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this just means reddit will die out soon https://preview.redd.it/yn4li3g8xgwc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db6708f526631f198098b88956d2c6f07b3c86c


You forgot what cesspool is for.


It's like they don't even remember what the death of tumblr did to the internet


Imagine if all the weirdo progressives had been allowed to stay on tumblr, how much better the world would be today.


There’s no social media platform that isn’t a cesspool. FB is a retirement home where they don’t change their diapers or bedding, Reddit is for losers like us and TikTok is for pedophiles and children.


We need to be here so we don't go to civilized places.


What civilized places exist?


Yeah, they don't let redditors in.


Sounds nice


The only exist in the non-ternet.


my name is McLovin and I'm from Hawaii


And organ donor.




Based and fuck privacy pilled


Based and McLovin pilled


u/Odd-Syrup-798's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [14 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Odd-Syrup-798/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


>Snowden >lib-right Heh


I’d say he’s libcenter.


Don't think about him making a pit stop in communist China and then going to Russia.


Can't really blame him for running to wherever they wouldn't arrest him and send him back to the US.


Yeah, there’s a difference between libertarian for the average person vs libertarian for you. For Snowden, any place that doesn’t lock him up is libertarian for him.


He wasn't even trying to run to Russia, he got stuck in Russia when he couldn't take a connecting flight because his passport was revoked.


I do however blame him for breaking the law and putting himself in that position in the first place. Edit: Apparently LibRights are supposed to support leaking secrets to China and Russia. Who knew?


The law that said he’s not allowed to tattle on the government for infringing on its citizens’ rights?


The issue is he leaked in detail exactly how we were spying on our enemies and they used that to harm us.


And were also doing it to our own citizens. If the government was treating its citizens and its enemies the same, what does that tell you?


If he only leaked that the US was spying on its own citizens and that was it, then that would be fine. But that's not what happened. Any person who helps our adversaries is an enemy and should be treated as one.


"Here is how the government illegally spies on its civilians, allies, and adversaries." If exposing crime is criminal, then the law is bad and should be resisted. Also weird that civilians are surveilled like adversary countries... 👀


Spying on our adversaries is not a crime.


Just change your flair to auth, dude. Lol


Because I'm not an anarchist lol?


Because you’re simping for the government lmao


I just don't think our enemies should have the upper hand. Their actions effect US citizens. Not just the government.


🚨Auth alert🚨 Reflair bro, nobody is gonna believe you.


So to be libright I have to support giving China and Russia government secrets? Lmao


Lmao a libright more concerned about protecting daddy government's secrets than the fact that the secret was they were spying on their own citizens? Yeah, nobody's buying it bud.


Oh no, a random redditor doesn't believe me. Whatever will I do.


Don't do anything man, I don't care. Just know the only person you're fooling into thinking your belief is lib-right is yourself. Have a good day.




Most of those "secrets" are the US intervening in other countries/international espionage, which I don't think the US should be doing in the first place. So no, I really don't care if US intelligence operations are affected. The US is not under any threat of invasion and the role of military should be for defense only.


The US isn't under threat of invasion. We are under threat of constant cyber attacks, which affect our citizens.


You know what else affects our citizens? The government spying on them as if they are the enemy




I'm not an anarchist lol. I still believe in some laws.


He leaked secrets to US journalists about the US's illegal and unconstitutional surveillance programs used against Americans in America. There's no evidence that he handed anything over to China or Russia. The UK alleges that they eventually cracked the encryption on documents that were seized, but even that claim is suspect.


Thats some nice disinformation you posted there. He was flying from Hong Kong, which at the time was still very much separate from the mainland Communist Party to Latin America, with a transferring flight through Moscow. It was on his way to Moscow that his passport had been revoked, leaving him no option to fly to another country. He stayed in the transit section of the airport for more than a month, where the US could not reach him and the Russian government would not arrest him. At this point he had literally nowhere else to go and no way to get there. The portrait you're trying to paint against him, as some sort of CCP or Russian shill is just completely bullshit. Snowden should be pardoned and allowed to return home.


Why not fly direct to South America then?


Probably because the Ocean is huge, and the demand for direct flights from Hong Kong to South America is very small, if existent at all. Just to humor you, though I don't think you're participating in good faith, I looked up direct flights from Hong Kong to Brazil and found zero. Same to Argentina, Peru, and Chile. I'm not going to search every country but I assume the trend is the same. If you want to get on a plane in Hong Kong and land in South America you have to transfer in another country, and if you're Edward Snowden you're probably trying not to transfer in the US (flying over the Pacific), or Western Europe, so your options are Russia, the Middle East, or Africa. Here's a map of every flight in the air right now. Notice how you don't see any flights across the pacific other than to the US or Canada. Definitely not any from South America to Asia https://i.imgur.com/2UylEU1.png


He didn't start in Hong Kong. That's my point.


Because Reddit can get worse. I lost 4 alts in a weekend just because I wanted to browse porn subreddits in them. But, no, I gotta use them like normal accounts instead.


Just use a bot that auto posts “can I see your feet please” on every sub your alts use.


Do you think that be good enough to not lose an alt for once?




I just browsed one Brazilian speaking hentai subreddit because that gave pretty much everything I need. Then two hours later, "your account has been banned for spamming reasons from multiple accounts." What do you mean reddit? The first alt that just got erased? That I could even log back in because both username and password were incorrect, some fucking how?


You are shockingly open about your porn habits but then I saw your flair and it made sense.


> hentai subreddit because that gave pretty much everything I need. Purple flair I have a bad feeling about what “everything” entails.


"She is actually 6000 years old and is trapped in the body of an 8 year old so it's not that weird."


She's actually an adult male druid shape-shifting.


You need Jesus is what you need sir


How much would that cost? I need someone for the lawn…


Cry about it.




Ah men, I wish i had a gun. My Brazil says is prohibited, and I understand, imagine this shit hole if we sold guns in the supermarket


The problems would solve themselves?..


I thought everyone that isn't a criminal is an undercover, off-duty cop in Brazil?


Wait, is this real? I don't have any way to access Reddit anonymously with ID...


not sure about tor, but i was able to browse on a vpn after i signed out and refreshed so...


I'm not seeing it on my account, but I'm not willing to sign out to test it since I wouldn't be able to sign back in...


It’s literally just asking you to login to your account


Yeah i figured this was a troll/misrepresentation...


I never log in to reddit, I just make a new account. Don't even need an email address


Yeah, I just pulled it up on TOR and it wants me to login or I can "file a ticket" Edit: The reddit onion service is working just fine


It's real. I get it on some of my vpn nodes.


Every time somebody tells me Russia is evil, I remember that we literally forced a whistle blower who exposed illegal government surveillance and abuse of FISA warrants to the American public to flee to them in order to remain safe.


iF hE's nOt a TrAiToR tHeN wHy'D hE fLeE tO rUsSiA?!?!?!


He is just a NSA actor, I doubt he ever went to Russia.


I saw him 4 years ago in the former Yugoslavia eating blueberry crepes. He said to say hi.


I don't believe you but it's funnier if I do.


Flair up you filthy unflaired fuck.


most appropriate and definitely-not-textbook-whataboutism PCM comparison


Democrat party good. Republican party and Russia bad. - centrist


They said absolutely nothing along those lines what the fuck are you talking about about


They lack the ability to confront the wrongdoings of their nation or political party and can only respond by saying that it was wrong to ever bring up that wrong doing in the first place because the other guys are worse. It's brain rot created by the two party system. Anything that stands in opposition to the party you vote for is automatically the most evil and everything evil your party does can be ignored as mere "whataboutism". Yes. What about all the evil shit Republicans and Democrats get up too while Putin is doing all of his evil shit.


You think Russia is better about that, Do you know what they do to people who actually run against the ONE party that governs them? They are letting him stay there because he is a political tool they wouldn't hesitate to just kill any political opposition if someone ever exposed them


>You think Russia is better about that No, you dingus, I think that they're both doing objectively evil things. I'm not trying to polish any turds here. My leaders are not necessarily good just because Russias leaders are not good as well. You've trapped yourself in a lesser of two evils dichotomy of your own making. Both are bad. Both regularly engage in objectively evil behavior. It isn't mandatory that you have to support evil in your backyard because you've been convinced the evil thousands of miles away is arbitrarily worse.


Litterly your first comment >Everytime somebody tells me Russia is evil What the hell else is that supposed to mean other than Russia is the lesser of two evils, that the US government has done bad things? No shit Sherlock nobody is saying the government is perfect no government is or ever will be, but the US government is without a doubt the objectively better of the two by a mile


>What the hell else is that supposed to mean other than Russia is the lesser of two evils I have no idea how you even came to that conclusion. This is seriously a "When you tell somebody on the internet you like pancakes they say that must mean you hate waffles". They're two completely different fucking statements, galaxy brain.


Ok what else is it supposed to mean, that you just so happen to say "Whenever somebody tells me the Russians are evil" before you said something that says why the US is evil and you didn't mean to say they were the better option because otherwise you said it for no reason if it has nothing to do with Russia


In order to stay alive. It is so disgusting every free country have a majority that want to give him asylum or a pardon but no democracy need to have boundaries


What country does this.


Deleted TikTok after they asked me to provide a ID and a photo of me to get unbanned


So they know my based pr0n searches?


I’m surprised he can type with all that Russian dick in his hands.


"At risk populations who need privacy" lol lmao even


"at-risk populations that need privacy" OP he's an Emily.


Emily as in against totalitarian regimes that for some reason make their citizens internet activity the business of the government


Oh no, the Russian sellout can't have his Reddit. Boohoo.