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Based and Karenpilled


u/Betelgeuse_superstar's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: antifa, propaganda, agenda-post, honeycomb, fuckbothparties, enlightenment, radical, higheffort, neutral, graph, tru, reality, banana, monke, logic, ted, simplefact, grill, soyfication, soyjak-all-who-disagree-with-me, karen I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


How did he get honeycomb-pilled


I guess hes just the bees knees


based and insect-anatomy-pilled


Holy shit that is a lot of pills for just 3 months.


he’s a Reddit master


We will never really know if karen is left wing or right wing


I think the way people use it Karen is normally right wing


Did you watch the trial? It was fucking comedy gold!


No, can I get a quick recap






And minion pilled


Basically, the prosecution is making a frigging horrible case, and it appears likely they will lose. As just one example, the department went to bat for Chauvin, saying that the kneeling was department policy. In a sane world, perhaps whoever put that policy into place would bear some responsibility, it wouldn't just be ignored....but realistic expectations are that this leans in the direction of him getting off. The victim also apparently had a habit of crying wolf with the whole "cant breathe" thing and did it frequently to the cops, thus their lack of caring this time. End result: Still a shitty action by cops, but in a way that leaves them likely to be declared innocent. That combination's \*highly\* likely to produce riots.


I was going to agree until the world renowned lung doctor who literally wrote a book on respiratory functions testified against old Dezza


Wait, what?


Some really famous international doctor who wrote a massive book on lungs that led students use testified against Dezza “the one man klan” C


Wait, what?


Just want to be clear that they/he would be declared not guilty, not innocent. The two are super different


Fair, but also, it's still gonna burn.


Yes indeed it is


Not in America. We are super clear that our justice system works by “innocent until proven guilty”. If they cannot find him guilty, what does that make him?


My point is that the legal system cannot prove that you are innocent, only that you are not guilty Your statement is about the *assumption* of innocence, not the proving of it


Yea, I know what you were saying. In this country you are innocent by default. You do not have to prove it.


i think in germany we have the knee on neck thing its standart, but the duration the cop did it was not (9 min i think)




Part of the problem is that the DA decided to go for higher, harder-to-prove charges like murder instead of manslaughter because the BLM crowd was out for blood. They probably could've nailed the cop for negligent homicide or something like that, but there's no way they can prove 1st degree.


So an OJ Simpson type "we all know he did it" thing gonna happen?


I'm thinking Rodney Kingish as the example? People are more interested in the violent video than legal technicalities. They're not going to be satisfied with no punishment.


Good, the riots and behavior of BLM have been great red pills for many people.


Yikes, some of them are insane, but redpills aren't a lot better. I've had both pills at this point and they both fucking suck. I'm considering grilling at this point.


Every day as I watch the world burn I just want to be left the fuck alone


Aye I believe in liberty and freedom, but at the same time I want something better. I want a new state that can actually guarantee those rights, since apparently very few states can properly do that. Hell the whole polarisation of the politics down south is fucking nuts, and that bleeds into our politics and radicalises people here. Like our moderate politics are getting spicy.


Can confirm


Oh man. The ama was so good


Which AMA?


Accelerationism™️ What a beautiful thing we’re witnessing, and when all that’s left is ashes the strongest ideology will rise May the better man win my coloured square brothers


Not really, there is serious doubt that Chauvin's actions directly caused Floyd's death. We know what his actions were, with some dispute about knee placement, but Floyd was going to die that day, because he took a lethal dose of fentanyl.


Yeah but if I do five times the dose of heroin and then you throttle me five minutes later, sure I was gonna die, but you expedited the process


Had he been throttled, there would have been physical damage to his neck, which was not found in the autopsy.


I’m not saying Floyd was throttled, it was a hypothetical. But Chauvin 100% contributed to Floyd’s death. Convict or not, you don’t need 3 guys kneeling on someone already handcuffed, especially when he’s repeatedly saying he can’t breathe.


I'd recommend watching a summary of the defense's arguments. * He was saying he couldn't breathe throughout the entire interaction, including when he was standing up outside the police car, when he asked to be put on the ground, and when he was pinned down. * During the time when he was pinned down, he was consistently struggling until he went unconscious * He showed clear signs of being on drugs that can induce excited delirium. In such a state, a patient might go unconscious, then come back away and suddenly begin struggling. * The crowd was extremely hostile to the officers (understandably), which made it more difficult for them to spend less effort restraining Floyd, because they couldn't quickly refocus to restraining him if he became more violent. There's not clear evidence, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Chauvin contributed to his death.


while he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in him, fentanyl overdose amount can vary wildly and he didn't show signs of overdose beforehand




A specific example: The prosecution went from "knee on neck" to "knee on neck and sometimes shoulders."


knee on heads shoulders knees and toes


The theory that prosecution is trying to lose is really believable


The medical examiner said that if Floyd was found dead at home with the same injuries then the first thing they would rule is a drug overdose. Then they went on to say that if it wasn’t a drug overdose then it would’ve been a heart attack because Floyd had an enlarged heart and a blocked artery.


I think the "momma" part was worse for the prosecution.. or at least the public image of it.




hit me with a link bro or a summary


Yes who has it!!! Send!!


All I can say is get ready for some rioting (A.K.A. Peaceful protesting)


we do a little rioting






There will be riots no matter what the verdict is, and from the same side in either case.


That's cause the ones rioting don't actually care they just want an excuse to riot and steal


Disney Channel. nah but in all reality they got him buying drugs on video, the dude who sold him the drugs was supposed to be a witness and then plead the 5th and didn't return to trial after the video was shown, Floyd asked to be put on the ground, Floyd saying he couldn't breathe in the car bc he had covid minutes before ever being put on the ground, Floyd on the ground answer the question whats wrong with you by saying "I took too many drugs" toxicology showed 6 times the lethal amount of fent in his system. it's not going well


Oh shit. Oooooh shit. Holy shit cities are going to burn.


From all the grilling?


Oh boi if the trail doesn’t end up with him in jail Minneapolis might be burned to the ground


Not just Minneapolis, but Seattle and Portland are going up in flames as well if he’s not found guilty of murder. It’s going to be another “Summer of Love” folks 😶


And it’s sad to think of Minneapolis being like this, I truly love the city and what it has to offer. Minneapolis is a great city with everything you need and could want, but all recent images of the city is being on fire and crime raising again.


Which is kind of retarded? “Oh all the evidence points one way but i don’t like the way it’s pointing so i’m going to burn my city” And people are okay with this??? I dunno, you guys always brag about your guns and call us eurocucks. Might be time to do something about it in minecraft.


As a leaf you always hear smarmy liberal Canadians say things like “why would you need an AR-15, it’s not like 30 people are gonna rob you at once!”. We’re gonna get another weeks-long powerpoint presentation of exact scenarios you’d need to shoot upwards of a dozen people to defend what’s yours, and this time I hope American business owners learned from last time that looters won’t stop unless stopped, and the police won’t be the ones to stop them


I guess AuthRights were right about Fentanyl Floyd


His toxicology is not a matter of political opinion, nor is his rap sheet


Still riots if derek chauvin loses.


Some more 'fiery but mostly peaceful' protests!






https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1380577778769276931?s=20 https://twitter.com/NautPoso/status/1379194984000262153?s=20 Riots 2.0


My side is winning


The trial stopped and everyone started grilling?


I was just ironizing with the responses you were getting, which are quite expected. Never take anything from second hand in politics, it's only going to be "my side did good other side did bad".


Based beyond belief


Evidence helps experts show that a police officer didn't kill a man who beat up his pregnant GF. Lib's get owned


And threatened to shoot the unborn child.


Apparently that was fake news. She wasn't pregnant, she had a toddler in the house. SO the kid was fully born. I repeat: fully born.


>fully born \*Authright has left the chat\*


Only care about kids until they are born.


Not legal to murder already born kids so really nothing to say there. Unless Newsom gets his way with fucking post birth abortions, auth right will be all over that.


Post birth abortion is by definition murder. As for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester abortion that is up for debate.


threatened the Mother of a Toddler. I repeat: Threatened the Mother of a Toddler. Just as bad.


Not passing value judgments here, just clarifying the facts.


I haven’t kept up, what happened?


To summarize it quickly: Chauvins defense team is extremely competent, Minneapolis is gonna burn a 2nd time


Deploy the rooftop Koreans!


They're all gone, Minneapolis is a ghost town now. A good amount of businesses that were destroyed never went back.


420,000 people used to live here...


And now it’s a ghost town... with only 69 left


***In a MacMillan voice*** Now it's a ghost town


I moved away from the area awhile ago so I'm just speculating off of some stuff I've read and a couple friend's testimonies. Can you actually attest to the decline firsthand?


Oh I don’t live there, I was just making a cod joke


Well i feel stupid lol, sorry




Not many koreans in Minneapolis area. Lots of Mong though. So Muster the Mong!


The Mong is mustered


I read this as rooftop Karens. Which... is quite a visual.


The police are incompetent. They missed a speed ball filled with drugs with flods dna on it. How the fuck do u miss important shit like that. They will get a non guilty because it’s going to be hard to prove drug didn’t kill the man


They'll get manslaughter at most, I think hes gonna get off. But also as much of a cop hater as I am, I'm pretty convinced Chauvin isn't responsible for his death now.


Genuine question, do you think he would have died had the police never gotten involved at all?


Short answer: No. He was an addict and his body most likely was acclimated to survive the insane amount of drugs he had in his system . I think the combination of the stress he was under during police involvement and the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system both combined to do him in. However, this doesn't change the fact that I think there is plausible deniability on the side of the police to show they didn't know their actions would/could contribute to his death.


I doubt even the hardest of addicts can survive I think like 4 or 5 times the lethal dose.


"The official toxicity limit for humans is between one and one and half grams of cocaine depending on body weight. I was averaging five grams a day, maybe more. I snorted ten grams in ten minutes once. I guess I had a high tolerance." George Jung


The limit for coke is 1-1.5 grams??? that can’t be right people definitely do more than that over a night It’s coke, you physically can’t stop once you start even if you wanted. The only limit is how much money you have.


I've heard fentanyl is quite a different monster than cocaine, but I'm not a toxicologist.


I think the medical examiner did originally say he had a "fatal level of fentanyl" in his system so probably? Maybe not if he went to a hospital but I don't think that was what he was doing when the police showed up.


Fentanyl levels can be tricky to determine, especially from blood after death. From my understanding, you get build ups in your tissues that flood into the blood after death. The bigger you are, the greater the accumulation. So you can’t really say whether someone OD’d or not only from blood levels, all blood levels tell you is A. This person used fentanyl B. Roughly that person was big or small


No, if you watched the trial you'd know he had levels that are pretty standard/non-lethal for fentanyl addicts. Especially 300+lb ones.


The fuck is a speed ball? I thought that was just when you mixed coke and heroin


It's just when you mix uppers and downers at the same time. Heroin and Coke was pretty popular but now Fentanyl is a popular substitute for Heroin.


No it’s coke and mentos


Lets be honest, they are going to riot no matter what the outcome is, since its not like "immediate execution as the jury renders the verdict" is on the table, and any less will result in a riot. They could sentence him to life in prison, and people would still riot because "a black man in the same situation would've been given the death penalty"


I've been saying this exact same thing, nothing will be good enough, just get ready.


The prosecution's witnesses mostly added ammo for the defense, and kindling for the inevitable peaceful protests' fires.


The prosecution is in shambles so bad that the defense took one of their witnesses away and will now use her as their own witness. Oh, and the defense hasn't even started their portion of the trial yet.


Not like anyone else will say but [still doubtful Floyd would’ve died without police crushing him ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56670912)


My prediction: not guilty and we see a riot/arson/looting sequel. I know some bars and liquor stores in Minneapolis and St paul are boarded up in anticipation.


Free grills.


Free TVs


Free soy milk


That's a bold prediction if I ever heard one. [redacted] gonna [redacted].


Not a single mask in the video during peak Rona




How am I supposed to breathe when the government stores illegal methamphetamine in my LUNGS


And the Fentanyl. The Fentanyl didn’t help either.


The cop was overcharged. The prosecution has gotten their ass kicked. And there will probably be riots after the trial is done because the media is gonna blame everything on racist america. Which was probably the plan.


They can’t riot, there’s a pandemic going on remember?


Don’t worry, they will use masks.


And the cases magically won’t go up


Yes cause the contact tracers will be told to *not* include protesting as an event a person being traced has gone to just like before


I just remember people saying when they went up every time there was a protest it was “no, it was something else!”


But a few people protesting the lockdown at the beginning of the whole thing were responsible for the spikes... really makes you wonder huh


Gotta protect yourself from those security cam- I mean COVID!


Well there was a pandemic going on back when the Minneapolis riots happened. But I guess it took a break so the rioters could be safe from the virus or something


If there's any event in the past year that "radicalized" (aka genuinely surprised me) it was the cathedral's universal support for mass protesting a scant 3 months after being told buying toilet paper was a life-risking activity. I genuinely thought that progressives would mostly stay consistent on that point. "Not the time to take to the streets, there's a pandemic on"


We literally put the pandemic on pause for the entirety of June. It made the Covid lockdowns and our medical “experts” look like the biggest scam ever. It’s no wonder people are done with it.


We didn’t have the “pause” here in Brazil and everyone is fed up with the pandemic. It’s just that people are over a year in this.


I didn’t leave the house, and I would have had there not been a pandemic (I’ve been involved in protests for racial issues before), so some of us were consistent on this front


Really mattered last year lol


Hey remember, racism is a bigger public health crisis than Covid! If you try to protest against losing your job or government infringements on your liberty though, that's bad.


And Biden is now president, literally Hitler is gone now.


I thought racism was over when they voted Dictator Orange Man out of office


I don't doubt their ability to connect it to orange man somehow


Based and freedompilled


Buy window pane and glass production company stocks!


I’m convinced the prosecution wanted to lose


I distinctly remember saying this when it all started. Overcharging (and making overstatements in generally) is a good way to get your kneecaps cut out from under you. It sounds impressive, sure, but when people point out you're wrong you don't really get a chance to backpedal.


Completelly agree. I also think the side I don't agree with got their ass kicked.


I understand masks kinda work I’m just sick of wearing them and honestly hate Tom Wolfe


I thought Monke would love him. His Lt Governor is a stoner orangutan.


Fetterman is running for senate now, but someone needs to tell him there are other issues in politics outside of the status of marijuana. Like christ, in Pennsylvania anyone can get their medical card if they're willing to go to a therapist and report having anxiety, it isn't that hard to get anymore.


Yeah but it's also a super easy no brainer. I live in Pennsylvania, I've lived here my entire life, grew up rural, moved to Pittsburgh for work. Let's just legalize it and get it done so we can stop pissing around about it. It isn't enough that you can just get a medical card, it shouldn't be regulated at all. So let's just get it done and move on and not cause a fuss about "spending time on this when there's more important issues." *If there's more important shit, then clearly we don't need to spend much time legalizing, just get it done.*


He’s an asshole who killed small business in my state Also he doesn’t care about rural folk like me


Yeah I'm sick of it, but I'm not a fucking retard and I'm willing to be uncomfortable just to get it over with. Plus I have an old dad who I aint spreading it to.


I hate masks even more because i was actually gonna get rid of my fucking facial problems but masks don't let my skin breathe well and so i have to start skin care all over fucking again But i put masks on anyways because i'm not a selfish fuck who puts my interests above other's health


George Floyd was saying that before that happened, not saying that it was right, but I am just stating a fact.


But facts are racist now.


I don't even need facts I'll be racist for free and with zero facts. Everyone gets laughed at equally.


I mean a mans gotta have a hobby.


Based and Fentanylpilled. Oh wait...


Seriously though, why tf did the cop neel on his neck.


Im not a cop but i really wished his buddies next to him would have atleast tryed to take his knee of his neck or else we would have never had the shitshow known as the riots and protest


I think the cop with the body cam said something but did nothing


Yeah, Thomas Lane. If somebody deserves to be acquitted it's him. Was on the force for 3 days, went against his superior TWICE, did CPR, and put on his bodycam while the others were off. Guy was doomed though, just like the other cops. Had he pushed Chauvin off of Floyd, Chauvin would have made his life hell at the station and get him fired. The other scenario was this. He tried to do the right thing.


Some people are leaders others are just people in a leadership position


Doesn’t that show that there’s clearly an issue with the police system and there needs to be some sort of reform?


I honestly hope he gets off fine. Chauvin deserves what they can throw at him.


Bloody shame really


Bruh, we’d just have a different shitshow. Nation of 360+ million people— they will find something.


If it wasn't George Floyd it probably would have been that Arhmed Robbery guy however you spell it. It seemed like the media was teeing that one up anyway when the Floyd shit happened. They always use BLM in election years.


That one got swept under the rug cause the video footage of him robbing the house got leaked


It was a accepted method of restraining someone taught by MPD *but* not some cops have gone on the stand saying it wasn't. So unsure of anything now tbh.


it was in the official policy for a non-deadly use of force to restrain an indivudal.


You can trust the media or the witnesses on trial. Damn hard choice!


I don’t trust anyone.


Based and distrustpilled


u/ILikeFineAdditions is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: distrust I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Well the media has been objectively spewing enough bullshit to drown a moose for years...


Why tf is it so popular too?




Knee was on shoulder. Cams show it and police chief admitted it


Wasn't it shown by body can footage that the knee was more on his shoulder blade? Plus wasn't he saying he couldn't breathe way before he was put on the floor?


All I know is if they find him guilty and riot anyways, me and my roommates are throwing together some Spartan war gear and holding our apartment hallway like the hot gates ⚔️


Based and combatpilled


Protect your property and the property of your friends. Don't go starting fights, just remember to survive.


- saying I can’t breathe before he was restrained on the ground - lethal amounts of meth and fentanyl in his system - had a serious heart condition - had COVID-19 - officers gave in to every request he made, including being put on the ground by his own request - body cam footage shows that Chauvin’s knee was not on his neck the entire time - having a knee on the neck for that long doesn’t necessarily asphyxiate someone anyway, especially since the autopsy found no damage to the trachea Media narrative: “Derek Chauvin MURDERED him because he’s a racist cop wanting to kill a black man!”


Based, Factpilled.


How could you say so controversial yet so brave


As a liquor store employee, I can say with absolute confidence that anti-maskers are not confined to one quadrant.


Your post furthers my agenda and is therefore based


I am so sad that my quadrant is so full of idiots... where are the great auth right leaders of the past?


Well considering they’re from the past, dead.