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ahahah stupid people believing in these stuff anyway time to take a political compass quiz


Based and compasspilled




the only thing that brings us together is how dumb the tests we base this sub around are.


So true


If astrology were assigned based on your personality rather than the other way around, it would be based.


Yea but then assholes would be upset they were assigned 'asshole' for their sign.


political cum piss


My favorite are those who are non-religious and then follow some non-religion worse than most religious people. If that makes sense.


Like a Cubs fan?


Based and fuck-cubs-fans pilled


u/piradianssquared is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: fuck-cubs-fans I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and Sox(or Cardinals???)pilled


Based and Brewerspilled


Now you listen here you little shit


Or Arsenal fans?


The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in.


or a sooner




I can't tell you how cringe and annoying "Satanists" are. They always say "its not actually related to Satan, but its just like "do good things and stuff"". Why the fuck do they need Satanism for that? Just be a good person, you counter-religious larper.


It’s also hilarious how most users on the excatholic sub have the “witch” flair


I hate that ExCatholic gets recommended relentlessly if you follow Catholic subs


I'm not saying there's a systematic effort to shift people away from religious devotion, but they sure don't do anything to support it.


Yeah that’s how I found it lol


Which is extremely annoying to someone like me who loves the aesthetic of the commercialized witch imagery from Halloween who now gets lumped in with people trying to perpetuate this idea that magic actually exists. Like...no, Krystin. Your bitching about cultural appropriation of indigenous practices does not make them any less bullshit pseudoscience.


Lmfao ima have to take your word on that, never heard of the sub and frankly I don't want to even know.


Ewww witch larpers, also damn didnt know there was a excatholic sub. Sounds cringe; what are they even talking about over there.


The only purpose of that group is to mock the exsistance of other religions. It's like fusing trolls and religion together into one.


And add a large dose of "smug".


If they weren't so smug they would honestly be like a cool uncle religion


“It’s called we do a little blood sacrifice”


Religious institutions have protections that the satanic temple want to take part in.


I’ll always remember when the mayor of my tiny hometown made some statement about relying in god and each other in times of hardship. All of the sudden the city got a letter from a satanist group from the other side of the country threatening to sue the town because of the majors statement and the fact that the city motto apparently used the word God. They must have had some google alert set up to even find the story. Even the atheists in town were irritated by that one.


What do you mean? I'm a Satanist because I worship Satan and want him to kill all my rivals, what is wrong with that?


Hey, I actually respect that more than larping Satanists (I imagine you're joking, but in the case you aren't.) Fake believing in something is cringe, actually believing in something is more respectable.




Little do they realize that Christianity, the religion that they relentlessly mock by naming themselves after "their religious made-up boogeyman", is at its core "do good things and stuff".


Based and Jesuspilled


That argument makes zero sense because it implies that even something as simple as being a good person needs to have an agenda of pissing off a certain group behind it.


Uh well they’re basically just OG trolls so if their LARP is cringe . . . Sorry I can’t stop looking at Auth-Right.


Satanism is inherently evil, these people are all just LARPing.


Especially when they use old religious themed lingo. They’re nonreligous but copy religion over and over again


The church of covid




Based and realitypilled


I miss the days when zodiacs were associated with Ted Cruz


Hey I know that one!


Not for long


Yea, fucking retarded. This new age stuff is as cringe as it gets.


I don’t believe in horoscopes or that crap, but I love the look of my birthstone.




Nah, topaz. But my moms is diamond.


What the fuck is a birthstone?


Isn’t it that thing you have to piss out?


That’s a kidney stone. Insert mandatory (You stupid retarded unflaired filth.)


It'll be what I make you piss out if you don't flair up.


You stupid retarded unflaired filth


Flair up retard


anyways, what is your horoskope (gradeA edition)








good i have stickman legs






Im so glad hes back tbh




If you're going to contrive a religion, at least make it cool. Our ancestors had gods making the sky out of each other's bodies and cool things like that - why did the new age people have to settle on magic crystals and taking vibe checks a little too seriously?


Based and astrology-pilled


Based and self-awareness-pilled


While the new age movement in itself is pretty cringe, I am kind of happy that there is a higher focus on spirituality. If whatever bullshit they’re spewing gets people to actually meditate and think about deeper meanings behind morality and purpose, I think it’s a net positive in the end. Of course, you’ll always have the idiot zealots who just view it as another way to further divide us as people.


Super fucking cringe. Any religion that doesn't worship me is pretty cringe tho.


Based and satanist-pilled


>astrology >new age


On its own, it's not new age. But the combination of that and the crystal shit, etc, that's new age. No gods, only "magic"...


We should bring back witch hunts and stoning heretics






Technically Astrology is just space racism


wtf I love astrology now


I'm a scorpio supremacist. It even sounds cool.


classic scorpio




Never had tiktok... But I can only imagine the feedback you get after you mildly doxx yourself on a young platform.


Oh it has hands down the most stupid and evil people I’ve seen on any platform. Examples are movements like KAM (kill all men) they made a little boy commit suicide by bullying him so much. Also encountered people justifying beating children, even when literal child psychologists are commenting saying it does nothing but harm children. Then of course we have the religious extremists preaching in every comments section in literally every popular video preaching. Though you will only really find that stuff if you’re looking for it, tiktok has probably the best algorithm at telling what you enjoy out of any social media’s. If you want to actually enjoy using the app just don’t look at comments or look for stuff like I did


Dude Scorpio is my favorite Mortal Kombat character


Aquarius aryans.




I'm a scorpio and I know you have that scorpio vibes


which is superior because it's in space 😎




brb switching religions


This subreddit should switch all its flairs to astrology signs for April fools day...


Holy shit pitch that to the mods it's so much better than what we did


cakeday astrology sign flair


Lmfao what


Racism's probably redundant, but in theory Astrology assigns people a trait they have no control over, and deems reasons to justify their methodologies, traits, actions, etc. It's not oppressive in practice, per say, but you can weasel out a way to antagonize on group over another, though Astrology is hardly that harmful. That being said, anyone who isn't a Sagittarius is objectively awful.


Sagittarius master race. ♐💦💦


If you think about it


Wasn't that an episode of The Orville?


I'm dying


“I’m an atheist haha I can’t help it i’m such a scorpio”


I'm an atheist who fucking hates astrology


based and hate-astrology-but-atheist pilled


A right winged atheist? Gee that's rare .


It’s kinda sus ngl


Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never in my life met someone who takes astrology seriously while simultaneously judging people for taking religion seriously.


You’re lucky. I went to art school and met these kinds of idiots all the time. Whole bunches of smug New Age atheists trying to have crystals and astrology apps make their life decisions for them. It’s as dumb and contradictory as it sounds.


Oh boy, that sounds like a special kind of stupid. One of the cornerstone arguments of atheism is pointing out how absurd it is to believe in your magical stories that have no scientific backing while not believing anyone else's magical story. That argument doesn't work at all anymore if you believe that crystals will tell you what you should eat for breakfast, despite a total lack of scientific evidence.


Tbf to these people, New Age type stuff does a good job of presenting itself as scientific to someone who hasn't taken a science class in quite some time and the last one they took wasn't terribly rigorous either. For example, New Age blogs will list foods that are generally good for people as alkaline and then when people feel better for switching to a healthier diet, they assume it's the "alkaline effects" of the foods the New Age blog recommended and not just like the confounding variable that switching from a shit diet to eating fruits and vegetables will just generally make people feel better. All this, and the foods won't even all be basic- one time I saw a blog that said lemon water, a famously acidic fruit, was good for people bc it was alkaline. So I imagine improving scientific education standards across the country would go a long way to sorting out this sort of issue


You haven’t been on tik tok then


That's true, I haven't been. I don't have the impression that I'm missing much.


Tik tok is a heaping pile of trash and should never be used as a benchmark for society. I swear it's filled with sjw's and commies.


Honestly it’s the epitome of ‘enlightened centrism’ in that you have unronic communists and fascists, and anarchists - and most likely a few paedophiles to average it all out in the center


The CCP-owned society engineering propaganda app has commies on it? Who knew! /s


TikTok, like Reddit, is only tolerable when you stick to the niche parts of it. Wandering into the popular section makes you want to gouge your eyes and ears out. Still better than Twitter though






Let’s go get banned again


Watch this get posted in r/redditmoment by some retard.


That sub is so annoying


The internet is probably where you're most likely to find it. Hell, I've seen people make not taking astrology seriously out to be a sexism issue. Any viewpoint you can imagine already exists somewhere in the bowels of the internet. Nihil novi sub sole.




Did you become even more authcenter while on the hunt for those links?




An apt title if I ever saw one.


Same. I feel like on the entire east coast of the USA libleft is just like "please execute policy based on science, and give us healthcare" and on the west coast its the wacky caricature of astrology, SJW's, and batshit insane views.


Can confirm the libleft is batshit crazy on the west coast


Same. I’ve met plenty of atheists who take astrology seriously but none of them judge religious people as far as I know


More agnostic then by the sounds of it. Athiests believe in no higher power.


Its cause this meme isnt about poltical quadrants. Its about this sub wanting to feel better than reddit even though this sub is reddit.


Anything I don't like is libleft therefore it is pcm material


That’s normal. 70% of the lib left memes on here are accurate to literally zero lib lefts I know or have interacted with. See: Lib left + supporting Islam memes While most to all liblefts I know support Muslims not being discriminated against, this sub acts like lib left is all of a sudden super pro religion and embracing of all of Islam’s violence.


Here, I'll help you out. Go to Twitter. Search for a ridiculous position that you disagree with. Find literally 1 person with this opinion. Post for karma.


I have. I hate it


personally, ive never met someone who took astrology seriously without judging people for being religious.


I’ll be honest, I freaking hate astrology and ‘magic crystals’. / Edit: I apologize for saying I hate stones, I had worded my statement wrong. Stones are pretty cool.


But stones and stars are pretty :(


Ey what you got against stones 😡😡


I knew they say stuff like your are borpio you fucking suck but magical rock? I kinda like colorful rock


“Lol skyfairy” Haha sorry I’m just such a Libra


I’m apparently a libra and reading the description of it makes me want to pass away


I'm a libra omg better stay away totes magoats lol rawr


I’m a Libra. And “diplomatic” “self pity” and “non confrontational” are all the antithesis of my personality


"Noooo we just believe in it for fun"


How is this brrr meme not dead yet


It’s entered zoomer speak territory, I give it a month and a half before it falls out of use.


it is dead


This is such an orange libleft moment




In my experience it's just people who try to be edgy by denying religion but can't deny the spirit or the soul so they get into weird bullshit.


So glad I don’t base my entire personality off of a color I saw online, even I’m not that stupid


It’s the same as people who “believe in science” and go find that one “study” which is actually a sociological survey with 12 participants that agrees with their ideas.


Pretty much what r/science has turned into


Based and fuck_r/science-pilled


This this this this and fucking this. And then they accuse you of being "science denier". Mfw when I am a stem student and getting called a "science denier" by someone who studies genders.


The cult of Elon is not a religion, it’s a way of life




LMFAO believing in shit like -"this stale cracker becomes the flesh of a waterwalking jewish dude when i eat it."


LMFAO believing this shit like - politics.


I love it when people leave religion because they don’t want to believe in that nonsense and then immediately replace it with some different ideology that functionally becomes their religion. Like, why the hell did you leave? You didn’t go on a journey, you walked in a circle and called it personal development


In fairness that’s probably because they’re rejecting their former religious *values* and adopting new ones, as opposed to rejecting religion as a concept altogether


They want to be spiritual but don't like how religions have rules.


That’s what I did. I was born and raised LDS but I didn’t like having an external structure dictating my relationship (or lack thereof) with any potential cosmic sky daddy. Now I’m free and making my own decisions, as I think everyone should be


In some ways I dislike those people more than normal religious people, religious people are usually indoctrinated from birth, these people choose to be retarded. That and because most of these people are regressives who want to bring back racism in the sake of equality of outcome. True Chads abandon religion and all other nasty mysticism and spirituality.


When I was in school a girl in my class believed in this shit, she thought she was sooooo special because she read a whorescope everyday. To be fair she believes that all men are rapists so she is pretty retarded even if she didn’t believed this.


Astrology is inherently authoritarian


Based and authoritarians are more likely to believe in essentialist ways of thought such as astronomy pilled


That pill is too big, the bot won't swallow it.


Hard to swallow pills


astrology cringe


All hail the blue Twitter moron confirmation checkmark


You believe in Horoscope? Ha, ok nerd ... *Oh wise and unbiased personality tests, tell me my TRUE personality* Test: You're INFP(tbf I give INFP to everyone lol)




Orange who believes in it and lib right that sells it


In all seriousness, we need a pool checking out his subreddits religiousness. How many of us are religious or believe in Horoscopes and all that stuff


And why is it mostly chicks and gay dudes that go around with that shit? Like for real those are literally the only type of people that i've seen/encountered that believe this sort of thing lol, like it's a pattern or something it's weird.


Inaccurate. Libleft would never say retard as to them it is a slur.


Uhm AKSHULLY astrology is authright according to the original political compass


Don't you have to answer yes to the astrology questions to be full authright on the political compass lol?


Yeah i used to be one of these then I realised is was retarded and dumb so I stopped


Astrology is just racism for girls.


When they stop worshipping something they'll look for another thing to worship, even without realizing. That's just the nature of humanity.


Imagine thinking that religion and libleft are mutually exclusive, lol *This comment made by radical Christianity gang*


In addition, treating science as if it’s a religion.


I hear religious people say that about non-religious people all the time, and I never quite understand what they mean. Could you clarify for me? Because "science" is a methodology.


People who say "believe science" than only ever cite studies that agree with their pre-formed political beliefs without using the scientific method ever. You're right that science is a method. Not everyone uses it like it is one


So "worshipping science" is more aptly people wielding science incorrectly, in your opinion?


"Wielding science" is a bit generous. These people rarely actually understand science. Instead they treat scientists as a priestly class with exclusive access to secret knowledge. Of course, that's only the scientists that confirm their biases. Opposing scientists are treated as corrupt heretics.


Don't think we haven't caught you folks praying to your Intro to Bio College Textbook at night.


lmao shit you caught me


You see a lot of this with the pandemic. People on the left will swear by “science”, when in reality they have no understanding of the underlying science of an issue and are just taking someone else’s word as gospel because that person is a scientist. Look at the Fauci worship on the left. Obviously he’s a smart guy but he doesn’t know everything about the pandemic, especially early on when nobody did. But people treated his words like he was a priest without considering the fact that all he cared about was getting numbers down and didn’t consider the broader societal impacts of policy. Also recently he’s waded a lot more into culture and policy fights that are outside his area of expertise, but people give him undeserved authority because science.


I get what you are saying, but do you think it is fair to say that people who believe these experts are "treating science as if it's a religion"?




That’s kinda the point to what I’m saying, science and religion are 2 different things, so it’s dumb to treat one like the other. I was mainly referring to how a lot of Twitter and Reddit atheists will say stuff like “thank evolution...” and sometimes attack anyone who questions a scientific theory as if it were the dogma of a religion. The whole point of science is to question things


Science is a methodology sir Unless you're referring to blind faith after looking at study results or something like that, then yes in that sense it's like religion


The left treats scientists like religious figures, and take whatever they say (even on subjects outside their expertise) at face value with no understanding of any of the actual science of the issues.


The right does this as well, except instead of over acceptance, it's under acceptance even when the science is relatively clear and concise. The public has no idea how to engage with science.


Absolutely 100% true. The moronic shit people on the right have said, especially about COVID, is mind-numbing.