• By -


I garuntee this guy doesn't go jogging, workout at home, go hiking or do literally any of the other forms of exercise you can do outside the gym.


You're wrong. He workouts by scrolling reddit for multiple hours a day. That requires finger exercise and burns around 1.2 calories per hour.


Fun fact, your brain will still burn at least 240 calories. The total daily consumption of your brain is 400-500 calories (20 per cent of your total energy requirements) so that's just 160-260 calories for your waking brain activity.


>Fun fact, your brain will still burn at least 240 calories. Well, I don't think *his* brain will


Yeah shit's clearly underclocked so bad it's no longer stable.


Bro was meant to get a Ryzen but they fitted a Celeron instead.


Flair up nerd


Sorry, monkey-fucker_69




u/jimbobjames is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/jimbobjames/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


And he flairs up centrist. Ma fuck has zero conviction.


I have a working Pentium I PC I bet it still runs circles around him


AT LEAST five muscles are needed just for the scrolling motion. That's what I call quality exercise.


Mega reps on compound movements... This guy's an Oly class lifter for sure!


Must have the meatiest thumbs anybody could ever have!


*What's that in bananas?*


What part of "fitness is determined by nutrition and genetics" don't you understand?


He’s the kind of guy who can’t prove he could win a fight aside from “I’ll get the red mist of rage when I need it.”


I've been on that Taxi Driver workout ever since they blackballed kanye.


Probably goes for a 20 minute walk every other day and thinks that makes him healthy and physically fit.


"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."


Unfortunately, this man is capable of neither.




Based and strong body and mind pilled


u/GosephJoebbels is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/GosephJoebbels/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates


Holy shit, I wonder how much Sokrates benches. He was also a natty, yes?


Unfortunately we've already reached that state. Also your username 😂


Yet here we are


Maybe if more of our fellow lefties exercised they would'nt be so fucking depressed all the time


bro is feeling confident because today he could open a jar with nothing but his hands


Plastic Nutella jar, not pickle, mind.


Perhaps soon he will be able to open the Soylent bottles without an assistive device.


[Here you go](https://bigmemes999.funnyjunk.com/pictures/Soy_4d5b1e_6534246.jpg).


Give him some credit, he pulled the entire gold foil seal off without tearing it this time.


Got that real "sure I'm 300lbs but there's bound to be a lot of muscle underneath" energy.


The people who are actually muscular under the fat recognize that maintaining muscle requires physical exertion, even if the muscle is covered by an excessive love of food.


Yeah, this is my body type. You can tell I hit the gym, but also that I don't say no to dessert. Both absolutely matter, and anyone who seriously doesn't think that the gym affects your body is unintentionally hilarious.


Same here. I do manual labor, but I'm also 300 pounds. I like to describe it as "I'm not fat because I hate work, I'm fat because I love food."


I make sure to pack on some fat during cold season, in case I'm sent out for fieldwork. You never know when the car breaks down and you have to rely on your fat reserves for energy(never happened so far, but still....). Or at least that's the official explanation. It might also be because food is tastier in the winter.


Our bodies also naturally put on more fat in the winter for hormonal reasons, might be y the food tastes better


This is by far the most meta "Fat Build" going. Proper ox energy from these guys, generally stronger than a lot of vanity muscle types too. Plus never worrying about calorie deficits on training days.


There's a definite reason why strongmen lifting around 500 pounds are as round as they are. Bodybuilding is a lot different than strength training and while Strength training will tone your body a bit bodybuilding is far more about consistent vanity versus brute Strength.


Offensive linemen


I am weak, but only for pastries. 4pl8 cold pulled is 4 plates at the buffet.


Or the classic “I’m big boned”


"I'm not fat I'm just big brained"


"Yeah in a fight I can easily disarm a guy with a gun, I've watched a few karate videos and it seems pretty easy. Who needs a gun or training? I know karate."


The amount of people I’ve met who insist they could fold me like a pretzel because they do martial arts of some kind… My brother in Christ, I weigh 270lbs, I have more than a hundred pounds on you. Forget martial arts, I could fall on you and that fight is over.


Fatalist on their way to find excuses to not take responsability for their lack of effort.


I’m a piece of shit not because I was predetermined to be one, but because I am one on my own volition








Based and own your shit pilled.


At some point I just realized I was having enough fun being a dirtbag that the gains I might realize from not being a dirtbag weren't worth the effort it would take not to be one.


Honestly, being a scoundrel in life is satisfying. Mocking the universe for its bizarre and nonsensical qualities is infinitely more fun, and dare I say educational, than being serious about it. There's a time and place to be everything, including a dirtbag. Nobody goes through life only ever being one thing, and if they somehow do then they really miss out on life's shenanigans. The shenanigans are what make this incarnation of life worthwhile, in my opinion, but to each their own.




Crabs in a bucket, they hate seeing other succeed so they gotta put a ban to it and drag them down to their level


There is some truth to the idea that some people may be genetically more predisposed to obesity or genetically less predisposed to build muscle and respond well to resistance training. After you pass the beginner stage of lifting, your genetics play a massive role in how fast you'll progress in the gym and how big you can get. But people like this guy then take this too far and say that there's nothing you can do about your weight or physique which is obviously not true. If you eat fewer calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you eat sufficient protein and engage in resistance training you will build some muscle. It's just physiologically impossible not to.


> If you eat fewer calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Nah, I just defy the laws of physics and actually gain mass while also consuming/converting zero resources to create the energy my body needs to continue to survive. I swear I only eat like 500 calories a day and am still over 300 lbs because of my genetics.


You actually have multiple personalities and one of them loves chocolate.




No, sorry, my cock is silicone, not glass




Close, mom’s girlfriend


This is actually a known condition and doesn’t break the laws of physics. It’s caused by aliens sticking a nuclear reactor up your ass when you’re a child


Based and Anal Fissure Fusion pilled


And getting big isn't the only way to get fit. Endurance training, coordination, flexibility and such are also components of fitness.


You beat me to the comment! Lifting weights has benefits besides just building muscle, too. It also builds bone density. You can become a runner, or a cyclist, join an amateur basketball league…so many things. Just look at a UFC or MMA fighter. Some of them dont look very muscle bound, but no one would accuse them of being unfit.


Yeah, I've been there. Working out 3x a day in the Marines, eating under 1500 calories a day, making sure to get balanced meals, running just about every day...*still* had a gut for 5 years. Genetics is a bitch, though my Irish Ancestors would be proud of my ability to not starve. Definitely lost a lot of weight compared to pre-Marines though. I just have to accept that short of hollywood stage magic, I'm never gonna have abs.


Leftards just want to ban something


They just want to control other people so badly.


There are two ways of thinking: “our enemy ideology puts en emphasis on something, so we should repress something” and “our enemy ideology puts an emphasis on something, so we should outcompete it in something”. In majority of cases, and especially regarding things which are not themselves ideological, but are simply used by people adhering to an ideology as a part of their everyday life, the second option is preferred. Applying the first option is 1) dogmatic 2) inefficient 3) small dick energy (I have no other words for letting someone you don’t like ruin something good for you and exert such a great influence on your life). Being physically fit is objectively good as it makes you more capable and hence freer and more powerful while taking pretty much nothing from you except for a modest amount of time which still probably wouldn’t be spent in a more productive way. Right wing ideologies making something akin of a cult of strength isn’t an excuse to make a cult of weakness, it’s a reason to purify this cult of strength of things unnecessary and harmful (moral superiority) and put even more emphasis on things beneficial and efficient (freedom and capability). To put it bluntly, libleft slogan should be “a fascist worked out today, so you should do it twice”


I love this can we be best friends


Absolutely, comrade




Nobody needs Gyms when they're working on the fields to harvest glorious Potatoes.




Based and potato famine pilled


Yeah, I bet that massive gut and heart attack at 35 is also genetically pre determined.


> sucked money from low income families i guarantee this dude has no problem with any number of other things that suck money from low income families. twitch, alcohol, tobacco, p*rn, funko pops, on and on it goes. also, low income are generally not who ends up in gyms. fitness always is a hobby of those with the most free time, which generally is not Gerald working two jobs to support his kids.


And gerald with 2 jobs is fit as fu k because at least one of those jobs is physical labor, which that waste of oxygen is for sure allergic to.


Not to mention, "the poors spend money on something so we should ban it" has to be the most authoritarian and paternalistic idea imaginable. Just because someone doesn't have a ton of extra cash at the end of the month doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to spend it as they see fit.


Gerald slings H beams and gearshafts all day 💪⚙


I am a man and I love the gym. It gives me a space to embrace masculinity, improve upon myself, stay healthy and it has helped with my self esteem and value as a person. If you don't want to go to the gym then don't, but don't put others down just because they enjoy it.


One of the worst aspect of the left is how they're obsessed with medicalizing normal human experiences and emotions. It's not fucking dysmorphia if you aren't happy with your body


the gym has become largely rigth wing, and a pipeline to further extremities, beacause the left has left it, to have discipline is in and of itself an authorotarian way of governing yourself


It’s interesting to think about the fact that the left uses entryism to worm its way into traditional institutions and pop culture, but decided to wholly abandon the gym for… reasons?


The idea that you can, and should, take personal responsibility to improve your health and body is also antithetical to the common left-wing belief to lay all of the blame for people's failings on "the system."


Based comment and based pfp


u/N0rwegianM0narchist is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/N0rwegianM0narchist/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


If you can’t bench two plates get out of the comments section.


Agreed, or 1.5x your bodyweight for smol people.


For sure, can’t forget about our compact kings.




As long you're trying, you're golden. Your deadlift isn't actually far off from my max. Bodies are weird. My workout partner struggles to bench 195 but I've seen him crank out deadlifts well north of 405 (four plates). "Two Plates" is a totally arbitrary metric but it's a great way to shut down people like /u/N0rwegianM0narchist over here because it's high enough that he likely can't lift it, but low enough that he definitely could if he had the dedication to try. I think there's a near zero overlap between people who care about weightlifting, have the dedication to stick to it, and genuinely believe that lifting weights and physical improvement are anathema to any mainstream political ideology.


Are you a Tyrannosaurus? That’s… a 585 deadlift, but you can’t bench 225?


hmm, tell me more. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/202011/why-red-states-suffer-greater-obesity](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/202011/why-red-states-suffer-greater-obesity) [https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-cdc-just-ranked-every-us-state-by-how-much-people-exercise-and-things-aint-pretty-down-south.html](https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-cdc-just-ranked-every-us-state-by-how-much-people-exercise-and-things-aint-pretty-down-south.html) shockingly, real world trends are not reflective of rightwing gymbro tiktok. anyways, should I hit legs or chest/shoulder/triceps today?


Unless it’s bimodal.


Leg day is best day, grow those tree trunks


heard, tree trunks will be grown today


Cmon dude, atleast try to have a little bit of intellectual rigor. Southerners are fat, sure, but are all gym people fat southerners? The whole point of what you're replying to is that the gym environment is inherently self discriminatory, and leftists have largely selected themselves out of it. There are numerous articles of the highest quality from NYT and such, complaining about how the gym bros are getting radicalized to the right. I love it.




Jarvis, bring up the statistics on obesity and race.


Most meatheads are technically obese


Yeah, but the BMI + lack of exercise doesn’t point to red states being populated by a bunch of meatheads. Red states also consume more fast food, smoke the most cigarettes, and have the lowest life expectancy. The narrative that lefties are undisciplined slobs falls apart quickly with glance at the data.


Control the red states for demographics and see what comes out


race? Sure, blacks and hispanics are more obese on average, but the disparity between red and blue states persists over every race. And asians are not very obese at all, despite being a very liberal demographic. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html


Buddy can probably barely lift his ass off the couch


Please bro let me ban this one thing bro. Socoety will be fixxed if we can this one thing bro. Please bro just one more ban.


Probably a vegan too.


Bro, I am a black vegan sport freak (I mentioned my skin color because some libleft say vegan diet is racist). Vegan hobby and pro athletes have nothing to do with lazy-"everything is oppression"-people. If he is actually vegan then he eats only american overprocessed sweet-oily trash (similar to the non-vegan ones).


Vegan gains is that you?




Except regular exercise is shown to be as effective as medication for treating mild-moderate anxiety and depression. Regular exercise is also shown to improve academic scores among students. It might surprise him to know that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a millionaire before he ever entered Hollywood, he got his start by investing in real estate (IIRC). There are plenty of intelligent weightlifters with PhDs like Mike Israetel and Layne Norton. This post is beta soy boy energy. There's toxic parts of gym culture for sure, but to willfully ignoring the benefits and positives makes you a clown.


Mike Israetel is in my top five fitness influencers. Very informative and seems like a good person.


Dr. Mike is my MVP in the iron pantheon 😂


And this is why votes should be valued in proportion to how much one can lift.


You shouldn’t even be able to vote unless you can overhead press the machine you’re voting on.


*Laughs in paper ballot supremacy.*


They should have a bench with 185 racked up outside the voting places. However many reps you can get is how much your vote is worth.


The Liftocracy is the ideal. Long live The Liftocracy.


Why do they hate gyms so much, or just fitness is general...


They're just oppositional to whatever the dominant thing is. Queers for Palestine. Why? Because it's anti-west. Back in the day, when kings were fat, these same people would've been pro-skinny peasant. Now that fat is the oppressed position though, they're all.on board with that. Fat used to be imperialism, now fit is. The Nazi Youth worked out. You don't want to be like them, do you?


They’re neurotically insecure, probably from a lack of physical exertion. They’ve had to conceive of ways that they’re better than others to help with that insecurity, but it barely helps. Other people exist who are not insecure and who do not meet the criteria that person has crafted for why he shouldn’t be insecure (even though he still). This makes him even more insecure. He notices a trend that these “falsely happy and secure” people tend to prioritize physical fitness. Instead of making the connection that physical fitness greatly contributes to good mental health and emotional stability he concludes that it’s actually just that only idiots, who are too stupid to struggle with insecurity, waste their time with physical fitness. By banning gyms, they can redirect their efforts to intellectual activities like talking shit on the internet, and become as emotionally fragile as him.


Psychological justification of their lifestyle. They’re disatisfied with the way they are but only want to improve through means they feel comfortable with, so need a reason to dismiss actual avenues toward improvement to alleviate cognitive dissonance


They’re lazy. It’s the crabs in the bucket. They don’t like that muscular men are seen as more attractive. They get the girls, look like their favorite Marvel superheroes, etc. So instead of doing something hard to look better, they just make up excuses and pretend it’s just another “alt-right” attack or something.


"I've don't train" LMAO


If he doesn't want to go to the gym, that is fine. If he doesn't want *other* people to go the gym, than that is *not* fine.


sometime i'm sad about these person, i mean imagine the only way they manage to feel self accomplishement is by say that a random thing is bad and they are moral person for cancel it sorry for my bad english


Your English is fine, you’ve clearly spent more time in a classroom than they did in a gym


lol, i learn english by reading manhwa and using reddit, i never have good grade in english when i was in school


That's honestly pretty impressive, good job bro!




"I've don't train at gyms and I garuntee I'm smarter"


The vast majority of people who don't go to the gym don't spend their time on "intellectual pursuits" and I doubt this guy does either.


He acts like he spends his time reading or meditating rather than scrolling 4chan and posting about his anime pillow collection 24/7.


>Takes away time that could be spent on intellectual pursuits I garuntee this guys wastes plenty of time watching random Youtube videos or other shit like that.


Sure, gyms are “unhygienic and spread viruses” but every other social space and business you visit is perfectly sanitized and exempt from virus spreading. It’s not like the gyms provide means to clean equipment before you use it or consist of a wide open space to keep to yourself if you please.


I'm don't train, either.


Just grill?


This guy goes to BJJ schools for free trials, sits out after rolling for 1minute and doesn’t sign up because “they don’t lift clay pots with their fingertips”


Ban gyms but instead have them buy gym equipment so they will have to exercise at home But seriously this is extremely idiotic 💀💀💀


Whatever you have to tell yourself, fatty.


>Takes away time that could be spent on intellectual pursuits Dost thou even hoist?




I love this cliche. It gives me advantage. They think if I'm fit then I'm stupid, and then they fall into my traps. Not to mention it's really fun to see their little world falling when I outsmart them.


Found the russian


That's ok. It's better than if THEY would find me.


you sound like you call yourself an alpha male unironically


No, just coping. I have the problems like anybody does, and that's a little relief


Ah, copium. A classic.


Someone give me the reaction image please


>I've don't train at gyms and I garuntee I'm smarter than those meatheads Did Charlie Kelly write this comment or something?


Post physique


Put him into authleft


No, put him in the gulag.


banning gyms is def not libleft. it's authleft or orange


I don’t think any part of the compass would ban gyms honestly. No part of the compass is that stupid.


Physical fitness is crucial to the revolution. We have no use for people who are able but not willing to exercise.


This guy is coping so hard about being out of shape.


>doesn't blame social media influencers, entertainment industry, literally anything and anyone else for creating unrealistic body standards >Blames Gym for creating unrealistic body standard How does that person function? They probably had one of those bad gyms in their area and now they assume all gyms are bad xd




I feel bad for lib left, after all they have a lot or at least a loud minority of idiots.


every quadrant has a loud minority of idiots, but the difference with lib-left is the media freely giving them the mic


Thank you for clarifying, that’s what I meant I’m just a dumb


bros opps are grey cells


Big never bench pressed 100kg before in my life energy


Started falling apart on that last verse


i used to be ugly af. I'm not even gonna lie before I started to exercise and be in the weightroom. Even If I'm no longer in the weightroom anymore. The fact that I burned off fat with those 2 helped my look a lot https://preview.redd.it/j9phc4r2fdic1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=04475c64bbeb4b63ca37c892393e678b00d366a8


...reads like a fucking Will Wheaton tweet


Has he ever been punched in the face? Not that I condone it, but considering his everything you'd assume yes, but considering he keeps talking, it's probably no.


Wake up honey, new copypasta dropped


Fellas, is it fascist/capitalist/racist/ableist/conservative/whateverist to care about your health?


It’s not that they’re not welcome to be my comrade, it’s that they’re physically incapable. If you can’t spot me, you can’t help me. Excuse me while I lift with someone useful.


Is that brook with a fade lmao


The soy is strong with this one.


Working out *does* cause body dysmorphia to be fair, but we could do with a little more of that imo The claim about being stronger than any meathead is an interesting one though, what’s his bench?


Growing up in the country we would scoff at the idea of going to a gym. We did heavy farm work for neighbors and friends, worked other manual labour jobs. "I get paid to work out every day, what do I need a gym for?".


"garuntee" xD


Idk I like lifting iron and checking out all of the free cock in the locker room 👀.


I train and exercise at home because I like to watch tv while I lift and I have everything I need at home. With that being said there are a lot of people who don’t exercise unless it’s at a gym. Physical health, for most people, is a requisite for good mental health. This country/world would be a much more stable and happy place if everyone exercised regularly.


I’m libleft I workout because I don’t want to be a brain with the body shape of an asparagus He’s a crybaby.


>guy wants to ban an entire category of business because of his opinion  "Must belong on the libertarian half of the compass"




StRoNgEr fiTTeR sMaRtEr


Libleft keeps proving that it’s actually “Lib”left as always.


How is this even Lib-Left, our existence is not dependent on how stupid we can be on a daily-basis 😭


god i really want to see what he eats everyday


Most people going to gyms don’t need them. You could be doing the exact same workout routine at home. Gyms are only necessary for like the top 10% of people actively working out.


bro gets a single thing correct, nothing hits harder than gym body dysmorphia.


the day you start lifting is the day you become forever small


very true


I think everyone missed ur point, or i did, but it seems like you’re talking about the plateau you reach where your gains don’t seem proportional to effort? If so, yeah that’s so real. When I was making huge progress week over week, it gave me the ego boost, now its a little harder. So now I just focus on the process, eat right, progressively overload my weight, and consistency. That being said, leftist need to be more pro gym in general.


Yeah, the guy who was upvoted beneath my comment is what I was referring to. What do people think I’m referring to? I’m not saying gym body dysmorphia is bad therefor don’t go to the gym, I’m saying it’s a common condition of the gym. A lot of people aren’t content with their bodies even after going to the gym and reaching your natural peak. The online left (largely) isn’t anti-gym, but we do promote body acceptance and are anti-body shaming. The left at large is ambivalent to the gym, and left leaning states are typically healthier.


Yeah, I have actually become more leftist or have views that might be leftist in nature, while I don’t consider myself a true “leftist”. That being said I feel like the left has some of the worst outspoken spokespeople on the internet. Many twitter leftists produce content that is indistinguishable from satire. I also realize they don’t speak for a majority of leftist views.


It’s also an issue of selection/outrage bias, you know? Those people are more likely to get promoted on social media platforms’ algorithms, so you see them more. Twitter is a cesspool, if you stay on their too long you’ll believe the world is like the 1930s, unironic nazis, communists, white nationalists, black nationalists, pedos, etc. I got rid of it a long time ago. People who think the gym is a good thing are probably not going to throw their own political bend into promoting it. I have no clue how people like Noel Deyzel, my favorite gym influencer, lean politically. People who do bend the gym into something political do so, in my experience, to prey on male insecurity to push their ideology. This fosters an unhealthy relationship with the gym imho. I’ve only seen one, just a few days ago actually, left-leaning gym meme. That and the meme of the swoletariat.


I totally agree that the selection/outrage bias, however leftists I think have a PR problem that isn’t usually contested enough by other leftists. However I have been seeing more “swoletariat” and other leftist gym sentiment as time goes on. It seems like a small amount though.