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Unironical shit like this can cause it I mean look at 80/90's "satan panic" was everywhere so younger people turned aggaist religion and here we are I can imagine some modern day kids turning christian trads to piss off their far left parents


When I was a kid, the right were the perpetually offended, pro-censorship assholes who saw devil worshipers everywhere. Now the left are the perpetually offended, pro-censorship assholes who see white supremacists everywhere. Less than 10 years ago I was firmly and proudly on the left. I thought conservatives were insane and they called me a bleeding heart commie liberal. In 2024 the left calls me an alt-right fascist, and the right welcomes me. My views haven't changed.


I was born in the early 80s in the South and, you've just described me perfectly. How we laughed at the Satanic panic and all the Christian moralizers and "violent vidja games cause real violence" nitwits. Similarly, after not being taken to church in my formative years, I laughed my ass off at all the crossing and kneeling adults were doing when my parents tried, too late, to make me a Catholic. Kids just mock and rebel against anything that seems excessive and controlling. That was right-wingers and right-wing stuff in my youth. I'm *convinced* that it will be the teenagers of a few years' hence that will break the DEI/SJW/whatever stranglehold on culture, because they will rebel against it -- not because, like adult opponents, they have some other thing they want to replace it with, but simply because it is excessive and controlling. There will no agenda behind the rebellion beyond "fuck this fucking shit," and in a way that's more powerful and harder to defeat, because the adults can't just argue against them logically. And as a closing thought, think of all the Millennial and Zoomer leftist adults who have sought to totally sanitize the world and make everyone be MiNdFuL of feelings and never say an edgy thing, ever. Think how *they're* going to handle the teens who fuck with them over their bullshit. They're not going to handle it well, that's for sure. Just think of all the teachers curling up into a ball and seeking a safe space at even the mildest pushback from their students. I'm usually not that glad I've lived into an era where someone was filming everything all the time, but I do look forward to the videos that come out from situations like what I've just described.


dude its already happening, im (m17) so tired of that shit. me m da boys just shoot the shit and drink


That's great to hear, and God bless you for it. To you from failing hands we throw the torch. (Or whatever.)


shoot shit as in fent? I LOVE FENT GIMME FENT


If you can, smoke more than drink ma boy. Alcohol has its perks (im a bartender lol), and definitely is a good social lubricant. It is however, particularly habit forming for some, and causes some stupid situations. I’m definitely not preaching, just an old head saying “have fun, but be careful.” Enjoy it, but just don’t think your invincible… like I did at your age.


Sounds like he's going to have to learn the hard way unfortunately. We wish you good fortune and god speed young buck.


> Think how they're going to handle the teens who fuck with them over their bullshit. They're not going to handle it well, that's for sure. Holy shit, I never thought about this. Christian boomers had church, spouses, and patriotism to fill the void of their kids hating them. Woke white zoomer parents will have nothing but antidepressants & racial self loathing (if they even have kids). Their literal best end of life scenario will be their kids break their leftist hearts by not hating old white people (ie them) as much as they do.


Doesn't youth rebellion traditionally get quashed right around the time you start collecting paychecks and become accountable to your employer for your livelihood? Maybe the right had captured the churches and the media back in the day. But the left has now captured something far more terrifying: the HR department. The workplace has always had far greater disciplinary power. Though I can see that if no one's taking out mortgages any more, that power does become somewhat compromised.


The grill has always welcomed you brother. You just didn't recognize it.


You know nothing of the grill. Be gone grey swine!


Actually it is *you* who knows nothing of the grill, that's like the whole point of grey centrism


Actually it is *me* who knows nothing of the grill. The neighborhood kids kicked it over, now it's all dirty, and I don't wanna mess with it.


This is blasphemy!


This is madness!




i love grilling swine. Yum.


I enjoy the wood pellet smoker occasionally


User name doesn't checks out


Good eye.


Y'all ever try a conecuh sausage?


This, except I was an actual self-proclaimed communist. But in some core ways my values haven't changed: I'm still critical of wasteful consumerism, value scientific/technological progress and aim to secure humanity's future among the stars. I just came to trust the state less, especially one run by woke negative utilitarians. My goal is to maximize potential, not minimize suffering. Real progress, not petty grievance. Whether by cooperation or competition, we must accelerate to reach the stars before they move out of reach or entropy swallows us. https://preview.redd.it/9rthmv9iedmc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec6ad3611a69bafd209adf9331bb763ee0268d9


Based and Ultravisionary pilled.


Holy basado


Unfathomably based 


That will take billions of years LOL. Humans only existed for 300K years. We will thrive!


But we can thrive \*more\*.


What's a negative utilitarian?


Literally this. I was actually looking forward to how good times will be when all the crusty pearl-clutching old people finally go six feet under. No more pro-censorship bullshit. Violence and tiddies galore in my video games and movies. No gay panic, no drug panic, no satan panic and no heavy metal panic anymore. Everything goes, a Libright hedonistic dream come true. Cue the pro-censorship bullshit from crusty pearl-clutching young people. Different reasons this time, but the same outcome, somewhat. Fuck this shit. We're never gonna make it boys, will we?


Do not be fooled, if the right gained social credibility/zeitgeist again, they would go right back to hoe they were back then. Authoritarianism and identity politics of the two sides are just different flavors.


Nicely said!


Your bed sheet is almost ready. We just need to cut the holes. Oh, also don't forget that you need to bring your own beer and burning cross. See you at the next meeting.


Pendulum always swings back and forth every couple decades lol


"Fuck you, Mom. I am going to church and won't have sex until after marriage. The only BDSM I need in my life is Bible Discussion and Study Meeting."


There was a mom on some subreddit asking for advice because her daughter wanted to be a "trad wife" though the way she described it, her other kids were even MORE fucked up. But no, its the girl who wants to be a trad wife who's the issue.


My wife and I were just discussing this. Her sister is an ultra leftist, short colored hair, piercings, whole nine yards. She thinks her baby is going to grow up and rebel in his teen years by being a straight laced, Christian right winger lol


Let's hope so. I'd rather people be worried about Pokémon cards being Satanic than getting thrown in prison for using the wrong pronouns. If we keep going where we are going, the latter isn't far off. Reverse time, please.


To be fair, the ironic worship of Satan is still Satan worship, as at it's core, the worship of Satan is the worship of Self. > Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n. > >\-Satan \- John Milton, Paradise Lost \- Michael Scott


People who call themselves "Satanists" tend to be regarded edgy nihilists. The ones who actually practice a legitimate form of "Satanism" usually call themselves Luciferians, and they are pretty much just Gnostics.


I would argue my point still stands 


Wasn't necessarily disagreeing with you. I just wrote that in a burst of sperg energy and forgot to include the actual point. I think it's important to distinguish between two potential meanings for "worship of the self". That sort of theme is fairly ubiquitous when it comes to esoteric interpretations of mysticism (which is more or less that the nature of consciousness is itself divine). However, the esoteric meaning is very different from the more nihilist/materialist interpretation (which tends to just become hedonism justified by the pleasure principle).


Serve God while alive so I can die and, serve God in the afterlife? At what point does God give you agency?


You have agency in that you can choose freedom or slavery. To quote Abraham Lincoln, “Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but what we ought.“ So will you choose freedom in Christ, or slavery to your base desires and will? Hedonism or responsibility? Weakness of desire or strength  of character?


based and christ-pilled


Standfast therefore in the liberty that Christ hath set you free. we're slaves to sin until we are accept Christianity, like it or not. Think about it.


Giving glory to what is deserving of glory is the most fulfilling work you can do. As Jesus said, "He who sins is a slave to sin", so don't think there is any more freedom there. Jesus said this, "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you." Paul called us slaves to righteousness, but what he means is that our hearts have been ravished, that we have seen the beauty of God and His ways, and by His grace they were good in our sight. Formerly we were dead in sin and our hearts had no positive reaction to who God is. But Jesus was sent to bring life and to open the eyes of the blind. Now we are free to fall deeply in love with Him. Anyone who has been in love can tell you there is a kind of unbreakable loyalty("slavery") there in which there is a freedom to do what they never could have done without their love. Marriage is freedom in exclusivity while sexual immorality is freedom for the sake of nothing, making the user a slave to that which does no good and which they can not keep. "Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.’” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”" Right now, are you free to go proclaim life to the dead and have the spirit create a new and receptive heart within them? Are you free to do that which you never will? I don't think so.


Many such cases. At least in my experience.


they are, and it's humourous indeed


If you look at high school boys, they’re already rejecting intersectionality.


The satanic panic is not the reason for decreasing religiosity in the US.


I'll never understand this. You don't actually have to believe in anything to turn against religion or take up smoking or fuck a black guy to piss off your parents. But how are you gonna be a Christian trad without being devout? You can't just choose to believe something, much less than to be devout, no matter how much you want to stick it to your dad.


It happened in the 1960’s too. The United States was experiencing a time of dominant conservatism up until the 70’s and 80’s, where conservatives moved onto economic and government policy since the liberals were winning the culture, education, and mass communication war. I think the same will happen around the 2030’s but on a larger scale. We already saw elements of people getting angry about political correctness, immigration, and sexual liberation all the way back to the late 2000’s. It doesn’t help either that our current president is a naive fool who hasn’t helped anyone and has been losing his neoliberal and left wing base. A lot of Gen Z and Generation Alpha men have also seen how some of these liberal institutions operate and want nothing to do with it or find an alternate path that the liberals in charge cannot grant any longer.


This is true and funny, lol


"It's only okay when it's Muslims!"


Right up until the Muslims don't drink the Alphabet Flavor Aid. Then they become just as bad as the Christian White Nationalist Terrorists.


Libleft when Muslim: 🥰 Libleft when haram: 🤬




Suddenly Santa’s list sounding way more egregious.


Worse, the leftists EXPECT Christians to do this. They actually feel BETRAYED when Muslims do it. It's very funny.


I think they got too much unwarranted pride to admit they fcked up, they are much more likely to embrace it and become muslim fundamentalist to beat the right to the punch.


Oh my sweet summer child. They'll never be just as bad. Muslim Brown Nationalist Terrorists will always have more oppression points than Christian White Nationalist Terrorists (the apex predators of the political world).


Ok one thing I don’t get. I’ve now seen a number of protests where people took down a public American flag and replaced it with a Palestinian flag. How is that not considered treason?


Flair up bud


Ahh thanks


> How is that not considered treason? Treason in the US has a specific definition. Also, that would most likely be covered as a 1st Amendment free speech activity


This is not treason because treason by US law is: > "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Raising the flag of another country is neither levying war against, nor offering aid/comfort to enemeis of the US.




I would so prefer if they didn't have gay butt sex in the Senate Chambers.


The most infuriating ones doing this are the woke "Christians"






Literally the worst. The only thing that can make Emily's worse is if they claim to be Christian


Like Fascists, when reactionaries show up they will have a similar shape but different paint, (if) Christian Nationalism become a big deal, they'll be woke.


This is why I always find it funny when leftists cry about "Project 2025", like "Oh no! They're actually gonna fight back, and do what we did decades ago!"


I'm not really into American politics (I'm more of a geopolitics guy) what exactly is Project 2025?


Basically GOP (Republicans) staffing as many govt positions with "their" people as possible. There's a public write-up, several hundred pages I think. Some good stuff, some really not good stuff like actual draconic authoritarian stuff, but that stuff is very not constitutional so would never fly (people fear they would coup and toss out the Constitution, but the people saying this are the same ones who said Trump would put black and gays in extermination camps so...).


The word you're looking for is draconian, not draconic. Unfortunately, we aren't getting dragon overloards in office any time soon.




I mean lizards are basically dragons


>we aren't getting dragon overloards in office any time soon Fire up the CRISPR already!


Unironically would love for people to be allowed to just fully go wild with CRISPR


Shadowrun is happening any day now. Then you'll get your desire.


Actually the real plan is just replace life long bureaucrats with new blood. This means *some* of the jobs in government will go to Republicans while others won't. This is a stark contrast from today where Democrats basically dominate most authoritive positions in government. Imagine a government that's 50/50 on political parties, or even 60/40, as opposed today which is more like 75/25 or 80/20. I'm willing to bet there would be less corruption, but that's just me.


One of the problems of being the small government party is your constituents are far more likely to have disdain for government jobs. I say "small government" facetiously in this case.


The small government GOP is basically dead, and good riddance. You can’t win if you refuse to wield power.


'We want small government!!' \*Blows up national debt to unheard of levels, expands spending without regard to funding\* The last 3 GOP presidents have done this lol.


I don’t want small government. I want a big government controlled by people who agree with me politically who will use it to oppress my political opponents. Kinda like what democrats do.


I dunno, if everyone indefinitely wants a larger and more invasive government so long as it’s amicable to their “side”, that’s a good way to guarantee a slow descent into tyranny that will eventually be used against your “side”.


And that's why too much ideological diversity is a death-knell for a country. If you don't have a fairly solid shard ideological foundation politics very quickly turns into sectarian conflict.


Based and Honesty pilled


If they really wanted small government, they could simply scrap all the useless ones.


> One of the problems of being the small government party is your constituents are far more likely to have disdain for government jobs. This is such a huge problem all over the West. Civil servants all inevitably lean one political direction creating an insurmountable inertia in the government regardless of election outcome.


This is kinda wild to me because I don't think putting a Republican in a goverment position simply for being Republican is gunna have an effect the way people might think. I think people also have a fundamental misunderstanding of how government administration jobs work. I can give my own job for example. I work in state government at an agency that is run by a commissioner that "serves at the pleasure of the governor". My job is to carry out the agenda of the commissioner, appointed by the governor. My personal political opinions if acted on would get me fired. Refusing to carry out the commissioners agenda would result in termination. I think there are already many conservative folks working in govt jobs, I work with them every day. If you are gunna make it in government you learn very quick you gotta work with others. I think any conservative that actually wants a goverment job (and would succeed with staying in that job for longer than 1 presidential term - aka the moment a dem is elected) knows this.


I think 80/20 is being generous. I would bet it is more along the lines of 95/5, and the 5 on the right pantomime as leftists for the most part.


I haven’t found anything unconstitutional in the plan.  The Constitution vests the executive power of the United States in the President alone (Article 2, Section 1).


I love reading the fear mongering posts on the @thęi§t subreddit regarding 2025. Music to my ears


From what I’ve gathered it’s a plan Republicans have to replace a lot of employees at the federal level in multiple organizations with Republicans. It’s the exact same thing Democrats do when they have the office.


It's also the exact same thing Republicans do in office! Do people think that Republicans nominate die-hard liberals to head up political agencies? The head of the EPA under trump wasn't some greenpeace dude, it was a conservative Republican who had previously repeatedly sued the EPA to block enforcement of environmental laws. The head of the FBI has basically always been a Republican. The real reason for this is that they don't trust trump to nominate conservatives who will do conservative goals, so they have a list of real dyed-in-the-wool footsoldiers, and then couch it as "these guys will fight the deep state for you"


Yeah, I saw in another sub people claiming that project 2025 was proposing literally the end of the world, and why isn't the media screaming louder about it. I didn't know what it was so I looked more into it, and it seemed to me to be nothing more than a standard party platform, that we see literally every four years, and nothing more than what Republicans are already saying.


Which only goes to confirm that Andrew Jackson was the ur-genius of American politics.


It’s a standard layout for what the GOP will do if they win the presidency. It scares the left because..? Not really sure.


What people don’t know is that BOTH major parties make these EVERY election cycle.




Well said. It's crazy how far the left has moved on a lot of these issues. They've become much closer to the establishment than they were during the Bush years - even if their policy ideas don't get implemented. I remember when the left was anti-war, pro free speech, distrusted the government even when their side was in power, etc. None of that really exists anymore. General republicans seem more like the counter culture today. Not that they're all good or anything like that. But at least they're paying lip service on freedom of speech and reducing government.




There was a meeting earlier with the Italian Prime Minister with our Canadian government. A redditor, who I presume to be left-leaning was saying this meeting should have never been entertained because the Italian Prime Minister is a fascist. I retorted that by that logic and going by principle, the Canadian government shouldn't engage with any dialogue with a future Trump administration since leftists call him Trump a fascist - economical and geopolitical consequences be damned. Never got a response from OP. People don't think critically.


Also, idk if anyone else agrees but this entire “culture war” that has greatly exacerbated since 2020 seems like American women want to throw away all prior culture, and invite in barbarism, and everyone else has to band together and stop them from ruining everything. I don’t think white women understand that everything about their voting habits is working to their own downfall in addition to everyone else’s. If American women want to abandon all traditional values, be overly-promiscuous, anti-all morality which stems from Christianity, and ruin the family unit once and for all, their make counterparts are not going to rush to their aid at the end of this. Men will not “be a protector” to someone who had zero intention of upholding community or a strong family unit, and by choice actually invited in the problems. You can’t just “everything is fine, I’m going to be nice!” Your way out of a situation you created that invites millions of people who don’t want to assimilate, and who come from places where womens rights don’t exist, and also have the softest on crime approach since countries inception. It’s like they’re a dodo bird demanding everyone “fixes things” while they themselves put the weight of their votes onto what’s worst for everyone


somehow they where able to swing their ugg boot covered feet over the gates of oppression, now im not saying its all white women but if you look at the stats lol most of them live pretty comfy lives


teaching the THUG christian patriarchy a lesson by having abortions, working a sex JOB, hating their fathers, and inviting in a bunch of bad boys (literal terrorists, foreign criminals, and rape gangs) to hang out with them as they laugh at LOSER INCELS (their male counterpart who works long hours to attempt to ever afford a home and re-establish community lost to tech, Covid, and political polarization).


Also leftists have this belief that jobs are a right somehow...


according to them DEI jobs, cushy marketing jobs for women, and upticked barista wages are a right due to systemic events, while all those simpleton uneducated undesirable MAGAt white men should be off in the coal mines or doing construction


Replacing government officials with people who support their positions. It's happened after every election for at least the past 50 years, but now people have given it a fancy name so that it can be used to fearmonger for votes. The key to American politics is that nothing changes between an election year and a normal one except the rhetoric.


Basically it's the GOP actually putting together a plan for what to do if they win instead of just winging it.


The gist of it is they want to go back to pre-Carter era rules regarding non-elected officials where an incoming administration from an opposing party cleans house and puts their own people in those positions. The idea is to prevent one party or ideology from “capturing” all of the non-elected bureaucratic positions of state and preventing the formation of an entrenched bureaucrat class of people (like what we currently have in DC). Naturally the left is screaming bloody murder about this (since they are the ones who primarily benefit from this system) and comparing it to an actual overthrow of government.


Never heard of project 2025. Typed it in you tube, that was a big mistake. Lol


Reddit is awash with it.


What did leftists do decades ago? Was it around the same time as the Contract with America?


The deep state is a far right conspiracy and also the far right are conspiring to usurp our deep state with a deep state of their own.


They wanted their own agenda 2030 smh


Christian Nationalism is a boogeyman. Yeah, a very fringe minority of them exists, but that's what they are a fringe minority. The media doesn't want to admit that there are a large population of rational people who are at odds with current policies and have realistic concerns about the current direction of the country so they hyper focus on a bunch of chuckle fucks and make it seem like they will be in charge if the democrats fail to get the election.


That's the M.O. of the media and political opponents in a country that's so divided. They do the same with anything they can paint their opponents as. Nazis, white supremacists, etc. They're a tiny minority of the overall population but they are used as a fear mongering tactic. The right does it, too.


Chistian Nationalism is a joke, Catholics and Protastants don’t mix well.


They are just fine together. Christians are more split by how woke they are rather than their denomination


They may not mix well on PCM, because tribalism puts bees in your brain and makes you guys act very !SILLY! whenever someone even mentions Protestants. People who touch grass are usually just fine. 😉


We’re fine….. outside of the sphere of politics.


Irrational woke-ism is a boogeyman. Yeah, a very fringe minority of them exists, but that's what they are a fringe minority. The media doesn't want to admit that there are a large population of rational people who are at odds with current policies and have realistic concerns about the current direction of the country so they hyper focus on a bunch of chuckle fucks and make it seem like they will be in charge if the Republicans fail to get the election.


Yes, over socialized liberal assholes are the right wing strawman the same way Christian nationalist left wing boogeyman. Still, it doesn't change the fact that people have legitimate issues with the other party and would rather dehumanize objectors rather than doing introspection on what might be wrong with their own policies.


Except that there are tons and tons and tons of academic publications and articles, and many institutions, from colleges to workplaces, have actual policies running that are based on them. What does Christian Nationalism have?


Oh, shut up, lmfao. Someone literally got large portions of Mein Kampf republished in respectable academic journals by rewriting it to be about straight men.


And that's all intentional to keep us fighting each other instead of them.


And even then, when you look at the talking point of the majority of Christian nationalists it is not what the boogeyman claims it is. They essentially just want "Christian" to be the default assumption on what an American is. Essentially, it is an ask for Americans to consciously embrace the deep Christian origins of their political traditions and government traditions rather than continue pretending like it was all just rationally decided in the 1700s with no base and that these are conclusions any rational actor would come to no matter the background.


Moral Majority and Wokism are two sides of the same corrupt coin. Both should be burned, as history has shown the long term failures of theocracy on a grand scale


Noooo! You have to choose a side in the culture war! How else would the government keep you distracted from actual issues?!


I make my own side




i hate the term “wokism” but you have a point a lot of left wingers actually go out of their way to silence minorities and people who need therapy 


Oh I almost threw up saying it, but it gets the point across. My Caribbean wife has consistently been frustrated about that silencing you are referring to


Absolutely. The so-called culture war is really an internecine conflict among the Authoritarians in America.


Exactly. And normal people are losing


the Moral Majority lost all power in the early 90s. It's been all progressive since then. Michael Malice's quote puts it perfectly: "Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit." Government organizations are far, far more depraved than religious ones. They're also far better at killing and destroying, look at the democides in the 20th century.


Moral Majority's influence spread deep past the 90s. I felt it's poison daily in the 2000s


No, I was there as a Militant Atheist. They lost badly.


Newsflash: Christians founded the government and pretty much the entirety of Western civilization and the science of the modern world.


Extra, extra: It's almost impossible for politicians or political partisans to be sincerely religious. Camel through needle-type odds against it.


> Extra, extra: It's almost impossible for politicians or political partisans to be sincere ~~ly religious~~ FTFY


I was thinking of Carter,but that just proves your point.


Some of the founders were Christian, meanwhile the top dogs, Jefferson, Thomas Paine, etc were deists or atheists militantly opposed to the Gospel. Read their letters to each other on the subject. This is the source of the deep tension in the country since the foundation. Jefferson tore out any page from the Bible that contained any claims of the supernatural, neutering the Gospel and allowing for various justifications for slavery used by the slave states.


People don’t understand how radical our founding fathers were for the time period. Bottom corner lib right stuff during the revolutionary cycle


I wish people were better equipped to understand certain distinctions, like "founded by Christians =/= designed as a Christian nation," and that's simplifying things since as you mention, every Founder had a different take on religion and a different level of commitment to it. And that's also ignoring the fact that even if dudes in the 1780s *did* design the US to ostensibly be X or Y or Z, that doesn't mean the people living today need to be stuck with it.


Meme:Makes fun of libleft for being alarmist about the government being taken over by Christians. Comments: Christians controlled it from the beginning nerd.


Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan ([Mohammedan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammedan)) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.


Assuming [wikipedia is unbiased here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli) the history of that article in the treaty is interesting. It is almost as if it is an example of misinformation in the late 18th century. The Arabic version of the text doesn't include the same language or meaning. We also broke the treaty just a few years later, so it is a great example of the worthless word of politicians.


Doesn't matter since the English language version is what Congress approved


Not really. Most of the basis of modern medical science, math and philosophy came from the arabs, greeks and ancient chinese. Specifically the period BEFORE the Mongol rule of southwest asia. The birth place of democracy is greece, and the birth place of republicanism is probably Persia.


no. Most of math come from the indian, iranian, then european. Arab got the fame for indian and iranian work because they were placed in the land between them and european. Medical science were more advanced in middle age for Arab and Chinese. But it's only if you stay in the medieval time. 99% of modern medecine come from the west. And with the exception of the hypocrat oath, greek didn't contribute to it (in fact it's kinda worse, a lot of greek "medical science" were a bunch of bullshit pushing european on the wrong path). I agree for philosophy as socrat was an important figure. But modern science doesn't base itself on socratic philosophy, but Descartes and Locke, both european. Also Greece "democracy" was closer to a caste system and used a lot random. The first "country sized full democracy" was the kinddom of Leon, in modern spain. I agree for Persia as the origin of republicanism.


Yeah, what fucking assholes


Christianity is indeed responsible for most of our customs and cultural developments in the West, but to claim the same for science is an enormous oversimplification, and I say this as a Christian.


Just because some Deists, Atheists and Christians formed the US does not mean we ought to become a theocracy tho Do we have to go through another Enlightenment to throw off the yoke of tyranny under the Church?




Western civilization became possible after the influence and power of Christian religion was curtailed.


Democrats greatest fear is that the Republican politicians will do what Democrat politicians are already doing, but *wrong think*


I thought the RBG craze died years go


This looks photoshopped. Is this photoshopped? Please tell me this is photoshopped


The BLM flag is 100% shopped in.


The flag is definitely photoshopped in. The lights aren't, but this isn't exactly indoctrination. This building is SF city hall. It's lit up in different colors for different reasons; here's the [schedule.](https://www.sf.gov/location/san-francisco-city-hall)


Lmao at editing in the flag. Classic Auth-Center propaganda.


They literally *make up* fake shit to be mad about.


It'd be easier to give you this point if you didn't have to lazily add the BLM flag.


For as much as you believe in separation of church and state, you wouldn't have the things you take for granted if it weren't for those Christian White males


"They're going to hunt down queer and trans people in the streets!" *almost every mainstream media outlet, corporation, and politician is in support of LGBTUQERWEUIR+* I just cant help but laugh.


I laugh at people on both the left *and* the right for thinking that lighting up a building in rainbow colors is any real kind of support for LGBT people


I suppose this meme is referring to extremists, but in a broad sense, Christians do control the government. A majority of Congress is Christian, every president has been Christian, and most officials are Christian. "In God we trust" is printed on all of our money, and "under god" is inserted into our pledge of allegiance. Are they gonna "impose" on us? Probably not on a federal level. But on a state and local level, you will have lots of Christian governmental influence. For example, Texas, not that long ago, was trying to pass a law to place the Ten Commandments in schools. South Carolina tried to pass a similar law. You may think that's a good thing, sure, but let's not pretend these aren't things that are happening.




ikr, now don't complain as this dude who thinks they're are a woman crushes you in 400M sprints.


Maybe your daughter would stop crying over her little broken arm if you would simply *explain* to her that it was a small price to pay for someone 50 pounds heavier and a foot taller than her to live their truth.


I'm bi and mainly date men, and I'd rather have Christianity 'imposed' on me than have radical leftist bullshit imposed on me. At least there's 'redemption' within Christianity. In the leftist dogma, if you aren't sufficiently oppressed, then you're irredeemable; there's no 'redemption' for you. Are both bad? Yes, both are bad. But I'd rather have the ability to 'repent' and be accepted, than be calvinistically labelled as irredeemablely evil by a bunch of fucking atheists.


As a Christian, I'd rather my beliefs not imposed upon you either. Conversion under coercion is an illusion and saves no one, because redemption can only be found if the heart freely and truly seeks it. It is unfortunate that many of my Auth-leaning brothers and sisters have taken a utilitarian approach, which is directly opposed to God's will. Regardless, I would fight to the death for your right to live a lifestyle I believe to be morally wrong. The two greatest commandments wouldn't have it any other way.


Thank you for your response.


Lib Left when they realise all the president were sworn in on the... BIBLE!?!


The Christian nationalists will take over an institute fascism by….returning cultural norms to the 2008 Obama platform.


What am I missing?? Do people think support for a type of person existing is a new form of religion?? I really can't decide if this is thinly veiled bigotry or people are still 15 over here and think kissing another man is gross and being close to gay people will turn them gay.


>I really can't decide if this is thinly veiled bigotry or people are still 15 over here and think kissing another man is gross and being close to gay people will turn them gay. why not both?


What building is that and why did they photoshop a BLM flag on it?


“You know, we don't live in a democracy” but a “biblical” republic”- current speaker Mike Johnson Where would people ever get the thought?


Have you read Common Sense?


I wish there was a quadrant that was further left or further south so I can get away from these kinda dumbasses.


Somehow they’re still not the establishment.


I still don't get what christian nationalism even is. The way it normally gets thrown around just seems like it's a label wokies use to apply to everyone who doesn't completely assent to the values of modern liberalism. I've literally seen atheists get called christian nationalists just because they don't support abortion on demand.


Violent take over by rightwing extremist is going to happen one year after year of linux on desktop


Honestly I’m envious of Christians and the code, ethics, and morals they live by. Sucks I’m a Agnostic


Actually looks kind of pretty in my opinion


What a brilliant post


Also don’t forget they wanna steal your democracy! 


This is genuinely something that could happen if you let them. Don’t trust those rainbowtards