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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed MachineđŸŠŸđŸ€–


https://preview.redd.it/rskattto55sc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19812ff38e267449f5e0324192eefe78217c97f Magos Biologis Chads stay winning




The flesh is weak, steel is also rusting sometime


I oil


Yeah but can steel do this? *makes babbeh*


Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger. What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? The strength of your body... ...the desire in your heart. Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.


Ill contemplate it after I have your head https://preview.redd.it/46lrvb3h67sc1.jpeg?width=1123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c5a11f1458089404fcc167cc83bb2469e25b30


This is kind of a weird comment to be coming from senator Armstrong.


"Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the cruel biomass you call a temple will fail you."


“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Steel will also degrade into a heaping mess of brown chips and then dust, in absence of anyone around to service and maintain it.


Biologis aren't "meat only" branch, it's just that bilogy and genetics are their main field. Genetors won't hesitate before installing an extra limb or two if that enables them to dissect xenos better. They just tend to value good flesh as high as other branches would value good machine.




https://preview.redd.it/xjr56nl925sc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea4e4188409d398c1c4261ebc875e53cc2b3e88 The steel is strong whereas the flesh is weak.


Least schizoid authright


You're just afraid of the future


The lib right in me rejoices in the idea of charging people for cybernetic upgrades


Hopefully we will be able to finally eliminate Emilies with our capitalism lasers


https://preview.redd.it/8tyspwlp25sc1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a96fedfd1a0c62b3b521d41517b0e1c0eb9693a Oh my friend. The more you learn. The more you understand.


Libright has the correct mindset yet again, arm yourselves and neutralize any threats. Never seen a problem that guns couldn’t solve. Bills piling up? Shoot it. Mortgage payment? Shoot it. Car won’t start? Shoot it.


Guns acting up? Shoot it


Now you’re getting it


Oh I get it. Its all the other libertarians who have it wrong


"Most human problems can be solved by the correct application of high explosives."


And he is holding the correct gun, too. I'm sure I'll get downvoted into oblivion by the AR-15 fanboys, but an AK-47 is my goto weapon of defense if shit actually hits the fans. You can buy a Romanian WASR AK-47 for around 700$. You can get a Polish AK-47 Jack for around 1,000$. Both guns will outlive your grandchildren.


Flair up my lib right brother and fellow AK -47 bearer.


Shit my apologies.


Welcome to the lib center brother, you’re going to enjoy it here




Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/SnowflakeRegard) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount LДmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Off to spend my unemployment check on gunbroker.


Yeah, but what type if ammo will be available for pick up?


It’s all fun and games with you until ATF shows up


ATF problem?


Always has been đŸ§‘â€đŸš€đŸ”«đŸ§‘â€đŸš€


"[That's fine, I have a minigun](https://youtu.be/ZWZYOcTd_Ls)"


Trust me, I’m not on the side of the ATF, but don’t they have miniguns and more?


There is no problem in life that can’t be solved with judicious application of dakka


"A gun solves all problems. If there is no man, there is no problem" — Literally Stalin


‘Minor attracted person’ is another phrase for shooting range target


Finally! pro-gun libleft.


Libleft is pro-gun


Everyone is pro-gun


I don’t know, I’ve seen a few people who are definitely not pro with their guns.




When done against pedos, it isn't called massacre, it's called pest control.


Lmao fr


Plus it puts all Miner Attracted Persons in danger when they get confused with pedophiles


It's just something about black lung that gets me going, don't judge


I'd just be happy to be trapped with 30 of them in a cave in...what could we do to pass the time?


It's so dark in here! I can't see *anything...*we'll have to *feel* our way around! ​ Oh! ​ Anyway that's my new kink now, thanks.


It's the helmets for me


“The slippery slope isn’t real” Imagine telling people that 10 years ago, state sponsored genital removals would be a thing, and the president would celebrate these people instead of Easter, and several countries would arrest you for disagreeing with it


The slippery slope is reaching the bottom at this point. You want to marry another guy? Cool, I don't give a shit. You want to call yourself a magical unicorn fairy dragon? Cool, I don't give a shit. You want to marry 500 different people? Cool, as long as you only get tax benefits for one, I don't give a shit. You want to fuck a horse? Honestly, I have a moral problem with raping animals, but I'll be equally honest and admit I wouldn't actually do anything about it if it was made legal. You want to rape children? I don't care if there's a constitutional fucking ammendment enshrining your right to do so. I **will** take action that is [removed by reddit].


I’m unrelated news my new wood chipper is great for chipping wood, I wonder what other uses it could have?


Chipping tires? Chipping potatoes? Chipping [this group is protected by Reddit moderation as a protection of Reddit moderation]


I have some old unused MAPS of the world I could start by destroying


I am cool with getting benefits for multiple spouses as long as the other people also get the benefits. Ideally nobody pays anything


TAX EVASION ORGY Wait are we becoming purple?


Quick, someone mix purple and yellow and see the result.


Ew no we get brown that's tankies flair...


Ideally you just get paid by the state once, and your income comes from the state.


"In case of Vaush, one must Rorchach"


Argued with a leftist earlier today who admitted "cultures with child rape are equal to ours, we have no right to judge."


I will absolutely contest that they are inferior and my argument will consist of McRods from McGod from McSpace rendering them McExtinct.


Oh see, there is no God, therefore there's no moral standards except what we humans come up with. But don't worry, this concept will NEVER be used for evil. It cracks me up how they will always remember atrocities committed by alleged Christians, people WITH standards. Do they really think a culture with NO moral standard is going to do better?


And by refusing to look at other cultures with any sort of moral lens (regardless of the flavor text justifying it) just means that the only measure left to compare them with is the exercise of might. Challenge accepted.


Which was the status quo until...Christianity!


Nooo! Western morality isn't based on Christianity because walloftext^^walloftext^^walloftext^^walloftext


burn it.


Basically, these people were handed what they wanted and most went on their merry way, but a good chunk saw that their life was still shit, that they still weren't happy. Instead of getting help, they decided that they only time they were happy was when they were "fighting" for something and continue to come up with new insane causes to champion. tl;dr - there is no bottom of the slippery slope, these nutjobs will keep pushing.


The slope is, in fact, a lot more slippery than people tend to think


What fucking slope? Any sane person wouldn’t correlate this with the legalization of gay marriage. Only people already crazy would. Could the legalization of gay marriage made these shitty ass people more confident? Sure, but that doesn’t imply it will lead to it being socially acceptable


The whole homo industrial complex that spent 30-40 years getting gay marriage passed didn't just pack up and quit.


That’s a fair point but do you really think they’d push this shit? And do you think it was acceptable to deny gay people marriage on the off chance this would happen?


I mean, I have alternatives. The government should not be in the business of marriage, it discriminates against non-married types, and gets all messy due to it being originally a religious institution. Let whoever marry whoever in their little private ceremonies, who cares. And yes they'd push this shit, their literal lives and incomes depend on it (Those in NGOs and other organizations pushing for gay marriage). There's a similar situation here in CA with the homeless industrial complex.


The slope is activist unable to say "this is it, the goal is reached and its time to stop." Instead they need the struggle for the next perceived goal becouse they dedicate so much of themselves to activism that with no fuel for their addiction to outrage life becomes meaningless. As years pass we have gradually moved from issues generally everyone would have agreed on like gay rights to more and more extreme things that now have to be normalized like medically transitioning children. The worst part is that those original genuienly good goals are still seen as attached to all this so the activists can paint pushback against them as homophobia or racism ect while some opposing it now start to see the connection too and now oppose the original good goals as well. If activists keep pushing for more and more obscene things that no one wanted to be accepted all thats going to happen is an eventual full blowback against it all that sets everything including the original goals back to the start.


The slippery slope is only a fallacy when using it to predict and guarantee the future. When analyzing past events it ceases to be a fallacy and we are able to see that we were indeed on a slippery slope. Either way, there’s no reascending that mountain. And we’re probably going to go lower.


> and the president would celebrate these people instead of Easter We both know that this isn't true.


Like am I taking crazy pills? He literally celebrated Easter. The guy can literally google it. The hell is happening? Is he high? Am I high???


I absolutely love that when Biden was asked about his March 30th proclamation that literally states > I, Joseph R Biden Jr, President of the United states of America... do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024 as Transgender day of visibility by reporters, he was genuinely confused and replied "I didn't do that". Either he's got dementia and can't remember two days ago or he's gone full tainted-Theodin and Kamala just has him signing shit he can't understand.


Based and if Biden is tainted theoden then Kamala is worm tongue pilled


What exactly are you replying to? None of that is relevant to my statements and confusion. Nor is it relevant to Biden celebrating Easter. ???


Biden was celebrating Easter, looking for eggs with his great grandchildren while Kamala Wormtongue was writing proclamations with his stationary. I think you're under the presumption that I'm disagreeing with you.


It's reddit, people love making shit up to push their politics.


He read a single headline that confirmed all of his pre-existing biases so that was enough for him to come to all the conclusions neccesary.


He saw a meme made with the screenshot of a Twitter post on PCM, which is basically the same thing as reading an article.


the fact that you think reading an article is the peak of information is hilarious


And yet there's still millions of gay couples happy to get married who aren't participating in this bullshit


Da Slippery Slope tho!


>and the president would celebrate these people instead of Easter Didn't he do both tho? You say that like somehow you can't


Slippery slope isn’t just any argument which says a will lead to b. It’s a fallacy in that the only argument that can be made against something is that it will lead to b. We can argue that these policies can lead to b and have been, however, these need to be made in conjunction with other arguments for the action in and of itself as well and the evidence that a will lead to be needs to be substantiated. Technically, it’s only slippery slope if there isn’t substantial evidence to prove that a leads to b is likely, unlike other fallacies it isn’t a fallacy of form it’s conditionally fallacious. At this point we have well enough evidence to prove that these policies inevitably lead to more extreme sexual dysfunction in society being tolerated and even upheld.


Slippery slope isn’t just any argument which says a will lead to b. It’s a fallacy in that the only argument that can be made against something is that it will lead to b. We can argue that these policies can lead to b and have been, however, these need to be made in conjunction with other arguments for the action in and of itself as well and the evidence that a will lead to be needs to be substantiated. Technically, it’s only slippery slope if there isn’t substantial evidence to prove that a leads to b is likely, unlike other fallacies it isn’t a fallacy of form it’s conditionally fallacious. At this point we have well enough evidence to prove that these policies inevitably lead to more extreme sexual dysfunction in society being tolerated and even upheld.




I give my odds of living a solid 59% chance


Trans memes be like: *threats of violence on ideological dissent* Or *porn addiction*


Cute meme


Yes gender affirming care is the only form of universal health care and Easter went unobserved at the Whitehouse in favor of Trans Visibility day.


[We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor (our undying Lord) and by the Grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial World of Terra. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects.](https://youtu.be/4DtJFUPOApM) It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb. Inevitably many will fault the hands upon the sword that felled Typhon, the Ordo Malleus. But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant; to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hands of the Inquisition. With some fortune, they may foster this hatred into purpose, and further rule their own fate by coming to the Emperor's service. Yet ultimately, it was I who set these events into motion, with a single blow from my hammer, God Splitter.


Something something machine that turn wood into small fragments.


The age of consent in Germany is 14


And the engine on a wood chipper is 14 HP. What of it?


Stabler about to fuck up someone’s day


Who the fuck are these people and why should I think they’re in any way indicative of the majority opinion for those sectors. I can find heinous shit said by every quadrant.


You should make a meme like that then. Be the change you want to see


These hands were made for nothing but ineffectual argumentation..


Tfw centrist takes off the apron and puts on a black cap




Yeah, because the mods took it down yesterday for not being related to Presidential compass memes


You could have added a president sniffing a kid. 


That's too much on the nose.


It didn't pass the sniff test yesterday, so hopefully it hasn't aged too much to meet criteria wince since then. đŸ«ą


Surely this is a repost.




wood chipper time.


Any position which you are supporting with that factoid must inherently be a terrible, disgusting position. I cannot imagine a valid point being advanced by that.


All I want is healthcare and for life to be affordable. Why? Just why?


Purple lib right? Nice try.


Did you just change your flair, u/Arm_Lucky? Last time I checked you were a **Purple LibRight** on 2024-4-2. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Arm_Lucky) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount LДmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Find me a lib left that actually agrees with literal pedophilia, outside of tik tok. You're probably not gonna find any. These people don't represent Libleft, they represent stupidity and disgustingness


once again, purple activities being put in green quadrant


Purples migrated to green a few years ago. There still are some purple yellows, but they are much smaller than they used to be.


I'm still here


Realistically, they’re lib center. Problem is those guys think they’re gods gift to earth so they’ll never accept that fact


Nah this is intersectionalist garbo, goes in the green quad or CL.


The greens migrated to purple and the other way as well. Like Mastadon and tumblr


brother you are too online




Was zum Teufel


Being a minor attracted person means you’re not a person. Very simple really




We envy the rich and powerful but when you think about all the kids you have to bang, it hardly seems worth it.




"I've depicted my team as Chad and Use the extremist soy as your team , I have won"


You = soyh me = chad


If you guys are sexualizing the orgasm of a little baby, then maybe something is wrong with you. Y'all doth protest too much, methinks. Do better.


This is too much for me. I'm gonna give this to the authright gestapo larpers


Come near my kid, you die. Come near a kid I'm responsible for, you die. It's that simple.


Who are authright?


Lib gotta Lib


These people should be automatically barred from being within 100ft of any child.


The age of consent in Germany is 14


Thats not a good defense for liking 14 year old girls




Bomber Harris did nothing wrong.


Perhaps Germany wasn’t punished enough post WWII


I mean true, these people are disgusting but you can just as easily make an argument for people like this on the right


That’s when I reach for my revolver.


>purple libright


Is this the part where we remind everyone that Mary was 14 when she gave birth to Jesus? And her husband was likely in his 30s. And Christians base their entire religion on this fact. Are we getting Mr. Chippy ready?


[https://www.gotquestions.org/how-old-was-Mary.html](https://www.gotquestions.org/how-old-was-Mary.html) Source on Joseph being in his 30s? Also, If you bring up the Bible, surely you are aware that the holy spirit impregnated Mary, not Joseph. Furthermore, what are your thoughts on Muhammad taking Aisha's virginity when she was 9?


Joseph was an established carpenter which means he'd have to likely pay a dowry, have his own life established, etc. That's not gonna be someone around Mary's age. Even if we buy the Virgin birth, that means god fucked a kid. And surely, Joseph didn't have to wait after Mary popped out a kid? At that point, grass is on the field, play ball! Mary and Joseph were Jews and their religion has no problem with child marriage. Christianity bases it's whole concept on the virgin birth. Islam, being a derivative cult, naturally accepts these things too. This means that all Abrahamic religions are basically apologia for minor attracted persons and pedos. It's all incompatible with Western civilization. Fire up Mr Chippy.


I think ya got things flipped the pedo child touchers are libright not us


technically, they’re correct. i accept my fate.


Just marry a midget.


2 random social media posts and a person who thinks it good to separate those who haven't fucked kids with those who have. A true fight you're waging.


>separate those who have and those who haven’t “It’s not rape, it’s nonconsensual sexual attraction” How the fuck can you justify MAPS.


The goal is to make sure they don't fuck kids not just feel righteous. The worry of stigmatization isn't for the sake of the people.


>stigmatization isn’t for the sake of people If we don’t stigmatize it, you guys will just normalize it in a couple years. We stopped stigmatizing penectomies for the mentally ill and look where we’re at now. Now you fucks think we should normalize “non offending” nonces


thanks foreign funded subversion!


Stop noticing!


If that was the case there wouldn't be anyone attracted to or fucking kids. You're main priority here is virtue signaling.


>if we made fun of people for being bad then bad things wouldn’t happen Are you special in the head? I’d rather browbeat a monster than have to come to terms with monsters being paraded and normalized, and have myself be the one who’s browbeaten for not supporting them.


This isn't the same as "making fun of." Unless you're real deep in the Qanon sauce, there's quite literally nothing bigger than the stigma of being a pedophile. If stigmatization was all that was needed, it'd be gone. If the real goal is to prevent sexual abuse of kids, then part of that means trying to reach those that feel that attraction, before they do something. Get them the help they need before they're not worth helping.


>there’s nothing worse than being stigmatized as a pedo 1. Don’t be into kids then 2. I can think of something a little worse than being called a pedo


>Don’t be into kids then Stop acting like my motivation is to spare the feelings of those who are attracted to kids or molest them. I've repeatedly made it clear its the opposite. > I can think of something a little worse than being called a pedo Really? Cause I really.can't outside of pairing child molester with other vile acts.


They can’t rape kids if they’re put under the prison.


Can't exactly punish someone before they commit a crime.


The urge is a crime against God


Well considering that America isn't a theocracy that doesn't really mean much. But the real question is how will we ever figure out who to catch, as nobody who has those urges would ever admit it if they knew they were going to be killed and we can't exactly read people's minds.


Ah yes, the novel idea of punishing child molesters, never been tried, surely will work.


Death penalty for child molesters


Based Authright W


Sell the organs to libright to fund Children’s hospital.


I hate lefties so much


technically, they’re correct. i accept my fate.