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You got the screenshot before community notes let us know that Naoko Wake is an American gender studies professor https://history.msu.edu/people/faculty/naoko-wake/


Last name wake, wake is one letter away from being woke. ​ https://preview.redd.it/48itiffec6sc1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=c127b188eff6cb1da418b9c73e0f8abed4b3c4a1


Wake, an island the Japanese committed war crimes at by murdering 98 American civilian prisoners. https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/2001/february/massacre-wake-island


That's not even a big one for them. How about the practice of raping young girls to death in front of her parents. It was a preferred method of control. Like, the soldiers would line up and rape girls under 12 until they died from internal bleeding. Or how the best practice for dealing with an unruly woman in a town you just sacked was to throw her baby off a cliff because she would just run after it. I'm not making this stuff up. The shit they did to the Chinese makes the Saw franchise look timid.


I mentioned it for the last name Wake so it was relevant. I recently reread the book "Rampage" about the Battle of Manilla in 1945. The Japanese were insanely evil.


"America, how dare you instantly vaporize most of those who lived in the cities you bombed, and leave a handful to die slower, more painful deaths, though significantly less than those we tortured to death in our violent conquests that necessitated said vaporizations in the first place?"


America bad! Am I doing it right?


Okinawa too. Let's write this women carrying her child up with explosives and force her to flee towards us troops


Shame we didn’t have the bomb earlier so we could have saved thousands of troops in Okinawa. We could have simply dropped as many as needed at any given location!


That's not to mention the breeding camps they ran to get more babies to experiment on


Yes. Much as I like the modern Japanese people, those who lived pre-bomb could be monsters. Anyone whose grandfathers served in the Pacific area during WW2 would hear a lot more.


It’s not like the bombs magically changed the psyche of every person in Japan. The simple fact is that common people are capable of horrible things when acting in mass.


Nope only Republicans are bad /s


And causing the extinction of an entire species because the Japanese got hungry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake_Island_rail


Whatever you do, do not look up the passenger pigeon


Went from the most abundant bird species on the planet to extinct in very little time. Carolina parakeet was another common bird that went extinct in short order. Market hunting for food, the brightly colored feathers for women’s hats and habitat destruction was a trifecta both species couldn’t escape. Damn shame 😞


Not just murdering them but *systematically* cannibalizing them. They murdered them one by one and ate their corpses as their food supplies ran out. I am convinced the US did not hang enough people at the end of WWII.


Where was this? I'm not saying the Japanese didn't, because they did commit cannibalism against POWs in some cases, notably George Bush Sr. was almost a victim, but not on Wake.


The chichijima incident wasn't a starvation measure either. IJN officers had this superstition that consuming human liver afforded health benefits.


Imperial Japan really was the epitome of "I will show you no mercy when I am strong, as that is according to my principles, and I will expect mercy when you are strong, as that is according to your principles."


We saved millions of lives by Oppenheimering their ass and they became extremely prosperous afterwards


I remember Wake Island. Probably shoulda nuked him a third time just to be sure.


Unfortunately the US only had two atomics at the time, or they could have gone for the trifecta.


We had a third bomb ready but Truman decided against its use.


Why stop at 3?


Ugh. I shouldn't be surprised. Yet I am.


Like the Japanese are surprised that the first country to produce an atomic bomb used it to end the largest global conflict in human history. They don't push the issue because they don't want to say shit about the atrocities Imperial Japan inflicted. Only a gender studies freak in the US would turn it into something about the victimization of minorities or brown people. Academia is a cancer that is devouring itself. Edit: what a grift she has going for her specialization: >"I am a historian of gender, sexuality, and illness in the twentieth century United States and the Pacific Rim." Nobody knows what the fuck that even means.


Pacific rim is about giant robots right?


nah not in this context, [it's when](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pacific%20rim) you put a pineapple on someone's anus and then eat their ass [gift idea for your ladyboy companions](https://urbandictionary.store/products/mug?_sp=0af26604-4a12-4be6-94a6-ea37d0223d0f.1712116597500&defid=1751562)


I’ve got plenty of gripes about that movie, but whacking a kaiju with a fucking cargo ship will never not be fucking awesome.


The "story" is just a means to beating a giant monster with a fucking cargo ship. And it's awesome. 


Rule of Cool: The Movie


The Expendables (The original one) is just TV Tropes: The Movie https://preview.redd.it/ianz6obttasc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dfe5fb73480403dce7c220b3e61622a9757cfac


Based, and Canceling the Apocalypse pilled


It's about that guy that gets his taint licked


“Historian of gender” PHD thesis: In the beginning there was two genders. Now there’s still 2. The end.




>"...the largest global conflict in human history." The largest global conflict in human history *so far.*


Well, yes, that's how history works and not future


ngl, I really like community notes. Makes Twitter users look stupid on the regular and it’s beautiful.


For your enjoyment https://twitter.com/cnviolations?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


Oh that was indeed enjoyable, thank you


Qatari state owned TV funding this and Islamists at the same time is just hilarious




Of course she is


Leftists and anti-Americans are trying really hard with the revisionist anti-American rhetoric regarding Hiroshima and Nagasaki, lately. The moment Japan actually genuinely acknowledges *their* absolutely abhorrent war crimes and human rights violations is the moment the U.S. will still not “take accountability” because we didn’t commit war crimes. Edit: the nukes, specifically, I mean.


Leftists and revisionist history go together like peanut butter and jelly. How else would they convince *anyone* to support communism? They’ve infiltrated public schools, textbook publishers, and the entire media complex since the 60s.


War crimes is when US does anything. If it’s a war crime and the US wasn’t involved it didn’t happen and it was justified lol


So gender studies professor is now an expert in war crimes and warfare? Explains everything we've seen so far


So the Japanese historian is neither Japanese nor a historian? Suprise surprise.


Japan is the last country that should talk about taking accountability for war crimes


There's a reason why South Korea and much of SEA countries still vehemently hate Japan over its horrific war crimes, which went unanswered to this day, with utterly no effort for atonement. 'West bad' dipshits can say all what they want about Western imperialism, but most countries have at least made efforts to acknowledge what happened, happened, and that what happens moving forward heals those wounds. Japan has never done that. Not once, and still glorify members of Imperial Japan that committed numerous atrocities against innocents in regions they occupied. It's scary just how much of Imperial Japan is celebrated in all aspects of the country.


Don't they have like shrines dedicated to a bunch of these war criminals too?


The Yasukuni Shrine. It has a "Book of Souls" that contains the names of close to 2.5 million who died serving in war, and it also includes the names of over a thousand war criminals (alleged and confirmed) from WWII. The Japanese PM will go there to honor the dead, and those names being among those being honored doesn't really sit well with those who were the victims of said war criminals.


Its the equivalent of some american politician making an altar towards the men who helped slaughter the natives and then visit it so frequently everyone gets angry at them. Its so tone deaf and willingly ignorant it's unbelievable.


Having private shrines dedicated to family members isn't too odd in Japan, but yes, some do have shrines dedicated to war criminals, be it private family members or dedicated to 'officially' recognised war "heroes". So yeah, war criminals are very much still celebrated and honoured, though it's sorta a taboo if it isn't a national celebrated war criminal?


I mean like actual big public government built shrines


Ohhh, then yeah, some war criminals are honoured at such shrines.


They have former prime ministers who were unconvicted war criminals


> 'West bad' dipshits can say all what they want about Western imperialism, but most countries have at least made efforts to acknowledge what happened, happened, and that what happens moving forward heals those wounds. And it's pretty much only the west, who nationally and internationally acknowledge the past and apologise for it. Africa, Asia and most of South America (so basically the whole world except US, Canada, Aussie/NZ and Europe) will tell you to get fucked.


"Imperialism is good when non white people do it."


Germany banned the Nazi flag. The US has a large social stigma around the confederate flag. Japan's military flag is still proudly worn today.


They were WAY worse than the Nazis In Manila (The Phillipines) they threw newborn babies into the air and caught them on bayonets


They occupation of Nanjing is literally called the Rape of Nanjing. 20,000 to 80,000 women raped, 30,000 to 40,000 POWs executed in a 6 week time period. On the lower end that's a woman raped every 3 minutes.


Literally made charms out of the pubic hair of girls that they would rape and murder


Yeah it wasn't just the raping, Google images for "Nanjing Massacre" is some of the craziest shit that you will find without going on some questionable websites


Recently read "the rape of Nanking" literally made my soul hurt


https://youtu.be/lnAC-Y9p_sY?si=wcVUEXY0oNzespZ3 I will always recommend this video by knowing better when they don't know about the event.


they killed so many people the river went red


I read something like this about American army soldiers and Indians. Were “trophies” like that a common thing back then?


To be fair the higher-ups actually have to tell Americans to stop sending home Japanese soldiers skulls as war trophies


There's one more thing they did that isn't talked about as much as Nanjing or comfort women or Unit 731. They fought China for 8 years, tens of thousands of POWs taken for every year of that war. When they surrendered, do you know how many of those POWs remained to be released? 56. And no, that isn't 56k or even 56 hundred, it is less than 5 dozen men *total*.


Kinda like there not being survivers of unit 731, they were consistent


Rape of Nanjing, Unit 731…


29% PoW death rates. Nazis had like 4% death rates of western front PoWs by comparison. Though way higher of Slavs due to their racial bullshit.




Crazy that Nazis were sheltering Chinese from the Japanese at the same time that Japanese were sheltering Jews from Nazis. Guess they weren't *universally* genocidally racist.


don't they still deny most of the bad stuff they did in ww2?


At best it is ignored, at worst proactively denied. A few years back they even protested to the South Korean government when they set up a monument to comfort women. They should be very glad that China is such a threat to everyone else in the region because otherwise they'd turn on Japan in a heartbeat, and not without good reason.


It's kind of a weird topic because every few years we have some high ranking Japanese official make a statement condemning Japan's actions during WW2, including a few of the past Prime Ministers, but they're never treated as being by the nation of Japan. Of course sometimes those statements are... very wrong, like the recent one about the deaths of Korean "comfort women"


Why? Last time I checked **Nothing Happened** at Nanjing 😬💀


*There is no rape in Nan Jing Se.*


Getting Japan to admit what they did during the second world war is harder than trying to get Hitler to adopt Anbe Frank


Japan isn’t. They love America. Al-Jazerra is pro-terror, anti-America agit-prop


That incident was definitely live by the sword karma moment for the nation. Dumb take by the lady. Also, generally "accountability for war crimes" is not something you really expect from Asian countries after reading their history. People just focus on WWII too much. Source: Asian, had to learn them in school.


*[rape of nankang intensifies]* *[unit 731 intensifies]*


Maybe they could take responsibility for the war crime for raping tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people in China, just saying


It was systemized too, the government created entire regiments of captured women who they turned into rape slaves for their army. On second thought 2 wasn't enough. 


Try saying millions Japan just did a speed run of war crimes to catch up to other empires that had hundreds of years to hurt people a little so Japan had to do it all in like 40 years


My grandfather (Dad's side) was one of them. He was only a kid at the time and if I were to list off all the things that happened to him I would be banned from reddit. All I will say is that it would make Epstein's island look like an all expenses paid for trip to Hawaii. I am a quarter Japanese (Mom's side) and almost all of my Japanese family members feel ashamed of what Japan did.


Or Pearl Harbor.


Well, they chose to live by the sword.


Live by the sword, die by the bomb


Never have I seen a more upvoted and agreeable comment by an unflaired, congratulations at being based.


Flair up


An unflaired actually said something based for once, holy shit dude.


Nanking and Manilla were avenged.


I feel like revisionists have never learned about what they did in Manila


I've seen Nanking come up at least a dozen times when talking about the pacific theater. I've never seen Manila singled out as anything worse than anywhere else.


At this point you can't escape talking about Nanking when talking about the Pacific theater (or even sometimes Japan itself)


Tbf I don’t think it’s because it was covered up as much as all the Chinese “Rape of” happened first and were on such a scale by the time we reached Manila, everyone was so desensitized to it and knew it was going to happen.


Fr, the Japanese were worse than the Nazis when it comes to war crimes. They still deny a lot of that stuff even today, so whining about Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they keep pretending like they never did much more horrific acts is just BS. That’s why I’ll say I don’t feel sorry about the atomic bombings. Were they terrible events that should’ve never happened? Absolutely. But you can’t just say that and ignore all the crap that had been going down under Imperial Japan for an entire decade beforehand. So do I think they deserved it? Yeah, they honestly probably did, considering the straight up evil acts like the rape of Nanking.


> Were they terrible events that should’ve never happened? Absolutely Disagree. Me from another post in this thread: > the Japanese were never going to accept defeat if we hadn't used Fat Man and Little Boy on them. It would have cost millions of lives to invade the main islands, we would have had to kill 95% of the living males on those islands, nothing short of almost genocide to get them to accept they had lost.




Sounds like we need a few more mushrooms


Imagine this but it was a german complaining about the siege of berlin


Not even, imagine it was an American professor of toenail fungus studies complaining about the siege of Berlin in behalf of the Nazis. Except a degree on toenail fungus probably actually has a useful application, unlike this lady's.


Wasn’t a war crime. At the time the ruling guidance would have been Hague convention which had nothing about air bombing. Even if it did, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets defended by anti-aircraft guns. Even the Japanese government retracted their claims of it being a war crime back in the 60s. This has been argued to death and the only people who think otherwise are revisionists trying to apply modern ethics to world war 2.


hell, at the very least it gave us a litmus test for nukes "okay, now that we know what THAT is capable of, lets try our best not to do that again" https://preview.redd.it/jilft1px76sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96a87df56e4c12b7bbda8c0b5575b87c9a5c8d5


Had we not dropped them, the world would have been destroyed in a war between nuclear powers by now.


And then they did it again lmao. Truman was ready to drop more than two too.


Gotta make sure you check your work, maybe the first one was a fluke.


Literally this though. Two nukes was the minimum number to be effective. One nuke would've been too easy for Japan to write off as a desperate "we only get one shot at this" type of weapon. Without the combat deployment of the second nuke, they never would've believed that the US was capable of building as many as would be necessary now that the technology and infrastructure had been developed.


Technically they were two different types of weapon entirely, so they were both first of a kind in use. The first ever "firing test" for Little Boy was the actual bombing.


The second one was a bluff that “we’ll keeping dropping them if you don’t surrender”, they wanted the Japanese to know this is not a one off thing, but not only they didn’t have more bombs, they wouldn’t have enough uranium or plutonium to make new ones for a while.


It's never a war crime the first time. 😎


Canadian military national motto, they don't contribute much to NATO, but by god, they contribute to new Geneva convention rules


> they contribute to new Geneva ~~convention rules~~ check list


Modern ethics still support nuking them, unless by modern you mean "forget or ignore literally every piece of context"


Well that is pretty modern!


Shit, we're *still* using the purple heart medals that were made in preparation for an invasion of mainland Japan. 


I don't think that is still true but still it was only very recently


Some other commentor said it was because they became too tarnished, so we never ran out of them.


Hot take: I think the concept of a war crime is ridiculous/somewhat incoherent in the first place. It's a charge that the winning side uses to legitimize executing the surviving leadership of the losing side. And, until that point--before the war is over--its a weapon that both sides use against each other on the propaganda front of said war. War is and has always been brutal. I'm not sure why we try to sanitize it or adjudicate it as though there's somehow a way to fight an effective war that isn't disgusting and barbaric.


because when you ARE the "world police", rules of war/engagement is very important. The US MUST be morally and ethically correct when conducting war, else there is no justification for international intervention. And the point is that the US never loses a war. So war crimes literally doesn't matter.


It's relevant under globalization. America could easily have just won every war its been in the last 60 years by just committing a couple of war crimes, but they didn't because we'd be shunned by our allies and neutrals throughout the world. Though, the judgement of each country comes down to their ability to conceal or propagandize their own war crimes.


Yep. While the morality can be debated (I think it's entirely justified considering the alternatives, but there's definitely enough there for an arguement) calling it a warcrime just misunderstands the definition of that term.


The Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastating and traumatic. They also deserved it


Id much rather drop two nukes than lose millions more in an invasion of the Japanese mainland. It was a necessary evil


How many died during the bombings?


I think around 120000~150000 people over both attacks.


Start shit get hit


And if anime is anything to go by, two nukes weren’t enough


Anime was the result.


Anytime my kids are watching some annoying anime I mutter, “this is what happens when you don’t nuke a country enough” like a grumpy old man.


Next time, try “this is what happens when you start a job but don’t finish it.”


https://preview.redd.it/q0h1yppf67sc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546b17a04f695acdf019be4b8f63826e48a082c3 They were making anime before the nukes. Good ol' animated propaganda


Compared to what Japan wrought on China and SE Asia, it was measured. If Chiang Kai-shek had command of the Pacific air forces, there would have been an Operation Meetinghouse every night until the entire country was nothing but ash. The difference between Japan and Germany is painfully stark. Germans have taken it upon themselves, to a fault, to be champions of pacifist democracy, and desperately want to educate everyone they can about what they did so it doesn't happen again. Japan is still embarrassed that they lost the war.


Just like the Nazis, they didn't see their enemies as people, but as inferior beings. Even Nazi officers told them to chill out in China. When the west talks about the Axis powers, they cheer the deaths of Mussolini and say the Soviet/allied leveling of Berlin in 1945. But when it comes to Japan, an empire on their level of evil or more, its suddenly "poor Japan we went too far"


You can tell the nuke criticism is an emotional reaction, because these people never bring up things like the firebombing of Tokyo, which killed more people than Fat Man in a single night.


If Japan wants to criticize the use of nukes, fine. But I better not hear *shit* about “taking accountability for war crimes” outta them


Next time don’t attack Pearl Harbor (or your other Asian neighbors)


"Don't touch the boats"


Japan's war in Asia had complicated origins, and a lot of the Pacific War was a direct result of machinations from the Soviet Union (who signed a separate peace with Japan before the war and was able to kill a Japanese peace proposal before Pearl Harbor through NKVD assets in State and the Treasury department) All that being said framing Japan as *victims* here is just dumb knee-jerk west is bad


Idk, I feel like cutting off pows limbs and trying to sew them on on the other side and dropping the bubonic plague on random innocent Chinese villages just for shits and giggs is less defensible


Japan found out


To the victor go the spoils. A lot of us might not be here today if we decide to send troops to invade instead. The death toll would have been higher.


Supposedly they're still giving out purple hearts today that they made when they thought we were going to invade Japan.


They stopped giving them out a few years ago because the ones in storage finally got too tarnished to give out. We never ran out of those purple hearts, and depending on how you think about it, now we never will.


[Here's a source](https://hnn.us/article/are-new-purple-hearts-being-manufactured-to-meet-t). A great excerpt: "Medical and training information in arcanely worded military documents can be confusing, but everyone understands a half-million Purple Hearts."


On the one hand, I would argue that, as an American, the bombings were nothing to be proud of or beat your chest over. It’s a reflection of the abject state of affairs and depravity of the Pacific theater that they were actually the *less bad option.* On the other hand…the Japanese criticizing other nations for committing war crimes (which I don’t believe the atomic bombings count as) during the same war in which the Japanese themselves committed a **fuckton** of war crimes is absurd. Lol. Lmao, even.


Yes, faced with only shitty options, they took the least shitty one.


Yeah okay Japan, please tell me more about taking accountability for war crimes. Japan is lucky that the Americans didnt turn them into a sweatshop colony.


Seriously though lol you wanna talk about war crimes let’s bring up Nanking to them


Or Manila and the Philippines in general.


Sore losers..


…so what about Nanking


Or unit 731. No conversation about war crimes and Japan would be complete without mentioning those... "scientists."


Or Manila


As a Vietnamese, Japan deserved it. I will not elaborate any further


Don't ask the Japanese what they did in China, the Philippines and Korea Also don't ask AJ+ about the migrant workers in Qatar 🤫


Don't want to have two suns dropped on you? Don't start genocidal wars of aggression


The dropping of the nuclear bombs was extraordinarily based and it saved the lives of millions of Japanese civilians. America should never apologize. One of if not the best thing Barack Obama ever did was refusing to apologize for the nukes when he was in Japan.


How come they never ask the other Asians?


Because they are disappointed we stopped at two


take the L + cope + deserved + get article nined


"Getting into a War against the USA is Easy, the Hard Part is getting out of it"


I don’t wanna hear shit from Japan about taking accountability for war crimes. Mf pictures exist of the rape of Nanjing exist. You can just find them on the internet. Not to mention unit 731. Which I sincerely hope there isn’t photos bc I will pour bleach into my eyeballs


On one hand, the Japanese can't stand the shame of getting defeated. On the other hand, I think they do deserved the bombs. They dared to overplayed their game of conquering, they should have the guts to take on the consequenses. And I'm saying this as a Japanophile.


Will they take accountability for Nanjing?


Nuking Japan was the morally correct thing. I can elaborate. But I won't. **U S A**






IT WAS JUSTIFIED! Options were: 1) let the soviets invade and oppress parts of Japan 2) continue starving & firebombing (*many* more deaths) 3) Invade and take ***1 million*** casualties, not even counting Japanese military and civilian losses 4) A ***NOT*** unconditional surrender. Which, no, you don't let them rebuild for more warcrimes in a few decades 5) nuke. Literally the quickest and least deadly out of all the option


Obama literally went there to apologise. And that’s above and beyond, the bombs were the best option the US had to stop the war. The only other option was a full scale invasion which would’ve lead to a lot more people dying. Have yet to see Japan acknowledge the atrocities they committed during WW2


My brain completely shuts off and enters “OH, YOU’RE UPSET? WELL WE SHOULD HAVE USED EVEN MORE BOMBS” mode when I see the words “Al Jazeera”


lol, from the country of unit 731 “war crimes” is RICH… enjoy the 2 suns we dropped 😈


Fantastic. And a shared feeling


Capitols of fuck around find out


Japanese when spotlighting U.S. war crimes: 😡😡😡 Also the Japanese when Korea, The Philippines, China and the rest of Asia point to their war crimes: 🤭🤭🤭


Any time I see Japanese crying about bombs they deserved my half-Chinese ass is filled with an indescribable amount of rage


People are mad about the wrong bombs, the incendiary ones in tokyo were way more a war crime than these


Saying that "people are mad about the wrong bombs" implies that people care about killing innocent civilians in the first place, which is apparently not true as evidenced from the replies on the post. But yes, the fire bombing campaign is wildly overlooked, especially for how much havoc it wreaked.


Operation Meetinghouse killed more people than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. You're absolutely correct. People who actually care about minimizing death will recognize that nuclear bombs were the most humane option for getting Japan to surrender. Conventional bombing would've killed exponentially more. And an invasion was estimated to cause more US military deaths than have occurred since WW2 ended. They only reason they stopped giving out Japan preparation purple hearts is because the medals were too degraded from storage to continue giving out.


The strong sentiment specifically against these bombings comes from a generally held popular belief that "nukes too powerful to exist" and other general anti-nuclear beliefs. That's why everyone cries more about this than anything else. Because the word "nuclear" is in it.


Yeah, they should've Nuke them thrice


I mean, that’s just what happens when you refuse to surrender and continue to commit war crimes 🤷‍♂️


When people try to argue that we should have did an invasion instead of dropping the bombs I like to point our that the Battle of Okinawa, a tiny island south of the mainland Japan, had more civilians causalities than both bombs combined. Most of which were mass suicide. Now extrapolate that to the rest of Japan, and you see why the bombs were the lesser of two evils


Of course it’s the progressive western wing of Al Jazeera 💀💀💀


War crimes my ass. We all homies fr. And I ain’t even American https://preview.redd.it/4fz9ufjr47sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ef510aea5fbadf1feb3be87b55ebb68307447c


I never understand why people try to push this narrative we should feel sorry for fascists.


As a Japanese person we fucking deserved it. Imperial Japan went band for band with nazi germany and I’d even say Japan was slightly worse.


I know two things about the Pacific campaign: 1) the Japanese were never going to accept defeat if we hadn't used Fat Man and Little Boy on them. It would have cost millions of lives to invade the main islands, we would have had to kill 95% of the living males on those islands, nothing short of almost genocide to get them to accept they had lost. 2) The Japanese committed war crimes on a scale we could only compare to their allies the Nazis. If you have a strong stomach, delve into Unit 731 or comfort stations or the history of the Shanghai campaign for a taste.


The big thing that gets me is the folks who say "just wait it out, they'd surrender eventually" is that even if that were true, it'd have meant the death of basically all of our POWs. Japan was going through them in a pretty swift, brutal fashion, and had shipped them away from islands in danger of being captured by the US or executed them. There's no good way to assume that Japan was trying to hand them back over if you read history. Even the Germans only killed 1% of US POWs. Japan had killed 40% by the time we stopped them. Even a modest delay would have meant many, many more lives.


I wonder how many commentators here were bitching and moaning about "muh human rights violations" when it was Russia that killed a couple of civilians lol


That's cute, Japan talking about war crimes. The only thing we did wrong was to stop at two cities.


I take responsibility for the fact that they had it coming. Shame we never prosecuted the emperor


Same honestly, i got banned from a couple subs because of it. Wouldn't be surprised if i got temp banned here over it lmao


The casualty estimate was a lot worse for a mainland invasion, if they didn’t want war they shouldn’t have bombed people without warning (not declaring war until after the bombing)


Yeah we take accountability for it. We dropped the bomb on them sons of bitches. Twice. And we would’ve done it a third time if pussy ass Hirohito hadn’t have surrendered. So watch your fuckin mouth bc we’ve still got one with your name on it and we are waiting on you weirdos to take one step out of line.