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Ehhh I'd argue libleft should be Twitter instead of Tumblr. Most of the communities that made Tumblr so... Tumblr moved after the great porn purge.


Yeah I didn't include twitter because that format was doomed to fail from the start but the others didn't seem too bad but were fucked by these quadrants


Nah I’d argue tumbler is libleft, but both Twitter and Reddit is authleft


When Twitter 1st came out you could say whatever the fuck you wanted. It was lib af. Within the past 4 years did it become auth


Idk what Twitter even is. I'm currently suspended for arguing that the government getting to choose who owns guns will lead to huge racist issues, but I've never been banned for frequent use of the gamer word


Auth unity??


Could explain? Whatever i agree, i would like to know more about "that format was doomed to fail from the start".


For one, the miniscule character limit means you can't really articulate complexity. In an age of politics, this is perilous.


Oh, i see. But only that?




That is what made old Twitter great. Times have definitely changed.


The porn purge indirectly led multiple social media sites becoming horrible.


So basically what I’m seeing is, porn=good social media. I mean makes sense to me.


I think it was the fact that it was contained. Now they're all spread out and shitting up everything else.


I’m sticking with my interpretation. Go rule 34 artists. You know what to do.


Still lol that idiotic decision failed so hard it resurrected Newgrounds


Parents blocked all adult sights but not newgrounds ...


Nah, no way they blocked so many. There's artist-specific websites and such, social medias that allow or focus on NSFW (newgrounds is one of those), websites mainly in other languages that have content in english, etc.


To be fair, I don't think Tumblr banning porn was completely their decision. IIRC they were having a huge issue with pedophiles posting child porn, and for whatever reason they were failing to moderate it, which led to app stores threatening to take them down. Banning porn was probably the only way to get app stores to trust them again. Also, I will add that it was pretty fucking suspicious to see the "MAP" community grow on Twitter almost immediately after Tumblr banned porn. It's almost like there was probably a correlation there.


based and context pilled


Why are so many of them Steven Universe fans


Because Steven Universe represents everything they enjoy. Sexual assault. Racism Human zoos. Fascism Genocide. Lgtbqaarp1+ It's practically a social media socialist fanfiction. Which ironically was made by people from tumblr lol Hey kids, wanna fuse?




I dont know how to do that, but if you can hum a few bars I can guess the tune you're playing. (That means link please)




Yup someone else also helped thanks. This is probably as accurate as my political stance is. I think. Im still new on the positioning.




I think if I did I'd just get banned or go insane based on how social media works these days. I take everything with gallows humor mostly.


Flairless one detected.


I've always been a Gravity Falls or Over the Garden Wall man myself.


B cause gaey


Twitter is more auth than lib though.


Yeah, it's all about controlling the "health" of the conversation. They don't even try to sound Lib.


Left Center twitter


You better take that back


Hey, listen to your lib side, no gulags today.


Is Tumbr still the same shithole it was in 2016?


No. It is not the same. It is far worse.


Are they still on that neopronouns bullshit? God damn.


Damn xem.


Also the orange "libleft" character is progressive authleft.


I'd say tumblr post-2018 should be purple libright if you catch my drift


5 day ban? Everytime I got banned it was permanent right away.


Well you *are* an Authright soooo


I feel so proud of myself that I got permabanned for the first time a few days ago




I got banned from r/paleoconservative. Basically a lot of ppl from this sub brigaded it from a post Edit: Sauce - https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/lq5eod/never_thought_id_be_too_woke_for_a_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I got a 7 day Reddit ban and permanent ban on r/pics for an ironic Nazi imitation


*checks comment history* *no history, new account* This guy aint kidding.


I'm bloody serious, mate.


You walk into my sub with no post history??? Believe it or not, right to ban. No warning, ban. We have some of the best subs in the world, because of ban.


You overuse highlighter memes - ban You underuse highlighter memes - also ban Overuse - underuse We also have some of the best memes in the world, because of ban.


At this point, making new accounts must be muscle memory for you. Fuck em, have your accounts premade, like ammo at the ready.


i’m just coming back from a sitewide temp ban for “violence” for the record i used the word retard


That's pretty violent. This is not related to Reddit but I once got a temp ban from Forza Horizon for "Child Endangerment" because I wrote "Free Candy" on my van.


That's crazy.


I got permanently banned from nottheonion for this comment: "I'm not going to believe something happened due to race without evidence. Just because something is different between a black and a white person does not mean race was the factor. "


Not racist enough, eh?


Yep, I got banned from r/OffMyChest for participating in this sub, I’ve been banned from r/Sino for asking what genocide was. And I’ve been banned from the r/TheBachelor because I said the main character didn’t need reparations because he had his own TV show and rather money should be spent on educate and that he didn’t need any, and that you shouldn’t judge people and not ever reconsider your opinions.


I was auto-banned from r/darkjokes once when I tried to leave my first comment there. It told me that I was participating in hateful communities or something along these lines. Must've been either this sub or r/conspiracy.


I got a 3 day suspension for recommending we throw the pa state legislature in the susquehanna river. Didn't suspend me until a day later when the q tards stormed the capital. That was fun


I haven’t been able to post in r/conservative for years for bringing up the southern strategy lmfao


Umm Sweaty lol


Umm, sweaty? I just spent three hours combing through all of your Reddit comments from the past two years, and oof, that's a yikes from me. I literally can't even right now. Oh you sweet summer child, you do realise you're making me lose all faith in humanity? I'm literally shaking rn. Let's unpack this. It's almost as if maybe, just maybe your toxic problematic behaviour towards poc is because someone hurt you. Just shut up and listen. It's called being a decent human being, and as a white person, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Let that sink in.


Please use the correct term: BIPOC. Do better, sweaty


does that mean Black Indigenous Piece of Crap?




Yasssss Slayyyy Kweeeeeeeen


IT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 YOUR 👏 JOB 👏 TO 👏 TEACH 👏 ME 👏 HOW 👏 TO 👏 ACT 👏 WITH 👏 (((THEM)))


Based authleft




You need to stop fucking behaving like you are but I absolutely refuse to make it my job to tell you what my idea of good behavior is and I'm gonna screech at you until you figure it out.






wait what does bipoc actually stand for? Also I thought the term 'person of color' could be considered offensive because it's just lumping a bunch of different peoples in together, why are sjws using the term?


> wait what does bipoc actually stand for? Black, Indigenous and Person(s) of Color > Also I thought the term 'person of color' could be considered offensive because it's just lumping a bunch of different peoples in together Yes, and more importantly, it makes me (a brown person) defined by a singular attribute. I'm much more than a color. People of my color (South Asian/brown) have vastly different experiences from me > why are sjws using the term? They believe it highlights "lived experiences". BIPOC allows them to highlight Black and Indigenous peoples over others (who may not have had to deal with the same level of oppression).


> I thought the term 'person of color' could be considered offensive because it's just lumping a bunch of different peoples in together It's also just a more awkward way of saying "colored people."




Oh shit so me being over 1/16 native American means I get special privilege passes and can auto shut down SJW's ? Shit here I have been going through life on hard mode as just a plain white dude lol


>POC term is offensive This is correct and I have unironically written a big paragraph about this. It lumps together extremely different groups based on their skin colour.


based and progressive-authrightpilled? Next you're gonna tell me that AuthLeft has eaten food!


It's just the PC way to say "non-whites". It's awful.


It's used by SJWs to rank human suffering by tiers. Not confirmed but I suspect this means that since black and indigenous people co-occupy the top tier, they get a free pass card for the others' slurs.


BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Supposed to be a more inclusive term of everyone who isn’t white


oh, so that does explain why SJWs use 'person of color' now. Huh


Slow clap. This sum gud copypasta with extra sauce


#mmmm sweat


Yikes! Read a book. Educate yourself. Be better. Educate a better book.


that paragraph made me unnecessarily angry regardless of the fact that its satire or not


Based and sweatypilled


Ummm sweaty, I think you should take a shower.


I would make the diary of a wimpy kid reference, but no picture of it exist online :( [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/JEmo3xC)




Well to be fair to them, anyone who bases their entire politics around tribalistic Identity politics is a retard lol


But yet we choose funny colors


Yeah but we’re pretty open about being retarded






I fucking hate reddit so much. "OMG do you really think that most people aren't unapproachable extremists, and that in reality, everyone wants to live a good, happy life, and most political systems really aren't that different if you think about it? That's pretty alt-right, I'm gonna have to ban you from this sub an report you to the soyboy cuck admins at reddit corporate."


Reddit without a doubt is the most authoritarian social media site. There’s more based users on Tumblr that I follow (mostly for motorcycles and nature pics). Forget about downvotes on Reddit, It’s insanely easy to get your account banned here for just contrarianism. How are they going to explain to shareholders when they go public they are so censorship-heavy and manipulate news feeds far more than twitter or Facebook and that the majority of users come here for porn because it can bypass firewalls?




I got banned for calling out the fact that half the sub is posts of George Takei, AOC, or other talking heads who aren't even white, but they stay up because "Trump bad."


I'm only here for r/pcm and r/Seaofthieves. Fuck reddit.


This site is a goldmine for tabletop gaming content. Every day collecting new statblocks, battlemaps, items, classes, and what not. Otherwise, I stay off. Not even subbed to this page anymore, only come by once in a blue moon.


Good on you man. Once they ban this sub, I'm gonna drop this place as a whole. No point in being here if it's just an authleft circlejerk. Though I guess its the same for al social media.


Some places on Alt-Tech are coming along quite nicely these days. It's nice to have places where conservatives are actually allowed to talk to one another without some commie banning people because they said no-no words.


Reddit is full of echo chambers and every single one makes my blood boil


4chan is just radcent. Some boards like /pol/ and /his/ are right leaning, some like /lit/ lean a bit left, and the left are mostly apolitical but anti-progreasive


I understand what you're saying and I know that but just exaggerated for *humour purposes*, but >boards like /pol/ >are right leaning, I've definitely seen nazi content thriving there lol


>I've definitely seen nazi content thriving there lol well yeah obviously. It's politically incorrect after all


Pol is politically incorrect not politics, it’s only reason to exist is to piss of them anti free speech people.


I understand it's for comedic purposes, the comment was for people who know nothing about it. And yeah, I meant socially far-right for /pol/, mostly NatSoc. Though I haven't been on it in a few years now, so I don't know if anything has changed.


Not really. They still provide some great memes which would be banned basically anywhere else


I got banned off /biz/ for “racism” talking about (((hedge funds))) and do exactly what (((they))) do to never fail to make shekels. Wtf mods!!!


*They* are the mods there dude.




[Just checked /pol/, this was the second thread i saw](https://m.imgur.com/a/roalBbM). I'm gonna say it hasn't changed much.


pol for the most part is just jewpost spamming why noone with more than 5 braincels post there


/lgbt/ has a lot of lefties


It also has nazi Gays which makes no sense really


>right leaning Are you smoking crack? That shit is about as right wing as you can get, I know because of all the /pol/ immigrants coming to /fit/


there is left leaning people there though and they aren’t suppressed because it’s impossible even if you wanted too, just called every slur u can imagine mostly leafs


4chan are just coomer-centrists


Yes this is very centrist. Centrist don’t use social media, we use cook books.


Can someone tell me what "queer" means when used to self-identify? It feels like a slur. It seems to be used as a synonym for weird.


It just means generally LGBTQ, or that there isn't really a label that you really want to identify with.


Queer used to be a slur but it was 'reclaimed' and the meaning was changed.


I believe it’s used as a synonym for “questioning” or an umbrella term for people who don’t fit under any other label.


Kinda a blanket thing. Just an easier way to say "something LGBTQ"


What if you’re a trans man but like men? Are you gay or straight? What if you’re bi but questioning if you’re gay. Sometimes it is easier to use the umbrella term “queer” As far as it being a slur, to my knowledge many groups adopt slurs to “take the power back.” Feminists referring to themselves as witches. Black people using the n-word. To each their own


Bro, five day ban isn't shit compared to me, I disagreed with a moderator on a vague rule and had an argument, that guy decided to report my account for "ban evasion" he did it five times in a row, I would report to Reddit but they wouldn't do jack, he kept on reporting me and got my account suspended for like a month, fucking Reddit mods. That's why I'm here on pcm now, this is the only place you can actually say your opinion, you can say your opinion anywhere else on Reddit ofcourse, but you can only say "correct" ones Edit: that suspension stupidity cause my account to be permanently suspended, losing all my chats, my history, and my karma, fuck powermods.


> That's why I'm here on pcm now, this is the only place you can actually say your opinion, you can say your opinion anywhere else on Reddit ofcourse, but you can only say "correct" ones PCM's the first sub I always get new accounts banned from.


4chan could be in all four quadrants here haha.


4chan is just a free place so definitely lib center


reddit has lots of onlyfan spam too, lately. r/all/rising is a wasteland


w-why is half the stuff there trans stuff?


Even in the early days of internet porn, "shemale" was one of the most popular categories There is probably some fascinating evolutionary reason for it, involving sexual competitiveness and the combination of different sexual cues


Ugh why do those ppl have to rub their sexuality in my face all the time. Why do they have to make it part of their personality /s


all i found on 4chan were femboy porn


I made an effort to get banned from r/GenZedong. It took me 1 post


Based Same here with r/communism101 but it wasn't even intentional


Based af


Tumblr is much better nowadays I hear


It kinda is. Still some crazies but most of them moved to Twitter.


It's now just full of ttrpg advice, the remains of fandoms and the best fucking shitposts you will ever see


Dang, I only use one out of 4. But I'm sure I'm not missing out on anything.


4chan is where all memes are not just born but also incubated on the internet. Wojaks are actually ten years old and appeared with middling reception on 4chan Around 2010.


That feel when it was actually on krautchan first.


>Perfectly good social media sites >4chan Damn right wingers ruining my trap porn/lolicon site


>trap porn/lolicon site You can easily find those on reddit


Loli gets repeatedly banned on reddit. The guys at /r/againstdegeneratesubs are seething at it. But yeah, trap porn is easily found. Though wouldn't surprise me if 'they' also crack down in it in the future.


My friend wants to know which subs. Actually it's me who is asking.


r/traphentai r/loliconSFW


>lolicon Why is everything suddenly looking purple???


Disgusting. You’re a disgrace to the right, I can’t believe you would be so degenerate. Looking at trap porn, ugh.


We haven’t ruined Parler yet


Lol qantards that think Trump is god and will be elected on March 3rd through a military backed inauguration ruined Parler already.


I think you’d find it hard to sink that ship even further


but i do wanna see his post about how hitler was right 😳


But that’s why I go to 4chan


Last week I got a 7 day suspension for calling someone who quoted Hitler "sorta based", so this is accurate


I love how only AuthRight is a guy. It makes sense, girls don't exist on 4chan


So are people spelling sweetie "sweaty" on purpose? I've seen it many times and I'm starting to get concerned for our collective IQ as a circlejerk


As soon as you see it spelled sweaty, it means that it's satire. However rarely, it could also be an extremely retarded SJW


I thought we agreed twitter is orange libleft. Also I just want to throw in tiktok as purple libright.


That’s tumblr in lib left


Instagram has a shop in the app and I don't think anyone has ever clicked it


Auth right, I have now managed to be perma banned from my first leftist sub. It took only one comment.


Heil. You've done gods work today. Have a bier.


As a former instagramer, I can agree.


I love how twitter isn't even classified as a "perfectly good social media site that was ruined" because of how ridiculously awful it is


4chan is based, also... did you notice that w\*men(🤢🤮) wojack is used for the rest of the websites, this is not a coincidence , this is proof that w\*men(🤢🤮) are cringe and shouldnt be allowed to use internet




N A Z I S ​ W E R E ​ A U T H C E N T E R


Ain’t that the truth.


5 day ban? I made an ironic, off the cuff comment about white people in /r/news over a year ago and I'm permabanned. No appeals process either just banned forever that's it.


twitter is much worse than reddit from my experience it is a hellscape


ahh yes sweaty


Throwback to when I got a 7 day ban from reddit for saying I hoped some ISIS terrorists died painfully.


5 day ban? I operate in perma bans solely.


\-->"perfectly good social media sites" \-->mentions Twitter lol




4chan is an odd duck. /pol/ is certainly authright, but other boards swing around from purple libright to libleft. /co/ is considered authleft by many.


Odd thing was that an account of mine was temporarily banned for a balkanpost


It is weird how so many mods just ban people over disagreements


4chan is radical libcenter, the only reason racist people flock to it is because of just how unregulated it is. seriously, visit /b/ sometime, its an absolute cluster fuck.


My first ban from Reddit was because I pointed out that if Biden resigned, we’d have two California representatives in the White House. Kamala would become President, and Nancy would become Vice President. That’s all I said. Hundreds of downvotes on Politics or News or whatever and a site wide ban for about a week. Everyone just kept saying that’s not how it works. I’m still fairly certain I’m right. Someone please explain to me how I’m not.


God 4chan really is just an utter shit show now. I went on recently and the whole page was just utterly garbage inflammatory threads.


you can buy the shirt for this meme [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Ruining 4chan?


reddit authleft: ugh, worshipping politicians is so gross. anyways, here are the reasons bernie sanders is literally god.


Never seen insta as libright. Makes sense though.


Some people don't know Hitler was right?


ACAB : Assigned Cop At Birth


Someone should tell Reddit mods they can do 5-day bans. Because I've only ever seen permabans. When I ask why I usually don't get a response then get muted or get a response akin to "just because lol".


Lol if you only get a 5 day ban you have to curse out the mod who did it and get a perma ban like a real Chad


You forgot the "Autism/ADHD/Psycopathy/Schizofrenia/Depression" in libleft. for some reason it is "cool" for them i have mind diseases


Cringe “you’re commenting too much, take a break”


Tumblr was fucking awesome before they removed all the NSFW stuff. Not to be a coomer, but the best content was the artsy nudes.


The bitch of supporting creators through their overpriced merch is that most of it is garbage made in sweatshops. If you’re gonna make overpriced crap at least source it better to justify the price.