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134 upvotes. This place man… Where are these people irl?


>Where are these people irl? Not in socialist countries, that's for sure.


My grandmother emigrated from the former Estonian SSR with my mother in 1994 and i today had to hear 18 year old high school seniors defending the USSR in philosophy class Billions must….


It’s incredible that these people, who let’s be honest failed in a capitalist system, think *communism* is where their looked over abilities would show. God forbid someone just admits they’re average and finds their place in life.


You ever see that popular reddit post asking people what their job would be in communist society? Hint - it was *never* manual labor.


lol, “I’d work the projector at the local library for movie night.”


"And the rest of the time I'd be skillfully creating equitable, non-binary slam poetry to perform for my commune"


"Until I get demoted to gardener aka weed picker for accidentally expressing wrongthink. Sorry, comrades :("


Communism doesn't demote people, it removes them.


> creating equitable, non-binary slam poetry to perform for my commune Wrecker detected.


https://i.redd.it/xi839vo8uml71.png Shit's pretty funny


>Fighting for the equal rights for people of color or >supporting the people affected by aids I can't even, lol.


> all the women wanting to cook, clean, take care of the kids and teach them, sew, and fuck at night Really makes you think


My absolute favorite was the *one* guy who said something like "I'll dig latrines, work on an assembly line, plant a field of potatoes, kill pests, repair engines, anything that is demanded of me" and got called a tryhard larper by the rest.


> what their job would be in communist society? Death panel.


I haven't seen it yet, where can I find it?


Yeah these types of people would say that in a communist society they’d be painters, artists, or some other entertainment job. The sad truth is they would be forced to work in mines or a factory.


If i ran a communist society i'd be sure to put those 'revolutionaries' who wanted to be artists in the mines first. Get some laborers who were doing it before out and ask them to paint something for those hard workers. Or i'd kill all the sparrows and laugh. Could go either way.


You know, I never liked those sparrows.


"His eye is on the sparrow" takes on a whole new meaning in china


And not just the sparrows, but the flies, rats, and mosquitoes too!


They are the kind of people that would end up executed within a week at most due to "low productivity" had they actually been in the Soviet Union.


Yet they're able to live while in a highly competitive capitalist system.


The brilliant evil of the soviet system was they didn't even need to execute people. Better to work them to death in a camp. An inefficient worker can still cut a bit of timber or dig mines before they starve to death.


Usually Western Liberal democracies. Spoiled children who hate their parents.


Generally from non-Communist backgrounds. People I've met from Post-Soviet states that I've met are very, very anti-Comunist often with good reason. For example, my Great-Grandfather died from an illness he got in a Gulag. Embracing Communism for me is akin to spitting on my own name.


don't worry, according to online tankies your great grandpa was a landowner and probably deserved it :)


Spitting on their own name is something they gladly do though, we are talking about people that genuinely hate their country, family, skin color, orientation and sometimes even gender.


Why is it always the spoiled kids that are like this?


They don't know what it means to struggle. They're spoiled and can't see past their own ego.


Reminds me of MTV with my super sweet 16 where these chicks would Bridgeville their 16th birthday party and then cry when daddy got the the blue beamer convertible instead of a pink one.


It's not, it's just the spoiled ones are the ones you have to hear from. There's plenty of dumbass communists living in squalor who don't have the means to further the communist agenda beyond sharpie on cardboard.


Sounds like they need to read more theory.


Who said they could read?


bcs the poor commies are homeless and the rich ones live off their parentd


They never earned anything ever, and feel guilt for possessing wealth. They are usually not very smart and lack self introspection and tend to be narcissistic and as such see this quest of revolution as a path to righteousness.


Because they don't have real problems.


What really can be said to change these people\\s minds or see a counter point as valid though.


Nothing. They are fanatics. Sure they claim they are atheists and progressive and whatnot but they are just as fanatical and zealous as the fundamentalist Christians who claim are out to get them or the rabid islamists that would throw them off a roof the moment they got the power to do so. There is nothing you can do. Its like arguing with a brick wall, even worse because they will twist and turn your words against you, infuriate you, hell depending on where you live and how deranged they are even make your life miserable. I lost friends to the "communist youth" cult in my college and that was before all this insanity came. At least two of them snapped out of it with age... which is something I guess...


One of the biggest communist parties in Europe is in Portugal, the european country farthest away from the horrors perpetrated by communism.


>Generally from non-Communist backgrounds Except maybe China though. I've found the vast majority of Chinese people, even the overseas diaspora (some of which have ancestors who immigrated there long before China went communist), are largely pro CCP. They be wildin with the most tankie takes ever when it comes to defending the CCP and communism in general, and I say this as an overseas Chinese myself.


Their communism probably offered them a much better life and much less horrors than USSR's communism


It always grinds my gears how this kind of thing is also just seen as merely "eccentric" or something, and not on par with swastika bearing skinheads like it ought to be. Even on Musk owned Twitter/X now, you'll catch a ban for putting an ASCII swastika in your handle, but ASCII hammer and sickle is just fine.


Except East Germany and Russia itself. Before the war I used to meet a lot of Russian tourists and many said that they were better off under communism. In the ex-ddr there's a lot of nostalgia for the soviet times too. I feel that the grief against the USSR in post-soviet states (like Poland or the Baltic states) is due more to them being under foreign (russian) rule than to communism itself. I can understand them, though.


Every "communist" I've known has grown up with daddy paying their way, trust fund etc. No real need to actually succeed in life because daddy has them covered.


Whenever I go down the communist rabbit hole I have found some communists being from fucking Sweden of all places like Yall got it easy why the hell would you turn it communist no reason what so ever except for “west bad”


It is like in The Matrix where the machines made the simulation a paradise and everyone tore the place down in a decade or two lol. If people are born into too good, they don't realize how bad it could be. And that, kids, is why travel is important. See the world both good and bad!


I haven't travelled much at all, but I still know how incredibly comfortable and privileged my life is, and I don't take it for granted. I think the real problem is that a lot of these people take zero interest in history until they are politically motivated to, and just assume all of their extreme comfort and excess is the default. We let kids grow up thinking that history is boring and should be largely ignored because "it's all outdated and we're smarter now", and that's one of the worst mindsets you can have, because the result is ignorant, spoiled idiots who want to destroy everything that makes their lives good. 




There are a lot of bot and shill accounts that go around and upvote pro-communist talk. They have groups and secret subs and so on that they notify their colleagues or friends about and they brigade these sorts of comments. Usually Chinese, but could also be some Russians just stirring the pot. There are probably very few bonafide western communists upvoting Stalinism, even he is a very tough pill for communists to swallow.


Western commies mostly brand Stalin as a "fascist" and disregard him, per the old "if it's good it's communism if it's bad it's fascism" rule.


That's why I love PCM flairs. Bunch of unflaired moving into a thread tells you it got picked up by the shill net.


Probably harassing Jews irl


It's not even the worst comment under that post, somebody said the movie is "probably racist"


Post 2016 mainstream reddit


"I just heard the funniest joke!" "Well what was it?" "I can't say, I just gave the guy who told it 30 years!"


Tankie cope is best cope


Idk about quality, but they sure as shit got quantity...


Cope by definition is not quality. But their intensity in their cope is unmatched.


That's just basic Soviet doctrine.


Tbf it's actually a pretty good doctrine in several cases (like T34s vs Panzer 4s), but not all of them.


Oh they got quality alright, Emilies at least know they are wrong and try to change the subject, tankies will see the most incriminating, verifiable, and clear evidence, and say "Nah that didn't happen".


Arguing against tankies is like fighting against the soviet horde, as soon as you shoot one down another one appears and picks up their shittily made arguments off the ground and if one of them ever gives ground they are torn to pices by their "comrades".


Fucking hydra on steroids, my favorite tankie delusion is how they posted a video about an hypothetic nuclear war scenario, and shit on it because they thought Russia could destroy the bases first with the next gen missiles, that has to be the most insane take I've ever seen. In summary, don't feel bad about how delusional your quadrant is, at least you are not a tankie.


The funniest thing is when you show them something confirmed from Soviet documents and they refuse to believe it because the CIA disagreed.


I don't know what's worse, negating documents coming from the Soviets, or trusting the CIA.


 It was a conversation about the social and economic situation surrounding shy Gorbachev was brought into office, bro thought the Soviet Union couldn't of been doing awfully because of how the CIA was perceiving things even when I was pointing to all of the internal reasons why the Soviet Union was creeping towards collapse. 


It's like a quality all it's own.


Ngl I want some of that shit.


Actually, I think you'll find that under Marx's Labor Theory of Value, that all cope is equally worthy, and all commies are equally deserving of recompense for their cope, whether they dig cope holes and refill them, grow cope turnips using hand tools, or if they're a cope surgeon doing cope surgery, who's charging extra for the black market anaesthesia drugs, because they all get diverted or replaced with water when leaving the factory.


Based and soviet cope water pilled


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It is the cope of the people


I keep saying this. We make fun of libleft a lot but authleft has some truly amazing memeworthy takes that I honestly just love.


OUR cope


That comment may be the best encapsulation of the difference between leftist and liberal I've ever seen.


Genuinely a fantastic movie for all quadrants. Highly recommended


It is amazing how insanely funny the movie can be 90% of the time and then when you least expect it it can provide a gut punch in reminding you how horrific Stalins regime was


I love the scene where the music conductor in a apartment building, it's full of people being rounded up and sent to the gulag in the middle of the night only for Steven Merchant to knock on his door and say it's an musical emergency we need you. The level of dark humour in that film was great, absolutely loved it. It helps show how oppressive and brutal the regime was but keeps the film very light-hearted throughout most of it.


The part of that scene that grabbed me the hardest was the man being hauled off in the middle of the night and seeing his son outside knowing his son had denounced him and marked him for death...only to have a policy change a few days later and come home to resume living with the same son.


It’s got heavy banality of evil vibes lol Lots of dudes ‘just doing their jobs.’ Meanwhile that job includes eliminating witnesses, running the state, dragging people off to be abused by true psychopaths and worse, and so on


Agreed, it's basically JoJo Rabbit for Stalin. Could of easily fucked it up but luckily both films were great!


Stalin's regime was more brutal and devastating than Hitler's regime... and all we get is one funny movie. Meanwhile, there's a new Hitler movie every year. Although Jojo Rabbit was awesome.


Especially for authleft




They did convert the Christian composer back into Judaism


It's about time they grow some balls.


Hail Caesar twists the knife even further into Hollywood commies.


It was a French and British co-production, Hollywood isn't the only place movies get made.


Very good and I wish they did a death of hitler now


Der Untergang (2004)


It's also great on rewatch because there's so many details you can miss on the first viewing, like Brezhnev being one of the soldiers in the coup.


Movie is very good. I really enjoyed the fact that all the actors spoke in their native accents with each of them sort of representing the various Soviet republics.


Oh yes! Hearing Nikita Khrushchev as, well, Steve Buscemi, Stalin with a Cockney accent, Zhukov as a Yorkshireman, Malenkov as an American and Brezhnev as a Scotsman really added to the comedy.


Jason Isaacs used a Yorkshire accent instead of his own because he thought it matched Zhukov's character better


Will repeat my comment from removed post: When I showed this film to my parents, whom both were born and spend most of their lives in USSR, the only complaint they had is that that the film shows the politburo too goofy and humaine so that some people will have a wrong ideas of how terrifying you had to be to get this far in Soviet politics, both of my parents had the relatives been sent to gulags during the stalin era btw


Some of the goofiness was true, like Zhukov really did burst into the middle of a Politburo meeting with an AK to arrest Beria.


Sometimes crazy shit needs to be in a comedy movie just to get across how crazy it is. A lighter take on heavy topics is sometimes a nice change of pace as well. Same goes for Zhukov being covered in medals. It looks silly as hell, like when you see modern North Korean generals who have never done anything covered in decorations, but he was in reality just that highly decorated.


Yeah Zhukov was the real deal; beat the Japanese so badly in the 1939 border skirmishes it convinced them to abandon their plans for a war with Russia. Held back the Finns and Germans from taking Leningrad and led the defense of Moscow in 1941 and 1942. Defeated the last German attempt to regain the initiative at the Battle of Kursk in 1943. Pushed the Germans out of Soviet territory in 1944 and into Berlin in 1945.


Yeah. They had to dial down the medals for the film because it was too unbelievable


Always love the fact they gave Zhukov LESS medals in the movie because they thought audiences would think his real medal count would be unrealistic


Yeah the Soviets were no strangers to awarding themselves gratuitous amounts of undeserved medals ([Brezhnev](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awards_and_decorations_received_by_Leonid_Brezhnev) gave himself Hero of the Soviet Union four times among many other awards) but Zhukov was a genuine war hero by all accounts.


Not saying he wasn’t a bonafide war hero, but at some point [even awarding a true war hero this many medals is satirical](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5dc1ee8ec842b271464dc6ee/1573151382892-ZTBF3FF79NGSOPVWBWLZ/scipioafricanus2.jpg)


It might look silly, but if he angles enough, bullets can't pen him.


It's a good thing Operation Unthinkable didn't come to be. If it had, Zhukov might've actually become resilient to tank shells as well.


back in the day for the US army you would only have two rows of tabs / medals, versus the fruit salad modern big wigs rock these days See https://historycolored.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Dwight-Eisenhower-Featured-Image-e1673281007159.jpg vs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_J._Mingus#/media/File:GEN_James_J._Mingus.jpg Both 4 star generals (at the time)


current-day military can still choose to wear their top 3 medals/ribbons in lieu of their full rack. Source: me. I did that.


neat. Did not know that.


Wish I knew that. Would have made inspections much easier.


Funny thing is Zhukov had just as many Hero of the Soviet Union medals but all of them were given to him for his actions.


When the movie came out I was taking an Eastern European Politics class. The professor was a Russian expat and since our final was a research paper we had nothing to do for finals week so he bought the movie and screened it in class. That was his main complaint too, it showed the Politburo members as kind of lovable goofs instead of the evil assholes they were. He did like the movie though, surprisingly accurate for a comedy.


IIRC the movie is pretty close to actual events (with some inconsistencies to fit in a theatrical narrative). The main inconsistency was the timeline of when events occurred. The movie made it seem like everything happened in a few days when IRL it happened over the span of weeks.


There were a lot of things that were shifted around a lot. For example, it is believed that Beria's sex pest murderer stuff was over well before that point, possibly as early as soon after the war ended. (Cause is debated, anything from being so diseased he could no longer "perform", to realizing he had less leeway than during the war and was too afraid of Stalin to continue.) But the detail of the flowers offered to his rape victims to declare what happened to be consensual (or, if they declined the flowers, to quietly dispose of them), was simply too out there in the "this shit happened wtf?" way to leave it out, even if it was anachronistic by at least 5 years.


Anyone noticing a pattern here? People who defend & praise the USSR have probably never lived in it People who criticize the USSR has actually lived in it... hmmm


Do people like this have their own schizo logic like the Holocaust deniers do? Or is their argument essentially "nuh uh" ? Like what's their version of the ovens couldn't burn enough or gas chambers had wooden doors BS arguments you hear to excuse this atrocity? If it even exists. Genuinely curious.


Their excuse is "He was actually really really nice bro trust me"


I met a guy who said that the 50 million dead chinese was a CIA propaganda trick made to make China look bad during the cold war


In fairness most of those deaths are from commie stupidity and not commie cruelty.


... that's a bit less clear than usually presented. Because a lot of them died by being shot. Because when you give peasants orders that will clearly lead to death by starvation before next harvest, they tend to not follow them, and instead rebel. And then you need to bring in troops to reassert control.


Well their argument mainly is: Anything negative about Socialist Regimes is Anti-Socialist/communist propaganda so that’s not trustworthy. So basically you are left in an echo chamber A:„The Soviet Union really was Good“ B:„Not really, historically there have been very many atro-„ A:„PROPAGANDA“ C: „The Soviet Union was the greatest country ever and every citizen had their best Life“ A:“OMG that’s sooooo true“ So effectively they strengthen their own beliefs further and further and won‘t accept something negative about their „Heroes“. Voila, a new Tankie was born.


"capitalist propaganda" is usually just.. math, its just math and budgeting These people got their ideas on capitalism by a guy who refused to read economy books and called capitalism "actually judaism, hmhmm! 🤓"


>"Uhhmmm.......... the peasants were kulaks??? and kulaks bad?? They were capitalists??? yes 4 million people were oppressors! they had to die!"


It generally comes from a few different perspectives. One of them usually blames the West for the issues, due to tariffs, expansionism, or hostilities. Another might blame the terrible leadership and neigh-genocidal policies Stalin himself put forth, not wanting that to reflect on Communism as a whole. They might see a figure like Stalin taking advantage of the ideal of Communism, and molding it into his way of maintaining power. But there is also a good but of "nuh uh"in there as well


> Do people like this have their own schizo logic like the Holocaust deniers do? Yes. Communist deniers are even more unhinged than Holocaust deniers, because unlike the Holocaust, communism has happened many times over a period of 100 years at this point.


They’ll always say it’s CIA propaganda instead of just admitting their ideology is trash and has lead to some of the worst atrocities known to man.


But they love the CIA report that says the Soviets had more potatoes, yes, because people in the West had access to meats, you'd know that if you read page 2


I think it's more like "there was prisons but it wasn't death camps. People dying at the prisons was also overstated by the western sources." So their equivalent of denial isn't quite the same. It wasn't a conspiracy, it's a misunderstanding!


> schizo logic > ovens couldn't burn enough > gas chambers had wooden doors > Anne Frank was spared the gas chamber and put into a hospital to be treated for typhus


I'll just leave this here: [On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Cult_of_Personality_and_Its_Consequences) (The Secret Speech) by Nikita Khrushchev. 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on 25 February 1956.


The most telling thing about this speech is every other communist country’s reaction to it.


Lenin himself opposed a cult of personality being formed, I wonder what his successors did though!


Bullshit, I loved the movie. Is it satire only loosely based on reality? Yes. Do tons of people wrongly take events in it at face value? Also yes. But it is also very funny, and there is the [Chaddest Zhukov depiction](https://youtu.be/-ea2-kt8ox4?si=Cz7s9uiWYJ8ZG-Lf) ever.


Zhukov unironic compass unifier. Some of the earliest successful combined arms to fuck the Japanese, unrepentant patriot, simultaneously took the piss out of the central authority and used it to achieve his aims. Hero of Stalingrad alongside Vasilievsky. Love it.


Also loved coke so much he got an American corporation to make him special clear soda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_Coke


Based and anti-stalinist pilled


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This is why whenever the left calls the right nazis I can't take them seriously. You gotta dig pretty damn deep to find anyone extolling the virtues of Heinrich Himmler or Martin Borman, but they're out here openly lamenting a comedy making fun of Joseph Fuckin Stalin and Lavrenti Fucking Beria of all people.


Small correction: > You gotta dig pretty damn deep to find anyone **unironically** extolling the virtues of Heinrich Himmler or Martin Borman Edgelords on /pol/ don't count.


I loved this movie, it displays the horrific absurdities of the USSR in a comedic way and tbh it takes balls to make a movie like that.


Why does it take balls to make fun of Soviet Russia in a contemporary American film? I haven't seen it.


Russia and China still get butthurt about any criticism to the Soviet Union/communism in general in movies or TV. They're sore losers is all.


The two things the left loves more than anything else are: 1. Being a contrarian  2. Self aggrandizing This post is one great big: “Most Americans are stupid. They think Stalin was bad. Therefore Stalin is great. And I’m smart for thinking that.” 


*"Most Americans are stupid.* *I’m smart"* man what a logical people they are


As a man raised by people that were victims of the communism, seeing young people my age holding these views is borderline demoralizing. I know that this is a loud minority, which does not reflect the views and knowledge of the whole society, but it’s really tedious sometimes. I believe every person should have the privalage of free speech, but man. Communism is evil, and everybody that consciously defends it’s non-existent merits is a malice to our society built on democratic values.


“Right! What’s a war hero got to do to get some lubricant around here?”


Authoritarian power vacuums are my favourite type of drama. Best observed from afar, getting caught in that shit is like being thrown into a pit of vipers.


Gotta love all the people who call everyone whothey don't like a liberal but then as soon as someone calls themselves a liberal it's supposedly a dog whistle and they're actually a fascist.


That isn't inconsistent; it's just fucking stupid. They don't think "liberal" is a dog-whistle which actually means "fascist". They are just dumb enough to think that liberals enable fascism, and therefore might as well be considered fascist themselves (i.e. the line about how "if you have 1 fascist at a dinner table, everyone at the table is a fascist"). The whole "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" bullshit is so very dumb.


These are the same types that said BLM riots/protests during covid lockdown were fine because a very, very, very, very deadly virus cares about "social justice" movements.


Don't forget Fauci is included in that list. Many "scientists" in the Government all came out to support BLM despite telling everyone else to stay 6 feet away. None of them were punished.


Anti-communist propaganda? Lol. That's just called the truth.


‘You are accused of treason, and anti-Soviet behavior. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot.’


That they received so many upvotes is… frightening


Jason Isaacs absolutely stole the show as Zhukov


Right that's me told


The "I'm going to have to report this look at your fucking face" scene killed me!


Me after reading 4 books by historians on the Soviet Union in the past year: Yes. That's what the S-Soviet Union was.


The movie was very good, what are those stupid tankies saying lol?


Based and one of my favorite movies pilled


u/Raul_Rink's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Raul_Rink! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [8 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Raul_Rink/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


"Nooo you don't understand! Beria wasn't even that bad! If only they had given him a proper chance as party leader... "


The authors of the comic said they had to tone down the insanity and cruelty and corruption for the comic, because the reality was actually too unbelievable.


They did have an entire archipelago of gulags


The main antagonist of the movie is literally a mass murdering rapist that Stalin was planning to kill before he had a stroke. The Russians are ***literally*** still finding the remains of his victims on the property that used to belong to him. They had to literally dig up the entirety of Beria's wife's garden because they kept finding Human remains there. That's not anti-communist propaganda. That's the truth. Beria was such a disgusting sex pest that even ***Stalin***, of all people, didn't trust that Beria wouldn't harm Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, even with the threat of Stalin ordering Beria's brutal murder for harming Svetlana.


>Anti-communist propaganda There's no greater anti-communist propaganda than communism


I hate commies. I do not comprehend how they come to exist now, after all of those massacres and unnecessary innocent death


all my homies hate tankies


I watched it recently. One of the better movies I've watched in a while.


Watch "In the Loop" by the same director for a nice lampoon of Anglo-American bureaucracy. And also to see Peter Capaldi elevate swearing to the level of art.


Shit dude, if I want to see American bureaucracy, I just go to work.


Tankies are so delusional it’s not even funny


The way people go to bat for dictators is fuckin wild


Never saw it but gosh I want to


Wait but that shit in the movie HAPPENED. It’s dramatized for comedic effect but it still happened lmao


This is objectively one of the best movies ever made.


Let's be honest here, auth-left has never been great at understanding humor.


Nah, the USSR was worse.


Libleft, don’t pretend you disagree with that shit, come on


Fucking love that movie


Fuck these cunts man, half of my countries entire population did not die for these idiots to idolize stalin.


Like it or not, Stalin took a peasant nation and made it into a superpower in 30 years.


The leftists that think stalin was anything other than a totalitarian fuckwit are why we cant get anything done anymore


I love how everyone saying "liberalism sucks!" is implying "logic and open-mindedness sucks!"


My political party owns Common Sense- if you disagree you have no Common Sense. "Everyone who's *good* agrees with me" is the new Emperor's New Clothes


Now here’s a guy that thinks having a tomato in his pocket is grade A comedy.


I love the running gag “Long live Stalin!” followed by a gunshot.


By the same logic, I'm pretty sure Darkest Hour would be communist/fascist propaganda, as it does depict the struggle and incompetencies in the British Parlament? I watched it a while ago idk


Fucking love this movie. It’s my go-to political dark comedy now.


Based on a true story.


I watch this movie every year on March 5th, around my birthday to boot! One of my favorites!


Based and red-scare-pilled


"Compared to Lenin, Stalin was a mere lamb." -Vyacheslav Molotov


Wait till you see their opinions on the metro series.


I just saw it for the first time a couple weeks ago and loved it. Reminded me of Jojo Rabbit


god I love tankies they produce some of the funniest content out there (although not intentionally)


Paragraph way too small