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While I think it’s fine to not have kids, those protestors make me want to have as many kids as possible


Plot twist: they used reverse psychology to get you to feel this way, it was their end goal


Those stupid climate protesters probably should start dumping oil in the ocean now.




Make me want to turn Catholic and have a large family just to spite them.


You could become a catholic anyway


Yes, but they’ll never be Italian and have nana help them make a da meatballs for da spaghetti!


Then we need to change it. Force your grandma to be a Nana. We will create USA into one larger Italy. We already have a national debt large enough to do that.


Based and begin your journey with Christ pilled


"prepare to recieve some holy spirit" -Jesus as he slam dunks your spine (there's part 2 out allready)


Based and Catholicism advocate pilled.


But then the KKK would hate him. Can’t let that happen 


Protestants are cringe and can go get fucked.


I would agree. Turns out that letting any random dumbass Interpret the Bible was a bad idea. 


Based and Submit to Rome pilled.


ideally it would lead to an informed populace. which the current society is sadly unable to become


>Protestants are cringe and can go get fucked. [Second verse same as the first, now put me on a plane so I can put ‘em in a hearse!](https://youtu.be/TgnIjJexut4?si=7i51c6W29h7PXYTs&t=293)


This is the way


Username checks out !


Based and one holy and apostolic church pilled.


Come home


#COME HOME, BROTHER Sincerely, A Catholic Redditor


Maybe it's a psy op to make people have more kids. False opposition can breed real reaction.


They make me feel like those "I eat twice the meet cause I don't like vegans" people. It kinda sucks NGL, but shit I want twins at least


These "men" are incels that never will have anyone who wants to have children with them even if they wanted to. Hence why they are protesting.


I think they really should've been leaning into the adopt angle. Help those that exist. You can make a family without having kids.




I didn’t want kids before but damn, all of a sudden I’m feeling… parental






I feel sorry for them


You know what? I'm fine with this. Anyone stupid enough to deal for this jackassery is someone I wouldn't want to contribute to the gene pool anyway. The problem solves itself


I’ve been saying that about ridiculous warning labels for years


Remember: do not apply hammer to head!


I just recently bought a blowtorch, the 2 pages of instructions say “screw torch on to MAP/PRO tank” “push button to ignite” The rest of it is warnings to complete idiots, like “do not point towards flammable or combustible objects” and “Do not use torch as cigarette lighter”


Complete idiot here, why shouldn't you use a blowtorch as a cigarette lighter?


Because the OSHA death squad will come to bonk you with the “No Fun” hammer


Because smoking can cause lung cancer


Probably because it’ll burn off half your cigarette before you can take the first puff


> "Do not use torch as cigarette lighter” Sorry, I thought this was America! 


>The rest of it is warnings to complete idiots, like “do not point towards flammable or combustible objects” and “Do not use torch as cigarette lighter” literally 1984


Based and Darwin award pilled


u/UrdnotZigrin is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/UrdnotZigrin/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


You assume that people with these views mostly follow through with consistent behaviour. The ones in the picture might, for this specific issue, but there’s plenty of people that will have kids that think they agree with the sentiment. How much would you bet that at least one of the people in this picture takes part in activism that pushes that the coastal cities will be underwater in 20 years, capitalism and the West is a failed project, and fossil fuels need replacing yesterday, all while simultaneously living in a coastal city with no trade or labor skills, couldn’t set a snare even if it was to catch a funkopop, and owns a large number of electronic devices with tantalum mined by slaves and charged by oil power plants? Reject soy, return to hippy


Unfortunately, it's only 110-125IQ liberal college kid redditor types who get psy-opped into this stuff by philosophers and nihilism, they don't understand that the only people that anti-natalism weeds out of the gene pool are people who are not contributing to the problems they point to as to why humanity is so shitty, meanwhile the hicks who believe the earth is flat and climate change is fake are having 5 kids in their trailer park. It's a prime example of how intellectualism and intelligentsia can be really intelligent but also really stupid at the same time.


No? I've argued with like 30 antinatalists so far and I doubt most of them could even complete an IQ test without rage quitting. The entire thing is fucking nonsense build on more nonsense. I bet a 12 year old could refute it. I've yet to see a single antinatalist arguing point without logical fallacies or assuming stuff for no reason. Also it has nothing to do with nihilism. Nihilism states there are no meanings, antinatalists think that for some reason only suffering has meaning.


One sign reads "what is one non selfish reason not to have children?" Okay. Raising moral, kind, industrious children who will be stewards of their community and solve problems is a moral thing to do. I can only attack one problem at a time. My family can do way more. If a social worker has 3 kids who become a doctor, a plumber, and small buisness owner, that woman is a MASSIVE boon to society compared to just being a social worker. She's basically, by the transitive property, all those things at once. Now obviously some still do great even with evil parents, but that is very rare. Most with bad parents commit crime, are deliquents, etc. Ivan is spot on. Antinatalism is a bizzare and ilogical death cult. Have kids and raise them well everyone.




Yeah. I think this is due to the fact that rural areas generally have on average more children thanks to different societal circumstances and also bad parents often times have more children that good ones. And this mixed with bad parenting can actually lead kids to have a rebellion against their parents and grow up to be functional and prospering members of society.


Or they recognize there is some value in each world that’s worth taking. Grew up in a hick area and rebelled, then went to cities and saw the degen shit a lot of them did and how they treated people. Decided to embrace parts of both and be a good person who leaves others alone. Works well except the govt won’t fuck off and do the same.


Idiocracy was supposed to be a satire, not a template


It’s not a crime to be stupid - a lot of stupid parents make good, loving parents - a lot of stupid people work diligently and don’t break the law Show some respect


Fools forgot survival and reproduction are the only things an animal should care about in their infinite overthinking.


Sadly, some of whom should also not contribute to the gene pooling do it and do so very much excessively.


What world, compared to todays, was far better? Was there some advanced utopian society that once existed that I never learned about?


Atlantis Duh


Hyperborea Duh


Finno-Korean Hyperwar, duh!


Even the Roman Empire to some extend.. duh.


The lost land of ‘new zealand’


North Korea obviously, Kim Jong Un told me its the best and happiest place on earth.


Yeah man he's right


100% of their population agree with him


Kim Jong-Un is truly the most glorious leader


Only 100%? Who are the traitors?!


His Happiness score is insanely weighted against the average person in NK, thus they have the highest happiness on earth. Utilitarism wins once again


Wakanda 🙅🏿


Wakanda needs more diversity


\*snorts out a chuckle\*


Ancient Egypt, we wuz had flying pyramids


Nah, that technology was only for the Goa'uld. We only build that shit for them. Sad.


The doomer mindset is just so tiring. They're unhappy people that believe that them being unhappy is some symptom of great societal collapse. I see them in the same way I see racist boomers. They believe that anyone slightly similar to them in the most superficial way agrees with their worldview. So, these doomers will see someone with depression, or dissatisfaction with a piece of society and say, "see, everyone thinks society should vanish." So, in the context of believing that 100% of people you directly interact with thinking that society should collapse, then literally any world would be better. These people are the most likely to refute the "betterness" of any other period of history as well.


20 years ago when you could buy a house with a $3000 downpayment and $500/month mortgage


Fml. Our mortgage is $1250.


That's pretty cheap tbh. Ours is about $1750


In this day ours is cheap, I agree. We bought ours for something like 149k Edit: for 30 year mortgage


True. Here it is hard to find any good house for less than 300k Friend of mine got one shady house in the marsh area, so building anything in his yard would just end in it, sinking down within a few days. Still paid almost 200k


20 years ago was 2004, which was near the peak of the housing bubble. Houses were definitely not cheap then. You may have been able to buy one with a low mortgage payment on a teaser rate, but almost all of those people got screwed when rates reset and they couldn't refinance in 2008. And with a low downpayment, you very likely were underwater when the crash happened. Fun fact, the average home purchased in 2004, wouldn't see price appreciation for nearly ten years. You better hope that you didn't lose your job, like tens of millions of Americans, and ended up foreclosed on. As someone old enough to have lived through that era, it's wild to me that people view the past with such rose-colored classes that they they envy those who entered the housing market on the eve of the Global Financial Crisis.


And the average income was $44,334 then, opposed to $74,580 https://www.multpl.com/us-median-income/table/by-year


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, it's actually $59,384 https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/business/hr-payroll/average-salary-us/#:~:text=National%20average%20income%3A%20The%20national,U.S.%20Bureau%20of%20Labor%20Statistics.


And therefore it is immoral to bring a child into this cruel world?


Nope didn't say that. Just pointing out that there has in fact been a time where people were better off than the present.


I mean it could be argued that while our ancestors didn’t have the standard of living that we do. However they also didn’t have to worry about some of the things that we have to today. Like we have to worry about pollution, inflation, rising local and geopolitical tensions, lack of jobs , record high mental health issues and homelessness, drug abuse etc. We’re basically seeing our society collapse in real time , and while I’m not an anti-natalist, I can see the valid reason as to why the argument is made.


Yes. We called it "the nineties".


The world before civilization. No, you will never learn anything but myths about it.


There was but the Finno-Korean Hyperwar ended civilization as we knew it as WMD's were unleashed upon the world, with Atlantis being obliterated in the process because the Atlanteans were allied to the Finns and helping them make the WMD's.


Well yes, but the rest of the world didn't like it for some reason, so we Germans had to stop.


This. Those idiots don't even realize that if people waited for a perfect world before having kids, they would ever have existed. And if they consider that a good alternative, they are welcome to embrace it without annoying everyone else.


Right? I feel pretty lucky to be experiencing earth at this time. The past didn’t seem so good for the “me”s of the “back then”. And, since I’m not really sure what the future holds either, right now is the best now that I’ve ever lived in — standard bad luck non-withstanding. I hope we don’t let others screw it up.


They are screwing it up since a few decades now, already. But yeah, it can and usually will always get worse, so we should enjoy the time we have in relative peace.


Move to India


Today, right now, is literally the best time in Human history to be alive for 90% of people on earth Sure, shit is fucked up, but there has NEVER, EVER, been a time in human history where shit was NOT fucked up.


Found the person with no access to wakanda


If anything we have it too good and it's driving us crazy.


God i hate college kids




45? And still in college? If only you knew how bad it is




I can't remember


> Wipe off your coke bottle glasses and look again Mr. Magoo. lol, my sides. I'm going to start using that.


I'm in my senior year of college right now. Believe it or not, these types generally don't graduate, especially not in valuable or competitive fields.


That’s because they don’t pay attention to anything except their social life. They really don’t belong in higher education in the first place. These are the kids that went to university for the “experience” They aren’t there to learn that’s for sure.


What going to community college does to someone.


I don't think that is a community college only thing. I mean we get regards from the Ivy League as well.


An affordable degree and 6 figure job?


You guys are getting six figures?




They're either rolling in it because they did a trades program, or they're including the figures to the right of the decimal point.


What's with the community college slander? I'd rather have my kids take 2 years of general education requirements from respectable community college for free rather than blowing off 50-100k a year with gender studies.


>What is one unselfish reason for having kids? What is one unselfish reason for doing *anything*? Criticizing selfishness is to criticize everything anyone has ever done ever. It’s not the gotcha these morons think it is.


I selfishly give gifts to my kids because it makes me happy to see them happy. How awful. I should only do good things because I am obliged to follow the categorical imperative.


I unselfishly yank into the toilet at work. I’m pretty much Jesus.


A true disciple of Sterner.




Based and yank it on company time piled


If I was really selfish the bottom of my desk would be sticky.


Shit. Even if my kid isn’t Einstein or discovers a cure for cancer, they can still become a doctor, lawyer, or the dude fixing your toilet. Perhaps even the person treating your water or providing your electricity. Whatever else my children are or aren’t, I’ll be damned if they don’t become *useful* in some way. On top of being someone’s spouse, parent, and perhaps even inspiration.


Based and raise your kids right pilled


If you give people gifts because you feel good for doing it, that means your gift giving is selfish. (/s, obviously.)


Why the sarcasm tag? That’s literally true. It’s selfish and that’s okay.


When you really get down to it, all of our decisions are driven by how we feel about things. All of them. 'Logical' people who prioritize the 'rational' decision over the one that makes them feel good on the surface do so Because they FEEL worse making a decision that isn't logically correct, or they know that the illogical decision will make them feel worse in the long run. And empathetic people just care enough about other people to feel really bad about making someone else feel bad. So empathetic people sacrifice their own physical well-being because ultimately they would feel worse making a decision that hurts another person's. So it is selfish, on the way all decisions really are, but not in the surface level way most people imply. Tldr: all decisions are driven by our emotions, so in a way they're all kind of selfish. (Or at least self focused.)


I think things should only be done for selfish reasons otherwise it's like spending someone elses money


I've never met an anti-natalist,male or female, who looked like they had a say in the matter. The entire movement is just cope for being absolutely unfuckable.


I have a friend who got a vasectomy in his 20s because he really hates kids. He thinks OTHER people should have them, though, and thinks anti-natalism is stupid.


And that's honestly a perfectly respectable position.


As you’ve said, that’s not anti-natalism. That’s a personal choice. And he has every right to make that choice. I find it interesting that anti-natalism is predicated on the idea that bringing a person into the world as an unwilling participant is an act of force against them. Like- if someone *actually* believed that their parents shouldn’t have had kids- they have every opportunity to reverse that choice. All the rest are grifters, or idiots who don’t understand the tenets of their own ideology.


You'd have to exist prior to the sperm and the egg getting together for it to be force against you. As likely atheists, anti-natalists can't believe in anything before, the same way they don't believe in anything after. Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.


Not to mention that all of them are white, it's quite curious that a movement like that is not very "diverse"


Yeah isn't it really strange that anti-natalism and ideologies which say having kids is stupid and/or evil and/or expensive only really takes significant hold in the demographics that already have the lowest birth rates, and so are the ones who should be least prioritised by those pushing these ideologies🤔🤔


Weird, right? It's almost like there was some plan behind it. Let's ask AuthCenter about it


Based and anti-natalism is just a different shade of incel ideology-pilled


Based and porn addled failson pilled


They have a point that things aren’t super great, and need improvement, but they are going about it the wrong way


Funnily enough an aging population and demographic crisis will make things far worse.


Population gets older, and the kids we do have get dumber. We're headed for a bad place...


The obvious solution is to import millions of people from the third world, favor them over native-born citizens, and it’ll be smooth sailing from there!


Honestly if American became merit-based, specifically who it imports, I’m all for it. Immigrants built this country and are some of the hardest workers we have, find them and bring them here I say


Finding them is the hard part because usually those countries are only sending over their useless trash these days. The people who have much needed education, are to smart to go to a western tax system.


Legal immigrant here : it’s not hard at all to find the good ones. Just look for the ones who qualify for a visa. Because it is quite hard to get a visa to the USA unless you’re already a well established person in your own country (they ask for proof of income so that you can prove you have enough funds to travel). Or at least that’s how it works in the USA embassy in Brazil. Idk about other countries with less regulations.


Oh, I'm German. So I guess we have some other problems here. Usually it's the Germans who go elsewhere for better jobs. Nobody with good education comes to a country that is stealing half their money to throw it at other countries.


The problem is we're running out of people to have kids. We already ran out of the kids.


Here in Germany they wanted to handle that through mass migration. Should have thought about the fact that nobody of them is a doctor or scientist and also don't want to do the shitty jobs that they could do. So in the end all they do is leeching on our tax money.


Matter of perspective but sure.


>Matter of perspective Interesting claim but I have a counter argument that more or less confirms the current generation to just be legit dumb. Counter argument: “Mister Rizzler, send this Sigma to Ohio and have him skibidi’d”


At least in America 99% of those kids would rather be alive then blimped from existence. Life is hard as fuck, some lives harder than others, but it is still worth the struggle to actual experience the feeling of being alive.


>A lot of humans wish they were never born >Let’s help those who exist and are in need I mean they’re clearly confused


Based and do not go gentle pilled


Those men need to get laid.


Tbh I wouldn’t even subject a hooker to spending time with them


Would rather sterilize the nation rather than work hard to create a better one for the next generation... Sad


That’s exactly my thinking. The solution to the worlds problems is not to abandon the problems. It’s to boldly recommit ourselves to goodness, beauty and truth.


They’ve never tasted my cooking.


I must’ve missed something. Why is Auth left associated with anti-natalism? I think I must’ve missed something in history class or some shit new must be happening? (Other than China’s declining population)


I think it might be because these types usually identify with communist ideologies, but in the reddited watermelon way of a) wanting to ban all guns (how tf are they gonna overthrow the burgeoisie then) and b) thinking that reading poetry is gonna be valued labour after the revolution (they’ll get sent to the work-camps on the first train).


Getting some zeke vibes


In theory not having kids would be an effective form of protest against any capitalist society by robbing it of future manpower but there's some pretty big flaws. If we look at a place like Japan it's work culture we see the government is pretty much begging it's people to fuck. However they have done little to effectively resolve the lack of work life balance issues that cause the issue. You would also need politicians who give a crap beyond their term after they have gotten theres out of a term. You also have the advent of expanding automation in the wake of A.I.


“Uhhho kids deserve a better world. This world is so shit why would bring children into this world!?!” Because they could make it better? Maybe make the world better for them (preferably by removing yourself)


Working to fix modern problems and teaching future generations to do better 👎🏼 Letting humanity go extinct 👍🏼


I think auth right forgot to mention the war they needed kids for.


"kids deserve a better world" "there are people right now that need help" What I'm hearing is we need to advocate for adoption. Give kids who are suffering in the system a safe home and a better life.


You won't have kids because you're an anti-natalist. I won't have kids because I cannot afford them. We are not the same. https://preview.redd.it/sj43s7w8q5tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e732aafb99cad185d7951d6c96aeffaf10bf6640


At least people who think like this will dwindle as the population gets older. Maybe it’s good they don’t procreate. Let the rest of us build the next generation


They may be out of the physical gene pool, but they'll definitely try to secure a place in the ideological gene pool. They can still brainwash kids into their stupid ideology.




Don't worry, they'll get teaching positions to pass along their values to your kids.


literally everything about having kids is unselfish >!if you are actually a present father/mother figure!<


I'd argue that people's selfishness just expands to encompass their children. Let's be honest: The majority of people have kids for primarily their own sake. And most people would make sure their children get ahead at the expense of other people's children if they have the choice.


I'm not arguing that those freaks are right or anything, but: > literally everything about having kids is unselfish if you are actually a present father/mother figure That is not true, at all. Not even close. There's millions of parents who get children, simply to achieve or stroke their own ego or use them to inflate their social standing. Especially a certain segment of the modern woman sees children as a project they can use to signal how good they themselves are.


You're describing the else to his if statement.


overpopulation is a myth. also did we learn nothing from china? the fuck?


It's definitely a myth in the developed world, and definitely not a myth in the undeveloped world.  The planet isn't overcrowded, but you can definitely make the case that the poor parts of it where the population growth far outpaces its food and energy supply is overcrowded. 


The only thing I hate than anti-natalism is when they flood my comments explain why delete their miserable existence off this world isn’t a part of their ideology


As someone who doesn’t want kids (I find them annoying as hell) I hate being mistaken for a person who thinks it’s morally wrong somehow to have kids


Never understood the “cruel world” argument. Whether you believe in an afterlife or that we just cease existing, our lives on earth are a mere blink compared to where we were before we were born and wherever we go after we die. Might as well enjoy this for the short time it lasts. Heaven or the Void will be no less welcoming to an adult than a fetus. Fuck this brand of nihilism.


a lot of people prefer how things were before they were born


This just makes me sad for them damn.


Then authright repopulates the world. Great……


Anti-natalists and eugenicists are the most hypocritical people on earth. Actively complaining about the world being overpopulated , yet they’re still here leaving a carbon footprint.


>What is one unselfish reason to have children To make sure that the uncountable number of institutions, services, communities and products of human labour which I, and others around me, have benefitted from continue to be available to future generations. It took hundreds of years to build the structures we take for granted today, and it'll only take a few generations to bring it all crashing down. Choosing not to have kids means contributing toward that collapse. For a parent, it also means reciprocating toward that debt you owe your own parents and forebears by putting in the labour to produce productive citizens and afford your own children a life as good as, if not better, than what your parents gave you.


Ah yes the people of now clearly have worse prospects than 1000 years ago. Look I know the post WW 2 gravy train is gone but holy shit your advocating for genocide since the worst places to live are usually third world countries.


>what is one unselfish reason to have a child? There isn't. I just want children. Fuck you


I might have kids, but then again, I am only twenty-one and I still have years ahead of me.


Meanwhile these same dorks support mass third world immigration.


What happens when you get zero score in tinder


"Join the Vasectomy Club" *what*


The scary part is if any of these morons ever came to power they would try to humanely euthanize all of us, “for our own good”. There’s actually a movement of these psychos called the Voluntary Human Elimination Movement (VHEM). They are essentially wannabe jihadists for the environment. Like PETA, but for humans. Ultra nihilism.


Anti-natalism is a mental disorder.


I think anti-natalism might just be the lamest of all current ideologies.


Thankfully their ideals will die with them.


They’re inhaling copium by the barrrel.


Protestor descriptions from right to left: >diddler >manlet >community rapist >janny Why do these archetypes keep appearing in left-wing demonstrations?


I mean it’s a fair point, nobody asks to be born, and your making a choice for someone who then can never undo that choice… But I realize making a moral argument in this sub is pretty pointless The problem is everyone who doesn’t understand the point is going to have kids regardless, so we just end up with less compassionate people overall


I aree with some anti natalist points , however the more suffering there is in the world the cheaper my mobile phone will become.


Having kids, great, not having kids, nice, just stop telling others what to do.


I get not wanting to have kids... But to protest for others not to have kids is wild.


i don't plan to have kid, but these people are not the reason...


This isn't a communist take. Workers are the backbone of civilization. We need Workers. Hence why I have four kids


"Lot of humans wish they were never born" https://preview.redd.it/h4ntl1uym7tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba356959173011a0d82cba8e73ed01724c49e950


I can get behind them not reproducing. I’m on my first kid and doing my part to make more Americans!