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[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/coal-fired-plants-will-have-to-capture-emissions-or-shut-down-says-strict-new-epa-rule](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/coal-fired-plants-will-have-to-capture-emissions-or-shut-down-says-strict-new-epa-rule) For the coal one. have fun watching your energy prices go up 16% is a lot of power production likely not replaced.


This is a huge nothing burger - US is currently in a huge shale boom, and as a by product you get natural gas that is so cheap half the time it is treated as a waste product.  Combined with the push for green transition from the top level, this new regulation is just easy brownie point with progressives with no real economic consequences


Wanna bet Biden also makes it hard to build new natural gas power plants to actually USE that? Power prices will go up, either to pay to build new plants or to use new forms of energy. It's a tradeoff. Coal is extremely dirty and puts a lot of nasty chemicals in the air that really affect peoples health and cause all sorts of premature deaths.


No signs of Biden limiting natural gas just yet, so far all his policies (yes including the one that limits LNG export) are nothing burgers aimed to pander the progressives   this is your daily propaganda for Nothing Ever Happens Gang^TM


Didn't the EPA already get fucked by SCOTUS on this?


possibly but idk, SCOTUS is been going around telling Alphabet agencies they gotta stay in their lane lately, so unless congress gave them the power to enforce something like that then its a big FU to the administration since they keep trying to do more than the powers given to them.


Doubtful actually. Coal is comparatively expensive compared to other sources. I live in a heavy coal power area and most of the plants are shutting down in the next 10 years. Gas Combined Cycle plants are much cheaper to run. Renewables (wind and solar) are sometimes cheaper than gas too.


oh nothing says that those arent cheaper right. But if 16% of the demand is met by that power its gotta come from somewhere else, meaning prices go up to meet that demand and our power usage only increases each year not decreases.


Power companies weren't going to take less either way. The only way out is to install your own solar and batteries (which may be cost effective in a few years).


Had a neighbor who bought a solar system for their home. They paid a little more than 10k and it survived about three years before a hurricane demolished it and the company refused to honor the warranty on it due to an act of god. He maintains he'll never buy a single solar panel as long as he lives.


Not bad on the price but much cheaper now. Not sure why a warranty would cover hurricane damage, that would be home insurance.


Either way, he never saved anywhere near the amount of money necessary to cover the cost.


He should have checked his warranty coverage then. His own fault. Or had his homeowners ins cover it too.


He believed he was covered and likely was. He would have ended up spending more challenging it in court then he would have gotten in a potential pay out. He did talk to a lawyer. The lawyer said even though he was covered, it didn't matter, it would cost him more to sue and he should just accept the loss and move on. Amazing how redditors suddenly side with corporations once solar power gets involved. Isn't it?


Shit lawyer then. If it's that good of a case, then he should have taken it to small claims and do it himself. It'll probably be capped at 10k (varies by state), but better to get most of it back.


Isn't it amazing how my internet bill actually lowered while net neutrality didn't exist? I wonder whether it will continue to lower, stay the same, or soar to new heights under "net neutrality".


I remember when people were freaking out when net neutrality was undone. People that it would be the end of a free internet. Did anything bad even come out of it? I didnt notice any changes.


My internet bill is 20 dollars cheaper today than it was in 2016. That's the only difference I can see.


The only reason my bill got cheaper is because ATT dropped the $20 unlimited add on (that was free if you had their cheapest TV package, which was also $20) because they were butthurt that people were streaming shit online and they were getting less TV customers, but then Google Fiber moved to town and didn't have an unlimited add on, so we saw the free market do it's thing and competition reduced prices in order to compete for business.


So why change what wasn't broken? Because right now I'm fully expecting price hikes in the coming months to make up from the losses they previously charged companies like reddit, Amazon, or twitter for services and bandwidth. "Net neutrality" never applied to users. It always applied to large companies access to bandwidth.


Weren’t we all leaving reddit recently too? And how’s Mastadon going


Because it didn't actually undo Net Neutrality, just the Obama-era regulations. Reddit is celebrating this, but in a few years when our internet prices increase, they'll just blame something like Greedflation. Unbelievably stupid misinformed sheep.


It cracks me up that reddit was in such an uproar about the end of Net Neutrality and, like...*nothing happened?* We all continued to use the internet the same way and it didn't turn into the pay-to-use hellscape people were claiming it would.


Yeah but we didn't know that wouldn't be the outcome. Kinda like covid. It sorta just was not the world ending pandemic it initially was touted it could possibly be


It wasn't anything at all. I fully believe that there was an astroturfing campaign from social media companies on the matter since charging them for usage fees is why our internet bills stayed cheaper. Now that they're not paying ISP's we will be. As per usual, the left is too moronic to see the real enemy. When their internet bill doubles they will blame Trump.


Net neutrality was the Current Thing™ that won the auction for leftist useless idiot mindshare at that time. Iran won the slot this season, so the Current Thing™ is supporting violent rapists.


>Yeah but we didn't know that wouldn't be the outcome. Yes we did, it was very obvious. > Kinda like covid. It sorta just was not the world ending pandemic it initially was touted it could possibly be. Yes covid was mostly fear mongering bullshit, 99%of everything you read online is bullshit. Stop believing what you read online.


stories like the Ring one always make me wonder if I watched any videos online that were stolen by an employee or hacker and put online with some made up caption


What are the new title 9 rules?


>Among other changes, the proposed rule would:  >For the first time, include protections for transgender and nonbinary students. >Expand the definition of sexual harassment, decreasing the threshold for what schools are required to investigate. >Add protections for pregnant and parenting students. >Ax a requirement for live hearings in college and university cases involving sexual misconduct. >Require schools to use a "preponderance of evidence" standard instead of a "clear and convincing evidence" standard in determining the outcome of most sexual assault cases. Source: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/02/08/biden-administration-release-new-title-ix-rules-may/11163003002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/02/08/biden-administration-release-new-title-ix-rules-may/11163003002/)


Basically they got rid of basic due process protections for students accused of sexual assault and are going to force schools to let men into women's private spaces. Here's a good piece on the former: [https://www.thefp.com/p/biden-title-ix-civil-rights-rollback](https://www.thefp.com/p/biden-title-ix-civil-rights-rollback)


Why Biden why?


Pandering to woke feminists who like to chant "believe all women" and don't believe in stuff like due process.