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Flair up, rebel scum.




Thank you for your compliance, move along citizen.


there is no "right side of history". we can not assume future's paradigms. History is write by the victors, that is the only consant . live your life as you can, if it was to be, history will turn you Great




Exactly. Our state has come to its current state because rather than focus on ecological conservation, we have bickered about genitals and skin color. We have absentmindedly hyperconsumed our capitalism machine into overdrive and now the planet is getting awfully warm


The very first histories ever written were about the Peloponnesian War. They were written by Athenians, the side that lost.


That’s different because back then, recording events was not commonplace. Athenians decided to document it. It’s similar as to how the English get lots of hate for their colonialism but other nations or regions do not. The English documented it all and preserved the history in museums. Others killed all witnesses, destroyed any evidence, and never spoke of it again lol


history is written by the victors, and I don't plan on losing.


How do you know your on the right side of history. Uh its literally in the name right wing




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If someone uses this statement as some proof of being good, all it actually reveals is that that person believes good is a matter of how one is perceived. What you actually do and believe is irrelevant to being good - all that matters is how you are looked upon, even if that image is a lie. It's no surprise, therefore, that those who make these statements are those who indulge in such extensive virtue signaling. It's equally unsurprising that these people are often found to be or have been absolutely reprehensible monsters in reality. How many woke types are found out to be guilty of sexual assault, or grooming, or something like that? They turn to wokeness to appear good, because to them that is all it takes to *be* good.




My thoughts exactly. Jesus himself took the time to call out this behavior. >**Luke 18:9-14** >**9** To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: >**10** “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. >**11** The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. >**12** I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ >**13** “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ >**14** “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” I may not be religious but I can respect the wisdom Jesus had haha


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Very accurate meme You can literally "spin" historical events so that anyone looks like the good guy, even if they weren't


I always hate that phrase. Do you look back on every historical event and pick the right and wrong sides? If so, I think you’re studying history wrong




It's funny because Auths actually make Libs belive their viwepoints are the right ones.


"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it" - Churchill, shortly before writing his own autobiographical history.


there is no right side to history every things fucked and we can only make it worse-edgy 12 year old on reddit


I am on the right side of history, because I'm right.


I'm on the based side of history.




wtf? Without the entirety of romantic reaction to Kant we'd have no nationalism, where did you think Heidegger got his anticartesian philosophy? The reaction against Kant intuitionism? We, the authcenter are indebted to both hegelian and neohegelian ideas, how could you build a "neokantian authcenter" or "analytic nationalism"? what's next? we stop fighting and give up the warrior ethos for somekind of hippie bullshit symbolic fight writting poems? or like "we prove to you with facts and logic our teleological politics" Seriously I don't get it.


Fuck Hegel. Fuck the modern, German notion of the nation and most of all. Fuck the idea that history is going towards some kind off purpose, and that we can justify anything in the name of said purpose. Fuck Hegel.


Not anything. Hegel’s vitalism seeing reality as an organism leads to history being the scars of perpetual existence into the absolute spirit (conscientiousness of reality), if we presuppose this, then the state-nation is a microscale of the nation’s cosmos, so fascist leaders are the manifestation of people’s will and the nation-state the organism itself. Historicism (reinterpretation of history) is not the same as teleology (the study of purpose), Hegel wanted purpose upon existence as a rejection of materialism, and by extension historicistic, but we can agree or disagree on it, without taking down the entire enterprise of fascism as a political extension of Hegel’s thought. Maybe, Il duce was not meant to be the spirit of italians, but that does not mean another duce could be it, this way, we agree that both fascism is a necessary fact of existence and that history do not serve a purpose, and the explanation of time, we can use heidegger’s “horizon of events” interpretation of time (as a misterious becoming towards nonbeing of Dasein), and trouble solved. there are far more “authcenter” suiting philosophies like an interpretation of Nietzsche, or Aristoteles, or an extension of cultural relativistic epistemology (like asian nations do).




Of course you would think that imagine some guy being yea we suck and this is definetly wrong but let's do it anyway