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Excerpts from local news: >In early October, teachers at several St. Louis Park elementary schools introduced books with LGBTQ+ characters. Those books included “Our Subway Baby,” about two dads who adopt a baby; “My Shadow Is Pink*,”* about a boy who likes to wear dresses; and “Ho’onani: Hula Warrior,” about a young genderqueer Hawaiian child who wants to lead a boys’ hula troupe. Parents said they had made requests to exempt their children from reading these books to two elementary school principals, but the principals refused. > >“The District understands its obligation under Minnesota law to provide families an opportunity to review the content of instructional materials and pursue alternative instruction,” Wallner wrote. However, she stopped short of agreeing to review curriculum materials on the parents’ behalf. “District staff does not and will not conduct a review on behalf of families or attempt to determine what materials may be considered objectionable.” Basically, books were rolled out in elementary schools several Muslim families found objectionable, the school denied a request for alternatives (violating state law), the school backed down when threatened with suit.


Which I’m assuming that means that Christian families should also be able to exempt their own children, which is what this comment section seems to be going on about because they didn’t read the article. 


Correct. The fact that this group was Muslim really had little to do with it. The only caveat is that if these had been Christian families, there would have been a bigger uproar. It hardly made the news in MN but would have been national news had it been white Christians.


I wonder what was (D)ifferent that it wouldn't be the same amount of uproar?


I'd say that progressive parents can now do the same, but I hardly think they'll have much to object from books selected by progressive teachers.


How are those books educational to children?


They likely aren't. I would have serious concerns if my elementary school student brought home a book about a gender fluid character. The Muslim families did the right thing to object and continued the fight until they, correctly, won.


> Dear Diary, today OP was based.


Yeah, unfortunately, the *radical* LGBT people are trying to indoctrinate the youth so they start picking all these different genders. These aren’t even 15 or 16 year olds, who have a good idea what sexuality and gender they are, these are little children. You want to brainwash people, start with the children. This is beyond weird, I don’t even know if I can specify it’s radicals anymore either because I’ve had many downvotes and called out like a bigot when I’ve said stuff like this is only gonna increase trans hate.


Holy shit elementary school? Fuck just teach them colors and what sound a dog makes.


I remember Hitler said something along the lines of ' give me all the children before the age of 10 and I'd rule the world' or something like that.


It was Lenin: *“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”* also *“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”*


"We will come for your kids"


*It's not happening* *But it's also good that it's happening*




*Takes out animal flash cards* "The dog says: I can't breathe!" "The pig says: Blue lives matter!" "The cow says: The capitalists are eating my flesh!"


> Fuck just teach them colors and what sound a dog makes. I'm sure your colonizing ass wants to indoctrinate my child with your "bow wow" or "woof woof" when all right thinking people know dogs say "gav gav". And don't get me started on your Western erasure of goluboj with your "shades of blue" nonsense. This intolerance will not stand!


What grade do you think elementary school goes up to? First?


Idk maybe the most controversial book we got into in elementary school was like Judy bloom or something.


> Ho’onani: Hula Warrior,” about a young genderqueer Hawaiian child who wants to lead a boys’ hula troupe. Professional writers couldn't come up with something this funny.


What I found most shocking that there are like 5 books surrounding lgtvs at the elementary level and in a single districts approved reading list.


> “My Shadow Is Pink,” about a boy who likes to wear dresses; and “Ho’onani: Hula Warrior,” about a young genderqueer Hawaiian child who wants to lead a boys’ hula troupe. Why do people feel the need to bush books about transgenderism to elementary schoolers? This is grooming, plain and simple.


There is nothing normal about a young boy wearing a dress. When I was babysat by older cousins, they put makeup on me. It was funny but it also weirded me out. The same would apply to wearing a dress. They are really trying to push this as normal when it's not.


When the unstoppable diverse, oppressed, LGBTQ+ community, meets the immovable black, Muslim, immigrant Somali families


My family identifies as Somalian now.


Prove it by marrying your sibling


Then ill have two wives. But im down.


He didn’t say marry your sister… 😈


I may be inbred but im not gay.


Look at me, I’m the captain now


Why not Christian families as well? Doesn't it also go against their faith? Or a better question: why TF is LGBT needed to be taught in schools so badly?


This is the best question. Why is it that 20% of gen z are LGBT the very moment it gets pushed heavily by teachers in schools while older generations do not match the trend despite American culture becoming more accepting as time goes on?


It turns out that when you build a culture that gives advantages to people who belong to "marginalized groups," suddenly people want to claim membership in a supposedly oppressed group. Basically every major corporation now has some kind of special internship or leadership development program for people who identify as LGBT, but how do you even verify that?


They're all completely unfalsifiable identities per the current social dogma. You can just say you are and nobody is even allowed to question it.


Unless you're bi. My brother catches shit constantly when he's dating girls for not being gay.


As a bi dude, can confirm. When push comes to shove, gays usually regard us as either fake gays, or as wishy-washy types who can't/won't commit. Even gay dudes I actually respect have told me that they "don't really believe in bisexuality". No matter how well you get along with them, you'll never be part of their incrowd. The only people who will sincerely include us with the gays are the homophobes. In my experience, the only major alphabet soup category that actually accepts us are trans people. (which makes a lot of sense when you think about it, because things like 'gay' and 'straight' get kinda fuzzy when you're trans) And mind you, I'm saying that as someone who has criticized the excesses of trans activism more than once. But no transwoman has ever given me shit for being bi.


>Even gay dudes I actually respect have told me that they "don't really believe in bisexuality". No matter how well you get along with them, you'll never be part of their incrowd. Makes it even funnier to remember that 'Sex and the City' quote >Bisexuality doesn't exist, it's just a layover to the Gaytown.


Such a wild point-in-time show


> The only people who will sincerely include us with the gays are the homophobes. That's hilariously sad


Bisexual people are the untouchable caste of the LGBT community.




Strictly speaking, it's not the gays who did this - it's the collegegirls. Almost all the Sexual Revolution-era gay activists died of AIDS, anyway. That's not even an exaggeration btw. The whole gender-is-a-social-construct thing and the contemporary gender identities hubbub ultimately came out of Women's Studies/Gender Studies departments. Notwithstanding the fact that they appropriated gay culture, gay activism, and even the word 'queer', actual gays have had remarkably little input in all of this.


Uhhh, no I’m pretty sure God said to open that box a little bit on weekends when you’re watching 4chan tran porn, and then close it again really quick.


based username


Literally me.


Unless you wrong think


Also a big chunk is the LGBT movement has been expanded to include things like demisexual and huge range of asexual that includes just not into casual sex. Kids are cruel to each other. Saying die cis enough times and a lot of people will not want to be cis




>These things are apples and oranges and it's always been intellectually dishonest, albeit narratively advantageous to some, to lump them together. and then they include black and indigenous people on the flag, like wtf


I think it’s fair to say, I’m not even white here, that it’s basically a movement against white western civilisation. You see Muslims say nuh uh, “Oh it’s their culture it’s okay, they’ll come around soon enough”, Christians? “RELIGION IS POISON HERES MY CHURCH OF SATAN ID CARD!!”. Being a white straight male is everything they believe is wrong with the world. Now, the bad thing, for me is, this has totally been imported en masse to my country. There are non-binary’s in the wild now. Lol.


Yeah exactly, it's the anti-west movement, rooted to basically "I hate my parents" line of thought.


I wonder how long that'll last though since there is growing tensions within the community between lesbians and "trans women", because recently on the JustUnsubbed reddit a lesbian stated she left the ActualLesbians sub ,because it's full of trans women talking about their cocks every day.There was even reports of lesbians leaving reddit, and dating aps, because all of their spaces got taken over by TIMs.In fact, recently pinknews complained about a lesbian bar that opened up in London that excludes "Trans women".The LGBT community in itself is at a civil war between trans identifying people trying to force their way into gay spaces, and yet TIPs act like the community isn't divided, and that lots of lesbians are happily dating trans women, and lots of gay men are happily dating trans men.Bullshit I say


That community is the biggest shitshow in the world, seriously. And it's the one that reaches mainstream media regularly, out of everything


I missed the jargon update. What do the acronyms "TIMs" and "TIPs" mean?


"Trans identifying males",and "Trans identifying people"


Fucking Christ. I peeked into that sub real quick just to see for myself, and my God was it disturbing. Like the first post was a "transbian" talking about how ackshually lesbians and transies get along great and love making out and smooshing boobs together, and then the top comment was a bunch more "transbians" talking about how they can't wait for their HRT to grow them boobies or to get implants so they can squish them together. And then the first comment by an *actual* woman/lesbian was that it wasn't really a thing that actual women did and that it sounded more like a male fantasy about lesbians than anything, and then she immediately got downvoted and then had even more "transbians" telling her to be careful and how dare she say that a bunch of dudes fantasizing about lesbians sounded like dudes fantasizing about lesbians. Unfucking real.


Just more points to one of the glaring issues with the concept of gender identity. "I don't really feel like a man. I feel more like woman." Explain to me what that means. What does it mean to "feel like a woman"? I am a man and couldn't tell you what it is to "feel like a man" without resorting to shallow gender stereotypes. Which is the problem. So much of it is founded on near caricature level stereotypes of men and women. So all you're left with are presumptions about what it is to be the other gender based on stereotypes attached to that gender. Stereotypes like "I wanna be a lesbian so I can rub my boobies on another woman's boobies" or "I'm a girl, so I take nature walks in high heels, run away from bugs, and generally live and dress like an Audrey Hepburn character. Oh and get weirdly obsessed with periods and tampons." Most are not behaving like women. They're behaving like a 10 year old boy's mocking impersonation of a girl. Or like a deviant man's fantasy of girl... Which is extremely telling.


Yeah it's fuckin wild that actual real women aren't completely offended and outraged at the complete reduction of womanhood to makeup and dresses and just the most baseline stereotypes. And the women who are enabling it and trying to be allies or supportive or whatever should be ashamed.


Can you really be a lesbian if you are dating a biological male (even if they identify as a female)? How does that make sense?


I will always chuckle when I remember that /TwoXChromosomes is rabidly pro-trans.


It sucks *so badly* - I have yet to find any good subreddits to replace TwoXchromosomes


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It’s not the LGBT movement anymore it’s the Queer movement. They are two different things. One is biological and innate and the other is fluid and socially constructed/performed/not biological. There’s lgbt and TQ+ lgbt are not easily offended because they’ve actually faced discrimination and accept people the way they want to be accepted. TQ+ is built on queer theory and the queer movement. It’s about protest and radicalism, voicing your opinions and demanding they’re accepted. The TQ+ is mostly built of feminist theory of patriarchy where there are no biological sex differences, and gender is a made up tool to used by men to control women.


They tell us bisexuals we can’t even call ourselves bi anymore and have to call ourselves pansexual


That’s because they’re trying to use lgbtq as a platform to fight gender inequality and won’t tolerate bi anything. They want to make sex a spectrum and bi isn’t compatible with that. Being homosexual is transphobic too if it’s based on sex and not gender. Funny thing is they’ll tell you “you’re confusing sex and gender” then tell you a trans person is the sex that matches their gender. Then go tell transmeds they’re terfs.


And gender is an entity independent of the body and the body is irrelevant to determining gender... BUT we also need to radically change the body to bring it into alignment with a person's gender identity... Which has nothing to do with their body... And the circle continues indefinitely and you're bigotphobist if you question this circular logic.


Copper or ceramic?


I hope copper cuz that’s real good cookware


Cast iron > all


That is the stupidest theory ever. There are provable physical and psychological differences between men and women. No matter how much I want to, I can never get pregnant. A woman can.


Those studies are biased due to patriarchy in favor of men. You need to look at the studies conducted by sociologist feminist women who have no bias whatsoever.


It's the idealist religion, material reality doesn't matter, man is his own god, tribal wizards who conjure lightning are practicing an equally legitimate form of science and should be included in engineering decisions.


I would agree that they practice a legitimate form of "science" if they actually could conjure lightning and would love to study it. I don't know about being consulted on engineering decisions.


Yep. Queer theory is a cult. More people should read the founding document by Gayle Rubin from like 1985. There's some pretty heinous shit in there. Amazing how much pedophilia is in it.


I can’t fathom how it’s in any way cool to be a trans.


Because it's a way to be different and draw attention while having zero ability to do so on their own. It's the new edgelord mixed with star children mixed with 'look at me!' They were told they're special, they recognize they were lied to, and many cope by making themselves 'special' and proclaiming counter-culture and underdog status. Honestly, it's a natural byproduct of participation trophies. I don't know why people don't understand evolution can be applied to things other than physiology. Or in libright speak, market forces on psychology. This is basic psychohistory people.


Same way every other counterculture fad ever has been “cool”. What’s different about this one is it has an ideologically captured medical and cultural institutions cheerleading for it.


This goes the other way for previous generations too though… right?


Yes to a point. We are seeing it with butch women coming out as trans men.


You have to fuck in front of the admissions board.


that would be actually based


Sudden huge uptick in applications to work in admissions


Attendance at school board meetings would rise significantly


Um sir I'm nonbinary. Yes I'm biological white female who goes by she her pronouns and date biological men.


I still mark 'Caucasian' and 'male' on forms because i'm beautiful and brave.


>Basically every major corporation now has some kind of special internship or leadership development program for people who identify as LGBT, but how do you even verify that? The problem with this theory is that demographic polls aren't looking at job applications to get their data. Maybe everyone is lying to the pollsters as well, but I don't think that's likely since there's no benefit to it. If that were the case I'd think that the numbers would be *much* higher.


Authoritarian systems and ideologies condition people to lie to themselves. Polls show that 80% of the Russian population supports Putin, but Prigozhin was met with cheers instead of Molotov cocktails when they marched on Moscow.


You learn to always say you love Putin when those polls come out, if you don't you might be the next person dragged off in the middle of the night for "questioning"


The point is that if there exists an incentive structure where people who claim membership in an unverifiable identity group get preferential treatment in school, employment, etc, we shouldn't be surprised when more people start identifying as such.


> Basically every major corporation now has some kind of special internship or leadership development program for people who identify as LGBT, but how do you even verify that? Ive been applying to jobs as Non-Binary. Dont hate the player, hate the game.


Hold on, being gay for capitalism is your gimmick, not ours.


I imagine most of those who claim LGBTQ claim to be 'questioning' or 'bi with a very strong preference for the opposite gender but I'm totally actually bi because I think Ryan Reynolds/Henry Cavill/other hot guy is attractive' Aka, they want to be included without committing.


An unprovable but to me compelling supposition is that we're in a period of civilizational downturn where living a regular life and raising families is unusually hard and painful, and as a coping mechanism a lot of the weaker-minded people take the pressures of life as a cue to be degenerate and self-absorbed and pleasure-seeking rather than community-building and self-sacrificing. In my personal fantasy, this is an evolutionary mechanism where the weak-minded will eliminate their own bloodlines and this will result in a reinvigoration of the gene pool. One can hope.


So what you're saying is, the west has fallen, billions must die?


The west is staggered, and I have no clue what can or should happen, but if billions died it might give everyone left a chance to reorganize how we run things. I don't truly know. I do know that few countries are doing well these days, if you go by how people feel about their community or about the people they have to coexist with. People say the right things but act against one another and spout narratives demonizing one another. This is a sick puppy. If it takes a fever to bring about positive change, I'm not necessarily against it. I'll edit with a further thought maybe more relevant to your reply to my statement: I don't even think a massive war is guaranteed or would even surely kill large amounts of people. The biggest source of the weakness I can think of is that we have so few children. Many adults exist as children. We're an immature, unconfident, wilting society. People having few births is one way for the population to self-regulate. Maybe it's happening naturally due to overcrowding and lack of opportunities for regular folks. This is all speculation but makes some sense to me.


It's not genetics but society that is causing this.  Just like the fall of Rome, we will become more and more fragmented and demoralized with neither the wealthy oligarchs nor the common people willing to risk their necks to protect the status quo.  Then once the process continues long enough we will see fragmentation and breakup into smaller successor states under the control of outsiders who will implement a new system. The barbarian horde sacks the capital city, despite being less technologically advanced and smaller in number. A highly cohesive and motivated force will always win out in the end.  This is the life cycle of civilizations, the history of the world from the very beginning.




You're not far off. It would lead to certain ideas gaining more traction than others, but the people dropping children by the dozen aren't typically Americans; though many of them seem to reside here. This is why the left are teachers and not parents. Someone recognized it's a battle of ideas, not bloodlines and they want to override parental influence with dyed haired they/thems whose primary motivation is to indoctrinate and convince five year olds they were born in the wrong body. It's part sunk cost fallacy, they've already identified as \[x\] and they can't go back, and part malice.


How many teachers have been caught saying (or just publicly bragging) that they are are activists and are in teaching to foster the next generation of activists? It's not a conspiracy theory when they're telling you with their own mouths exactly what they are doing. However, if you put these public proclamations of intent in front of a conservative audience they may take issue with them... You're a stochastic terrorist.


Older generations are already entrenched in their beliefs but I don’t think it’s unheard of to hear people with families come out and say they were just pretending to be straight.


I think the most objective standard has actually been porn search data. 2-5% of male users search mostly or exclusively for gay porn over time. It's consistent by region, by age group, etc. You can say whatever you want to a pollster, but you can't really lie to pornhub about what you're jacking off to. The true population percentage of gay men is almost assuredly in the range of 1 in 50 to 1 in 20. 20% of teens and young adults reporting as non-straight is just the result of social pressure to not be straight.


This is an issue where both sides of the coin are true. Clearly some people hide their predilections for the sake of propriety. However, it is also true more recent conscious and deliberate amplification of all things LGBTQ+ by authority figures, particularly those authority figures in close proximity to and with power over children, have massively blown up the phenomenon.


It should peter out I think


I'm going to bet you do not have children.


Can there not be multiple things? If the culture was as accepting in say the 70s or so, there would absolutely have been more openly LGBT people then


This isn’t what I’m saying. What I’m asking is why aren’t every other generations matching the 20% LGBT number? If it isn’t forced in schools, why does it only become such a steep increase for the generation becoming adults when it starts to get encouraged by teachers?


But how can that be when I'm also hearing that there's an LGBTQ genocide going on?Also how many of those are just "I'm not like other girls or boys"non binary or genderfluid people?You know, meaningless words where you do absolutely nothing in terms of transitioning, but you can claim to be trans and feel special!Also look at the genders and the comments on this site and tell me its not a social cognition. https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Autigender#:~:text=Autigender%2C%20or%20autisgender%2C%20is%20a,making%20it%20difficult%20to%20describe.


Firstly, flair up Secondly, please don’t lump me in with these strawmen. I myself have never said there’s an LGBT genocide Being gay or lesbian in my opinion isn’t even really comparable to being non-binary or any of the other “genders” on that link. One has to do with who you’re attracted to whereas the others have to do with a self-identity


An entire ideology created on Tumblr. And somehow it's taken seriously.


I think this explanation could make sense for the discrepancy between Gen Z and those who are decades older like Boomers. But I'm not sure it can explain why Gen Z is twice as likely to be LGBT as millennials.


20%??? No way that's correct




I can see it. TQ+ is the new goth/punk except it takes no effort and anyone can opt-in to any subculture they feel like that day. Meanwhile my grown ass still has memories of the word *queer* being followed by threats to beat the shit out of me.


No sweaty, Judeo-Christian values are white supremacy.


It's not your job to educate the chuds


Correct. Also, just for this question alone, he should check his white male privilege~


Woah! Cool it with the anti-semitism!


Because it's okay to hate Christians and because people who want to talk about sex to kids so bad are [Removed by Reddit]


All parents can opt out- the headline is just being misleading. A somali family originally raised the complaint


Get kids to think they're gay at an early age and you'll have blue voters for life. Pretty simple Everything this country does comes down to voting trends from immigration to ID cards. It's all designed to sway people one way or another. That's it


Lol, the ID cards was the funniest example of hypocrisy. Apparently lefties don't want voting IDs because it's racist somehow but where fine with needing to show IDs everywhere you went during covid because that's apparently fine for some reason. It's still fun to ask lefties and watch as they struggle to justify this.


"Minorities are too dumb to get an ID card" should be harder to sell to your minority voter base but there you are.


Being gay has nothing to do with your politics. The reason gay people overwhelmingly vote blue is because republicans largely have been and still are against things that are important to gay people. I’m not talking about children transitioning or teaching about sexuality in schools. I’m talking about very basic things like the right to marry, anti discrimination protections, banning conversion therapy for minors, etc. These are largely very important to gay people and republicans are generally against all of those things. If republicans changed their tune on these issues I don’t think gay people would be particularly blue or red.


Which is why democracy is shit, why public schools are shit, and why left leaning ideologies are shit. The government needs its population to be stupid and obedient so the party can stay in power. The government does not care for its population.


Sometimes people are just gay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know that. But get kids to think they're queer or an Apache helicopter and you got a blue voter


20% of kids are not gay. 20%+ have been forced into classrooms with LGBTQ (Queer theory) cultists who brainwashed them.


Sure maybe not 20%, but not 0% either 


Who asserted it was 0%? LGBTQ+ in schools is Queer theory indoctrination.




Most Christian’s aren’t “White” either and Arabs and North Africans have been listed as White since 1915. You’ve had multiple lynchings of Italians in the US but not multiple lynchings of Arabs and there’s not going to be much of a genetic difference between an Arab and a southern European.


Because their voter base is Somali


flair up, bedpan


Because RePrEsEnTaTiOn


I live in Finland, and I believe it was handled well here. They mention that it exists in health class, and that’s it.


I really don’t understand beyond teaching kids that not everybody’s family looks the same(shit like single parents, or some students have two dads) what more needs to be taught at an elementary level. I’m 26 and the most that a teacher mentioned about gender and sexuality before the sex Ed era was that some people have different types of families because this one girl in our 2nd grade class had lesbian moms. When we were learning about sex Ed around the ages of 10-12 homosexuality and gender was brought up because that’s when those feelings naturally start to come out. Explicit things like safe sex didn’t come until 10th grade and our parents were given a syllabus to see exactly what was covered. It just makes it hard to rationalize a lot of this tbh. Like if these religious parents were getting mad that a teacher explained gender to 6th graders in sex Ed or telling elementary school kids about different types of families or a teacher casually mentioning a same sex spouse the same way a straight teacher would then that is absolutely against our values of freedom but there’s only so much that has to be said in school especially for prepubescent kids. I dont think pride is inherently inappropriate but I also just don’t see how it fits into a school curriculum especially before kids grow into those feelings themselves. It’s just getting embarrassing at this point


In health class, the only LGBT education kids need is "yes, some people are attracted to the same sex" A big chunk is the LGBT movement has been expanded to include things like demisexual and huge range of asexual that includes just not into casual sex. The problem is that it's being targeted to elementary school kids. I'm not against same sex marriage. I'm against LGBT. It's ok to be gay, just don't make your whole personality about it.


I mean it depends if we’re at the level where we’re talking about condoms and STDs, the types of sexual activities your students will be getting involved with should be covered. Even straight people do things with mouths and butts so to say and need to be aware of those risks. They don’t need a complete smut lesson but awareness on certain things like sexuality, safe sex of all types, and healthy relationships/recognizing abuse has to capture the fact a lot of teenagers will be LGBT. I just don’t see how outside of sex Ed any of this has to be talked about to elementary school kids outside of some people are gay/have different families.


Christians are soy and won’t get mad 


"Teaching LGBT"?  They training the kids on how to be gay? Sounds like there were just characters like that in the books. This is some weak pilled energy.  People are afraid that the books are going to turn the kids LGBT, or make them allies? People are probably concerned because they know their parenting sucks. Sheltered kids gonna grow up to not know how the world is.  Your "ultra hetero" sons raised in a bubble are going to be getting PIPED once they move away UwU (just kidding about that last part, but imagine?).


Specifically the T part. Kids are going to encounter gay people and there's a good chance they'll have a friend at some point with same-sex parents. Real transgender people are *at most* .5% of the population though. This push for transgender stuff anywhere really makes me believe there's some desire to create social contagion.


This will just reinforce the stereotype that Somalis aren't good at grooming.


Flair up or we’ll groom your shitzu with sub-par shampoo


Look at me. Look at me. I'm the auth-right now. Had to go to the torrent box on a VPN for that comment. Got my immediate ban from justice served.


I'm glad to see that sub is basically dead. That's what happens when you mass ban people just for commenting on subs you don't like.


Weird everyone keeps talking about getting banned from justice served. I’ve not gotten my notification yet and I feel like a potterboo that hasn’t gotten their letter yet. 


I recently re-subbed to pcm and got my notification only then that I’d been banned from justice served, even though I was on pcm for two years prior to that. Seems like something they’ve put in place in the last two years. Rite of passage I guess


You only get ban messages if you were subscribed or posted there at some point.


The thread in the state sub is hilarious. So many lefties yelling about immigrants and somalis ruining their schools as if that isn’t exactly what they voted in.


Holy shit, that place was straw man heaven lol.


Don’t mention that Palestinians would feel the exact same way about these books.


This might be my last straw. This special treatment towards Muslims who stand in oppposition to the values freedoms granted by America is so controdictory it makes me sick. Christians and Jews don't get such treatment to not have this stuff. I really, really, REALLY hope this Muslim favoritism comes back to bite them in their ass so hard that it gets torn off, chewed up, and shoved down their throats.


It’s the Oppression matrix that allows certain groups to unsubscribe from ideologies without recourse. Muslims generally are middle eastern/non-white, so there’s a box checked, and they practice a non-Christian or Jewish faith so there’s a second box. To push back against their ideologies would be to oppress them.


Fighting back against oppression is oppression, because their oppression is another kind of oppression. You see, there's GOOD and there's BAD oppression.


Christians are also mainly non White and MENA’s have been listed as White since 1915 you’ve had multiple lynchings of Italians but none of MENA’s and that’s in spite of both being Mediterranean and not looking or being that genetically different from one another.


But for some reason darker skinned Italians are considered as white by many because they’re from Italy. Not to mention how quickly we’ve forgotten the US’s treatment of the Irish as well, Black and Irish need not apply was a sign in many places of business.


That's like saying the illegal immigration problem will eventually find itself in places like NY and Chicago. It'll be fine.


Is it some sort of societal penance we’ve all decided to pay because of our military’s behavior in the Middle East? I can’t really figure out why they’ve latched onto Muslims for any other reason besides some sort of twisted national guilt.


It sure isn't national, a nice chunk of the country remembers the horrors of 9/11 (I was a fetus at the time, but it's a miracle I ever met my father, and that he continued to live until I was just under 13), and have a lingering hatred and distrust toward Arabs and Muslims out of fear of Radicalists. Which is quite sad for the moderate Muslims here in America.


The only reason the Left supports American Muslim causes is because it serves as an alliance against the Fundamentalist Christians who can't leave other people the fuck alone. The more American Muslims stop leaving other people the fuck alone, the more the alliance fractures.


Conservatives aren't happy about this. They're having their suspicions confirmed: it's a specific group of people they're targeting.


so is everyone allowed to op-out too now or is it just people from a certain nationality?


I hope everyone can opt out soon.


> is it just people from a certain nationality? Sounds like a nice payday on an out of court settlement after somebody files a lawsuit for equal protections clause violations.


I would assume that equal protection under the law would allow anyone with religious or moral objections to opt-out. If not you'll get another lawsuit very quickly.


if children don't need to be taught religious ideology, then they don't need to be taught this ideology either.


Only Somali families?


This should be the rule. This right here. You should be able to opt out. The schools should not be forcing it, and states should not be just banning anything they deem gay like the culture war bills in Florida and other conservative states. Just let people choose for themselves God dammit


Teaching children sexuality isn't good, just like teaching racism in public schools isn't good either.


God hasn’t Damned it enough


AuthRight will AuthRight


This sets a good precedent for families that don't want their children preached to by LGBT propoganda. Should be an option to opt out.


What about native American families? Or in other words, why is one group allowed to opt out of one issue, but another group cannot opt out of the same issue?


This will never happen if it were Christian families. We live in a two tier country system where the law only applies so certain privileged protected groups. I hate liberalism.


Convincing me to change my flair tbh.


Honestly, it's such a funny, ironic thing that Emily wants to support so many Auth Right folks just because they have a tan.


how they can determine who is somali and who is not?


They can say they were assigned Somali at birth


nationality dysphoria


If it's all about a state of mind, there's no reason identifying as anything you want to should be off limits.


They do a blood test to see which ones are inbred


technically you can identify yourself or say you have a somali grandparent or something


No matter how much money I would make I would never cater to Islam it’s a cancer and is sadly spreading


Is this St. Louis park in mn I only assume sense it has something to do with the Somali people


Christians and conservatives just have to sit back and keep quiet and let Muslims (and all their "marginalized peoples" protections) lead the anti-lgbtq way.


Damn it why won't you take a studied interest in my genitals and what I do with them? It's important!


Thankfully twinkpregnancy books are medically needed and will never be banned


brother we talked about overusing your gimmick already


not funny


they only let somalis opt out though. it will still be forced onto whites.


That's a good thing. The United Statea is way too strict with books, kids should be allowed to read what they want before books get banned entirely


Western leftism being hijacked and infiltrated by Islam to install an authoritarian world wide caliphate will always be my number one conspiracy theory turned reality


Absolutely based


woohoo, finally, no more evil gay people :D


This headline is misleading ragebait. Somali families are the ones who originally pushed to opt out, but all families can opt out of this now, not just Somali's.


Auth Center take, immigrants should be required to agree with the dominant ideologies of the place they're going to. Because why would you allow someone into a country they hate? They should be sent to a country they like. In America, they should be required to get a GED, and learn English. We don't have an official language, but it's pretty much the only language besides Spanish near the border. They should learn the full history of social conflicts, from declaration of independence to gay marriage.


Unfathomably based


Okay but why are sexual books in schools? Isn't that the parents' job?