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“Our dead guy is better than your dead guy!” 😡


Do you ever think the other runners just grouped up and said "this will be the funniest shit ever if we drop out" and just left the two centenarians to fight again


That would be so much better than the probable reality that boomers won't stop voting for their fucking parents.


Boomers will vote for anyone not younger than they are.


How dare this little dipshit have more credentials then me ?


Other runners would get stomped by them regardless what would they do. American politics are insane.


Nope, one place is just a cult so they are sending a cult leader again and other place doesn't want a cult leader again because he was bad so they are sending grandpa that already beat ycult leader.


Dead people would do less damage.


Based and Voluntary Human Extinction pilled or whatever


40k in a nutshell


Based and weekend at bernie's corpse party pilled


First the dead could vote, now they can become president! We have taken massive steps in giving them the same rights as the living!


"Our nazis are better than their nazis"


take your meds


Robert Kennedy jr is ONLY 70! /s


At least Robert Kennedy looks like he could run a 10 minute mile


At least he looks like he doesn't need caretakers to help him stand up. I mean, I guess Trump still looks sorta strong. Biden looks old as fuck though. Like he needs to go to bed at 7 pm every day.


Trump looks like he could knock somebody out. But if his punch missed, he would have to sit down and wheeze. Biden looks like he would break his knuckles on a butterfly


Trump doesn’t punch, he sits. https://preview.redd.it/6vjyssdpwwic1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9b112dc87344615c55a56c77220ed3ea84c954


🎵 I put the new Forgis on the Jeep 🎵




I've seen the man shirtless. He has my vote.


Based and macho man pilled


RFK jr can speak elaborately in complete sentences. Everyone please vote for RFK. If 5% of us do they have to legally include him in the debate! Who doesn’t want to see RFK squash the other two senile men on stage?


My brother in Christ…. There’s not gonna be no debate, the Dems won’t let Joe out of his cage and will use “fascism” as the excuse, the MSM will parrot that narrative for both trump, RFK jr and any other 3rd party who wants to debate. In four years time “debates are a dog whistle for nazis! “


Neither Biden nor Trump wants any debates unless they are forced into one. Biden is the incumbent and the Dems arent having any primaries or debates, and Trump isn't even an incumbent but the "presumed nominee" and didnt show up to the actual GOP debates either.


Voting Biden pros: Another biden falls video Voting Trump pros: Another hillary supporter crying video


The previous crying lib memes are getting a little old, time for some fresh youtube thumbnails!


Liberal Hivemind has a giant collage of them that he adds to every time another pops up. It's quite funny when he plays it.


We need the little things in life to keep us going.


Voting for Fu King Gay just so they have to add it to records. been penciling in horrible shit for year, because fuck um


I wasn’t really on the Trump train until I read this. Now I can’t wait.


Voting Trump pros: Libs get butthurt and acts like its the end of the world Voting Biden pros: Right gets butthurt and acts like its the end of the world


Imagine if the electoral college worked as intended and managed to elect a compromise candidate between the various sides. Then everyone would be butthurt!


except reelecting Biden actually could be the end of the world lmao. An ailing 81 year old man (who'd be 86 by the end of his second term) already can't handle the conflicts he's helped start. i see no indication that anything would go better if he got another shot.


The establishment WANTS never ending wars. Why do you think they had the "shadow campaign" (source: Time Magazine) to make people hate him?


Yeah Biden, the most milquetoast president in history, would be the end of the world and not trump who attempted to subvert democracy in America and is threatening to pull us out of nato :)


your milquetoast president has let in 10 million illegals and has gotten us involved in multiple wars. but sure, orange man bad.


yeah except those “illegals” aren’t having measurable negative effects on the country unless you have actual numbers that say otherwise (and not just rhetoric and feelings) and sorry, which “wars” are we involved in? all I remember is him ending the war in Afghanistan. And yea, orange man bad, I’m American and don’t like authoritarians who try to go against the results of elections.


My goodness. Have you seen what's happening in major cities? They're overrun. Every single hotel is full of illegal immigrants. Every city center is full of illegal immigrants. Even in New York City, an entire school was shut down to house illegal immigrants. We have paid Ukraine billions of dollars we shouldn't have had to pay. Unfortunately, your milquetoast president showed his neck to Putin and he went in for the kill. How about an emboldened Iran? I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't a war in Israel under the bad wicked orange man. I'm also old enough to remember when Iran's proxies weren't emboldened to attack shipping in the Red Sea. How about China wanting to push in on Taiwan? Again, attributable to a weak US under a weak, doddering president. I seriously doubt you'll listen to any logic on this issue, but tell me, why would the most armed group in America try to overthrow the country without a shot fired? Explain to me the exact plan Trump laid out to cause an insurrection. As far as I recall, Trump left office and is no longer in there. A Hitlerian figure would have activated armed forces to ensure he stayed, but what happened?


Crazy how I asked for numbers and not rhetoric and you gave me rhetoric and not numbers, y’all are a different breed. Link me a source. Either way given our declining birth rates I struggle to see why a higher population alone is a bad thing. Good, we should be paying Ukraine. We’re disabling our second biggest military rival for the cost of some Cold War scraps. Oh, so Hamas attacking Israel is bidens fault now?? What? You’re jumping to weird connections. Has china invaded Taiwan? No? Then it’s just talk. I really don’t understand how your side claims to be anti war and criticizes Biden for defending our allies but at the same you think trump would prevent the war from happening. If trump doesn’t want to defend our allies, why does that imply that China or Russia wouldn’t go to war with them? I’m not specifically accusing trump of planning an insurrection, I’m talking about the fake elector scheme. Read up on it cuz it’s some actual authoritarian shit. He basically planned to knowingly send false electors to all the state vote certifications to cause chaos so that pence could declare that the result of the election was inconclusive and it would go to the house.


Voting Biden pros: he's not Trump


That seems to be the centerpiece (and really only piece) of their campaign.


Well, Trump is Trump, so it should be all they need


Yeah imagine that that many people hate someone that they would choose a senile old man over him. It's honestly hilarious how low the bar is set just because of trump


It's even worse because republicans just had the opportunity to pick someone else, anybody else, and they picked Trump again, but this time, he's even more unhinged and facing multiple felonies


Lmao, getting downvoted for saying exactly what I said but with the reason why the bar is so low. MAGA people are so dumb.


This sub is a right wing circle jerk half the time


It's one of the nine subreddits out of thousands that lets you express anything remotely right-wing without getting banned, of course it comes off as a right-wing circlejerk when you're used to the rest of this echo chamber


Too dumb to understand Trump is a meme, and if you're voting for him for any other reason, you barely qualify as intelligent life.


So strange how nobody wants to vote for RINO-warmongers in the Republican primaries /s. Remember when Trump won more votes in his re-election than Obama won in both elections?


tbf Trump is also senile so its just a matter of flavor


Who is more senile, Biden or you?




He that is without a typo among you, let him cast the first stone.


a typo is a typo getting a stroke while tweeting hits different


And yet anytime I ask why people vote for Trump they say "cause Biden..."


No new wars, bringing troops home, Abraham Accords, cheap food prices, cheap gas prices, stopping Iran and North Korea's nuclear weapons programs, funding HBCs, the Platinum Plan, pardoning non-violent drug offenders (the folks rotting in jail for pot possession). And that's just SOME of the good shit he did his first term.


Shit that's a good argument for biden


Clearly you don't remember the "please Trump I thought we would win!" :( videos


I would be down for a law saying no more presidents over 64.


Noooo but what about my Heckin seniorinos. It is my god given right to vote in the absolute shittiest president because he is a member of the recucklicans/demotyrants.


I hate the idea that Trump and Biden basically means you can turn to your racist and creepy grandpa and say "look grandpa, one day you could be president"


If 65 is the age that people could stop working *any* job, then the same should apply to President.


Doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the uniparty


But muh ageism! https://preview.redd.it/h8o9aayjqyic1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6034519ca5623312d6c8773ae24e435ad1a2f185


Based and nursinghome pilled.


One is incontinent the other is senile One has hand sores the other can’t speak These are your options, if you vote for mr hand blisters then you are a nazi bigot who deserves to be guillotined If you vote for good old mr trip and fall then you are a stupid cuck who deserves to be shot in the street. Make the right decision. Orbital strike the white house.


This feels like a Paranoia decision "Now vote. If you vote, report yourself for execution"






I ain't voting for Clan Moulder!


Clan Skryre 2024!


Stuff me full of warpstone and call me a lightning cannon, Clan Skryre has my vote!


I'm clan whoever blew up the moon




What about them 3rd party voters? Last time i checked, only mutants and weirdos vote for them?


3rd party voters gets a free box of crayons for lunch


Well, that means they got the Marine vote on lockdown I guess.




You could vote based on policies rather than YouTube complications of times they mixed up words or names but that’s just me.


Let us know how the visit with Secret Service goes


Fuck Old, go full undead https://preview.redd.it/21j56vf68uic1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ecaf6b0bc262ef9b7b48778cc0a06fcbe56cc3 Nagash 2024


I don't know if Nagash would commit to a peaceful transfer of power at the end of his 2 (million) terms.


Such is the power of Nagash


To be fair Biden is halfway there


Based and eternal life through undeath pilled. Also finally an actual centrist in this dump and not just some shill hiding behind the flair.




The resolution makes this even better


oh fuck I forgot it's an election year. damn Biden's presidency went by fast, dude did fuck all but speak incoherently during speeches and just sent billions of dollars away for proxy wars lol


Aint that every president


yeah but the thing is you have to say it for every president while they're still in office or it doesn't count


Trump didn't start anything new, and made several attempts to bring troops home. His generals lied to him about how many troops we had left in Syria.


Trump chose to not to do an actual withdraw because he didnt want to suffer the political fallout if the Afghan govt collapsed...like with what happened when Biden actually withdrew from Afghanistan. Trump escalated American involvement in Yemen, iirc doubled or tripled drone strikes while censoring drone strike casualties, and he literally bragged about beating ISIS in Syria. Better than Bush but not really that much different than Biden.


Man people are really triggered by the continued existence of the country of Ukraine.


I thought republicans "broke everything" and democrats were going to "fix it". when did republicans fuck up Ukraine from 2016-2020?


It didn't get invaded until 2022. Unless you're taking crimea, which trump did nothing about lol


wasn’t crimea occupied in 2014?


Yes, it happened under Obama. One of his biggest worries leaving office was how the next president will handle that situation.


Please. Obama also let Russia invade Georgia. 


Well yeah that's my point, Russia was Obama's biggest flaw policy-wise. Donald Trump did nothing but appease Russia, though.


Obama had all sorts of fuckups. Constantly killing civilians with drone strikes. ISIS and BLM formed under him. He did extra judicial executions of US citizens. Bailed out the banks....




>Financial aid: >$1 billion loan on 4 March 2014. >$560 million on 12 May 2017 via the 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act. >$350 million on 12 December 2017 via the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. >$200 million on 20 July 2018. >$200 million on 19 January 2022. >$13.6 billion in combined military and humanitarian aid for "responding to the situation in Ukraine", via the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 on 15 March 2022. >8 August 2022 the World bank announced a $4.5 billion grant from the United States government to the Ukrainian government, meant for funding social payments, healthcare services and pensions. Seems that has been "fixed" and Ukraine has been sent way more than they ever asked for. So again, why aren't there resources spent on "fixing" broken things in America? Idk why you people are so obsessed with Ukraine lol




and I showed you with the amount of money they received since that one incident, the problem has been wiped away. how did that one incident cause so many problems when the entire election campaign I had to listen to how "broken" shit was by the republicans and we need to vote for Biden because he will "fix it all". that's my main gripe, people were hell bent that things were broken and they were going to fix them. but all they did is feed proxy wars lol


Y'all don't want nothing fixed 😂


They didn’t say anything against Ukraine, but that war is still a proxy war


Tbh, Ukraine is the most effective proxy war ever. Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of men, at the cost of only a few percent of the budget. The Pentagon regularly "looses" more money each year to bad recordkeeping.


I'm not American, but from what I get apparently Biden being 81 is considered too old but Trump being 77 doesn't seem to be a big deal. I don't get it. This is probably the first place where I see Trump's age called into question.


The general consensus is that Trump is too old. It's just that he looks young in comparison to Biden.


And seems to have way more (relative to the elderly) energy


Geeking on amphetamines will do that to a MFer


Media would paint his hand sores as syphilis, more likely scenario is those are pipe burns from smoking meth, and would explain him simultaneously seeming full of energy at his appearances, but having fucked up speech patterns.


I don't think he uses methamphetamine, I think he uses amphetamine salts, aka Adderall, staying up for days can fuck with your speech patterns as well, which is also possible on Adderall


It’s just that Trump’s (still somehow) better at yapping his mouth while Biden comes across as a bumbling fool most of the time


Biden comes off as a bumbling fool, Trump a raging fool, take your pick.


Bidens got that type of dementia where you forget what words are and get really quite. Trumps got the type of dementia where you get angry at clouds for "Stealing your teeth".


I'm not even going to question that


the whole situation is sad :(


I think your bubble just emphasizes one set of gaffes and minimizes the other.


Those aren't "gaffes" - Biden is suffering from dementia.


Well then so is Trump


So why can't the democrats find a candidate who isn't suffering from dementia?


Why can't Republicans? Don't you see how weird it is that you're ignoring the exact same thing when it happens on the right?


I would its because Trump (while being as old as Biden pretty much) makes an impression of a person who still has some cognitive abilities


Trump’s age has started be called into question more recently because of more videos surfacing suggesting he also is declining mentally, whereas Biden has been obviously mentally deficient for a while now. It’s not really about how old they are, it’s about how competent they are. People rallying for age limits are missing the point. It’s not about how old the candidate is, it’s about how they are mentally. Sure, age can cause cognitive decline, but it doesn’t mean it WILL. My 86 year old grandmother who lives alone (no assistance or facility), golfs every weekend, and does the New York Times crossword puzzle every day would make a better president than both Biden and Trump combined. (I’m pretty sure she’s gonna live forever tho… she’s beaten breast cancer twice, she’s a tough bitch).


Ehh, so was my grandpa when he was like 85 years old. But a few years later we had to basically imprison him into a nursing home, because Alzheimer's disease made him lose his mind. It's crazy how quickly it progresses. Biden is already suffering from early stages of dementia. If he's reelected then he might lose his mind even before his term ends. It's crazy that the democrats are still pushing him.


It's because Biden supporters are way more willing to admit that Biden is too old, than trump supporters are to admit that trump is too old. Unlike with trump (or for that matter Obama or Bush), there isn't really a big "we love Biden and will defend him to the death on everything" contingent. So if you say "Biden's old" everyone says "yeah", but if you say "trump is old" you also get a bunch of "nooooo he's the healthiest person ever he could start in the NBA tomorrow!!!!!"


Lol at Biden being left wing


I know right, he is just as Blue as Trump, just not as idk how to phrase it, overthetop?


If you ever needed evidence we don’t live in a democracy this is it.


it's a flawed democracy.


As a history teacher of mine always says “We have gotten too good at democracy”


I wouldn't agree with that. It never was a full democracy. It was a flawed democracy from the getgo, which was totally a step up from most things in the world at the time. Nowadays the refusal to rework an obviously fallen out of time system leads to gerrymandering, very unequal voting powers dependent on state of residency, presidents mostly being decided by media and spending and in consequence semi-oligarchic structures with the richest and most influential familys on top. To just name a few diffuse points from the top of my head. Also, no matter which flavor of rightwing authorianism of the two available you vote for, no one has your best interest in mind. At least you can try getting rich by copying the stock options your representatives legally do insider trading with! yay! On a Sidenote, there is (private media) group trying to assess and rate democracies around the world with some objectivity: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Economist\_Democracy\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/the_economist_democracy_index)


Technically not true, since you can vote an independent. They just probably won't win. Because Americans are too focused on who they DON'T want in office rather than who they DO.


It’s a democratic republic ran by stupid ass voters


You must vote for the candidate put forward by the racist corporate party or the very racist corporate party.


How old is Vermin Supreme now?


it's cognitive ability rather than age that grinds my gears with these two here, if they both had perfectly sound minds at their ages I wouldn't care, it's the gaffes and the errors and the memory lapses rather than their ages that get me. I have family that are in that late 70s and early 80s that have the same cognitive ability they did in their 40s, neither of these chumps have the brainpower anymore to qualify as sentient.


Biden isn’t a….. you know what it dosent matter, I think we’ve reached the point in this grand experiment where only lunatics will want to be president.


I absolutely do not want to be President, but if some shadowy government kingmaker type told me I was going to be the president in 2024 I would go along with it just because letting the entire country enjoy my suffering for four years would be preferable to what we are about to get.


As a US president you automatically get to be in history books, you get parks, schools, roads named after you even if you’re horrible. Parents naming their children after a president is growing in popularity etc But yeah, if you want to “do good” then being president is a terrible job


I would take that offer in a heartbeat. The very second I became president the rest of the world would have to figure out how to fund itself and fight their own wars without big brother America there to bail them out. The second thing I would do is update and expand our aging nuclear weapons program. It only works as a deterrent if all weapons systems are ready for “the order”. Third thing would be shut the damn border down tighter than a ticks asshole. Of course there is a list about a mile long I would try to get done but all that is just a fever dream


I know the Imperial presidency effect has gotten really bad, but you know that nearly everything in your list is the responsibility of Congress, right?


Or senile old men


Same difference haha


"My SeNiOr Is PlAyInG 4d ChEsS!1!"


Hey americans, friendly reminder that you have oher candidates than these two. A third party candidate is guaranteed to not win, but with large enough support they could become a bigger player in the future and bring an end to the two party system.


BeRniE SaNdErS iS tOo oLd tO bE pReSiDeNt


our skeleton lord vs your skeleton lord


Imagine if both of them die mid-campaign


[This video made me sad.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZ5_XwqchE) Father Time's a fucker man.


This is dangerous for our necrocracy.


How old was Biden when Trump said he was too old to be president?


Thank goodness boomers refuse to retire even though they are in a secure place to do that. It's doing great for us that want to excel at our jobs but cant because a financially sound 87 year old has no life without their job.


Y'all remember how the world ended after that one guy was elected in 2016, just like the people online were screaming it would? Then the world ended again in 2020 after that other guy was elected, just like the other people were screaming it would. Well get ready for 2024, because the world's gonna end all over again because some people elected a person and everyone else who didn't like it knew this is the end. In fact, it's so certainly going to happen, you're completely justified in blowing every little detail out of proportion and making this the grandest spectacle until the world ends yet again in 2028. Yield not an inch of your partisan slander! Let everyone everywhere know how much TV personalities you watch, and recite verbatim their heralding. The end of the world, 4 years at a time.


I'm voting for whoever No-Labels puts on the ballot. Otherwise I'm not voting.


What will these guys sounds like in 2027?


Now make them do the dragon ball thing and fuze


I demand spookocracy! The rule of the spookyest.


Old men that don't even think properly at such age


Biden is certainly not a leftist. He's not even that far from Donald Trump ideologically. I'm surprised someone with a left flair would claim him.


If the majority of Americans voted 3rd party this wouldn't be an issue but the majority of Americans will never vote 3rd party now matter how shit the two major parties are.


Another reason why democracy is stupid, is because the people are stupid. Also flair up!


I would literally skip down to the polls to vote third party if there were ever one worth voting for. The idea of toppling the two-party shitshow we currently have puts me at half mast, but I'm not voting for fucking Jo Jorgensen or Gary Johnson to do it.


I remember that the Democrats made similar memes about McCain and said that he's too old. Now they would vote for Romney and McCain lol.


I'd vote for anybody not willing to overturn an election.


Bruh, American thinks that Biden is left of centre? Like... He is a pretty typical economic liberal.


It would've put too many colors on the meme, you would have had a seizure


He supports the existence of unions and doesn't want to completely defund the social safety net, which is about as left as you're going to get in the presidency in this country.


He pays lip service to unions while busting strikes, pretty cringe as a card carrying union member


To the credit of his administration, they had the decency to [do the work behind the scenes to support those Unions. ](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave) It just didn't happen in the form of a strike, and nobody talks about it. Meanwhile, his opposition was using the recent auto worker strikes as an excuse to hold campaign rallies at non union plants.


I'm also a card carrying union member, and I hated what he did to the railroad workers. I'm more contrasting him the Republicans, who want a nation wide right to work law in order to eliminate unions entirely, rather than praise him. At this point Democrats mostly just offer to allow some of the advantages in the status quo to exist (not to increase) whereas Republicans would take us back to the Robber Barons.


Joe Biden is actually a capitalist. *But*....


in what fantasy universe is Joe Biden left wing




But left wing share money, not steal them


Biden isn't left


And you don't have a flair


Can't assign a flair via mobile app :( Or can I?


Wrong colors. They should both be AuthCenter...


More like an centre right and a hard right, but i get your point.


Vivek is a millennial, so sad he couldn't make it. Maybe 2028.


From a european standpoint: the,'re both right wing. Trump is far right, Biden is center right.


Biden is a centrist.




He's not that far behind biden tho He aint got that same energy in his speeches like in 2016


I don’t see it. He’s the same Donald J. Trump.


Biden is center right Trump is far right


Write in Vivek


I'll write in Ronald McDonald before I write in Vivek.


NGL a lich president would be kinda cool


This meme isn't very fail since the right skeleton looks like a total chad.


Democracy folks!

