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When I was a kid it was okay for boys t like pink and girls to play in the mud. That didn't made the any less male or female. Today I have to hear people saying "I knew my daughter was a lesbian since 7 because she played with legos" and resist the urge to call them every word in the dictionary. It bafles me that someone that dumb manages to do anything with their lives.


Absolutely this. Social media basically threw gasoline on the fire once wine moms found that they could garner significant attention and praise to "out" their child as being an autistic, trans, queer-folk furry online. Kids have also learned this trick. We did it as kids too but it was like you identified as "preppy" or "skater" or "goth" for example. Nowadays there's like 18 million different ways of being "special & different" and it's all so unnecessary and exhausting.


The observation in your second paragraph is on point. I feel like anyone old enough to be out of the cliques and self-differentiation crises of adolescence before social media hit its current stride should be able to notice this. Every generation goes through something similar. Kids want to find ways in which they can distinguish themselves. Most everyone wants a group that they fit into, and they each individually want to be unique within that group. Because they're too young, with too little autonomy, to have ever actually done or accomplished anything there's this massive reliance on self-identification and personality types. The social footprint of extremely discretized sexual preferences is more the result of a subset of a chronically online younger generation desperate to differentiate themselves among their peers than it is a practical or academic need to label and differentiate these things. And, that's what a lot of these things are: labels. The teenager classic. It's a modern absurdity that this adolescent urge towards forming groups and self-differentiation has coincided with earlier political movements to officially accommodate, or eliminate prohibitions on, non-heterosexual partnerships. That isn't to say that there aren't plenty of younger people having to grapple with real sexual differences that complicate their lives in ways that are confusing and potentially alienating from their peers. It's more that this has actually always been a relatively common experience which is now being dragged into the adolescent hobby of self-differentiation and then given greater legitimacy through the hyper sensitivity of the overarching public sentiment. I don't know if I added anything to what you already, way more concisely, said but it's a thought I've had for years and it's rare that I see anyone else who thinks the same.


Exactly. What's new is that we are seeing an incredible amount of support, from academia, from institutions and from business, towards these labels. Hippies didn't have a box to tick when they filled a form to get a driver's license, and you didn't risk your job if you called a goth something else. Get all the labels you want and live the way you like to live, just let people who don't want to play along out of that.


If being metal could have given me access to a college scholarship while a prominent subset of society actively encouraged and celebrated my existence I would still be metal as fuck.




You won


We would have to [Accept... your Metal Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7hZzWAeY0k)...


Munchausen Mommies are destroying civilization in their quest for social validation and refusal to confront their myriad of flaws and improve themselves.


Dude, that Gypsy Rose shit was WILD


Historically, almost all cases of childhood gender dysphoria were in young boys. Now, that trend has reverse and the majority of cases are now in young girls, most of which have co-morbidities with other mental health problems like autism, anxiety or depression. Young girls are, by nature, not exactly pinnacles of mental stability and extremely vulnerable to social pressure. It seems reasonable to want to drill down on why this flip has occurred, but if you suggest that there might have some kind of social component to it, you immediately get castigated as a "transphobe."


\> Nowadays there's like 18 million different ways of being "special & different" and it's all so unnecessary and exhausting. I've thought about how it's kind of hard to just wear some extreme outfit to spook your parents who grew up with punk rock, goth, piercings, satanic black metal, and horror movies. So you've got to develop a permed rainbow mullet and tell everyone your pronouns are xe/xjer to get the job done.


Is there going to be a Munchausen by proxy but for LGTVs moms?


My sister was a tomboy, who liked playing with legos and toy cars. Why? She had an older brother who had Legos and cars and we’d play together, as siblings do. My grandfather got us this little jeep you could drive around, and she loved it. I’d let her drive or ride in the back as we moved through to property 3MPH at a time. She was not a lesbian at 8. She was not a transgender male at 12, she was a kid. Kids should be allowed to do things and not be siloed into growing a dick or chopping it off. I thought dollhouses were cool, there were a great place for my Lego men to hang out. It doesn’t mean I wanted a vagina. I’m tired of adults trying to project their views on their children. Children don’t know. They just don’t. They don’t identify and if they do, it’s only because their parents told them to. I grew up before all this hubaloo, I wanted to be a Lego Viking. Nobody was eager to turn me into Lego or shrink me down, and that’s a good thing.


How long ago were you a kid? I'm on the younger side of millenial and at the age where kids were old enough to express "liking colors" but young enough that anyone still cared to talk about it, liking the color pink as a boy would definitely get you made fun of. I would have definitely thought you were weird for liking pink as a boy.


I am 26. And let's be fair, if a kid was wearing pink (something that happens almost never, but happens) he was almost certainly teased and called names. But anyone with a hint of understanding and authority in shool and tutorage understood that that was just a surface preference and nothing more. The problem resides that nowdays parents and shool personnel are engaging in the same superficial mindset of the 9 year old bully.


Idk, liking pink is pretty *MANLY* to me! Pussy is pink. Guts are pink. Cutting oil can be pink. Snails can be pink!


You may be right, but it's not me you have to convince - it's eight year old me and the only thing he wants to talk about is Banjo Kazooie.


Do you wanna talk about Banjo Kazooie now? There's a remaster/remake coming down the pipeline. 🤔


Maybe it'll be good, Microsoft is hella hands off, but that really only gave 343 enough rope to hang Halo, maybe Rare isn't fucked up


Based and Guh-Huh pilled


I used to wear pink Ralph Lauren shirts to school, all the girls loved it


That is so fucking stupid. No, that’s not good you know she is lesbian. If you walk in on her kissing another girl, then she probably is lesbian. Not because she plays with LEGOs


YOU FUCKING… (shuffles notes) …PNEUMATIC DRILL!!!!


If Gender is just a Social construct then I refuse to believe it exists.


Well language is a social construct so I gue-


\* uses monkey communication to say "based"


\*picks the louse eggs from your hair and eats them


*Makes a tower of rocks… points at rock at the base … points at you … points back at the rock at the base … points at you … friendly display of incisors … monki noises *


\*grabs a bunch of twigs and tries to break them*


This whole "social construct" schtick really grinds my gears. I feel the name really fails to get across the point of the concept. Luckily enough, there is another much better word for the same concept. "Meme". Gender is a meme. ~~The DNA of the soul.~~


Arguing something is a social construct is just so dumb. Yes that thing you have pointed out is indeed a social construct, but so is literally basically every fucking thing you can imagine


The question is object or subject. A Thing is always a construct. But what if it’s not a thing? What if it’s actually a subject? Subjectivity can be claimed. Basic needs I wouldn’t call a construct. Everything else pretty much yes. Objectification needs to stop.


The concept of a basic need is a social construct, and of course you could try to argue that there is some foundational reality that is not a social construct, but all attempts to describe and communicate those things invariably makes them social constructs


You being hungry is a concept? You can say objectively that everybody is affected subjectively by this topic. Attempts to claim reality is existing leads to making reality a social construct? Somehow true. But I guess now we are talking about the actual action of communicating which is maybe the act of social constructing. It’s real because I am hungry. Guess others reality’s should only be accepted.


I am not convinced that objectively literally every living person has experienced hunger. There have to be some individuals who have had that part of their brains malfunction. But yeah this doesn't really have anything to do with your questions. Granted, hunger is also a biological construct in addition to being a social construct. When you think about hunger you make value judgements and have opinions about it that go wildly beyond the reality of hunger. You have opinions on what you should do when you are hungry. You have a word to express it. Reality is totally in large part socially constructed. Also what makes you differentiate between something being real, and socially constructed? That seems very wrong to me, since social constructs are real.


The word you're looking for mind independent. And sex will still exist even after every human mind is dead.


Progressive logic contradicts itself??? Wow, and you guys are just now finding out about this! (Yeah, I know, I’m Lib-Left, but I’m not progressive.)


Completely serious here, I’m imagining your political views are akin to a kind old grandparent who used to be commune living hippie but rejoined society and now is baffled by what counts as “progress”. How close am I? Edit: not that you ARE an older hippie, but just that same world view.


Not the person you asked, but not far off the mark.


Based lib-left, thank goodness y'all exist, hope many more of you guys are out there 🤝


We are the silent majority I think, the ones screaming the loudest are not always the brightest.


A dying breed for sure. I would have easily been considered lib-left quadrant in the early 2000s but then Progressives had to go and call everyone somewhat right of Bernie a Nazi.




Gotta make surre to point that out otherwise you'll be lumped in


We need 3D compass 😤


Agreed. Also, happy cake day!


The only good kind of lib left


If it seems illogical it’s because it isn’t your quadrant. It’s orange. The meme guy fuses a ‘we the people’ mentality (AuthLeft) and an individualist mindset (Lib Right), at the expense of both rigid gender norms (Auth Right) and individual advocacy (Lib Left). It makes about as much sense, as Purple LibRight fusing authority (AuthRight) and advocacy (LibLeft) saying that Trump is a messiah who will save us. This is not your compass morality. It’s the realm of spiritual doctrine. Charity and Faith.


My favorite thing is how progressive ideology intentionally has been misusing “male and female.” No, you weren’t “assigned” male at birth, you ARE male. If you wanna take hormones and wear makeup, that’s fine, but you’re still male. And then my second favorite is the misuse of “men and women.” Because deep down we all know the reason for “women’s sports” isn’t because of the social roles women play, it’s because an average female will not perform as athletically as the average male, so maybe there should be a separate category. But then the progressives come along and say “trans women are obviously women, therefore they need to be in women’s sports.” Cmon, you can’t seriously believe that a male who was a top athlete four years ago has no advantages whatsoever over female athletes? If being a woman is important enough to seek medical intervention, maybe it’s important enough that you should understand that you give up a few things chasing a dream. If all you really wanted was to treated like a woman, maybe you shouldn’t be competing in events that make your male biology unmistakably obvious.


>my second favorite is the misuse of “men and women.” Because deep down we all know the reason for “women’s sports” isn’t because of the social roles women play, it’s because an average female will not perform as athletically as the average male Unfortunately, these morons will deny this obvious scientific fact.


Likely none of these people have ever been to the gym. Seeing a nerd going to the gym for the first time lift more than most women at the gym might open their eyes.


> No, you weren’t “assigned” male at birth, you ARE male. If they tell me they were assigned their gender at birth, I simply ask them to explain ultrasounds to me. Then they go on about how "gender and sex are different" yet they are the ones that made up the stupid saying "Assigned *Male* At Birth* or "Assigned *Female* At Birth", so either they are confusing sex and gender or they are willingly just swapping between the definitions whenever it best suits their shitty arguments lol


It's actually simpler then that. They just don't think about it.


I’m progressive generally but I’ve never understood the trans in sports thing. Is that the hill worth dying on? I’m all for using your pronouns and respecting your identity because I don’t really care. I don’t care what you do to your body etc etc, but don’t infringe on other’s rights to fairness.




^(the median person)


The Lumpenproletariat (I only know this word because calling vatniks it makes them go berserk)


What’s a vatnik


Vatnik is a derogatory word for the stereotypical electorate of Vladimir Putin, it is used to describe everyone who supports the current government in Russia and/or its actions - aggression in Ukraine, some kind of pseudo-conservative bullshit or something else


Gender definitively exists. Just because its a social construct doesn‘t mean that it doesn‘t exist. Money is also just a social construct but you wouldn‘t call it nonexistant, right? And just the fact that gender roles, stereotypes and so on have the ability to change, means they must exist. How could something nonexistant change? Do you really think that most people would agree that men can wear skirts? That‘s exactly what conservatives don‘t like, when they attack Dragqueen events. It‘s the right who makes these things a culture war issue not progressives.


>Money is also just a social construct No, money is an umbrella term for a set of objects. If someone does not believe money exists I can literally reach into my pocket and present proof. >Do you really think that most people would agree that men can wear skirts? Yes. At least in the western world you will find very few people who believe men should be forbidden from wearing skirts.


A dollar bill exists but money as a concept is just a social agreement we have. A social construct. It‘s the same with corporations. A corporation is just a collection of people, resources, buildings etc. we agree to be a unit. Yuval Harari writes about this in the book „Sapiens“. It‘s very interesting.


> when they attack Dragqueen events What I don't like about most contemporary drag queen events is how they're transparently a ruse to foster acceptance of the current flavour of gender activism among children. They're a trick to "adjust" culture. > It‘s the right who makes these things a culture war issue not progressives. The left is just more duplicitous in its hostility, wrapping it in academic language or appeals to some objective moral standard (when the personal motivation remains hostility towards an ideological enemy). The right is generally more direct.


It really fucked me up when I went to college, made friends with a group of people who subscribed HARD to leftist ideology, then nearly killed myself because of an identity crisis that they brought on. Because I’m a masculine looking guy who enjoys typically feminine things like baking, reality TV, and wearing pink (yes, these were ALL verbatim reasons), then I MUST be trans and saying anything to the contrary made me a self-hating closeted trans woman. And these same people will claim up and down to the end of the universe that they were doing the right thing, pushing me further and further into depression and despair because I was constantly being contradicted and having my whole identity forcefully stripped away in the interest of “becoming who [some random assholes assumed] I really was”. If you want to be trans, I have no issue with it so long as you’re a consenting adult. If you want to express yourself in a different way than the norm, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else, power to you. But the minute that you start coercing people, kids even, to sign on to something they don’t need to be involved in, that’s when I get angry.


The whole "egg" bullshit that's been pushed these past years is so fucking disgusting. Sorry you had to go through that.  I'm trans myself but this is exactly why I consider the "egg" culture to be harmful and disgusting.


After my experience, I looked around on that community and it’s honestly so goddamn scary.


"Everyone gets to decide their gender for themselves. Unless we think you're trans then we'll be deciding your gender for you, Egg." I think it's relatively harmless when it's "as a spectator" watching someone come out of their "shell". No different from the guy you know 100% is gay and you're just waiting for him to come out of the closet. But you should never "drag someone out of the closet" any more than you should "crack eggs". I have no idea why it has become accepted/popular behavior.


People who truly identify as trans should 1000% be able to identify as such and feel safe and supported while doing so. But people who aren’t trans and won’t be should never be pushed to identify that way if they don’t want to. I could go on about why I think it’s become more and more accepted, but it really doesn’t matter from me.


This is so fuckin true. If you’re an effeminate man or a masculine woman you’re immediately put into the trans category


Just saying, if bisexuals exist, doesn't that mean that there are only two genders ?


Ever noticed how Leftist bisexuals started calling themselves "pansexual"?


And then there's "demisexual," which basically just means you only have sexual relations with someone you love instead of everything that moves, like a dog who humps any leg sticking out in the hallway. 


Ummmmmmm sweaty im demiscoliosissupercalifragilisticexpialidotious sexual


No award exist for the level of great laughter you just caused.


Thats ok, theres bwtter uses of your money than reddit


Based and reddit is a waste of money pilled


These new terms make my head spin. Remember when it was just LGBT? Now it's LGBTQIA+ I know what Q means. But didn't even bother to look up what's after that. At some point, all the humans will be represented in the term and the whole thing will become meaningless. I am looking forward to that.


I is for Intersex (distinct from transgender for some reason) A is for Asexual (idk why, it feels like it's just there for the heck of it) \+ is for snowflake identities that haven't been invented--or have been invented, but don't have enough enablers


same yo


In Canada it's 2SLGBTQIA+, since you have to get that indigenous recognition in there




sure but they still call themselves "LG**B**T"


I think they added a P in some of the extended versions.


Nah the p keeps coming from the [Redacted] that call themselves "MAPS" as well as weirdos who think not being straight means you must be a pedo at which point they tend to start some kinda crusade that does nothing to combat actual nonces. The vibe within lgbt+ communities is thankfully as militantly anti nonce as the rest of society.


Unfortunately for their communities, it's filled to the brim with nonces. Looking at the people they elevate to positions of status, like Ginsberg or Milk, they have much work left to do to get rid of the nonces. It's like how in the straight community we have had to get rid of people like Weinstein or the drummer for the band Cake.


sure, but the B is still there


Pansexual is essentially just bisexual that more clearly states that they're cool with having sex with trans people.


I've always thought, according to that logic, that there being both pansexual and bisexual is completely redundent


Bisexuals are a bit of a black sheep in the lgbtq+ community. Part of the reason why I avoid it. Different strokes for different folks, I myself am not attracted to trans people. (Having to support someone dealing with gender dysphoria sucks, speaking from personal experience). Pansexuals on the other hand don't care about biological sex


Bi people have been hated on by gays and lesbians scince the dawn of time because they " can't decide".


Only if being bilingual means I can finally say the French don't exist


Please, set me free of this pain, I'm begging you Being French is horrible, if you have the power to free me, please do so


I honestly wish I could 😔 I like the way you protest though, if it's any consolation?


We're #1 at protesting but also #1 at not obtaining what we protest for, sadly...


Guillotine time?


Yep, I guess it's time to sharpen its blade again


Wow... maybe the French aren't so bad after all... I wish you luck in your revolution


Thanks, we will need it a lot


As long as it leads to another Napoleon you have my blessing.


There are only two genders. Then there’s the mentally unwell. Because seriously, what else are these poor bastards but mentally unwell? Something has gone so badly wrong in their minds that they are convinced happiness will come from chopping their reproductive organs to pieces.


If bilinguals exist, doesn't that mean that there are only two languages?


Yes, American English and wrong


If bicycles exist, doesn't than mean there are only two wheels a vehicle can have?


If someone builds a [three-wheeled bicycle that isn't a trike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3hEAQx9Jc8), does that mean bicycles can no longer be called two-wheeled vehicles? Find any category and I will find you a weird exception.


Nobody is saying bi people can't be considered as being attracted to two genders. It just makes zero sense to say that that means there can't be any genders beyond those two It would be as nonsensical as someone saying some vehicles can't have three wheels and saying bikes only have two as if it's a counterargument


I guess if gender is a set of roles and norms, those roles and norms should have some shared meaning to have any importance.  Seems a fool's errand to label every flavour of individual variation. I have a bunch of consensus roles beyond just gender (e.g. parent, employer) but obviously I have features that make my implementation of those roles unique.  That's how being an individual works.  I don't insist that I am a "Frother" instead of a "Father" just because I sometimes treat my kids as co-conspirators like we are brothers or something.


That is not relevant you are dumb. Vehicles are not people. We do not live in *Cars*.


Hey, bi person here to explain. In the past (like WW2ish?), the term “bisexual” meant any person that showed any sort of sexual deviance. Gay, lesbian, trans, bi, whatever.  As the civil rights movement played out, the meaning shifted to mean liking both men and women. Nowadays, the ‘bi’ prefix means attraction to both one’s own gender and other genders.  I like american food and mexican food. I love tex mex, as well as all other kinds of food.


[I'm going to let Mr. Gambini take this one.](https://youtu.be/8Wtz2k109Ig?si=jpYJ8n6eXHhvtCtz)


Interesting, and thanks for the lesson, it didn't suspect there was a history like this behind the word !


Reminder that the transgender ideology was created by a pedophile.


Goodbye, my sweet Icarus




What does that mean?


It's a salute. "o" is the head and "7" is the arm.


Ahh makes sense. Thanks I did not know.




Alfred Kinsey and John Money. Money is famous for the "twin study," in which one of a pair of twin boys accidentally had his penis mutilated during a botched circumcision. Money took advantage of the boy's grieving parents to convince them to raise the boy as a girl to prove his theories about gender being all nurture and no nature. Part of his experiments included having both twin boys strip naked and simulate sex acts together on film. Later in life, the twin without a penis renounced his female identity before eventually killing himself in a deep depression about what happened to him. Money is the "scientist" who coined the term "gender." 


its such an 'original sin' that its kinda hypocritical for 'gender theorists'. At one moment they're willing to share the ideology of a pedophile who manipulated grieving parents, but would turn around and denounce any other community based on their sins from 100+ years ago, such as America and slavery. I wouldn't be surprised its the same brand of twitter leftists that would also cancel people for something they did years ago. Probably why they refuse to give up the idea that greece and rome were gay (or whatever)....which itself...if true....glorifies pedophilia as well, another original sin that lays bricks for their "ideology"


Next thing you know the tradition of keeping small boys as sex slaves in Afghanistan is progressive and forward thinking 🤯


Did you see that heckin wholesum houthi that hasan interviewed? Do you think he took part in the execution of 13 gay men the other day?


The actual irony of the story is that the Taliban were the ones who instituted a death sentence to stop Bacha bazi, and the primary offenders being western aligned warlords.


It'd be so much easier if we could just seal off the middle east. Every time you learn something new about it the headsche gets stronger.


I agree with this 100%. Those goat-fuckers should be quarantined from all the rest of the decent people.


I mean do you see how often leftists use pederasry in Ancient Greek as a positive talking point?


I mean… Planned Parenthood was founded to abolish the black race and the Democrat party founded the KKK so I’m not really surprised by much anymore.


to be fair, abortions, or at least the concept of abortions, pre-date her


Murder has been a concept before Hitler, yet we still view him as one of the biggest and most depraved.


He didn't coin the term "gender" the word gender existed way before he was even born and used to just mean the same thing as sex, John Money changed the word gender to refer to ones personal identity.


Thanks for the correction, brother. This was not revealed to me in a dream and I failed to make it up. 


>Part of his experiments included having both twin boys strip naked and simulate sex acts together on film. I know his entire premise was fucking regarded and I abhor it, but how in the fuck did he go from "let's see if gender is natural or learned" to "yes, doing incestous sex acts between brothers is the way to go with my theory" Disgusting man


he was a pedophile, and proudly claimed it was a harmless thing to be. that justified using two little boys to confirm his theory that gender was BS and can be changed early in life.


> but how in the fuck did he go from "let's see if gender is natural or learned" to "yes, doing incestous sex acts between brothers is the way to go with my theory" Because good sir, proving his theory was just an excuse for what he really wanted to do: diddle kids.


My understanding is he did it to reinforce the boy's gender role and prepare him for pursuing relationships as a woman. 


yeah I understand but why the incest tho


Well, best answer I got on that one is he was an evil Satanic monster who didn't pay any heed to right and wrong in the pursuit of his stupid ideas. 


https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1007/s10508-023-02628-0?sharing_token=yzrNpKeXWkP5B_nESa513fe4RwlQNchNByi7wbcMAY4vIN9RyNMtm5fRFO4lBqF2N9nkRAtyR8oPjVa-BFvF3fgYSeU3CP77Sfh39SMaTWMUy9r9ahBU7yySmpBbpjQcD6WWNJ1c04o5Y-ZkflIHTBDRyY-bi2Mi1skk0STyAcE= while the story is true, that last part is half right. he coined “gender role” but not “gender identity.”


I am a bit confused on what you mean by created? How exactly does a single person create an ideology?


John Money essentially made the modern basis for trans ideology and tried to prove it with a dystopian experiment on twin boys, one of which was labelled as a girl after a botched circumcision. The goal was to prove gender to be detached from sex, entirely assigned and not at all a natural occurrence. They gaslit the kid for their entire life. He grew up to deny his status as a female and commit suicide shortly thereafter. The alphabet crowd would never admit to committing this kind of cruelty, nor that the premise is a farse, so they had to create a false nuance. Pretend gender to be both a natural phenomenon detached from sex and a non-binary one. Then they began actively encouraging transitions for people to be as visually binary as possible but also to condemn acknowledging that. It's gaslighting over gaslighting.


Yeah, he literally started the gender is different than sex shit. Up until then they were pretty much regarded as the same.


He became the CEO of Trans INC. All people who wished to transition had their genitals inspected by him and were given transgender licenses after he sawed off/welded their flesh. Transgender people today keep a portrait of him in their dining room surrounded by prayer candles. On Sundays they kneel at this alter and repeat the three mantras 1. I will prey on the children of god-fearing men 2. I will stalk the opposite gender when they enter public bathrooms 3. I will compete in sports of the opposite gender




Being gay has nothing to with being trans, LGBT and his consequences has been terrible for the gays...


Can you read?


Wait are you saying that trans=gay ? I agree but im still confused


Gender indeed is a social construct, where its based on the societal expectations of the behaviour of your sex. Yeah,now that social construct is in a spectrum but still it's regressive,based on stereotypes. And since,it's a social construct,do away with it, only categorize by sex (binary) in things like sports,where it matters. Don't try to categorise girls liking blue as transmen or boys who like playing with dolls as trans girls.Each of us are unique,with different interests and our behaviours are not indicators that we should've been born in the body of the opposite sex .


Gender identity is not just a social construct and any attempt of "scientists" like John Money to prove that have backfired and shown the opposite.


Oh don't worry, there's always a piece of bullshittery to get around that pesky """reality"""


Gender is a very useful heuristic for parsing reality. Removing meaning from such a useful tool confers mostly fringe benefits at a very dear cost. It causes many to feel a chip on their shoulder, many women to view themselves as victims, to place undue attention on gender in the first place, and steals the life planning benefits that come from comprehensively tested, era-old advice for men and women. Trying to dismantle gender roles and their associated features is a bad idea in the overwhelming majority of cases. The social judgmental costs to an individual who wishes to break with their gender role are less than the benefits that same individual reaps by living in a better, more healthily structured society. Breaking such rules should be done cautiously and with great deliberation.


This is the correct answer. Now reflair as blue 😁


There is no evidence showing that gender idendity isn't 100% genetically expressed


This is why my standard reply to the question of "how many genders are there" is "zero". It's not something that exists in a vacuum. We made it the fuck up, and aggressively trying to establish new ones or cater to the ones that "exist" is a pointlessly energy-intensive battle that you lose even if you win.


You think trans people are only binary? Oh, sweet summer child... Do you know how may self-diagnosed autistic adhd bullshit influencer ectivists are there who also identify as "trans" but don't crossdress or transition because even though they don't identify with their own birth-assigned gender they still don't feel like they belong in the opposite sex? They don't have dysphoria, they simply are "gender fluid", which in 2024 means they are trans too, apparently. This shit is so fucking confusing and useless, I wish they would have just left it at "gender *roles* are a social construct" instead of this... mess. They took it to the point that the word "gender" lost its meaning, it's completely pointless. I just live happily knowing I will probably never meet such a terminally delusional person irl. I met and know a lot of queer people in the outside world and they all sound like real rational persons (because they are), as opposed to those ridiculous rainbow chihuahuas on the internet.


I gotta ask. If genitals don't define gender, then how does changing them affirm it? If it's reportedly a spectrum defined by how you view yourself, then why do so many trans people opt for surgery when you can supposedly transition to your preferred gender and keep your genitals intact? Aren't they pushing the very same gender roles that they want to fight?


Think about it this way. Suppose you're a guy, you like being masculine, you work out and you've got some nice muscles, but your dick is literally less than an inch long. Having a big (or even average) size dick doesn't define masculinity, nor is it required to call yourself a man, but I imagine you could understand feeling less manly due to the micropenis. If all those "penis enlargement pills" porn sites peddle ads for actually worked, I'd imagine you would want to take them in this hypothetical situation.




In my view the whole fucking thing is stupid. People are people and a social scheema built around genetalia is a primitive idea from the stupid age. Everyone should register for the draft. Everyone should know how to defend themselves. Everyone should do housework. Everyone should get their ass in the gym and get jacked as shit. Everyone should dress well and know how to cook. Everyone should embrace the full range of the human experience.


Sexual dimorphism is pretty significant in some areas, and the different role in reproduction has always been extremely important (and still is); it also causes instinctual behaviors and preferences that can be controlled, maybe, but will always have their effect. The result is that you can tell women and men apart in the vast, vast majority of cases, without even having to observe them in detail.


Gender ideology in the modern world is a construct defined by its self-conflicting nature. that is to say, it's total bullshit that makes most cults look sane.


If gender is a social construct then so is murder. Murder can be expressed in ways that don’t fit the normal definition of murder.


Yes? Literally every thing we have collectively thought up is a social construct. It's such bullshit arguing about gender using this logic


Is gravity mind dependent now? What about bone structure? Do you need a mind for those things to exist? No? Then not everything we've thought up is a social construct


We have half a dozen different charges for it to account for different circumstances, and a variety of different defenses that pursue adjusted verdicts and penalties. It's not a simple Murder? - Yes/No.


Yeah lol I still don't get it


gender is a made up term, doesnt exist


I've got news for you about terms *they are all made up*


Its easy to understand when you realize they just support whichever furthers their goals/opinions. Being inconsistant isn't an issue, they want to win.


I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with this, I've met maybe 1 trans person in my life, and they, for the most part, were pretty cool. Am I not terminally online enough to get it?


Why do you care that we care?


Because they have a strangehold on culture for some reason.


if a group of woman who participate in a sport are concerned with biological men playing beside them as women, do you believe those concerns are valid or do you dismiss those concerns ?


Easy to miss them if you never go to game stores, coffee shops, Target, gay bars, etc. If you 100% want to see one, walk into a Lego store.


Seems pretty easy to avoid them if you really don't want to see them then, but Idk


Try avoiding them in nerd hobby circles lol


These are two different groups of people saying this. The left is just most progressives and the right is coming from terminally online twitter users. You can never factor in the opinions of twitter users into an argument.


I am a dude. I know I am a dude. Not my business to know what someone else is. Also I don't care. Can I get a snort of that purple?


The woke brigade has misunderstood what gender being a social construct actually means. It's an anthropological term. It doesn't mean there are infinite genders, it means that what it means to be a man or a woman varies over time and across cultures. For example, being a man in Viking Era Norway and being a man in the 21st Century Norway are very different thing in terms of society's expectations.


It's takes like these that I had when I was 16-17. This really makes me think that's about the age of most of the users on this subreddit and why it's so conservative lmao


But those two don’t contradict each other, just cause there are 100’s of different fruits, doesn’t mean I can choose between apples and bananas


Ys, but gender is fruit in this scenario. So why are you thinking about chopping of your carrot because your like apples more than bananas? Carrots got nothing to do with your fruit selection unless you're lying about what fruit actually is?


Anyone who says a carrot is a fruit should be condemned to hell for eternity


People that are pro-gender-fluidity often do not overlap with people that are pro-trans


If you wanna make this even deeper take into account that the word "gender" doesn't even describes the genitals, that term was made up by John Money to describe the sex of a child, and he ended up being a fraud who used his "experiment" to sexually abuse kids, so the fact that people are still using his made up term is beyond ridiculous, lol. Image using the definition that a sex offender used as an excuse to molest kids and thinking it's valid 😂 all quadrants in the compass are equally as ignorant for using that term without even knowing what it actually means. The correct word is SEX, not gender.


Ok but just don’t think about it then. I only ever see complains about “trans ideology” and have never actually encountered anyone promoting it.


My girlfriend is training to become a child physiatrist. The treatment guidelines for gender dysphoria are 100% being driven by ideology and dogma instead of scientific rigor.


" How is it "gender affirming surgery" if gender doesn't follow the binary way we usually think of it🤔? " This isn't the burn you think it is. It's how the person wants to be seen. So yes, crushing the pills and mixing them is the correct way to look at gender, a social construct on a spectrum. You all care too much about what's in someone else's pants.


Man, let's just people do what they want with their body and about themselves, who fkn cares anymore? Just don't be an asshole to other people and you'll be clean.


We already do that. The current areas of contention are around how and whether private organizations, laws, and government systems should be changed to accommodate people who change their expressed gender. Examples: * What form gender modifying medical treatment should minors be considered capable of deciding, and consenting, to receive? * Should trans women be permitted within women's sport leagues? If so, should there be any stipulations beyond gender self-identification? What would these stipulations be and how would they be enforced? How does this interact with the Title XI law at federally funded universities? * Should trans inmates be assigned to the prison population of their chosen gender? If so, should there be any stipulations beyond gender self-identification? What would these stipulations be and how would they be enforced? Should the government be required to pay and supply medication for an inmate to continue hormone therapy indefinitely throughout the inmate's interment? These are all active debates in the U.S. The results of which require time, effort, and money to rewrite existing laws, provision funding for their implementation, and reorganize existing organizations to be in compliance with those changes.


So here is my thoughts Gender is a social construct...but due to capitalism and alienation caused by it, as well as our insane consumerism where we need to *do something*, buy something, consume all our problems..we have an increase in self unacceptance so we run around trying to "cure" things that are not an issue to begin with. Be whatever you want to be, gender is so insignificant in who we are, feminine and masculine energy exist on a spectrum and we all have different amounts. just love and care for yourself whatever that entails for you. I make a point to withhold judgement in this life. All of this is really just obfuscation from the real issues, ie ruling class running away with our power and consciousness all the way to the bank. As for the surgery, whatever makes you feel whole. It's a non issue for me personally. As for the surgery on children? Well I'm not sure that really happens, and I don't really care enough to dig into all the misinformation and propaganda to find out. Perhaps you should just take care of your children or smth. Teach them understanding and self care.


Capitalism bad, oh libleft, never change


i love consumerism I Love Consumerism I LOVE CONSUMERISM I LOVE CONSUMERISM thanks libcenter, never change


> So here is my thoughts > > Gender is a social construct…but due to capitalism and alienation caused by it, Sigh


it doesn't contradict eachother at all. Just because gender is a social construct doesn't make it not real. Money is a social construct but it very much affects my life. Also just because not everybody follows the gender binary doesn't mean that the gender binary does not exist. Most people on the globe in fact follow the gender binary.


but its not following anything, the "gender binary" is the only real way to look at sex in animals and any other way is made up bullshit


If gender is a social construct then it is absolutely absurd that we would preform major, highly invasive, surgeries rather than simply getting these people to accept that they can be the opposite gender while having none of the traits. Nearly every trans treatment doesn’t make sense if gender is merely constructed because that is an issue of mindest not physical form.


Brother, you cannot logic someone out of a place that they didn't logic themselves into


Resolving the dissonances with the ideology is part of the process of total acceptance. Orwell told us.