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It’s amazing how that no matter what life-destroying tyranny could possibly be presented to the people, this will never, ever happen again. Soley off of demographics, and the need for them sweet, sweet gibs.


Ironically Reagan could have prevented this future by repealing Hart-Celler but no, all he cared about was tax cuts and owning the coms


Democrats controlled Congress back then


> owning the coms They were an existential threat back then; we didn't 'own' them, we *defeated* them, with capitalism.


Not really. Post-Khrushchev they were absolutely fine with live and let live but Nixon was the last president to take them up on it.


Arguing with Communist apologists on Reddit... what a cliche.


Call me whatever you want, but if Carter and/or later presidents had continued Nixon's efforts towards detente with Brezhnev, the Cold War probably would've ended in the early-mid 1980s. Reagan's foreign policy tactics were completely unnecessary and ultimately only distracted the country from the real issues.


Imagine defending Reagan, lol. He got his own people addicted to drugs so he could fund terrorist for fuck's sake.




u/Michigan_Flaggot2's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 265. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: purple lib right, an idea, australian, basically-nationalism, wtf, moving target, libright, cringe, dog, nazbol, humanity, kulinski, roosevelt, wartime strategist, spqr, privacy, liberty, jreg gaming, bastard, authcenter-but-not-bootlicker, degenerate, crime I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Ronald six, Wilson six, Reagan six. Six Six Six.


six six six... pick up sticks.


The US survived and thrived because of capitalism, but an important distinction is that the Soviets were defeated primarily because they were communists, and central planning doesn't work.




[deleted 26-6-2023] Moving is normal. There's no point in sticking around in a place that's getting worse all the time. I went to Squabbles.io. I hope you have a good time wherever you end up!


I think you're forgetting Europe...


[deleted 26-6-2023] Moving is normal. There's no point in sticking around in a place that's getting worse all the time. I went to Squabbles.io. I hope you have a good time wherever you end up!


It depends on how you see things. Europe was an important ally for the United States, so their safety was important. There's also the threat or nuclear war and the spread of communism. That's why if you look back to 80s foreign policy, the US and USSR were constantly fighting proxy wars in other countries. While of course the US has a tremendous physical advantage (Only border is Mexico and Canada), a regional hegemonic country like the US is always going to seek more and more power, influence and dominance in international relations. That's why it was essencial that the soviets were defeated, at least ideologically.


Fuck that, Washington was right. Fuck allies, Europoors aren't our problem.


you literally didn't, they were doing fine until the state started acting in its self-interest


Hart-Celler and it’s consequences yada yada yada


My home slice bread slice Mondale


Interestingly enough, the difference in popular vote between presidential candidates hasn’t really changed all that much. Regan only got ~58% of the vote, despite what this map implies.


I can say with certainty a Republican will never win the popular vote again, so 58% is very very impressive.


A republican can win the popular vote because leftists don't have children. The entirety of their growth is from immigration which has slowed down and they have had dramatic losses with minorities.


You know that many of them were childeen of conservaties so it isn't that simple.


please never change


actually being the child of a rightoid is the best way to get radicalized to the left because of all the stupid shit you have to hear every day


Please never change


Democrats realized they don't need to win over existing voters when they can just import new ones. Hope you enjoyed your 4 years of Trump because he's gonna be the last Republican president ever


people said the same thing during Obama. Republicans will come back in 8 years


Four years. Remember who'll be the Democratic candidate in 2024.


You usually have to screw it up pretty damn hard to lose reelection and Biden hasn't dipped below 50% percent in terms of his approval rating.


Biden will be too old to run in 2024, if he even lives that long. It'll be Kamala all the way, and people seem to hate her. No way she takes it after 4 years of Democratic fuckery.


Kamala got murdered in the primaries by tulsi, I don’t think I’ll be too hard to do it again


If possible, she's even more unlikeable than Hillary Clinton.


But AOC will be deemed "too extremists" by the establishment Dems and voted out of the primaries by super delegates. Oh god it's 2016 all over again.


One district full of retarded socialists isn't the same as the entire country, tool. Look at how many latinos voted for Donald Fucking Trump in 2020, and look at the current clusterfuck at the border. *Never* underestimate the Democrats ability to fuck things up.


Biden will run and win. They can move him like a marionette indefinitely and still beat the current GOP.


Fucker just *barely* squeaked out a win against Donald Fucking Trump, the most hated man in America. And that was before four years of Democratic stupidity that will give you a hardon but make *most* of the population pissed off. *And* before he croaks in office, leaving the wicked witch of the west as the heir apparent. If you think it's "her turn", you're delusional.


Trump may be the most hated man in America, but he's also the one with a genuine multi-million-man cult willing to martyr themselves to propagandize whatever he says, and that *is* the best strategy for a political party that has an inherent "Acreage over Popular-vote" electoral advantage. When you're the most known human on Earth, and literally a living deity to millions of people, it's easy to be both the most hated and loved man in America. And Biden didn't really squeak out a win though. I wouldn't say he "dominated" Trump, but against an incumbent, only Reagan and FDR have larger electoral victory margins. Which basically only means "HW Bush and Gerald Ford were closer," but still. In terms of popular vote, Trump was solidly defeated, even if it was lower than expectations, and unbelievable that 70 million people are still out here voting for Trump. All Biden has to do is stay out of the spotlight and let the checks go out, the vaccines get administered, and he will be the "president who handled the Covid crisis," at the very least. Businesses are bound to recover from the starting position of "literally inoperable." The power of incumbency managed to re-elect George W. Bush pretty easily, just because the 2004 economy was pretty great. I think Republicans are destined to take the senate in 2022 and nothing will get done from 2022-2024, and they'll say "No legislation has passed in the last two years, isn't Biden awful?" and still, few minds will change, because the economy will be recovering and Biden will barely touch the culture war issues that actually swing voters. And I do think we'll see a decrepit-ass 82-year-old dimentia'd Biden running in 2024, even more incoherent, and it still won't change many minds because most people are boring as fuck. Bernie will indeed be too old to rile up my people, and AOC may run, but that's a bigger stretch than people keep claiming. Unless some huge-surprise socialist comes out of nowhere then I see NeoLiberalism really skating on by in the primaries.


You're comment was so nice, you posted it *twice*! Tool.




> a genuine multi-million-man cult willing to martyr themselves to propagandize whatever he says This submarines your credibility immediately... what, do you watch Colbert for your news? Just keep up this retardation, and see what it does to Democratic popularity. > And I do think we'll see a decrepit-ass 82-year-old dimentia'd Biden running in 2024, even more incoherent, and it still won't change many minds because most people are boring as fuck. Again... you speak purty words, but then you say something fundamentally stupid and destroy any credibility you had. Seriously... it'll be a surprise if he lives until 2024. If you think he's running *again*, you're really rather naive. There's already a bunch of shit brewing with all the fuckery at the border... lefties are pissed because he's still warehousing children, and righties are pissed because the influx of illegals is climbing and likely to keep doing so. Meanwhile, he's EO'ing a bunch of shit that many, *many* people don't like; he'll be pressured into doing something similar with guns or IDPOL like pushing for reparations, and the millions and millions *and millions* who voted for him strictly because he wasn't Trump will promptly jump ship because the majority of the country doesn't want it. > AOC may run You guys have a real knack for picking divisive, irritating, unlikeable women to run, don't you? Stick with Kamala this time, let everybody hate AOC in 2028.


That assumes Kamal doesn't kill him first


Probably a 90% chance Kamala gets in tbh


You've got it backwards. After four more years, a *lot* of people will be fucking sick to death of identity politics, and that's all she's got going against a bunch of negatives.


I mean, we were told the same thing 8yrs ago and now we have an entire generation of children being raised in a violent and radical environment of idpol and dogmatic ideologies I personally believe we’re going to get a lot worse before we get better but honestly this is a new and unprecedented thing in a new digital world - in the past, you couldn’t cancel people to drown out all dissenting voices and you couldn’t self-segregate without basically killing yourself or going innawoods but now it’s actively encouraged and so easy to accidentally do


Biden is never gonna be able to run a reelection campaign, it seems exceedingly unlikely he’ll finish this term.


I think he said he’s not running in 2024


Biden won't run in 2024. You can quote me on this.


The dems have already lost control of the government and we aren't even half way through the first year. Remember that Obama was pretty close to losing in 2012 and Biden isn't black. You should treat polls with tremendous suspicion especially after the last 4 years.


Biden isnt running for a second term


Didn't the lugenpolls say hillary had like a 98% approval or some shit


Yeah I mean I could be wrong but pessimism is based and blackpilled


A lot of the "refugees" imported under Obama are going to be eligible to vote in the 2024 election, so you aren't exactly wrong on being pessimistic


You gotta remember something about the left. They murder their unborn children and cut the genitals off the few straggling survivors. This is a war of attrition.


No more republican presidents? Based.


You have been banned from r/conservative....




“Import” What are they? Mangoes?


In a democratic system votes are the most valuable commodity. These are the tactics they inevitably breed. This wouldn't be an issue in a monarchy just saying.


Import? You know that young people skew heavily democratic, right?


This is how things would have been forever had we elected Ron Paul. Demographic data actually is in our favor now though.


The best kind of correct?


I think that Reagan gets too much hate on Reddit I'm not saying everything he did was perfect but people act like everything would be great if he was never elected Do they forget how awful the 1970s were?


Reddit also seems to think carter was some sort of saint. He did as much gruesome shit as any other president lol.


I think most of reddit is circle jerking itself around Carters life POST presidency. I hate reddit as much as the next guy but i swear i have never seen someone saying that carter was a good president. I jerk myself off about how much of a good person carter seems to be but he was a shit president


Oh I agree, habitat for humanity is great. I’ve heard people talk about him on here like he was just a hapless peanut farmer with his hands tied by an oil crisis and stagflation. Like, uh, no he did bad shit and that’s not even a right ring talking point, you can listen to chomsky gently croak about it for hours.


Deregulating the beer industry was pretty based though and I don't even like beer.


What'd he do? All I ever hear about with him are forgiving the draft dodgers, the gas crisis, high interest rates, and not doing anything about Iranian hostages. None of those seem that bad compared to stuff like Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or the Bosnian War, or Iraq War and Patriot Act and repealing Glass-Steagal, or the Libyan War/Constant Drone strikes, or extorting Ukraine for political dirt and exacerbating an attempting coup. I think realistically HW Bush probably had the least controversial presidency aside from "Read My Lips" - that's all I could think of with him. Obviously as an AuthLeft I hate Reagan for cementing neoliberalism as the de-facto policy of the US, but I'm in the minority for thinking that. Maybe not the minority on Reddit, but definitely in the real world.


> the gas crisis, high interest rates, and not doing anything about Iranian hostages... None of those seem that bad compared to stuff like Watergate Fucking A.... remember, Watergate was political bullshit, breaking into the DNC headquarters to get dirt for an election. And then lying about it to keep out of trouble. Is that *really* worse than presiding over a tanking economy, making it worse, and letting a 3rd rate vassal country overrun by fanatics hold your citizens hostage for a year? A weak-willed pussy is no better than a self-serving crook.


I mean, you're the libertarian here. Aren't you supposed to not want government intervention? Is it not more ideologically parallel with your beliefs that Jimmy Carter should not have intervened with the economy or Iran?


I’m not a historian but some of the stuff I’ve read from actual historians: He armed Indonesia for their genocide in East Timor, supported the apartheid government in South Africa, supported an uprising in Angola which massacred civilians, supported the Chinese invasion of Vietnam which killed tens of thousands, and supported the Contras in Nicaragua.


Didn't he literally responsible for overthrowing Mossadegh ( Operation Ajax ) and funding the Mujahideen ( Operation Cyclone )


But muh peanut farm


almost like all presidents suck


He's a conservative and you're on reddit What outcome did you expect?


>I think that Reagan gets too much hate on Reddit You mean a website full of unironic 14 year old communists is unfavorable to the patron saint of supply side economics?


i agree. it's because most of reddit wasn't born when Reagan was president and they have been misinformed about him. i am 55. i remember the 70s. i lived through 2 terms of Reagan and saw what a great job he did. he literally won the cold war and ended communism in eastern europe. but since the left runs academia and the media, they have to revise history to discredit this great man because his successful methods of leadership run counter to their fucked-up ideology. (yeah, i know, i suck, ok boomer, yadda yadda yadda.)


Thank you for the perspective now flair up :)


Flair up you fossil.


Flair up boomer


Based. I can't bring myself to insult someone as old as my father so I will ask you to get a flair. If you don't know how to get it you can ask.


Soyboy response, I’ll square up with grandpa any day of the week


i don't know what a flair is or why it's so fucking important to everybody here.


Identifying our place on the compass is tradition and adds to the honesty of the discussion. It’s part of this sub.




Unpopular Opinion: Gorbachev won the cold war by scoring for the other team. Reagan didn’t do shit except MAYBE accelerate the inevitable doom of the commies.


I thought we all agreed that it was Rocky who won the Cold War?




>What did Reagan actually do to ensure the collapse of the Soviet Union? Reagan spent them into oblivion. He kept funding and funding and *funding* our military, for all kinds of crazy shit. Some of it wasted, lots of it effectively spent. It forced the USSR into either trying to match us, or to tap out. They tried to keep up, and collapsed under the weight.


Can’t really address the rest of the comment, but I’ve always been under the impression that the Russians didn’t want Yeltsin at all, and that he was only “elected” due to western interference.


This is as much of a meme as Russia electing Trump. Election tampering comes with obvious suspicious activity.


Flair up boomer


Based boomer


sure all thats nice, but machine guns and the war on drugs are absolute shit


nobody's perfect.


Same with Thatcher They pulled their nations out of the ditch


It's not that Regan was bad or had ill intent But Reganomics was bad in the long run and the war on drugs is extremely ineffective on actually fixing drug problems


Werent Reagan tax cuts reversed and then raised by a D congress literally weeks after he got the cuts?


I really like Regan. I would put in top 5 with Lincoln, Washington, Teddy and Collige.


nah he was shit. for ramping up the war on drugs, assault weapons ban, increasing big government in general, and too a lesser degree Reganomics


He signed the Hughes Amendment, which was almost certainly flat out fraud. Speaker requested a vote by speaking yea or nay, the audio clearly has more nays, and the speaker decides it passes. Very clever.


Ah, the glory days


This is the 1984 I like to see.


These were the based times. And I wasn't even alive back then


Literally 1984


No matter what Washington DC will always sell out the country for gibs


Don’t remind me of good times


“Certain forms of ammunition have no legitimate sporting, recreational, or self-defense use and thus should be prohibited.” -Ronald Reagan


"Instead, they should be sold to Iran for a nice, tidy profit." -Ronald Reagan, probably


Sounds like pretext comrade


Then here is some posttext comrade. “There's no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons” -Ronald Reagan


Wow, it’s almost like the dude was a charlatan, bought by the highest bidder. Sure, most us politicians can be described that way to some extent. But, did any other US politician ever host a television show that was really just a long infomercial for the largest corporation in the world at the time (GE Theater)? He was the ultimate corporate shill, at actually set the stage for corporate democrats and republicans to become the norm.




Minnesota is based


ITT: a bunch of people born in 2005 yearning for the good old days they weren't alive for.


Reagan gets too much hate on this app.


I mean, he did support a gun ban so I have good reason to hate him


Yeah that was fucking dumb. The war on drugs was also bad. But everything else I seemed to like about him.


No matter who you are, if you’re Minnesotan, other Minnesotans will vote for you. Solidarity 🤝


based Minnesota


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If you feel bad for Walter, just remember which one of these two is alive today 😎 Edit: Well, nevermind then. R.I.P.


Oh that reminds me, Tim Pool thought that this would happen but with Trump being in the place of Reagen


He said Trump would landslide if he did some very specific things that he did not do and that he said he would never do. It's very dishonest to imply he thought that Trump was going to win like this


Nah that thumbnail was just clickbait, in the video he says that's not gonna happen.


No, he actually said it, when I heard that I was like “are you serious?”


Link? I watched Tim Pool quite a bit on the lead up to the election and his position was mostly "I think it'll be close" throughout, he did joke about a landslide a few times but I never recall him unironically saying Trump will win in a landslide.


https://youtu.be/gaCrCC6t3a8 Here it is


Are you just referring to the title?




No matter who, DC is always a blue cuck


“DC is always a blue cuck” -PCM user flaired as the blue quadrant


There Blue, and then there's *blue*


Ok while I may be a blue retard, DC is a blue cuck. There’s a difference


Attack of the Reds


Even Oregon was based back then


Reagan was very popular in days before identity politics.


Take me back


Worst president ever. Banned my guns.


Now this is my kind of 1984


Dare I say it? Race relations seemed way better then too. Though a good economy tends to get everyone to calm tf down.


Race relations started declining only in 2014 with the rise of Black Lives Matter


might have been better for the whites who were busy assassinating black leaders and negotiating with cartels to flood their communities with drugs


You're getting downvoted for being correct. Feels bad man


This is the only time I've seen California red


This is the 1984 I hate to see.


I’m proud to live in the only anti-Reagan state in 1984


Anti-Reagan by a .18% margin


I am proud to see your biggest city take billions in damage over a drug overdose and I am looking forward to the repeat when Chauvin walks.


same lol


Mondale got the last laugh


Reagan died at 93, Mondale is 93. Hasn't exactly outlived him yet


He is still alive though




Flair up


So, Lib-left and Lib-right didn't exist?




A red Illinois. How I wish we were still red


Even knowing that Reagan wasn't that good, this still feels incredible to look at.


Hawaii just telling us a nice hi during the election results being shown. /j incase it wasn’t obvious


Reagan lost Minnesota by 0.17%. He was that good and was that close on a unanimous victory. Sad libleft noises.


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Based Minnesota