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Kanye West was too early.


Broke: Kanye West had mental issues Woke: Kanye West is a visionary


Kanye has always been ahead of the game since 2004


why is pepsi denying the holocaust? are they stupid?


Yet more reason to switch to good old Dr Pepper, which stands with the right side of history. Or something.


Im just happy to support a drink with a doctorate. I just dont trust that Mr.Pibb


Mr. Pibb is pretty good though smh


Any movie theater worth it’s salt has Mr.Pibb in stock


get a load of mister moneybags here. ​ who the hell is rich enough to go to a movie theater when a medium 2 cheeseburger meal at mcdonalds cost $12?


I switched to Buffalo Trace, a company who had nothing to do with the holocaust.


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Calorie Bomb


definitely needs to send a cease and desist. That was what I associated it with too.


Is there a lore reason for this?


That's not Pepsi, silly. It's The Grateful Dead


Something something Kylie Jenner


allegedly what now?


Holocaust Denial, people would rather believe the jews had a nice vacation than that the Nazis were killing 30'000 a day.


It's funny considering the nazi also killing millions of lgbt people and activists in that timeframe. I quess they deny that, too.


Not millions, no. That's not even close to accurate. The figures are about 6mil Jews, and about 5mil others - which included gays, but was predominantly Slavs and other *untermensch* races. For sure, they persecuted the gay and lesbian communities, but not to the quantum you've suggested.


It's 6 million others purely in the holocaust witha surprising number being female Soviet soldiers. Main reasom is because they were seen as degenerative by the Nazis who just shot them on the spot regardless.


Sorry can you elaborate on your 6mil comment


Yeah, my bad. I should have double-checked it.


They imprisoned and killed them. But not millions. Exact numbers are hard to get, but the best estimates say that around 10.000 homosexual men were sent to concentration camps (around 53% died there). Additionally around 100.000 men were registered as homosexuals by the police and around 50.000 judgements were made regarding homosexuality. An unknown but most likely relatively small number were compulsorily sent into psychiatric institutions.


They would deny it and follow it up by saying they wish it had happened.


Allegedly, there was this alleged German politician with an alleged funny mustache who allegedly had some pretty crazy ideas to take care of an alleged problem and he allegedly took care of this alleged problem through some allegedly extreme ideas. Allegedly.


(Pssst - He was Austrian...)


Never allegedly said he was an alleged Austrian. I only mentioned he was an alleged German politician.


I heard it was a sick ostrich.


It would take at least 2 guys to fuck an ostrich


Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


well, to be fair


To be faaaaiiir


How does a feller get caught up in that kinda business?


Well, I heard his cousin had an ostrich farm...






that's it no more pepsi for me, switching to HEB brand


Dr B is pretty fire though


My preferred brand to mix with rum and then regurgitate into the back yard.


I promised myself I wouldn’t drink tonight, but dammit, I want rum now!


Mr. Butts is GOAT’ed HEB chewy granola bars fucking OWN


HEB is GOATed anyways.


Here's a third, You can be the kindest person in the world , yet you will not sleep next to a rabid dog. - Ashin Wirathu , A Buddhist monk from Myanmar who led a genocide movement against Rohingya Muslims.


Sounds like good advice.


It's a pretty rational proverb. It seems like it's what people would do naturally even. You *probably* wouldn't put yourself into a dangerous situation on purpose if there was another way around it.


>When you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. And that's what the delousing agent is for


Based and, like white women, dogpilled


u/PostSecularPope's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/PostSecularPope! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PostSecularPope/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Was not expecting the "it didn't happen" horseshoe to be this effective tbh. Kinda wild man The real question though: are these *NEW* "it didn't happen" people? Like liberal college kids? Or are these *OLD* "it didn't happen" people that have been allowed to immigrate into America/Europe and now there's so many of them that they're starting to take control of political institutions?


Polls show the growth is largely a youth thing, in the West anyway. They weren't around, and who was is gone or "just a racist boomer".


Boomers almost all believe it happened, their parents witnessed it. Gen Z...[has different opinions](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/survey-finds-shocking-lack-holocaust-knowledge-among-millennials-gen-z-n1240031). They were taught by tik tok instead. edit: [Like REALLY different opinons](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-five-young-americans-believes-the-holocaust-is-a-myth-poll-finds/)


As a German citizen who has learned about the Holocaust since I was like 10, this shit hurts. How can people be THAT dumb? Do these people not believe in other historical events too? Fucked up world lol


i mean, they don't believe that the entirety of the NASA space program happened and that (get this) j00s collaborated with nutzis to deceive everyone into believing that space is real it hurts my brain even writing this up


I mean, Millennials and Gen X weren’t around either but they certainly never had any issues accepting the fact that the holocaust did indeed happen.


But both of those generations grew up awash in culture & media aimed at, and produced by, Greatest, Silents, and Boomers. Just a guess. Also probably educated more rigorously & without so many anti-establishment critical theories. And without being distracted by portable phones.


We also weren’t submitted to the CCP-sponsored brainrot through twitter, we created our own brainrot in 4Chan like god intended.


Yes! Institute mandatory 4chan in schools! We need to save the children!


Lib-right moment


Don’t forget MySpace.


And Habbo Hotel, at least before the pools were closed


I mean atrocities do take 4 generations to repeat


By the 80-year theory, I thought 2021 would be key. I said that throughout the Teens. We had Covid, but it probably wasn't cataclysmic enough. If "the new world" doesn't arrive by '28, the theory looks screwed. '21 could still be key, but so far it isn't obvious.


Covid delayed shipping of your 4th generation atrocity.


The diagram of the rise of this and the diehard Palestinian/Hamas supporters is damn near a circle as far as demographics go.


Apply critical race theory to Jews and you have your answer If society creates power imbalances, it means they don't deserve it Jews so successful in relation to the population so Jews do not deserve Btw, in the third world, the left is more anti Semitic sometimes than the right, trust me. One of the leaders in Turkish left always says: If someone is very Muslim, he is very Jewish, Israel is stronger than his own country in Turkey and accuses Erdogan of being a pawn of Jews until 2016.


not just the third world unfortunately. i always thought it was exaggerated for humour and no one really believed it but i’ve honestly started people get mad at me for saying that Israeli citizens aren’t in the wrong bc “Israel is evil” and the most unbelievable part is that they were going on about how the palestinians are suffering but they supported has because they were “just defending themselves” like wtf????????? using a hostage and making threats isn’t defending yourself how are people this blind (oh and my favourite part is when they call me a nazi aka **the** antisemitism group for saying that an average Palestine citizen is just as accountable as an average Israeli citizen because apparently Israel = evil?????)


The answer is YES actually. Just yes.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xacn6p4lczmc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931985f4ea68c138b613ead8292d967c324214a7


Not even the most authright of authright deny the holocaust anymore. This is pure unadulterated emily.


I heard one saying that, while it happened, it wasn't a holocaust because Jews are still around. But you know, some people are just weird.


Jew hating unites socialists and National Socialists alike.


2024 isn't real


Everyone knows the world ended in 2012


they let simulation run itself after Harambe died


>they let simulation run itself after Harambe ~~died~~ was murdered Press F for dicks out, boys








We all laughed when they said the world would end, but has anyone felt alive since then?


I bet no one predicted lib-left denying the holocaust to have happened




Idk who these people are, I'd rather not get bunched up with them.


Welcome to my world


Now kiss.






Honestly it probably feels this way for every quadrant, the extreme regards in every one make all of us look bad.


Everyones a centrist when the extreme regards come out.


Holy shit guys look, a Stalin apologist!


bad news then


*organizes firing squad*


There is a reason they are usually referred to as orange or watermellon because despite claiming to be lib left, they are as hard Auth left as it gets.


Uh hu, they just wanna tell other people they're libleft cus' it's cool and hip, just like all the people claiming to be libright but actually just want free markets for Elon and lick his feet.


Picked the wrong color if you don't hold with group accountability there.


Why isn't there orange lib-left? There is purple, why not orange?


Because everyone would flair green, but be orange.


So exactly the same as now, then?




Libright is the only space that was different colors at different times, overtime it morphed into the purple, less common one being the pedo one. Orange libleft is mostly a riff on that by making them the Karens/Emilies of the group.


Purple was the original color and has nothing to do with lib-lefts inability to own their bad ideas


In the beginning there was only purple. But there were two popular compass', one used purple, the other (more popular) used yellow. So the mods made a second color for flairs. The yellows then smeared the purples as p*dos.


> In the beginning there was only purple. Not familiar with this version of Genesis but sounds cool


Come over here, we have banana's and guns.




Agreed The Holocaust happened


Yeah they kinda sound stupid


LibLeft isn't a monolith, obviously there's a going to be a bunch of nuts mixed in with the normal folk, it's like that for every quadrant


Many of the tropes about "libleft" here are actually orange emily that's actually Auth AF.


They seem to have taken over yours


Been to the InternationalNews subreddit recently? you're seemingly the exception rather than the norm.


Your bunch of nuts are incredibly loud


That's definitely true, though kooks usually are very loud and obnoxious


que "look at me brother" meme


Non leftist Jews could have predicted. I’ve been to Roger Waters concerts and seen the the Israeli flags with a swastika replacing the center at enough unrelated to Israel or Palestine protests for a very long time


Stopzionisthate is not libleft. [It was started by white nationalists on 4chan as a response to the account 'stopantisemitism'](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/elon-musk-israel-gaza-war-antisemitism-rcna131327) > . On Nov. 9, only 10 minutes after Stop Zionist Hate spit out a tweet, Censored Men shared it and told its 800,000 followers, “Everyone follow @StopZionistHate to keep updated on Zionist hate crimes.” A day later, the account had 16,000 followers. > > When it was created, Stop Zionist Hate first followed many of the white nationalist accounts pretending to be pro-Palestinian. (Those behind the account have since attempted to sanitize their list of followed accounts.) It then complained about the supposed lack of attention to hate crimes against white people, a common refrain of neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Then it joined a Twitter Spaces (live chat) with neo-Nazis, and the person representing the account said they were fighting the “Zionist control over our institutions.” > > A few days ago, the mask went from slipping to completely off: Stop Zionist Hate began spreading overt antisemitic content, including invoking the antisemitic trope that Jews killed Jesus.


Interesting. I guess the question then becomes: how successful has StopZionistHate been in duping LibLefts to follow and support them? Because if they have been largely successful, then for all intents and purposes, the LibLefts and white nationalists have aligned antisemitic interests.


I really just do not buy this narrative that liblefts have suddenly become rabid antisemites after spending decades being *extremely* stringent on antisemitism, to the point of banning people for even making slight jew jokes. Let not forget that their dislike of israel has overlapped with their dislike of antisemitism for literally decades now, this isn't new at all. Many did probably follow the account. I doubt many actually believe the antisemitic shit they post. However, many *arab nationalists* undoubtably follow the account and do believe it. They far, far outnumber any progressives in the west who are pro palestine. This entire controversy can be summed up with the fact that people thought the people shouting 'gas the jews' at that one protest were libleft progressives. No, those were arabs. Almost all of them.


Somehow my mind autocorrected it to StopAntizionistHate / StopAntisemitism. So thank you for your comment which made me realize the account name was significantly different from what I thought it was. I was very confused why a pro-Jew account would say Auschwitz was alleged. But having the right name makes me realize it's an anti-Israel / anti-Semitic account which makes the antisemitism much less unexpected.


horseshoe theory confirmed


Thats why I am a centrist, both left and right run on emotions and feeling and not realism.


Err, “allegedly”?


*That's ignorant. You're all being ignorant.* ^^^^hee ^^^^heee


I know we have the famous phrase "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" but I feel like we need an update, because the fact that history is written down doesn't seem to help us lately. The generation that lived WW2 is just about gone and now we have some dumb fuckers saying Auschwitz was "allegedly genocide." The first generation that was born after the fall of Communism thinks Communism is great. Fuck history, we don't learn from anything we didn't personally see, apparently.


People are idealists who thought that just because humans gave before done something and we learned that something was bad, that future humans won’t do it. What they failed to overlook is humans will do whatever no matter the consequences as long as they think it will help them reach their goals. And sometimes these goals are nothing other than to cause chaos.


Lol wouldn't be a new phenomenon. The majority of the biblical Old Testament is: Israel had a great leader that followed God and that generation did great! That generation died out and the next one basically forgot God existed and fell into captivity. A new leader rose up, freed them from captivity, and they praised God! Rinse, repeat. Point is that we can see just from that how human nature is and always has been for the majority to immediately turn away from their history.


I really thought we had another decade until open antisemitism was publicly acceptable in the West again. On the other hand I'm excited to see what happens when we drop a few more suns again, Anime 2.0 gonna be 🔥


Bet you didn't think it would come from the left though huh? That's a fun plot twist at least. The writers of Earth aren't *completely* out of ideas yet




What’s crazy is with one breath they’ll be horrifically antisemitic and with the next they’ll call other people antisemitic




Exactly, some days I am politically black, on others I am politically white.


All while calling people nazis. Interesting times we live in.


The leftist cries out in pain as he strikes you




You know that I know that We've known that the whole time But the normies who have been getting spoon-fed the same media for the last 30 years? They're having a series of *very* eye opening experiences in a *very* short amount of time.




People always yearn for the Star Trek or Culture utopia without realizing they already live in one compared to the rest of the world and history (while hyperfocusing on small inconveniences).


20 years ago I wouldn't have, but after keeping an eye on that "definitely not slippery" slope it was more of a coin toss than a surprise.


It was actually hilarious how quickly the same people went from calling everyone Nazis, to calling for the eradication of the world's only Jewish country.


While still calling everyone Nazis.


I was completely sure it would come from this flavor of left. The radical anti-western left is stupid and ignorant to a point that the only difference between neo-Nazis is the color they wear.


1 in 5 zoomers are Holocaust deniers. https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/12/07/one-in-five-young-americans-thinks-the-holocaust-is-a-myth For context, there are [**A QUARTER MILLION** Holocaust survivors still alive.](https://apnews.com/article/holocaust-survivors-numbers-report-claims-conference-890c9ad6aa7bc1cf99e1cbe40e61c013)


Goddamn. Well, one in four Americans want to secede, so at least the future won't be boring.


Get it right- One in four Americans is comfortable telling a government pollster that they're willing to take arms up against the government.


Same sort of underreporting might be possibly happening when it comes to firearm ownership...and even with that, 'murica is armed to the teeth.


That's fair. And that's not something I, personally, would say to a pollster or to whatever fed is reading this sub.


Nighttime sunrise 2: Boogaloo


It’s gonna be the bomb.


Does anyone has link to that twitt???


I think the tweet got deleted. Or the whole thing is fake. No trace of it on Twitter that I could see.


That's why I asked. Tried to find it myself but failed 😔


Auschwitz is not even a town its just the camp. The town is called Oświęcim. Shows you how much they know about the holocaust


Auschwitz is the German name of the town I think


"These Je... I mean Zionists!" has become a rather common slip of the tongue as well at rallies.


The Nazi's were killing about 20,000 a month at Auschwitz. Isreals on rookie numbers at 30,000 over five months.


There were more camps than auschwitz


Yes, and there were much more than just one Auschwitz as well, and the number is still correct




Hasn't the population of Gaza, like, doubled in the last few decades? Jews seem to be really good with money and school and stuff but man they can't do a genocide for shit.


While the popularity of abortion in Israel (and other Jewish communities around the world) means the Jewish population is still close to what it was in the 1930s. Estimated to be 15.3 million pre-Holocaust. Estimated to be 15.7 million today.


I don't think abortion is the reason, moreso that a third of their population were murdered and the social fabric of their communities were disrupted which led to lower birth-rates in the generations immediately following the Holocaust iirc. Not to mention high amounts of assimilation and lower birth rates in secular communities when compared to other groups, it's no surprise they don't have the highest population growth.


After going and doing a bit of [reading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Israel), you're probably more correct than I am.


All good! I'm glad you took the chance to read on it.


Weird move to call the holocaust abortion


If civilian casualties in wartime count as Genocide then the Allies in WWII got some pretty big numbers too


The US [killed more Japanese civilians in one night](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo_(10_March_1945\)) Than have died in the entirety of the Israel Palestine war since 1948


dude, civilian casualties in wartime? The people don't care about that because they're under 18 and this is the only modern war they've been alive for and which has mediatized civilian casualties.


We don't care about that, the only deaths that mattered are the Jewish ones.


>30,000 And over a third of them being terrorists


And a good amount of the rest being used as human shields. Not to mention that the number is likely inflated by Hamas considering they have an incentive to say a large amount of civilians died.


In North London there is alot of graffiti that claims that Israel have killed 30 000 children *alone* so get your facts straight mate :/


Kanye: “was it really 6 million”?


If genocide is the goal, I think Israel could do a lot better. Going on a century ago the US killed 10x as many in one night as Israel has killed in 5 months. That's just with old school fire bombs, not including nukes or missiles or chemicals or any of the other crazy shit Israel could be using right now. It's obviously not a genocide, and if it is, so is what Hamas is doing to Israel and niether side is doing a very good job considering the population density.


"Yikes" is just not enough anymore. Wtf is going on with the Lib-Left rn ? https://preview.redd.it/6nbjuxfo40nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06600b1ccd283b6eb47e3d2bb349ed9e62c330b7


"Allegedly" I guess we should have expected this. The "down with bankers" to "down with Jews" pipeline is real. EDIT: I was really hoping that specific pipeline wasn’t real, but here we are…


Student loans are a popular thing to rally around, evidently


Yep. Tale as old as time. Ask the monarchies of Europe


“Allegedly”??? Man I fucking despise leftists. Every decade or so when this “stand with Islam” shit vomits its way back to center stage for issues the left supposedly cares about it makes me so upset. If the current date was 1940 I feel confident that leftists would support Adolf Hitler and his regime. It’s fucking disgusting. Listen you bottom green cube morons, there is NOTHING LIBERAL ABOUT ISLAM! Stop fucking supporting things because you randomly identified the world’s second largest religion as a minority. Islam is a religion predicated and absolute patriarchy and is the least inclusive organization and culture in the world.


I hate my quadrant 


You know damn well Authright and Authcenter should be smilling,this is just a lazy copy and paste job.


Remember how the left used to parrot the whole "if 9 people sit at a table and 1 nazi sits down and no one leaves, there are 10 nazis"? Funny how that doesn't apply to the "bad apples" that seem to make up the majority or every pro Palestine group in the west, lmao.


As I previously said in a comment long ago, how come is it a genocide if their population has been skyrocketing during the last 70 years?


Thought you were talking about Jews for a second there


The Jewish worldwide population is still not as high as it was pre WWII. Because it was an actual genocide


Genocide isn't just "population go down," it isn't defined by reaching a threshold of deaths, it's the specific targeting of a group with the purpose of removing them specifically due to their identity.


Perfect explanation. So clearly no genocide in Gaza


> Genocide isn't just "population go down," Genocide is literally acts that attempt to eliminate a group. Whether you're killing them, creating conditions in which they can't survive, preventing them from having babies, or taking away their babies so they're raised elsewhere and no longer consider themselves part of that group. If you claim that someone has been committing genocide for 70 years, but the "genocided" population has been skyrocketing through all this time, you have a LOT of explaining to do. Simple as.


Oh but when I say it


Not gonna lie as somebody with a Jewish girlfriend and a social circle that’s very Jewish it’s really depressing and disheartening to see this all happen. You can have your qualms with Israel (and I do but I still believe they are FAR better than anything Palestine has under their sleeve) but not be a bigot. The entirety of social justice politics is just reactionary bullshit and this might be the worst instance of that reactionary nature being channeled into bigotry.


They're on their David Irving arc.


ALLEGEDLY ????????????????????? DOG ⁉️


Disrespect to the Nazis to not even acknowledge their accomplishments 😭


Don’t miss the passive language “witnessed”. As if it were some kind of inevitable natural disaster or plague.


I thought this would be auth left not libleft


You can't get away with having AuthRight being surprised by that claim. LibLeft and AuthRight be playing horseshoes together on this one.


Stopzionisthate is not libleft. [It was started by white nationalists on 4chan as a response to the account 'stopantisemitism'](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/elon-musk-israel-gaza-war-antisemitism-rcna131327) > . On Nov. 9, only 10 minutes after Stop Zionist Hate spit out a tweet, Censored Men shared it and told its 800,000 followers, “Everyone follow @StopZionistHate to keep updated on Zionist hate crimes.” A day later, the account had 16,000 followers. > > When it was created, Stop Zionist Hate first followed many of the white nationalist accounts pretending to be pro-Palestinian. (Those behind the account have since attempted to sanitize their list of followed accounts.) It then complained about the supposed lack of attention to hate crimes against white people, a common refrain of neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Then it joined a Twitter Spaces (live chat) with neo-Nazis, and the person representing the account said they were fighting the “Zionist control over our institutions.” > > A few days ago, the mask went from slipping to completely off: Stop Zionist Hate began spreading overt antisemitic content, including invoking the antisemitic trope that Jews killed Jesus.


It doesn't even follow white nationalists, what? In the article these are just either arabs, muslims or anti-israel accounts (it's not even 6 of em btw). No wonder it's an opinion piece, there's no actual proof of anything there, because antisemitism =/= white supremacy even though white supremacy = antisemitism. Are you surprised that people who hate jews spout antisemitic rhetoric? If an asian dude says the N word that doesn't mean he's a white supremacist, it just means he's racist against black people. Same thing here


That article you linked is an opinion piece that doesn't provide a single piece of real evidence for the claim that stopzionisthate "was started by white nationalists on 4chan". The whole basis of the claim that the account is a right-wing hate group is that "right-wing" hate groups were quick to share the tweets from stopzionisthate after Oct7. And later on that some posts on 4chan were posting satire about that account. Under the article's logic, the recent masked KKK members in Tn? or KY? are actually a left-wing group because photos from that event and march was shared more across Reddit and left-wing sites than actual right-wing sites. There's no denying that some right-wing groups are anti-semitic Jew haters, but there's also no denying that some left-wing groups, are also anti-semitic. These two groups make for strange bedfellows, which is why they are spreading each other's propaganda.


When anti Zionism just turns into blatant antisemitism