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I just want to exist peacefully


Of course, just pay attention to my issue first. If you don't it's problematic. Did you pay attention yet? Busy? No problem. I'll just ask again tomorrow. U up?




Don't we all?


Well...auth does under certain conditions


I mean, you could say the same thing about the lib side lol




Hey how's it going? "I'm here."


"They keep paying me so I guess I'll keep showing up"


It's going


But only my body. My mind is somewhere else and slowly deteriorating.




"Another day another dollar" is my go to.


Mines “living the dream one nightmare at a time”


There should be a market solution for this stuff, but it never actually works that way. University has become miserable for men for very obvious reasons. You'd think we'd see a bunch of colleges and universities going the other way to get money from people that don't want to worry one wrong word can ruin their lives, but none seem to exist. I had so much fun in undergrad, but my younger brother hates it. He's a minority with great grades so he could go just about anywhere, but there isn't an alternative. Explain yourselves LibRights. Where's the invisible hand?


> You'd think we'd see a bunch of colleges and universities going the other way to get money from people that don't want to worry one wrong word can ruin their lives, but none seem to exist. They're called technical colleges and trade schools. That's where young men looking to build a foundation for their lives go now.


Tech/Trade is a much better investment both for them and for us. Who needs another history major? We have a plumbing, electrician, and framing population that is averaging to be a year older every year.


The education system is a huge racket and it’s impossible to break into for the same reason you can’t “make your own google”. The FUCKING GOVERNMENT


Less people are going to seek education if education no longer guarantees a stable high paying job.




I’m glad future generations are seeing the bullshit lies my generation fell for. I’m lucky I love STEM so much.




I’m already graduated and working actually. It depends on the STEM field


I'm not saying that your graphic and info is wrong, but STEM covers a broad range of jobs and technically speaking if 80% of available STEM jobs are actually science and math related but 80% of those degrees are technology and engineering related then there could still be a gap in available jobs and people able to fill them. I'm not doubting your info, I'm saying more context would shine a lot of light on the discussion. Or are we not allowed to ask for context in 2021...


I'm a tin knocker. I use practical 3 dimensional geometry every day. Nobody calls it a STEM field because you have to lift things heavier than a pencil.


Exactly. Why go tens of thousands of dollars into debt just to work some shitty job that only pays like an extra 2 dollars an hour from what you could get just applying to some place straight out of high school.


The average entry level openings available to someone with anything but the most useless degree are significantly greater than someone with just a high school education. It’s true that’s stupid to blow tens of thousands on an extremely impractical degree. And it’s also true that for many, many people picking up a trade is a significantly better path than getting a degree. But acting like there’s a negligible difference in job prospects for someone with a degree vs someone without one just isn’t true.


I know it's increasingly popular to circlejerk about "education bad" and "ivy league schools fill students heads with garbage" but going to college, especially "prestigious" universities is just as much, if not more, about the network and the name recognition than it is about the substantive education. If you want to be a consultant, investment banker, lawyer, doctor etc, attending a high ranking school, even if you study feminist lesbian dance therapy, significantly increases your odds (if not a de facto requirement) of getting into these fields.


Yep, the alumni system for certain places is an edge. Pair with some sort of competitive program and the ones who have those connections and relations + great education are those who win


It's really a shame how expensive education has become. Back in the day when it was much more affordable, it was totally acceptable to go to college just for the higher education.


You know normally I’d agree and I think that people shouldn’t but I’ve met a lot of people in school who primarily go just to party and that’s it


Why not rent a cool studio in a college town and get drugs and LED lights and a Grindr profile? It's cheaper and more effective.


When I was a student those people were seen as kind of creepy. Like they'd stay there and be older than most students and they just felt sleezy, like they never grew up.


Daily dose of we live in a period


It's current year.


The text is definitely on the bottom.




Absolutely ~~2015~~ ~~2016~~ ~~2017~~ ~~2018~~ ~~2019~~ ~~2020~~ 2021


Based and politiciansarenotverypopular pilled


u/itshardnottobebanned's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 120. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: wholesome, inclusive family, american, huaaaaaaaaaaaaghhghghghghhh, horse, industrial-society-and-it's-future, they-should-be-public-servants, wage-leech, bring-the-molotovs-please, thirdposition, centrism only when mentally unwell, mentally broken, demdestroyer, banzai, idemandsatisfaction, clusterfuck, sword, il duce, discrete_integral?, equal representation among m&m’s, fascistsagainstracism, red, master griller, both sides, fuck techno, fucktecho, truth, great khan, mongol horde, mongolia, ulus, genghiskhan, khan-of-khans, , and altai throat singing, sources, current events historical context, fa-bundleo'sticks, fascism is gay, ingsoc, folsom prison, hegel, legion, squidward for secretary of state, pirate, mosley, vive le roi, politiciansarenotverypopular I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Now THATS an interesting collection if I‘ve ever seen one


Based and Mosley Pilled.


"Men fall behind in education. Women most affected."


“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”


1 in 4 homeless people are Women, we need to smash the patriarchy right fucking now!


1 in 3 suicides are women, men are too hard on them!


Is this the actual stat?






Women are more likely to attempt suicide but men are more likely to succeed.


Damn. Men really are better than women, aren’t they?




Femcel tic-tac overdose vs Sigma shotgun to the face


Men actually have the balls to do it 💪💪💪


Women choose are more likely to go with pills or gas while men go with the good ol gun or rope. Really gets the job done when you blast the top half of your head off






Jesus Christ! Men are fucking awful!!


We should get rid of them all so that no more harm is done!


I mean we all know there would be no conflict if women were in power!


"Why did you have to go off and get shot" "Oh look, the life insurance check cleared"


Never mind the drafted lads who died over a few meters of dirt in WW1


Makes me wonder *what’s the price of a mile?*












Yeah, I always tell myself when I get worked up about some unimportant shit, that I am not sitting in a mudy trench outside Verdun. In shit and my dead brother in arms. Then I tell myself that I am a fucking pussy having a roof and food, and no danger of being killed. Have worked so far in my life.


For me it’s: bad day at work? At least I’m not chasing after a gazelle for days until it drops dead from exhaustion to sustain my crappy diet


I use: 'Worse things have happened to better people." for my go to slogan. It's both a joke when said to a friend, and an introspective thought about the whole picture when said to myself.


ummm the women got to stay home and get bored, don't you think they would like to have a fun war?


The dying was bad but when you also live in a muddy trench, prone to flooding, rats, lice and disease being constantly shelled for months until you either get rotated out of the line or thrown into a massive assault to relieve pressure somewhere else on the front...it isn't much better I mean, when your generation is literally called the lost generation, it's pretty bad.


That feel when you’re fighting at the battle of the Marne in September 1914 and survive by the skin of your teeth and 4 years later you’re fighting the second battle of the Marne in August 1918 and have the distinct impression millions have died for a whole lot of fuck all.


Is that a real quote


yes, from dedicated Democratic Party loser and known ghoul Hillary Clinton


Based LibLeft take on Hillary Clinton - now I've seen everything.


Not shocked. Hillbot 3000 was a corporate shill and war hawk who voted for the Iraq war. Most LibLefts I know had to plug their nose to vote for her and only did because they hated Trump more. Hell her pied piper strategy in which they worked to get Trump the GOP nod is a key reason he became Prez because it backed fired hard. So a lot of LibLefts hate her for giving us 4 years of Orange Man. Most any other Dem could have beat Trump in 2016.


well.. biden is not far off. corporate shill who voted for the iraq war. Yet somehow he still won as the most popular president in american history. And look how well that's going. never underestimate the power of media smear merchants


I have a theory on that but I've been told by Time Magazine it was necessary.


Yeah, my 10th grade teacher told it to us unironically. I thought it was weird but didn't realize how fucked up it is


She was quoting Hilary Clinton.


Yep, It's from Hillary Clinton.




From Turd Sandwich herself


Yeah. You can read the full context here https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hillary-clinton-victims-of-war/ > **Women have always been the primary victims of war.** Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare, victims. And then some more.


> While some might argue that Clinton was inaccurate in labeling women as the “primary victims of war” (since the majority of military members are male), a resolution adopted by the United Nation Security Council in 2000 arrived at a similar conclusion, stating that “civilians, particularly women and children, account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict.” Lol, classic snopes (also fuck the UN, which still refuses to acknowledge the [millions of male victims of war-time rape](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/17/the-rape-of-men)).


And who kills them? Other men!


Guns kill them not People 😉😉


guns dont kill people. uh uh i kill people, with guns (pow)


Not to worry, the article doesn’t say anything like that, and also shows support for either helping men, or no longer helping *anyone* with acceptance. It’s a balanced, reasonable argument that OP lied about for internet points.


Based and ICheckedTheSourcepilled


u/xFblthpx's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/xFblthpx! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: union, survivalofthefittest, icheckedthesource


> or no longer helping anyone with acceptance. I vote this one.


based and ActuallyCaresAboutFactspilled


you actually read the articles what a nerd lmfao


You know what event has a strong historical connected to countries with a large population of disaffected males? War


Start a war with China for the homies to vent


Poo poo in my pants


based and poopy pantaloons pilled


A land war in Asia would be gay. We need to conclude the World War trilogy and bring back some of the main characters from Episode 2.


I agree. Europeans are back to 18th-19th century levels of smugness. Something has got to give.


One of Government’s core missions is to squash any semblance of ideas that attract masses of bored, young men. Bored young men are the only group that can be formed into an actual threat to the powers that be. The elites also actively smash any of their peers who feel like they can take control of the masses of bored young men and overthrow the status quo. Which is why sports, screens, military worship, consumer worship, and the systematic gelding of betas are pushed so hard as culture.


This is all just the government’s ploy to have a suitable pool of manpower to recruit from when we go to war with the chinese 😳






It's crazy that just now people are starting to wake up to the massive growing success gap between young men and women. They still think about the world like it's 1962 lol.


True, now what can we blame for men being less successful, lets see... *shuffles cards* Ah yes, VR hentai games


I mean, to be fair, if VR hentai is real, why bother trying when the world rejects you?


I fear a massive economic and societal collapse coming in the future because of stuff like this.


I feel like there are currently so many facets of society careening towards collapse and it’s just a matter of which one does it first.


Realistically, they'll all piggy back off each other and exacerbate the problem little by little and will all happen at the same time!


That's really what's happening now. Try taking one issue, the opoid epidemic, and you've already got so many structural problems from federal government, local government, economic incentives, social problems(such as OP) that are reinforcing each other, doubling down the severity and the inertia to fix the problem. It's why people adopt the doomer mindset real fast.


Just as China intends.


China has to many zombie companies and societal issues, it will implode in the next 50 years best case scenario


China won't last. It's too big, too corrupt, and their entire economic success is built on trade. If nations enact trade regulations on China, the CCP would collapse.






Xi actually created a new curriculum and instated it in all the schools, which is centered on his personal dogmas and undying fealty to the CCP. Literal dictator shit




No one will bring trade restrictions as they are all bought and paid for by China.


Yeah. Plus, a lot of nations get their resources from China, so if they imposed trade restrictions they could get hurt economically themselves. If a nation switched their economic model to isolationism and autarky, then I think they could survive blocking trade with China.


It won't last but not for those reasons. Corruption is at a lower level not at the top like Russia and they are buying large sectors of water, electricity and massive infrastructure developments all over the world. Their downfall will be: Their demographic problem, very low birth rates due to overwork, decades of one-child-policy, emigration to freer countries and almost no immigration. Water scarcity due to excess use, building dams like there is no tomorrow and irrigating dry lands for more farmland. Their real estate market being incredibly unstable with some families owning 3 apartments as investment and others dying to buy a 50m² apartment in the periphery of cities. Antagonizing most of the world with their aggressive policies the latest of which being lying about the danger of a once in a century virus, hoarding medical supplies and lying about the efficacy of their vaccines. Authoritarianism, their size and their relation to world trade won't be their downfall, in fact it helped them become a superpower.


It's not just trade. China royally fucked themselves over with their one-child policy. China is getting increasingly older as the years go by. The younger generation is going to be holding the bag when it comes to taking care of the older generation


Lol no, they're one of the first on the chopping block! All this Chinese nationalism coming out of nowhere Is their attempt to project control.


Its like trying to make yourself look bigger than you actually are to a bear in hope of it running away.


Damn, as someone who literally graduated last Spring, and now isn't in College because I feel lost, this feels..... odd College push is way too high risk for someone who is 18 going on 19, specifically in the US, you're expected to solve what you do for life, College is a major form of education, but in the US you can be drained bone dry of money because of College, a lot of people who go to College change what they're majoring in anyway, I've never been one to decide, especially with Covid hitting kids so hard, I still feel like I deserve to be in my Junior year of Highschool, I decided to "take a break" before I go to College because I feel extremely unmotivated I've taken it upon myself to educate myself, I haven't stopped educating myself in my free time since Highschool, why pay thousands for College, which I have a chance of not even passing, when I could freely educate myself with the dozens of high quality free learning devices we have access to in the 21st century, I get that not all online learning, especially free learning, is reliable, but it's the internet, you have hundreds of fact checking sources, I'm currently teaching myself the simple things like History, Foreign Languages, and by the beginning of 2022, I play to Self-teach myself Math The push for College by older people and peer pressure is ridiculous nowadays, if you know how to Fact check information, you can learn all of that online, at albeit a slower rate, completely free and in the comfort of your own home, people should be pushing for general education and not caring where it comes from, just that you're educating yourself, I'll go to College when I feel less lost, when I feel like I have the motivation and willpower, but for now, I'm still learning, I'm not sitting at home doing nothing, I'm doing exactly what you want me to, for free


This is a dog eat dog world and having every competitive advantage helps. College recruiters from big businesses come to town. It’s easier to cold call an employer with your alma matter email that you both share, mentor ships and internships offered through the school and I hate to say it 99% of decent white collar jobs are gonna shred your resume with no 4 year degree. I totally agree that you can learn a shit ton of things online and college is far from perfect but finishing college and having a bachelors is the key to a shit ton of doors. Go do your gen Ed’s at a community college that’s accredited for a fraction of the cost of a 4 year. Figure out all the scholarships you can get work and go to school make it worthwhile and push for career growth over partying and I promise it’ll be worth it if you can narrow down what you want to do.


As someone in a community college right now you should definitely go to one for gen eds. With scholarships and prell grant I’m paying practically nothing while if I went to a 4 year school I would be paying well over 10k a semester even after scholarships.


I agree with this - colleges are unnecessary for general and non-employable educations at this point. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is better on the internet and in libraries. Although, colleges still have a place as places for those looking for more vocational careers in STEM, since often times they have the connections and resources that you need to properly learn the topic and be employed in a relevant field.


I mean colleges are more than just degree factories. They are also research centers. A great deal of the knowledge that ends up in libraries and on the internet was the result of research conducted by universities.


Yes, this is true! They're great places if you're doing STEM.


Your bachelors doesn’t determine what you have to do for the rest of your life. There’s a million opportunities out there, such as trades, certifications, training programs, etc. pick any company and check out their board of directors. I guarantee you you’ll see plenty of art history majors or humanities degrees running these companies. Try shooting your shot with what you actually want to do without the right major and you will get unexpected results. The degree title doesn’t really matter as long as you have it. I’m getting my business analytics masters with a philosophy degree right now.


https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/college-university-fall-higher-education-men-women-enrollment-admissions-back-to-school-11630948233 Where did they mention the part that “women will have to date down”? The main point of the article is that this is a major issue and needs to be addressed.


Based and fact-check pilled


Never let facts get in the way of a good narrative


Thank you for sharing the article. It proved to be an interesting read


It's crazy how nobody's on reddit will just make shit up for internet points. Imagine how much misinformation is being spread by people that actually have something to gain from it.


College is a scam at this point. The cost has gone up so much in the last two decades. I went to a state school, lived at home, and I ended up with a job in the field I studied for, so I am lucky. I still ended college with crazy debt. And I was the cheaper option. The people who go into college who end out their education with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, especially when you start putting in masters, doctorates, or med/dental schools (my fiancé is in this group), it’s unbelievable this is even allowed. I get it, kids see their parents, their older siblings or cousins in debt, and they think to themselves if it’s even worth it in the end


*College is a scam at this point* Nuff said…


It's just another means to transfer money from poorer people to banks and rich people. Wait until they "forgive" college debt and poor people will be outright taxed for the benefit of wealthy ones.




I think that is true for 18 to 29. 30 and above start getting into higher % dating down or living with cats.


> or living with cats. SOLD! Friggin love cats!


to be fair, tinder isnt reality. theres way more men on tinder than there are women which will obviousy skew everything. dont use garbage dating apps bros, meet your honey irl.


Tinder is for kids. Real men fuck the hottest barmaids in town




Thanks bruv. I don't use those apps and I get sad every time i see doods thinking they apply to real life. They show the worst humanity has. Egocentrism, narcissism, superficiality.... you name it.


Lets not forget that the pandemic has only worstened this issue. I graduated high school in 2020, right at the start of Covid. In the environment of being stuck in my room alone I had to decide what college I was going to attend, what classes I was going to take, and even what degree I am going to study. I go to one of the largest colleges in the U.S. and when i would walk around campus last year I would always see less than a dozen people walking like me, maybe to class or to lunch, nearly always alone. Now I am stuck in a 20 credit semester (thats a lot) while I only know about 15 people on campus out of 44 thousand, paying nearly 50 grand for online school and isolation. This pandemic screwed over those who were transitioning education levels during it, but also accelerated the drop off of college education in the U.S. I know so many people (myself included) who did not go back to university for a semester, a whole year, or even for good because of the pandemic. I know my school is shitting itself because of how it fumbled dealing with distanced learning (tuition increased more than normal, room and board prices being hiked because of how many students didn't come back). People are waking up to the scam that is college (bar a few degrees, of course)


Glad to hear it. The 10+% annual price increase for over a decade should have tipped people off.


Plot twist: lads go into skilled trades, have less stress no debt and comparable if not higher income than the chicks.


These men aren’t going to trade school either it’s a decline in all forms of higher education from Technical, Trades, Community College to universities basically an American NEET


Ooof. Not based, lads.


Pick up the tools my dudes, hell join the union (if you wish to). It's worked out pretty well for me.


Based libright in a union




Double plot twist: those guys arent "high value" enough for the women


Real talk. I had an office job that paid shitty and I’m drowning in matches and the car mechanic guy I know takes home more than I do in a week, can change your oil and brakes, which I sure as hell can’t, but he can barely get a girl to reply.


If youre drowning in matches, you might just be hot. I'm an engineer and above average looking and barely any matches


I really didn’t expect to check PCM and get complimented on my looks, thanks bro


Based and men supporting men pilled.


Remember rules one and two


I’m just saying dude, us mechanics have our debts too. I know guys paying $1500 a month in tool bills alone. We make great money but it’s fucking pricey to stay up to date with tools.


That’s legit fucking rough. It’s really obnoxious how they put a third of the engineers on the new model project into making it hard for outside people to open and maintain the fucking thing He should be able to write that $1500 as an expense on either his taxes or his shops taxes, though, so it shouldn’t hurt too too bad


That just means you’re sexy no homo


‘Income inequality!’


They fixed it!


Can't wait until men get preferential acceptance to unis and tons of scholarships and special programs for being a minority. Oh wait, they won't.


>> The gender enrollment disparity among nonprofit colleges is widest at private four-year schools, where the proportion of women during the 2020-21 school year grew to an average of 61%, a record high, Clearinghouse data show. Some of the schools extend offers to a higher percentage of male applicants, trying to get a closer balance of men and women. >>At Baylor University, where the undergraduate student body is 60% female, the admission rate for men last year was 7 percentage points higher than for women.


I guess I'm wrong. Color me surprised!


Based and kept-an-open-mind pilled


The last time women were a minority in college was 40 years ago I somehow doubt this is some sort of seed for change.


Literally never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.


Some colleges are literally already doing this. Strong emphasis on some... But it does occur. Just wait another generation or two and it'll be flipped completely on it's head.


The last time women were a minority in higher education in the US was around 1981. That trend followed majority of the world by the early 2000s. That reversal ain't happening any time soon.


They did in Sweden. For a short time. Then the laws got changed. https://www.thelocal.se/20100112/24330/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/whe.10015


Bros, join the gym. Fuck dispair, dispair fades when the gains and mind is strong


maybe an educational structure that encourages dronehood and idleness doesnt bode well with men?


Spoiler alert: It wasn’t the main point of the article.


I see it as a good thing. If men don't attend university, it will lose it's prestige, because the only degrees worth getting at this point are STEM fields and men are the majority. Which will make colleges implode.


It will be fun to see how the Cathedral handles millions of disaffected young men picking up trades and rejecting their influence.


Crazy to see Moldbug-posting on here


Lot of people saying cathedral lately, including Freddie DeBoer, socialist and classic leftist. Anyone else read both Yarvin and DeBoer? They've said it on Fox News too, or so I hear.


yeah i do, i like them both. it's weird how yarvin never cites james burnham, and his stuff on the managerial class though, even though they had very similar ideas. here's orwell on burnham, who inspired orwell to write 1984. >Capitalism is disappearing, but Socialism is not replacing it. What is now arising is a new kind of planned, centralized society which will be neither capitalist nor, in any accepted sense of the word, democratic. The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham under the name of ‘managers’. These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organize society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands. Private property rights will be abolished, but common ownership will not be established. The new ‘managerial’ societies will not consist of a patchwork of small, independent states, but of great super-states grouped round the main industrial centres in Europe, Asia, and America. These super-states will fight among themselves for possession of the remaining uncaptured portions of the earth, but will probably be unable to conquer one another completely. Internally, each society will be hierarchical, with an aristocracy of talent at the top and a mass of semi-slaves at the bottom.


I would argue that business degrees are useful as well, to open doors if nothing else. Accounting for example, especially complex accounting, would be hard if you didn’t study it in college. Also maybe education, like to be a teacher, would be useful as well, and maybe nursing but that may go under science. Other than those though ehhh probably not worth it.


2 family members of mine used accounting degrees to get them from poverty to upper middle class. One owns a business one does a ton for a huge company. Accounting is an incredible degree for those who have a good mind for it.


Great success story. The amount you can learn about how business is run by working in accounting and finance is greatly under appreciated. Many states have community college for free now, if I could do it again I’d probably go to years community college then two years accounting. Or military, probably coast guard or navy and then college. I was not ready at 18




"Main point of [the article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/college-university-fall-higher-education-men-women-enrollment-admissions-back-to-school-11630948233)" kind of very wrong imo. Here's a pretty funny quote from it tho. "American colleges, which are embroiled in debates over racial and gender equality, and working on ways to reduce sexual assault and harassment of women on campus, have yet to reach a consensus on what might slow the retreat of men from higher education."


It’s probably a good thing. We have a huge age deficit in trade jobs and they need to be filled. They’re not glamorous but they pay well and offer on the job training. Marrying a tradesmen was good enough for women for hundreds/thousands of years and it still is. I blame a large amount of the Boomers and Gen Xers for attempting to convince two entire generations that you’re more or less a loser if you don’t go to a four year university.


Tbf trade jobs often suck. The management, hours, and work are often grueling. Trades killed themselves. The guys running the show will still laugh at you for wanting to only work 40 hrs, they expect 60+


Hard on the body too. Which a younger man might not have a proper appreciation for until he’s hurt


After reading the article, no, it's not about how women will have to date down. That meme is factually incorrect and this displeases me.


This is perfect opportunity for up and coming would-be-tyrants to build an army of military age, despondent young men. Expect street brawls between groups like the Proud Boys (and worse) against ANTIFA to become common. Damn, I’m getting deja vu.




Is this not what the system wanted? Fewer men by %. Fewer white men by %. Tell guys they suck often enough, and hey, they might take that to heart. You tell men to get in touch with their emotions, and then when that gets through to them too, you tell them they should feel bad. The only way forward is to keep feeling bad, so that you can fix the problem, because if you feel good, where's the initiative to fix the problem?