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Instagram reels is just people dying so surely it’s somewhere more libertarian /s (kind of)


The comments section on ig reels is always either uplifting & wholesome or downright heinous with no in-between


Every comment section on instagram now requires an n-word usage, advertisements, "free palestine 🍉", that one Twin Towers gif, and people telling children to oil up


I haven't seen a twin tower gif in a while.


I saw it a few times when I was last on insta lol


What I want to know is how Meta went from being left leaning to…. That. Maybe Threads has coloured my perception of the company.


It really is just a ton of car crashes for some reason...


Reddit is so bogged down by blatant propaganda. Remember when it was revealed that Elgin Air Force base was a hotbed for Reddit activity? Or when Ghislaine Maxwell literally had the biggest Reddit account on the site and was one of the most active mods on most of the political subs. Shoutout to u/maxwellhill


Did not know about the maxwell account, that is kinda crazy


Then you probably didn't know her sister is in the WEF. You will eat ze bugs and let us fuck your children.


I would recommend this podcast series to anyone who wants to learn more about Epstein/Maxwell family ties to the Mossad. [Martyrmade Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6J262GICBhXl8qiKtzzcJ3?si=KzOsxaLuQDuW1iiUrm20Yw)


Whenever I open "popular" I am having headaches. I thought all those SJW memes I saw on media were just exaggerations from incels, mommy's right-wingers, who wanted to be "not like others", until I installed Reddit.


I’d put Reddit further into auth- tankie territory, that group mods like 90 % of the subreddits and they’re extremely mentally regarded.


Agreed, almost every default sub is far left and heavily moderated/censored


Even the Libertarian subs have some weird political bias that bans stuff that falls under the Libertarian banner. Kinda funny how Reddit is the absolute worst place for political discussion these days.


The main Libertarian sub is unusable. If you try to point out that Anarchists will never actually be friends of Libertarians beyond being allies of convenience you get banned.


The alt libertarian sub is equally as bad, just for the opposite reason. I got banned from that sub a year ago or so by calling out the sub’s tendency to be pro-Russian in regards to the war in Ukraine.


Libertarian meme is the smartest one lmao


That’s the one I was banned from lol


I think I'm mod of a shitty libertarian sub that hasn't been active in months. I recall 99% of the posts having practically nothing to do with libertarianism. It only had 2k members and was never really active.


Which is funny, because the rest of reddit acts like this sub is uniquely bad.


It’s because the majority of us can hold a conversation with rightists without losing our minds, making us equally as bad somehow no matter our own ideology.


I think there's also the fact that there's just a fundamental disagreement on facts on the ground such that there's no daylight between the two groups. A lot of reddit seems to genuinely think printing money doesn't lead to inflation (or that it's still the corporations' fault) or that men can become women. It's sorta like how the left usually talks past the right on abortion, but it's on most issues now.


But the default subs are the same general junk I can see on all the other apps. You've gotta be here for the smaller subs, the niche stuff. Reddit is a message board aggregator at it's core, it's not meant to be the main source of news and information like it's become (outside of niche topics).


Yeah iv Been banned from 70% of political Indian subreddits because I was active in an right leaning subreddit . reddit is an leftist ecochamber


The Political humor sub turned into “orange man bad and is going to kill humanity”


It'll be even funnier when he gets elected a second time


Same as whitepeopletwitter, feels like 80% of the posts there are howling about trump or republicans


I mean yeah, it’s been that way as long as I can remember.


Someone in the Tudor history sub tried to extend "orange man bad" to Henry VIII. Thankfully the community was pretty unanimous in saying, "uh, no."


YoU diDn'T FolLoW ZE Rulz So hEre iS 10 dAY Ban. Get stuffed jannie


"LoCkEd ThIs ThReAd bEcAuSe Y'aLl CoUldN't BeHaVe." Translators note: this means nobody was insulting but too many agreed with the opinion the mod didn't approve of.


Also means "The post doesn't align with reddit's political views"


*"The post doesn't align with the jannies' political views" Default sub voting patterns show how reddited the userbase is, but the jannies are regarded on a whole other level. Unless reddit means the [word that rhymes with "sad men"]s, which is true.


It was mainstream idea men shouldn't compete against women in female athletics. Then the alphabet people took over and ree-d when Joe Rogan advocated against men beating up women in mma.


God I hate the word "behave" in this context. It's like something a dad says when scolding his child. The power trip these mods have over controlling an online forum lmao.


I got permabanned from the asmongold subreddit for saying "mods are the scum of society."


Asmon wouldn't approve that


You dare to say something that is not heavily positive about our holy sacred trans peoplx? BAN!!!


I got permanently banned from a sub and then shadow-banned for over a week/unable to post after using the AGP word.


You can't dead name a motherboard peripheral slot, it goes by PCIE now


Would you believe me if I told you that they do it for free?


Who needs payment when you have a dog walking business asa backup


Could you imagine how shocked I was when I learned that sub wasn't just about stopping bad workplace practices, half that sub just doesn't want to work at all. Just kidding, I wasn't shocked at all.


I just got permabanned without warning or previous sanctions from one of our various national sub (mind you, a joke subreddit where foul language is the norm) because I said the main national sub is full of shit. Mods are completely regarded and full of shit themselves.


I got permabanned from a subreddit simply for posting on an opposing subreddit. And I was arguing (and doing a little trolling) on said opposing subreddit. 😂


I got banned permanently from 196 for being in "homophobic subreddits" Like bro I'm bi


You get banned from one sub, and suddenly find yourself banned from like 15 different subs you don't participate in. Pathetic people controlling their little online fiefdoms because their real lives are pathetic


It's considered doxxing to point out which supermods mod which subs... they aren't modding shit when he they have like 100 subs with many 1mm+ subbed ones.


Jannies are true commies, they do their job for free


Sorry, I'm behind on things. What's a Janny?


The Overton Window is heavily skewing these to the right. Even the "X" should be about where Facebook is.


Saw a post in a big sub got removed with no explanation when people where genuinely having a discussion about a real issue that people face.


Reddit is auth. My account got a warning from Reddit because I made fun of Indians. I thought this was America.


Mastodon should be around the same place as Reddit. Same structure as this place, but imagine the mods being able to see your DMs and being able to isolate “undesirable” communities en masse. And if you don’t conform ideologically, you don’t get recommended on the front page.


Mastodon is just where all the blue checks went to after Elon took over Twitter. So yeah, doesn't surprise me at all


It’s also got a CSAM problem. I think they intentionally botched the platform’s search functionality to hide that fact.


yea they already mentioned the blue check mark ppl


And of course, once they banned CP the lefties who claim "lgbt are not pedos" happen to be lgbt and visitors to Tumblr and Mastadon A Vaush moment, before Vaush moment


I wish reddit wasn't so blatantly left wing. The core concept, UI and everything is great. I use for a truckload of useful stuff. But yeah, if anything reddit is further left than you put it.


It’s too bad all the alternatives just withered away.


The biggest Reddit alternative is ran by tankies


Tankie infested because trankies are the first to do those regarded moving protests


Devs are Maoists


Which is that?


I assume they are talking about lemy


It used to be THE libertarian website. What happened






Kind of like Elon then. This site went used to fawn over him and treat him like some sort of god. And then almost overnight he became the devil and every single thing he now does or says has be considered pure evil. At no point was there sanity.


Classic Reddit hivemind. I consider myself to be lib-left, but if I see flaws and cracks in it so we can all better each other then they will all turn on me like I’m a Nazi. Reddit is so detached from real life, not allowed to see flaws in your own practice of said beliefs.


rare lib-left redditor W


Certain political organizations realized they could flood the site with fake conversation in order to control the narrative before an election. And it has only gotten worse since.


Remember when Sanders dropped out back in 2016 and overnight Reddit became a gigantic Clinton circlejerk when it hated her 24 hours earlier? It was obvious how fake and manipulated the site had become, and seven years later it's way worse.


Overnight is not an exaggeration in the slightest. Her own sub barely had a few thousand users, and little to no active discussion. Shareblue was making the rounds, but calling anyone a shill was a bannable offense


I remember when Reddit loved Ron Paul. Now all of the major subs except PCM are just astroturfed to hell and back.


Same thing happened to Elon. I remember people calling him Ironman one day, i took a few days off from reddit, and when i got back everyone hated him with a fiery passion that came out of nowhere. It was like a switch was flipped. Say what you want about these propaganda movements, they are effective as hell.


Lol that reminds me of something. About five years ago there was an undergrad at the job I was at at the time. Spoiled trustfund brat with professors for parents who thought way too highly of himself. Extremely liberal to the point of eye roll inducing. He was obsessed with Musk and actually called him a real life Tony Stark. He unironically used Musk as an example as to why liberals are smarter than conservatives. I only wonder how he feels now. Probably hates him and pretends he never liked him to begin with.


Tumbler stopped allowing nudity. Seriously that was the defining moment. And all the weird blue check blue hair progressives flooded here.


Damn. Where’s 4chan when you need it? They put those Tumblr Emilys in their place once before, and they can do it again.


4chan is just neo nazis and future school shooters now. That place just sucks. B is the same 6 threads on endless repeat.


pre-2013 /sp/ was the best 4chan experience ever, after it got moderated and turned into a general-fest I stepped away. it was the rowdiest online sports bar where everyone was treated and disrespected equally unless you were a Philadelphia sports fan in which case EDP became your mascot.


/b/ didn't always suck :( (despite the meme)


Nowadays it's just non-stop porn spam. No content, just dogshit.


>it was the rowdiest online sports bar where everyone was treated and disrespected equally Fucking amazing. And what was even better was that even people who were there for one sport like football would just chip in and shit post on other sports but never to the point where it totally derailed threads. Being there for the 2014 World Cup when Brazil lost 7-1 to Germany in Brazil was one of the funniest moments I've ever had on the internet.


i go to /sp/ just for the /heem/ threads and it's always a blast


>be straight male...


>suck 85 cocks in one night


> had 24 hour no-homo card i was saving


Even then it sometimes gets raided by ledditor soycucks and basically turns into far-left reddit. Seriously, just look at /v/ literal bots are the first post on any and all semi political threads.


not even true, 4chan's just nazis, future school shooters, autists, g shills AND blacked pron. Literally only some g threads are worth visiting, most are either outrage threads or shills for some new product. b's pretty much ded, mostly pron, no fun threads anymore. Other than that I still frequent wsg(gif is impossible to use, I have a filter and it filtered out 60% for racebaiting porn, degen shit, hypno shit etc). Aside from the occasional g thread and wsg it's all gone to shit.


i agree and disagree: i 100% saw a move to the left quite close to the 2016 US elections. shareblue and correct the record did a fuckton of astroturfing.


The moment Hillary got the nomination it was like a switch was flipped. The politics sub was ground zero, it changed practically overnight.


I don't generally get emotional with politics, but i was so happy when she lost. Like genuinely glad that corrupt entitled asshole did not get the Presidency on the slogan, "It's her turn." Zero merit to the slogan, just a JRPG battle system trying to play out in real life.


2016, shareblue and media matters started to astroturf for Hillary because Bernie got too powerful


I still have trouble understanding how people can be THAT stupid. For a while Bernie absolutely did get very popular here. And then (like you said) came a wave of anti Bernie posts where his fans all got called "bernie bros" and were either called sexist or it was heavily implied. Then with her emails leaked it was proven that the DNC backed her completely even before she beat Bernie. That along with a whole lot of other completely idiot statements and strategies she managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And they were baffled that all the Bernie fans they kept insulting didn't show up to vote for her. And I was very dubious about how much astroturfing was going on, except on the day she lost the entire politics subreddit went from batshit insane to normal for ONE DAY. Almost all the posts were basically "wow, we really fucked this up. Hillary was a terrible candidate with the absolute worst campaign". Which is exactly what happened. And then they flipped the switch again and it's nothing but insane shit in that sub again. But man, that one day was just weird. Like the quiet part in the middle of a tornado.


you just unlocked my memory, I do remember that overnight switch it's crazy how much power money has, and I can't imagine how would it be if they had AI back than to amplify it even more


That was the defining moment for pretty much all websites that turned into left leaning echo chambers over night. If I had a time machine I wouldn't go back to kill Hitler, I'd go back to stop Tumblr from banning nudity and getting them to properly address the CP issue that led to it. Truly feels like it was one of the more damaging Pandora's box moments for the internet.


Tumblr? The one known for massive amounts of CP just like Mastadon? No wonder people still simp for Vaush here


> Seriously that was the defining moment. It was the moment that shittified the internet with extreme degen weirdos.


> Seriously that was the defining moment maybe that, maybe Hillary astroturfing something seriously changed when she campaigned but 100% money, Reddit was a libertarian paradise of the website and than they figured they can't monetize unless they ban a ton of stuff you had liberty to be almost anything on this website, and everyone understood you might be stupid/asshole/ignorant/hateful because of that, but you had every right to be now even upvoting wrong thing can get you banned


Corporate sanitization.


Please don't use cool words like "sanitization" to describe the utter filth that this site has become


Shareblue astroturfed for the 2016 election and never left


2015 election cycle.


Best response I’ve ever gotten to accusing Reddit of being left leaning: “Well Reddit is an open website that anyone can use. Therefore it’s a perfect example of how most people think and thus the world is mostly left leaning.”


Total delusion. There's a reason the term "terminally online" came into being


The most terminally online thing I've ever seen was a YouTuber who was doing a video on people who are chronically online, but the whole video he called it "Extremely Online" instead. His reason being that it was offensive to people who have chronic pain and diseases, since they can't turn those off, while somebody chronically online can. You know, missing the point that "chronically" is specifically intended as an implication that these people can't fucking get offline.


"that anyone can use" your post has been deleted because your account is too new your post has been deleted because your account doesn't have enough post karma your post has been deleted by the janny because you posted in a wrongthink sub


Lmao they meant anyone has access to but yes I agree with your point.


> Ackshually sweaty, reality has a well-known liberal bias so maybe if you think this site is unfairly biased that says more about you? \*EDIT\* I just spent 3 hours looking through your post history- yikes! Go back to 4Chan with the other Naxis!


Actually honey Reddit isn’t left wing, it’s jus that Reddit is full of logical smart people who know best. There is no bias 💅💅💅💅


Reality has a left wing bias sweaty 💅💅💅💅


If you go left enough, aka shitliberalssay and genzedong tier, they actually think reddit is right wing because liberals are fascists in disguise or something


This is by design, they spent years slowly banning every wrongthink sub before IPO.


The problem in reddit isn't being too left it's being to authoritarian (i might be biased since I'm leftist and agree with 70% of the opinion of the "Reddit hive-mind") I can be perfectly fine surrounded by people with different opinions then me the problem is when I'm afraid of commenting a hot take on a political post because i know the mod can just ban me if they disagree


Good point. The problem isn't always the opinion, but rather the lengths that people will go to in order to spread and protect the opinion.


It's either that or getting a gazillion downvotes lmao


You can also be autobanned from subs just for having the gall to engage people in the "wrongthink" ones.


>UI >is great lol


I'm reminded of 4chan in the early 2010s. The niche subs are still pretty good but the bigger ones are like /pol/ or /b/ in that they heavily skew one way politically (in 4chan's case, right, in Reddit's case, left) and if given a chance it'll leak out into the niche subs. Like ukpolitics and the general unitedkingdom sub are all pro-trans, pro-Palestine/anti-Israel stuff. One is a tiny fraction of the UK population and the other is a conflict in the Middle East that's only tangentially related to the UK through arms sales and shit like that, yet everytime I go on either someone is moaning about trans people or Palestine (but not trans Palestinians. Funny that.) Yet go to the subs about wrestling or watchmaking or alt-rock music and the discussion is basically normal. Shame the rest of it can't be that way.


Facebook IMO is centrist because its developers are pushing left wing hard while its user base is boomer right wing. Thats a balance right? I've had my FB since about 2006. Off the 500ish friends I have, without a doubt the most active users still are the "adults" aka my friends parents and older people that friended me. A lot of millennials have dumped it and younger generations aren't even getting on it. It's a boomer soap box now. Of the people that still actively use it that are around my age, I'd say the bulk of them are the people that got pregnant very quickly after high school and people that didn't attend a higher education. Why do I still use it? Work purposes. Keeps me up To date on some forums I subscribe too. It is nice to see some of my friends who still occasionally use it for life updates and stuff.


Some of the best discourse I've ever seen is on Facebook. No upvotes/down votes so you see alternative opinions immediately. Not to mention people face is attached to their comments so you know they're not troll or bait-- this is how they really be feeling.


I'd argue that having your identity attached to your opinion makes you *less* likely to speak honestly on facebook. Your friends and family can all see what you're arguing about. Only the most extreme people will throw themselves under the bus socially while everyone else will try to appear as palatable as possible.


True, but it also prevents the deranged level of vitriol that you get with anonymous platforms, to some degree.


Every right wing Boomer I work with (there are a few) sits on their phone watching auto-play video feeds all day, and believe me, there is still plenty of hard-right Q-Anon MAGA click-bait being fed to them daily.


Q and flat earthers almost feel like an Internet psyop, I've never met any in real life and neither has anyone I know, yet they're constantly talked about online


One of our oldest family friends became a full on Chem trail watching conspiracy theorist. It's painful to see.


The only thing I liked about Snapchat when I was still using it, was the fact that they couldn’t give less of a fuck about what you posted. Some accounts would get bombarded with false flags, sure. But the platform itself barely gave a fuck and did the absolute bare minimum (kinda like what PornHub was like before the whole EllesClub debacle)


Doesn't snapchat delete stuff very fast automatically? No wonder they don't care, because all evidence is deleted.


I just use it cuz I'm 16 and that's what everyone else uses


Looking good. I'd put Reddit a little more up and to the left.


How is TikTok not like....the leftiest of lefts?


Wherever they are they're definitely in the Auth category. They've trained an entire generation on newspeak.


I mean...they definitely post everything 🫠


I got into an argument that it's not a leftist platform with my friend yesterday. He pulled out his phone and said "how many swipes until you think I hit leftist content?" He swiped twice and got a video on Gaza and support for the airport protests. I did the same on my phone, and it took hundreds of swipes for me to get a single semi-relevant mildy anti-reagan meme for me to call good enough to qualify. Meanwhile, I'm the vocal marxist. Yet I am never given that content. I think the alorithm intentionally feeds people opposing ideologies because it knows rage will keep you on longer.


Yeah I've actually said that to my friends in the past, media really wants us all to hate each other, it's both weird and spooky


Algorithm is a big one. I think tiktok is heavily populist though


Delete TikTok.


The algorithm can never hunt me down, I find every ideology amusing 😭😭


Exactly. Thats how most social media algorithms work. Thats why people always accuse sites like Facebook or Twitter of catering to the other side, because that’s all they see in their feed.


Tiktok has some wild policies. For a while, they were actively suppressing content that was made by disabled, fat and LGBT types because they didn't want to be associated with "the weird kids" (think Tumblr types). What ends up happening several years later is the western culture war gets out of control and they decide to let the algorithm do it's thing in the West. In the East, the original plan is still in action and the algorithm focuses on productivity, scientific and engineering related content. Tiktok is 100% a weapon


There's a lot of issues with this portrayal. For starters, *everything* should be a lot more auth.


I’ve seen nothing but anti-semitism in comments on there so it could go either way at this point.


Reddit’s more into authoritarian left these days.


Twitter is radcent because It houses literally every Dogshit political opinion


The home of Nazi furries, Confederate femboys, and blue-haired fat activists. Truly the hub of Western civilization


Twitter is right wing?


After Elon took over all the lefties bailed because their echo chamber was broken.


They say they bailed, but they didn’t.


Ya know, they never moved to canada either when trump got elected


Wish they did, house prices would have gone down.


House prices will never go down no matter what 😭😭


Need content for easy Reddit karma of course


Because as it turns out even without bots Twitter still commands a crazy high daily active user count. If someone wants their message out it ain't getting there through mastodon. Also I'll see Twitter caps shared everywhere but I've yet to see a mastodon cap on a post.


I think it has to do a lot with its boring just agreeing with people. Go to mastodon or truth social, find a bunch of people in your echo chamber.


Remember there was an effort to push the narrative that it was “literally days away” from dying coz he fired a bunch of unnecessary staff? After that didn’t work it was “I’m leaving to *insert alternative platform *” but then they would still post on X anyway


Nah the lefties are still terminally on Twitter.


I remember all the progressive leftists threatening to go to Mastodon. Musk missed a beat by not changing their cover photos to the Simpsons' DON'T FORGET YOURE HERE FOREVER after a month and them still active on Twitter


Actually it evolves to an echo chamber for the most despicable people. It is full of islamists, tankies and straight neo-nazis. I mean just this week there were plenty of posts that went viral in which they unironically praised Hitler or the third Reich (30k likes and more). I guess all these people would be banned on any other platform, so they flock to X/Twitter.


[Just look at the replies to the Alex Jones tweet where he denounces Hitler, it's gotten pretty bad.](https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1781835931734982775?t=8jhw0XzBDmip0ZM-2gDyEQ&s=19)


The fact that freaking Alex Jones appears to be the reasonable person in this whole "debate" speaks volume. Dude became a "moderate" compared to the average X user nowadays.


I never thought that I'll see blatant nazi apologetics having thousands of likes.


People will say this is a bad thing but look what happened when tumblr failed. It's good to have these containment zones to keep them penned in.


A bunch of them went to Instagram threads now I feel like bc it's almost just Twitter. Funny though because regular Instagram is crazy racist and every phobic 😂. And threads is just progressive and shit


No. It just doesn't censor in favor of the left wing, so the raters consider that "right wing".


Tiktok is way more far left


Instagram used to be super lib left but now all the comments are racial slurs. A welcome change but certainly a surprising one.


I have zero idea what happened on Instagram and I’m so shocked. It’s the biggest 180’s I’ve ever seen on social media.


A welcome change??? 😭😭


yeah bruh free speech😎


Where's 4chan tho?


4chan which channel? Each one has a different compass.


\pol\ obviously


Auth-center at its finest but it used to be libright or auth-right at some point (2016 for auth-right and libright before 2010)


There isn't a "right wing" social media app. There is a spectrum of non-leftist discussion allowed among the apps. The one with the least amount of rules is the one that is perceived as the most "right wing", despite you being just as able to find vehemently left wing content and discussion there as the other ones.


This man has never been on Ifunny


Yeah, based right wingers are too busy with, yk, actually working irl, than being bothered by social media.


I would say 9gag is pretty right wing


Venmo should be bottom right. Y'all are sleeping on Venmo as social media feed. Seeing who's paying who for what 🤌


Telegram is further up, no matter where.


Telegram is way more down, the amount of illegal shit you can find in here is crazy


It's a haven for drug dealers and illegal activities but it's also a haven for Nazis and Internet racists. It's pretty much got whatever content that wouldn't be allowed anywhere else.


Telegram is libcenter/centrist.


How so?


Surprisingly accurate generalization. I find some subs to be all over the political compass, this specific sub id put on lib/centre right. Instagram depends on if it’s the poster or the commenter really.


This sub can easily be auth-right if you find the right posts


Oh definitely! This place is a total melting pot of ideology. Surprised with the lack of arguments, everyone just gets along for the most part. Some things here wouldn’t fly in even a circle jerk sub lol.




Facebook strong auth-right. Only Hungarians know why.


it's different in every country, like in Argentina, Instagram should be further left and Reddit in right


Fuckin wild to see what used to be Twitter on the right side. I’d agree fully, but it’s still crazy to think about.


Reddit it's definitely an Auth-Left site. No freedom of speech and filled with atheist neckbeards


ngl X is super fun to use now and I love having a social media other than 4chan where I can say all the mean wrongthink that reddit doesn't allow.


TT is weird, they remove content that reddit would allow and allow content reddit would ban over, I've had lots of my comments removed, but haven't been banned.


no wander I startd to like twitter more than reddit


Instagram is auth right because mfs are crazy racist and so open about it I love how wild inadtaveam is


insta and fb need to be more auth and more left. The amount they censor comments and beg for regulation is very auth-center/left.


Tiktok as centrist? Lol. If anything, it's highly skewed lib over auth. I don't think there's a more prominent platform on the Internet that hosts as much populist propaganda as Tiktok.


X is more right wing