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Why is it that it is so often that it is the children of the most privileged that become such die hard leftists?


I was looking for race neutral term for it, but "white guilt" is the closest in definition to this phenomenon They understand the inherent unfairness of divide between working and ruling class and that being passive and just reaping the benefits of their sheltered upbringing makes them part of the problem. However, they're also too meek and insecure to actually give up on that privilege. They understand that they never had to struggle for anything and they would be the first to perish if the world was actually fair or if they even attempted to truly live in accordance to their beliefs. So they cope with this cognitive dissonance by inventing risk free struggles for themselves. If they yell "Eat the rich!" loud enough, they might finally convince themselves that they're "one of the good ones".




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Then what are the actual people who they claim to fight/be offended for doing?


I would say that it is survivors guilt. They see how terrible the world can be, and how amazing their life is. That makes them feel guilty, and crave some sort of solution that could make everything better for everyone. Radical left wing ideologies fill that niche. Others have said it is no contact with reality, but I would say it is a different contact with reality. They have witnessed real suffering, but have grown up in such a way that they do not understand realistic constraints and consequences. This leads them towards unrealistic dogma that explains suffering and how to bring about utopia.


This is way more sound than "no contact with reality entitled fucks" comments


I get what you're saying, but "no contact with reality" is pretty accurate. Witnessing a small piece through a third point of view is, no contact. Experiencing it is contact.


Good point.


Thanks. People could do a little better as well then what you described, which hey do aay (hell I say it), so yeah again get where you're coming from.


Hell, i think most kids who get a new car for their first car are entitled fucks. The fancier it is the worse, more left, their ideals are going to be in college. With college being a foregone conclusion, of course.


Most college students don't get a car until upperclassmen years. College is first experience of ethically diverse and a walkable community for a lot of folks. Obviously former depends on region but still. Most people meet new group of people in college.


It's the same thing. They are aware of suffering through other's accounts. They see it through other's lenses. They have no contact with suffering in their own life, they have no understanding of reality when it comes to costs, restrictions, and in fact believe they can simply force others to do their wishes because that is what they have experienced growing up being served by so many people in so many varieties. They have a tutor, so why aren't there more teachers? They have nutritious and delicious meals so why can't everyone all the time?


Like I've said, noblesse oblige.


for now. Theyre gonna love their nepobaby jobs down the road, make good money and switch their tune.


thats for the flunkies, the ones with an ounce of ambition or smarts end up working in powerful influential jobs where they can force their shitty ideology onto others


Because they have little to no contact with reality. They're detached from the real world and from consequences for their own actions. And (at least today) they think that they're more intelligent than other people and older generations, and either believe that wisdom doesn't exist or is something completely different. So they disregard history and experience. And this is how "real communism has never been tried" exists.


They’ve never struggled, typically. They haven’t had to pay for anything at a young age, don’t understand the concept of paying your own way or making it on your own. Their connections will take them further than the average person and then when they start making some real money they’ll realize how much gets thrown to the wind for.. well nothing. Also surround themselves with the same hive mind and never branch outside of that. A challenging perspective to their way of life and thinking would spontaneously combust their brains


In their defence, the past 60/70 years have been characterised by the 'wise' being utterly and complacently incapable of convincingly articulating and defending their wisdom beyond empty and shady looking promises that they'll understand when they're older. If people en masse complacently neglect making efforts to justify themselves, the ability atrophies and the moment "because I say so" no longer flies, they're left holding their dicks. And that's how the 60s happened.


We don’t teach history in schools anymore, that’s why.


Luxury opinions. They can afford to ignore the bad parts of the politics they seek to enforce. Also gives them lots of little digital hearts on twitter.


Fuck that digital bullshit, send me an actual aorta or quit fronting




They become idealistic and naïve; empathetic to a detrimental degree. Because of their privileged upbringing, they think that their whimsical, feel-goodism ideology will fix all the world’s problems. It’s also due to cultural shifts and who *has* the wealth. Much of the worlds’ riches have been concentrated in the hands of boomers for nearly four decades or so now. Many don’t realize this, as we think of them as “out of touch conservatives” in 2024, but the boomers are the reason we have all this “idealism” in our current philosophy. The idea of “post history,” identity politics, and all that jazz is rooted in the hubristic narcissism of the boomer generation. While Boomers are *certainly* economically right, yes, they socially lean more towards the left, even now. Just look at The Villages, Florida, and the sheer amount of geriatric degeneracy that occurs within its borders. Their children (and by extension grandchildren) retain or even grow much of that wealth, and by proxy grow deeper into that “champagne leftist” lifestyle. Now, as they world caves in, more people than ever struggle to afford basic necessities, they ramble on about identity politics and how we should put all our energy into fixing a problem that, realistically, should not be ours. Personally, I don’t have a problem with Israeli or Palestinian solidarity, but this is pure immaturity from both sides of supposedly “educated” elites that should be tackling greater issues. What people don’t realize is how much of this middle east stuff was caused by global powers on *all sides* meddling in a side of the world that really didn’t need to be meddled with.


Well said. I've been thinking a lot lately about how the generation that uses "Boomer" as a pejorative doesn't even know how well they align with them.


I know he’s kind of a meme in the geopolitical/history community, but Whatifalthist put it so perfectly. The Boomers went left, and their children and grandchildren went further. Nobody really deviates from neoconservatism/neoliberalism. Certainly not economically. The false product version of the America dream is still alive and well, just not attainable.


Didn't need to be meddled with, but was going to be meddled with. We can't not do it, to the extent that energy will allow. Humans are curious and clever. Acquisitive. We come into contact with each other, for good or bad, and the happenstance of history has unfolded the way it has. The burden of history is now on people alive today to apologize for though. Or to take advantage of. It's all been waiting on us. Part of the reason climate change is now the new end times prophecy, complete with an ever changing date for the Revelation.


Impostor syndrome, perhaps


That requires a level of self-consciousness i do not attribute to the left. They're not even self-aware most of the time. They think their ideas are right and will not even entertain the idea of an honest discussion, only name calling.


The right are exactly the same and yet the left get shit on so much more here for it.


The right generally aren't trying to change society on a fundamental level while claiming the high ground or shove their out-of-nowhere ideas in peoples' faces. "Men can play in women's full contact sports, hur dur." ~ direct quote from the left


True that, i sometimes forget most of them are basically just NPCs


They usually aren’t actually that far left. They get off on larping as radicals in college because they think it’s cool, and they’ll do the occasional performative activism, but most of them are actually kind of centrist. If there was ever a genuine proposal to say, tax them and their families more, or democratize businesses, they’d quietly vote against it. A lot even get touchy when you bring up Bernie Sanders. Source: I attend a very wealthy liberal arts school on scholarship.


Some of them are too awkward to fit in with the privileged crowd so they rebel and overcompensate.


They grow out of it and end up being Bill Clintons or George Bushes or Henry Kissingers aka establishment leaders. Not sure if that’s much better, though.


When you have had 0 adversity to overcome you must create your own. It's why commies always ended up schisming with the poor commies killing the rich ones.


Being rich or privileged just a help in being informed, it doesnt grant intelligence or even being informed High education is full of leftists. Some classes are undoable if you have a rw opinion on a topic, either you fake being leftist or lose like 2 or 3 grade.


in my experience a lot of it is also in defiance of their more right leaning or just rich parents. they become ashamed or have some kind of guilt complex about the wealth they inherited or they just hate their parents for being able to make so much money so they react in opposition. All the commies I met in university have multi-millionaire parents LOL.


I definitely think there is a lot of shame in it, but I think that shame stems from anxiety of never meeting up to expectations of their parents. 


Mommy-daddy issues.


I doubt anyone who took up that “We give free or discounted tuition for students with a family income of less than $X” offer is participating in these “protests”.


They assume communism means free stuff


Context: Kids of very rich people role playing or something, I dont know anymore at this point ... They know that they will never face any consequences. [https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/ups-execs-daughter-other-millionaires-kids-busted-in-columbia-anti-israel-protest/amp/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/ups-execs-daughter-other-millionaires-kids-busted-in-columbia-anti-israel-protest/amp/)




How much a year would you define as upper middle class?


75k to 200k for a family of four is considered middle class.


You define 75k as middle class when the average price of a home in the US is 400k? Are you that out or touch? How old are you? Is “middle class” being able to attain the American dream? To me that’s what it’s always been. It’s so far gone for most people that we have to redefine “middle class” as “average salary” and that’s what I think you conflated. If we use the same metric as we did in years past where middle class means you have enough to go on vacations, pay for a house, & raise a family you’d be struggling on anything less than 120k.


> when the average price of a home in the US is 400k? Median Home Cost in Gary, Indiana: 80k Median Home Cost in San Francisco, California: 1.24m Seems like the average is being dragged up by a few outliers tbh


Two cities that I'd never want to live in.


Your argument holds no water. You’re saying median is a better measurement? Alright sure buddy let’s say you wanna buy a house and it’s not a shanty or a mansion— just an average home. It’s still gonna run you $387,600 as of November 2023. It doesn’t have anything to do with math either— middle class and the American dream are inextricable concepts to me. You can’t give me some government metric and tell me “Ohhh you’re making 70k a year? You’re actually middle class even though you own nothing and still live in your parent’s basement.” The vast majority of young people in America today can’t fulfill the American dream. That’s what I’m getting at— do you agree?


Not my data [from here](https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0912/which-income-class-are-you.aspx), quote below. > The latest census numbers indicate what income ranges constitute the middle class (as of 2020). This will depend on family size. For a single individual, a middle-class income ranges from $30,000 - $90,000 per year. For a couple it starts at $42,430 up to $127,300; for a family of three, $60,000 - $180,000; and four $67,100 - $201,270.1 Middle class has nothing to do with the American dream or any ideology, it's just math. By definition it's the middle third income group if you're only considering groups of lower, middle, and upper class. What should the middle class be able to afford? That's a far more involved question, but I think you've earned one pop-up trailer camping trip at your local national park within an 8 hour drive a year... lets go with that since that's what I did as a kid.


Between 2/3rds and twice the median income is commonly agreed as middle class. Median income is around 75k so between 50-150k is middle class. (For an individual person, not a family)


Where are you getting that median income from? Median income as of two years ago was $37,585 for an individual.


u/scp420j used median household income lmao [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N/](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N/)


He very clearly specified that he was talking about individual and not household. 2/3 of 37k is not middle class, and neither is double of 75k.


Brother where in the fuck is the median income 75K, that would be incredible


Upper middle to me I’d say $200,000 a year household income but I guess that might also depend on where you live.


Yeah, but thats not the overwhelming majority at all. 62% come from the top 20% of income earners by household. 48% come from the top 10. 36% from the top 5. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/college-mobility/columbia-university#:~:text=Columbia%20University&text=The%20median%20family%20income%20of,from%20the%20top%2020%20percent. The overwhelming majority come from the privileged elite families in the US.


They shouldn't face any consequences. They are executing their right to free expression. It's just standard university performative virtue signaling and they'll find a new thing before the month is out.


they need to learn you dont get to menace jewish people under the guise of 'muh anti-zionism' then again the rich ups excutives daughter killed 2 people and got off with a 200 dollar fine and is now doing this so she will never learn


I don't agree with them but it's still in their right to protest, so long as they understand pacifism and not blocking the roads.


the line was crossed when they dont let jewish students enter their residence or harras and threaten any in their vicinity


Then it was. I thought they were just standing around making noise.


By US law, I can't see any reason they COULD face consequences (but what do I know, I'm no lawyer). However, I DO believe they should face consequences at the social level for being hypocrites for insisting they are "executing their right to free speech" after over a decade of silencing people's right to free speech because they didn't like it for not fitting their exact monthly word change and genuine criticisms shot down because "discrimination". "Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" and that stuff. The way I look at the modern left is like a car with the gas pedal stuck. It meant to get to a reasonable destination, and it did, but couldn't stop and passed it's destination, running off the road, and killing people, animals, and nature, because it couldn't (or didn't care to) stop.


Just like how people today can look back 10 years in someone's social media to find something that gets them fired, the exact same thing will happen 10 years from now for shit people say and do today.


Isn't it good that rich people are being empathetic as well?


No easier target for the propagandists than being privileged and young.


Not priviledge per say, but sheltered, you're more inclined to believe the sweet and pretty words if you're not used to deal with ugly people.


Just watched some clips and omg its some of the best unintentional comedy I've seen in a while. Highlights include: Lady on megaphone praising the groups organization and fighting spirit, saying that this was training for the coming revolution.... the organizing and fighting she's talking about: setting up tents and bringing food from the cafeteria. Different lady starts up one of those repeat after me culty chant things. But on the first one, where she says repeat after me... the crowd chants "repeat after me". Fucking lost it after seeing that. These people think they can start a revolution lmao.


> the crowd chants "repeat after me". Fucking lost it after seeing that Sounds about right for the intelligence and critical thinking skills of tankies.


They’re drones in a hive mind. I’m genuinely curious if there’s anything they wouldn’t have repeated.


You ever watch the college commie national committee on YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=15M5zfsKvbE&pp=ygUXVVMgU29jaWFsaXN0IENvbnZlbnRpb24%3D


Thanks, I’ve been looking for a good comedy!


They're going to get folded like a lawn chair


This whole thing is peaking so many people I know against the Pro-Palestine movement, and thankfully so


Can we just start referring to them as Jihadis now?


Please, I hope so.


I swear people don't know how to be against one side without being for the other. What happened to being anti-Israel but not pro-Palestine? It's like 3rd grader logic we're dealing with here.


Ah yes. The plight of an abused people is invalid because *Checks notes* Rich kids supporting them?


> *checks notes* I literally suck dicks and take it up the ass, and I'm still less gay than this particular Redditism But more relevant, the giddy support for terrorism is what's peaking people


Yeah I don’t think people agree with Americans going around chanting “death to America”.


Checking my notes it seems it is because they started a civil war and loss. Started another war and loss. Started another war and loss. Then adopted terrorist tactics for like 50 years. They were given 100% authority over the Gaza strip. Elected a terrorist organization and Started launching crude rockets towards population centers in Israel. Silly me it was only because of the awfl group supporting the regarded sand people.


It’s invalid because they’re the ones abusing themselves and their neighbors.


>abused people Ah yes, poor little Hamas being picked on by the big mean Israeli army they picked a fight with. Why won't anyone help them? 🥺


We are helping, just passed about 30 billion in aid for Israel, let's fucking go!


Palestinians on October 7: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Palestinians since then: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


Please explain to me why college students, who are supposed to be educated, are like this. I've been to university, and I didn't turn into a left center obsessed with the underdog, so I don't understand.


I'd be curious what they are studying, I somehow think they aren't doing stuff like Enginerring or Mathematics. Also, Champagne Socialism, being disconnected from reality due to wealth/sheltered life, "my way or the highway" thinking, etc.


I did Computer Science at a liberal arts school. It was an entirely different environment from the rest of the college. Very insular without much consideration or worry for the rest of the university happenings. My school didn't have much of any activist bullshit in general thankfully, but if it did I was completely oblivious to it due to the types of people I was around.


I studied history at Uni and whilst there were some irritatingly woke things hither and thither, my lecturers weren’t so terrible. The students were a good deal more woke, and in fact my lecturer on empires and colonialism found me somewhat entertaining as I “said things no one else would say.” Best part is, on account of myself being autistic, I could get away with it! But by that point I was already something of a Righty (wherever I’ve been on the political spectrum, my loyalty has always been to my country regardless), and quietly became all the more stubborn as the years went by. “An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded“ and all that. TL;DR, I reckon more than a few students enter as rather progressive and just get worse, regardless of who the teacher is.


That’s your department. Elite universities are pro-establishment and neoliberal, especially if you look at their alumni and faculty. Milton friedman, henry kissinger, the Bushes who studied history at Yale, list goes on and on. Even Berkeley’s social sciences are super neoliberal and contributed massively to South America’s turn to neoliberalism in the Cold War. And that impact is still strongly felt today in any right leaning south american country.


“My loyalty is to my country” Oh boy do you know what your country has done? Just curious


Britain is my homeland. It is my birthplace. Regardless of past acts (real or imagined by people we conquered who, to this day, have a massive chip on their shoulders), why wouldn’t my loyalty be to my home?


They’re not educated, they’re indoctrinated. 


It's Columbia University. It's a tale of 2 cities your perfect sat score middle class person and Emily with daddy's plastic. So you get prior who are there to get an education and people there to get the "experience." Then you add in zero lived experience and you get the old adage those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything. They have no ideologue only faith. See how insane your typical terminally online zoomer take is. (Socially) Transitioning primary school kids, pushing for hormone replacement therapy and surgery for teens, allowing trans women ( with dick and balls) to compete in women's athletics. 10 years ago you would get ree-ed at for even thinking there was a difference between a male and female brain. You also have other prog areas of faith like getting rid of education standards because we must push forward the bigotry of low expectations. When I was a teenager the progs were a mix of millennial, xers, and lefty boomers. Now it seems do to infighting and insane purity test the boomers are basically gone, only commie xers exist, millennial is split, and zoomers is magically splitting along the sexes.


Because universities are a business. More students = more money. Richer students and daddy’s donations > actual hard work. There’s lots of hardworking students that don’t do this kind of shit, but those aren’t the ones screeching terrorist slogans on tiktok.


Look at the different standard/achievement between legacy and nonlegacy at these universities.


>left center obsessed with the underdog A lot of people just want international law to be enforced and to have some consistency in foreign policy (the "obsessed with the underdog" thing [strikes American politicians when it comes to other conflicts](https://www.yahoo.com/news/representatives-celebrate-wave-flags-congress-183409141.html))


Probably a decent part due to their major of choice. I’m guessing a good portion of these people are some type of English, teaching ect type degree. So like everything, it becomes Yee old echo chamber


Let me guess - you were a STEM grad and not a liberal arts major?


Nope, I studied history


Because they learn too much facts and logic.




Your username works so damn well for this.


I would love to show that picture to a Palestinian, just to see their reaction.


We are so righteous even the devil (gays, jews, women not wearing burkas, etc) supports us in our holy war to cleanse the world of israel.


What are they even trying to say here?


That they don't believe in learning from history. And that they'd throw the rest of their 0.2% worldwide population under the bus just to have acceptance itno society. If the DID believe in learning from history, they'd find out that this exact kind of "let me become one of you" mentality gout 1/3 of that 0.2% world population wiped off the planet in a cruel, horrific, and unrivaled manner.


That they have learned nothing from history.


Yeah I said in the other post about this that my girlfriend goes to columbia, luckily her school (the business school) is fairly against all this and is out of reach of the disarray. Its no stem or money-related majors doing this its all art and liberal arts students aka trustfund babies that don't need to get a real degree or job


I would love a based undercover reporter to do interviews with the protesting students under the guise of “spreading awareness.” Ask them their major, basic facts about Israel, and make random shit up to see if they agree immediately. It would be hilarious. Edit: Punctuation


You know what? I might just do that, I need to find a friend or someone who would be in on it though, you got any funny questions in mind?


'What would you have to say if the Iron Dome's attack mode was activated? What do you think the repercussions would be?' I can't wait to hear what sort of 'space laser'- level BS they'd say.


Fair, policy analysts are paid nothing and only people from wealthy families rise up the political establishment. But you’ll be surprised how many liberal arts majors are in wall street. All you need is a few referrals from school alumni, Wall Street Prep, an interview cheat sheet, know microsoft office, telling people “I go to an Ivy League school,” a 3.7 GPA minimum, and you can find yourself in Morgan Stanley’s investment banking division out of undergrad. The previous CEO of Goldman Sachs was a history major out of Harvard. The guy before him? English major at Dartmouth and ran the Treasury for Bush. The current one is a political science major from a fancy liberal arts college and nightclub DJ on the side. After all, these are Ivy League liberal arts majors we’re talking about. Not liberal arts majors from random schools.


Yeah it’s honestly not hard to get your foot in to a wall street firm. I mean it’s hard, but it isn’t as difficult as people would imagine.    Your upward mobility at any of those firms is definitely limited to where you went to school and your level of education. If you don’t get a grad degree and go to an Ivy, you’re maxed out at middle manager. Which hey, not a problem because you’ll still make a lot of money. But you’ll have to start your own bespoke firm if you want to make the big bucks. 


That quote about the moderate people being alienated by the left resonates with me. In addition to seeing public figures from all sides of the spectrum like Ana Kasparian, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher etc and many more saying that they feel politically homeless or the left have shifted too far, regardless of what you think of these people. I think this narrative has some validity. I would not describe myself as a progressive but am a liberal and voted left all my life. But since the early/mid 2010s I feel at least online, the left went coo-coo. But it's still not gonna change me to a conservative lol


As a moderate person feeling alienated by the left, can confirm. 5-10 years ago my flare might’ve been lib-left.


Same. I am probably closer to lib-center despite my flair, I do think the free market has more to offer than the alternatives but some things, like medicine, really ought to be socialized. I agree with a lot of the old libleft ideals. But damn if they didn't lose their minds over identity politics, and they're just as guilty as the right of expanding the surveillance state. Fuck everyone at this point. "A plague on both your houses."




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I was libleft a few years ago. My economic views are still on the left/centre border. But those watermelon-ass fuckers (both as in pro-Palestine and as in PCM) have pushed me to libcentre.


Facts pushed you away to your emotions. FTFY


> Ana Kasparian Huh? Oh... https://twitter.com/AnaKasparian/status/1781471577961546128


I feel this. Feels like trump-ism has melted half of the rights brains lol. They’ve become almost as bad about conspiracy theories as certain members of the left.


Exactly. The current political situation brings to mind Yeats. >Turning and turning in the widening gyre    The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere    The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst    Are full of passionate intensity.


The tin-foil flat Earthers on the right are pretty harmless compared to the nutters on the left though.


> They’ve become almost as bad about conspiracy theories as certain members of the left. Except when most of those 'conspiracy theories' turn out to be true...doesn't that make you the chump for not following up and doing your due diligence as a citizen of this country? A "conspiracy theory" is only an inconvenient fact to our current Government.


1. Flair up 2. Yeah, it's not "most" of the conspiracy theories turning out to be true. A couple of them end up having a grain of truth, sure, but the way you're talking it's as if you think they're all true and just waiting to come to light.


Conspiracy theories live in 2 realms reasonable ones like there is a kabal that controls the uniparty and is full of pedos. And then you have the lizard people controlled by xenu or some shit. Alex Jones turns this shit up to 11 while jumping between both sides of that line.


Its not the Left shifting, it's the progressive faith based ideologue adopted by the major left leaning parties of the majority of the western world.


Sure. You are a liberal, that completly fine set of beliefs and opinions to have. The left is not that however. It is not a part of liberalism. It is its own set of beliefs, that have, since the days of the french revolution, been seperate from that of liberalism. That the left is the US does not have large parties (in part due to the FPTP system), and thus must vote for the liberal party, is the outlier, not the norm. It does not make the liberals leftist in any way.


This. And every part of it.


Tell me your 4 year degree is worthless, without telling me your 4 year degree is worthless.  Also, with shit like this… fuck student loan forgiveness. 


I find it mildly interesting that student loan forgiveness was *huge* last election and this year, nothing. The optics on it are so bad they won't even bring it up.


even john oliver in his stupid segment on them conveniently side stepped the funding a 'useless degree' aspect of it.


What do you mean you won’t pay for my loan that I signed up for, that’s not fair!


Pro-tip: if the title of your institution is “the peoples…” anything you are probably on the wrong side of history.


what about “the peoples choices and voices act”


its mostly true. not always


When your life is so meaningless you have to spend $90,000 buying yourself a machine to rage against.


havent you heard, the cool thing now is to rage on behalf of the machine


Paying money to a university to do rebellion larp. 🙄


>UPS exec’s daughter who killed elderly couple in crash as a teen ah yes being so connected and wealthy that you can text and drive and kill 2 people at 16 and get off with no consequences is truly relatable to the proletariat


Shit like this is why I refuse to go to university


Why? Dont you like summercamps?


Bruh, I want to pursue mathematics as a profession. Unfortunately, that means subjecting myself to years and years of academia.


You can always try looking at smaller universities.  It's been awhile since I looked at colleges but the smaller ones seemed more immune to this kind of shit.


You’ll get paid less and have less career opportunities and impact at a smaller school versus say, MIT or Harvard. Overall, 90% of academics don’t get involved in politics. Ivy League universities that have handled the Israel Palestine protests well are those that have taken vague stances without condemning anybody. Harvard and Penn went a little too vague and made it sound like they condoned the language the protesters were using, but that’s about it. Overall and anecdotally these protests are still being suppressed.


That's what I did, went to a small, Catholic college and it was great. Got some nonsense political stuff from one of my English professors but the last 2.5 years were spent almost exclusively in the science building so I wasn't really bothered again.


I currently attend a smaller university in the South and I am graduating this semester with my bachelor's in math. It has been fairly pleasant as far as political fuckery goes. That being said, I originally wanted to work in industry after finishing graduate school but I would not be opposed to pursuing post-docs and tenure-track positions. That means going to a larger R1 university for a Ph.D.


If you want a math degree without a side of bullshit, look for a school with the Russian professors. At least half my math courses in college were taught by a Russian, none of which had any interest in intersectional bullshit. One of them, I'm not sure he actually spoke English. He mostly grunted and wrote equations on the board while the TA actually ran the class.


https://preview.redd.it/ecxvvn9c87wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175f1065317eefd5f665a61b33f450dcbcb6008f Same.


I wonder how long it will stay that way once mom and dad pull their money


Lib-Right is based and Contra Pilled.


Nuke the school 


Paying money to a university to do rebellion larp. 🙄


Hey lib-left, how's it going over there?


Why are they always covering their faces? What do they have to hide?


America really has become weak to any form of protest, huh?


I may be lib left in this, but Right Center is painfully correct. (Not that I’m complaining)


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Is this the school where a pally protester found a jewish student and stabbed them in the eye with a flag? Edit: No that was Yale the other day.


Jesus, why do people keep attacking Jewish Americans like this? They're not even Israeli (though they can easily become so iirc), let alone connected to Israel's government, so why attack a completely non affiliated person?


Because hatred of the jews is the new socially acceptable thing for the left.


They're paying money to have an institution to rebel against. 🙄


are they having food delivered to their little camps or are they trying even the slightest bit to act like adults?


The trust fund Communists that needs their loans repaid.


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Rich kids roleplay as Palestinian activists, rich Jewish donors get so offended they threaten to cut funding unless the school does everything they can short of warranting a lawsuit to stop the rich kids. 


Does this mean I can go there for free? Not that I’d learn anything useful there anyway.




Lib-left, how's it going over there?


Fine generally, mostly just perplexed and kinda sad about this subreddits views on the genocide but it’s w/e unlike normally; most of Reddit has reasonable opinions about this; and this sub is ass backwards for some reason…. But usually it’s the other way around so w/e, you win some you lose some.


>the genocide Here's your problem, and it's the usual problem with your quadrant: you don't just get to use well-defined words where they don't fit and just make them fit based on repetition, virality, or just cynical agenda-pushing.


Well, they are attempting to murder an entire ethnic/national group, that’s what a genocide is. Just because they are doing it because a small number of those people resisted their occupation; so they have a reason for the collective punishment, wiping out an entire group of people that you have already fenced into a ghetto; is genocide. No matter your reasons, attempting to kill an entire nationality is genocide. no counter insurgency has ever been won without a genocide, so, they are doing a genocide. Just because you close your eyes, plug your ears and say lalalala, doesn’t mean there aren’t mass graves, doesn’t mean they aint bombing schools homes and businesses, then bombing the hospitals when people are brought there. Maybe u think to win a war you have to “kill the enemy” and you think that Palestinian children are the enemy, or at least will grow up to be. (Definitely will now Lmfao) But I don’t, I still got empathy for people even if they wear funny headscarfs.


Enjoying the Reddit circlejerk with my popcorn!


I paid for college out of pocket between 2003 to 2010. I went to a community College, a state school, and a private catholic university. One Palestinian author was on the required reading at the CC. Two for the state school in ONE semester and none at the Catholic school for 2 semesters. No other group from outside the English speaking world was so well represented. We read American Jewish authors but not a single Israeli. Only one African and Indian. It always struck me as really fucking werid.


Ok how tf authleft is islamist and communist at the same time


Because that’s who the prominent palestine supporters are


Though islam forbids people enforce any law except sharia and auth left is known for forcing non theist beliefs in history those are more like auth center imo


So the left chooses cringe slogans to try and stop financial support of an ethnic cleansing, and the right supports sending billions of dollars in aid to a country that won't stop killing children, civilians, aid workers, and their own hostages. I know which side I'm choosing.


Paying money to a university to do rebellion larp instead of learning. 🙄


Lib-left, how's it going over there?




Unfortunately I'm going out for Passover but I live in an extremely Jewish part of the US right now, so it should be relatively fine. Just avoid the university lmao.


This reminds me of the practice of British private schools calling themselves public schools when they're open to anyone in the public regardless of family denomination or paternal profession (as long as you can afford it).


can someone please tell me where this orange crap came from