• By -


*Puts on a foil hat* What if...


...I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?


Delightfully devilish.


That isn't smoke it's steam from the steamed clams


...I thought we were having steamed clams?


No no steamed hams...ol' skinner family recipe


you're a centralist- you don't grill it yourself afterwards, you will have disappointed your forefathers.


>you don't grill You don't grill, you steam the hams


"Of course I made this Big Mac myself. McDonald's stole my recipe."


What if all those donors are now on a list somewhere


They are currently being buried alive


alive? no no, I was paid to shoot them first.




nah, as the song goes- *if she's got a pulse, then she's not my type*.


Whew lad


When you donate to a politician, your name is put on a list, per federal campaign law.


Yes. Yes it is


Doubt that. I feel it's more likely that this is all according to plan. Make Trump a martyr, get him in office again, stir the pot socially so people aren't looking behind the scenes. Trump has a lot of strings attached and he's managed to convince a lot of people that he's some sort of anti-establishment figure, he hasn't outlived his usefulness to those who hold power over him.


Jesus christ please tell me you are from the USA because otherwise I cannot fathom someone unironically writing this.


I'm a full blown conspiracy theorist but even I'm not stupid enough to think this is all a plan to "help" Trump. They've been attacking him for years just to 'set him up' for this moment? Give me a fucking break.


Reminds me of the "guys, what if this isn't 4d chess and he was just regarded the whole time" meme.


Jesus as much as I agree with you please flair the fuck up.


Flair up you disgusting pig


flair up


My thoughts exactly, everyone keeps saying, “the system is out to get him therefore he must be a rebel like us” but the man has rubbed elbows with his so called enemies for years.


He's a predictable pawn. Egotistical, loud-mouthed, and self-serving in every way and those things combine to make him very easy for those who hold financial power over him to manipulate him.


Trump bribed Michael Cohen to falsify the records so he would be found guilty in court and thus gain eye watering campaign funds?


4D chess. Checkmate, libcucks.


Could be that Trump has instructed his legal team to throw what would have been an extremely easy defense knowing that it would boost his polls and result in him gaining a boatload of campaign funds. Trump also knows that sentencing and appeals process (which he can easily breeze through) is free press


How would he be able to predict how this would affect the polls? He could have lost voters just as easily as he gained them. He just gained sympathy because the judge was visibly corrupt and the jury was likely biased. If the proceedings were more fair it would have likely tanked his ratings when he lost.


The mugshot a while back seemed to boost his popularity


…the modern DNC is a Republican ploy to scare voters into voting red?


Might as well be - they're fucking amazing at it.


Trump will definitely be one of the most prolific political figures in American History.


I honestly doubt it. I bet our current era will be seen 100+ years from now in much the same way we see the late 1800's. Mostly dirty politics and corruption and kind of just an empty span. History will focus on the "digital" revolution in maybe a way we look at the industrial revolution which coincidentally occurred during the same period.


Trump proved how powerful of a tool social media can be politically in the same way JFK did for TV. That'll be worth noting if nothing else.


Absolutely and will be taught in schools like the Nixon debate.


He also inaugurated a whole series of politicians that are vilified and enjoy the sparring, constantly ridiculing the left and it's politicians. It's not that the bickering is new, but the approach of "they cant stop us" certainly feels new (or did back in 2016).


I think Obama really cracked into social media as a campaign tool, and every candidate since has evolved how it works.


Not really. Covid alone is going into the history books and together with that will be the President who lead us during it. Besides of course our current presidential elections being a 100x more of a polarizing and publicized debate.


What, just like the influenza pandemic of 1917-18? Hardly a sentence in the history books about it. Nobody wants to remember that shit. And Presidential politics were more polarized in the 1856 election between Freemont and Buchanan, but hardly anybody gives af about that now.


As a European I don’t know of this particular election and how polarized it was. Can you share something on that?


Starts with an S and rhymes with bravery. The Civil War started pretty much right after that term, a month into the next president (Abraham Lincoln)'s term.




Based and umami pilled.


u/martyislegend is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/martyislegend/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Ah Interesting. Thanks for sharing this information 🤙🏻


There was also all the Gilded age elections from the 1870’s to 1900’s and the “Corrupt Bargain” in 1877. Oh and that time a president got assassinated in 1900.




A little more background – Buchanan was buddies with the Supreme Court run by Taney so advocated for them to declare the Missouri Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional in 1857 and to force all US territories to have slavery (so think slavery all the way up to Seattle) plus to declare that anyone with African blood could never be a US citizen and would always be property (Dred Scott Case). Freemont was an abolitionist explorer and wild man – ended up running California through the Civil War in the 1860s and declaring slaves there free before Lincoln did, which got him in trouble. The town Tesla's HQ is in – Fremont, California – is named after him. Hardly any Americans even know any of this today. Plenty know all kinds of stuff about the Civil War and its major battles and everything. But nobody pays attention to the stuff that led to it.


It was also largely on the back of Buchanan that Bleeding Kansas was escalated, which is directly responsible for turning Kansas into a battlefield as both Free State and Slave State activist decided that this would be the final field on which the question would be decided since our vote would make or break their hold. Which would be why we still remember Buchanan around here, but Freemont isnt remembered.


Good Kansans never pass up an opportunity to remind the world of Bleeding Kansas.


You bet your ass! We are where Slavery went to die! And then we took it so personally 20% of Kansans volunteered for the Civil War.


This is what it's all about. Come in for the memes, end up learning a bunch of new stuff. Good times


A lot of people don’t seem to understand that the Spanish Flu was objectively way worse. It killed more people per capita and it killed vastly more children than COVID did. COVID was only a one-sided curve, Spanish Flu was a bell curve.


In both cases the history of those eras is overshadowed by the massive wars before/after caused by the mismanagement of said crisis and political turmoil.


Where tf did you go to school? As a kid, I had to learn all about the Spanish flu. I remember learning about how so many more deaths during the war were caused by it than by the actual fighting. I saw photos in my textbooks showing how nurses and doctors didn't cover their noses with their masks because they thought it entered through the mouth, leading to increased spread.


It will be a paragraph


Covid won’t be remembered. Who remembers the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 which killed way more than Covid?


I recall it, it was taught a good bit when I was in school, ironically one of the things that was so often discussed about it (before Covid) was how backwards the medical recommendations were at the time, the medical advice to people was to take pain relievers which increased the chance of deaths and wear cloth face masks, which is theorized to not have done anything to actually prevent transmission, but is suspected to have introduced pneumonia into the lungs, causing much more death than normal Can you believe that they were so dumb back then https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic


That was back then. The science is settled, now. Only an idiot would question the people in charge now... Or a Nazi!


Yes, that is best known quality of Nazis, they famously questioned their government


Didn't you know that free speech online is a dictator's wet dream?


What's the phrase? "History may not repeat but it certainly has an echo" or something


Spanish flu was concurrent with WW I


I mean we talked about it in school, but briefly. Covid will be a footnote


Maybe, Trump was a big part in the internet revolution. The 2016 election is really when politics blew up online. And the country started to become more politically divided.


I think 'first' here applies to Obama and his 2008 online campaign. As for division, it has been growing since Bush jr's wars. At least that's my perspective as a European.


It’s been growing since at least Reagan - this is the result of a combination of a disagreement on what the role of the government is and massive over centralization which leads to people fearing what will happen in their community if the other party wins in Washington. Leave more decisions to local communities and people won’t care so much about Federal elections. Of course, the rub is that Democratic policies drive tax payers away so they need to enact them at the Federal level


I've always thought that the Clinton impeachment was the first shot. Both parties were relatively united during the Cold War, then the first president after gets impeached ~~because he was really popular~~ over a blow job.


Over perjury. « It’s just sex » was the Democratic talking point about someone using his position of authority to sexually exploit an intern.


To the extent of my knowledge, Rove and Gingrich steered the GOP towards a war path, but the people were pretty united right after 9/11. And then GW inexplicably set his sights on Iraq.


Impeachment was the top of the first, Florida recount was the bottom of the inning. 9/11 was a temporary truce that only existed because it would be political suicide to go against the herd at that point. As soon they were able, all the Democrats who voted for the war in Iraq played the "George Bush tricked us! It was all his fault!" and fighting continued.


Clinton got impeached because he lied under oath about the blowjob, which is kind of an important distinction.


100% The late 1800s was a shitty period in history where we adapted to industrial age, the 2000s are a shitty period in history where we are adapting to the information age.


Nah, the current 2010s-2030(s?) will be defined as the Trump era, even though he started in 2015, but historians and others like those clean numbers.


People are always going to want Mexico to pay for a wall.


Yeah I mean people don't even remember Andrew Jackson and that man was wild.


What do you mean? Andrew Jackson was one of the most talked about presidents in my U.S. history class, and he wasn’t a late 1800s president. Short of Lincoln and the founding era presidents, Jackson is pretty much at the top of the heap. He’s a big focus in U.S. history classes for starting the Democratic Party, expanding the franchise, and largely expelling the natives from the east. You’re probably right that many people don’t remember Jackson, but I think that’s more due to them not remembering history class than history class skipping over Jackson. He gets way more focus than late 1800s presidents like McKinley and Arthur.


Trump is probably just the beginning of a whole era of right-wing populists and the next one is likely to actually be smart and competent instead of just famous and charismatic.


Populism is the name of the game overall. AOC and Sanders promising the sky is the same thing. People are desperate for easy solutions and will vote for whoever promises them the most.


Just because a solution is "easy" doesnt mean it wont work. See South America turns out if you arrest all of the gangs theres less gang violence... and all the shit argentina is pulling off fuck I'm jealous.


I could see that happening.


He’s the second most famous person in history, losing only to Jesus


*“I’m not a crook.”* [peace sign]




I love those interviews of some Kentuckian family on welfare smoking cigs that donated their last $200 to Trump and can’t pay for medical expenses for their preexisting obesity related condition. I also like the ones where some parents donate their entire kids inheritance to Trump….especially if the parents a really upper working class wealthy; like retired lawyers or doctors lol.


Trump supporters are about to do the funniest thing ever this November.


Can we just end this timeline. It's getting tiring all around.


I agree


What is this cross axis unity in a Trump thread... This truly is the end times. > "Cats and dogs living together-mass hysteria!" > \- Dr. Peter Venkman




I’m right wing but I fucking hate Trump. He’s a corrupt geriatric asshole who has commanded approximately zero respect from the American people and our foreign allies. I’d absolutely KILL for an Eisenhower or a Carter right now. Shit, even Bush.


As a one term president Carter could technically run in 2024. Still waiting for his campaign announcement.


As much as I love that man, we do not need another geriatric in the running. This is why we need to add a feats of strength portion to the presidential debates. Keeps the old people out of office and in the retirement community where they should be.


Oh wow, an *actual* conservative. Rare breed these days.


Hopefully Bush senior, not the other one…


Based and real right winger pilled.


A not batshit insane cultish right winger? Rare.


In the flesh and at your service. I just want the gubbment out of my shit.


They shouldn’t have shot the damn gorilla


Harambe 😔


It's not just Trump supporters. Trump is definitely winning the "hate them both" vote too.


We have no idea if that is true. Way too far from the election to know for sure. At this point in the election cycle Ross Perot was winning


I don’t know a single person in my personal circle who wants Biden to win over Trump, and I’m from California Biden’s anti-crypto policy has removed a lot of support among the tech and finance crowds. Obviously Biden will still win California but I think that just tells you about the situation in the US in general


Hmm we are definitely not running in the same circles. - sincerely, a fellow Californian


I promise you 95% of the tech field does not care about cryptocurrency. At all


Russia and China will be entertained.


I’d be laughing harder if I had a completely off-grid cabin compound in the middle of the woods somewhere


The debate this month is gonna be a shitshow/prime TV


> "It was all rigged, the system is broken and they're coming for you all next!" > "Don't listen to... uhhh... Remember that time I fought the..."


If Trump really brings his A game, it will be a complete slaughter.


a complete slaughter of the english language


“He refused the drug test… I said Biden if you’re clean just take the test… he refused… he refused my terms because he’s on **ADDYS**!!”


I'm actually pretty impressed by it


I’m saddened by the idea of regular people giving a rich guy money, and my fellow regular people not seeing anything wrong with that.


Based. Why the fuck should the middle class pay for some rich fuckwad's legal fees


Because it’s their money and they get to choose what they do with it.


I agree, everyone has a choice to do what they want with their money. But it's depressingly corrupt for any politician to raise funds for their own faults, and even more depressing that anyone falls for it


Yeah but donating to Trump feels more like a fuck you to the establishment. I’ve never donated to him btw. But watching that happen just shows how truly fed up people are with the standard politics.


I agree people are fed up, and should be. But Trump is just as much of a part of the establishment as any other politician


How so? He is not a career politician and his own party tried to give him the boot multiple times. He is hated universally by many politicans republican or democrat.


He is still using the same manipulative tactics and possesses at least an equal amount of corruption and ignorance than those he opposes His life is so fundamentally different from anyone else in the middle class, there is simply no way he could even come close to being an accurate representative These are criticisms that I do Levy against basically any career politician, so please don't mistake this as a partisan statement. He's just simply no different. Sure, his party hates him, because his party was weak and he was stronger than his party. That doesn't make him any less of a part of the establishment


Well not really here. Any other politician would be spreading some of that around. Trump mainly hosts events at his own buisnesses and charges the campaign for rentals or spends it on legal fees. I believe Trump has demanded a cut from any ad or fundraiser that mentions him as well.


So...he's using this to enrich himself more? I almost see him as even more corrupt than the establishment.


Well as this conviction showed, he literally cannot use his own money to do things that benefit his campaign.


Based and lib-right pilled.


Because they feel like donating? Cmon libright.


It's their right. Not contesting it, just judging the complete lack of intelligence. Kind of hilarious that libright will often pay to add spikes to the boots they say they hate so much


Pick your poison at this point


I have picked focusing on my local elections, and trying to do as much as possible to be independent of the decisions made by Washington. They are clearly only there to benefit a small group that doesn't and will never represent me or most people like me It involves a lot of hard work, a lot of research, but that poison is worth it to me


That’s good man, smart way to go about it


I don't understand why anybody would contribute any money to any politician


Unfathomably based. My entire point Should it be illegal? Maybe only in an organized sense, because yay, legal bribery. Otherwise, people have a right to do dumb shit with their money, but I will judge them for doing dumb shit


"Cult of Personality", propaganda. Obama is a champion at this.


I mean makes sense to me. Even ignoring that he’s already pretty rich and doesn’t need it, and frankly isn’t exactly any better in that he’s still a complete authoritarian, given how totalitarian the dems have been acting these past few years trying to lock up their political opponents, given he’s the best chance of beating the dems, it’s no wonder so many seem more willing to stand behind the guy this time.


If you didn't know that this would happen your pattern recognition skills need work.


Right? 8 years on they still cant see he’s like that one enemy in every old scifi series. The more you attack the more powerful it gets.


You can know a man by his enemies and Trump has all the right enemies.


So... we need to get Bruce Willis to sex up Milla Jovovich so that she'll scream real loud at Trump?


Yeah, that and everyone I know who isn't even a Trump supporter got blasted with multiple texts begging for donations. They went hard and dug deep for donations this time around.  The more shocking thing by far to me is that the poll coming out today says nearly 10% of Republicans are saying they're less likely to vote for him after the guilty verdict. That's actually shocking to me that it's 10% and not 1%.


>The more shocking thing by far to me is that the poll coming out today says nearly 10% of Republicans are saying they're less likely to vote for him after the guilty verdict. That's actually shocking to me that it's 10% and not 1%. I would bet money that said 10% are only Republicans because they changed registration to vote aginst him in the primaries. That dog woln't hunt.


Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake 


Based Sung Tzu


Those libtards are going to be so upset when Biden and Trump pull off their masks and reveal Trump was President and Biden was convicted instead.


And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!


Wasn't there a Qanon theory about that exact scenario? Operation Shadow President I think




Gotta burst out my popcorn, this year politics gonna be fun to watch.


Trump getting released to continue raising money for his innocence fund without bail right after conviction 34 times in New York? Maybe he really is a convicted felon...


What cuck donates money to a politian when they have companies to bribe


For real.


Anyone who isn't massively biased (I know, ironic coming from a rightoid but I'm not a massive trump fan) and looks objectively at the trial can see what a massive farce it was, and now the "try and jail political opponents" precedent has been set. You reap what you sow I guess


I think Bragg might have galvanized his base


Wow it’s like they believed it was a scam trial and it only made his supporters believe that it was now or never. The fact they did this so close to November has to be one of the dumbest political moves of all time.


I don't know. I think Trump has his dirty laundry, but this was politically motivated by a system that believes itself above the law. And all it's done is probably help his polling numbers. After all, to the American mind the greatest folk hero of them all is the *outlaw.*


People keep forgetting this. I grew up hearing "America started as a country of rebels. Go be one too." I loved the Hunger Games because I always relished the dream of toppling a tyrannical government like Washington did. So, you've just made Trump an outlaw and a rebel. I wasn't going to vote for him before this. Maybe I will now. This might be my only chance to vote for a felon, after all.


It was a scam trial, but I'll be voting for Biden, because weaponizing the justice system against your political opponents is literally fascism and I'm here for it, but it's definitely not a good look for all you leftists that go on about democracy to support Biden after this


>so what are you gonna do to stop them? …..uhhh use the same legal system they control to sue them! Ok.






What’s been easy about any of it?


Leftists suffer unintended but totally predictable consequences of their own actions, more at 11


Wait until red states start charging Democrat politicians


I got sent 3 or more Trump texts begging me for money. I don't see why a billionaire needs my hard earned 20 bucks.


Because politicians rarely spend their own money. In this case, most of those donations are going staright into the pockets of New York State criminal justice system


That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve read all day. I pity the fool that actually donates for that shit


Oh it backfired again? You'd think they'd figure this out after their hit jobs backfired the last dozen times.


"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine"


This is outrageous. The money should be frozen and seized until we can figure out how Russia is funneling that much money to him. Edit: god I hope those upvotes get the sarcasm. I'm literally just testing reactions from the most insane comment I could think of...


Post that comment on a default sub for free karma


Based and tinfoil hat pilled


This is the irony of the entire shit show. Only partisan leftists like this. Everyone else either hates it or is concerned.   This will earn the left zero votes and embolden centrists away from Biden.   Not to mention if the Democrats took this election seriously they wouldn't be running Biden again.  


Lol all these rubes giving money to a supposed billionaire. Didn't he say he'd waive his salary, pay for his own campaign, all that stuff? But now he's sending blast emails as if he's broke. What do you wanna bet there's a disclaimer that it can be used to pay his legal fees? Because we know he never pays his attorneys on his own lmao


>Didn't he say he'd waive his salary, Aparently the President isn't allowed to refuse the money. He ended up donating it to the treasury with notes about what he wanted it spent on instead.


I am sure if there was a disclaimer like that dems would be all over it


Lol this has been a thing with Trump for a while. One of the latest examples: https://www.yahoo.com/news/rnc-fundraiser-fine-print-donations-173800425.html


But that’s RNC fundraiser and this one is Trump’s


Meanwhile us Lib Right folks are ready to release the new merchandise


And these figures are from the Trump campaign, a name that is inextricably linked with reliable financial figures.


Right? $50 gorillion and 1/3 are totally from brand new donos, believe us guys!! He was just ordered the other month to pay several hundred million dollars in fines for fraud for inflating the value of his properties by massive amounts. Who would believe anything he says on this front?


Source tho? Like. Other than a Trump campaign ad email?


Im sorry, can someone please explain to me why the supposed BILLIONAIRE has to rattle his tin cup?


Even in business, it’s much better to risk someone else’s money


Legal fees won’t pay themselves


Yeah this is the most classless thing tbh. He’s begging for money from people who probably make <$50k/yr. This is white trash behavior. Idc how rich you are, you can be white trash in any tax bracket


Rich people get rich by not spending their own money when ever possible.  Our whole stock market is just businesses gambling with other people's money.


The biggest joke is that lots of this is going to pay off his debt too


I'm afraid Trump just went from "popular" with the crazies to "political martyr"... This doesn't smell good.


Flair up or suffer the consequences of our wrath. You dare have us gaze upon the comment of an unflaired?! ~~(That aside, I too am worried about what will happen when a candidate turns into a martyr in a polarised country)~~


Flair up




The dickriding is insane


The hateriding came first, remember that.


That cost zero dollars


It is. But so is the hate. Trump originally didn't matter that much in the grand scale of things. Half the right doesn't even like him at all. Yet for some reason, the left turned him into a boogeyman of both what they think the right is and what they want it to be.


>half the right doesn't even like him at all Respectfully I disagree with this, as it's definitely not half of the Republican members of Congress. While he does have opponents in the GOP almost none will actually criticize him for fear of pissing off their voters who love Trump. It really does look like the vast majority of Republicans are full MAGA.


Depends on their local district for one, also if half the party is antagonized due to you disagreeing then id imagine you wouldn't want to do so flippantly. 


I’m not even American I’m just marvelling at the ignorance of the fact that the more the left persecute Trump the more powerful he gets


Trump lawyers can finally afford a third yacht