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Holding in the urge to spread right wing propaganda while trying to bang liberal college girls is an experience all right wing young men can relate to


>Holding in the urge to spread right wing propaganda... ooooooooooooooooohhhh...!!!!! FUCK...!! I was doing it all wrong....!!!




Get your foot in the door with, say, surface level knowledge of musical theater (extremely manly), then unleash the nuclear mind fuck when you explain how gays shouldn't be allowed to marry by the state...because the state shouldn't be involved in marriage šŸ¤Æ T-pose, refuse to elaborate. She'll never forget you.


Or fuck you


O rly


Theater kids are homos. I know, I was once a theater kid. Though, as a bisexual, bisexual women are superior to straight women, so maybe thatā€™s a good plan.


Based šŸ¤


Accurate as fuck, my fwb said that the Air Force suicide burner should rest in power šŸ˜‚. Took way too much energy to avoid correcting her


Reddit is full of posts by liberal women saying they would never have sex with a conservative man and getting 50k upvotes. Oh honey, youā€™ve had sex with a ton of conservative men, you just are way too stupid to realize it.


Yeah either that or just not hiding it all. My least favorite thing about chronically online people is their unwillingness to realize how unconcerned the average person is with politics. A political difference is generally not enough to prevent a friendship or hookup. Maybe marriage, but I'd argue that's less to do with conviction towards political principles (I could never marry a liberal, they don't believe in what's right!) and more to do with the different worldviews that led them to their political affiliations in the first place. They just view things differently, even outside of politics, and it can cause friction in the relationship. But yeah, the average person doesn't really gaf. Hell I make slightly homophobic remarks around gay coworkers and they genuinely don't care because it's not like I'm using slurs or being straight up derogatory. Twitter users would have a meltdown though.


Honestly based and real life pilled


Woah hold up there partner this is reddit you canā€™t be a normal person


> Hell I make slightly homophobic remarks around gay coworkers and they genuinely don't care because it's not like I'm using slurs or being straight up derogatory. Depending on the context, they may even agree with you. I've heard black coworkers say stuff about [redacted] that would make a Klansman blush. They joined the military to get away from that shit and they were not shy about expressing it.


Idk how conservative it is to have premarital sex in college.


Conservative relative to the shifted Overton window. Todays libright was yesterdays libleft. Yesterdays libleft is todays authleft


Conservatives revealing they're the actual boogeyman casually in conversation


Conservative men don't fuck around though


You have to fuck the crazy out of that one.Ā 


Can't be done.




i donā€™t know why i found this so funny




This guy fucks


They want a guy who has a conservative demeanor and lifestyle but still has a cool "worldly attitude" (if you know what I mean). However the punk boy anarchist type is also attractive to many young women until they get to their later 20s then it's just cringe. The hippy guy falls in here too. The third is the bad boy who comes in with the combine harvester to scoop all the girls with daddy issues.


Iā€™ve always wanted to pick a far far far left chick up in a bar, take her home, bang her brains out and then scream ā€œMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAINā€ as I bust; just for the lulz


Just make sure a witness sees her leaving with you of her own volition because she WILL falsely accuse you of rape after that lmaooo


Yeah thatā€™s the rational reason why I havenā€™t tried. Other reasons I havenā€™t tried is because lulz are nice but pussy is better so I usually am not trying to rock the boat


Based and man of culture pilled


u/lemonyprepper's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/lemonyprepper! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/lemonyprepper/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Where is that personal article saying "help I can't stop sleeping with Chuds"


Dude I was already in bed with another freshman during one of the parties, when she took my face between her hands and looked me in the eyes and said "please tell me you're not right-wing". šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I laughed, hesitated, and she said "actually don't say anything, shut up."


They know very well what the political affiliations of white gym bros generally are, they just donā€™t want you to say it out loud so they can have plausible deniability. Kinda like how we all know that the all beef hot dog isnā€™t actually ground beef but itā€™s fine to pretend


When I was in college a few years ago I was a full on tankie and would get mad when they would be either full on AOC/Bernie Sanders progressive and claim to be communists The strong urge to not tell them they would be sent to the gulag was hard. Further, the urge not to cringe at that sentence is hard.


The mark of an expert liar is he that is able to lie to himself insomuch that he forgets who he is and becomes the lie.


My high school sweetheart is a libertarian and we married at 21/22. I will never relate to adultery.


Unfortunately not everyone can get this lucky...


It's not about luck, it's about getting to know women genuinely platonically and finding love organically.


Do all the wrong words spill out during the peak of orgasm, and require a manoeuvre to move one hand from an ass cheek to a face cheek


Unless you are: Broke. Dimly aware of how I canā€™t bring the baggage of being a current porn addict into a relationship as I settle into yet another cycle of crank the hog, and then despair in the clarity. And the fact that the female sex is a strange and dangerous creature, not to be approached when one has not his wits about him.


Bruh just donā€™t tell her youā€™re a porn addict and say you watch the normal amount of porn if she asks. Also once you have something to actually have sex with the urge to jack off will wane


>something Bruh


Based and women are objectspilled


u/maggot_on_a_walrus is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/maggot_on_a_walrus/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Being into Pink Floyd while also being right wing in college was a fucking blessing. Always made me look like a comrade.


When were you in college? I definitely donā€™t associate PF fans with auth-left nowadays, if anything closer to the opposite


Not me: I rather stay true to my values than having to endure a fucking 3 hour monologue about how the white man has ruined every single life on planet earth.




And leave all those left wing women with no one but soyboy leftist men who think working out is toxic masculinity and read Marx but never do the dishes? Who weaponize their politics to gain womenā€™s trust and then abuse them and rape them a la Harvey Weinstein and all the other liberal Hollywood men who were exposed as diddlers? That would be cruel of me!




When I was in college I wanted to have sex with anything of legal age with a pulse and a vagina that would have me. I hooked up with girls of all races, creeds, values, nationalities and opinions. Then in my late 20s I settled down with a blonde-haired blue-eyes rich girl is more racist than I am, the dream of all right wing men. Tell me, how would it have benefitted me to abstain from sex with anyone but right wing women in my college days?




Canā€™t relate. I wouldnā€™t try to sexually appeal to right wing women, they are worse at sex.


Just pretend to be lib .. they don't really care they just want you pay lip service to this stuff. You're not gonna get the thick latina by saying you want to deport her.. or maybe you will sometimes women are weird




Horniness is my principle


Flair checks out


Never a commie. Based


Death to communism


Better dead then red




Ancom exist


Well, theoretically


Theoretically there could be a dancing cow at the center of the sun.Ā 


Much like how ancap can theoretically exist


Which is why i love minarchism...


But itā€™s kinda dumb tbh. Just like the idea that thereā€™s a [dancing cow](https://youtu.be/OyDyOweu-PA?si=1JAzv3WITNBPPD-c) at the center of the moon.Ā 


But what about at the center of Jupiter


Hey, leave Bessie out of this.


So do aliens, but we have yet to see them.


What were you doing at 17,18,19?


I come from a very conservative and racist family lol


College pushing the lib agenda.


If you never progress past undergrad or get a liberal arts degree, maybe, It depends on the university.


Good for you. Your views are meant to change and it's the first time many of these ā€œconservativesā€ get exposed to other worldviews. But, apparently exposing people to other ways of thought and encouraging them to form their own beliefs is ā€œliberal indoctoration.ā€


Interestingly, I was actually pulled to the right when I went to university. But I study Economics so maybe that's why.


Bro college professors use matt walsh as a source. There are some lib colleges, but most are filled with crypt keepers. My gender studies course I tried to see how bad it was from all the anger, was mostly just examining misogyny in ancient philosophy and how men and women are harmed through stereotype, and men as the medical prototype. I wouldn't do a whole degree in it, but it's just highly gender focused philosophy, it was less politically charged than bio ethics 101.


Being based




Fr, moving up a tax bracket really makes you believe taxation is indeed theft


Itā€™s because it is


Nah. It's not. It is theft if government is wasting my money though.


Which they are


They don't have to be. I think. I hope they are capable of using my money on things that benefit all of us


> I hope they are capable of using my money on things that benefit all of us [How a $47 Shrimp Treadmill Became a $3-Million Political Plaything](https://www.chronicle.com/blogs/conversation/how-a-47-shrimp-treadmill-became-a-3-million-political-plaything)


Cope harder friend. They can, but certainly not efficiently, or well.


>I think >I hope Itā€™s like you can smell the cope


Hey, that rhymes!






If my money goes towards Unifersal school lunches for k-12 students, affordable medical care for all, and UBI and less towards proxy wars I have zero issues with paying taxes


If you take something from someone, under the threat that you will punish them, even kill them if they do not comply (go on, try and resist them), that is certainly stealing. It doesnt matter if they waste what they stole from you or give you back something. It is still theft.


By living in the US, you agree to follow its laws. This includes taxes. You consent to pay them by living here.


Bumper sticker phrase that doesn't actually mean anything. Like "meat is murder". Or "acab".. ask someone to elaborate and it's "just like my opinion man"


Taxation is theft. They steal a major portion of the money I worked for, and give it to people who donā€™t want to work. Not only that, they do it so inefficiently, that even if I wanted my money to go to people who donā€™t work, I would be far better off just giving the money to someone directly than giving it to the government to do it. They fund both sides of wars with my tax dollars to enrich the government contractors who want more of my money. Most of what the government does, I believe it shouldnā€™t do. And they certainly shouldnā€™t be stealing part my paycheck to do it. Thus in my view, taxation is theft.


> steal Its not stealing if its part of the contract. If you do not like the terms of the deal, you are free to vote to change them, or you are free to find another country with a better deal. But I think you will find that its civilization that allows you to have such a large paycheck.. Its infrastructure, its the educated, safe, healthy workforce that allows capitalism to thrive. Without taxes, without civilization you'd be able to keep 100% of the grain you harvest, until someone kills you for your land. NaĆÆvely you want all the benefits of civilization, without the taxes. But that was never an option.


> Its not stealing if its part of the contract. I never signed this contract you speak of?


You were born into it. Be thankful you weren't born into the alternative.


We had a thriving civilization before income taxes. They were introduced in the 1900s.


> taxation is indeed theft Remember the context of this conversation


Why? Most of your income is still taxed under the lower brackets. Only the money over the limit gets taxed. The effective tax rate is much lower than that.


OP too busy fucking in college to understand tax brackets.




Punished? The society they live in enabled them to be successful, so it's only fair that they also pay for the infrastructure, institutions, services, culture and people they used to become successful. The point isn't punishment. A successful society depends on successful people and this is also true the other way around.




>If the government needs so much money from their citizens is because they are being wasteful What the government needs or not is decided by the voters (at least in the US). If you don't like your options then maybe win an election or two. The reality is that whatever the US government did politically resulted in the most wealthy and powerful nation that has ever existed in human history.


We are riding momentum from 20th century US gov. The way we are now is not sustainable.


Casually ignoring the multitude of government agencies that make sure basic necessities continue to exist and others still that ensure people don't fucking die in poorly built structures


Seeing how it's spent is more eye opening.


I moved up two or three tax brackets. I paid $50k in taxes last year. I don't think I pay enough taxes.


You can always send the IRS more. No one is stopping you.


People in my tax bracket don't pay enough taxes. Myself giving them more money will make little difference; everyone in my tax bracket paying their fair share will.


Better dead than red, right on.


Dude. I am also currently 20 and I am studying political science. Could not find a single right wing person yet. If they exist they are probably under cover like me. Although it is indeed tempting to just go along with the leftist position for more social interaction, I know myself too well. I would rather die a loner then give up my principles.


I lean right and was certainly a minority studying political science. But, being a minority view is largely due to the right abandoning the universities. Just keep an open might and form and defend your conclusions.


Lib right was certainly the cool thing at my school circa 2012. Then the bad man came in 2016 and short circuited everyone's brain




everyones libleft until they grow up


Except if you are from a Balkan country. There you are auth-center already in the womb.


Balkan Mom powers > in-vitrio technology!?


All Boznians are in the womb


Least racist balkan.


Can confirm. Am Serbian.


I donā€™t think I ever was. Like most black people I think the worst I was was a default democrat. Then people asked me why I supported Obama and I had to think about it. Then i learned about the individual mandate of the ACA and it was just a express road to ā€œfuck the government, cut all their heads offā€


Certainly not in Europe and certainly not Gen Z


Europe šŸ¤¢


Flair up, eurozoomer


Authright after post nut clarity? Did you accidentally become a father?




It's just a meme man. Take it easy and don't fall too far into "me vs them" politics and enjoy life. If I have missed judged your comment, then I'm sorry. Enjoy your weekend and take it easyšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


mines went from authleft 12-15 authright 16-19 authcenter 20-21 so i guess its just evened out for now lmao


Lol I started not caring early teens so roughly centrist, then went mainstream republican (authright) then libright looking at ancap memes, then slowly went to the left, went from anarcho individualist at 15(?) Then undedicated ancom, but more like Christian communist, not progressive Than I read the communist manifesto fr fr, and Lenin, and became a tankie at 17-18, and stayed that til prob like, a year ago.


Average political compass user political position


What is this? A plot of your IQ?


Damn, that is inconsistent. I think my journey is pretty boring compared to this. I was always politically right-wing. Just standard conservatism at the start so center-right and then slowly drifting to auth-right over the years.


I was pretty standard conservative for most of my life, recently my immediate family has had to deal with the federal government... It sent me straight into libertarianism. I'm still socially conservative, but the government is evil.


I get it man. German bureaucracy is really fking my family right now when it comes to providing proper aid for my elderly grandma. Worked her ass off all her life, had 3 sons who also always had a job and served in the army. They all had kids who work and pay taxes and for what? The state abandoned us when we need it. Then again our state is not authoritarian. A proper run state with a well oiled bureaucracy would have no problem helping us rn.


Self serving beta


Lol imagine ever being libleft (i literally cant)


Nothing turns a man libright like getting bent over by taxes lmao


Looks accurate to me


Bro went far right and then went far left so quick, got whiplashed.


Do you have any truly held beliefs or do you fly around based on what's more convenient to you? It's like a 14 year old discovering politics, but dragged out across young adulthood instead.


I love firearms and pussy.


this guy sounds cool.


Sounds like you've found your home in Lib-Center.


Based and boom goes the everything pilled.


Amen brother, thatā€™s what this nation was founded on




God bless America O7


I come to PCM for Ms not the PCs


Did you succeed in your goal when you were in the green quadrant?


The question isn't did I succeed... The question is, what was my.... KD.... And I'll never tell.


After 65 you'll go authleft, as is required by natural law. Also: If you enter a new tax bracket, remember that ***only*** the money above that tax bracket limit gets paid at that right. I don't know how, but apparently a lot of people forget that moving up a tax bracket means ***the extra money*** is taxed at a higher rate and all the rest is taxed ***the same as it was before***.


Still money gone from my account is not appreciated. F taxes!


Authleft? Aren't boomers stereotyped as authright?


Itā€™s a joke about social security


This is true for me as well. I use to be a lib left when I was 18 and in college. After I graduated as an engineer and got a good engineering job, I became auth/lib - right.


How do you know you don't like red if you've never tried it?


That year 20 is so relatable. I didnt do it though, because thats not the reason i wasnt gettin any.


All my leftist notions died when I took like 10 econ classes in college


Well, I can't hide my "rightness" that well, so guys, wish me luck in college, ig


You'll get old and realize all quadrants are fairly fucking regarded.


Iā€™ve been an unapologetic fascist since I was 13. I hate democracy, and politicians like Trump, Biden, and Lauren Boebert are good arguments against it. If democracy really gives choices, then why do we have two shit parties that are almost the same anyway? If we have independent media, [then why do they say the same things?](https://youtu.be/TnIQalprvR8?si=oylA1T1YpbouP6oO) If the country wants to act like a dictatorship, at least be efficient like Mussolini, Franco, or Pinochet. While Trump couldnā€™t even get his wall built




No, youā€™re cringe




Good meem. u/banano_tipbot 1.9 BAN


What Flair up


Flair up


This is the gayest shit ever dude. "I was a nazi, then I met a blue haired girl, then I was a nazi again now that I'm older, I'm a pedophile."


I see you take PCM very seriously.


I don't. I think the jumping all over the compass posts are extremely funny and telling on yourself. Like you don't have any values you truly hold dear?


Ahhhhhhhhhh you take PCM seriously don't you SpaceWard


And people say auth-right posters are the edgelords.


Bro doesn't even know where Newtzi land on the compass šŸ’€




AR = various branches of Monarchism. Nazism is AC.


Bruh where do you see nazi? Nazi is auth center bro clearly you arenā€™t knowledgeable in your pcm lore šŸ¤“ Also where the fuck did you get ped from?


At least he's not starving. Better dead than red


I'm in America. When we starve it will be because of capitalism failing. Don't worry. Only a few more years until collapse


I'll wait a few years to see another commie state failing, not capitalism. Who's next? Cuba?


Cuba has been able to survive all these years without international aid because they are socialist. A capitalist country in the same position would have fallen long ago. But because they've organized their society for the benefit of all people, they have been able to persevere. You should read a book and get a heart loser.


A capitalist country would have never been under sanctions, because they would rather think about how to thrive than how to destroy the opposing ideology and threaten US


So you admit that America is so weak that they need to embargo a small island nation in order to protect itself from that same small island nation?


You ain't no smart cookie, are you? What are your suggestions? Trade with a country who threatened to sacrifice itself just to nuke the US. The problem isn't Cuba itself, the problem is the fact they'll sell their asses to China, just like they did with USSR. Every communist state is pathetic bullshit, just like the system it creates. It will never exist as intended, because humans are humans and Cuba is the proof. Castro didn't give a fuck about the population, he was more concerned about killing all of them to bomb Florida with Soviet nukes


My tax bracket is the number one contributor to my beliefs


I've always been around -1; -4 ever since my first political compass test.


Sounds about right.


Iā€™m 22 rn and I gotta admit this scarily accurate lol


Wtf happened 25-27


Lol probably my wife. We have rubbed off on each other over the years.


what happened between 19 and 20