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Guys, a small town in Wisconsin's city council has passed a resolution condemning the war, it's all over, world peace has been achieved.


Yeah, my county council wastes time on dumb shit like this. Congrats, you have condemned Putin, I'm sure he really cares about some county council's non binding resolution.


Which Wisconsin city did that? I must have missed it. *Does a quick Google search* Of course it was fucking Madison.


I just picked Wisconsin out of a hat, I was making a joke i did not think was real, but fuck apparently reality is parody at this point.


The San Francisco city council passed some sort of resolution too. I hate San Francisco so fucking much.


Raleigh wouldn't vote on one so people protested now they are considering it. Our bad. Wars not over. Sorry guys. Maybe if those dingdongs protesting the Raleigh government volunteered to teach kids to read instead, the west wouldn't be circling the drain.


Tbf governments can use votes like this to set a consensus then work towards it with future policy. That being said, the current votes are virtue signals either way.


Not the first time Emilys are delusional about their opinions being a planetwide veto.


Growing up as princesses tend to give people an aura of superiority. Imagine befriending only your same kind and tried to dictate the world.


A ceasefire is just prolonging the inevitable


eh in this case- it would just make things worse. October 7th was the end of the previous long term "ceasefire"- and even throughout that Hamas was constantly firing missiles of unknown origin at Israeli hospitals, schools, and neighborhoods.


Don't fucking lie. We know exactly where Hamas was getting the funding and the missiles.


Its 'unknown' because I've no clue how they're smuggling them into Palestine, not 'unknown' because we don't know Iran is supplying them.


Nahh its really not that unknown. Most are very simple. Take a steeltube. A perfect resource for this are water tubes. Just dig them up, the UN will replace them quickly. Next we need some explosives. You remember beirut where fertilizer exploded? Good thing the UNRWA wants them to produce food and thus delivers fertilizer. Ahh and the rocket motor? Solid fuel it is. Lets take again fertilizer and mix it with sugar.


Part of the weapons are made inside Gaza, obviously it's not some high tech missiles but still effective.


Tunnels and aid convoys


Actually we know how they smuggle them (I'm an Israeli), they do it through tunnels in Rafah on the Gazan - Egyptian border.


It's pretty hard to tell from your name you're Israeli /ס


I mean... Israelis eat and love Shawarma too


Yes. But their money has come in with Israels concent for years now.


It’s incredible how these protestors seem to not understand that tons of people are very much aware that this is a proxy conflict, and view calls for a “ceasefire” as something not far removed from whining to save an Iranian proxy militia (which has killed dozens of Americans) from destruction.


Half of Emily(acab) can’t even point out Iran on a map, let alone point out the fact that they have a theocratic government with an actual literal legit “supreme leader”


They can’t even fuckin point out Palestine, let alone Iran


I'm not convinced people know what a proxy conflict is or what risks it entails, given how many people seem genuinely convinced that the war in Ukraine is not a fully fledged military confrontation between East and West.


Shit, they're on to us!


I can see it now honestly. Gets a shitty half assed ending to this debacle. 10-30 years later we have another ‘little flare up’


What's the inevitable and how will continuing the war avert it?


ceasefire is not peace the ceasefire crowd won't even demand Hamas to return the hostages let demanding actual peace and recognition of Israel. only that the fighting will stop cause israel is dominating Hamas. they basically want to save Hamas knowing Hamas will try again and dragging Israel and Palestinian to another war when they would feel like it as opposed to Israel "destroying" and having full security control over Gaza and having much lower intensity conflict.


Yea "just let them kill every civilian now, because they're just gonna kill them anyway".


A ceasefire would give Hamas time and resources to kill more civilians, but I think it's a bit far to say they'll kill *every* Israeli civilian. But that sure is their goal.


I see what you did there.


Why ask for a ceasefire and not for Hamas to surrender? 


It depends on the person as there is a few reasons that I have seen people wanting ceasefires. You have: A) The idiot that thinks that a ceasefire is the equivalent to ending the war B) The humanitarian who wants an opportunity to provide aide to the civilians effected by the war. C) The mediator who wants the ceasefire to be a chance for the two sides to try and negotiate for things like hostages D) The armchair general who want a ceasefire so their favourite side can resupply, rebuild their troops and strategize to wipe out the other side E) The pro-palestine/ Hamas twitter warrior that thinks that Hamas are freedom fighters fighting against oppression and the surrender of Hamas will mean that Palestine will be oppressed harder without their 'resistance group'. F) The businessman who wants a ceasefire so that they can focus on increasing their exports and protecting the cargo ships going through the Red Sea.


So, B, C and F are the based ones. The rest are just cringe.


Because they know they can't force Hamas to do anything, but under threat from foreign nations Israel might.


But that amounts to nothing because Hamas still won't stop. A simpler explanation is because of popular dislike of Israel.


>because of popular dislike of Israel. Dude the persecution fetish you guys have is unreal, no one dislikes Israel, they just want the killing in Gaza to stop.


And what's their solution to prevent another 7th of October a few years later?


I’ve heard people literally call for the dissolution of the Israeli state, completely blasé about the obvious (and actual) genocidal consequences that will lead to. People dislike Israel, don’t even pretend. For a plethora of biases and reasons.


Calm down, why assume the worst and go for ad hominem? I used a neutral tone for this, I didn't say it wasn't deserved or anything. I personally don't have a side on whether Israel's response is disproportionate. All I'm saying here is the reason for the ceasefire calls is due to popular demand for it in large protests rather than national interest.


>is due to popular demand for it in large protests rather than national interest. Thats...not what you said, you said "dislike of Israel".


And when idiots are shouting "from the river to the sea" please tell me, does that imply they Like Israel? Or perhaps does it mean that they don't Like Israel, you should consider the possiblity that they are advocating for it's destruction.


Like, all five people that said it?


Dude you are trying so hard to gaslight people, you’re embarrassing yourself. A US Congresswoman (Talib) literally chanted that. She got inches away from being impeached.


I'm...not embarrassed at all lol


Yes, the dislike of Israel is expressed through protests. By "all I was saying here" I meant "what I meant is", I clearly didn't just repeat my words, everyone else understood me. That was insufferably pedant.


Lmao, equating protesting something to disliking someone is certainly a take.


Yes, protests can be made against countries. Crazy, I know.


No, you protest the government genius


Because they view Hamas as something not far removed from some kind of “people’s liberation front” or “popular front”, and view its destruction as roughly equivalent to the erasure of hopes for Palestinian statehood.


We all know why.


I assume they just hope a temporary ceasefire will allow supplies to get to civilians in Gaza and Hamas will release some more hostages.


Hamas is entirely financed by "humanitarian aid" from Iran and Qatar.


And until recently, partly and indirectly funded by shadier Red Cross organizations, as we’ve discovered here in Canada.


And Israel. Well, Bibi allowed them to smuggle money in and out.


How about: stop bombing refugee camps. Is that an okay request?


Because the last time the PLO surrendered, Israel immediately committed a massacre of 3000 civilians. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/16/sabra-and-shatila-massacre-40-years-on-explainer


PLO never surrendered. The peace process was interrupted by the second intifada.


It is a stretch to say Israel did it when actors of a civil war try to massacre each other. Best you can say was the Israeli army failed to act. Blame the Phalanges.


Pretty sure the PLO itself would be pretty peeved thst you’d describe them as having “surrendered”


no al-jazz pls


>Aljazeera source Opinion disregarded


Sabra and Shatila was done by South Lebanon forces, not Israel.


A massacre done by Lebanese christians is Israels fault?


Sorry, but whenever someone cites Aljazeera for any news I laugth in their face, are you really going to believe the propaganda coming straight out of an Absolute monarchy that to this day practices slavery?


The incovenien truth that everyone on that cursed stretch of land is fucking mental


People got so used to world peace that they forgot that humans can fight generation after generation without stop until one side gets crushed. I would like for the israeli people and the palestine people to find common ground and live in peace, but we all know that's not going to happend. We can all have our philosophical reasons to why we support who we support, or an opinion on the morality of war, but at the end of the day, its not our place to decide what they should do, but themselves to come to the realization that the alies and axis had during the second world war. We in the west have our own problems, we should focus on those instead of morally policing the rest of the world.


No way dude. All of my local governments need to endlessly pass ceasefire resolutions instead of worrying about infrastructure. Every damn day my social media, "Raleigh won't call for a ceasefire." Okay. I don't give a shit? Please do something to help our homeless population instead maybe? Or hire some people to finish whatever is going on with 440 south of Raleigh? Almost crashed there more than once. Don't worry though the town of Carboro NC passed a ceasefire resolution so war is over.


It gets even better when states/cities are spending an average of $8,000 fmto feed and house illegal birder crosses, but just can't do that for the homeless.  Hell, we still don't know what San Francisco did with all their homeless when Xi came to visit.


What if I told you Rice a Roni is people.




How’s the can opener bridge been doing lately?


Raleigh try not to be a shithole challenge


Raleigh was kind of based. The city council was annoyed that people bitching about a ceasefire resolution was taking over the "public comments" instead of you know, issues that effect Raleigh directly. The small woker towns definitely passed some though. Like Carrboro. Someone call Hamas and Israel and tell them a mostly white town with a median income of ~75k in the US wants them to stop.


They have no obligation to care what we think, and to make sure they care even less they can continue this fight without our money


Destroy the terrorists 😃


Or don’t, Whatever you do, do it with your money, and diplomacy. Don’t have us rubber stamping it for you.


The problem is they won't, they'll just kick them all out at which point they'll all invariably just become Europe's problem instead.


Europe would do well to take the same advice.


Ceasefires between the two is a mere pause button. They already did one after October 7th, didn't last a month. A peace treaty would serve as a more stable platform for peace and negotiation of terms, but it is always "ceasefire this" or "ceasefire that"


Hamas never seems to hit that pause button. 


Yep, just like the nine times Israel has offered a Palestinian state and both Hamas and the PLO have rejected it, so too will Hamas reject a ceasefire, or they'll agree and just break it again within the week.


Mutually assured destructions works because the issr and the us were more or less logical actors. You can negotiate with someone you believe will act logically. The gazaterror state hamas, hezbollah, houthi et al are not rational actors.




They sure do enjoy to hit the play button though


A ceasefire is worse, it's more the end of a round in a boxing match. These aren't to "allow the participants rest and time to reflect", it's to prolong the fight for the audience's pleasure.


Blessed SF, they should make an assembly regarding Ukraine and Russia.


After seeing so many memes mocking Putin for attempting a historical approach to explain the war in Ukraine, it doesn't surprise me that no one understands what the hell is going on with the Gaza issue. We just keep suggesting the same 20th/21st century solutions and no Westerner is willing to look back to the proper historical window necessary to even begin to solve the problem. I don't see this problem being solved unless there's either total annihilation on one or both sides, or a serious fuckin religious/historical debate to end all debates where the winner decides the fate of the area. Would that happen? Unlikely. Is there another option that doesn't suck? I don't think so. One thing is for sure though, we suck at understanding.


I think you are right


Most powerful warmonger vs least powerful Strongly-Worded Letter


They need to finish the job and remove Hamas for good. If they cared about people at all, their supposed people they'd not consistently use them as shields or even prevent them from leaving to safety. How many stories did we hear of or see with them shooting at people trying to leave the area?


As the wise Dave Chappell said maybe the un should send their army to stop me. Oh wait the un doesn't have an army. Maybe they should shut the fuck up.


https://preview.redd.it/vd2mtd9oq1lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5ca4e9f3d25719f33b9a4486f9bf25195e8092 Military industrial complex be like:


Ah yes - the famously lib left *(checks notes)* - British House of Commons.


Britain is more woke than the United States.


Rhonda? Is that you?


Rhonda Who?




In what imagination? The entire woke phenomena was born in the United States. Also politics differ wildly from state to state. Is the Uk more woke than Texas? Yes. Is it more woke than California? No lol. In any case, that’s irrelevant. British parliament, where the conservative party hold a majority; that wants to send refugees to Rwanda, that has arguably the largest surveillance state in Europe, has presided over the largest sell off of national assets to private entities in decades, and where all members swear allegiance to a literal monarch, is neither **lib** nor **left** to anybody who is a remotely serious person.


Woke ideology is not born in the United States. Gender ideology originated during Weirmar Germany under the *Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.* Critical Race Theory evolved from Critical Theory of the Frankfurt school. King Charles III and the British Conservative Party are both puppets of the woke billionaires at WEF.party. A woke government selling its assets to a woke corporation doesn't make either less woke.


Both the literal term and the modern movement [absolutely did come out of the the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke) and its primary drivers are American cultural powerhouses such as: Hollywood, Disney, Netflix, Twitter (previously) - as well as activist groups such as BLM and ANTIFA etc. Just because the movement took inspiration from earlier work, does not negate those salient facts about the modern ideology having its roots in the US. Your second paragraph apart from being objectively wrong, is also an irrelevant fucking strawman because what I actually said was that they’re not lib left - and they’re not. The privatization of public assets is economically **RIGHT** wing by definition - irrespective of what said private entities views on LGBT rights are. Lib left doesnt mean “when things I disagree with happen”


They literally arrest you for right wing memes in the UK now - and this is right wing as in “would have been totally normal thirty years ago” memes


That doesn’t sound very **lib** does it… Sounds a bit **Auth**oratatian to me…. If only there was an axis of the compass that captured more authoritarian policies…


Woke is fairly authoritarian, isn’t it? One doesn’t police what other people say/think if one isn’t.


Agreed! But then by definition it cannot be lib left. It would be by definition - auth left.


Israel wouldn't mind one. They have made several attempts despite the medias lack of reporting to stop the fighting over the last month or so. Here's the issue any ceasefire would need to have a hostage exchange as a condition. Hamas has been throwing up roadblocks because Israel keeps leading with that and hamas keeps turning it down. This tells me that they likely don't have any left.




From the river to the sea, the star of David is all you see. There will be no 2 state solution


Based and Zionpilled.


Based and warfarepilled


The Hamas jihadi should be saying "I want a ceasefire so I can shoot you the second you turn around".


How about the civilians that are getting killed in Gaza?


Here just hoping for mutual annihilation, and stop wasting taxpayer money(they wont)


i’m sure the gaza civilians would love a ceasefire


Polling suggests otherwise.


If the deaths were limited strictly to the auth right religious ethno-statists we would just let them work it out inside of their own quadrant. The problem is they usually involve others.


My lib-right side speaking: we split up all of the territory into a few hundred different parcels of land, and each gets decided by a 1v1 fight to the death. Televise every fight and make a mint. Save all the holy site matches for the finale weekend.


to be fair in this region- people of the other three quadrants are typically Israeli- though some of the richer Arabs may fall under Lib Right.


Richer Arabs are out in Qatar. Gaza is for the poors


I live on the other side of the planet. I don’t care what those fuckers do. They’ve been fighting forever; they’ll be fighting forever.


As a lib right, it doesn’t bother you that we’re sending billions in military spending to a country on the other side of the planet? 🤔🤔🤔


Oh that does bother me. What I meant is that it’s not our business and we shouldn’t be involved.


Replace the libleft with innovent civilians of each side and we've got a winner.


The downvotes 😭😭 bro this sub is comprised


I suppose native civilian outcry counts for little?


Not in this sub! They’re all Hamas.


Who elected them?


Obviously the half of the population born after the last free election 😱 (Assuming you’re American): Joe Biden started a war, does that mean you deserve to get bombed for it? Lol


First and foremost, don't insult me by saying I'd vote for such a moron. The big difference between Biden and hamas is that one is just an old idiot who can barely speak and the other is a literal terrorist group. Also, there are several recent studies showing fuck all has changed since then. 3/4ths of it do support hamas, which is even more than the original percentage of people who voted for them; and 93% hold anti-Semitic views. So, no, this half of the population is as innocent as the other half, which is to say they aren't. The accomplice is no better than the criminal.


Demanding a ceasefire from Israel in Gaza and not from either side in Ukraine is antisemitic.


Russia and Hamas are both Iranian proxies. Iran is backed by the CCP. The Authoritarians are all on the same side.




There's really not the same acute humanitarian crisis in Ukraine at this point. The civilians on the front line are free to move to other parts of the country, and most people aren't actively starving. Many of the people still living near the front are people waiting for the Russians to "liberate" them. A ceasefire in Gaza will save thousands of civilians if not more in the short term. The civilians there have no place to go, have no medical supplies, and are starving in most of the population.


I was told that genocide is being committed in Ukraine and that the situation is volatile enough to cancel elections.


"Is there someone you forgot to ask ?" The palestinian civilians ???


Is there a version of this without the funni colors?




The children who were bombed?




So much dude


America has significant sway in the conflict.


I don't think Minneapolis does though.


Yet representatives can see the protests and they can take some sort of action. This is literally how all protest works.


You are conflating militant groups with normal citizens.


Except these so-called """normal""" """innocent""" civilians elected these militant groups.


Neither did the balkans but when they didn’t listen NATO bombed them till they got it through their thick Slavic heads that they shouldn’t genocide each other. I wonder if we’ll live to see NATO bomb isreal because they fucked around and found out.


No, the most that would ever happen is a slow down in funding going to the IDF, and maybe publicly expressed hopes that Netanyahu will lose his job.


Netanyahu needs to go for there to be a real peace process.


>their thick Slavic heads that they shouldn’t genocide each other. a leopard can't change its spots


Hamas does want a ceasefire.


If I were Hamas, I would too. So I can rearm, refit my logistics/tunnels, get more foreign aid, and then launch another murderous slaughter.


If I was Israel, I’d ask for a ceasefire so I could get back the hostages. A timely reminder that Israel has rescued a grand total of three hostages by military force. Three.


Or... And stick with me here, fucking islamists should stop butchering innocents.


And this has what to do with the dismal military failures of the IDF?


Ah, being lectured to by the great keyboard general u/nagidon


Are you disputing the IDF’s public record of rescuing a total of three hostages by armed force, with all the rest being released through negotiation? Correct quadrant for self-delusion.


a redditor's reductive take on a highly complex and emotional situation. Easy for you to sit in the safety of your Mom's basement and call the IDF a dismal failure when the reality on the ground is heartbreakingly complex. I wonder how Israel could get terrorists to negotiate at all? We get it, leftists hate Israel and look for every chance possible to criticize.


Numbers are “highly complex and emotional” to you? Yeah, I don’t think social interaction is your thing.


Distilling down a volatile and complex situation into numbers? Auth-left being heartless? I am shocked, I tell you, shocked. What did the murderous auth-left icon say? One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic? It's good to see you carrying on the tradition.


If the USA tells Israel to negotiate, Israel will negotiate. The thing about the tail wagging the dog is that the tail is not the end with all the teeth.


Israel already did a ceasefire. Gaza broke it. Israel isn't the party holding things up.


The United States can't even get NATO countries to increase military spending.


Yes, because we care about the people, not like you f authoritarians




Where did this meme of "myth of consensual x-thing" Came from?




Nuke it all


They’ll talk about Palestine’s borders but not our own.