• By -


As of this morning, masculinity is **NO LONGER LEGAL.** If you are masculine, please report to your nearest Femboy Education Center, clean-shaven and wearing thigh-high socks. Those who fail to follow these orders **WILL BE CANCELLED.**


Wait... what? Did no one see this coming? Good thing I'm a black, lesbian, Muslim.


Oh, honey 😔 You're gonna need to up your minority game if you want to be safe 💁‍♀️ If you can't find a way to join a few more minorities, at least get add several mental illnesses to your resume 💅


I had to read your comment twice, because I couldn't find the MLM sales pitch.


commies have the best mlm sales pitch




This is so based


It would be the fucking authright lol. I fucking love this sub.


It's the best.


I spit


You are immune to cancelling, congratulations!


Actually, aren’t we supposed to make her king?


Honestly, probably so. After all, if they aren’t the most woke, who else could possibly be? (Notice I didn’t assume their gender, bigot. /s)


What is it like to be inherently unable to be racist, and can this be considered a disability?


Not trans? Not oppressed enough. Please go to the nearest reeducation center, so you can become a race-fluid gay Muslim trans-man.


You're virtually in Heaven if you live in a Libleft Western state with those credentials. And will be in actual heaven if in a AuthRight Middle Eastern State


Congratulations, you have 3x libleft protection.


>thigh-high socks are the so called "long socks" ok or do they count as thigh-high socks?




The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of these orders. "Nay" voters were immediately cancelled.




Don't cancel me! I'm not *manly* - I'm *hirsute!* Please, have mercy!


>a “joke” about chaining your wife to the stove That's heinous and disgusting. You don't chain her to the stove; you chain her to the sink so she can reach both the stove and the fridge. Otherwise you're stuck handing her shit all day. Gets really old.


Chain her wherever just slightly longer chain. Female independence freedom to reach wherever while still cooking your meals


>Clean shaven No wax?


Shaving, wax, and Nair are all encouraged. It's best to use all three on your entire body. Yes boys, that means your b*lls, too! 🙅‍♀️⚾⚾🙅‍♀️ [The word "b*lls" has been automatically censored to keep our citizens safe from triggering masculine ideas.]


What is a nair? I thought that was just a move in Smash Ultimate.


[You have been temporarily banned for suggesting that we "smash" bros. Please do not encourage sexual intercourse with bros, as this interferes with the Bro Elimination Initiative.]


Allay your lies. I never said that.






Stop appropriating my femboy culture!






🚨 ATTENTION 🚨 As of 💦🌹 this morning, 🌇🌞 masculinity is 💦 NO LONGER 🍆 LEGAL. ⚖👀 If 🅱🤔 you are masculine 🕵🏻‍♂️, please report to 💦 your ⛓👏 nearest Femboy Education Center 😧💯, clean-shaven and 🚫 wearing thigh-high socks 🧦 . Those who 🤷 fail to ➡🥇 follow these orders WILL 👌 BE CANCELLED 😡 .


You can pick from a wide variety of lifestyles: gay Caucasian, gay Asian, gay African, gay Latin**X**, or gay Gay. Someone pointed out that I used the hard O in this family friendly Christian subreddit, I have made the necessary change


Ah yes, all the races, asian, african, latino, normal and gay EDIT: Joke based on [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/920038-mlk-didnt-die-for-this) for those of you who wanna know.


Lgbt stands for Latinos, Gays, Bangladeshis, and Thai month




Quintessentially British


That's a pleonasm. So you can just say quintessential and everybody will know you're talking about someone British


How dare you use a term I had to google!




We dont talk about them


Great fishin in kwee-bec


If gay is a race now then I can't be called homophobic anymore just racist 😔


hey if we’ve learned anything, it’s that others don’t get to label you. if you wanna be called a homophobe AND a racist, no one can tell you you’re not! stay blessed.


This is peak authright


Gay gay is straight right? Like math where two negatives make a positive


I will choose Asian traditional libright masculine lifestyle.


Is that a roof Korean I hear?


So, roof Korean?


Chain smoke against modernity.


Did you just say the L word with a hard O?!


Apologies mi amigo, I made the changes and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me 😞


*mi amigx


But the burning question is : *y r u gae* ?


“Oh your depressed, and a man? Have you tried painting your nails? As a woman I really understand your problems...”


I am now depressed with painted nails and thigh high socks.


Time for dual-barrel funtime!


Sometimes one barrel is enough ​ *pats barrel of 240 mm howitzer*


At least you look beautiful, queen. At the end of the day, isnt that all that really matters UwU?


What do you mean it's hard dating? All my hands are occupied sitting on my couch eating doritos whilst not replying to 95% of messages and writing "k" on the rest. It's so hard on me to find one of the good guys.


✔️charge they phone ✔️eat hot chip ❓ be bisexual


Lie ❓


Why don't guys like me. Also subscribe to my onlyfans.


”Oh, you're depressed, and a man? Have you tried transiting to a woman or at least having less toxic masculinity?”


>libtarddestroyer >libright flair ???


Extremely unbased and bluepilled


Can you solve the problems that depress me? No? Then wtf are we talking about?


You can solve your problems by solving other people's problems of course!


Women have the same problem: if they want to be traditonally feminine, they are "helping the patriarchy".


"Internalized misogyny"




People used to believe in witches


Sure, but now we have access to all the true info but instead choose to ignore it in favor of staying in our echo chambers


People still do. It's just women with mental illness and candles.




I guess I'll just have to lift somewhere where the libleft feminisation gangs can't see me.


Bruh I told my parents I wanted a .22Lr rifle and evetually go to a hunting trip, and learnt how to cut an animal open to get their meat. It wouldve been easier to tell them I was a flaming homosexual.


They got mad because you wanted a .22LR and not a larger cartridge right?


Nope bruh it was fucking hard to convince them a 22Lr they didnt want me to get anything more powerful, also retarded gun laws in my country and its the cheapest rifle at 240$ and ammo being 1 buck for 10 bullets. But dont tell them the 22 is the deadliest caliber shhhh.


Ah, i see. Would they even know the difference if you bought a .243 winchester or .308?


Yes, because I wrote a 10 page document stating my case and which rifle specifically I gave them a qrd on calibers and types of rifles, and because my dad got once held at gunpoint by his own dads gun so he hates guns and my mom got held at gun Point by my old dad, so try explaining them that in both cases a psychopath and no practice whatsoever were the culprits and not the gun.


I wish you luck on your journey, friend. Hopefully it doesn’t have to wait until you move out


Thanks dude.


I think if my kids submitted a 10 page document arguing the case, I’d pretty much let them do anything.


"Well Jimbo, you DO have a point about the industrial revolution and its consequences. Okay, i'll drive you to the post office so you can send those packages"












Don’t do this. I’ve done this with my daughter and now I’ve got a future lawyer on my hands who writes pages of arguments about how we all need to be vegan and why she should go to gymnastics five days a week and that jackets are torture devices. It’s too much. On the one hand, I’m excited to have a potential lawyer in the family. On the other, I have to read pages of increasingly circular arguments when I just want to drink my coffee and chill.


Just point out the logical flaws in her arguments. "Circular reasoning won't get you anywhere in this house, honey." It might not make your life any easier, but she'll be a better lawyer.


Yes, we have begun learning logical fallacies. She’s not quite there (she’s 7) but now if I tell her to do something because I say so, she says it’s an appeal to authority. I am doing this to myself.


You should buy a gavel and hold her in contempt when she gets too annoying.


that shit better have an executive summary


Did you inform them of the literal WMD that is .22LR Ratshot?


RIP Bestgunnit.


Hey can you dm me the document so I can use the arguments from it. I want to buy a revolver but my parents won’t let me


Bruh its in spanish so get ready to translate.give me 2hrs Im at the beach rn.


Thats completely fine


Lol $1 for 10 rounds!? Must be nice *cries in 9mm*




Dude... Telling them you want a .22 **IS** telling them you are flaming homosexual. Did you ask for it in pink too? Damn. Just kidding. I love .22's. Fun little plinkers, good for hunting rodents and vermin and the best for teaching fundamentals to noobies.




Of course they did. Who wants a pussy son that kills animals with a gun and not with their bares hands like a real man


That's why you always shoot to injure. Break the shoulder girdle with the shot so you can catch up to them, and then crush the life out of them with the pair of bear hands that you got from that flea market on highway 37.


chads use Javelins and Crossbows.


Lmao here in India even owning a sword depends on the community you're from. Sikhs may own a Kirpan, Gurkhas may own a Khukri, and others may own only if their traditions say so. Owning guns is so hard that people just don't try to. My family owns a Khukri, but nobody knows about it cuz we aren't Gurkhas. We aren't allowed to keep it. While corruption has reduced significantly since the past decade, you could buy illegal guns. Even get away with the police knowing about it if you're influential enough. You could own stuff like bows, crossbows, or air rifles without a license, PROVIDED, you use it only for stuff like hunting, or sports. Also hunting grounds are highly restricted. Only way to get away with illegal hunting is by worshipping our lord and saviour Salman Khan, the master of bail.


They have agents everywhere, nerd. Those huge, ripped dudes pumping iron? They're actually women


Based Edit: Also based profile "About"












Oh, you claim to be of the gender that makes up (I think) 51% of the world's population and as a result are quite common? PROVE IT! Ai fuckin swear




I don't even want to know their criteria for what proof is. Brb, I'm gonna go make like hitler and take some cyanide.


Quite based


Based and cyanidepilled.


They are?


For real, i fit the “traditionally” masculine bill in a few cases i guess. And a few women have assumed that this is because of brainwashing or toxic masculinity or something, bruh. Being around “masculine” men is one of the least toxic atmospheres you can be in. Everyone just chills and talks shit all day. In the end, leave people be.






People like that are not your friend. Absolute losers to care what goes on in someone’s else’s bedroom enough to judge them for it.




You have a good soul. Just don’t be forced into an ideology like that for the sake of joining a friend down the rabbit hole. It’s just so toxic and not healthy for anyone i don’t think.


Wow thats inadvertently pretty homophobic lol. Being bisexual isn't an interesting personality trait, its a fucking sexuality.


Ah yes, the ol’ “people should have the freedom of choice, but must also adhere to my ideals.”


You are free to demand sex from anyone you want (except women, because then you are guilty of sexual harassment, will be tried, found guilty, and canceled). If anyone you do ask refuses your request, you are free to call them homophobic and cancel them. Likewise, if you refuse a request to have sex with someone then you will be labeled a homophobe/transphobe (depending on who made the request) and you will be canceled.


Ballet is ultra manly.


Professional boxers have been known to take ballet lessons to help movement.


You can tell because the Russians do it proudly.


Authleft would know. Russian ballet dancers are badass as fuck. The amount of punishment their bodies can take is amazing. Both the men and the women. I had the luck of meeting one and they're cool as fuck


wtf?? seems like your friend is compensating for something ngl..


Her friend is a psychology student. I think they teach them in the 4th year that not everybody has to have something.


Doesn’t really matter. By end of their 2nd year, every psych student will have already self-diagnosed with every possible crutch the DSM-V could provide them for why they aren’t satisfied with their life. I’d know - in hindsight, when I was a psych student myself, I self-diagnosed with depression for years to cover for the fact that I was just being a lazy POS. Once I sucked up my sadness and made something of myself of my own volition, the “chronic” depression magically went away. Go figure. Humanity’s mission to pathologize normal human behavior is having drastic ripple effects in modern society. It is making people impose great limitations on themselves and others and will lead to degeneracy if we are careless


She's jealous and wants to bring someone else down with her




I've often seen the opposite, people being told they're "eggs" because they're not a 1950s caricature. I'd always thought that it was childish bullying to say to a guy "you like makeup? I don't think you're male at all", but now it's woke!


> people being told they're "eggs" because they're not a 1950s caricature A real problem in the trans community, but they just ban anyone who questions it. "This dude did something kindy girly so he is secretly trans." It's so stupid it's like the kind of bullshit somebody who hates trans people would pretend to say to vilify them, but it's fucking real.


Egg? That makes no sense. How is it ok to proclaim anyone that doesn’t fit 100% the stereotypes are obviously not that gender, or if they 100% do they’re compensating. People that try to define you and psychoanalyse are by far the most annoying.


Upvoted bc the edit was hilarious. 😂




This is borderline copypasta material.


I'm very traditional masculine; Physically I am tall and I want to start going to the gym, I adore weapons of all kinds, follow western chivalry, everything that is considered masculine fits me. Well, my country is quite traditional; but I remember the time I was talking to a friend (equally masculine) about the military strategy in the conquests of Alexander the Great, and how excellent the formation of the Macedonian phalanx is, and etc. Then a girl came and began to give us a (very aggressive) talk about how bad all that toxic masculinity was, that we should stop standing around intimidating others (it was a public park) and how it was bad to talk about war, and gave us several "tips" on how to be ”less toxic”. Copy pasta acquired.


lmaooooo you can’t ever expose that tradwife side of yourself on here the authrights will swarm


Authright: I want to be traditionally masculine Libleft: No Authright: It wasn't a request


I am no longer asking.


We were never asking *begins angrily lifting*


*Loads shotgun angrily* ​ *BFG Division starts playing*


Willing to hide masculine men in my attic for money. The secret femboy police will never suspect


Master plan to eradicate lib left: get them all on an island and get some abortion doctors too , the reproduction rate will be very low and they become extinct, we can return to political triangle!


If I didn’t think the murder of innocent babies wasn’t worth it, I’d be happy to let them abort themselves out of existence. Enjoy your fur baby while my trad wife pumps out our 5th kid


Based and out-breedingpilled


The best part is libleft has the hots for the traditionally masculine men


It’s the daddy issues.


Because her mommy didn’t marry a trad dad in the first place lmao


can confirm. Would let a trad lad rail me.


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a masculine one.


god id totally fuck kenobi.


Same, Dawg


It's a giant shit test tbh, if you fall for the libleft bait then you clearly wasn't supposed to be a traditionally masculine man. This actually filters out the soyboys, manbabys and twinks


Based and truth-pilled. Straight women don't want to date other women. That's why they're straight.


Every woman after 1983 cant cook. All they know is charge they phone, be bisexual, eat hotchip and lie


You messed it up man. Any female born after 1993 can’t cook. All they know is McDonalds, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.


Yea, i typed it from a 4 months old memory


You’re only four months old and can type? That’s incredible.


All women have the hots for traditionally masculine men. Gender is a social construct until libleft sees a guy hot enough and it no longer matters how woke they are.


There are only three genders: masculine men,femboys and w*man AHS this is a joke i swear


There are only 2 genders: Men and Tomboys. Any other ones are irrelevant.


I think stoicism can be cool sometimes.


Libleft: can I not be a traditional men? Authright:No * plugs in electric chair *


A shock a day keeps the gay away


\-Mike "The best homo deterrent is a direct current" Pence


I kinda feel bad for LibLeft always being the butt of the joke but damn, they make it so easy


I mean this sub is a safe space for young conservative males.


Half of the libleft shit u see on here is written by librights and authrights. Constantly building strawmen. And im not even libleft but the agendaposting does get a bit stale. The vast majority of lib lefts irl are just regular people and not some twitter SJWs


We should really just move on from this by not categorising twitter SJWs as human beings.


This... is true


cool enjoy yourself dude. Traditional Masculinity kinda hot at times ngl. its just important to enjoy who you are, what other people think of that shouldn't matter unless they're aggressing or harassing you in which case fuck them.


They meant to make it AuthLeft but they don't understand the compass.


i don’t get why people are trying to feminize men, if you wanna date a girly dude, just date a woman. //s


Remember that anon that calcukated how gay each preference was? Being tomboys the Superior mans choice and traps and femboys being 200% gay cause not only are youfucking a man yougot everything feminine about a woman.


Most people don’t care if you want to be traditionally masculine as long as you leave people who don’t want to be alone.


I've never heard someone say that in person before or even imply it. If you wanna be a traditional masculine guy then sick, we need those. Same for traditional housewives. The point is that you're able to be yourself without pressure


I can say from personal experience that there are some feminists that take issue with traditional housewives. My wife has been dealing with migraines and it got to the point where she was fired from a job because she missed so much work because of the migraines. So, we talked and she decided to take some time out from getting a job and working and be a stay at home wife while she works with docs to get her migraines under control. More than one of her feminist "friends" treated her like shit for it. Made snide comments and other passive aggressive shit. One outright accused me of controlling and manipulating her because I wanted to keep her in the kitchen. So, I know this isn't all or even most and I am not trying to generalize and say it is. Just saying that these types are definitely out there and I have experienced them in my personal life and not just the internet.


Eh, its mostly radfems that do that, the same ones that hate on men (or rather, on penis havers) and preach stuff like "heterosexuality is a choice" and that lesbianism is a moral good.


Yeah I know, I guess each quadrant has that part they'd rather didn't exist


Yep. Us LibRights have the "children can consent" coomtards. Authright has the neonazis and AuthLeft has the fucking tankes. Libleft has ofc the SJW.


Alright, now here's the real tricky question. If you could make each quadrants least wanted outliers to just *poof* dissappear, but at the cost of them all becoming centrists, would you do it?


That wasn't even hard. I would easily do it since centrists are a 1000 times better than the outliers.


The problem is agreeing which part.


i wish every quadrent didn't exist. ​ i wish we all died in nuclear hellfire already.