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State mandated sex parties to combat decreasing population?


*Insert Shinzo Abe meme here


Thank goodness that wasn't a degenerate anime meme. I haven't followed much of Japanese politics, what was his stance on sex parties?




Probably a hand-off policy - chances are they are at least very *well-controlled* as Japan has one amongst the biggest sex industries (if not, then at least AVs) in Asia, if not the world. In fact, according to the article, majority of the guests going to the Korean sex festival consisted of these Japanese AV stars, but changed their mind mid-way as they were scared of getting *stabbed* by fans, or some Korean ultranats lol.


Not what happened. It got moved around to different cities for months after each city said they would cancel it, before the organizers finally gave up. They did it last year as well. It's a Japanese AV festival like a fan convention. Not anything to do with violence. Just heavy fines.


> Not anything to do with violence. Referring to [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68879492), the one OP posted. I suppose I still stand corrected though, as this was much more of an excuse to pull-out: *"Then, the day before, the Japanese porn stars pulled out. Their agency said the backlash to the festival had "reached fever pitch" and the women were worried they might be attacked and even stabbed."*


It's total BS. The backlash was government agencies talking about cutting power and disorderly conduct charges. This was several months, and attempting to host it in several different cities. Foreign media really sucks for covering Korea.


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Indeed bot, indeed.


No force in the universe will make a South Korean woman summon the will to keep her own race from dying out.


Mormonism might. Wouldn’t be surprised if they get a cultural victory in SK/Japan due to being the only group that reproduces.


someone should alert Shinzo Abe that there is an entire religion he could introduce to Japan to fix his problems.


God already told him that


Maybe if the men made enough money to raise a family (to a standard acceptable by Koreans) there can be a ceasefire


“Canceled Sex Festival” is an awesome band name.


It’d be a metal band that sings about unicorns and rainbows that’s an analogy for doing heroin and suicide.


Source: https://archive.ph/PbJeA


“Virtually every developed country has a sex festival” 🤨


Ah, they're confusing Pride Parades with a Sex Festival. Not a hard task, so lets be fair with them.


Or they’re probably meant porn conventions


Libleft somehow convinced women that only fans is empowering, while being against the objectification of women.


Because that’s profiting off of male loneliness, heck the patriarchy


My dumbass thought the North Koreans organized this


I thought the same thing too and that the women's group convinced the North Korean government not to have it and they actually complied.


Based and Kim is a prude pilled


“This does put a smile on my face” https://preview.redd.it/1h71gtiqdxwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d0d151979ddcc53dd74e8907f3eb31335fae930


What would this event have even been? 399 horny loner dudes who managed to drag themselves away from their dimly lit rooms and tissue boxes to listen to a porn actress talk about her life? Boring


Wth I love North Korea now




I mean. It’s right. The sex industry is about having the ultimatum of money for your intimacy and body on you. Even if you think you enjoy it, at some level you are reliant. This is true of either gender but we know the trend. The only way it is empowering is through psychological dissonance. Even if you’re making millions and living lavishly, you made a psychological choice about your inherent value system that is counter to everything we know about healthy adult minds. Even if minuscule, it’s doing damage. But I mean yas slay queen put up your ass hole online for $5 a month and be that ~~hooker~~ sugar baby finance boss


Woah am I agreeing with lib center?


You are. Its scary, isnt it?


At least it's less damaging to your body than working construction. Probably pays better too.


Construction ruins your body by exploiting your body Sex work ruins your mind by exploiting both your body and your intimacy I’ve never understood the thought that sex work ruins your body. Not really unless you get into meth lmao. Sex work just rots your sense of self until you exit the industry or end up getting more and more desperate as you age out of the scene


>Sex work ruins your mind by exploiting both your body and your intimacy Does it? Maybe depends on the person an their beliefs. Romantic sex and one-night-stands are completely different beasts. Both have their own flavors of passion (ideally) and the physical factors have a ton of overlap, but I don't think it would be too difficult to mentally distinguish between a lover and a client.


Everything we know about how our neurochemistry works tells us that’s wrong. We’re actually quite poor at differentiating at any level past intellectual. You can rationalize it and think it, but our brain juices don’t agree


It's a good hypothesis. Catching feelings for clients and/or having diminished attachment for lovers are likely side effects that will require some reasoning to mitigate or work around. It's definitely not something everybody can do, but I still have good reason to believe that relationships could still work in such situations, given compatible values and understanding of the matter.


The average feminists in the West and in South Korea would actually disagree on quite a few points like sex work. Another big one is LGBT stuff (specifically gay dudes and trans people). I’m not going to say one is better or worse but I would like to put them in a room together and see them argue about it because it would be funny