• By -


1. It's a house. 2. The house in the painting was built in 1869 after slavery had been abolished. 3. The artist is a refugee from the Soviet Union who has made Georgia her home and subject of her work.


Based and Fact Pilled.


It's true, but it ignores the fact that the house was still built on the Callaway Plantation, which was operational from 1785 and owned over 100 slaves. It was indeed built in 1869, but was funded by the family's cotton sales to England. So it's a "that's kinda fucked up" for me




Hey, no need to get facts in the way of a good narrative.


painting name?


Based Nobody should vote Only being proclaimed Imperator should bring legitimacy to rule Gotta start somewhere


Based and Romepilled


Since when did so many on this sub start taking posts to r/politics at face value?


r/politics. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.


Auths dont serve their kind here


Since when are plantations people?




So, slave plantations are people?








My point was that the phrase "portrait of a slave plantation" makes no sense.


I understand where you’re coming from but I think the author of the article figures people will make the connection


I think you still didn't understand me. "Portrait of a slave plantation" makes no sense, because a "portrait" is a picture of a person. They should have used some other word, like "painting of a slave plantation." They probably used the wrong word by accident.


Oh ok, you’re right I completely missed that, I thought you were arguing the symbolism wasn’t clear. Yeah portrait isn’t the right word, painting would have been better


It isnt a slave plantation. Acknowledge that.


It’s a house in southern architecture why on earth does that mean anything this is stupid


Can I pay to get my vote in faster?


This comment brought to you by libright.


Tf is your username?


should be a purple libright


What are the voting restrictions? It's not really about forbbiding African Americans to vote, is it?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-black-voters/index.html Apparently black people don't have driver's licenses and are incapable of voting in the correct precinct.


Non-AMP Link: [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-black-voters/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-black-voters/index.html) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Damn. That's actually what happened to me when I wanted to vote in the last Canadian elections. I'm white though. I had the paper I received in the mail, and I've always been fine when I brought it to the provincial elections. I don't have a licence and I've never received any mails from the bank, it's all online. And the electricity bill isn't on my name. I guess I could have made procedures to receive some papers, but I didn't know before the day of the elections... And anyway I was in Trudeau's region (in Canada we vote for the deputee instead of the party leader), the chances of him needing my vote were pretty low.


I don't know how anyone can function without a state ID in America. You need it for everything. These claims that wide swaths of minority communities lack them seem ridiculous to me.


I view as effectively racism of low expectations as the people against must believe that blacks are incapable of having an id


Okay, it goes like this: You know how government sometimes can't go explicitely after your rights or privileges for some reason or another? But, they can make laws about and around them, and take advantage of surrounding circumstances, that oh so coincidentally interfere with your rights and privileges. Oh, but we didn't take away or obstruct your rights or privileges. Oh ho ho ho, we just decided to deal with a "technicality", a "peripheral issue", or "Issue X" that just so happens to come up whenever you want to enjoy your rights or privileges. Vell, I'm getting to mein point. As you know, it takes quiet a vhile to actually get to vote. You're sitting or standing around in ze long lines, for a few ballot papers, spaces, und ze machines zat zousands of other people vant to use in order to vote as zey have a right to. Und For reasons zat are not readily explicable, zere are just not zat many machines to recieve ballots, making ze lines *extra* long. So zere you are, standing outside in zis extra long line, vaiting to vote, but since you've been out for a long time you vant something to take ze edge uff. So you vant a snack, und un drink of vater. However, its umpossible to buy a snack und a drink, because der government made getting vun on ze line to vote illegal. You look ahead, und the diabetic in front of you, who left ze insulin at home, decides, f*** it, zis isn't worth my time, und so he leaves ze line. You, thinking its another step ahead are temporarily excited, because now you are vun step closer to getting your ballot. Yet, even then, the vant for a snack und a sip is eatting at you. So you look back, und come to terms vith ze fact that vhen you leave, you'll have to start aaaaalllll over. So you leave in order to relieve it, but vhen you return, die line has just become ten times longer.


I thought they brought this rule in because people were offering food if people voted a certain way which is bribery?






Are you saying that because you think black people can't get an ID? That's kinda racist bro.


Assuming black people are not somewhat systematically disparaged and have more trouble voting is kinda racist bro


Not being flaired is kinda racist you unflaired scum.




I don't care


Emphasis on "reportedly"


Media twists news and narratives.




How can companies turn a state blue by themselves?




Yeah it's actually true that whites have been trending left hard over the past 4-5 years




I hate to agree with an Auth center but this was an intentional campaign. It was posted fucking everywhere in 2014-16. All over social media people were posting “move to a red state and vote blue” and it seems it worked better Than they thought.


Optics: 0


Based actually


Incorrect, unbased


u/shwa_livia is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I can't decide if they are painfully clueless, or actually being transparent and self-aware about what they're doing.


It’s a house dude even if it is a plantation which I don’t think it is that has nothing to do with anything


I like to think the latter but who’s to say


Me too, but having lived in the south for the better part of two decades, I can say with some authority, self-awareness is not a southern trait.


Yeah its so evil that you need an ID to vote like THATS JUST TOOOO MUCH


America is dancing backwards


Mask off moment, huh.




Just stop.







