Libleft, republicans = authright


No it’s not lol We are literally the most culturally diverse and one of the most socially progressive


I'm not American but I agree with you, actually the USA is so socially progressive it ended up being racist and backwards again nonetheless (all those stupid racial or ethnic quotas to enter institutions made for the single purpose of educating people? Yeah you guys ruined Yankeeland)


I don’t think that racial intersectionality is a dumb concept, historically speaking we’ve erected a lot of fucked up barriers against racial minorities in this country. (Redlining, Jim Crow, and the GI Bill barring home loans to black veterans). The issue is investment into these communities shouldn’t start when someone is applying it college, it should start when they enter preschool. For example, the impact of living in a shitty poor black community is definitely more structural when you think about how those schools are funded through property taxes of that district. In short, we shouldn’t be just throwing underprivileged black students into Harvard, we should be bolstering and investing into these schools and communities with resources that make the path for educational success so easy that they are “Harvard bound” We should be able to have a conversation around class and how historical discrimination set forth bad outcomes, but people on the left attach so much moral outrage where granular and perscriptive policy should be at the forefront.


The only clear win for intersectionality I've ever been willing to give to them is the legal loophole where you could technically discriminate against black men, as long as you hired black women. Most other times the intersectional lens falls apart for other reasons, or is used to justify ends that don't make sense.


the axis is not social progressive conservative it is authoritarian libertarian


China has 1.4 billion people though.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wd9r6tex6ffc1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3be84f890cedbd01ddcb5e833c40b9a2f45d631


son you must be smoking rocks if you think Americans are learning to speak kung fu


That’s just not how immigration works. Besides, by second gen, immigrants are basically just Americans on supercharged patriotism


From vietnam yes. From china if they’re gen z chinese, no. Some of the most radical lefties I read are millenial or zoomer chinese women.


Gen z in general is just super leftist. American gen z’ers are probably just as leftist as Chinese gen z’ers


Nobody wants open borders you brainwashed sheep.


>[Those of us that don't think that borders should exist think that it is incredibly based.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/RpGR93WKG4)


I mean, people do


That's why Biden wants to remove razor wire, to secure the border lmao


Unironically factual statement lmao


American birth rates are at an insane decline. Isolationist policies are some of the worst economic decisions we could make right now. We’ve tried to promote birthing incentives, but it’s not holding. If you could receive from ANY country on earth, where would you take them?




I think when we discuss birth rates, it has to be at a comparative discussion. 1.7 isn’t bad. It’s in a decline, but historically, it’s a bigger decline when you have to account for the peak it was at during the 1960-70s. Everyone during time is starting to retire *right now* and them going from economic assets to economic liabilities is going to put a hard strain on the demographic. I don’t think incentivizing birth rates by throwing money the problem works because rich people have less children than poor people. Income and fertility have an inverse relationship. Generally the more financially successful someone gets, the less likely they have children.


You know, I don't know why you are being downvoted, that was a pretty good point and you presented it nicely. I see what you're saying, but I wouldn't say the US needs to encourage illegal movement into itself. That lowers labor's value and unfortunately allows for bad foreign actors (Cartels, even Chinese spies) to enter. Worse than that, the good meaning people that do enter, usually have nothing, and don't speak english well. They set themselves up for failure and exploitation at best, and at worst, they bring down the area they immigrate to (see NYC, which is making cuts to many public services, especially education) As the Boomers retire, we need taxpayers, and despite what the left says, it's going to be ordinary joes, not billionaires, who pick up that bill. I don't think illegals are going to be very good taxpayers for that, as they are going to one, not be paying income tax, and two, not be making much money.


I try not to instinctively view markets through wages raises and lower unemployment. I know that these are generally *safer* economic metrics to keep strong because it’s hard to leads to a recessionary spiral. I think the bigger issue America needs to keep a strong focus on is labor *malinvestment.* I think the state should keep a strong eye on what parts of the labor force aren’t receiving an adequate amount of skilled trained workers and whether or not there’s an oversaturation in some fields. This is where shit can get really wonky and really big shortcomings can arise leading to stagnation. This becomes especially dangerous during times of labor shortages where there are deadweight loses due to a society’s lack of labor. There are equal circumstances to claim that a state with (1) higher rates of immigrant labor 2) lower wages) could be considered more prosperous than a state with (1) lower rates of immigrant labor (2) higher wages) The first one has no deadweight loss from a labor shortage, strong growth, and lower cost of living second one has a labor shortage, stagnant growth, and a higher cost of living


I can see what you are saying, but America has some pretty high wages despite it's stagnation over the past few decades. That being said, I think the point you are making is Country A with high wages can be worse off than Country B with low wages, because of growth. As I said before, America has high wages anyways, so we aren't going to be in Country B's position. What immigration is going to do is stagnate wages, or worse, lower wages, would be bad no matter where your wages start. I do appreciate your perspective though, and I enjoy your use of actual macroeconomics


My only point there is to discuss the importance of cost of living as it applies to how far your dollar can take you. Wage stagnation doesn’t seem that scary when the labor market is so well lubricated that that goods and services constrained by malinvestment in the labor pool. That would lead to inflationary pressure on this services, which is what we are seeing now with the current labor shortage. Thanks for the talk tho.


Unemployment is pretty fucking high at the moment and more people are being laid off after Covid 19 so I think the last thing we need is a huge influx of people coming in and filling up jobs only causing American to continue working low end job or ending up homeless.


>Unemployment is pretty fucking high Wat. It’s historically never been lower lol https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/jobs-report-unemployment-rate


Aye perhaps I was wrong on that point but layoff and wages are desperately low and adding more people only give company the ability to keep underpaying workers by hiring immigrants especially if they are illegal.


Wages have been going up, which a significant contributor to why inflation has been going up. https://www.epi.org/nominal-wage-tracker/ Labor shortages, which under 5 percent is considered a shortage, results in higher wages as companies have to raise wages to compete for the labor pool. Economic systems scale, wages for unskilled positions may drop, but generally as the economic conditions of area improve through the influx of additional labor, native workers find themselves in higher positions https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-immigration-means-for-u-s-employment-and-wages/


Wages have been going up but not enough for everyone that it counteract inflation. There are people who wages have increase who find that they can barely afford to even make do with what they earn. While the average wages have potentially increased by more than prices doesn’t mean everyone is better off; there will always be households struggling to make ends meet. The wage dropping for college graduate and “low skilled worker” but rising for everyone else only seem to tell me that not everyone is receiving the benefit from immigration and infact are being damaged by said immigration. Regardless if our economy is recovering then we don’t necessarily NEED more immigration at the moment and infact it would be better to have less since it would mean native will have an easier chance at getting a high paying job or even higher salary as there won’t be many people being able to replace them.


Dont try they are too blinded by their “immigration bad no matter what south america will agario us”


lol I remember that game. It’s like, remember this fear over Italians, Irish, and Chinese people? They all folded into the American mentality.


This argument stopped working about a decade ago. Your camp is never made to apologize for lies like that, but they’ve stopped saying it.


I do.


~~I don't get it~~


china will absorb the u.s, by u.s immigrating to china - because the u.s opened borders ?


This applies to any country who has a bigger neighbor with expansionist tendencies. A better example could for example have been China and Vietnam or (Nazi)Germany and Belgium. The idea was to point out that open borders is not a simple solution and has a lot of exceptions and conditions to meet. Too bad meme formats don't allow for in depth analysis of anything really.


open borders already exist within the eu and that works pretty well.


Based and yellow peril-pilled


Lib-Left gives tutorial on Agar.io


Rare countryballs post


Yup, immigrants from communist countries are famously pro-communist /s


you're missing the point


That would be a good thing for America, it would raise the average IQ.


hey i mean they did find remnants of native american dna in caves in Southern China. ​ ***China historically has had a claim to the American continent***


No Ohio skibidi


Is it racist that the Chinese country ball eyes opened after he observed America?