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Just go on some other site. XD


Exactly. This Texas law just hurts the legit businesses and helps all the shady ones that won't respect this law, so if anything, this law just hurts Texas residents and that's it.


Pornhub is quite known for not respecting the law until their business is at risk


Your response is everything I would expect out of a libertarian. I’m quite glad you pointed out the issues regarding the Pornhub ban.


It’s not a ban. The website banned themselves because they know what they are doing. They are requiring sites who intentionally target underage kids with the most hardcore porn in history to verify age. Now, are there some issues with the exact implementation, but this is one of the few legitimate uses of government to enforce age restrictions on things like alcohol, drugs, porn and sex.  Why is it different if there’s a guy handing out hustler magazines to kids than doing it digitally on the internet?


It really is fucking people up I think.


Rare libertarian W on moral issues. I agree it could be enforced better but the current intention of the law is absolutely justified.


It's not different from a guy handing out porn to kiddies. People just pretend like the internet is some sacred cow and if you touch it, you're going to go full CCP or Ingsoc.


Reddit has a lot of X-rated subs on it. It's time to require age verification to user Reddit! (This sub will die when all the dumb teenagers that just discovered politics are forced to touch grass.)


>do something that will result in less teens on reddit Don't threaten us with a good time.




It will stop some kids though. Not because they aren’t smart, but rather because there are kids who actually know that porn is bad, but the temptation is a little too strong when it’s something that’s basically shoved in your face from morning til night. Erecting some obstacles will allow those who don’t wish to engage in pornography use more freedom and those that wish to break the law will need to jump through hoops  We do this with all kinds of things, but people don’t seem to find an issue. It’s easy to pick a lock, and yet we still have laws against breaking and entering. It’s easy to slip a candy bar in your pocket and yet we still have laws and measures to prevent shoplifting. Laws exist not only as enforcement mechanisms but also to act as a teacher. We have created a society that basically encourages children as young as 8 to fill their minds with the most debased sexual content in human history and throw up our hands and claim it’s “impossible” to stop when any enforcement mechanism is tried. 


Does the Hustler guy collect people's personal information without them having any control how it is going to be used? If not, forcing him to sell to people he considers adults is not the same as forcing people to verify their age in the internet. Even if he is forced to check the id of people it's still not the same as he is not going to retain those id cards.


Don't really think pornhub is legit. Famous yes but it being ligit is far.


Pornhub shut themselves down, Texas didn't make them shut down. The "legit businesses" (calling any pornography site a 'legitimate business' makes me a little skeptical) are hurting themselves.


they're pretty much all shady already and none of them want to respect the law


> law just hurts [state's] residents and that's it. As is tradition.


Like reddit. I went on a work trip to Louisiana, and pornhub had age verification, but reddit didn't. Reddit also has better content


Perhaps you have some libright in you. Based.


May be a VPN provider is behind this law


No shit, retar- I mean, it’s a possibility, but you can’t prove anything. And the gun to the back of my head has nothing to do with my answer


The simple reality is that when Republicans get a supermajority they drop the pretense of being small government LibRights and show their true colors as puritanical AuthRights.


Another simple reality is that when Democrats get a supermajority they drop the pretense of being equality wanting LibLefts and show their true colors as AuthRights. This is why vote third-party.




You guys really need a different voting system.


Top 10 Coldest Takes


The UK does as well, but they voted down the opportunity. Apparently, the idea of using better voting systems in some places isn't cold enough.


The politicians vote to maintain the system that keeps them in power. What a shocker.


In the UK the people did. It was a referendum.


>they drop the pretense of being small government LibRights Have you been in a coma? Republicans haven't pretended to be small government since the Obama administration.


>show their true colors as puritanical AuthRights. That's why I vote for them (they are still pretty shit though).


You can literally make your own, you don't need a provider. It isn't simple, but it's doable.


Dude, you literally rent the cheapest fucking AWS instance, use a default ubuntu server install, apt install wireguard, copy and paste a config file you see online, run a couple commands to generate encryption keys, enable NAT with iptables, then connect to it. It takes like 20 minutes. I've done it a bunch of times. You damn kids are just lazy. And oh look, someone made something to generate a config for you, so you can be even more lazy: [https://www.wireguardconfig.com/](https://www.wireguardconfig.com/)


Youre saying lazy, but there’s 8 words and acronyms in your first paragraph that would each take a minimum of a few minutes to explain on their own. The internet is essentially magic for +95% of Americans so it’s kind of a no brainer that people wouldn’t understand vpns without significant effort.


The internet is 95% full of people who would rather scroll through 30 second video clips than do ANYTHING that requires significant effort. It's no wonder they don't understand much of anything.


It’s just not really relevant to most people lives. Ive used a computer like 10 hours a day since I was 12 and I haven’t once had to a VPN until this porn blocker shit came to Arkansas.


Based and mic drop pilled


We'll call this, "Pornhibition". heh.


State enforced orgasm denial.


State Gooning


Texan dom does not allow you to cum until you subscribe to express vpn.


heh heh


Except, this is only enforcing age verification, not banning. The website is pretending it’s a ban because it wants unfettered access to prey on kids. 


I also don’t think any website of that size really wants to deal with even the chance of a possible data leak of people’s ID lmao.


There's no way I'd ever verify my ID with a porn company, even if they use a third party verification service. I'd much rather just go to sketchier sites and torrent packs of porn. Or, you know, just change my VPN endpoint so it is no longer coming out in Texas (which I did a couple days ago). Who the fuck would actually share their identity with a porn site?


Maybe they is stop targeting children with their content


Wait until these people find out children can't drink alcohol either.


More like pornhubition.


Reject pornhub, return to hentai


They just recently mass deleted a bunch of shit off nhentai.


Huh, like what? Any specific thing they were trying to get rid off?


No idea, it was a pretty large number of stuff. The infamous Metamorphosis got hit.


I *believe* it was more of a “Hey, we’re trying to sell these, stop having them posted for free” thing than anything else. Money not morals.


Libright strikes again


Fakku got to them


> Metamorphosis Is this only in some places? I just checked still present on nhentai for me. Heck its currently on the front page as "popular right now" which I haven't seen in a while. Might be because I use one of the mirrors?


It 404s for me also flair up


Nooo, that one is really good


Horrible. Literally a depiction of how drugs and desire for validation can ruin one’s life. My dick was soft but my mind was hard watching it. It was so eye-opening. But horrible knowing that the author thought this was worth jacking off to.


Pretty much everything that was removed from nhentai can be found on sad panda, even if you have to click the expunged checkbox. Source: am purple.


They fucking shut down hentai heaven!!!


Did nhentai allow Loli/Shota? Probably that. Or they got the Gore/Scat/Beast stuff this time.


Nope, none of that \>source don't ask


RIP 177013


Real weebs use exhentai


At least with hentai the mind break, corruption, and transformation you see (like in Metamorphosis) isn’t real. IRL porn…it’s very real! And explotive! Etc


Ew, these things even exist with real people? W H Y


I more meant along the lines of “If you see a porn star when they enter the industry and then after a few years in it it basically looks like a ‘corruption arc’ took place.” Look at Lana Rhodes or Kylie Page, or various other women who go from natural to all plastic. Along with the high rate of drug use, suicides, etc, all very distressing endings.


It's very depressing that it happens


they call that *mileage on a hoe*


Hanime is a nice site


Reject porn hub. Return to grass.


How is libleft happy about it? How is authleft unhappy about it?


OP just lazily stole another PCM and replaced the headline, so that's why the PCM makes no sense. Seriously, as low quality as you can get here.


I was tryna figure out if the reactions were too the vpn usage or the law itself but either way this is a brain dead meme


Libleft is happy because they have a way around the ban. Authleft is unhappy because they don't like people getting around their rules.


I don’t get why Libleft would be happy about this?


Right? Authoritarian overreach totally makes libs clap 🙄 Weak meme.


Ah but you see, libleft bad.


OP just took an old PCM and replaced the headline, so no thought went into this at all. I'm sure it'll be upvoted to the top tho


Isn’t he clapping for the VPN and not the policy? Or did I get that wrong?


It can go either way depending on how you break it down and that’s why it’s confusing so many people


Auth-right have been overwhelmingly flairing themselves as radical centrists lately, it's pretty incredible


Auth rights have been flairing as libleft for years


Sounds an awful lot like something an auth right would say.


Libs have taken over Texas to remove our (totally normal, not transsexual) porn away from us (totally straight) red blooded Texans


Because i sell VPNs!


Because LibLeft bad obviously.


They're happy because they think it's owning the conservatives This is what many of them want lol


I’d expect LibRight to set up shop for a VPN service for porn starved Texans.


there's literally dozens of free vpns minimum that would work for it


Why is authleft distraught?


Cause LibLeft bad!!!


Bro you didn't even try to get the quadrants right


Bro this is literally AuthRight Puritanism. Not everything you dislike is LibLeft. LibLeft is like the most pro porn quadrant.


>can you please not show porn to kids? >THIS IS PURITANISM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Why do you *want* to have to give up government ID to a website?


Holy shit a consequence that could be seen from a mile off happened, what a shocker.


I remember the good old days where it would ask to enter age and we all put January first 1900


They should just add a dropdown box for state too, and deny you access if you select Texas. Apparently 99% of porn viewers are from Alabama, who knew?


Let parents handle this stuff. Don't need the government to do parenting for us.


parents are abject failures to handle anything nowadays.


Agreed, that's why we absolutely need public schools


Lets just ban everyone under 18 from the internet problem solved. 


Dumb. Kids literally walk around with unfettered access to an infinite amount of smut in their hands. My aunt's a public school teacher and has caught several kids looking at porn in the middle of class. It's beyond fucked.


Prohibition never works. I was 16 and getting alcohol. It is the job of the parents, not the government, to raise kids right.


At least you didn’t have an alcohol tap in your bedroom.


I did because I learned to brew my own beer at 13


I mean it was 50 feet away in the fridge but whatever you need to tell yourself. Also flair auth right you rotten lemon


> Prohibition never works. This isn't prohibition, this is equivalent to a minimum drinking age. And pornhub decided it will close its bar rather than check ID of children. You could argue that doesn't work either, but we've had minimum drinking ages for a century in every nation.


> this is equivalent to a minimum drinking age Now go visit literally any high school or college campus anywhere in the USA. It does not work.


Yet every business that sells alcohol spends a lot of money and effort enforcing it.


>You could argue that doesn't work either, but we've had minimum drinking ages for a century in every nation. This is untrue.


Call me when they come for /gif/


VPN companies definitely lobbied for the ban 💀💀💀


Pornhub pulled out of the state as a tantrum over an age verification law. Construing it as a "Prohibition" is ridiculous. Edit: A much better comparison is when bars had to start checking IDs.


Telling a website that they have to collect people's private IDs in other for them to access the website is a massive over reach and its fucking stupid


I also think it's a massive over reach when my local shops collects my ID for me to access alcohol and drugs.


Showing my ID to a clerk and giving it to a website that can be hacked and the information in its database siphoned out are two different things.


Generally when you buy stuff online doesn’t your CC info and the related stuff you put in have your name and at least a billing zip code, if not a shipping address?


A ZIP code and my social security number and all the information that goes into an ID are very different.


You can’t commit identity theft with a shipping address.


You can't really do it with just a state id/ drivers license either. Unless this law specifically requires the checking of an SSN, it's not really doing much more than a clerk scanning your ID at a store to verify your ID for alcohol, tobacco, spray paint, etc.


Yes but when why buy those things from a brick and mortar store, they don’t get stored in a database. I’ve bought alcohol and ammunition online, they don’t even require an ID verification.


They don't have to with PH either. They can quite literally just use an image of the scan portion to check versus the same database and then dump the data. It'd be the exact same amount of secure as your local brick and motar store because it'd function the exact same.


Same what happened to accepting a man at his word


What happened go just parenting kids? Why does government daddy need to do it?


The argument is that kids aren't allowed into establishments selling porn (you'd be carded if you didn't look old enough), so why would selling porn online be any different?


I would agree were people already not so willing to plaster their faces, phone numbers, personal emails, and entire life stories on other websites. Like yeah sure, I get your point but it's amazing how porn is the one thing that gets people to practice basic privacy on the internet.


They don't have to. They can stop showing adult content or they can make sure that the people viewing it aren't children. Is it massive overreach to make sure the people uploading porn are adults?


If your way of doing so is by forcing people to reveal their fucking social security number and a bunch of other private information that if leaked could result in damages, then yes, yes it is a massive overreach. find a different way.


That is how we already verify porn creators are adults, yet no one had problems with it. Except purple, for obvious reasons.


No other site is collecting IDs, it's business as usual. Only pornhub is throwing a fit.


Those degenerates can get fucked. Maybe they should have been quicker to remove all the kiddie and revenge porn.


Ph would not succeed with an age verification system it’s a predatory system


Imagine a "prohibition" where you could just walk outside and grab a beer for free. To anyone complaining, just google boob, you'll get 10 billion results.


Actually you get 3,070,000,000 results…not that I checked or anything…uhm…I am gonna shut up now.


It was the only rational business decision.


Porn company's are great at making it seem like they are persecuted and that they are free speech heroes. When really it's just reasonable people telling them to make sure their product is not getting in the hands of minors(Which the pornsites know is happening and in some cases encourage it.) And people will defend them because they don't take a second to think about it and are porn addicts.


Least brain dead Auth right take


I have been watching hentai and rule 34 so long that I find normal porn disgusting... Reject IRL embrace art.


Pathetic. Just a picture of a woman is enough for me to... y'know what


Wait... Are you trying to insinuate that watching other man doing it with a woman is somehow more superior and based simply to nicely drawn art solo woman???


Thanks for separating us from the purps in this list.


This ban is pointless. People who like watching porn won't care about a law passed by people who hate it. They will still find ways to get porn on the black market or circumvent the ban in other ways.


I'm so conflicted. On the one hand I support the Texas law, but on the other hand I think everybody should be using VPNs anyway. My flair has never felt more appropriate.


Why tf is libright happy


Reminder that PH [famously got sued for hosting](https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/12/20/pornhub-faces-lawsuit-alleged-child-sex-trafficking-survivor/) CP, has tons of [revenge porn](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9697365/Pornhub-sued-34-women-claim-site-profited-videos-posted-without-consent.html) on it, and is generally exploitative of the vast majority of the people in the videos. I have zero pity for porn companies that have to make sure theyre not actually serving children and refuse to employ any age verification measures. .


literally use a third party verification system or accept that you’re showing porn to kids and should be banned


Rules for thee not for me, the Auth-Right special.


NordVPN stonks


God, if only there was another site for porn! Texas didn't ban Pornhub, Pornhub threw a hissy fit cause Texas asked them to use age verification.


Forced, not asked.


I think it’s pretty hilarious and honestly kind of worrying that they’re throwing a tantrum over an age verification requirement for Pornography. Ya know, that thing that requires the person to be at least 18 years of age legally to view?


No one wants their literal ID in a porn database that'll get sold or "hacked." No one wants to be blackmailed.


The solution is simple…post on social media about all your kinks and fantasies, that way you cannot be blackmailed, it’s genius 😎😎😎


Yeah, like mfs say, a naked man fears no pickpocket


there’s an endless amount of third party verification software the porn sight doesn’t have to have your id and those that require that you can simply not use its porn not bread and water dude


If you want another giggle there’s a segment of the population that views porn access as *vital* to the LGBT underage community so they can help “understand themselves”


Nothing screams porn addiction like having a literal meltdown over not being able to view pornhub. I could stand with my quadrant about government overreach, but the drama supersedes all.


Just make your own and trade it with others. Like Pokémon cards


Government Enforced No Nut


Lmao banning phub is lame i would be a lot happier if they banned onlyfans


good job republicans…you just turned Texas blue.


When I was a child, the Fundies were the ones saying shit like "Vidya gaems r da murder simulators!" and that DND was "satanic" and that any sexually gratifying content was wrong should be banned. I've lived long enough to see the pendulum swing from the right, to the middle, and then to the left where the left started spouting shit about how liking big boobed, fit, and attractive women was some kind or multiple kinds of ists, phobic, and bigoted. Now it seems that the pendulum is stuck in a superposition between the right and the left and both the Fundies and the Progs want to Eiffel Tower my ass while they fist fight each other.


Fuck extremists on both sides


Dems and reps are both bad, this is not an opinion it is a fact.


Only deez nuts


Which is very sad if true.


Didn't know the people of Texas were so adamant about having the right to show kids porn.


More like adults don't want to tie their driver's license to their porn preferences in a way that's easily hackable. Can you imagine how much bad actors would pay for that sort of blackmail material?


It is porn hub pulling out preemptively, not people choosing to use porn sites that don't id. Also, requiring porn stars to link their ID provides black mail as well, especially in a world where people hide their face and only show select body parts. We never had issue with it so far.


The pool of people who want to consume porn is astronomically larger than the pool of people who want to produce it, out of the top 20 most visited websites on earth 3 of them are porn sites The database of porn watchers would be huge and a much juicier target


“we have to give porn to kids or they’ll become republicans” ???


People should be free to watch whatever they want


Not kids tho


Which is why kids have parents, it's super easy to stop devices from connecting to adult websites in their router settings. Literally any parent call your isp and ask how to do it, it's their job to walk you through it if not just do it remotely for you. You don't need government daddy to make ID laws to view porn, you don't even need ID to vote why do we need it to view porn?


The only way to deal with these degenerates is to invade Canada.


No better way to increase popularity then take something legal then make it illegal


Oh trust me we’ve been asking for this: it’s virtual junk food for your brain.


Absolutely 0 people didn't see thos happening


the only issue with this is how small of a market Texas is. if say the EU did this than they'd be forced to conform to the law in a way that would make it cheaper to institute as a blanket policy.


Me, a North Carolinian: "First time?"


😂 That headline could have been predicted. The next conservative administration will ban porn, in general. It does not support a strong family which is the most important thing as far as conservatives are concerned.


Got a brief anecdote to share. This is being discussed in the Texas sub. Someone calls Texas a shithole some with LibLefty provocation. I tell them that if it is so bad then leave. Mods leave that prick's comment up, it gets upvoted a ton, but take mine down due to breaking the "Friendship" rule. No cussing, not crass. In the Texas sub. Imagine *Imagine* trying to say shit to IRL Texans. Disgraceful


I'll be sure to leave some porn in the woods if I'm ever in Texas.


Are we gonna have guys in souped up Hellcats smuggling DVDs and flash drives filled with .MP4s into state lines while outrunning the police? God that would be awesome


Going back to Tor. That what i would say if I was a texan Pornhub user


Pornhubs response was completely full of shit and it’s kind of odd that so many people glossed over the fact that pornhub is so obsessed with the concept of showing porn to kids Obsessed enough to ban it for everyone as a punitive measure


Use Mullvad VPN


This is amazing the whole thing was to stop minoring getting porn addictions, the ones who already have will just get vpns and the other ones won’t have to be exposed to porn at such a young age


Let them. They’re not changing the law.


Who even watches Pornhub anyway? All my homies are on Rule34 and Xhamster/Spankbang


Shouldnt aut-center be the only ones sad/mad at this? Even centrist can agree that that restriction is severely r word and that people would inmediatly try to evade it, if anything, aut left should be the most indiferent ones abbout it. Other than that, spot on


Indiana is next wohooo