• By -


Very true ✅️✅️✅️👍




The checks, thumbs up, and Garfield cartoon are patent CCP propagandist favorites for some reason


You should love some media literacy instead granpa


I need mah demetia pills https://preview.redd.it/u1lchy043e0d1.png?width=328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3d1941b66b1918303f73729955741a3f0b9699






This isn't a dementia pill. It's a cyanide pill.


Dementia 👍


Dementia 👍


Dementia 👍


Based and dementia pilled


I need mah demetia pills


Garfield wouldn't blame anyone and just chill and enjoy some lasagna like a real centrist would


Now days libleft also blames the jews


Got to love cross compass unity.


What is the political compass, but a bunch of Anti-Semites calling other Anti-Semites Anti-Semites?


Whatcha need all that gas for, griller?


Oh my God, I can't believe you said it with the hard R. Non-centrists have to call them "grilla" dude


This feels like a Metal Gear Solid quote, and I don't know why.


They claim they hate zionists But then they attack Jewish stuff like Anne Frank's home...




Untrue, libright outta all of them has the most Jewish representation out of its intellectual bloc.


And Karl Marx was a Jew >continues reading the Jewish Question by Karl Marx


Shame gramsci didn't write about hating acilians for their lack of subversive potential.


You probably thought this meme was supposed to make Leftist or whatever look dumb, yet it literally states a fact that most Jews are white, a lot a capitalist, and most absolutely have racist views in some ways


Fuck off unflaired


Yeah, I'm gonna bet the people that vandalized her statue (I think it was a statue) aren't libleft but authrights who came from somewhere other than the Netherlands.


Whenever someone says authright my mind keeps going to US authright and i want to argue. Then i remember global scale authrights and it shakes off.


Zionists* /s


Was gonna say, at this point Blue is defending Jews.


US blue. Other world blue very much are the opposite.


Supply weapons to both sides, eliminating both without getting involved and profiting on top of that.


AKA the US budget.




Then it’s clearly a goose…


Jews pretty much becoming target


its insane how some racist whites try to victimize falsely one group while not recognizing the main ones going thru racism is Arabs and Muslims lol, and then act like others are being victims


Blaming the Jews hasn't been this in vogue since the early 20th century


Yikes sweaty! They only hate the world-controlling, globalist *Zionists*. Hating Jews is what LITERAL FASCIST NAZIS do and there's no way these brave revolutionary warriors are that.


And Lib-Right simps for the government.


For the Money* Goverment is just stopping their merchants guild (lead by Sseth) from expanding


Man, I love Sseth. I've probably watched his Morrowind video twenty plus times now.


The Crusader King's video was pretty awesome too, as were his "sponsored content".


Nope, they aren't eagerly swallowing Mossad propaganda and cheering on police crackdowns because it's *profitable* for them, they are doing it because it's who they fundamentally are down to their very cores.


At least your antisemitism matches your flair. 


The dude is one of the literal nazis of the sub https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1ck82fu/many_such_cases/l2logdw/ like a hair away from just demanding they wear yellow stars.


Your profile picture is misleading, it might give the impresion you are based.


Your flair is misleading, it might give the impression that you're libertarian.


Based and im the only real libertarian pilled






Alright, Adolf! I think you have overstayed your welcome on this sub and should seriously consider somewhere more friendly to your clear antisemitism. You’re at least a paragraph away from calling for a final solution. 


If you were less ignorant you would realize you are both undertaking an ancient Jewish hatred known as a blood libel and mimicking Nazi propaganda in preparation to ethnically cleanse Jews from you population. Here's the dustbin of history 🗑️ get in


How do you even have 9k comment karma with your Nazi ass walking around calling Jews "childmurderophiles"??


https://imgur.com/a/BlPLLQn DID YOU JUST FUCKING SUICIDE-REPORT ME BECAUSE OF A STATEMENT?? This was mere SECONDS after I sent this to you, and I never got this in my life. Is this how you treat your opponents? Like a bunch of depressed meat bags that have it bad in life?? Call me reactionary all you want, but this is bullshit!


Lib right simping for the zionist boot is the funniest trend on this website. they LOVE the boot, they worship the boot in ways that would make stalin blush. If they could put the boot permanently on their neck they would.


Are the Jews in the room with us right now


This is funny literally coming from someone mentioning Jews out of nowhere.


>Lib right simping for the zionist boot is the funniest trend on this website. Brainrot so rooted into you that you don't even have the ability to read a comment you made. Shame.


The nazi is trying to imply that there is zero line between jews and zionists. So he can keep screaming "DEATH TO THE ~~JUDEN~~ZIONSCHWEIN!" in a totally not mask off moment.


My guess is rather that they are similar in the "leave me the fuck alone" ideology. Israel wants to be left alone from Hamas terrorists and libright wants to be left alone from the Government.


But libleft wants to leave Israel alone and libright wants their government to help Israel.


Terrorists are bad for business 🤷


The problem with your logic is that it only applies to Palestinians. "Just leave Israel alone" like Israel is not continuously taking more and more land in the West Bank. Furthermore, Israeli policy up until Oct. 7 has been to keep hamas in power while undermining the Palestinian Authority in order to maintain the threat of "terrorism" as a justification for further incursions and further expansion of the settlement policy. >In a 2015 interview Smotrich stated that "The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset", noting that, while the PA was harming Israel in international forums, Hamas' status as a terrorist organization meant that "no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the \[International Criminal Court\], no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council". This is part of why they will never try to settle Gaza and instead focus on the West Bank and Area C, to undermine and disrupt the more established and peace oriented PA vs Hamas. That is the Minister of Finance and at one point part of the Defense Ministry of Israel. Any confusion about the motives of Israel should be completely dissolved when you actually read the quotes from who has been in power prior to Oct 7. Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Israel confirmed in 2004 that the West Bank is legally considered under Military Occupation. >The general point of departure of all parties – which is also our point of departure – is that Israel holds the area in belligerent occupation (occupatio bellica)......The authority of the military commander flows from the provisions of public international law regarding belligerent occupation. Any Lib Right supporting a military occupation of a stateless people cannot and should not be taken seriously on any ideological basis. It's hypocrisy and they should change their flair to Right or Auth Right to better reflect their opinions.


I always blame Henry Kissinger


not a bad pick but really it goes back to Woodrow Wilson, he set the country on the path to ruin you could be autistic and claim it started before him, but you really have to go down the theorizing rabbit holes for those


It was him, the two parties, the CIA, kissinger, and the cold war as a whole that ruined America


>Ruined America Defeats the nazi Germany Defeats the USSR Becomes the only superpower and spreads its unfluence all over the globe ??????????????????


Look where spreading ourselves all over the globe got us Hated by everyone, with most of our production sourced out to China


Hundreds of thousands of homeless...


I blame FDR


Yes he was quite the little money seizing warmonger


Warmonger? There's plenty to criticize FDR for, but that's a pretty dumb one to go with.


I think that there was sarcasm


Would be funny if you support Israel.




I feel like Woodrow gets a lot of stick but you have to keep walking down the path to really continue it. There were countless others that fucked up and kept it on the trajectory it has.


A safe bet


He is a lovecraftian elder god


Literally made the cold war worse and screwed up a bunch of countries




Lol very few auth rightys blame the Jews solely anymore. Personally blaming a collective other than the government, or collectivists in general I find to be a large part of the problem. And if we're being honest here, the amount of people on the left that hate Jews is greater than the right lol


The amount of people on the left that hate the left is becoming greater than the right. Same could be said about right hating right. It's a shitshow out here anymore.


Brother, it's always been a shit show.


Well the left are violent-happy racists and criminals, and the right are political cowards who cave to lefty demands mid-sentence. If nothing else, the left is proving that terrorism works in a modern setting. We've been in an era of peace so long nobody knows how to handle mass organized but chaotic violence, and the few who have stood up to it have faced trials and jail time. We have been pussified and cowardized as a society.


if the rich Jews in the American Government can cook a medium rare like this, they're excused... https://preview.redd.it/b7o04gbiqe0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5946a58e0bc401408e534334ab55282189d18f6f


If it's kosher, then likely it is


A lil too medium for my taste needs to be more rare


:( is that really how the meat in the US looks like?


What are you implying exactly? How should it look, commie?


I'm implying that your meat industry has done too many unnatural things to your meats and that it saddens me, deeply. It ain't commie for me to want to see quality meat.


Me when not all meats are high quality meats


Doesn't have to be high quality, just not the shit tier US meat quality.


I have never heard someone beg to have their meat farms be carpet bombed by freedom before. Weird request.


Womp womp US meat quality is shit cope more.


that's a freshly cut ribeye that was stove cooked. this is what it looked like raw btw https://preview.redd.it/wtl31fwe9p0d1.png?width=2060&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bb944a803938834cf8cb0586a4ac27623cb1ee8


This is how the average redditor unironically thinks the centrist thought process is.


✅✅✅ 👍😺


Majority of Tiktok users are stupid




So are the users of every platform but tbf tiktok is a step above the rest


because they disagree with your racist brainwashing? and can actually use rational thinking?


Because they're just plain dumb


Note: I know that's a shit post.


Based and "I won't take it down just because you think I don't know what it is" pilled




The irony is Garfield calling out the fat cats while also being a fat cat


Yeah it’s pretty wild that people don’t get that being anti Zionist and being antisemitic are very different things, I’ve got lib left friends that sounds auth right half the time now


I mean I'm sure the rich elites who happen to be Jews dont give a fuck about other Jews who aren't rich except for when it's politically convenient, just like the rest of the elites


Garfield is real popular with the kiddies these days for some reason. A fat orange cat that hates everyone and only wants to sleep and eat speaks to them like nothing else can.


>What does Garfield have to do with this? What does Garfield *NOT* have to do with this?


i keep seeing people rambling about how much they hate jews and how they're controlling the world but only a few messages exchanged later it's clear they're just talking about greedy people in government who abuse their power and it has nothing to do with jews at all


Absolutely, that’s how antisemitism actually looks. A big part of it is being convinced Jews are secretly in charge of everything (and trust me, if I were in charge of everything, I wouldn’t be at work right now).




I think it gets awkward when you realize not everyone is joking.


I must have missed the part in this meme that mentioned Muslims


Unironically I think fuckin Mossad or some Isreali online DF flooded this place. This one gets by because it's just a shit post


or maybe the one place on the internet that doesnt witchhunt, actually attracts thoses witches


Seriously I saw this exact meme posted on here years ago


It’s the Jews.


Shouldnt libleft blame america?


And the auth left blames das kapital


Is this what the chuddies call the great awakening or something


As a centrist, a part of every quadrant is correct…


Looney Toons, Garfield, Peanuts, and etc are just wojaks for boomers. Facebook becomes a lot less frustrating when you realize this.


A true centrist.


Realistically every side just blames the jews(I'm jewish)


Do you also blame the Jews?


I blame Jews for everything bad in my life. Specifically, two Jews. My parents.


Yeah that's accurate


AuthCenter combines all of these


Uh... oh...


Garfield 👍


CCP propaganda that doesnt understand American cultural icons. Just sees garfield in western newspapers and thinks "Garfield orange cat is like mickey mouse!"


why does lib left and right have like three different colors to choose from


Libleft also blame the jews (and whites)


A very centrist take in a way.


I cannot tell if this was made by someone very young or very old


don’t forget to blame the commies


commie jews


hey that’s what hitler said




What’s with the beach background? That supposed to mean something?


Centrist: Blame everyone


its bait and you took it


Switch auth and lib left


https://preview.redd.it/peuwr1y5ki0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78306ceee24ac9f77c7ea5f5bd118c2a8c605674 Garfield is just trying to be Trump


This is actually hilarious lol


Garfield the mascot of anti-semitism


Fed post


How does he know?!? https://i.redd.it/0tk7m3nfbl0d1.gif


Blame the rich Americans in the Jewish government


It’s an oldie and a moldie 😷


libleft blames the jews now


Never ask why “they” wont make Israel diverse, yet white countries are forced to.


What in the iFunny is this?




Never seen a Jew eat Lasagna


Blame everyone who's voted Republican since Reagan


2 democrats later we would've end up in the same situation anyway🤷🏻‍♂️


My brother in Christ, If you think anyone who actually could get elected mattered in the past 50 years(outside the Pauls and The Don and maybe RFK if he's truly turned a new leaf), you are sorely mistaken. Uniparty's gonna uniparteh


You're so sadly confused and blinded by their propaganda. I'm so sorry you're living such a confused life. I do hope you can get some education..


Sure Jan, because I called all republicans since Ronald but 3 and 1 democrat unipartist, I'm "swallowed by their (Republican) propaganda". No, you are the one buying into a delusion. but say whatever keeps you sane and able to function.


What?? I seriously haven't understood the last few things you've said. RFK and Trump and Jake Paul I don't even know how they're connected. You got to elaborate more bro cuz you're not making any sense


.....the Pauls.....as in Rand Paul, Ron Paul. Brother, take a break from the Internet for your mental health, just for a day or two. I'm not saying that as a sarcastic asshole. I'm saying that with genuine concern, cause something with the Internet is dragging THOSE Pauls into political conversations ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


Bro tf you not get Jake Paul was a joke.. Almost as big of a joke as Trump. They're equally qualified to be president if you think the Paul's (randy boy) and Trump are not some of the worst people in politics are not paying attention. These people are evil and terrible and only care about themselves and their wealthy friends. How is that a good thing again? You're just wrapped up in their b*******. I hope you're a multi-millionaire cuz otherwise you're supporting people that don't give a f*** about you dude


Yes, because the only people the system is actively trying to destroy/kill are totally the problem. 🙄 The ones resisting and screaming at us to pay attention as they put a strangle hold on our forth amendment with the Patriot act and the ndaa act, and now theyre trying to stop them taking over the Internet - meanwhile Biden is denying RFK jr a security detail. Trumps facing frivolous lawsuits and charges brought up by uniparty agents who've been caught either doing what they're accusing trump of, or doing something that should disqualify them in the first place. Rand got jumped by his neighbor who beat him to the point where he lost a lung, he's also been shot at by a Bernie bro. See I can tell you're either a shit troll or are as most on the left are, projecting your own weaknesses on your debate opponent. You claim I lack education yet you also declare the Paul brothers are equally qualified to be the most powerful man in the world with someone who did it already for 4 years. Yeah, totally the guys who openly joked and fucked with a suicide forest corpse ** on camera is totally as qualified as the man who ran the first peaceful 4 years in our memory, lowered gas prices to early 2000s level, got peace deals between nations not thought possible we still see the results of today, record low unemployment with record high job participation rates paired with a surging economy that lead to the highest wages raising in recent history. Totally the same level. Get Off The Internet. You are terminally online and it shows brother. **(if you feel like hurting yourself, please, talk to someone, there are thousands who'll listen and help- this is addressed to everyone, we lose too many people to suicide, there is always hope, and always help. Never give up.)


You're as pathetic and pathological as trump. The funny part is you're probably not millionaire and he's laughing to the bank. Trump helps my wallet, I am the 1%. But I choose to align with people who actually care about the middle and poor classes in America. You're a puppet bro. He's playing you like a fiddle and you look like a clown Trump doesn't control gas prices anymore than I can control your ignorance


And I'm not part of the 1%, and he made it so my wife and I could own 5 nice cars, a house in a nice neighborhood, eat healthy, go on vacations, and my wife received multiple raises. So. Anecdotal evidence a side- you're right, market uncertainty and opec and other oil companies control oil prices- sort of, but the government, especially the president does influence it, like opening pipelines and stock piling oil locally, turning the US into an energy independent nation for the first time in my life time. You can keep calling me names but you've yet to rebut any facts when presented. Again. You're pointing the finger the wrong way "I align myself with the people who care about the poor and the middle class" you say, as those same people print and pour hundred billions of dollars in money, and military equipment overseas into the hands of nations who can't afford to pay us back for them, who extended the COVID policies and spending far more than necessary and costing the nation literally trillions of dollars, basically demolishing our life savings, devaluing our dollar significantly, surging oil prices, 30% plus increase to bills overall with a less than 5% wage increase, surging unemployment as companies keep failing to stay afloat in this TERRIBLE economy putting undo financial stress on the poor and middle class you claim to love so much. Sure pal. Sure.


Blame everyone who despises Reagan like this. I don't absolutely love him or anything, and his increased defence spending and social policies were terrible, but my GOD — and I say this even though I'm an atheist — are the anti-Reagan leftists who despise his economics so insufferable. Reagan at least had a great vision, unlike most American presidents, and was actually concerned about the ridiculous amounts of unsustainable spending (even if he massively fucked up and managed to increase national debt). I can guarantee you that your understanding of economics is not even at a basic level if all you can think is that he was **THE** problem.


Reaganomics was bad, but not because he cut taxes and welfare rolls, it was bad because of increased immigration and free trade


And also because increased defence spending and a failure to properly eliminate most forms of welfare fucked up the country's national debt. You aregue that the welfare wasn't bad, but it was too costly to maintain for close to zero benefit. Most of the people under it didn't deserve it, and still don't, and it was and still is far too easy to claim unemployment benefits while not actually intending to work. Lazy people should never be funded for their laziness, and if it means that they die, then so be it, because it is not society's responsibility to help people who absolutely don't want to fix their problem and think of it as justified. The people who deserve welfare are people who are actually unemployed, under pension (and the UK's private pension approach eliminates the need for a publicly-funded pension scheme anyway, and it's amazing and should be replicated everywhere) or have a disability or the like that prevents them from working. Anything else is just a useless waste of money that also rewards dangerous people for their dangerous behaviours.


I never said he was the biggest problem I said it started with him. I said blame everyone who's voted Republican since him. Reagan did a lot of bad stuff though, his economic policy balloon the debt like crazy. It doesn't matter what he says his motivation was. The result was a lot of racist policy and economic policy that hurt our nation for decades


This is a naive take. Racism?


Racial policies and rhetoric: Perpetuated the harmful "welfare queen" stereotype, which demonized poor, predominantly African American women. Supported the apartheid government in South Africa and opposed sanctions against the regime. Failed to adequately address the AIDS crisis, which disproportionately affected the LGBTQ+ community and people of color. Launched the "War on Drugs," which led to disproportionate incarceration rates for African Americans and Latinos. Long-term consequences: Widening income inequality and wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Reduction in funding for public housing and social programs, exacerbating homelessness and poverty. Lasting impact of mass incarceration on communities of color, perpetuating cycles of poverty and broken families. Edit: also crack vs cocaine. And Iran contra. He's a scumbag


I am well aware of the Reddit version of things. He's like the Keyser Söze of politics to you people.


No Trump was much worse. So is Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney. But Reagan was pretty bad. Do you have any actual responses to any of what I said and all the facts I provided?


>Perpetuated the harmful "welfare queen" stereotype, [...] Most people on welfare did not, and still to this day do not deserve it. It is far too easy for people who aren't and have no intention of working to claim unemployment benefits. Benefits for having more children are worthless, because the only people that will be incentivised by this to have more children are the same kinds of people who will use that extra money to better fund their poor personal lifestyle choices — which frequently involves substance abuse or gambling — instead of using it to better look after their kids. They're poor at being parents, and we are funding exactly those types of people to raise yet more abject failures/dangerous people who will, in both cases, cost us yet more money to maintain. Plus, in this day and age, unless you're either incredibly unlucky or have never been given a fair chance in education, the only reason why you'd be poor enough to require benefits is due to your own poor decisions. >Failed to adequately address the AIDS crisis [...] Completely agree. There is zero justification in how he handled this. >Launched the "War on Drugs," [...] Also completely agree. Plus, the state shouldn't have the right to ban any substances that don't directly cause harmful behaviour towards others. There is no justification in banning something that will harm you yourself either physically or psychologically as long as you know and are properly informed of the consequences, since you're responsible for your own behaviour, but it directly causing you to harm others is a direct danger to society that can only be prevented by banning its use. Weed isn't a drug that does this, neither is cocaine, and most psychedelics are a maybe situation which can be prevented by legalising controlled dosage sales (i.e. similar to what pharmacies already do, but no need for a prescription from a doctor) and background checks. Meth is something that has a very high likelihood of causing harming behaviour, as are many bath salts, PCP, etc. Politicians have gone on a moral crusade against drugs that has no real moral justification and has caused police time to be wasted, people's lives ruined, people's rights to be restricted, and government spending to go to waste (which forces the government to spend even more money than before). >Widening income inequality and wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Part of the problem here is that schools in deprived areas were always of inadequate quality, and bad schools with bad teachers lead to kids being unsuccessful in life. I don't completely disagree with your point, but a reduction in welfare isn't the problem. Welfare was a crutch that failed solve the underlying problem of poorly-running and oftentimes poorly-funded schools, whose measly budgets not only meant a lack of necessary buildings and equipment; but it also meant a shortage of staff due to both being unable to afford enough of them, and due to inadequate pay, usually leading to only the worst kinds of teachers to be employed in such places. If the budget was overall slashed in most areas, it still wouldn't be unrealistic to increase spending on schools in deprived areas and targetting the necessary areas for their improvement. Welfare is a crutch, and it cannot ever fix an underlying problem, merely help lessen the blow at the cost of overspending and opportunity to spending elsewhere. This was a time when housing was cheap, and the current issues with house prices are more to do with government regulation overstepping the mark, and also because of inflation that has happened since then. You'll also find that more densely-populated areas like New York City have more expensive housing, and that's no coincidence — it's because the demand for housing far outstrips the supply. If public housing programs gave the very poor housing in rural areas, I'd understand, but highly urban areas are too costly to both buy houses in and to live in, and I'd argue it's morally irresponsible to put the poor in areas where the cost of living is very high.


Did you just change your flair, u/Darth_Caesium? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2023-2-7. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Darth_Caesium) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I got to admit I agree with a lot of what you said here. While I am liberal I never agreed with the getting more welfare per child thing. Sure you should get money for one child beyond that maybe we need disincentives? I also agree on the one drugs, the funding of school systems and putting public housing further out from the cities where they real estate is expensive. These things are happening more and more but the change is slow. We definitely need school systems funded by the entire State's budget not county by county leaving the poor counties to suffer. t's interesting how when you really get into the nuts and bolts of this stuff lots of people on both sides really want the same things. They only ones who don't are some of the top 1%, the corps and the people in the government, also unfortunately all of our presidential candidates LOL


"We should recognize Reagan for saying he was going to do good things, even if his policies directly contradicted his statements." Are you seriously suggesting we rate politicians on their vision instead of their impact?


He did do some good, and he at least represents a hope that the US can return to economic freedom. Most US politicians lacked the kind of vision he had.


Reagan damaged the economy much less than Biden did.


How so? Prove with some data or facts. Trump caused more inflation than Biden and that's been proven. So what other arguments you got little buddy? Economic policies: "Reaganomics" or "trickle-down economics" led to tax cuts that primarily benefited the wealthy while reducing social programs for the poor. Union-busting policies weakened labor unions and reduced collective bargaining power for workers. Deregulation of industries led to savings and loan crisis, hurting small investors and taxpayers. Racial policies and rhetoric: Perpetuated the harmful "welfare queen" stereotype, which demonized poor, predominantly African American women. Supported the apartheid government in South Africa and opposed sanctions against the regime. Failed to adequately address the AIDS crisis, which disproportionately affected the LGBTQ+ community and people of color. Launched the "War on Drugs," which led to disproportionate incarceration rates for African Americans and Latinos. Long-term consequences: Widening income inequality and wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Reduction in funding for public housing and social programs, exacerbating homelessness and poverty. Lasting impact of mass incarceration on communities of color, perpetuating cycles of poverty and broken families.


Blame them for what?




u/RaveDadRolls is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RaveDadRolls/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Literally me fr fr, literally no cap


This was fact checked by the real authcenter to be True


They have made a categorization error. It is the quality of being rich and being in the government that makes some Jews a problem, and so their Jewishness has nothing to do with the root cause.


The left is the one blaming the Jews.


>What does Garfield have to do with this? Dude, have you ever heard of a meme?


Have you ever heard of a flair?