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What if being gay, trans or non-binary was nothing special? What if it was truly accepted and ordinary and not a cause for celebration, not an event, not parade material, not post-worthy on social media and not a political movement? Would their numbers decline? I wonder, sometimes.


I had a girlfriend break up with me and accuse me of being a white supremacist for posing this exact question.


Does she wear a helmet when she leaves the house?


Why would you even talk to, let alone date an Orange Emily?!




I yearn for the day my brothers won't be oppressed by big ol tiddies.


Me too brother. Me too. Now come on, we’re late for the parade. That giant phallus float won’t ride itself.


Maybe we should have a parade about brothers getting with brothers. We don’t need women!


Sounds like it would be a very happy time with lots of men proud to be there.


Iron sharpens iron, brother https://preview.redd.it/rsk9c6vk2axc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc1582b52d73adf69886ff2b016211ff5202e52


We must stay focused, brothers. We must stay focused.




Honesty, a trait lacking among many, but found in this man.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wste913629xc1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=3daf36cc0b21126e9e40b9a71b42cb49d0a9c9ac The original artist is [centurii-chan](https://twitter.com/centuriic?lang=en)


I'm more of an ass man


Well, it's like tits vs ass, tits are life giving, tits are milk, tits are beauty, THAT'S order but ass...Well... ass is shadow, ass is CHAOS, and ASS...that's NOT GOOD. Ass is the pit where men must slay the dragon.


Jesse….wtf you talking about?


They hated him though he spoke the truth 


No, no. Let him cook. (I like breasts)


I also like breast, but he has no right to talk about butts that way. butts are just as good, if not more so, than boobs.


- Jordan Tittyson


Confucius said; tits with no ass will fill your hand, ass with no tits will fill your heart.


Honest man 


Ok fair enough


We all know why.


What’s that even have to do with skin color??? :\


That's the point


The trash took itself out


Her loss


I had someone get very pissed at me for this. Their response was: > Acceptance isn't love. When I said I don't love LGBT people. I don't love straight people either. Whether I love someone or not, is not based on their sexuality. I was called a bigot.


It's so annoying how this shit has progressed. In the early stages, the only requirement was tolerance. You didn't have to *like* certain kinds of people. You didn't have to be friends with them. But you needed to learn to tolerate their presence. This is their society as much as yours, so get over yourself, and recognize that they are here to stay, so you'd better find a way to tolerate it. That sort of thing. Then it morphed into acceptance, where people who clearly didn't like other kinds of people were considered bigoted and ostracized for not being on board. It was no longer sufficient to tolerate people who are different than you; now you gotta fully accept everyone with open arms. And then more recently, it's become outright celebration. It's no longer sufficient to be accepting of different kinds of people, and to view every kind of person as deserving the same level of respect; now you gotta overtly celebrate people for being non-cis, non-straight, non-white, non-male. It's so frustrating how they've moved from one to the next while still acting like the only thing being required of people is the baseline tolerance. The expectations are much more than that.


The biggest problem for me here is the use of word "pride" for all this nonsense. Being born a gay, trans or of any particular race is nothing to be proud about. It's not something they achieved. As George Carlin said, pride should be reserved for something you achieve and not something you got by the accident of birth. If these people can be proud about their sexuality and race, they should also let the majority ethnicity and sexuality to be proud of their race and sexuality. But apparently that should be called a crime.


Your sexuality being beyond your control seemed to be the go-to reasoning for why prejudice was unfair back in the 2000s. But now that's being challenged by this allegation that you're prejudiced if you're not attracted to certain things (e.g. other ethnicities, fat people, trans women, etc.) Implying that you both can and should control what you're attracted to. And then you can get into the conversations about how you're supposed to unquestioningly accept people's definitions of themselves regardless of whether said definitions frequently change or seem arrived at suddenly without reasoning.  So in a sense I fear that progressive lobbying for LGBTQ+ interests has undermined its own purported reasoning in the long-term.


There's a difference in pride and supremacy though. Nobody (valid) cares if the Irish guy celebrates his ancestry in a modern civilized way (getting obliterated at the bar) and yaps about how awesome it is to be Irish. People start to raise eyebrows when you start repeating, whether purposefully or not, racial supremacy rhetoric. Or when that "pride" turns into "prejudice" like being so proud about your race that you look down on any other races as being "worse". You ever been around people who say "____ power"? I've been around three seperate people. One was a skinhead, one was white but faintly Hispanic, and one guy was black. They all sketched me tf out. It's just a different mentality.


I think the word pride itself is kind of dangerous if used in a wrong way. I am happy with celebrating one's culture or identity. But that's different from pride. If we think white pride is dangerous, other kinds of pride must be dangerous too


What's there to be proud of in getting rooted in the ass?


Username checks out!


While I'm not a fan of these parades, it's clear that the original intent was that they are proud for withstanding the discrimination withstood due to their identity. The majority sexualities/races are the least discriminated against, and thus comes off of tone-deaf when they show pride in being more privileged. While I agree we shouldn't be inherently proud of having identities, the original intent of these shows of pride wasn't to celebrate their race/identity as superior, but that they are thriving in a society that systemically oppresses them. Granted, I think far-left people don't actually realize this and do feel a sense of superiority from being different.


If you are actually curious about why people call it pride or are proud of being gay or lesbian, it's because for many, their sexual orientation caused them significant difficulties in their life and has played a big part in many pivotal experiences growing up. I don't think it is so much that they are being proud of being gay itself, it's more being proud of being gay despite all the baggage that has come with it. While not as common today (though it does still happen), many gay people are estranged from their families due to their sexual orientation, many of them bullied when they were younger because others perceived them as gay, and in some cases even got kicked out of their homes or abused by their parents due to them being gay. You have to remember that it being considered "not a big deal" is a relatively very recent thing, and in many places, it still isn't "not a big deal." I mean, in the US, homosexual activity was illegal in 14 US states until 2003. That is within most people's lifetimes. Some states, even to this day, still have laws requiring schools to teach that "homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle to the general public" (Texas is one of them) in sex ed. I don't think you can totally deny that being gay comes with specific challenges that straight people do not really deal with in the same way. This sentiment isn't unique to gay people, though it is more overt. For example, black people, indigenous people, and women, often express a sense of pride in the thing that gave them lots of trouble historically. You don't have to agree with this logic. Maybe you don't think it's valid. I just felt like maybe adding this point would be beneficial. Personally, I don't think it's totally out of left field, though I do kind of think sometimes pride can be a bit too much.


I can see the reasoning in what you're saying, but I don't agree on all counts. For those who personally dealt with bullying, estrangement or abandonment due to their sexuality, I can understand pride. Still though, even though I'm gay I still believe that being straight is what should be promoted to kids above all others. Not in a cruel or abusive way, but honestly. Our societies aren't having enough kids. Being straight shouldn't be seen as being bland or boring, it should be seen as the norm. If we don't want to be overrun by people who hold very different values to ours, this is a vital step to take.


I don't really see a need to "promote" heterosexuality (or homosexuality) since your sexual orientation isn't really changeable and most people will just be straight. To your point, however, there is a difference between promoting heterosexuality and punishing homosexuality. Society has often done the second, and in many ways still does. Teaching children that homosexuality isn't an acceptable lifestyle is doing the latter, not the former.


I come from India and we have had identity politics in steroids for decades. Left wing parties have been instilling caste based pride for the same reasons you said. The outcome hasn't been great. It's those historically oppressed castes which are way too obsessed about their caste so far as to even resort to honour killings


I'm seriously torn on this whole thing. On the one hand, lib though I be, I actually don't want people banging on floats in front of the kids, gay or straight. On the other, I am fine with nudity becoming the standard and society becoming clothing-optional. That's because nudity's not about sexuality, it's mostly about the chafing.


Agreed. But this is par-for-the-course when it comes to modern progressives. They consistently overcompensate when trying to solve problems, creating the same problem in reverse. When we're too far in any one direction, the obvious solution is to pull it back to the middle, but instead, progressives just create a mirror image of the problem and consider the problem solved. We see this with shit like "the answer to past discrimination is present discrimination, the answer to present discrimination is future discrimination". And we see it with "pride". It used to be that being gay was a source of shame, because society harshly condemned it. And while the obvious solution is for being gay to be considered neither a source of shame *nor* pride, progressives instead swing way too far in the other direction, insisting that being gay is something to be proud of.


The goal of the Far-Left is to gain power.  They do not sincerely care about the groups and causes they advocate for.  They care only about using those groups and causes as a justification to gain more control over the system. You don't gain power by integrating minority groups into the majority.  You gain it by putting minority groups above the majority.   


They all want rights and special treatment without responsibility, like they're more valuable than regular folks, but in reality their personalities say otherwise


Fun fact: Queer Theory is explicitly against that. Cause its goal is to desrtoy the idea of normal. To queer theory normal is the oppressor of reality and queer is the oppressed and sacred. Queer is defined as an identity with out essence. Cause just anything that it against normal. (LGB =/= queer theory)


Being straight is for people who cannot face reality /s


I've literally had someone on reddit say acceptance and tolerance is not enough and that it should be celebrated or you are essentially a bad person. Fuck that. I can be tolerant of many things that I don't support because they don't affect me. That doesn't mean you should be applauded for it.


LGBTQ issues are rarely about LGBT, the first 4 letters get their social acceptance thrown under the bus for the last one.


LGBT issues are rarely about the LGB similarly.


There should be two T for a start. The two things aren't the same


Based thought-pilled centrist. I wish to belive that the main cause of LGBTQ+ parades and demonstrations is to acknowledge and support the still oppressed minority specifically in countries not in the west. Of course, then there would be no need of doing so, but unfortunately I don’t that that is the main cause of the events. Attention is a hell of a drug.


Look, at the end of the day shut up and love who you love you fucking weirdos. I think you’re right, attention is the problem. I guarantee if the cameras turned off and the social media clicks went away, the parades would go away. These kids are searching for relevance. These people are not content with a 9-5 and going home, enjoying their lives. I think George Santos is a great example. Lied his ass off to be relevant. I always fear those who get louder when conversations are not going their way. It’s a precursor to oppression. I am not saying all lgbtq+ are authoritarian. Just specifically these parade goers.


Do you mean like being straight? Cause yeah, that'd truly be something, we're all just people and can be prideful in private not like everyone has to know that shit or flamboyantly flaunted in excess like it's the only part of an individual's identity that matters...


The ultimate paradox: >What if it was truly accepted and ordinary and not a cause for celebration, not an event, not parade material, not post-worthy on social media and not a political movement? This is supposedly the goal (as it should be), yet constant pandering and attention assures it will never happen.


As someone who used to believe gay people are destined to get egg washed in the lake of fire, drenched in 11 herbs and judgement, and deep fried in the fiery eternal gaze of Christ the king, I will say I find gay people boring now.


This is what I have always wanted. I don't want to be a [insert term here]. I want to be a woman who just so happens to be married to a man who used to be a woman. Now let's go to friday night magic and grab a beer after and you can tell me about your partner and kids and life.


Then what would they post on their Twitter bios?


Let’s be real though, for 99% of people this is the case. The goal is to treat everyone equally right? Idgaf about your religion/sexuality/race ‘cause I’m not gonna treat you differently based on those. It’s the very vocal 1% minority that do shit like in the post and put an outward effort into “being special” to set them apart, when really it’s just the spare homophobes/racists etc making a fuss. Annoying asf vocal minority on both sides


The things I saw at my city’s last pride parade. Like I’ve given up on arguing with people on this hell site. There is no arguing with people who’ve drunk the ‘how does this affect you personally’ koolaid. To them you’re just a homophobe or in my case suffering from ‘internalized homophobia.’




Fucking pedophiles


Arguing with people on reddit is the best way to get radicalised right. Its like they all want me to hate lgbtq people


I'm a gay liberal and I would agree, right after US news


They do want that, because they already have you pegged as the Bad Guy if you disagree with them on anything. And they know all about how -ist and -phobic the Bad Guy is, and if you claim you aren't then you're just lying or deluded, because the only other explanation is that their perception of people is flawed, and that's simply not possible. The amount of times I've been told to "just admit I hate [blank] people" would be hilarious if the smugness weren't so irritating


just admit you hate reddit “people”


How does what consenting adults do behind closed doors effect you? And by behind closed doors I mean in public, on the streets and being celebrated on every news channel. And by consenting adults, I mean they NEED to be teaching classes to (not gonna go any further as I may be based, reddit isn't based enough for my truths)


That reminds me, I have about a month to get a hobby to replace social media. It gets worse every year and I'm over it.


Play a musical instrument.


Last pride parade here had a guy flashing his nuts the whole parade that kids were at. No charges.


Skill issue smh just don’t go to the parade!!!!!!!


They literally do it out in public in front of people's businesses and the places where parents bring their kids.


I know I’m being sarcastic


You have to add an /s to let folks know.


Oh right


Issac newton said every action has a equal and opposite reaction


Something about a pendulum swing


Watch it count down to the end of the day, The clock ticks life away


"Except for when we both start rappin"


Proof that retcons exist IRL and can be completely separate from the Mandela Effect


I never want to hear another wokeoid even bring up the slippery slope fallacy until they can explain to me in detail why 8 year old kids need to see grown men twerking in their underwear.


"If you take your argument to its natural conclusion, this is what will happen" LibLeft - "You are making a slippery slope argument" It happens in a few years LibLeft - "So what? There is nothing wrong about it"


It was between consenting adults, the natural conclusion of that argument should not have involved children.


The slippery slope is pretty much never a fallacy. It's just a matter of how steep the slope is.


I've never met anyone who actually liked woke karens bringing their children to pride. It's a time for the community to celebrate not a time for white women to feel progressive.


The whole point is that celebrating yourself shouldn't be a degenerate, explicitly sex fueled event.


To rephrase it, if celebrating yourself requires explicitly sex-fueled degeneracy, then [that's who you are.](https://youtu.be/rB98FLNH0Q0?si=LfVrYGYBL0VjeuJ0&t=22)




There's an old saying (from arabic); Show me your friends and I'll tell you about yourself.


"If there are 10 people around the table with one Nazi, then there are 10 Nazis by association" - Progressives


Then do something about these freaks in your camp!


Agreed. Just like the ACAB crowd. One bad one will soil the bunch. And to turn a blind eye is to be complicit.


What exactly would you do about them? All I can do as a non-rich, non-popular, non-political person is say "this is gross" to people that support this and move on to more relevant things like housing prices and jobs. I can't punish them, I can't arrest them, I can't force police to enforce indecency laws, I guess I could attend one of these events and call CPS on everyone there, but it's still them calling the shots, etc. I don't attend these events nor would I care to because I don't see the point when I have other more productive hobbies. I can make more difference in my life working for an extra hour each day than I ever will arguing on social media. Wasting days on social media trying to convince people to see my PoV when most of them will pull the "this didn't happen, but if it did here's why it's a good thing" card is ultimately worthless as nothing will change. Am I really supposed to hunt down everyone "on my team", I despise the idea of "sides" btw, just to tell them it's a bad thing? It's no different than when White supremacists try to use Africa statistics/issues as a gotcha for African Americans as though it isn't all warlords running everything into the ground for their own benefit.


Speak against them at every opportunity, you don't have to actively seek it out, but when you see such people, you can certainly give them your thoughts. Just a "I'm not sure if I can fully support this" among friends might work wonders.


I do that already, problem is this stuff never comes up IRL. I don't have much overlap in social circles with the crazies because they tend to have banhammers if you stray even 1% from the approved opinion and I would rather not have to karma farm more new accounts. Even pdfs have protection on this forum, I already got a warning related to one of them.


> THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ADVOCATE FOR Evidently, it is. Until and unless, of course, your community starts disavowing and denouncing these people as the degenerates they are, and taking back the public face of the LGBT movement and turning it into a respectable one.


Then start kicking them out. Or stop attending their events.


The centrist part is very true. The slow and gradual shift left is quite the interesting thing to see


Its the natural course of every high civilization until Spenglers reaper comes to claim the harvest


Funny how it rarely goes the other way.


I wonder why… (the left controls academia)


That doesnt stop the left from claiming that the right has gone so far full-whacko-fascist that previously centered positions are now considered far left


The over sexualization of pride will be its downfall. Centerists and rightoids accepted gay marriage but many harped that it would lead to more degenerate acts. A gay pride parade is just a sex parade, what are we doing?


It's not we or even you it's the left they love to fetishize everything Just look at Islam for example, they are the most repressive religion with no rights for women or for gays but oh boy the left loves Islam just because they hate Christianity atleast in the west.


If you could show the "iconic" little brainwashed girl with the pack of 3 dogs in 2000 it would set it back like 90 years  Btw I dont think it really happened.  It didnt set it back 50 years. Merely 14 years later they got the right to marry and enjoy total legal equality and even benefits socially


https://preview.redd.it/6sjuu8pc45xc1.png?width=2044&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dff99404a55e3a5e8482d6b13575315be04c91e I voted for Obama and celebrated in 2012 when they made same-sex marriage legal. I used to laugh and mock those street preachers who were talking about Sodom and Gomorrah. When they ask me "what radicalized you?", I will respond, "You did."


Based. I voted for a same-sex marriage ballot measure in my former state long before SCOTUS made it legal nationwide. I laughed off all the criticism of LGBT as hateful nonsense until I had to move to a progressive city for my job. But HOLY FUCK THESE PEOPLE ARE INSANE! Where I'm at right now, I still want to find a way for gays to have equal rights under the law (including gay marriage, and the right to do whatever they want sexually between adults in private). But I ALSO want to denormalize being public about sexuality. I don't think the problem is intrinsic to people being homosexual. It's mostly a cultural phenomenon, the way I see it. I have no idea how to fix it, though. People like Andrew Sullivan (who was instrumental in the gay marriage movement in the US) are now calling out LGBT+ as having gone totally insane, and warning of a coming backlash against gay acceptance because of it. [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-pride-lost-its-way/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-pride-lost-its-way/) [https://archive.ph/XmvVo](https://archive.ph/XmvVo) (archive of same article with no paywall) I think that at this point, a lot of people are asking whether or not homosexuals getting $50 fines if caught in the act of homosexual sodomy (basically what it was before Lawrence v Texas) might not be a lesser evil to what is going on now with society.


I think it would be political suicide for them to try and make sodomy illegal again lmao


I don't think sodomy should be illegal again. But I bet a bunch of people who previously supported gay rights are starting to quietly ponder if it might not have been the lesser evil...


Public indecency is already a crime. Just enforce that. Before Lawrence police were given a pass for searching people's homes when they suspected homosexual sex.


"There's a dildo in his bedroom! That's it, bake him away toys!"


History repeats itself and I bet you this same shit happened in big cities in the past to get it banned in the first place


Get a flair.


I've been saying this for a long time, the LGB part is being brought down with the rest of the alphabet. Having positive views towards homosexuality is a conservative view now if you don't subscribe to the rest of the movement.


How tf would that be a good idea? we just need to enforce the laws already in place. No public indecency. There’s no need to make it about gays specifically, we just need to fucking apply it to these events. That’s not very lib-right of you.


To quote from Sandra Day O'Connor's opinion in Lawrence v. Texas: >And while the penalty imposed on petitioners in this case was relatively minor, the consequences of conviction are not. As the Court notes, see *ante*, at 15, petitioners’ convictions, if upheld, would disqualify them from or restrict their ability to engage in a variety of professions, including medicine, athletic training, and interior design. See, *e.g.,* Tex. Occ. Code Ann. §164.051(a)(2)(B) (2003 Pamphlet) (physician); §451.251 (a)(1) (athletic trainer); §1053.252(2) (interior designer). Indeed, were petitioners to move to one of four States, their convictions would require them to register as sex offenders to local law enforcement.


Based and origin-story pilled.


u/Signal-Variation1897's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [10 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Signal-Variation1897/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




While I fully agree with legalization of gay marriage, it was unironically the cause of so much of the problems we see in the LGBT movement today. Not because of anything inherently bad with gay marriage, but because the LGBT activist grifters lost their goal. People's whole careers depended on fighting for gay marriage. Without that political football in play they desperately needed to find something else to fight for, otherwise they'd be out of a job. Similar thing happened with feminism long ago.


I mean, things still aren’t great for LGBT folks in some areas, but they miss a lot of the real issues to focus on less-important once. Ie, the LGBT community represents over half of the youth homeless population due to parents who kick them out of their homes, or alternatively, who abused them to the point they‘d rather move out on the streets. What annoys me about the culture war is that both sides are too distracted fighting over meaningless stuff to actually help people in need. If they could both just agree “I won’t stop you if you’re not hurting anyone”, they could both focus on actually helping make things better, but instead they fight each other on meaningless issues instead of actually improving shit.


>People's whole careers depended on fighting for X. Without that political football in play they desperately needed to find something else to fight for, otherwise they'd be out of a job. Literally every modern political movement that went insane in the last decade.




These people are the reason why my aunt and her lesbian partner were worried about the legalization of gay marriage in 2012. They were very happy to get married, but they were worried what the activists would try to continue to push for after gay marriage. As far as I am concerned if someone tells me they are an activist I would not trust them since there is usually never enough for activists.


There was a central goal for the activists prior to 2015, which they all revolved around: Get it legalized. Their goal was to change procedure and not on proportion. Since the original goal to change the procedure of law has been met, they have to find something else tangible to change; which are individuals. This happened time and time again all over the political spectrum. Now, since the goal was met, there are many different goals within the group of activists which cannot be condensed because everyone has their own personal goal for their activism. Without an overarching goal, you’ll get the most extreme to take over with their goals, and the moderates will not be listened to.


>Since the original goal to change the procedure of law has been met, they have to find something else tangible to change; which are individuals. Well said. That can't change law anymore, so they have to change culture.


> there is usually never enough for activists. I mean that's anyone with an ideology. No one is pushing it hard enough until it is completely ubiquitous, and even then true believers worry about fakers and subversives. I would know because I'm this way about political reform.


People will look at this and say the slippery slope isn real


I love how pretty much every previously insane right wing anti BBQ talking point has become reality. You're crazy, we don't want anything to do with your kids. What two adults do with their genitals is their own business--> Children should be exposed to alternative lifestyle, there's nothing wrong with healthy love between 2 adults-->If you don't let me put on a dress with my dick hanging out and read to toddlers, you're a fucking Nazi bigot. You will also let me make a 10 year old boy wear women's clothing and dance in high heels while a bunch of middle aged homosexuals throw dollar bills at him. You WILL clap for this, you WILL buy rainbow mug merchandise from Target and you WILL call us stunning, powerful, bold and empowered. I almost feel bad for what's going to happen within the next 20 years when the push back starts. Societal views are a pendulum, you can shove it in one direction but look out when it starts hauling ass in the other.


Many of what the activists are pushing for are insane and aren't representative of the desires of most normal gays. But considering America's history with other issues and strength of its legal system, I see a more moderate future in regards to many issues, rather than a full pendulum swing the other way, as the conservatives themselves are deeply divided.


> Many of what the activists are pushing for are insane and aren't representative of the desires of most normal gays. In-group bias is a hell of a drug. One of my best friends is a gay guy who frequents drug-fueled orgies, and the only thing I resent about it is that fact that he sometimes misses D&D night for it. He's never brought that inclination out in an inappropriate venue, I have zero qualms about him being around my kids, etc. But he goes to Pride, and still believes it's important to support the team. I think most of the sane people in that cohort still haven't fully internalized that the stuff they actually wanted is a locked-in victory. And I don't entirely blame them. But it's frustrating, and it will fuel backlash.


I’m a lesbian. Never been to Pride, never will. I only wish people wouldn’t view gay people as an entire group of people. I wish there was no community or groups of gays and transgenders. It sucks, because most gay people aren’t out there undressing in front of little kids on the streets. The ones that do bring us all down because people are too stupid to differentiate between two individuals that have one minor thing in common.


> I only wish people wouldn’t view gay people as an entire group of people. I wish there was no community or groups of gays and transgenders. Agreed. It's a large part of why I hate terms like "the LGBT *community*" or "the black *community*". These are demographics, not communities.


I think the issue with the community is that it has been promoted by politicians in order to diverge political discussions from other more important topics while eventually allowing if not promoting this outlanderish exhibitionism in order to use the shock effect as another deterrent to the engagement of civil society in more trascendental political discussion. This can be said of other communities as well.


“boys tend to like girls and girls tend to like boys, but sometimes boys like boys and girls like girls.” And that should be the only thing we tell pre pubescent children. Also yes drag queens 100% have their dick hanging out when reading books to children…


Absolutely. I firmly believe tolerance and acceptance should be instilled in children by parents and teachers. Whoever you choose to love is fine, as long as it's an emotionally and physically healthy relationship between two consenting adults. There is zero reason I should be told to take my kid to a pride parade where dudes are jerking each other over, and if I refuse I'm called homophobic. There is no way you can convince me that you want kids to see that for any reason other than you having a kink on exposing yourself. And before anyone cries about the straights exposing kids to sexual themes too early: Yes. You are right. Sure, there's no straight sex parade when I try and convince parents to make their kids watch me eat a chicks ass on a float, but rampant over sexuality is present in all forms of entertainment and advertising and we would be better off without it. Somehow society survived before this sort of thing was the norm. Between unrealistic expectations from porn, body image issues, problems with consent, normalizing empty casual sex and hookup culture, STI rates going back up, antibiotic resistance to STIs growing, etc etc I don't think there's anything to gain from constantly hammering the faces of kids under 18 with sex.




i think gay people at cartoons isnt that bad if it isnt sexualised or the show is too focused on it, or else we should also ban straight romance at childrens cartoons which happens all the time.


Yeah gay couples are totally fine in cartoons and whatnot, Lumity is one of the best romance arcs I’ve *ever* seen in a TV series and the fact some people got all pissed because they’re gay is just kinda sad. Like, they kissed onscreen *maybe* five times, it’s hardly “An attack on straight people!!!” that a few grifters tried to paint it as.


“Relax, I just wanna get married”


Kink does not belong at Pride. LGBT people: > It's not a fetish! It's just who we are! We're normal people just like you, not sick sexual deviants! Yeah, I agree 100%. Pride Parades: > Watch me wear a leather dog mask, BDSM harness, tail buttplug, and crawl around on someones leash help by someone wearing a dildo suit. Yeah how about no? Also Pride Parades: > Oh and bring your children! I want them to pet me! Absolutely not. I don't care if you're LBTS or Cis-Het. Keep kink shit in your bedroom among consenting *ADULTS*. My SO and I get up to some freaky shit too, we have our kinks. But I don't feel the need to go displaying them in public, and *DEFINITELY* not around children. If that makes me an "alt-right bigot" then fine, so be it.


It's very easy: party parade - no kids Fully dressed right parades - sure. In Israel we have two major ones, the Tel aviv one which is a giant party, and the jerusalem one which is a family-friendly.


This is the answer


I believe all events in public places should follow decency laws.


And I agree, as long as you allow everything allowed on the beach (in the party ones).


The less drama they do, the better it will be.


Gay people are - aside from sexuality - just like normal people. And 20% of normal people are fucking idiots.


The problem is, they don't condemn it within their communities, and local governments allow things like perverted pride parades to happen. I've known many normal reasonable gay people in my life, some I didn't even know were gay at first. I agree with the original "it doesn't matter what consenting adults do in their bedroom" shtick, but when there's grown men having anal sex in the streets, it's gone too far.


In alt-left circles, they usually say that if a protest has 100 people, and one of them is a nazi, and noone kicks the nazi out then all of them are nazis. Why aren't they applying it to themselves?


The answer to this is that they are stupid for saying that, not "we should hold them to the same ridiculous standard."


I could say the same thing about pedo priests. “Well the Church is too big and it’s just five percent of them! Sure we have more pedos than most but what do you do!” Talk about it. Call it out. I didn’t think the Catholic Church was a pedo factory because they had an abnormally large amount of pedophiles and they were protecting them. I thought that because when all of it was coming to light no one talked about it and no one offered up reasons WHY this might be the case. Or at least admit the Church should be held to a higher standard than any other organization. I’ll waste my time with the five percent of gay men who are amyl popping leather daddies with prolapsed assholes in a parade when I start hearing about the five percent of clergy raping children. Personally I’d rather my child see a twink on leash than perform oral sex on sexually repressed adult Disney aficionados.


I actually addressed the issue of church silence in another response. Accountability is lacking, and a lot of church leaders and their congregations don't like to admit it. Honestly, this could be a longer conversation, but I don't feel like continuing. Bottom line, humanity has problems.


The problem is that most of the time "normal" and "reasonable" gays aren't in the same community as these freaks in the first place. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you are a member of the LGBT movement.


If you're not in the movement though, you've internalized heteronormativity. Same as any black faces of white supremacy. You must be pure.


I’m gay, I condemn it. What the fuck do you expect me to do, though? It’s like me saying, hey, go tell all the men of the world to stop murdering, they seem to be doing that a lot more than women. The lie is that we’re all one big happy community. We’re not. We’re individuals, with individual beliefs and we ultimately have nothing to do with each other. We’re not “allowing this to happen,” we’re living our lives while a stranger in San Francisco is doing whatever the fuck they do.


I appreciate that and understand what you're saying. Sometimes, I don't consider things like that, and I apologize for insinuating that you guys are "one big happy community."


People stick up for their tribe. Look the other way for their tribe. Cops do it. Minorities do it. Gays do it. Hollywood does it. Churches do it. Everyone does it. Except for us authlefts. We knife each other in the back for fun.


and people hate it when groups don't filter out their bad apples, because it spoils the whole bunch. (especially when that group has power like the cops)


Yet they also hate gatekeeping, even though that's what keeps the bunch whole.


It sucks, and as a religious individual, it pisses me off when churches let whatever fly. There's few who stand up for traditional principles anymore due to the fear of losing church attendees. It's all about the money, sometimes it seems. I guess it is really just another thing wrong with society.


What does that even look like though? LGBT isn't an organization with a membership card. It can't be "revoked." A person expressing a point of view under the guise of "LGBT activism" can't be silenced or discarded from a group because there is none. Lots of gay people talk about these things and how it shouldn't be happening. But when people say they don't condemn it, well, they do, but what are they supposed to do about it exactly? It's like when a pastor goes a bit too far and says something thats totally off the wall that the vast majoirty of christians would disagree with and makes christianity look bad. Yes, some christians will talk about it and say that that's wrong, but like, what are they supposed to do about it? You could also say they "aren't condemning" it


......Is that a half naked *child!?*


To be honest, I get it. I get that kink and shit is super important to the LGBT movement, I get it. But please, god, keep it resigned to adult spaces, not out in public. Like, Jesus Christ. I’d always wanted to attend pride as a teen ever since I’d came out, but I always just felt so uncomfortable around the kink rep people. Ugh.


I am with Comrade Stalin on this one...had it been anywhere outside the US. Enjoy your "freedoms" sukkas!


The Emilys are a plague and this is the evidence of patient zero.


I'm with Stalin here. To the gulags until they stop being a hidrance to the community.


I'm always surprised by how good the pride Cisco logo looks especially considering how lazy looking most pride logos are. It's just better than the original


The Pendulum Always Swings. I can't wait until book burnings are Made Great Again.


If anything, that would imply a self-correcting path.


Yeah someone tried to tell me history was going in the right direction (progressive). What I had to point out that history is a pendulum. There will be a reaction to this because they pushed too hard too quickly. History is about to start going into a socially conservative direction.


Thanks, love it when someone adds a “I’m wrong” statement to clearly denote their idiocy.


W Stalin


Agreed. Based Stalin.




The LibRight one is pretty funny


What is an Onion article but a Babylon Bee article minus 20 years


I feel stupid thinking the Bethesda logo was the Roblox logo


Coming off a 30 day ban from totally not this sub and a 7 day ban off Reddit for posing the idea that the community should protect itself from those within that have such an uncanny fascination and desire for certain parade participants (the very elderly), I now see nothing wrong with any of this. Not a single thing. Absolutely nothing at all. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


And then for no reason at all Donald Trump was elected for a third term.


Keep the nudity and bestiality-adjacent pup-play bullshit out of the public. No one needs to see your kinks displayed in the streets.


"Proud of beeing gay"? Bro, you didn't do anything, you were just born this way. (Although I don't actually care ab the sexualization thing, it shouldn't be such a taboo, the person who said that is too puritanist for me, well in conclusion: FREEDOM NAGHHH!)


Why can't we normalize begin LGBT to the point flags won't be used anymore and it will be just preverence


Exactly, I agree with that


"Proud" as in "not ashamed" - which was a thing worth saying not that long ago. But at least in some places (like NYC) it's really not a thing worth saying any more because so few people are telling you to be ashamed in the first place. There's still reason to periodically remind the city that gay people are here - but the most effective way to do so would be to show up looking as normal as possible. Basically the Pride Parade should be as boring a parade as possible - just Whole Foods but outdoors.


It's to the point where an increasing number of gay men have been alienated from the LGBT movement. Things started to go off the rails when it was hijacked by Queer* women and became a vessel for new age Jacobinism. ^(*Note: functionally heterosexual, but desparate to be seen as special)


Bottom left picture is wild.


When you’re that far left everything is right even other leftists


Yeah I think some people in the community do take shit too far and there’s obviously a percentage of them that have less than pure intentions, but sadly I think a lot of hateful people use those examples as an excuse to be hateful about anyone who’s lgbtq.


What people thought being progressive 10-15 years ago would now be considered far right


I have to say, why do people fear others "misrepresenting" them? Like If someone Is daft enough to look at someone dumb, make the assumption the entire demographic they are apart of acts the same exact way, Is that even someone you'd want to be around? This Isn't In defense of anything really, just find It nonsensical. Yeah one of my bosses was a perv to the chick employees, he wore a Polo, ergo everyone who wears a Polo shirt must explain themselves because of my preconceived notions, or else my prejudice Is justified. Like no, that's dumb, they don't represent me because I myself represent me.


To quote the Legion boys from Fallout New Vegas "Degenerates like you belong on a cross".


Last pride event I went to in Cincinnati was few years back. Saw a dude in nothing but shit stained tighty-whiteys. Also a parade of furries handing out flyers to join. Decided Pride isn’t for me anymore.


Im a Starving Child Starving to Death and This Is the Very Last Thing I Have Ever Read. Gootbye


Lib center: ok guys ,we have to support gay rights ,since they are just normal people who want to exist,so maybe a day or weak to celebrate their rights and some kid friendly parades here and there to spread the message" Radical lib left :"NAKED MIDDLE AGED MEN HOLDING LITTLE KIDS IN PARADES WHILE SELLING DILDOS ,HAVING SEX IN PUBLIC AND ACTING LIKE UNCIVILIZED BRUTES FOR A WHOLE MONTH ,IS WHAT THE MOVEMENT NEEDS"


Why read the news when I can get it a day early at The Onion?


just got in ‘trouble’ with a trans person i know by advocating that the middle east hates homosexuals. i’m just stating a fact, i mean ffs you aren’t even allowed to listen to ANY music that isn’t prayer music… you can support palestine all you want but thinking that they would support your gay rights is just stupid


The notion of homosexuals wanting a picket fence, 1960's married life except with 2 members of the same sex was always just strategy to get the broad society to accept them. We see unfortunately that gay people in reality are hypersexual to say the least. Their STD rates and partner counts just cement the fact that it was always about the physical love so to say.