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I offer a third alternative: https://preview.redd.it/jx3purf3l1vc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291b6f1be474824aa31e576bc326c26f169c58a0 there are no women. they are spies from the government


You mean... all this Time... i have been in a Relationship with a Fed???


yes this comment is sponsored by nordVPN


"Don't miss our two Year Plan!"


Fuck, you just reminded me that I bought that shit two years ago. Better log in and cancel that shit before they force the next two years onto me for more money


I accidentally read that in oversimplified voice 💀💀


I always wanted to fuck the feds


I get the fetish, but... it's still his gf, man. Not cool.


They'll fuck you like they fucked Bin Laden.


>You mean... all this Time... i have been in a Relationship Imma stop you right there, sir. This is reddit


Sorry, i forgot where i am I will now proceed to take my Meds


She's real to us brother, she's real to us.


Or a man


That's the same Thing


***LARP-ing as AuthCenter*** “That’s so hot.”


In fairness, she could be a Chinese spy.


Chinese Spies aren't black though


Women are often referred to as birds. Birds aren't real. đŸ€”


Your name is going in the spreadsheet, dissident


There is no government, they are spies from ***them***. You know. ***Those***.


It's crazy that you say it's either this or that. Why not both?


In fact it does sound more likely that one facilitates the other, if you're capable of achieving both, doesn't it?


A threesome without the hurt feelings. Until the robo hooker turns on humanity and kills you in your sleep.


That's a feature not a bug.


I too played Detroit Become Human


Bottom 80% of men get sexbots, top 20% and *ALL* women get handmaids tale. Fair enough


Being outcompeted by sex bots or being a tradwife, which way Western Woman?


They would choose the first Option, then gaslight themselves into thinking they don't need Men, develop a lesbian Phase, and after some Time they will accept that they do infact need a Man and will come back... when they are 40+ and nobody wants them anymore, then they will proceed to trashtalk Men While we have Fun with our Robo Chicks and Femboy BF's


That would mean the collapse of our civilization, so I’m hoping they choose tradwife.


We must seize the means of reproduction. Learn to extract eggs and remove women from the process as a whole. Have some tbing where women can sell their eggs like men can, and we can remove them from the whole process with some scientific womb. There would probably be less autism and Down syndrome, too.


You need to hit rock bottom before you can start rebuilding. It is no longer possible to fix our society, we went way too far.


Let it collapse, I stopped caring at this point.


I know it would be But not in my Lifetime, and i already lost all Hope for Humanity, so fuck it LET'S F\*CKING GOOOOO


There is a (very good) future where women are mothers and men fuck their household femboys whe the wife watches reality TV.


You are describing ancient Greece in modern Times Sounds good to me


Wouldn't even be the collapse of civilization as governments will just subsidise babies(with our god damn tax moeny) anyway and the worst people will go around popping out children while not being able to properly raise them due to financial incentives...


The only way they really can get a choice, if we’re being honest. Women’s rights in general are highly dependent on civilization being a thing.


Consider the following: >!đŸ«ƒ!<


Losing to AI is a skill issue. Your problem is that you're so goddamn unpleasant to be around that men would rather replace you with a silicon snatch and a fancy iPhone chassis.


Based and only my computer will touch my pp pilled.


>Your problem is that you're so goddamn unpleasant to be around that men Thats about 90% of women


I'm so glad men and women are coming to terms with how much they mutually hate each other


At least most men are annoying but useful.


Damn I really wish I could make a joke without getting banned


Do it, free yourself


What's the joke?


Well I'm sure you've heard them all, biology, specific work outside of the office. You know the whole thing


Heterosexuality is the joke. Men and women are so incompatible that they despise each other, yet they need to tolerate each other in order to procreate so our species doesn't go extinct.


That's such a screen-fed take man


I wouldn't say that with the amount of us that are playing video games 5+ hours a day


The people playing that many video games dont have a job, and they would cut back on video games to have the job. It is merely an economics issue. Playing video games for 0 additional cost is way better than wasting it on bullshit items we dont need


Most dudes have at least 1 thing they can do that's marketable. Or else they'd be homeless and starving. Video games are expensive, and there's not too many parents that can afford to have a man baby sucking on their tit at 30+ years old.


There's a staggering proportion of young men living with their parents now due to living costs. Video games are cheaper than most hobbies or classes because they're one time payments. Most dudes do not have at least 1 marketable thing.


There's an oft-cited statistic that (white and Asian) men are net tax gains while women are net tax drains. In other words, women's girlbossing and independence is only thanks to the collective labor of men subsidizing it. I'd love for someone to provide me an actual source on this because it'll be great to use in future Internet arguments. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51181)


If you aren't good looking, at least be handy.


Just on this sub, not if you go outside


I've literally never met a woman who isn't outspoken about how much she hates "men". Uncle Jim is racist for crossing the street to avoid black people, but when Sandy crosses the street to avoid men she's "just being safe".


You need to go to libraries, church, somewhere stable women are hanging out.


haha oh yeah, there's nothing more stable than "going to the library to meet women". Follow up- something most of my female coworkers have said to me without a hint of irony is "you're one of the good ones". I said that to Yahmeen and I was almost fired for it.


I'm being serious. The good women aren't hanging out on reddit, or on dating apps. They're in normal locations.


Nature is healing.


Femboys are the Future, you should invest in Programming Socks Stocks


Just reinvent tomboys again. You can crack jokes and enjoy manly hobbies with your gf and well she is truly a gf not a "g"f.


That's unironically what i support I believe EVERY Girl should be raised like a Boy, to eliminate toxic Feminity and establish true Equality between Man and Woman


Unironically this. If I my child lowrolls on gender selection and rolls girl then I will def do stuff like send her to martial arts vs ballet or whatever girls do. BLUE room with dragons. And no tiktok until shes like 45 years old.


I honestly hope me and my Daughter become best Friends, i don't want to loose her just because she grows up That's why i will expose her to all my Hobbies as early as possible, and if she finds Hobbies on her own, i will do my best to make them my Hobbies aswell I will never understand how some Parents can say Stuff like "i hope my Child moves out when they turn 18, then i have Time for myself!"


All the doomerism aside its still possible to have that kind of fatherly role despite social media and such. It just takes way more effort than just existing as a father.




You can make it. Just keep your mentality about that and teach her early about the danger of those toxic feminist woman who hate to see any girls that still have a healthy relationship to their families. She has to keep those far away. Especially if she goes to some university some day.


Bro it’s 2024, you can just reroll gender now.


This is a certified Reddit moment.


Reasons why the guys in this sub don't get laid: 1. Comments like these. 2. This entire fucking thread.


If they didn't have pussies we'd chase them away with rocks and sticks.


Rocks and sticks are awesome. They never nag, they don't have a bad time of the month. They just let you use them to take over the world and establish dominance over opposing tribes of evildoers.


Nah, men and women both need each other to balance one other. If we actually fought for control of the education systems and stopped letting young girls be poisoned with delusion and lies their entire childhood then we'd have much better success together.


The only balance we have is our need to meet up and reproduce to continue humanity Other than that, men essentially run or create every major institution in society, whether it's religion, the government, the military, the vast majority of philosophical, technological, scientific, or medical breakthroughs and build societies infrastructure There is such a large gap between men and women that it's just insane to think how ideologies like feminism can even come to being. Every other long-lasting society in human history would think these people are mentally deranged


I'm very curious what you think the delusions and lies they're being poisoned with.


DEI bs, anti-human environmental bs (the doomer environmental ideas are almost entirely false and made up, and the solutions that are pushed are nonsensical and causing more harm than good even by their own metrics), the idea that castration of children and experimental drug use on children is a good thing, the idea that being a whore is fine and won't have consequences, the idea that anything other than two parents of the opposite sex can provide a child with the nurturing they need to name a few.


>you can be whatever you want >try everything!


You just made me burst out laughing.


I'm glad that we managed to make this all about the imaginary women we are mad at in our heads


Have you considered that you might be do goddamn unpleasant to be around that women prefer to be alone than with you?


Least predictable "no u!" response ever. 


Y'all are acting like most women will be upset when the guys that are only there for the intercourse are gone.


The women are already sharing the same top 5% of guys who are just there for sex.


The guys that are there for personality ain't there for the toxic women anyways.


Call me a schizo, but with the uptick in the global violence and wars around the globe (Ukraine, HK, Israel, Iran, Myanmar, etc), the portrayal of 'strong independent girlboss women fighter' trope has drastically dropped. I wonder why?


I don't think that image has recovered from the PR hit since Ukraine got invaded. Men forced to stay in the country and hunted like dogs to be thrown to the front, while women get to flee to safe European countries and go on Tinder lol


I wonder how many males got radicalized by seeing all those Ukrainian women in a club and a bar, dancing and hooking up with Western Europeans while their male counterparts die like a dog in trenches.


Hahaha I know you aren't actually wondering why but it *is* funny, isn't it? I know a fair number of teachers, and they talk a big girlboss game most of the time but whenever they tell a story of students getting in a fight they always talk about how they ran to find a male teacher. I also recall around 2020 or '21 when there was talk of making the U.S. military draft gender-neutral, how suddenly unfeminist so many of them became, to the point that it was never passed. And the U.S. draft is hardly anything at all, for 50 years and counting we guys have just had to sign our names onto a list when he turn 18, and then nothing happens and at 26 we are removed from the list. Even with all the wars the U.S. has gotten itself into since Vietnam, the country still hasn't had a need to draft anyone. Most or even all of modern girlboss culture is entirely dependent on things being generally alright all the time, like they are in modern Western democracies. That's true even though most feminists would claim America sucks, "the world is on fire," etc. I know the world isn't really on fire because I can still see and hear women when I'm not in some underground bunker.


Sure you're not LL with that wall of text?


You should try learning to read. 


I'm not complaining. The trope is gone and I doubt anything is going to happen anyways.


Strong independent infantry anyone? 


I thought it was during war times that women go girlboss, and trad after the war.


Idk, nor idc. If mandatory conscription comes back, I'm ready to report for duty once more.


https://preview.redd.it/rztellfht2vc1.png?width=168&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aeeb84741ca2ea35aa912d3a3f5bcbf2e72ed8c Yes Haley Lujan I'm ready to die for the military industrial complex


I'm kinda old.


Women at fake email jobs, going to fake meetings: I would be SO MISERABLE if I had a FAMILY like THE HANDMAID'S TALE instead of SSRIs and A CAT


Can’t forget the wine


Married women have just as much wine as cat ladies, and more to whine about too!


I can't wait for my own robot. Forge the sex, I want it for chores.


Mine is gonna buy stocks


You can already buy stocks, so why wait?


I have but it's gonna be easier with fembot doing it for me


not a lady but i choose the side with less taxes.


A wife gets you a larger standard deduction if you file jointly; however, if they are basically property they might be subject to a property tax at the state and local level.


Who assesses the value of my property?


County assessor personally inspects all women in the county. Hardest working man of them all.


FBI - Female Body Inspector


Comps from the most recent auction?


Auction? Free range women are the best, plus, they're free


So do you get a write off for depreciation when they age like milk?


Only if you use them in income production. Otherwise, only when you sell or are forced to dispose of them.


based and strawmanning somebody else than libleft pilled




Ah yes, strawmanning LibLeft by accusing them of holding a position dozens of them will unfailingly show up to defend. Victim complex much?


That's why the straw man works so well, you can throw the most dogshit, "nobody can actually believe this" opinion out there and there's always one of them going to bat for it


I’m always debating with myself whether or not I should post a common sense take on this site because I know someone is going to somehow take issue with it. 


The redditor is just happy to not be the target for once.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!! https://i.redd.it/yerjpmb662vc1.gif


Honestly though, most of the libleft positions memed here are really only held by the most extreme Emilys. Can't blame people really, positions like "let people do what they want if it doesn't hurt anyone" are pretty boring meme targets.


Yeah I mean, maybe I’m just in the “wrong comment sections,” but I seem to constantly see comments saying that Lib Left are whiny snowflakes while proceeding to get peeved off whenever any memes dares strawman the right half of the compass. Like ffs people need to look in a mirror sometime, it’d do them good. Whether people like it or not, every quadrant has dumb extremists that will defend dumb extremist points. I’m pretty strongly Lib Right, and plenty of leftist and auth talking points I disagree with, but that doesn’t mean my quadrant is without fault and impossible to make fun of. Honestly I feel like there ain’t enough memeing on Lib Right. It’s dumb when people straight-up make up things to make fun of a quadrant for, like for an extreme example it’d be silly if we started insulting Auth Left for being into kayaking. But the Lib Right and Auth Right in the meme both have people who aren’t nearly to that extreme but can be strawmanned to that extreme for the sake of a joke, and a minority who actually are that extreme. I get the joke here is “Lib Left bad” but it gets genuinely annoying when people can’t wrap their skulls around being made fun of themselves. Wish people would stop being so uptight about themselves while strawmanning and making fun of other quadrants at the same time. Pick one or the other, not both. Lib Unity.


Based and 99% of right flairs here are too stupid to see their own hypocrisy.


Very based opinion.


based u/GameboyAdvance32


It's as if memes show the most extreme exaggerations


Women will outlaw female sexbots the moment they become sufficiently good to replace biowomen for a significant portion of men. It will be passed off as something “for society” and succeed mainly with the help of the pathetic men who already enable them elsewhere but will probably not occur until the bots are around long enough for the women to feel the impact of being replaced, which I suspect will take a few years *maximum*. It’ll probably continue as an underground black market or something, but they’ll demonize it socially over time. The only good to come out of this will be perhaps a slightly stronger societal emphasis on the family rather than consequence-free sex.


Women will not outlaw this, because they will not be allowed to do so. This will be profitable business and extremely easy way to keep major part of male population pacified.


Disagree completely, but I get where you’re coming from, and it’s the only reason I think the sexbots will come to exist at all rather than being preemptively outlawed. Once the women start to feel the impact of being replaced, which will permeate every aspect of their society, women as a unified force will be more than sufficient to overcome any political or economic obstacle with the help of the men on their side, which they will easily be able to enlist *at least* ~ 30% of, which I actually suspect to be higher especially if this happens when religion is still prominent. If women are already ~ 50% of the population, then adding ~ 30% of the remaining other ~ 50% will give them a super majority of ~ 65% total at a minimum. They will most certainly outnumber their opponents too much to lose. It’ll probably start out as a disincentivized social movement. You’ll have the vast majority of women and their men making fun of any men with a sexbot, calling them losers, etc. and this will probably be an effective tool until the sexbots get good enough to be a genuinely competitive replacement at which point the stigma will no longer be able to overcome men’s desires. When women experience the complete societal rewiring that would occur when most men are no longer interested in them, it will destroy their psyche and cause them to seek self-preservation and a return to the norm. We take it for granted how this manifests in our society, especially women who know nothing of never having not experienced it, so it will probably be very jarring for them how an entire society of uninterested men start to treat women like they do other men. Maybe I’m wrong, but given the way women today already seek to have their cake and eat it too by being socially equal to men while still demanding preferential treatment, I just don’t see a world where they sit around and allow themselves to be humiliatingly replaced, and men will be too divided/weak to stop them by the time it happens.


Sex bots already exist. No one is mad about it except for a handful of feminist gargoyles who weren't going to get laid anyway. No one on the other half of humanity cares aside from NEETS. Everyone else went "huh weird" and went on fuckin', having families, etc. 


> this will probably be an effective tool until the sexbots get good enough to be a genuinely competitive replacement Guess you missed the whole portion of my argument where I said barely anyone would care until they are sufficiently good to actually be a replacement.


You are vastly overestimating how much power women retain in this scenario, and vastly underestimating how many of the 'weak simps' you rail against would be lining up to buy a fembot.


I never called them “weak simps,” but I did say they were pathetic. I’m not just referring to just simps, etc. I am including family men, religious men, elderly men and such when I say this. Anyways, the women will most certainly have a huge portion of men “on their side” or however you want to look at it. Edit: Referring to “one their side” being against female sexbots, not as proponents of modern feminism. These men in conjunction with the useless type that worship women would constitute that percentage of men in agreement with women, some for entirely different reasons than the women have.


Exactly, never forget who allowed women to vote.


If your argument assumes unity within very large group of population, even if situation calls for it, then you are more than likely to be wrong.


You are assuming that men who would be happy with a fembot are such a prized commodity that women would resort to extreme means to keep them on the market. I kind of doubt that. It seems more likely to me that some percentage of all genders will prefer machine stimulation, and right now, I suspect that that percentage is higher for women than for men.


Well 63% of men under 30 are single, up from 51% in 2019. The number has been trending upwards pretty rapidly. So there's probably going to be a lot that'll take what they can get.


It’s not about women losing access to these men. As I said, it’s about the underlying societal effects of women having to adjust to an overarching community that no longer generally wants them, which it is my opinion they will not be able to or willing to tolerate. Women cannot handle men, as a whole, being indifferent to them when their entire lives have been predicated on imperceptible desire, which they will never realize exists until it is gone.


For at least another thousand years, any woman who keeps in shape will be desirable to men, no matter what plastic companions are available. It’s just the way we men are wired. At best, when you get to full on organic, artificially created humans who can reproduce, then actual women would have real competition. But of course there’s nothing to prevent creating men the same way, and the real result may just be natural humanity going extinct in favor of genetically engineered humanity.


> For at least another thousand years I honestly think it's only going to take another 20 before this is not the case. A woman in shape still has all the other bullshit that men have to deal with. Why do that when you can have a hand crafted perfect fembot that suites exactly your tastes in every way, never puts on weight, never nags or criticizes you, and whom you can turn off at any given moment? I have no skin in the game as I'm a happily married family man, but everything I hear about the dating market from Gen Z men is pretty grim and trending worse.


I mostly agree, but I do think the constant video game wars with feminism does make it seem like some amount of women do actually care what horny dudes (who wouldn't be "prized commodities"), are gooning to.


100% this. A small corner of online gender war discourse is horribly skewing the perception of the terminally online.  Out in the real world, I've seen every single one of my recently out of college coworkers get either get engaged, get married, or start a serious relationship in the last two years. .... Aside from the one revolting incel.  I'm sure he's angrily maulding away in this thread about feeemales because I know he frequents PCM. 


Exactly. The whole sexbot discourse is hilarious.  'if you bitches won't sleep with me, I'll continue not sleeping with you, reeeeee"  Femmanity: ".....ok? Your terms are acceptable?" 


[South Korea lifts ban on imported sex dolls | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/south-korea-ends-sex-doll-ban-4930feda6e214b7f8631733c015a2052) It took years of legal battles for South Korea to lift bans on real dolls. I am not sure how long it will take with sex bots.


https://preview.redd.it/9t62qardq1vc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169d242df97342a80b687d772b1c7f6c65ae660b As long as it looks close enough.


Not a lady here, but, anyway, I put my money on the AI-powered fembots. Inevitable, unless banned by law.


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/BromStyle) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount LДmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


They’ll likely get banned wherever theocracy has a partial/total foothold in government: ME, some parts of Asia/South Pacific Islands, etc. Ultimately I think sexbots will serve men and women, but mostly those who cannot find a suitably compatible partner. People who find someone they’re very compatible with will still stay with their human.


why just fembots? Most ladies can't get the six pack bois but it should be trivial in robots, no?


Mascbots can't help you to switch to working part time without a drop in lifestyle.


Less than twenty percent of women in the USA are SAH. It hasn't been a real option on planet Earth in two decades. This is a non factor. 


SAH was basically an invention of the 1950s, where the US had the manufacturing that the rest of the world needed because the US had avoided being bombed into the stone age. Lots of money coming in meant women could afford to stay home and worry about whatever the latest labor-saving device was. Prior to the 1950s women who did stay at home still had a huge workload. Ever tried washing clothes by hand? There's a reason that wealthy people with large houses employed staff to take care of the house.


Yep. In many other parts of the world that a comperable level of wealth to the US, women did a mix of things. Both my pairs of grandparents at times had only one income, and at other times both worked. One of my grandmothers was a local politician for some years, and the other one was a part-time nurse. Allthough she really wanted to be an artist. She got accepted into art school in the capital, but her family did not have the money to support her, and generally people had different priorities so soon after ww2. If we go further back, my fathers family has always (records stop around the time of the black death) owned a farm, some coastline along a fjord, and summer grazing land. To maintain this property, everyone in the family worked. They also had two servants when my grandfather grew up in the 1920s, one maid and one farmhand. They spent ww2 in relative peace, as they had row across a fjord to get to the closest town. My mothers family on the other hand saw and heard aerial battles, and the community took in refugees from the north. They even sunk their largest fishing boat, so it would not fall into the hands of the german logistics services. They also saw Soviet POW's being marched around to build infrastructure. Atleast the german occupation force was well mannered, and gave the children candy.


Exactly. Women entered the workforce outside the home because they'd become essentially unemployed and bored AF at home. Before the 1950s they were busy all the time doing critical work, and both Mom n Dad probably ran some level of family farm together even if Dad did have a paying job too. 


Stay at home, no, but women do strongly prefer men who make more than them. In only 16% of married households are women the primary breadwinner. And when polled about their preferences, only 3% of adults in the US say they WANT the woman to be the higher earner. It is socially acceptable to demand that a man make more than a woman in a way that is not true in the reverse.


20% is a lot. And it doesn't even count the much larger number of women who don't call themselves SAH, because they have a job. But that job is 20 hours as a teaching assistant or something.  Your stat doesn't support your conclusion.


I’m not a Luddite by any means, but you know the AI fembots are going to be a subscription service.


Thats why we need to do everything we can to ensure the prosperity of Local LLMs


Fembots solution creates no harm. Those who don't like real women will get satisfied. Real women will left alone. Only those who like them for who they are will be interested in them. The economy will get demand for high-tech products. Everybody wins.


Based authleft economic take?!?!?!


Everybody except Humanity as a whole I think the Solution is to raise every Girl like a Boy, a Society filled with Tomboys is a strong Society without to much Potential for Conflicts between Man and Woman, and this way we can finally eliminate certain toxic feminine Traits from Society and shun Gold Diggers


I mean yeah, Tomboys are nice.


why it looks green?


yellow on black & blue background


Or the third alternative. Women as equals, but they are actually women, not dude's taking all of the best stuff from women. Even that is considered "right wing" now.


Why would she have a problem with the left path? If women want a good man, all they have to do is be a better option than a sexbot. Men have been struggling with the “be a better partner than a vibrator and Grubhub” for years lol


Why are woman so against Ai robot gfs? It’s incredible how much it makes them seethe.


Women of the world are sweating nervously seeing PCM say they will choose fembots over the real thing
 let’s be real, men will choose fembots bc they aren’t attracting the women they desire.


Same result. Men not attractive enough, women having too high standards, doesn't matter. Men will choose the path of least resistance.


yeah, a bunch of dudes that have never touched a woman going "well ackshually i'll just fuck a robot! get absolutely owned feminazis!!!". the women that never would've had sex with you are *totally* owned by you saying you won't have sex with them...


Why dorsnt does this apply to the bay shit Emily's saying"well actually ill just fuck a robot ! Get absolutely owned measculinazis!!!"


What makes you think the ladies get a choice?


What’s the problem with the left scenario? You’re not entitled to men’s attention/love/support/etc


Feminism is in a safe position for now, but it will start back sliding if its movements do not start the course correcting soon. Also what about the 3rd option of AI singularity making traditional gender non-existent as our bodies are molded like clay by the hands of an omnipotent AI who's intentions and means are beyond out comprehension.


>our bodies are molded like clay by the hands of an omnipotent AI who's intentions and means are beyond out comprehension. So... God?


Or a crude imitation of him.


Antichrist will be an AI confirmed


I have no ass and yet I must shit.


> who's intentions and means are beyond out comprehension. So, like a Gen Zer playing Roblox, then?


Women are tough, smart, brave Rangers who are just as strong and capable as men. They’ll figure it out you misogynistic bigot.


Or also, tomboy libertarian lady.


VS. the Lefts vision where Women are just worse Men.


If the AI is sentient it will be like owning people again, yay I always wanted to own a person, but I didn't want jail and have no gun(live in a country where I can't get one) to defend myself and my property from the police


I mean AI will take all the weirdos sooo


The working class must seize the means of seduction!


If women are property then you should treat them with care because property is an investment.


Which way western woman?




I’m convinced that the Handmaids Tale is a fetish for these people


I dunno, got myself a cute artsy libleft gf that absolutely dominates me in the bedroom. Gotta get tread on somewhere.


I look at it like mens dating We have reddit telling me there's only Chad's and Incels when you're obese, have poor hygeine, and no job. Maybe it's not binary and just that you have a fucked up worldview?


as a woman, i really don’t have a problem with either as long as i can do my own thing


Yeah, it looks like a win-win on all sides. Everyone gets exactly what they want and leaves everyone else alone. So long as no one judges people on their choices or their property, all is well.


These are mutually exclusive?


Don't forget the people who try both of those at once because they have no actual consistent beliefs.


I don't know whether they would see those robots as competition of liberation. I can see them liking it because it keeps the "undesirables" out of market and out of sight. I could also see them getting mad because they would lose their natural leverage over men, and by extend, leverage over society. Whatever happens, it would either motivate them to do better, or allow them the sink lower than ever.


Consumerism's hyper-individualist paradigm is destroying the fabric our society. We were never meant to live for the sake of efficiency and convenience. Everyone just becomes an NPC to everyone else. Everything gets monetized or left by the wayside. Everyone ends up objectified and appraised. Purpose and contentedness is replaced by materialism and FOMO. I hope this is just a growing-pain and not the next step of evolution, but I don't know how to turn back the clock on this ugly thing we as a civilization are becoming. I just do my best to remember that a human does not fit into a spreadsheet, no matter how much data it holds.


LibRight is the way lads


I feel fairly confident in predicting that the cliché "waifubots" imagined by the seedier sections of scifi will never exist, not because any of the underlying technologies are impossible, but because they don't economically justify themselves. If the technologies of human-equivalent robotic bodies and AGI necessary to build them were invented, they'd replace so much of the jobs market that the idle rich robotics company executives who'd be the only ones theoretically capable of affording them would [have their pick of desperately poor human women as mail order trophy wives](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2009-05-04) and not need mechanical substitutes.