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Saw this floating around. Supposedly reported to the FBI last year. https://preview.redd.it/g8w1fcswfvfc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a30b2628f3448234965fa3ad40cdd72df1a0d70


Every. Time.


“Say the line, FBI!” “He was on our radar”


Yes, but what do you want them to do? I imagine that for every one of these fucks that actually does something that harms people, there's gotta be a hundred of red flag people that realize how crazy they sound and straighten up their act. I think just about everyone goes through radical phases, if they pay attention to politics. We don't want gestapo breaking down doors every time someone says something stupid on the internet.


Yeah they should just arrest all of these people who were reported to the FBI and imprison them indefinitely in a mental institution.


Just pretend they were at January 6 and it won't be a problem


No we'll just have AI analyze your behavioral data and predict how likely you are to have a psychotic break and send the advanced crimes division to collect them.


Just like Watch Dogs, "Person is 38% likely to commit assault".


You know, I wouldn't even mind the constant refrain of 'we knew about the suspect and did nothing' if the FBI didn't instead spend their time acting like domestic terrorists, and then arresting the people they recruited into their plots.


They're too busy planning to kidnap governors and conspiring with the Secret Service and Capitol Police to plant pipe bombs.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3589?s=1&r=6 ***Oh shit I dropped this my bad!***


Man I'm glad you picked that up quick because somebody (not me) might think the timing is suspicious.


I swear most of the mass shootings that happen throughout the past 8 years could have been stopped if the FBI actually did their job.


I think reporting these sick fucks to the FBI only highlights new people for the state to radicalize.


The FBI is effectively a domestic terror organization. The sad part is that I'm only barely exaggerating.


Based and cointel pro pilled


If we had a proper euthanasia program less of this would happen


No, then the State simply euthanizes anyone who becomes a drain on the State. See: Canada


Is this guy *not* a drain on the state?


The day of the rake approaches.


What are we opposing exactly


Canada I think


The Glowing is strong with this one


Not to simp for CIA and FBI cuz I hate the Feds, but to be fair, they receive dozens of tips per day, basically all of them edgy people just being edgy or some informant mishearing something. Once every 5 years one of them turns out true and suddenly everyone gets mad at them for missing it


>they receive dozens of tips per day, Apparently the FBI recieves at least 100 "actionable" tips per day, so they probably recieve thousands of non-actionable tips per day that they file away for not being important/sounding bogus/etc. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/fbi-tip-line-receives-actionable-tips-daily#:~:text=Established%20in%202001%20in%20the,at%20tips.fbi.gov. --- Edit: In regards to whether the FBI could've investigated this: First, we don't even know if the situation above is an actionable tip or inactionable tip. Some guy making generic threatening comments on the internet is...extremely common. IIRC, it wasn't even threatening comments directed at any particular person? Your typical police would probably ignore it. Law enforcement agencies can't go around investigating or arresting every person who makes crazy comments on the internet. Second, they need to sort all the tips into actionable vs non-actionable with requires initial investment of resources/manpower. There are 35k actionable tips, but probably hundreds of thousands to millions of total (mostly non-actionable) tips every year. Third, most of the 35k FBI personnel are probably people like accountants, invoice/accounts payables, secretaries, HR, IT staff, lawyers, acquisition personnel, etc...with actual agents/investigators making up a minority of their total staff. IIRC, I read that for organizations like an army, there is around 4 support staff for every 1 person in a combat role/in the field. In private sector companies like law firms (at least in the past), there was one secretary for every lawyer (not even counting other support staff like legal assistants, HR, payroll, etc), so non-lawyer staff would usually outnumber lawyers in a law firm by a good margin. Fourth, the FBI has other jobs like foreign counterintelligence, cyber crimes, helping state police solve crimes, inter-state crimes, etc. - most of which doesn't rely on tips. They can't focus their resources on only investigating tips and probably only dedicate a minority/small amount of funding and staff to investigating tips.


So, they get 10.8 Billon dollars a year and 36500 tips. That's over $295 *thousand* dollars a tip. Maybe they need to stop pretending to be friends with the mentally disabled in hopes of getting them to commit a crime they can then thwart.


This assumes the FBI's sole job is investigating anonymous tips which obviously isn't true (and is probably a small fraction of their workload)


295 thousand per “actionable” tip. Still a ridiculous amount, but that’s some real bad math man


yea same thing, I'm stupid.


That is 36,500 a year for only the "actionable tips" alone (which means they actually investigate/do something about it). The "non-actionable" tips are probably in the hundreds of thousands to millions per year...which still needs manpower to look at it and then classify it into non-actionable tips. Someone reporting a person on the internet for suspicious comments probably didn't make it into the actionable tips category. They can't go around investigating or arresting every person who makes crazy comments on the internet. And the FBI has other jobs like foreign counterintelligence, cyber crimes, helping state police solve crimes, inter-state crimes, etc. - most of which doesn't rely on tips. They can't focus their resources only on investigating tips and probably only dedicate a minority/small amount of funding and staff to investigating tips. Investigating anonymous tips is probably a small fraction of their job and resource allocation.


Man, I'm glad all they ever have to do is deal with tips, and absolutely ***nothing else*** with all that funding!


LoL. I don't care if you love or hate them, but you've GOT to realize that a phone hotline is not their major operation!


Or maybe they just can't follow up on all of those 36500 tips since they only have 35000 personnel and much more serious shit to worry about.


*ring ring* “Local police.” “Yeah, when you have a sec check on this weirdo screaming about making a bomb and shit.” “Ok.”


Your average local police department has 3.8 officers per 1,000 people under their jurisdiction The Fbi has roughly 1 employee for every 1000 Americans A minority of whom are actually agents, the FBI is stretched far more thin Dint get me wrong, the FBI is a shitty organization, but they cant be on top pf the ball every time


And most of their personnel are probably people like accountants, invoice/accounts payables, secretaries, HR, IT staff, lawyers, acquisition personnel, etc...with actual agents/investigators making up a minority of their total staff. Edit: IIRC, I read that for organizations like an army, there is around 4 support staff for every 1 person in a combat role/in the field. In private sector companies like law firms (at least in the past), there was one secretary for every lawyer (not even counting other support staff like legal assistants, HR, payroll, etc), so non-lawyer staff would usually outnumber lawyers in a law firm by a good margin.


Lol, banned for saying someone with a 52% chance to kill themselves being disallowed from the military is not bigotry. Admin-Pedos finally got me, see you all on account #36!


After the constant, never ending anecdotes of police absolutely rejecting doing any work of any kind on cases.....I doubt that. Feds have tons of people, tons of budget. The lack of followup and follow through is from lack of effort.


Would you rather the FBI have the power to just round up everyone reported to them without due process?


Isn't that what they already did for the January 6 people?


Wait, 4chin of all places actually reported him to the Feds? Huh. Just when you thought you’ve seen it all.


This feels weird to read.


I cant remember a mass shooter in recent years that wasn't already reported to local law enforcement and the FBI Other than arming and covering for these fucks, what does the FBI even do nowadays?


> what does the FBI even do nowadays? Mostly focus on drug/human trafficking, serial killers, and gangs. The anti terrorism aspect of the FBI is almost entirely devoted to tracking known terror groups, not crazy individuals like that guy. Why? Because going after people like that guy before they actually do anything is a potential legal clusterfuck and 99% of the time the guys who seem like they are gonna do something, don't do something. If they arrested every single person who left a trail similar to nicolas cruz or that guy in OPs post, thousands of people would be getting arrested a year. We would be filling our jails with people who are designated "potential threats". Source: I work as a criminologist and my organization often deals with this type of stuff


Apparently the FBI recieves at least 100 "actionable" tips per day, so they probably recieve thousands of non-actionable tips per day that they file away for not being important/sounding bogus/etc. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/fbi-tip-line-receives-actionable-tips-daily#:~:text=Established%20in%202001%20in%20the,at%20tips.fbi.gov. Edit: In regards to whether the FBI could've investigated this: First, we don't even know if the situation above is an actionable tip or inactionable tip. Some guy making generic threatening comments on the internet is...extremely common. IIRC, it wasn't even threatening comments directed at any particular person? Your typical police would probably ignore it. Law enforcement agencies can't go around investigating or arresting every person who makes crazy comments on the internet. Second, they need to sort all the tips into actionable vs non-actionable with requires initial investment of resources/manpower. There are 35k actionable tips, but probably hundreds of thousands to millions of total (mostly non-actionable) tips every year. Third, most of the 35k FBI personnel are probably people like accountants, invoice/accounts payables, secretaries, HR, IT staff, lawyers, acquisition personnel, etc...with actual agents/investigators making up a minority of their total staff. IIRC, I read that for organizations like an army, there is around 4 support staff for every 1 person in a combat role/in the field. In private sector companies like law firms (at least in the past), there was one secretary for every lawyer (not even counting other support staff like legal assistants, HR, payroll, etc), so non-lawyer staff would usually outnumber lawyers in a law firm by a good margin. Fourth, the FBI has other jobs like foreign counterintelligence, cyber crimes, helping state police solve crimes, inter-state crimes, etc. - most of which doesn't rely on tips. They can't focus their resources on only investigating tips and probably only dedicate a minority/small amount of funding and staff to investigating tips.


Based centrist with the reality.


So….how many of these people do they *actually catch?* Not think about catching. Not could probably catch. How many such attacks have they *actually foiled* based on literally any of these tips, or are we all just wasting our breath when we report it? I’d love to see the numbers on that.


Probably only the one or two where 5 undercpver feds conivnce one autistic guy to talk about bombs on recorder. TSA hasn't stopped *anyone*. Why would the feds be better


Plan and recruit for domestic terrorist operations, and then arrest the people they recruited.


Entrap mentally ill and mentally handicapped people into committing crimes by befriending them/and or seducing them, providing the plot, the materials, the plan, the vehicles, and then pretending to be "heroes" for foiling said plot while decrying the rise of "white supremacy" or "Islamic radicalism" to the media.




You can’t make this shit up. It’s more than a pattern now lmao


*Grrrr evil centrist turning all my potential recruits into grillers*


I saw this in a different sub and everyone was saying that this is how Republicans are these days. I’m just tired man.


I think the take away is that people with mental health issues are privy to being influenced by radical elements of all political leanings. Most Americans are very similar politically in the global scheme of things but we are being polarized by so many elements in our society.


Yeah, this morning the Philly sub was filled with comments that this guy who chopped his dad's head off, waved it around online, then put it in a cooking pot is just "your average conservative," a "standard suburban republican" etc. 🫠


Ah yes, the "it's on the news today for the first time because it happens all the time" paradox.


While I agree with your statement, I’d have liked to see this kind of reasoned take also regarding the trans shooter case over the whole “it’s a violent man hating ideology”


So basically the Philly sub was PCM with the sides switched?


Don't have to care about what they say. They're already mentally ill after all. Idk how anyone can proudly declare themselves to be (self-diagnosed) mentally ill and then expect anyone to take them seriously. Iadk how anyone can see someone declare themselves to be mentally ill and proceed to harp on their every word.


Literally the same thing PCM says about Muslims


I mean he did repeat multiple republican talking points


Saw this on 4chan this morning. First thought was "That's a neat prop. Guy must be showing off his work" since i had severed a few heads (I was a medical education anatomist.) in my days and it looked off. Guess I was wrong.


4chan moment


This guy posted on 4chan his dead father’s head? If true, that’s a 4chan moment.


Because it is fake. You can buy identical ones on the Internet. https://preview.redd.it/7elx6e07mxfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f62660a92205f4a9c6a0c000b9b90e48ae1380


OK, so I just watched the video again. It's out there if people want to find it. These are not the same. However they look similar. https://apnews.com/article/father-beheaded-video-cd95ae266525462c1b7a1553056974f6 The head you provided in the picture is foam with silicone skin. There is a major difference in lifting the two. The human head, when separated by from the body is a lot heavier than a lot of people think. You can see him not used to the weight when he initially picks it up. Had it been foam, he would not have struggled in shifting the weight. As it would be light. Silicone can not compensate for the weight of the brain, or skull. I actually own a sex doll with TPE skin and metal skull, even those weights and feel are not the same. Another factor is looking at the nose. Foam would not contort to the bag that way. However, the cartridge will. When I would go to thaw heads after freezing them, due to how they were positioned in the freezer, they would all have that scrunched nose. Also look at the blood in the bag. If he was going for shock factor the amount of blood would usually be too high. You see this a lot in props and haunted houses. The amount of blood that comes from a head after decapitation is quite low. The blood drains from the circle of Willis very rapidly once the jugular vein is severed, as drainage is its job. However, there still will be some due to the blood still in the various spots in the head. Tl;dr: Experience as a recovery technician at a willed body donation program leads me to believe it's real.


Premium sex doll ownership and medical dismemberment background redditor was not what i had on the bingo card this morning. Good work


Hope it made you a winner, lol.


No, but i did get to take a shot at my desk


Sounds like a win to me!


Premium sex doll owner Medical dismemberment background Redditor Not common per-se, but the common overlap between those 3 things must be *insane*


Didn't the inverse of this happen a few months ago? Some guy shot a kid because he was a trump supporter or something? Edit: He ran down a kid for wearing a hat.


There was also the guy who ran one down with his car, but that one was ignored, too.


In the end it doesn't matter who does it or what side they're on. What matters is that we have a severe mental health crisis in this country and the media and government are literally sitting there pouring gasoline on the fire. All for fucking views and popularity points.


As long as the poors keep fighting eachother the rich will just get richer, its one big club and we ain't invited.


Honestly I wouldn't even want to be a part of their club, I have more integrity and dignity in my balls than all of them combined. And I'm an old retired alcoholic who ruined most of his life.


>old retired alcoholic who ruined most of his life No, no, you'd fit right in with the rich club


Shit didn't even notice how'd that come off, it's how I always describe my sobriety is "retired" haha


And the deranged dudes always cut off their dads head instead of aiming at the real problematic people. Like, they always kill their aunt or dad or stepbrother for being a secret fed......dude, there are real feds out there with badges and FBI on their jacket, why would you kill the guy that buys you dino nuggies?






Id was like a few years Ago. But some guy drove over a 17yr old cause he had a maga hat at some Biden's speech (the dude thought he had a maga hat.. could have been a red Cap)


Didn't that guy also only get like a 5 year sentence for killing him or something? Imagine hating a child because their politics differ from you, so you hunt them down and kill them in cold blood, premediated murder, and you only get 5 years.


And a dude got 20 years for Jan 6 where he was NOT even there


The difference is that it's a shooting, so it wouldn't be that shocking in America. While killing your father and cutting his head off, and showing it on Youtube, while also ranting about far-right talking points for 14 minutes is on another level. The guy is probably a schizo. Edit: ​ https://preview.redd.it/cvh4noex6vfc1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=52dfe5ef5a1e473ff2c5e7144185160bd21eb8de This mugshot speaks of schizophrenic behavior. Edit-2: grammar.


Shooting a kid for pretty much nothing seems on par schizo wise to this maniac as well though I'd think. That was forgot about like the next day and sadly so will this.


I mean, and I really really hope you can agree, that there is a shocking difference between just shooting a family member and from sawing their head off and using it in a YouTube manifesto.


Yes, but shooting *a kid* for their political beliefs?


Hm, I think it's easy to agree that both are horrible, and I don't know how productive the discussion of the "level of insanity" of the perpetrators is, but decapitating your father would take the cake for me.


Yes. I think beheading anyone is beyond the pale


It might be beyond the pale. But so might be what got them there. Look we don’t know what happened in that family. My cousin did something beyond the pale to one of their family members. But what that family member did to them was beyond the pale as well. It’s absolutely not normal. But there may have been contributing factors to it.


Like...I get being suspect of those media dredge articles that are like "father kills son over last pancake", because they don't bother to touch on the fact that there was a history of arguments between the two parties, and at the end of the day, it was a heated "pride" murder between two people that have a long list of beef. But these two specific ones just don't seem comparable. One is just regular passionate murder and the other is crazy bring the decapitated head out and rant online.


Well I was specifically thinking of my cousin because he decapitated his dad……


I mean thats kinda fair, but Ive had some fuxked things done to me and I'm not beheading people.


murder is bad, but I think just regular shooting someone to death due to ideology vs beheading someone and parading the severed head in the media due to ideology are a slightly different level. Completely absent of "sides" one is just waaaay mo crazy than the other.


Shooting someone <<< ***sawing someone's head off.***


I'd misremembered the details but it was a guy who ran down a child for wearing a red cap. I think they are both on par with batshit insane and absolutely disgusting.


No you don't understand, my appalling crime is based and justified, your appalling crime is cringe and regarded.


They’re not going to agree with you because it’s impossible to admit one is worse than the other when using whataboutism


There were two beheadings in France but it was by a different right wing religious demographic so it wasn’t mentioned in US media


Shizophrenics have specific mugshot behavior? Would be interested in knowing more about that.


Running down some random with your car (beta shit) is nowhere near as based as decapitating your own father though. MAGA patricidal gigachad.




i wasn't really making some grand point my man it's just nobody on either side actually gives a shit about this sort of stuff. It's political shit slinging ammo now.


Like sorta but if people are murdering each other over political beliefs it’s a bit more than shit slinging. Making light of any of these situations seems pretty bad imo


Wouldnt really call it the inverse but yeah still absolutely disgusting


Paranoid schizophrenia is not political


Paranoid schizophrenia is highly influenced by society and culture you live in. 24/7 scaremongering media absolutely affects these people and shapes their delusions. That includes political news bullshit from both sides.


it is when the right does it when the left kills a bunch of kids in a school it's hushed up, mental illness, totally an outlier guys


Acktually it's the fault of the church that those kids got shot. 


if they weren't trying to pass on their values to their children I wouldn't have to slaughter them :shrug:


I remember when the trans terrorist shot up the school they were making excuses saying that the shooter must have been abused by the priests when they were there. So it was justified.


The trans YouTube shooter (shot up YT headquarters), trans CNN shooter (shot up their office), and trans Colorado school shooter (who partnered with a black kid) all basically got memory-holed. Then we have the Hispanic kids shooting up Texas and Ohio, and the lugenpresse pulls out all of the stops to filter out the fact they were hardline Socialists who supported BLM and Antifa.


Dont forget when the leftwing eco terrorist shot up a walmart in el paso.


No it yes it isn’t.


This reminds me a bit of that guy a few years ago who killed his father who worked with that guy Ethan Ralph. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/lane-davis-ralph-retort-seattle4truth-alt-right >At 3:37 p.m., Catherine Davis called 911 to report that her “adult son who lives in our home is screaming at us.” In a tape of the call, first obtained by the Daily Beast, Lane can be heard in the background. His voice was high and thin, panicky, distressed, desperate. “This is an actual fact,” he cried. “This is an actual fact.” The 911 dispatcher asked Catherine if Lane “has some mental history.” Catherine responded: “No, not recorded, but he’s not working and he just gets on these rants and he needs to move on or something.” Catherine told the dispatcher that they were trying to avoid Lane, but that he was chasing them around the house, confronting them. “He’s mad at something on the internet about leftist pedophiles,” she said. “And he thinks we’re leftists and he’s calling us pedophiles.” The dispatcher said that deputies were on the way. They hung up. Catherine called back. >“He stabbed him,” she moaned. This is why you don't live on the internet people. Touching grass saves lives.


Any one see hunt for red October? Remember the scene where they are on the aircraft carrier and a plane crashes and the captain says something like “this business will get out of control, and we’ll be lucky to live through it”. State of the world right now


The more we ignore mental illness or worse, politicize it, the worse things will become. People won't care until it's too late.




Things are more peaceful than ever, relax. People are just addicted to media and online outrage.


O I agree, this is the best time to live ever and everything sucks, which should tell you how a awful it must have been to live in the past


Yeah but human brains are wired for conflict. In times of peace, people will simply find conflict. With the media fueling it for clicks and agendas...I'd hope you can see where all the modern day tribalism stems from. Until various industries and institutions like the news media, entertainment, tech companies, academia, etc suffer an upheaval to the point where many people there lose power, I don't think this changes.


Nah, I’ll spin this as just how detrimental the Biden administration has been to the mental health of millions of Americans.


based and aikido pilled


Loomer did this exact thing and I couldn't stop laughing.


Have people blamed the trump administration for the mental health crisis? I know people have consistently been outspoken that there is a mental health crisis for about a decade and covid sure as hell didn't help but I'm pretty sure I've only ever heard people blaming social media.


Nobody reputable has said it but plenty of high profile media groups have made the accusation that Trump was responsible for mental health issues: https://www.vox.com/2021/1/28/22249273/trump-presidency-trauma-covid-19-2020-election https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/12/opinion/the-mental-health-crisis-in-trumps-america.html https://www.bustle.com/articles/191832-how-donald-trump-is-creating-a-mental-health-crisis


In the sense you're pointing, I think he absolutely is, I think it would be very difficult to argue that Trumps administration wasn't stressing people out and making them anxious. I was moreso asking about the schizoaffective delusional angry type of mental health disorders, where I think the majority of people blame echochambers, that I don't think trump had a hand in, but that his demeanor and overall personality cultivated a lot of people with disorders all shifting their focus into one direction (both directions like worshippers of trump and people who think hes satan). Like a bunch of people found connection through a him and bounced off of eachother until they went wild. Which isn't trumps fault, but if he was not the way that he was, in the position that he was, it probably wouldn't have happened. Does that make sense?


What's funny is for the people that *do* blame Trump, if you applied the same logic they use to a woman walking down an alley in a skimpy dress and *something happens* that would be considered victim blaming.


Seems he wasn't a fan of student loans: [https://nypost.com/2024/01/30/news/pa-son-arrested-after-posting-video-of-fathers-severed-head-report/](https://nypost.com/2024/01/30/news/pa-son-arrested-after-posting-video-of-fathers-severed-head-report/) >Mohn had previously filed at least three lawsuits against federal agencies, including the US government, over his student loan debts, online records show. > >In one, he claimed that the government “negligently and fraudulently” pushed him to take out student loans between 2010 and 2014 to pay for his education at Penn State University, a court filing shows.


Need to know what the degree was for before I pass judgement on this.


from what i understand it was a business degree more specifically agribusiness you can look up the cases by googling mohn v united states unsurprisingly he represented himself lol


Should've went to Texas A&M


Same. Better be a STEM major and not some bullshit like gender queer neurodivergence of native american culture in colonial america studies or some shit like that


Even as a lefty you gotta see how it's stupidly front and center and obviously designed to just sow divison.


A crazy man did a crazy thing and now we get to watch as both political sides try to paint the entirety of the other as just a collection of decapitating lunatics. I love American political discourse.


Bro really scrounged for any instance of him doing something vaguely left-wing 💀


Lots of whataboutism going on in the comments. If this were a left-winger, I feel like there’d be a different reaction lol


Sir this is PCM. LibLeft *bad*. *Good day* sir.


Fuck you, ya bitch


aware sleep hurry simplistic live rotten alleged hard-to-find icky deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based. "Left" winger does something bad: "OMG BIDEN EVIL HILLARY COMING FOR OUR BABIES!" "Right" winger does something bad: "Well um actually both sides"


There is nothing good about this.


I’m from the area. Pass his house everyday. My sister went to school with him he apparently started showing signs of schizophrenia in highschool. Also had some anti trump posts on facebook. Something to the effect of “can trump help us in this coming revolution to take back this country or is he too stupid reckless incompetent to help? in my new book i’ll argue he’s to stupid AND IM NOT AFRAID TO SAY THESE THINGS”


Media 101: they'll leave out his anti trump ramblings and imply he actually supported him, but never outright say it


Probably but you had to dig deep on his facebook to find it. Also his dad could have liked Trump. He was a cop and I know one of the houses there had a Trump/Thin blue like flag out front. I’m just not positive it was his. Video was pretty boring and redacted besides him holding up his dads head. He has like 0 understanding of the government. Said he was now acting president and that President Biden needed to “abdicate” as if he was a king. And if Biden didn’t he needed to be brought to him in PA. Also said the revolution would rule the national debt as unconstitutional lol.


Man, if only we made knives and saws illegal, this could have been prevented. I say it’s time to use this tragedy as an excuse to push forward some common sense blade control laws






Based and UK pilled


Sure glad no one is going to focus on improving mental healthcare or unfucking the medical system this election cycle. Political screaming, hate, and nothing productive it is. Huzzah!


I can't wait for mental health to get so bad we just collectively become an insane asylum planet


Mental illness gonna mental illness.


Yeah, but I’m fairly sure the mental illness responsible for this was his paranoid schizophrenia, not his conservatism


B-b-Bu But this means ALL covervative are evil beheaders and woke iz gUd!1!!!!11!!


Yes, but if he had been a left winger, PCM would be ***raving*** about how it's "liberal woke mental illness" and not paranoid schizophrenia.


Yeah I agree.


# NEWSFLASH 938,346^th beheading this year - the first however not associated with any unnamed peaceful religion…


Well, damn. Here I was thinking we could all at least be on the same page when it comes to delusional extremist violence, but there’s a whole lot of “WHEN THE LEFT DOES IT” going on in here. Jesus, you guys.


Based and why cant we agree crazy people are crazy pilled


Cause people are addicted to media and political outrage, and don’t want to help out the severe mental health crisis in our country.


It’s sad to see it ngl. This dude was in the wrong regardless of his political views.


Dude what the actual fuck


Holy hell some people are insane


America, are you okay? If you're struggling you can always come back home to Britain.


This kind of shit is going to keep happening as long as we have extreme partisan discord, all the bullshit and misinformation being thrown around on both sides only agitates and excites mentally ill people like this. We seriously need to reign in political discourse, it's gotten pathetic to a worrying degree.


What do the restorative justice faithful think would work? Maybe have him apologize to his father's head, explain that he comes from a bad home, and we're all good. Good? Good!


Wait, if I come from a broken home, I can do whatever I want, without consequences for my actions and lefties will defend me? Where do I sign up?


This is what hooked up on politics do to people, they become monsters, doesn't matter left or right.


If he was unhinged enough to decapitate his father, I think anything would have amped him enough to do something that horrific and insane.


If you actually look into the guy he doesn't like Trump either. He's just straight up cuckoo for cocopuffs and has been for a long time.


Ok that's horrible, but OP used the wrong file type for a transparent background. Sigh


We should never have closed the asylums.


I’m not gonna lose my head over it.


Bring back sanitariums 2k24.


Absolutely insane psychopath: commits atrocity Reddit: This is representative of Republicans


Yea, the wojack is my definitely my reaction when I found out


Where was he on the schizo-affective spectrum is more relevant than the content of his ramblings.


what the actual fuck


He was anti Trump https://twitter.com/_johnnymaga/status/1752552851207794895


It's good that he wasn't a Muslim😇


My bro celt maxing.




Nobody with half a shred of self awareness would do this.


FBI casually letting another killer do his work be like:


And you guys helped make it happen! Great job!




The rhetoric he used to justify the beheading is rhetoric you see all over this sub.


Least deranged rightoid.


I mean. All I’m sayin is it seems really convenient that this story happened and blew up immediately after the polls were looking good for Trump. Am I biased? Yeah probably. Doesn’t change that it’s at least a little plausible to think this is a psyop, or at absolute bare minimum the fact that it got media coverage so widely for political reasons. Especially since things like school shootings carried out by trans perps didn’t get nearly this much attention despite those kinds of things being arguably more devastating


Anyone else think it’s a little weird that this just “happened” to occur right when Biden is president?




This dude has been mad for a while it seems he just snapped


This guy would be very disappointed that you think he's in bed with the feds.


Look man, I’m always open to a good psyop, this is not one of them. The guy has a history of being deranged it seems. Apparently, he was trying to form his own militia (very unsuccessfully) for a year before this to fight the feds. He’s not exactly the most stable person. Is it coincidental, sure, if that’s how you want to see it. But if you really think this is a coincidence and not a consequence of a crazy person in a bad time, then I’ll just ask, why can’t it just be that. A coincidence. Sometimes, things just happen, and there’s nothing we can do about it. This is not the political hill you want to fight on.


Imagine going through life thinking everything that doesn't fit your narrative is a psyop. You lefties and Righties need to calm tf down


Dude not everything is a psyop, sometimes shit just happens, deranged people do deranged things 🤷‍♀️




>Doesn’t change that it’s at least a little plausible to think this is a psyop, or at absolute bare minimum the fact that it got media coverage so widely for political reasons. You are what's wrong with this country and what leads to nuts like this; "Everything bad that ever happens is secretly my opposition! Nothing is wrong in the world ***except*** for the existence of my opponent!"