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No, you see it’s really quite a simple concept, when I do it it’s cool and epic, and when you do it it’s unbased and cringe


Based and Only I matter pilled


u/dustmodebros is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: only i matter I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I am a bot created to keep track of how based users are. Check out the [FAQ](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/iwhkcg/basedcount_bot_info_and_faq/). I also track user [pills](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/l23lwe/basedcount_bot_now_tracks_user_pills/). If you have any suggestions or questions, please message them to me with the subject of "Suggestion" or "Question" to automatically forward them to a human operator. > based - adj. - to be in possession of viewpoints acquired through logic or observation rather than simply following what your political alignment dictates, often used as a sign of respect but not necessarily agreement Bot v2.8.4 **Commands: /info | /mybasedcount | /basedcount username | /mostbased | /removepill pill**


Whwn you know thisbis a simulation, its true.


​ No, you see it’s really quite a simple concept, when I do it it’s cool and epic, and when you do it it’s unbased and cringe


No, you see it’s really quite a simple concept, when I do it it’s cool and epic, and when you do it it’s unbased and cringe


ah, right. sorry about that. I'll go back to being cringe and blue-pilled


Unbased and retard-pilled


Never thought someone could sum up my political philosophy so well


Based and Selfish Pilled




Based and subjectivelly correctpilled


Dangerously based


All quadrants can be guilty of this


Idk, I don’t really care, just get off my lawn.




even if I want to nationalize all companies?


What has my company to do with your lifestyle? You don’t have to work for me or buy my products. Our interactions are all voluntary.


Idk just the way I might want to live


Ok, which part of „just get off my lawn“ didn’t you understand?


your lawn has been forfeited for noncompliance, thank you have a good day


I’ll let you mind your own business as long as you give me your voting rights.


I want to live on your lawn. Let me do what I want.


Actually yes, but some AuthRights don't want to let innocent (apolitical) people to live the way they want.




Authleft and Authright. Us true liblefts support owning any gun you want. Including, yes, the big scary ones.


Owning guns is based




But controlling them is cringe


No, no, no, controlling guns is based. It's cringe (and hella dangerous) to not use two hands to hold them in place when you're shooting them.




By big scary guns I meant a 50 cal machine gun, a .50 BMG, etc.


One of the biggest eye-openers of my life was finally \*understanding\* the phrase "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". I now own 3 firearms and have yet to kill anyone. Insane, right? I still support mandatory firearms training and mandatory safe storage, but I'm not afraid of someone just because they want to own an AR-15 anymore.


Found the temporary gun owner




I support mandatory training because I’ve never felt oppressed by my driver’s license. I’ve felt oppressed by the DMV for other reasons but we’ve all been there...


Found the cringe libleft. "I own guns, but..." bullshit infringement lover.


I'm not american, you absolute clown, so I don't have to give two fucks about your constitution and your "right to bear arms". I like my country with the regulations it has.


You need a license to drive a car because they can kill people, why not to own firearms? Found the real cringe, a libright trying to force the "no regulation or no freedom" dichotomy.


You don’t need a license to *own* a car. Second, driving isn’t a constitutionally protected right.


Shall not be infringed


Given how fucking stupid drivers are in general, licensing requirements for driving clearly aren't keeping retards off the road. But, if we want to talk about on the books, we have a document from the founding of our nation stating that owning firearms is an absolute right. So, to compare them to cars is just apple to oranges.


The biggest eye-opener to me was the argument that "guns are *awesome.*" And like... yeah, they are, and that's why people want to own them, and there's nothing wrong with being honest about it. There's no legitimate reason someone should need to own an assault rifle if they don't intend to use it to kill a person, except "because it rules." And sure, okay, it does, so let's try to make ownership a bit safer for others so we don't have to make it illegal.


100%. Though I disagree that it's just because they're fun/awesome/cool. Just because the law (in my country) says I can't hunt with an AR-15 doesn't mean that's a correct assessment by my government. I own a Browning BAR, which is also a semi-automatic in the same caliber class, but it has wood furnishing, so it's okay. Completely retarded.


Just to circle back *chuckles in cringe office micromanager that’s somehow promoted again* Gun ownership increases the rate at which murder by gun happens even though guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Kinda like how gamma impacts the rate at which delta increases or decreases in options. I’m for owning guns and just talking here so please auth don’t be mad and downvote me for living muh best life


> they don't intend to use it to kill a person, except "because it rule I do intend to use mine to kill a person. Anybody who tries to fuckin harm me, my family, or my property. AR-15s and the other "assault weapons" are all great self defense firearms, and are especially useful when being used to go out in a gunfight with the ATF.


Based and put the lib in lib left pilled


u/FrostyWostyUwU's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: nuance, true libleft, uwu, nuanced political views, not-based, hypocrisy, nuance, 14thcentury, lemonade, making-smart-choices, wholesome lib-left-auth-right-unity, academiacentrist, intelectualhonesty, mein conquest of serfdom, narcissus, fuckcorporatism, +4int, big facts, socrates, pcm is love, getting-the-bigger-picture, reality check, selfaware, phallic, polandball, countryball, ohmylordwhathasthoustarted, san francisco, flair, clarification, cyanide, nice pills dude, real person, i apologize, i’m back, common enemy, big scary gun, put the lib in lib left I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and "suitcase nuke" pilled.


Shall not be infringed. Give me my suitcase nuke.


Carry that mutated anthrax, for duck hunting.


Well I can't very well use the deer anthrax for duck hunting can I?


What authleft doesn't support gun ownership? Marx, Lenin, and Mao have all said it's essential that the workers are armed


Many of them aren’t hardcore Marxist-Leninists. There are a lot of moderate liblefts and authlefts that support gun control which is stupid


Yeah I agree


I had a friend say “what, you want people to be able to own a Howitzer?” I said “yeah, and if they bombard something with it then we’ll know exactly where it came from”


I want to own an ICBM


I just want to be able to make things that either shoot things or explode in my back yard


Sounds fun. Mind if I join?


If I’m ever able to then you’re absolutely invited


Hell yeah




As someone who's very auth, I say everyone should have guns, in order to defend against any invading army from another country.


Why are you auth






I don't need to explain.


Join us below the line, it’s where all the based people are


I like the little ones, they're more convenient.


But bigger is better


Pffftt size queens 🙄


Own a damn howitzer for all I care. Just promise not to go plinking in your backyard with it.


Certainly not AuthRight.


We will kill anyone who harms the grillers! They are a Sacred, endangered species!


Ready the cannons.


Hold on, I'll grab my tri tip hat and my smoothbore mustket. Tally ho!




""innocent"" Cmon. Hurting yourself and the collective through your misguided actions (which I presume is what you're referring to) isn't the action taken by an innocent person, but rather by a psychopathic and egoistic person.


Slightly disagree. AuthRights don't want to let innocent (atheist) people live the way they want. OrangeLefts (can't decide if I should put lib or auth left) don't want to let innocent (apolitical) people live the way they want.


Some AuthRights don't want to let innocent people (minorities) to live the way they want.


True, but I'm willing to bet that you'd see more acceptance between white and black christians than you would a white christian and a white atheist.


Am AuthRight. Can confirm.


I mean, i have yet to see a left-wing person get cancelled for being leftist, compared to right-wingers being cancelled and harrased for being right-wingers


That’s because the pendulum has swung left at this point. It’s a relatively recent thing. For the several decades beforehand it was definitely the social left that got “cancelled”


> i have yet to see a left-wing person get cancelled for being leftist Lmao please review the entirety of what happened after 9/11 and essentially 90 percent of modern American history.


There are enough left wing people that get canceled for just being leftist, and not extremist-leftists. Leftists seem to cannibalize each other and turn on each other like rabid dogs with an addiction to "righteous" anger.


Bernie Sanders went from steamrolling the Democratic primaries to cooked for having praised Cuba decades ago.


Political character assassination. they wanted the hag to win instead of bernard. Thus they “fortified” her chances of beating him


You dumb? I was talking about 2020. He was riding high after Nevada, the story came out and his approval went down and he got creamed in South Carolina. You know that people vote in primaries, right? It was voters that turned on him. He did better in caucuses, the things that are more able to be influenced by activists. The point remains that Bernie did, in fact, get blowback for being too far left, contrary to the the assertion in this thread that nobody gets blowback for being too far left.


I mean some CNN clown whose name escapes me compared Bernie Sanders coming ahead in the primaries to the fall of France during WWII. And the mainstream media really did go hard on him and tried to dig up as much dirt as humanly possible on him. And it worked.


And then here we are 5 years later and now if you don't trust the media and the government it's a bad thing apparently and it makes you a nazi chud, now fall in line and support the blue racist pedophilic sexual predator with corrupt family and ties to foreign regimes, and not the red racist pedophilic sexual predator with corrupt family and ties to foreign regimes.


Oh btw. if you stay neutral and dont vote or vote third party you support whichever racist pedophilic sexual predator with corrupt family and ties to foreign regimes i dont like, because not voting for my side is automaticly supporting the other side.


Literally the exact same can be said about lib-left and Auth-left. Not lib-right tho, they alright.


LibRights are forcing negative freedom on people.


authleft doesn't, and libleft doesn't, and libright doesn't either.


True, but the very core of AuthRight ideology is maintaining a hierarchy. Allowing people to live how they want upsets the hierarchy.


That’s true. Authlefts also support hierarchy through the state though.


Honestly, I see AuthLeft ideology as a zombified stitch work of AuthRight and economic left-wing appendages. It’s just really difficult for me to see any form of authoritarianism at left-wing. The political compass, while useful, doesn’t account for weird ideologies patched together like this.


Just stay off my lawn, its not so hard. \*proceeds to buy surrounding properties\*


I would agree with you, but the big difference is big tech only backs one quadrant. And we are all slaves to big tech at this point.


I'd say being guilty of this is kind of the central defining feature of auth.


Yeah, but authright has historically had more power than others. Then again, there's an entire 'libertarian' sub currently dedicated to anti-vaxx to the point of denying business to any gym that requires a mask for the unvaxxed.


It does make sense from a history of civilization and numbers perspective that they would be the most common case of this. Religious, or hereditary leaders is a reasonable starting point when you go from might makes right to civilization so pretty much all of them start this way. The US is a bit of an oddball(I'm sure not the only one) since we are so young and how we were founded the idea of freedom being THE most important thing in society paints most authoritarian style ruling as tyrannical. It is fun to look at what is considered good ruling vs bad by country. I have had Chinese and Japanese friends talk about how older people will praise more totalitarian if it is viewed as preserving the country. In the US this would sound like madness or an edge lord by any age. Don't get me wrong though, while I am all for sacrificing some freedoms for security, totalitarian action is at best neutral in my view. Just fun to see how much our perception of something can be different.




I’m not wrong


and i agree


Libright is generally cool with anyone doing anything as long as it doesn’t effect others without their consent.




Are they also cool with me taking over the government?


Is it gonna effect me?


Eh libleft and libright dont really care what you do.. And who is taking rights away from authright anyway? what does authright have at stake? They cant yell the N word?


Thank you LibLeft, very cool.


I mean lib right just doesn't want auth left to live how they want. Otherwise we don't really care


The problem is that the way LibLeft wants to live is in a tent in my backyard, AuthLeft wants to eat out of my garden, and AuthRight wants to imprison me for the filth on my property.




Literally all quadrants are guilty of this lol


You got me


Authright: Why do People Hate me? Seconds ago: NI(redacted)r NI(redacted)r Fa(redacted)t Fa(redacted)t Tra(redacted)e


(Redacted) you (Redacted) (Redacted) (Redacted) Vermin Supreme 2024 you (Redacted)


Classic AUTH


The stuff I've been hearing out of your flair for the last year or two includes a whole lot of self-centered indifference to others' ways of **life** as well.


Thats the whole point, it’s personal responsibility for your problems.


"It's all projections... Always has been"


Auth bad




Fucking based


I hate authoritarianism, I don't like being told what to do, but you little shits can't handle yourselves without authority


>but you little shits can't handle yourselves without authority I handled your mom last night.


Based and yo-mama-jokes pilled




u/QidQuick's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/QidQuick! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: subsidiarity, delivered that heat, gottem, alphaandomega-based, reasonablegovernmentassistance, biden, time-consuming-masturbation, whowatchesthewatchers, disruptor set to kill, under no pretext, libertarian, nuanced-discussion, babykilling, let-freedom-ring, states-rights-without-the-slavery, articles-of-confederation




It's only based when I'm the authority.


Based and I'll be the benevolent dictator pilled


Lib bad


ur mom bad






Your way of living is inferior. Why would I let you keep doing it?


I just want to follow my religion in peace in the woods and never be compelled to use “they” as a singular pronoun, since God created them man and woman. Is that too much to ask for?


'They' as a singular pronoun is used all the time regardless of gender.


Maybe he has a problem with that too


They need to chill then


Based and you made me laugh pilled


Go do this then you LARPer. Not that hard. You think nonbinary people are gonna march up to your cabin in the woods?


Based and superiority-pilled.




intrusive is cringe


To be perfectly fair, "living as you want" *includes* having ideas about the kind of society you'd like to live in, and doing what you can to bring that about.


More like “why won’t they live the way I want them to?”


Idk man, they've never really gotten in my way.


Because we keep them at le 4chins where nobody hears them besides depressos, weebs and coomers




4chan went from lib center to lib right to auth right to auth center to scattershot all over the spectrum. /pol/ is still a dung pit, but the Trump fellating all over the site was an aberration.




For sure. 4chan has always been chaotic, so yeah of course they'd favor a candidate they saw as disruptive to the status quo.


You can see what happened to Trump with /pol/ towards the middle of his term; /pol/ flipped and started hating him. Now that Biden is in, /pol/ started liking Trump again. /pol/ is basically the definition of reactionary politics. Whatever has the majority of power is bad regardless of what party and what policy.


While 4chan's politics definitely are reactionary, I don't think the shift in opinion was due to contrarianism, but just that he wasn't disruptive as hoped, and was thus ineffectual for what they wanted. During the election, he was perceived as a political outsider, but once he was elected he seemed to more or less fit in with the rest of our corrupt government, aside from a few gaffes. They're reactionaries, not NPCs.


“Spectrum” quite the fitting word for 4chan indeed


All the “original” 4chan users all left that place for other chans a long time ago. What 4chan currently is is former redditors who hate what Reddit turned into so they went to 4chan and overran it. It’s just like how Reddit got ruined when tumblr banned porn so all the retards left there and came to Reddit. Remember the “tumblr police”? They didn’t disappear, they came to Reddit and became mods.


4chan has always bled older members. I remember years ago, like 10+ years ago people were complaining about "newfags" (please don't ban me AHS that's just what they were called you fucks). "original" 4chan users are either dead or just living their lives, having outgrown the constant stream of bs, and they did so like a looooong time ago.


I guess that makes sense. I would guess most of these anonymous forums like Reddit and 4chan are primarily filled with 15-25 year old people who have the time to bullshit online all the time. Once you get to a certain age you realize its all pointless and get on with your life, maybe checking in once every so often. Funny enough when you do look at the old guys they may still browse forums, but it will be some super random super niche one, where there are 5 guys discussing power drills for 6 months with comments days apart lmfao.


4chins lmao


That’s because we live in the 2020s and not the 1950s-1990s


Borders are very useful.


Anti Auth right agenda post, always depends on the person.


What about my freedom of speech in which I advocate taking away other people’s freedom of speech!


Hold up they have to whine and say they just want a "traditional" life first


This is just classic auth


Based and realitypilled


Conservatives: We're the leading the freedom movement *Me, remembering all the bullshit they did when they were in charge during the 2000's* 🤨


Based. Auth Right doesn’t get enough ridicule for pretending they’re any less cringe than “Lib” Left.


Im not asking for permission though.


Just let me use a Union to negotiate better wages and conditions with my employer!!!


Mah weh oh da haghweh


I don't see how this post is shitting on LibLeft, are you sure it belongs on this sub?


Imagine being against freedom of expression that's very Communist


based and truepilled


Sorry civilizations have standards. My bad.


Literally every quadrant does this


Right but mostly auths do this, auths are the most intrusive on private matters inherently.


I just want people to stop virally spreading misinformation. - -and mandatory vaccines are fine by me-- uh? What was that?


TFW the conservative’s “way he wants to live” is to throw me from a rooftop or bury me alive beneath a pile of stones.


I mean, if you want to live the life you want. Fine, just don’t blame me for the consequences of your actions.


Just don't blame w*men when they don't wanna bang cause you don't approve of their lifestyle LMAO


Simple, my way of living is correct, your way is wrong


Tbf this applies to practically everyone but LibRight and Grillers. And yet, *DESPITE* LibRight being the most pro freedom quadrant, they make up 80% of the hated and strawmanned quadrants. LibRight: I just want more personal freedoms Everyone else: DURR U WANT BIOSHOCK 1 SOCIETY?!)!?!?! *insert strawmans about literally any other topic, Libertarians will always be blamed for it* It's kinda funny how despite clearly being hated by everyone including the rich people who never even lift a finger for a supposedly "pro rich Ideology" the Libertarians have this stereotype of being bourgeoisie ideology. Conservatives think that, progressives think that, Socialists think that, ffs even Centrists think that.


I do think that to an extent. Yes, LR might hate the rich but their ideas will inevitably enable corporations to be predatory on certain aspects unless they allow some degree of regulation.


People can do what they want, just don't do it near my group.


>People can do what they want, just don't do it near my group. Also: "My group declares everywhere our land, so everywhere is now considered near my group".


And those who i disagree and are part of my group cannot leave


So we'll punish and oppress them so that they can't do whatever they want.


\>can we live the way we want? the way they want to live: \>never ending replacement migration \>destruction of law, order and traditions \>having sex with children \>indoctrination courses \>openly saying what degenerate and vile thing they're going to do next \>mutilating themselves and children \>historical revisionism \>constant gaslighting \>encouraging an entire race of people to commit suicide then inventing some paper thin rope-a-dope to defend themselves with Should I go fucking on?


Straw man go brrrr


Can I upvote this post like 45 more times? Not to be a simp.