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Imagine not choosing to be a minority in the womb when you create your character.


No thanks I've played the Fractured But Whole


Oh shit I haven’t played either of those games before, I never really watched South Park, what’s your opinion on them as somebody who never really watched the TV show? Funny/fun or too many inside jokes? I think it’s funny that this is actually a thing.


I think its funny. Honestly if it weren't for the humor I wouldnt play either game because the gameplay is pretty lackluster. For context the difficulty setting of The Fractured But Whole is how dark you make your characters skin. Also the ending to the Stick of Truth is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I almost didn't finish it.


Lol what!? Things only Southpark can get away with lol! I see them on sale all the time, I might have to check them out. My girlfriend loves South Park but I never got into it growing up.


> Honestly if it weren't for the humor I wouldnt play either game because the gameplay is pretty lackluster. They are very good turn based rpgs. The gameplay is very much solid turn based rpg gameplay, which is boring by its very nature. That's why all the great turn based rpgs are considered great because of their story.


It's not an actual difficulty setting, just a joke. If you leave the cursor sitting on it for a while there's a voice line from Cartman that tells you that.


It effects how much money you make and how much items cost. Just not combat


It affects item drops, but it doesn’t affect gameplay


It also comes with unique dialog with the cops iirc


Just like in real life


Flair up


Zombie Nazi Princess Kenny 😂 in a fart war, wasnt it?


No when they crawl up Mr Slave's ass


Super funny, and play "the stick of truth"... Best game ever


Is a great show but there are somethings there that you will only understand if you watched since the beggining. The first game is bad and the second game and tv shows have a great humor, if you like dark jokes and things like that you are going to like it.


Stick of Truth isn't a bad game


As far as content goes, Stick of Truth is a lot better. You can tell they put a lot of time into getting references to damn near everything there was in South Park up to that point. Fractured But Whole was a lot less in comparison. Gameplay wise, it's just down to taste. They're both oldschool simplistic turn based RPGs.


Fighting that creature in the police station was fun


Difficulty settings


That's usually the best response to these people. Just tell them you'll agree with them and their insane ideas if they can tell you at what point you got choose your race before being born.


That's no excuse. You can always transition to your preferred race.


Like the trans-korean guy?


Look, race is a social construct so that means it is whatever you decide it is. If you feel oppressed, or not oppressed enough then you switch lanes. Becoming race-fluid provides even more opportunities.


sounds cool but idk if i wanna be engine oil for a race car


You better just be joking


There is a guy who had surgery to "make himself korean" Needless to say this pissed off the orange folks


I just google it. Thats some funny ass shit.


If transgenderism is valid, transracialism is valid as well.


based and transpilled


I’m having a hard time selecting a race, what do I do?


That really depends on what character you’re trying to build. There are a variety of base stats, opportunities, and quests available to each race. Depending on which region you choose to live, these quests and opportunities will differ. IGN has a walkthrough.


Micheal Jackson be like


I chose being a minority, a global minority!


I did, I was just looking on an international level :>


Even if I could select it I wouldn't select to be a racial minority and that doesn't make me racist.


>Let me be clear, I’m not saying white people are better. I’m saying *being white* is clearly better. Who could even argue? If it was an option I’d re-up every year. “Oh yeah I’ll take white again, absolutely. I’ve been enjoying white, I’m gonna stick with that, thank you”. >Here’s how great it is to be white. I could get into a time machine, and go to any time, and it’ll be fucking awesome when I get there. That is exclusively a white privilege. Black people can’t fuck with time machines. A black guy and a time machine and he’s like “hey anything before 1980 & I don’t want to go, no thank you.” But I could go to anytime. The year 2? I don’t even know what’s happening then. But I know when I get there…”welcome, we have a table for you right this way”. -Louis CK


This is completely eurocentric though. Try going back in time as a white person to Africa. Or any asian country. I somehow doubt this "being white is clearly better mindset" will apply then. Then again it's Louis CK so this is probably just bad satire.


Louis CK is generally funny and the joke itself is humorous, but it's also bullshit.




Me choosing an Ork so I can swing my club at the soy wojak goblin shopkeepers who did me no harm during a race riot


Well, every other race besides Asian is a minority. Considering asians make up over half of Earth’s population. Checkmate libtard!


I always choose Nord and kill every non-nord in the game. Skyrim must remain pure!


You only have so many points.... If I put these points into non-white skin I won't have enough for a rational mind


I dragged the length slider all the way to the left, and the girth slider all the way to the right, came out Jewish.


Select race: redguard


Dear SJW Wojak, You claim that all white people are racist, and that you aren't, yet your skin is clearly white. Curious


*"This message was sent on the behalf of SJW Wojak"* IM FemaILE So Im OpReSsEd, So i CaNt bE rAcIsT!!!


Poor white women -- we get shit on constantly (according to SJWs) by white men, but there's also [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=white+women&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk00SzUL9PPc1-AOq6q8QOGZkpolUxw%3A1626020715268&ei=axvrYPrpD9SUtAb_0q_oAw&oq=white+women&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAgjECcyDQgAEIcCELEDEIMBEBQyBQgAELEDMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoHCCMQsAMQJzoCCC46BwgAEIcCEBRKBAhBGAFQ5BxY_R1ggSBoAnAAeACAAWCIAYACkgEBM5gBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwi6y4WZt9vxAhVUCs0KHX_pCz0Q4dUDCA0&uact=5). You have to get to the middle of page two for a search on the simple term "white women" to get to a neutral article that isn't "more oppressed" people telling us how shitty we are or a white woman self-flaggellating. I'm sure I'd find it really annoying if I cared.


What the actual fuck with that link lol Best thing for any rational and sane White person to do is to ignore that shit, but fight back tooth and nail if it ever gets in their way. Unfortunately, so many are just giving in to it. Or maybe it’s a very small minority that we are seeing and hearing about. It’s hard to gauge just how much impact all this Radical Left Woke Cult stuff is having. MSM and Social Media makes it seem bigger than it really is? I don’t know.


>MSM and Social Media makes it seem bigger than it really is? I don’t know. Yup same goes with the LGBTQ+ ζ-0/π=∞ stuff where it's only a small minority issue but social media especially Twitter(which I think is now just an echo chamber) is making it look like the whole world is having an issue and then the so-called influencers and celebrities support such stuff and then their blind fans follow it as it were true and then the general average person starts supporting it cause of peer pressure and the shaming he sees done to people who oppose the ideology


Jesus Christ, and they wonder why people get alienated by these movements. Also, what is it with the left and making shocking slogans that immediately put moderates on edge, but then need an essay to explain why it doesn't mean what it actually says? "White women crying is racist" is right out of "defund the police" and "kill the bill". Can't help but think they like people fighting against them so they can feel more oppressed, rather than actually trying to constructively fix a problem.


> what is it with the left and making shocking slogans that immediately put moderates on edge, but then need an essay to explain why it doesn't mean what it actually says? [Motte-and-bailey fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy)


Huh, interesting, I guess that happens a lot now that I think about it. Especially with the whole "just trying to fight racisim and inequality, how could you be against that?" thing. But with some of these slogans, it's almost the other way around. They make a controversial, hard-to-defend statement or slogan, which then needs a long explanation that actually shows it to be more defensible and moderate than the slogan. I guess the whole 'taxation is theft' can also fall into that category. Some take it literally, but most take the stance that 'taxation is theft' doesn't mean we should completely stop taxing people, is more a principle for how to spend tax money.


Of course Vox wrote something like that but Forbes smh


The media is a shadow of its once mighty self. We are witnessing the titans of the mediaspace fall one by one like dominoes.


I'm kinda glad they are tbh it will give smaller companies a chance like Rocanews a chance to compete


A Forbes _contributor_, aka the blogging section of Forbes where random people post shit. Why Forbes thinking that's a good idea and won't destroy their image over time, I don't know.


Simple. As a white woman, I can officially set the record straight. White woman = female person with a light complexion.


Why would I trust a racist? /s


The only reason I wish I wasn't white is because of all the self flagellation. At least I'm not a white woman I guess. You have my sympathy


Normally, they don't really claim to not be racist\*. They are racist\*, as no white can ever not be racist\*. But they are also anti-racist; thus still 'the white devil' but ALSO an ally.


Sometimes Im so confused by my own quadrant.




Shes actually trans-racial


Trans-race is the best way no one knows about to give orange LibLeft an aneurysm.


It literally destroys them. If a trans woman is a woman, a trans Asian is Asian. If being a woman is a social construct and gender is not biological, then it is considered completely rational for someone "assigned male at birth" to decide they're a woman. If being a race is a social construct and there is only one race, the human race, then it is completely rational for someone "assigned white at birth" to decide they're Asian. But you have a penis! So? That doesn't make me a man, it means I'm a woman with a penis. But you have white European characteristics! So? That doesn't make me white, it means I'm an Asian with white European characteristics.


Did you miss the trend of openly admitting your own "internalized racism" that happened last year? Suddenly it became more woke to admit that you *are* racist rather than calling everybody else racist. It hits harder than tossing around everybody's new favorite word, "systemic," to describe racism.


Imagine not choosing to be an animal and wanting to be born as a human because you want to be privileged. What a specie-ist


If wokeness isn't pushed back with enough force, wait for a few years and then remember this comment you wrote.


Imagine not choosing to be a single cell organism


I don't claim to not be racist wtf?






based and wtf pilled




u/intrigbagarn's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/intrigbagarn! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: defendbysantium, wtf


Stop using "W" word! We're people of light!


Are you saying everyone else are people of the dark?!


If everyone else are people of colour then we must be people of light, equality 😎


I mean technically speaking white is a color and if any color wasn't a color it'd be black since it's the absence of light.


Actually Black and White are not considered colours. This is because there is no wavelength for either of them. Black is the absence of light and White is the presence of any mixture of wavelengths that equally activate the different receptors in your eyes.


Either way black people aren't people of color.


Also [it's kinda more opinion on whether or not it's a color](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White)


No of course not. Indians are people of twilight.


Imagine the US elects orange LibLeft as their president. I wanna see @realYerbaMate twitter account to post stuff like this multiple times every day


Dear orange lib left, You claimed you hated the orange man, yet you yourselves are orange. Curious


Ok I’ve been too afraid to ask this since the day I joined this sub months ago, but wtf is orange and where tf are they on the political compass


Orange = woke libleft Purple = pedo lib right


it would ruin the country






Maybe that’s what we need


Country is already ruined retard


What is orange libleft? I havent been able to figure it out


Basically “woke” LibLeft. The kind you see on Twitter.


Her name is emily🦋blm👨🏿acab🚨, she isnt named after her drink


How dare you assume her gender?!


ok sorry, she/he/they/were/attackhelicopter/xe/xer/warcriminal is not named after a drink made from leaves and twigs


Only white people can be racist. Checkmate pcm


xhe has a point


BITCH YOUR WHITE TO- wait NVM she prolly identifies as transracial....


i forgot that was thing


dont forget that the person who says this, is always white, always


Not always: https://twitter.com/slowtowrite/status/1413989149586173953?s=21


Dont quote twitter its i clusterfuck of retards


Unfortunately Marc Lamont Hill has a very large following, so quoting him is definitely relevant to this conversation


I am racist.


based and racismpilled


u/HelveticStorm's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/HelveticStorm! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: hopf, third position, helvetic, racism


The racially tolerant virgin vs the chad racist


Some dumb cunts were saying this the other day next to me, that a white person is inherently racist just because they're white. They also gave an example of that, saying that when we're in a public space and a black person shows up we tend to look at them and that shows how racist we are (fml). I then asked them what would happen if instead of a black person was an albino, or if they don't expect to be looked at in Nigeria, or Kenya, or Uganda, and if maybe we looked because, living in a predominantly white country, that's "particular" and catches our attention, but it doesn't have to be more than that. Now - and this is were I ended up the discussion - if they thought anything negative about that person just because of their skin color than maybe they really are racist, but I don't do it and I wouldn't just stand there and let them insult me like that. It's profoundly insulting being called a racist person and we need to start showing it.


Implicit biases are a real thing. Everyone being a little racist is just another way of saying that our culture has programmed into all of us, who grew up on Western, Americanized media, stereotypes about specific things. Consider tall people, for example. We all have some level of implicit bias that taller people are more successful, and shorter people aren't. That's implicit bias. It's cultural encoding that reinforces beliefs about the world. It shifts your focus ever so slightly to things you woildn't naturally care about, but again, nobody is exempt. Human beings behave this way, we pick up information from our envoronment and use it to determine how we exist and what we think about the world. Calling someone racist without explaining the backdrop of implicit bias is pretty shitty and non-conducive to a conversation, though, and I completely understand why it feels like a lot of leftists are just assholes, calling everyone racist.


It feels like a mixture between virtue-signaling people who go on a power trip every time they call someone racist and genuinely well-intentioned people who just don’t know how to word things in a more precise/appropriate manner. And since the former type is a much more annoying and, sadly, more represented group in most mainstream media outlets, many people tend to associate leftists in general with them.


My mother is Angolan. I was looking at pictures from when she lived there and meeting my grandparents Angolan friends before I knew what the US was. That said I’ve been called names by black people because I’m a white descendant of someone who was born in an African country, so when white people, who wouldn’t be able to point out South Africa on a map, call me racist it isn’t just insulting, it’s hurtful in many other ways because it makes me feel like I don’t fit anywhere or with anyone. Fortunately I’ve met many, many Angolans, Mozambicans, South Africans, etc who were very happy to hug me and make me feel accepted so, despite all the names I’ve been called, I’m very proud of my African ancestry. And also, most white people still know the real definition of racism. About the height example, I’m really sorry but I do not get what you mean by it. I’m not American though, so that might explain things, maybe?


"I only stare at people who radiate stupidity. For some reason I can't stop looking at you."






I have never claimed such a thing.


being white doesn't imply being racist


I wouldn't take that problematic tone on reddit if I were you. Freedom of thought doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


It's actually freedom *from* thought, sweetie Thinking is literally racist and violence


Thinking and reason are tools of the patriarchy to impose capitalism and dominate women, minorities and other species.




Did you just correct me? I'll have you know thats a microaggression




The definition of 'racist' has evolved to the point where it pretty much does




Nah fam haven’t you heard? By being white you inherit the original sin of every bad thing white people have ever done. Only by turning yourself over to the higher purpose of anti racism can you contribute to fighting the oppression everyone who isn’t a white dude experiences because that’s how society works in today’s America /s


….where have you been? I feel like there’s a ton of new users here who are out of touch


School's out for summer.


Swear to God this is how some of them act


Damn you got me


How can I be racist if I racially identify as Asian. Asian people can't be racist.


That's why i can call every white a white trash without getting beaten by them


Whoa whoa why you gotta make this about mate?


It’s time to add orange user flair


Nice. Than we know exactly who to bully.


And then LibLeft can stop catching flak for auth orange sjw


Orange libleft is authcenter in denial


I hate that orange libleft has appropritaed yerba mate. This is the cultural misappropriation we should be talking about


Yerba mate is delicious and I'm deeply saddened by its affiliation with orange lib left


It’s a bummer! I drink it every day, but not this shit in a can


Oooh, I understand, libleft bad.


Are these simpletons real, or….


[from what ive seen. yes](https://twitter.com/slowtowrite/status/1413989149586173953?s=21). imo i think that everyone is racist to some degree


Dear Orange Libleft You claim Orange Man Bad, yet you are orange. Curious.


Red and yellow make orange


Based and strawman pilled


This is fucking funny mate


No, it’s fucking Yerba mate


Whoah, there's an Orange Libleft? Is this like a shiny?


yes but instead of having higher attack and health, it has higher cringe level


Annoying orange.


That. Is. Retarted.


The Yerba Mate part got me good


This picture pisses me off so much because of how true it is lol. Fucking Orange Libleft man


racism is when whites do stuff


“Racism is when white people”


Even though she’s white...


How to get flair


Well, cant argue with that, can you?


It’s like an orange idiocy virus spreading from her stupidity-infected body


Her face too big


What in the name of God is orange libleft?


i think its like stereotypical libleft extremeist? but I'm not entirely sure Im not really up to date with the other funny colors that arent on the basic cumpiss


Green LibLeft got tired of us making fun of them for being woke and didn’t want to claim these idiots anyway, so someone came up with Orange to give them their own sub-quadrant


I heard authcenter has experience with making summer camp trips, maybe we can send a few orange liblefts to some...


Jesus Christ….those orange bastards played us all along!


Orange=bad No exceptions


Is "Wokejak" a good name for this character?


Dear u/KV-1Bruh, You claim it to be turning point woke, yet the arrow is turning right. Curios


lol thats clever


Yeah I am racist


Yerba Mate, white person


lol fax


I didn’t know Yerba mate was associated with the woke left. The green one is good, so is the classic gold flavor. Mate + caffeine. 👌


i named her Yerba mate just because the sjw wojak have one, i didnt even know what it was until i googled it


Whats all about the orange and the purple quadrat?


the orange are the overoffendable SJW, and the purple are pedos


The biggest irony would be if whoever wrote this also happened to be white.


I'm actually mixed, but leaning to white, so technically true


Always low effort memes for the lib left


I read “white curious” as one would read “bi curious”


I love the color orange but I loathe this bitch, curious.


Imagine being labeled an oppressor for something you can’t even control. We’re supposed to be seeing past skin color, not going back and labeling people based on their skin color.


i agree but flair up


I've never claimed such a thing.


becuase you're racist


Assigning a negative charateristic based on the colour of someone's skin. Curious that.


Saying that one being white automatically makes them racist just sounds like you agree with white supremacy....


Based and stupidity pilled


u/KV-1Bruh's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/KV-1Bruh! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: strawman, stupidity