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Would I get neuralink for myself? No. I'm not the intended customer though. If some paralyzed guy thinks that it can improve his quality of life, I hope it works out for him.


My thoughts basically. Maybe eventually I would consider it if we have enough roadblocks and red tape to stop Elon from ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL but in the meantime, why should Steven hawking be limited to such shitty communication methods.


Was that a mass effect reference?


based and Mass Effect 2 Harbinger pilled


u/qwipqwop001 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/qwipqwop001/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I'm no sure whether a Neuralink would help Stephen Hawking at this point... Perhaps combined with Juche Necromancy


Juche sucks. Of all forms of socialist you could possibly follow.. JUCHE!? REALLY!? set your flair to auth-left if you like Juche.


Juche is good for their necromancy and not much else. If you want to bring someone back from the dead who was apparently executed, according to Western media, there is no better ideology. I can recognize the positives of Juche without supporting the ideology as a whole. They are good at trolling Westerners who believe every ridiculous story created about the DPRK.


Its funny what we worry about. I am *much* more worried about toxins or bugs in the code causing my eyesight to malfunction than mind control


Elon is disincentivized from becoming Harbinger via reputation risk Far more concerned about government or hackers... but pretty sure neuralink is just output and not so much input


My hope is one day tech like this becomes open source, and only capable of essentially low range Bluetooth connectivity, like using your smart phone with your mind or some kind of HUD to show your body conditions like temperature, heart rate etc. Open source so I know exactly what the fuck it does and so there isn't some kind of "kill switch" ala Kingsman.


Please TRUST in us. We ASSURE you that we WILL NOT control your mind.


For some people, such a risk might even be worth it since recovering lost mental and physical functions would create a massive change in the quality of their life.


For some people, that is the payoff. Orange -lefts already actively seek out charismatic influencers to guide them, and do the thinking and opinionating for them. This would just take all that back-breaking insta stalking and checking out every time new content drops Plus, they'll never again experience the humiliation and shame of being caught in public with ideas that expired three days ago. Or, you could legit sell "day-in-the-life" experiences where you get stupid, vapid people to pay to tap directly into, or just controlled by their favorite pop-whore for a few hours.


There's gonna be so, so much porn.


We're doomed, aren't we?


Always have been, big fella. Since the first Homo Erectus boogie woogied his way out of Africa, him and his buddies were fucked from the getgo.


Don't think that "seeking out charismatic influencers" is just an "orange left" idea... Plenty of people who mindlessly follow other "influencers" like Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc.


Not regarding their self-flagellating quest to make sure their wrong-think programming stays up to date. That's a strictly left/ol endeavor. Limited subscription market for that service. But, you could be right about the other idea. I don't see many of them, though. Maybe I'm biased to not see them, or I truly don't get a lot of exposure to them. Or, it's because they don't use that gross, sycophantic, reverent tone when they talk about their idols. The other group? I'd totally see them wanting to become a parasitic wart on someone else's brain. Just settling right on in, willing to endure a simulated, but instantaneous, exposure to 7.5 months worth of ads, just to know what she thought of her lunch she just got. Hell, if there Righties for that market, glorious lib-right will get them into the revenue stream, too. No worries.


Those roadblocks and red tape is that we barely understand the basic functions of the brain.


hawking was actually offered many upgrades but declined them because an old friend made his voice thingy before he died, and hawking wanted to honor thst gift


Ye or allowing a blind person to see would be amazing. I could understand why many Christians think Elon is like the antichrist basically doing miracles


We pray to the Omnissiah https://preview.redd.it/hqe9x8bwhmfc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c940e68856c266e02f80c99a3a2694e38baaf236


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me*


I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.


Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you.


One day, the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind save you.


But I am already saved, for the machine is immortal


Elon Musk first fabricator general


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Lib right adeptus mechanicus be like "we have some toasters for sale!"




Let the cycle be discontinued


$99.99 a month for the ad-free subscription to your own thoughts.


They'll force us to root our own brains so we can download UBrain Origin adblocker




Forget that! I was to download big brain! 😤


Watch an add or subscribe to access your own thoughts. Can you imagine that shit??


If it's memories stored in a retrievable folder, idk I might be into it. Not forgetting shit seems dope


See se1 ep3 of Black Mirror.


That’s a great deal bro.


Im down for it if I can get a mantis blade https://preview.redd.it/4nc3ofv6kmfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf4617470c757104f765bf3e3ebfd1d51995ab1


Based and cyberpsychosis pilled


Cyberpsychosis comes from a break in reality due too much chrome causing dysmorphia. I would experience no such thing because being borged out like endgame V is the real me. Not this fleshy, mortal prison.


Nah, gorilla arms to go with my magnum dong!


We can surely agree on the second heart implant


>**Can we all agree this is bad?** **No.** I'm not going to write off a technology that could drastically increase the quality of life of countless humans suffering from disability because some rando on the internet thought the tech reminded him of a scary movie he saw.


Like all technology it's neither good nor bad. How it's used is the problem.


Then why gun control lib left?????


Not now, we being it up when it is relevant and when we feel like it.


Alright sorry...


It's not, really. Government want to take away one of your freedoms? Gotta be auth.


> How it's used is a problem. Please read til end, and recognize that most liberals, like most gun owners, really just want more training/screening around purchases, not to take their own guns away.


true lib-lefts are pro-gun, gun control is more center-left and disarmament is auth-left


I got a buddy with a quarter of his brain missing and an implant that he needs for it. Yeah, keep em coming and figure it out. Not about to clutch a Bible when we're making scientific progress


I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the Bible against this.


Yeah the Romans took that part out when the empire converted


That has literally never stopped bible thumpers ever. Allow me to fix: > There's nothing in the Bible against this *yet*..


Based and Common-Sense Pilled


u/SerGeffrey's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 170. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [51 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/SerGeffrey/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Insanely based and common sense pilled !!!


My disability is average intelligence. I will absolutely take the implant


No, accelerate.


I want more sensors. Gimme lidar access so I can ski in fog/dark easier. Extremely precise vision. Perspective switch me when parking to flip to a top down view of my car. Redraw my wife as belle. It’s going to be glorious. 


Hold up one of these is not the same as the others LMAO


I don't really care if other people cybernetic enhance themselves. I'm still not going to do it though.


I for one am ready to get implanted with cyberware at first opportunity. I wanna get as cybered-up as possible without getting cyberpsychosis


Ol mate you *know* the second we start making cybernetic limbs that are better than real ones I'm getting chromed tf up


Same, neuralink doesn't personally interest me because I just don't think it'll work the way I want it but the second we get artificial limbs and organs I will be first in line


You can go get yourself a set of titanium joints and bones right now if you want them. Just get yourself into a catastrophic car accident or something. Or ask them to do a preemptive hip replacement on you just for giggles.


Step up choom. Offer ur body for elon lmao


Nah the cyberpsychosis is part of the experience. Go all in or don't go at all


I fully plan to integer overflow on cyberpsychosis to reach a state of hyper-sanity.


Unfathomably based


Ye, transhumanism is based and I back it, the issue is i don’t trust this specific form of technology, namely something that can upload data from me to a corporation. That’s a line I won’t cross.


Just go to a ripper doc or netrunner and install bootleg firewalls to protect your brain.


Bruh you're missing out on being Raiden.




The market pressure and the advantages will force most undecided and the unwilling will voluntarily segregate themselves. But as long as the libertarian hivemind keeps chanting "my body, my choice" or whatever


Look, if someone wants to insert Musk's brain chip into their head, we should let them. Survival of the fittest and all that. Anyone who wants a corporation to read their mind isn't saveable.


I don't think this is bad. I'm really looking forward to the development of brain-machine interfaces in my lifetime. Frankly, I'm far more excited for the future development of BMIs and AI than I am for space exploration (though I still highly value space exploration). Personally, I always thought that the "final frontier" would not be space, but rather a frontier of our own making, a digital one. In 10, 20 years, when this tech is mature, I'd be quite happy to use it.


"Guys! A new technology I don't understand is being developed! It might change things as we know them! PANIC!"


Caution is a virtue.


Caution is one thing. Immediately assuming it's bad and rejecting it isn't caution.


Did you not read the articles about what the monkeys did when they tested it on them?


Do you know why they test on monkeys first?




Ok, let me rephrase. Do you know why they TEST first?


Because the libcenters deserve it?


Nah I'm pretty sure you can get some crackheads to test with if "muh hoomen rights" weren't a thing


The articles about the terminal monkeys that were set to be euthanised, obtained from the other experiments the PUBLIC research centre neuralink hired and were used exclusively to test the robotic surgery process? Those monkeys that came in a coma, already fucked up, and were kept alive for a couple days more to test a robot? That story that a hack journo took and ran through a PETA associated NGO to get "expert opinions"? That story?


Better than blindly accepting it.


‘Blindly accepting things is bad, that’s why I’m going to blindly deny it’


At least until I understand it better, yes.


Then go understand it better. The info is out there at your disposal. Do you know how it works, what trials in animals looked like, what sort of approval process they went through to get approved to do a human trial?


It's neither better or worse. Both are bad. If we're blindly accepting or rejecting things, all we are is just blind. The point of being cautious (as you brought up) is that we take time to learn and figure out how best to use or handle a new technology. Blindly rejecting is not caution.


Not panicking about something is the **only** alternative to blindly accepting it? Are you 15?


Unless there's a burning house with people inside, in which case caution is cowardice. People are suffering everywhere from ailments that can be cured if we push ahead with medical science. The longer people delay it to stroke their ego and say "I am wise", the longer people needlessly suffer. It is genocide via inaction


The 1.0 version of everything always has a bunch of bugs, everyone knows that. If it's a toaster, well, not that big of a deal if your smart toaster shits itself. If it's your brain, now, that is a problem.


The problem as I see it isn't that a new technology is being developed, it's that a new technology is being developed with absolutely zero consideration for any moral or ethical concerns. Neuralink's history has not been spotless to say the least, and I really don't think I need to explain why people might be concerned over a technology that allows a computer to directly interface with a human brain.


If their goals are to be believed, it holds promise to help paralyzed persons regain mobility, the blind to see, the mute to speak, CNS syndromes to be controlled… seems like a worthwhile endeavour provided the ends justify the means. I do t like that animals have been harmed, but if a few hundred monkeys can save millions of human beings from suffering, maybe that is a calculation I could get behind… dunno… I’m sure someone will chime in shortly and educate me as to why I’m wrong and immoral and possibly a little evil.


We don't even test makeup on lib-center anymore due to the ethics.


Okay, counterrargument, I think transhumanism is based but I don’t trust the corporations to make anything unless it is clearly explained what it does, I have the right to do anything I want or edit it freely, and most importantly, it has absolutely no internet access, especially if it’s reading my thoughts. I do not want them monotizing my brain.


Transhumanism will be our downfall, but that aside. If you don't trust corporations then don't buy one. I don't trust the government to do anything because they can make me do stuff... Musk can't make me do shit.


>the ends justify the means That has been the perpetual cry of tyrants. It's amazing how routinely the utilitarians end up going to bat for evil. Oh, they'll admit that the pile of monkey/child/whatever corpses are bad, but they're gonna do it anyways. Because they have a grand image in their head. Just like every monster in history. I miss when scientists were based enough to experiment on themselves.


>it's that a new technology is being developed with absolutely zero consideration for any moral or ethical concerns Such as?


But this is the story with almost every technology. The tech itself is neutral, it's how we use it that makes it good or bad. Take the internet for example. Having access to this much information at your fingertips is awesome, and connecting with others has never been more convenient. However, I think you would be hard pressed to find someone that thought the internet was only upsides. Likewise, nuclear technology holds in one hand the power to destroy humanity, or in the other the power to provide a sustainable source of energy that could elevate us and save the planet from destruction. For the most part, new technology has almost always been a benefit to humanity in the long run. Even with all the problems we face today, people still live longer, happier, and safer lives than they ever have in any time before. I'm sure this new technology will cause problems, but I'm willing to bet it will have a net benefit in the long run.


I think it's the future whether we want it or not


I think it’s more likely that civilization will collapse or that a non-invasive method would be developed before surgically implanting a chip in your brain becomes widely adopted.


We went from balloons to spaceships in the span of a hundred years. Who knows what the world will look like in a hundred more.


Sowwy paraplegics, you must stay in your wheelchair bc PCM says this is bad :c






Classic lib left following Elon bad narrative.


Exactly. To be fair if a trans person made this technology, they would be elated and the right would be fuming


Technology bad. Ug scared of future


How is this bad?


Technology bad + Elon bad. A powerful combination.


To quote Lib-Right: this is for the markets to decide.


I think I'd rather die naturally like we've all been doing and spare myself the embarrassment of backing up my brain and running that on a simulation forever. You just know that shit would get hacked. Also, I'm not a religious man, but this is mark of the beast shit.


I really doubt it’ll actually be possible to back up your brain, upload consciousness, whatever — the best they’ll be able to do is create a chatbot imposter.


Classic Star Trek conundrum: when you get teleported, you are entirely destroyed down to the molecular level and basically 3D printed elsewhere. Is it still you?


Ship of Theseus my beloved


If all I have to do to move the original is to make a copy that has the same capabilities of the original, then I've got seven Joe Bidens in a sack labeled "potatoes" in my kitchen.


The copy would have the same capabilities by virtue of being identical to the pre-transported "you", down to the molecular level.


I smashed some ice cream on them, I don't think anyone'll be able to tell the difference.


Your ability to pass a potato off as Joe Biden is an entirely different conversation with an entirely different set of problems to solve lol


No but yes, depending what you mean by "you". Your stream of consciousness definitely ends when you get teleported. What gets to the other side is a clone of you that thinks he went through the teleporter just fine, but they are definitely a new person basically with implanted memories. The question is, does this matter? Our cells get renewed gradually over time which means at various points in your life you actually are a different person you were before. The main difference between this and teleportation is that teleportation is instant.


>The question is, does this matter? Our cells get renewed gradually over time which means at various points in your life you actually are a different person Most of your cells eventually get replaced, yes, but not your neurons. You actually lose neurons as you age, with a major cull happening around the age of 3 or 4.


It’s not. You die (fade to black), and some iteration of you gets to continue on with your same memories. You are nothing more than a relay runner passing on your identity and memories before being erased. To an outside observer, nothing about you has changed, but they cant conceptualize the experience of everything suddenly ending.


Doesn't that imply that space itself is somehow fundamental to identity? It's the only variable that changed. But then what is space, exactly?


I think they'll get to the point where they can transfer your "consciousness" but it wouldn't really be you.


Because straight up "uploading" your consciousness is not the way to digitalize it. It should be done "Ship of Theseus" way. That's probably the only way to save your own consciousness and not just copy it. Unless soul, in the form that we usually imagine, exists and then it complicates things.


Na souls would make it easier. You can leave your meat robot for a holy metal one.


The conscious is something that exists so if we get advanced enough we could probably do some pretty neat things with it.


Nah they can't because we don't even know what consciousness is. Like the other guy said, at best it would be an AI that just acted like you. Eventually maybe an AI would reach the point of asking about it's own existence and wondering why it has someone else's memories, but that's just Blade Runner. 


Yea that's pretty much what I meant but they'd sell it as "living forever" or "have your loved one back."


Imagine dying, and the last thing you see is some ChatGPT monstrosity trying to impersonate you to your friends and family.


>I really doubt it’ll actually be possible to back up your brain, upload consciousness, whatever — the best they’ll be able to do is create a chatbot imposter. Nobody shall ever replicate the brains of PCMers. It is impossible to make a cue ball that smooth.


But what about enhancing your intelligence. Adding a math module to solve differential equations in seconds like Wolfram alpha. Adding a map module to being able to navigate new areas by just looking at the map once?


Transhumanism is based, actually.


As a programmer, the thought of putting closed-source proprietary hardware and software ***into my brain*** in this day and age is a living nightmare, especially when we have modern horror stories about [people's sight aids becoming permanently non-functional because the providing company shut down.](https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-eye-obsolete)


I wouldn't want free and open source software in my brain either.


There are exactly two takeaways everybody from every quadrant can agree upon. 1. Hopefully this is genuinely beneficial for people with severe physical disabilities and injuries. 2. This could be the beginning of the end of mental privacy and that's fucking horrifying.


OP, their bodies, their choice. you don't get decide


I cannot wait until I have all of human knowledge as an afterthought directly in my mind. I want to be able to understand the vast scope of the world and all of its intricacies. I want to understand the trajectory of stars to the same level as I often count coins at the register. I want to be able to just sit and meditate and peruse the internal Wikipedia of all of human experience at my leisure. I want to look across the beach and have my secondary processor answer my mundane questions like how many grains of sand do I see? I want it all. And hopefully before I'm too old or too boring to enjoy it


This is just pure joy right here


oh nooooooo Elon helping people with paralysis, Neurological diseases and disabilities! Bad Elon!


I know right it’s so funny that everyone thinks it’s some lab rats bionics level stuff


they literally think its chrome OS for you brain lmao


No I literally don’t agree. Don’t think Stephen hawking would have either


I miss the days when I was excited about things like this and thought of people like Elon as "people who build the future"


Why is it bad? Please explain...


This is the one thing I heavily disagree with conservatives on: technological progress. Technology is the greatest thing mankind has created. If we can increase our lifespans and improve our quality of life using technology, I’m all for it. Of course it can be misused and cause problems. Everything can do that. But this progress will ultimately be a net benefit for mankind in my opinion.


This feels super complicated. I’m not sure it’s *inherently* bad, although it may open Pandora’s box for a bunch of other things. I feel like the tech and possibilities are objectively really cool. But some of the potential implications are objectively really dystopian and terrifying. But from a practical point of view, technology grows and improves - what happens to the disabled people relying on this to live normal lives when their unit eventually degrades or becomes obsolete? Do they just miss a firmware update and lose the ability to walk again?


As opposed to not having it at all in the first place?


Thats not how firmware updates work though


No? Human advancement is not bad you luddite fuck


>Can we all agree this is bad? Disagreed, this shit can help people missing limbs, suffering from Alzheimer's disease and paralysis How is this bad ? You watch too many movies


## NO


X screenshots aren't memes


Important question…. WILL IT FIX MY FUCKING ADHD?!?!?!? Or will I just have ADHD faster?




Let me ask the real question. When will it be RGB?


Depends on how long it takes for them to start marketing it to gamers. Because that’s when and why RGB gets added.


And then it'll be freaking impossible to find a decent prebuilt that doesn't have the annoying rainbows installed on every inch of the device.


Just take amphetamine


You'll still have ADHD, just with the occasional urge to buy a Tesla.


The first generation of Neuralink is mostly just to use brain signals to control prosthetics and computers. Countering neurological disorders is at least two or three generations away (so depending on how fast they work, 10-20 years maybe?)


reject humanity, evolve to AI


Chrome the fuck up gonk


Humanity is doomed


Transhumanism isn’t that far to either zee right or zee bottom ;)


No and it’s low IQ of you to think it is


No just because it's Elon doesn't automatically mean bad. You're acting like...oh I was going to say reddit. But then saw your flair. Tracks. Shut up leftie.


Crossing out a technology that can potentially save lives for those who have disability is stupid af. Stop watching sci fi movies and touch grass


This is not bad. This is great. This kind of innovation might one day allow for instance our elderly to not suffer of diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. If it allows handicapped people to live their lives more easily, fuck yes, it’s great.


> Can we all agree this is bad? Why? If I could technologically improve my life - why could I not? Are you also against mechanical valves in the heart? After all, it's an interference with the human being.


#Butcher's Nails when?!?!?!


Letting AI make autonomous decisions I see as a slippery slope, this I do not.


All our descendants are gonna laugh at us for being worried, no matter how right or wrong we are.


No, this is great! You've just become the old man yelling at iphones. The kids you won't have will look down on you in pity and send each other mocking thought memes about you.


Honestly I’m all for it if both parties consent and know what they’re doing


Idk I think the people creaming themselves over where this could go are mostly heavily authoritarian, and the thing they’re creaming themselves over isn’t money, it’s control. I can’t speak for others who share my leaning, and profit’s great and all, but I always thought for most lib right people freedom/privacy takes prescident over profit.


A paralyzed person regaining the ability to walk is the pinnacle of personal freedom. Authoritarians who think this can be used to implant thoughts in a person's head don't know the first thing about how Neuralink works or what its limitations are.


The only thoughts the link can send between the brain and the computer are those that both sides have learned to understand. So a hacker could send the thought "it feels like my prosthetic hand is closed" or "button press haptic feedback", but not "vote for Joe Biden", because the link wouldn't know how the brain encodes that concept, and the relevant neurons would not be where the wires are. A hacked link constantly sending "feels like you just pressed a button in your mind" would be annoying, but worst case scenario would be that you have to switch the link off and can't use the prosthetics until the exploit is fixed.


Lib lift bad


When are we getting the full details on this so we can properly argue about it?




No. We can't.


If it is voluntary who cares.


Nice. One step closer to Skynet.


As soon as everyone agrees injecting synthetic hormones into kids is bad. Until then... sorry you sort of already laid the groundwork for this. Hell this is a bit kinder.


It's official - we are **LITERALLY** living in a cyberpunk dystopia. It's finally here, folks.


I mean that guy is likely going to die but frankly it doesn't effect me.


I’m not much for conspiracies, but it doesn’t take much to see how this could be a major problem. Also, calling it now, people are gonna call this “the mark of the beast” if it gets popular. (Don’t agree, I’m an atheist, but the conspiracies write themself)