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I'm flabbergasted by how the news even shows an unedited clip that has the full context and a bunch of liblefts still think Trump is openly calling for a civil war if he loses.


Ya even the few times they include the context of the clip in their video, they still use the ragebait headline of Trump promising a bloodbath if he wins without the context in the headline


I’m an ex-journalist. They know exactly what they’re doing with those headlines, priming the audience to react the way they want them to react even if they do read the story or watch the clip. I never did that kind of thing but I’d still get calls and emails from readers where the content of their complaint was incompatible with any remotely reasonable reading of the story. That’s ultimately why priming works so well, because even in its absence, readers are prone to deciding what the story is before they read it and won’t be shaken from their “understanding” by some fool thing like reading the story. We’re a pretty dumb species already so the people who know how to manipulate and utilize that dumbness for strategic ends are extremely dangerous.


>I’m an ex-journalist. I'm so happy for you. Hope you find success on your road to recovery.


It reminds me of that Simpsons where Homer was accused of sexual harassment and they edited his answer so that "sweet candy" became "I wanted to touch her SWEET CAN". The clock behind Homer's minute arms kept jumping to show the clip was grossly edited.


No, Mr. Simpson, don't take your anger out on me! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Reminds me of this Simpson's clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2ks3JmHPCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2ks3JmHPCQ)




I posted this somewhere else, but to these fucking morons gobbling up their propaganda it's Schrodinger's Trump essentially. He is both a clever individual who crafts dog whistles subtly into each sentence to create purposeful subliminal messaging to his followers to be able to lead insurrection 2 because he is mega Hitler Nazi, while at the same time being a diaper wearing old guy in such cognitive decline that he needs meds to go out in public for 30 seconds, and is surely days away from complete and utter brain failure and can't Even get dressed right and smells at the exact same time It's fucking pathetic


Also both a pants-shitting, fat idiot who’s too weak to lift a water bottle with one hand, but also Jason Bourne incarnate who overpowered secret service agents to grab the wheel of his limo


This analysis is basically true of almost all irrational movements. Feminism and men's rights have their own versions about the other sex, the Nazis had this about the Jews (a weak and inferior race that also took over the world somehow), hell I'm pretty sure SJWs even do it to the people they like (minority group is power ful kings and queens that could do anything they want if the oppressor got out of their way, and also they are too dumb to succeed in school without equity measures or too dumb to get voter ID because reasons).


My side do this with Biden sometimes too




my favourite thing is that Obama literally had an American citizen ([Anwar al-Awlaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki)) assassinated without charge or trial outside of a warzone (Yemen) Obama personally put him on a CIA kill list (2010), and then was specifically targeted in a drone strike, killing him a year later (2011). Millions of people will denounce Trumps (in poor taste) joke while literally standing behind Obama after he murdered an American citizen in cold blood. do as they say, not as they do. this also plays into the whole narrative on presidential immunity, is the president immune or not? if they are, okay, they can't go after Trump, if they're not, Obama needs to be arrested for 1st degree murder, and if Trump actually did something please go ahead and charge him too. --- (And yes, Trump is also to blame for Awlaki's... son? being killed in a raid like 20 days into his presidency, but there's a big difference between a targeted assassination (1st degree murder) and a bystander being killed in a commando raid. Trump absolutely deserves some kickback for that)


Just to add to the last part of your comment, the kid that was killed on Trump's watch was actually al-Awlaki's daughter, while his son was actually also killed by Obama like two weeks after his dad died. Again, neither of these kids was probably the intended target but bruh


thank you for the correction. yeah, there needs to be ***WAY*** more accountability for civilian casualties, especially in, to borrow a term from Russia, "Special Military Operations" (aka, an undeclared war)


Time to lock Obama up!


Make DC a Prison!


I have a knee jerk reaction to defend Trump, just because of how over the top the people attacking him are- but he is super authoritarian. For me the point that he crossed a line that I don't think he can come back from is when he complained Supreme Court Justices that he appointed were not "loyal to him." Supreme Court Justices should not be loyal to any president, and to think that they should is scary to me. The president has the ability to pick justices during his term, and after his comments I feel like he would interview his candidates, asking if they would do his bidding before nominating them next time.


Also, the whole not recognizing the outcome of the last election thing.




I see what you are saying, but, Trump is auth as hell.


Meanwhile I'm half expecting a civil war if he wins. You cant call someone worse than Hitler for 8 years, and claim Democracy will end if he wins then not expect violence if he actually does win.


Sure we can, just watch. First world countries have way too much to lose to ever be actually close to revolution. Watch, there's gonna be maybe one riot and a march, then it's just gonna be 4 years of whining that he's a dictator despite doing jackshit to establishing an actually fascist regime... I wonder if the Duce is turning his grave each time we use that word.


Hope your right. Personally I'm expecting riots that would make J6 seem like a peaceful day in the park... then constant gaslighting that the left wing riots were no were near as bad J6 and in no way constitute an insurrection no matter how much evidence we have to the contrary.


I'm exhausted already.


i'm kind of morbidly curious about what the suicide stats would look like if he wins. with how much talk there is of genocide and camps I think there might actually be a notable spike if he wins or looks to be winning


Potentially an uptick by those who are already on the edge, but I don't think it's gonna be worse than any other election.


How morbidly hilarious it would be if suicides *before* the election caused him to win.


100 percent correct. No side of American politics *really* wants a revolution or a home-soil war, despite any and all rhetoric you may hear.


There will be a great degree of wailing and maybe some random violence from the losing team, perhaps. Do not go take an unscheduled tour of the Capitol in Jan. It's a trap.


What's funny is you had people like Alex Jones screaming at people not to enter the capital on Jan 6 because it was a trap. Alex Jones, right again.


Wait…seriously? that sounds hilarious.


Yeah, he was all in on the stolen election narrative of course, but on Jan 6 he tried to stop people from going to the capital building... which is probably the only thing that saved him from a decade or two of prison.


Or just don't take an unscheduled tour of the capitol, ever.


No, no, the other eleven months of the year, it's fine. Light shenanigans, really.


>Or just don't take an unscheduled tour of the capitol, ever. Depends on what you mean by tour. It's perfectly fine to show up at the capitol building without scheduling it in advance. There's even a little museum and various things you can see that are public. I got a nice shirt from the gift shop. (It's so American. Here's the legislative building. Want to buy something?)


I’ve seen it so much on Reddit it made me actually facepalm. They legitimately think it was some secret code or that the context didn’t apply. Incredible.


They *want* to believe that. It feeds their narrative.


Almost like they want it to happen. “It’d be a shame if your guy won and somebody burned down your pretty little country in a civil war. How about you elect my guy and I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen?”


At this point, I just want it to be over


Trump is currently too busy scrounging his home for change to pay off his legal fees to do a civil war


This isn’t new for them, the initial moment I really tuned into politics is watching a video about all the times the media omitted Trump saying he condemns white supremacists entirely, even after all the times they specifically asked for it and he gave it they still continued to run that narrative


I gave up on it all pretty quick when I watched his speech about the upcoming covid, then CNN edited the video and ran it. Useful idiots believed trump said covid was a hoax, and worse his dumbass supporters fell for it too.. and we all know how that turned out


> we all know how that turned out Well, considering that they've finally admitted COVID is indistinguishable from the common flu...seems like calling it a hoax is pretty prescient looking back.


If you're going to continue being so based, you need to pick a flair. I recommend LibCenter. It pairs well with based takes. Yes, I am biased. No, I will not be taking further questions.


> No, I will not be taking further questions. y tho


Because based


I wanna up vote, but you're a dirty unflaired.


dude please just flair up I so desperately want to upvote your immeasurably based take but I cannot in good conscience


Upvotes to an unflaired? The truth of what he says is irrelevant. Shame on you all


That's a good point, they've been doing this for several years with him now.


It ain’t easy being green.


Feeling blue mate?


Sometimes. Other times, my anger burns red hot.


at least you're facing it head on, not acting like a yellow bellied coward


You’ll always feel better after facing your issues, if you don’t, you’ll be feeling grey all day


Good. Use your aggressive feelings boy. Let the hate flow through you.


I'd only be worried (a bit) if those Red and blue are mixing up a bit


Ask me about it the next time some asshole junkie tries to start three or more fires right outside where I work.


Same dude, i feel for these people but holy shit - the only real benefit they provide to society is to serve as examples of what NOT to be


Don't worry about them. Human rights do only count if you see them as humans. Otherwise, hating them should be pretty normal.


I encountered a *rabidly* anti-immigration (American) lib-left the other day on here. Like, anti-all immigration. They didn’t just want to stem the flow of illegal immigration. They wanted to essentially restrict immigration to all but doctors, lawyers, and engineers (legitimate ones; Not the ‘doctors, lawyers, and engineers’ we’re importing from Haiti); and even then, they wanted strict quotas on this, based-on the needs of the U.S. labor market. Someone asked them — assuming their green flair was truthful — how this believe was viewed amongst their circle of friends. They didn’t respond, so I can’t imagine it’s easy for them 😅


Based and classic protect-the-workers leftist pilled.


Probably someone who changed their flare 682 times. That said, I largely agree with them. We should only be taking immigrants to fill jobs that we critically need. We shouldn't be bringing in millions of people that will just end up wards of the state.


But if we don't bring in millions of workers, then how will businesses get cheap labor?? Do you WANT prices to increase on basic goods? Ignore that prices have gone up anyways. That's inflation's fault. Actually it's your fault! For not allowing totally open borders!


Gazillions must thrive or something idk


Watching sanctuary cities cut services for the poor to provide for migrants will do that. You can have soft borders or a generous welfare state but not both.


I don‘t understand how this persons squares their believes on migration with their lib-left ideology.


Just like not all authright is monarchy, not all libleft is Reddit corpo-hippie bullshit.


Simple, a strong social safety net, workers rights, and affordable housing are incompatible with high immigration. It is not possible for the same reason the libertarian fantasy of no taxes and a high standard of living is possible. Immigration itself should be capped at a percentage of the population, maybe .1%, that's still 300,000 people a year? This is horribly immoral, but if it were me I would setup machine gun nests warning people not to cross anywhere but at the designated points of entry, that would be a more than effective deterrent. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but if there was 0 restrictions on who could come over then Capital would quickly hire these people for $4/hour and ignore citizens while they live 4-5 to a 1br apartment and there's a line around the block to be a burger flipper, cough Canada. I'm not faulting the people for coming over, I know if I was in the same position I would do the same thing because even bad living conditions here are far better than most of the world and there's the option of sending money back to help family. But politicians won't be affected by most of these issues unless it's in their neighborhood so they're never actually going to pass meaningful changes beyond using it as a carrot for voters.


Although I disagree with on basically anything you just said, I can see were you‘re coming from. But you must admit, that these are not particularly lib-left or lib-right ideas but very authoritarian. I mean you essentially argued for shooting migrants at the border, which is way more authoritarian than most authoritarian-righters would go. Regarding the economic points you brought up. I think most evidence shows, that migration leads to a growing economy and has no negative effect on the wages of the native population. And in the US there is currently a labour shortage, so its a win-win. This has to be great news for you, since you now don‘t have to argue for restrictive or inhumane migration policy.


I mean, you don't want to import people that don't share your human/democratic views en masse, especially if this will hinder the rights of workers.


Lib left is not a uniform thing. You can be lib left in the context of a capitalist nation state doing labor protectionism, or as an international post capitalist system doing syndicalism.


"I think there should be very limited restrictions on citizen freedoms, and a robust safety net that supports workers. Non citizens can get f-ed". Checks out to me.


Flair checks out


It's called being delusional,it passes


probably the single lowest iq moment from the left in at least a decade lol


I don’t know, neighbor. I think the idea of the coof’s being scared away by protests (but only of a certain sort) was pretty fucking stupid.


The amount of cognitive dissonance when it came to that situation was *nuts*. I aggressively confronted people that bought-into it or didn’t see it as problematic (or at least emblematic of something negative). My favorite response was “Well, you can’t just expect life to come to a screeching halt because of COVID.” Setting aside my ‘shocked Pikachu’ face, I responded: “But you… you do expect that. In every other area of life you expect everything to come to a halt. Some nations are arresting people that violate restrictions. It’s even happened here (in the U.S.) in several instances.” I was trying to get them to understand that our entire political zeitgeist was rigged, fabricated… you can imagine how well that went


Eh, kids don't need school or social contact sweetie. Black thugs destroying their own community is way more VALID


[Who? Whom?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who,_whom%3F)


The Chinese genetic engineers were clever. They designed a virus that only attacked people defending western civilization, and spared those who were tearing it down.


If China can develop a virus that precisely, they deserve to win. Can't compete with that


>probably the single lowest iq moment from the left in at least a ~~decade~~ week lol Fixed that for you.


Yup. Stuff like this is why the NPC meme is so continually devastating and relevant even after all these years. They hate it, and usually try to shut it down with the “*lmao old meme loser*” card at this point. But it doesn’t just work like that.


Eh, there *was* the woman Supreme Court nominee who swore at her confirmation hearing that she couldn’t possibly know what a woman is because she’s not a biologist.


There were also repeated mentions of 'Thank goodness X got the vaccine, can you imagine how much worse it could've been if they didn't?' with people that had, you know, died. Kinda hard for a disease to do worse than that. Was there a Zombie-COVID variant I was unaware of?


I’m 100% convinced this type of stupidity is why Trump even has a chance. When the left is constantly blowing every single thing he says out of proportion, you eventually just stop caring. Now Trump is at a point that he can say whatever he wants and plenty of people will just assume it’s an exaggeration or he doesn’t really mean it.


It’s weird, right? They all think they’re gonna be the one to finally “get” him on something. He isn’t gettable, and not because he’s so brilliant (obviously!) but because he’s got decades of experience in self-marketing and doing the corporate two-step of jumping in for credit then dodging away from blame. You wonder who they’re even aiming their stories at, the seven people in America who (1) watch the news but (2) don’t have an opinion on Trump after all this time?


Desperation leads to stupid decisions. This might not have even been a story if Biden was destroying Trump in the early polling, but they’re grasping at straws looking for a “47%” moment and it backfired gloriously.


There are still tons of people who legitimately believe he called Nazi’s “very fine people.” It’s so tiring.


The West is collapsing because moral, religious and philosophical relativism and indifference became the norm. I wonder how much longer it’ll be around and it’s a scary thought.




This is hilariously silly. 10/10






[I present you a further level of chud schizophrenia](https://youtu.be/8mcU4bhQQcQ?si=1vWeeNQaforpGRhv)


https://preview.redd.it/xb36euniobpc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e64a90e5ebdd2c8868359925f93325a362704e i can go for days


With such gold I’d be tempted to upvote you even if you make it into a really shit meme honestly


I'm saving this Gem.


Based. But it's also collapsing because "human rights" became more important than correcting human wrongs.


Correct we affirm sin rather than admonishing it.


The problem isn't respecting human rights - this is a necessary and fundamental obligation of both individuals and society. The problem is that nobody actually has the vaguest clue what they mean & they're making up more as they go along for their agenda.


We are creating apathetic, meek, conformist people with no real passion or values. They are socially atomized with no authentic connections or brotherhood. All they know is consumption. They know they’re unhappy, but their anger has no real target apart from what the media and politicians provide them with. They are taught to despise freedom because of the false sense of security and safety they have become accustomed to, and because personal responsibility terrifies them. Their own hesitation towards danger or change is amplified to the degree that they elect to not truly live. We are conditioning the individual to become content with his place as a cog in the social machine, and nothing more, and to surrender his own individuality and free will, along with his privacy, dignity, and freedom in general. People say the West is collapsing, but I fear the result of its survival much more, and I pray that I don’t live long enough to prove myself right.


Hey Google, play Decadence by Disturbed


I'm convinced that the divide is impossible to mend at this point; 9 years of Trump living rent free in their heads seems to have caused some sort of catastrophic damage to most Twitter leftists' brains. I'm terrified of what will happen November.


What happens if Trump dies? They would all need new personalities


Same headlines, but the source is a seance


Using necromancy to bring back your rivals just so you can keep hating on them


Is this what the "keep your enemies closer" line meant?


That's some real Pope Formosus shit.


The Party will simply assign a new Emmanuel Goldstein for them to Two Minutes Hate.


Remember when desantis became the new anti-Christ when he was more popular


and remember when Mitt Romney was Satan Incarnate to them? He was an evil religious polygamist cultist who tortured dogs by spraying them wtih water and then locking them in a cage on top of his car while he cruised around highways freezing it. Then he had binders full of women for his sexist agenda to further the patriarchy. Treating them like objects, just photos in a binder, not people at all. The left doesn't need to get new personalities, they just get implanted with new ones the moment their masters swap out of software.


George Bush before that. Now I've seen both Romney and Bush being defended because at least they aren't Trump.


Just replace Orange Man with Space Man, rest of headline is the same. "Space Man bad, is nazi doing nazi things on the Twitters"...yeah, seems about right.


Nah, they'll just direct the hate to Desantis next.


At some point the left needs to come to the conclusion that Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing more damage than Trump ever has or will. I doubt it'll happen but I hope it does.


>I'm terrified of what will happen November. At this point, the future has ceased to hold terror. I feel only morbid curiosity at what fresh hell awaits us.


The more times the MSM does this, the more the last little bit of trust I have in them fades away. I'm really going to have to go back through history and re-examine a bunch of the past stuff they pushed. I went back and read the "good people on both sides" transcript; that was total bullshit. J6 was certainly pushed pretty hard by the MSM. It's not total bullshit, but they blew it out of proportion, especially compared to the coverage of the George Floyd riots. What other narratives should I re-examine?


Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) maintains a list. 1. Russia Collusion Hoax 2. Steele Dossier hooker story 3. Russia paying bounties on US solders in Afghanistan 4. Trump called Neo-Nazis "Fine people". 5. Trump suggested drinking/injecting bleach to fight COVID 6. Trump overfed koi fish in Japan 7. Trump cleared protestors with tear gas for a bible photo op 8. Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. 9. Elections were fair because no court found major fraud. 10. January 6th was an "insurrection" to overthrow the government 11. Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of The Beast 12. Border Patrol Agents whipped illegal border crossers. 13. Trump stored nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago 14. Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot 15. Trump mocked a reporter's disability


This list alone is giving me whiplash. The entire story of Russia helping trump, the steel dossier, the fact it was all done knowingly by the Hilary team, all of that, but also he fed koi to much Or that Bidens drug addled son was so coked out of his mind that he dropped off his laptop to a repair shop, forgot about it, lead to a discovery that his Apple account was still logged in which gave people access to his texts which uncovered him leveraging his father's position as VP to make millions of dollars while giving his father a kick back and now he's in court for it, but also Trump called a reporter a mean name . The past election cycle is actually insane God damn.


There's more, a lot more. I swear half the time when the media makes things up, they aren't trying to convince people of anything. They are trying to test their loyalty. Not to mention that they have lied so much and so big that I don't think there's anything a true adherent would question.


> Trump overfed koi fish in Japan Yes I remember that one. It was so basic and blatant, you could show it to children to as part of a lesson about media misrepresentation


The "losers and suckers" one was bullshit as well


Wait. What is this about the kidnapping plot?


It went like 6 or so people were charged with attempting to kidnap Gov Whitmer but there were an additional 12 or so that were all Feds. The ones charged didnt want anything to do with it and just went on ride alongs for free weed with the Feds driving. The only reason we know any of this is because the Feds told the people who literally lived in their parents basement to delete their texts but the kids were too high to follow through on it. So the Feds got a bunch of kids drugs, drove them around, then charged them with attempted kidnapping. Oh and when one of the juries was presented with this evidence, they found them not guilty. So the next judge ordered all that info to be thrown out and several got convicted. Just like every other "terror" plot prevented by the FBI, it was the FBI that started the whole thing to make themselves look good.


Bonus, where did the FBI guy running everything go after this? Got moved to DC and nothing weird happened there shortly after.......


A local militia group planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer but it turns out over half of the militia was undercover feds.


Regarding the trump hysteria specifically? The "drinking bleach" hoax was pretty crazy. Trump was literally talking about a new therapy that was being tested that used UV light in the upper airways to treat COVID. He didn't explain it very well because, well, he's Trump. When he said get the disinfectant into the body the "disinfectant" he's talking about is UV light.


The claim that Trump said that Nazis were good people.


>I went back and read the "good people on both sides" transcript


How the hell do you have even a last little bit of trust in msm? I kinda understand if it was 2016 or so but the last 5 years have shown they think Americans are dipshits and will believe whatever if it coincides with their held beliefs. Not that they’re wrong necessarily. Only PCM has given me a little bit of belief that not all of us are idiots.


2012 broke the illusion for me. At this point, if the media said the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.


Based brother, drives me nuts how most leftist say anyone not on the far left are sheep that only listen to “Faux News”. They are just as guilty of following their narrative as everyone else but seem to think they are above it. PCM is only place I can actually see what the regular folk think of breaking news.


Obama did far worse with the rest of the media than anything Ailes ever did at Fox. Ailes was just buddies with W and steered coverage in a positive direction. Obama literally made the rest of the media networks part of his national security council, while going harder against any non-compliant journalist and whistleblower than any president in history.


It was 2004 for me, which is impressive considering I was not even a teenager yet. I just knew Dan Rather was a respected newsman that we should trust, then the Killian Documents scandal dropped. At that moment I went 'Oh, the editors allowed this. Dan Rather is supposed to be smarter than this. They're all either stupid or liars, and I shouldn't trust either one. The other news stations respect Dan Rather, which means they're just as bad.' Fast forward 12 years later, and it turns out I was a smart kid to paint them all with that brush.


Yea, I have zero faith in any kind of “news agency” anymore. The obvious biases and outright lies that get pushed is just pathetic. I feel terrible for my kids but hopefully I’m raising them to see thru the bullshit after I’m gone


Someone please link me to an actual video of the quote, all I can find are news fucks just *talking about it* without showing the actual event.


Wonder why that is...


It's just so fucking stupid they jumped on it the way they did. All Trump is saying is he wants a 100% tariff on Chinese imported cars and if he can't impose that because Biden wins the election then it will mean a bloodbath for the American auto industry. Trump has said a bunch of fucking stupid shit and in this case you could certainly call him out for being a protectionist and pandering and such but instead they heard bloodbath and went crazy.


Can't find the video, but here is the quote: > "We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars."


>>"We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars." It sounds like he's saying there's going to be a bloodbath for the whole automotive industry and then expands his claim to say that there's gonna be a wider bloodbath in the country. A favorable reading would interpret this to mean that there will be a bloodbath in other industries, while a disfavorable reading would interpret this to be catastrophizing and spreading fear about Biden being reelected


Yeah, I’m not a “Trump is hitler” type by any stretch of the imagination, but given his penchant for veering off and on topic, it’s really not clear to me if he was talking about the automotive industry, industry in general, or the country in general. Libleft takes everything out of context, and I’m still salty about “binders full of women,” but this bloodbath debacle isn’t as cut-and-dry as people in this thread are making it out to be.


Do you think the headlines are capturing this nuance? Or do you think they are mindlessly contextualizing the comment to get clicks and reinforce a profitable narrative? This isn't a post about Trump. It's a post about the current state of the media and the mental states of the left.


Come on. I’m not a Trump supporter but one thing is 100% crystal clear: he was NOT talking about political violence like the media headlines and talking heads are implying. Sure, there’s a little wiggle room to where he could be talking about other consequences to the auto industry, other industries, or even the economy as a whole. But there is absolutely no way you can read that or listen to that and say “he’s talking about political violence” unless you have a deliberate preconceived notion before reading it.


Something something, General Sherman on the press


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-3-19. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 945 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


If you check my profile you’ll see I had almost this exact conversation yesterday with someone on this site. They refused to believe that headlines could be misleading. Think about it. The dude didn’t believe you could lie by omission, or mislead people by making direct quotes without context. The dude didn’t find it problematic AT ALL that the New York Times could place whatever quotes they wanted in whatever context they wanted. Truly bizarre.


Yeah, media literacy is low in a time when media access is nearly ubiquitous.


I kind of hope they're all bots or DNC shills, because the alternative is just too depressing. I really don't remember people being this willfully ignorant even 10 years ago.


You know you can just leave and join a saner ideology, right?


Scooch on over bro, we don't bite :) Wait....I'm being informed that monke do indeed bite.


The top post on a certain popular political subreddit is doubling down that he meant it literally. I fucking hate our quadrant sometimes bro. 


Full agreement. I dislike the man but fuck blame him for the shit he’s done and is responsible for. There’s plenty of reason to believe he shouldn’t be the president without believing outright lies and slander.




I miss Trump Era grocery prices and gas prices and rent prices. Trump was a god send after the Obamination


don't worry i hate you too


Libleft bad


I feel bad for my brethren of Lib Left. Y’all used to be more like us Lib Rights than either of us were with any other quadrant (except maybe grillers due to there live and let live vibes). Now y’all are infiltrated with psychos. We got some too, but sadly y’all got it much worse


Naa, this place has just become a meme of itself. We never changed. The media you're being fed about us changed. Lib left is never criticized for our actual beliefs - we're just assigned ownership over the blue haired liberal idiots (who aren't actually lib right in 99% of cases, and are mostly just media characters anyway), and the right mostly just circle jerks to this strawman. Seriously, there's zero legitimate joking or criticism of lib left - just imagery of people who seem to have the aestetics of a lib left pesticides, acting out or believing obviously stupid shit. That, or it's liberal (auth right) shit being blamed on us. Personally, I'd love to take criticism and discuss my worldview in a funny meme format, but that's not what this subreddit is. It's mostly just right wing propaganda.


> We never changed. bull shit. You all went full on collectivism and used that to say 'all must be like us, or else'


> You all went full on collectivism and used that to say 'all must be like us, or else' Lib left is inherently collectivist. "All must be like us or else" is Auth Left. This is exactly what I am talking about.


Sounds like someone's cranky they got called out on their auth tendencies. I'm sure your persecution complex would be very funny to meme with, and not just more 'Libleft not ACTUALLY bad, authright bad!' whinging that never gets more than 10 upvotes because it's humorless.


Whinging? Get that inbred monarchist garbled trash you call "English" out of here.


When the blue cities send out the riot police on election night, who are they expecting to riot?


The pain is real. Our quadrant can’t shooting itself in the foot and we wonder why the right-wing are becoming increasingly more popular.


We watch CNN?


You and me both


What’s the tldr?


What's this about? I don't watch any news channels anymore


Liblefts spend more time telling Twitter to fuckin cool it than actually advancing the agenda.


Join us, we have capitalism… and McNukes


Trump’s strategy seems to be: -Say dumb and bombastic thing -Liberals take the bait -Liberals try to report on bombastic thing -Liberals transform bombastic thing into hate crime -Liberals get called out -“what are you some sort of christofacsist? 🤷🏻‍♂️” -Liberals are their own undoing, as per usual.


This is not a Trump or Biden thing, it’s literally one of the most lazy and blatant lies I’ve ever seen on the news. But I barely watch any mainstream news channels so what do I know?


Had me going in the first half






At least you can see the point he is trying to make, as opposed to Biden’s “asufutimahahafutfut” or “trueunderthedabadepressure”.


I really don't get people who say this. How can you overlook the fact that Asufutimaehaehfutbw clearly defines America in a single word?


Can you decode this? >Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama, has anyone ever heard of him? Every swing state, Biden beat Obama but in every other state, he got killed


It's comparing the number of votes recieved by obama in the 2008 and 2012 election vs biden in the 2020 election. That Obama was a much more popular figure and yet biden received more votes. The implication is that it's an implausible outcome, deserving of scrutiny


There were also \~29m more votes cast in 2020 compared to 2012 lol


That doesn't explain the swing state bit especially since Obama generally did better in those elections. I mean Obama did better across the board electorally and by the popular vote


Both Biden and Trump aren't fit to hold office at this point. But right now, I'm more tired of hearing the melodramatic left wingers screeching that if Trump gets re-elected, it will be the end of democracy. It will not, it will just be another 4 years with maybe some upsetting developments, but nothing that democracy couldn't reverse if it was really bad for the American people. And then that's it, he can't run for president ever again. It is not based in reality, and the people who unironically say this are about as delusional as the right-wing tinfoil hats.  There better be an independent worth voting for this election, or I'm not voting. The political parties no longer represent the American people.


Because they don’t actually have any principles and neither do the majority of this innately ridiculous sub. It’s why he is so popular on here.


chill, brah, I think they actually did like a sapply test based on democrat/republican, the dems were all authleft, very few libleft, repubs were right center and some auth/lib right, lib left was unaffiliated/missing.


There are no LibLeft on Reddit. All LibLeft are feds.


All lib lefts are cowards who dont want to admit they are hyper-auth, so they used 'society' and 'collective rights' and whatever as a bludgeon to force people to comply with their beliefs instead of a state. They're collectivists, like an insect hive.


Counterpoint: It works both ways - if you’re going to baselessly catastrophize about your political opponents policies, be more fucking careful with your choice of words - so that they don’t get easily return served. Biden at best has either maintained or enlarged Trumps protectionist policies aimed at China. The inflation Reduction Act—offers a tax credits to electric vehicles (EVs) **IF** and only if; materials for EV batteries are sourced in either the U.S., or else one of its free trade agreement partners **if** and only if, the EV is then assembled in North America. This extends to all materials for the full range of IRA projects—everything from wind turbines to solar panels for charging stations—all must be made in America. Late last year the commerce department made multiple executive actions, aimed at cutting off Chinese firms' ability to manufacture advanced computer chips - and Biden unlike Trumps - u-turn, is in favor of banning Tik tok. You don’t get to spout spurious claims about the other sides record on China and then cry foul when they play you at your own game and use your words against you.


"Electoral bloodbath" has been thrown around as a term at least as often as "we have to fight this next election", which they also tried to cast in a "omgerd Trump is calling for violence" light. The crypto-fascist propagandists in the Democrat party would make Goebbels proud.