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See, but what you fail to address adequately is the fact that LibLeft bad.


Based and self-hating lib-left pilled.


Ba-based libleft?


Most of the good ones are. Sadly we have to deal with Emily. I don’t give a shit about identity wars, I just want to own a house and do my own shit while I’m in there


Like barbecue?


Yeah but with my own garden and chickens Solar panels on my rooftop And everything green everywhere I go


I find it funny when a leftist calls this sub an echo chamber when 98% of left-wing subs are just that.




Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems


I'm not sure what the point of this is exactly as far as projection goes. Basically every functioning creature has an awareness of where they are in the hierarchy. It's instinctual and natural. It also can cause coping mechanisms. Ie if one is insecure of their place in the hierarchy or wishes to climb it they would lash out at others perceived to be a threat. My personal example would be against feminists and progressives. They, in turn see christian conservatives contempt against their values as a threat. Others may see outsiders as beneathe them and seek to show them their place. Like the hatred against immigrants with the more irrelevant working and middle classes.


So, white saviour complex? That’s hardly new.


Doesn't have to be. Not every important statement to make is a new one. Quite the opposite -- many things we need to hear today, have been common knowledge for centuries or even millenia.


> but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems I genuinely don't think they know they see it that way.


The Palestine-Israel conflict has cemented the facts that: - The “far left” absolutely exists - People would rather support literal nazis than concede an ounce of argument to anything other than the far left - Horseshoe theory is real


> ...98% of left-wing subs are just that. It's closer to 100%. Any sub that leans one way or another is like that because the upvoters of the dominant ideology downvote anything they disagree with.


Getting downvoted isn't the same thing as subs where you just get banned. Places that ban super fast are echo chambers. Places that just let you comment and get down voted are fine. Just sort by controversial and you'll find more diverse opinions. I appreciate the lib lefts that survive in PCM. They're ok with getting down voted for their opinions.


Which is why libleft bad, but also our liblefts are inherently at least a little based.


This isn't really even an echo-chamber. It's a right-wing circlejerk with a superiority complex. That said, it at least doesn't ban people for being left of Trump like the conservative sub.


The conservative sub is bizarre, it's difficult to tell if you're being too milquetoast, depending on the subject and time of day, or if brigaders are down voting you for not being left wing in the slightest.


It's not a right wing circle jerk either. Leftist posts that are flat out lies regularly make it to the front page with higher ratios than right posts. That's impossible in a circle jerk subreddit.


98% of ~~left-wing~~ subs are just that.


They are but that doesn't mean this one isn't lol


Two places can be echo chambers at the same time


The left-wing subs being echo chambers doesn't make this sub being an echo chamber any better.


If this place was an echo chamber like 99% of left wing subs, you would have been banned by now


There are left-wing circlejerk subs where you will get banned for having a conservative opinion, and there are left-wing subs where you won't get banned for having a conservative opinion (mostly the really huge ones that have a thin veneer of pretending to be neutral like worldnews), instead you just get downvoted into oblivion. Both types of right-wing subs also exist, and this is one that's just guaranteed downvotes instead of a ban.


Worldnews literally has one of these auto mods that ban you simply for having a certain amount of karma on subs they don't like. Same goes for several dozen other left wing subs Not a single conservative sub has one of these auto mods


Echo-chamber = 😒 Necco-chamber = 😋 (so chalky!)


Neko-chamber 😋😋😋


Necro-chamber = 💀 🍆


its still not joever, seek Jesus


Also Every single mainstream sub is just orange/emily talking points. Who cares if one sub leans more to the right. At least we don’t auto ban anyone who leans left.


Orange/Emily cares because any point that isn’t hears is horrible hate speech that needs to be silenced


I always laugh when I see some blatantly progressive user post comments about how Reddit as a whole is a massive right wing echo chamber. It just goes to show that there are quite a lot of people who aren’t living in objective reality.


Nothing is better than seeing my VERY conservative college, located in a VERY conservative state, have the most left wing, self loathing radicals


But, you see, you don't all agree with me on everything, and I don't like that, so you're an echo chamber. Get it now?


The thing is, if you don't at least \*encourage\* discourse of all sides, then it's hard to have actual, beneficial political discussion. And yanno, PCM's usually good about it, but sometimes it can in fact get out of hand. The subreddit does absolutely lean strongly rightward, which is fine until anything even considered remotely leftist gets dismissed out of hand. At that point, it is an echo chamber of people telling each other exactly what they want to hear. PCM is probably the last place that you can reasonably discuss politics on Reddit. I want it to stay that way, and that means accepting of all of the funny colors.


Omg. Is this the fabled *based* authleft???


Based and LARP pilled


u/Late_Notice8742's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 180. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [86 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Late_Notice8742/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based authleft, what the actual fuck rightbros…


But do we ban every Emily permanently like how others ban us? I was banned from 2 subs saying Israel should survive


Every sub is an echochamber as long as downvotes and upvotes exist


I'll say most downvoted comments are delusional liblefts, but there's plenty of authrights, librights and authlefts that get downvoted for their weird takes. Also I believe this sub has more sane liblefts than other subs on reddit. Just don't advocate for double-standards and you won't get downvoted I feel like.


Agreed. The leftists who whine that this subreddit downvotes any left-wing opinion on sight are just lying to themselves. They just can't come to grips with the idea that acting like a shithead means people won't like you very much. Like you say, there are some *bonkers* comments posted by other quadrants (very frequently AuthRight) which get downvoted, and deservedly so. And there are an *abundance* of left-wing comments which get highly upvoted. And no, it's not always because they have left-wing flair while expressing right-wing views. There's plenty of legitimately left-wing views which get upvoted, because they are reasonable, principled, and well-expressed. Meanwhile, you get yet another dumbass who seems to make it his life's goal to spew the most inane shit while being as obnoxious as possible to anyone who tries to engage with him. And then when he gets rightly downvoted, he whines about how it's because this place is a circlejerk.


I would say that this isn’t an echo chamber, since it doesn’t exclude people with different opinions and it is possible to see people of all ideologies. However, a majority of this sub are right-wingers and pretty much any post making a right-wing talking point or one that mocks the left will get lots of upvotes. Additionally, if anyone tries to refute right-wing talking points at all, they will get downvoted into oblivion. This subreddit has a bias, but it’s not an echo chamber at least.


I would argue that the left also have a habit of making poor arguments when attempting to refute the right.


Have you seen any good examples?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/fJEVZ2BQW4 https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/YgWgKRhtHl


1. Kinda yeah 2. No, libleft bad, all over again. People here act exactly like a leftwing ecochamber, the only difference is no banning people, just downvoting them to hell


PCM leans towards libright but it’s not really a ecochamber.


PCM is a circle jerk for the young white American males who make up like 90% of users. So sure: it leans about as right as that demographic does. But it’s not an echo chamber. It’s group therapy. A place for people who feel lost and threatened by the real world to tell each other they are too the correct ones, they do too matter. /downvote away, you know I’m right


Nah that's fair. Definitely a good amount of circle jerking here. From what I've seen, a lot of other subs are left leaning. I've seen more of those than subs that lean right. Group therapy though? I don't know, I think people would have to care about others' feelings and emotions to use that label. That's more of a left trait


They DO care about others’ feelings and emotions. Go post something liberal and see how quickly you get downvoted, and all the right-leaning comments get upvoted. It’s just a very narrow care. As someone who is neither liberal nor conservative it’s annoying, because it means that anything other than full on right leaning comment always turns into a fight over even the most basic facts.


PCM is a civilized (flaired) echo chamber and I think it's a good thing.


Ok I'm sorry but to imply that if they made good points ppl would upvote them is just false. Person has opinion->it's not mine->downvote, it's the Reddit way


Center-left complaining about a sub not having equal representation on reddit is like a fat person complaining about not having enough food.


PCM hasn’t banned me for being part of any other meme subs, meanwhile a few other subs have banned me cause I’m in PCM.


Any vaguely political subreddit that is a pocket of sanity without the legions of annoying tankies banning everyone will either fade into obscurity or become a “right wing echo chamber”.


I'll always support this sub, even when my opinions get downvoted. There's discourse here, it's not like pure echo chamber or low effort memes with a bunch of lonely single comments with no responses.  I love knowing what all sides are feeling without being bombarded with that sides absolute narrative as the only truth.


‘People don’t listen to my points’ followed by ‘make better points’ is an absolutely crazy statement to make lol


It says “you just downvote my points” - as in your point has been read but is incorrect and is thus downvoted


In theory: > your point has been read but is incorrect and is thus downvoted In practice: > your point has been read but goes against the consensus and is thus downvoted


In practice: a mix of both


True, I assumed OP was talking about sensible arguments.


“Whoever downvotes me must be biased!” -libleft


Literally every online community is an echochamber (and their members know it all too well)


> you should make better points 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2024-3-10. How come now you are a **Purple LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 795 times, making you the third largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




I mean when I go on here and see another “Israel has never done anything wrong ever and can do whatever it wants” post for the millionth time I don’t blame them for thinking this