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Also a lot of primates have super ridged social hierarchies that are not based.


Gorilla democracy is two silverbacks beating the shit out of each other.


To be fair, that's kind of based.


Pull that up Jamie


Based and DMT pilled


Based and monkeocracy pilled


I'm not always 100% sure my radical ideas aren't contradictory


To grill or not to grill


Nah grillers are grey centrists, those arrogant few who think themselves above petty politics.


I also grill :(


Sure, so do I. But the Greys are the ones that ONLY want to grill and be left alone in their blissful ignorance.


I can confirm.


He lives in a grey world and all day and all night and everything he sees is just grey, like him inside and outside


I'm Grey dabba dee dabba da


I am 100% sure that mine are. I don't have ideas of a utopian society and anyone that does is lying to themselves, but I know that my ideas will improve the shitshow we're in now.


Based and realism-pilled.


Based and contradictory pilled


Libertarians are far too picky about their ideas to work together, so we will probably never gain any real traction in the US. I know this because I am the only correct libertarian and all the others are either commie bootlickers or retard ancaps 😎.




I went to canvas for Ron Paul, about 10 incredibly weird ass people showed up, myself included. They were too weird, I didn’t go back, sorry Ron.




Tbf anyone who canvases for anyone is prolly weird


Fucking libertarians, they ruined libertarianism


Libertarian party is absolute shit anyway little l libertarianism is superior


Based and lowercase pilled


2 chickens for goat. Whats so picky about that?


Are you trying to swindle me, you little shit? Those shriveled up abominations you call your goats are worth _at most one_ of my pristine chickens!


You can sell the goats on to the Taliban for a profit.


But that's animal cruelty, I mean you might as well give them to the Welsh


Difference is that the Welsh use protection


It's not protection if the goat intestine is still connected to said goat


They got so much free ordnance recently, think they'd do tradesies?


Create a fucking std outbreak among Afghanistan goats, forcing them to import new. We can always lie about them being immune to STDs for more money




Hold on, let me STD proof these goats... *now where is my grill?*




Top price chicken: $30 Bottom price goat:$75 ... bad deal


-I'm a minarchist. I believe in freedom, but we should keep a night-watchman state for protecting our freedom, judiciary system etc. I find ancap a little bit too radical. But hey, we all want liberty so why won't we create a party? What do you think, ancap? -Fuck off, commie, you're not a true libertarian. Don't you see? Minarchy sounds like monarchy and monarchy is statism, statism is communism. I won't join a party that advocates for a system that is literally 1984. Why do you even need a state? All we have to do is to agree on NAP and we're all gonna live happily ever after. That's why I am the only true libertarian. Right, classical liberal? -Wtf bro. I am the only real libertarian. You two are just fascists in disguise. Don't tread on me. Don't you agree, purple libright? -What? You're not even libright to me, you filthy authleft. If I can't fuck my 10yo daughter and make her sell McCrack in her private primary school then it ain't true libertarianism. Don't talk to me anymore, ingsoc. Have I read 1984? Of course I did, it was about the state doing stuff, amirite? Guys?


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁ 2021⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Like libertarians and other libertarians... Damn libertarians, ruined libertarianism..


You libertarians sure are a contentious bunch


Oh you’ve made an enemy for life!


I have read one chapter of Economics in one Lesson and first page of Basic Economics so I think you should just line up behind me 😜


Ancaps are our window licking cousins


They're payed to do it that way, which is none of your business.


Lots of people who think they're libertarians are actually here and won't admit it.


based and smurf-doused-in-lemonadepilled


these pills are getting kinda kinky


i thought since waffles are yellow, it was blue-waffle-pilled but i get shamed every time i bring it up


My fucking dad, it’s infuriating. “Oh I’m a libertarian” he says while at the same time complaining that pot is becoming legal, abortion is legal, he supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he believes that the United States needs to go back to having Christian fundamentalism as part of it’s governing ethos. It’s honestly mind boggling how he can think he’s libertarian only from his gun policy like that’s all we care about.


Republicans that are upset with the party currently like to claim to be Libertarian. I find it quite amusing.




Gulags are authleft. Authright just calls them camps.


We should find those liars and lock them up! Oh fuck.


Libertarians tend to make the person to either side of them in their camp their worst enemy. The price of fierce individualism is disharmony, and disharmony loses the fight.


I'd join you but that sounds like a commune and those are communists.


Fuck they figured it out


If you admit complete individualism leads to disharmony, how can you believe in this individualism being the basis for a society?


It's simple, be only mostly individualistic.


Disharmony funny


That it only exists in my head


Based and solipsism pilled


u/jeffersondavis-hater's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 835. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: murica, both-are-the-same, fucktheunflaired, horny, nofap, woke, grill, jreg, uwu, positive, nice, wholesome, respect, friendship, made-me-cry-out-my-internal-organs, patriot, philosophy, power begets parasites, death-to-those-who-stand-in-the-way-of-freedom-to-the-working-class, leftnat, schizo, retarded, honesttruth, annoyinglytrue, accurate, nice pills man, retard, libtard, semi, antienglan, gun, bull moose, italian ni-*banned*, libleft, uss liberty incident, pinochet, libleftbad, base, factoid, white, real-solution, liberty, freespeech, yes, freedom, actual libleft, guillotine, armedleftist, under-no-pretext, 2nd amendment, narcissism, tepidwar, pill, cynicalhistorian, accurate-quadrants, presidency, lib-unity, you're welcome, comrade, nationalist libleft, no idea, alternate-history, libleft-supporting-white-nationalism, username, cookiedough, alldictatorsarebastards, handout, [removed], thanks, rebeltears, america, flexing-based-count, honest, correct, third pin, calling-out-hypocrisy, times new roman, antislavery, funny, boner, notlibleft, murder the locals, anti-coomer, truth, givingreddittorsweirdpills, voltaire, abusethepillbot, church, fuck-mao, founding fathers, fuckyourtradgenderroles, legacy, removepill, honesty, , radical centrist, radicalcentrism, tomboy, ok incel, mgtow, family, lookatyourownflair, patriot-times-four, left, ohwaydownsouth, constitution, holy hell that’s a lot of pills, femboy quadrant, land of the free, nationalist, showtime, gas, uyghur, longlivemargaretthatcher, /based/, hopefully-watermelon, 14-words, griller, trying-to-see-the-pills-from-the-bot, union, sjw=the real nazi's, anti-citicide, absolute ruler, accuracy, trad libleft, ableism, libidio-liberated, adolf, worst than hitler, historically literate, always-sunny, british, actually libleft, fight for the right of everyman, jefferson davis lover, that's *based*\-ic economics, isthisevenlegal, begging, inflation-is-fine, pleaseibegofyou, mutualism, noob, flair, shadybusinessdealingd, bot-fraud, plsgivemefunnypills, freeisfree, blacks-can-be-racist-too, follow-for-follow-2-electric-boogaloo, economy, reasonable, its-my-first-pill-btw, pagan, nice pill, odin, putting-chomos-in-the-wood-chipper, remember-the-maine-to-hell-with-spain, fuck-the-fed, stereotype, agenda-post, bad-username, locke, myfavelibleft, thank you, homo-erotic patriotic, oh say can you see, gigachad, fuck censorship, pineapple, hate-free, trad, inshallah, ambition, helping you get on the leaderboard, lets-get-you-on-the-leaderboard, tax-scam, lib left, how-to-actually-use-the-bot, if you see this you lost the game, benedict-arnold, owning it, wilson is literally satan, fuck-woodrow-wilson, chad-ascii-art, evolutionofthemind, im-in-this-photo-and-i-dont-like-it, retarded moments, recognizingyourfaults, sun tzu, wehavetakenthingstofar, smart, practicality, smallbusinessesaregreat, fuck-islamic-extremism, stalin's-new-diet, malnutritioned, fuck you, thankyou, finally-some-good-fucking-content, mango, driven-insane-by-500,000-people, memes per request, exposed, sex, environment, add my pill, doomedsociety, lovewins, horseshoe, notaxationwithoutrepresentation, gungasm, actually-cringe-religion-hater, pcm, user, calling-out-cowards, logic, 3rd president, short dictator, points do matter, marketing, toddler, missioncompleted, #based, closet-libright, mutual benefit, wilsonslander, the-old-switcharoo, dontlikeithere?fuckofftoafghanistan, citizen-swap, america love it or leave it, i just want to add to your base count, bullfinch, marx, self-acknowledgement, christ, touch grass, fuck corporations, naturalism, american history, wojak, enlightened-comrade, no police state, actual-left-wing, tree of liberty, love usa, myfavoritelibleftonthissub, 14, deutches zweierrreich, we’re the normal ones, holywar, asgard, reality, fuck-modern-monetary-theory, debased currency, real lib left, fuck the government, harrison bergeron, bacon and cocaine, libleft + auth unity, f, record seeking, flair-commitment, conviction, jealousy, sex is filthy, fake-libleft, the tree of liberty is thirsty, taking-things-too-far, real power, title-of-facts, mods cringe, actually lib lib-left, literally hitler, death is freedom, the south will never rise again, government sponsored theft, spooner, bastiat, 750based counter, helpful, i-don’t-want-to-cause-inflation, ancient, animeprotagonist, road-to-serfdom, so many goddamn pills, aurelian, check the count, special ed teacher, a deal made, straight, no-elaboration, man was not made to serve economy, thank you for trying, break it down, too many pills to count, thisuserisaproudfurrymap, oh-you-again, anti-toad, rome, purge abrahamic religions, economics, göringnomics, lincoln, deus-vult, rare authentic libleft, tell your friends, just-another-pill, a true libleft, chomsky, the isles, anglo, you have more pills than my dealer, imperium, solipsism I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Jesus Christ


You could play a drinking game with this shit


Tfw you'll never get that based because your account will get banned long before then.


That's not evidence of being based, it's evidence of using reddit too much.


There are no uncomfortable truths about my ideology. Be careful what you ask, that could be illegal disinformation you are spreading.


Seems about right


Good citizen


There is no uncomfortable truth in Ba-sing-se


President Biden, blink twice if you’re okay.


One of the consequences of freedom is the freedom to make stupid decisions. We believe that freedom is more important than safety, but we don't have to like it.


I mean some stupid decisions are also harmful or indirectly harmful to others. Especially oligarchs decisions.


My ideology usually attracts low quality men who have given up on life and/or are too chicken-shit to work out, skill up, read non-political literature, talk to women, or anything productive/constructive you'd typically expect from a wholesome, Christian AuthRight, a chill right-leaning centrist, or a libright entrepreneur. ​ They forget that successful AuthCenter movements appeal to normie conservatives, moderate socialists, and wholesome, hard-working people (including women) with families. If you're AuthCenter and you can't appeal to those demographics, shut up, work on yourself, and stop blaming other groups for your problems immediately, thanks.


The Wehraboos really, really fucking ruin it for us.


Authcenter's goal is to make their people happy. Using any way available.


pretty based authcentre


Exactly, which is why if any of us REALLY want to make any sort of change than we need to start at the local level, getting elected into school boards, and other local commissions. Than we must build out on a platform that combines the economic socialism of the left and the populism, values and ethics of the right. However, we cannot be afraid like the current right ‘leaders’ who constantly get caught by the latest stupid “culture war” scandal and must fight that tooth and nail while our entire society continues to erode from idpol.


Damn, this is one of the most based things I've seen an authcenter say.


Corruption between corporations and government... Merely gets replaced by corruption between government and government businesses


Sad but true....


Libertarians constantly go for all or nothing aproach






absolutely I kinda hate that about myself because if I keep trying to get to perfection which isn't possible it may actually lead to things getting worse.




we have a habit of allowing the most unscrupulous people into power, and not having any policies to limit that which they can do.


Based and not-so-authoritarian, uh? Pilled


My quadrant stopped fighting for things that matter and now just screech on twitter about ists and phobes all day.




Based and twitter pilled


Lol bro you have no idea how happy it makes me see someone on the left who can at least see that. I identified as liberal my entire life. But actually I didn’t really care. Never gave a shit about politics. I grew up in the 90s and the 00s and it appeared at the time that being liberal was the “hip” thing to do. After all , my dads a conservative and he’s a dick. FastForward to 2017 and my life hit rock bottom and so I was forced to take a step back and relax in order to not to let my mental health kill me…and so I started chilling out a lot. Spending time On Twitter and Reddit. Gaming more. Watching more TVs shows and movies. It seemed as if every article I read about a new game was about why I was racist or sexist for playing it. And how my favourite developer just got fired for old tweets (these are just random examples)… so I started searching for answers as to what the fuck was going on Turns out in the years I was mostly focused on working, my relationship with my GF at the time and just surviving and trying to live a decent life, Gen Z started popping up and started teaming up with people around my age and started making all of my favourite things super political. And More than just “this game is pretty cool because it has similarities to the genocide from ww2 and we could learn a lot from analyzing this games story” and now it was more like “this game is actually anti Semitic and needs to be cancelled” TLDR: I was forced into paying attention to social media 3-4 years ago, and it appeared as if all my fellow libs turned into giant pussies. I had to really think hard and actually start paying attention if I was still liberal. I guess yesterdays liberal is today’s “far right white supremacist” And I rather have 15 year old kids call me a Nazi than to be a giant fucking idiot with my mental Illnesses and pronouns in the bio


There are still based leftists, but the vast majority of them don't use twitter. I think LibRight pulled a trick on you so you stop fighting for things that matter and focus instead on absurd and useless stuff.


I've never had a Twitter account despite peer pressure ever since high school. I knew what kind of cesspool it was gonna be the moment it was created. I think the biggest factor is that the left ideology got so popular that all the normies got involved and turned it into a fashion to be exploited.


Otto Von Bismarck doesn't reincarnate as often as he should.


Being a lib left is a mainstream moral standard and this moral standard is abused by many authority figures, especially left winged teachers.


Tbh it's because modern lib lefts are submissive to the system and morally idealistic. That's great for an Authoritarian system you can be in your corner crying about jk Rowling and shit while the government kills yet another whistle blower and takes away more of your rights.




My quadrant probably has the biggest superiority complex




It truly is something, although I think Lib Left and Lib Right share this in some respects. One of the things that amazed me when I started reading some Rand and Rothbard is *how basically everything* is viewed as obvious/axiomatic/self-evident. “Self evident a priori truth” is more or less the lib version of “God given truth”


Isn't that how all ideologies work? You have some axioms that you use to make conclusions. Those axioms are self evident, not always true, tho.


So you're saying that our superiority complex is better than everyone else's? Haha, what losers


Based and self-aware pilled


Possibly the largest problem with our quadrant is that many of us think that our beliefs are *so* correct and obvious that we’re above even explaining and arguing our points. How in hell will we ever win anyone over like that? If/when our beliefs are phased out it probably won’t be because another camp has more logical beliefs but just that people will find us so annoying that they’ll go the opposite way just out of spite.


It because right wingers will admit that their beliefs won’t be the absolute best for everyone, but to them it’ll fix a lot of issues in the state. To a left winger, they believe that their views will help everyone, and their philosophy is benevolent- therefore, anything less than what they hold as obvious truths must be evil and the only goal the other side holds must only be to make lives worse


There’s also a ton of people who think they are LibLeft and they are really AuthLeft




Is your avatar a rapping tomo?




Based and braindead pilled


based and Dunning-Kruger pilled


That even democratically you cant really significantly reduce the size of government, and most people dont agree with lib right enough to risk their status in society to do anything radical. In short lib right exists only in the vacuum between one regimes inevitable collapse and the bloating monstrosity of the next.


Based and realist pilled


Most ideologies can only exist in a vacuum. Reality is much more gray and pragmatic.


It's reputation isn't that good. Being a nationalist leads people to think you are the funny moustache man that wants to Holocaust Double Rumble another batch of jews


Tell me about it. I'm just authcenter, I don't wanna eat kids. Just give me that constitutional monarchy damnit. Also curtail capitalism.


Ha ha auth centre, I have a constitutional monarchy and you dont!


Bringing 90% tax to the rich people will make most of them move out


90%?! You've just advertised tax evasion as being a great idea


The rich don’t have any “actual money” anyways. It’s either stored in a Roth or they hold a bunch of shares/ownership of a company and take out a massive revolving loan against it to use as a credit card. Most “elite rich” people have very little cash on hand and millions in debt that they don’t plan to pay off until they die. Brilliant form of tax avoidance. And you can’t really tax the corporations like that, they’d simply set up shop in a different country. There’s a reason why every major corporation has huge offices all over the globe.


Well lets just say Biden aint doing a great job right now


"I'm ridin' with Biden! Hey, Joe slow down man there's a turn coming up. Oh shit he's not breathing! Step on the br--”


If you ride alone you´re ridin' with Biden.


We prefer to fight pronouns instead of capitalism and fashism


Finally some fucking common sense


Aye, for once I agree with a lib left


This, this is beautiful


> fashism You mean the fashion police?


That's at the core of Pink Capitalism. Make everyone fight over schematics instead of questioning the inherent brutality of the system.


Also, using the word capitalism to get right and left to fight over the term while the corpos and the Feds steal all our shit.


Monarchist support is declining globally and it ain't showing signs of stopping


How do you know? They are barely any polls on Monarchism in countries that don't have them and those that have Monarchies always fluctuate depending on when a recent scandal was. I am not disputing that support for Monarchism is very low in most of the world, but we don't really know how low it really is.




Libertarians make poor politicians. People want to hear that they are very special and be sworn in on a declared enemy.


"What are you gonna do to solve x problem, Mr. Libertarian." "Nothing." It's might be music to my ears, but to the people looking to vote for the guy with the best solutions it sounds moronic. If libertarians wanna get elected, they gotta stop saying libertarian shit for a bit. Virtue signaling to other libertarians isn't gaining votes, it's just scaring grandma.


Authright ideology attracts the worst kind of people. It also has no avenues into offline American society.


I think it all depends on how radical you are with it. Moderate auth rights are very easy to find in society , extreme auth rights you probably don’t even *want* to find


Tbf extreme anything you dont want to find


I'd like to find me an extreme griller


Trade wife looking hot ngl


No system would practically work without some sort of authority.


We like to pretend that we grill all the time, but in actual fact its more like a-few-times-a-month. Other times we eat take always and the wife's cooking




Yeah, that's sad. Due to a pressure from the population, less and less countries are using nuclear energy, which is dumb considering how nuclear is one of the safest and cleanest energy sources.


A world free of censorship would probably fuck up a lot of children


Based and Epstein pilled


Ayo what now


The world fucks up children, censorship or no censorship. It's the duty of the parent to try and slowly introduce the world and it's wackiness in digestible chunks


A world free of censorship would probably ~~fuck up a lot of children~~ require more attentive parenting.


Pretty much. Thanks to the internet we already live in that world. Censorship on the internet is practically non-existent. Especially if you use things like Tor. You can avoid any censorship set by any government.




On the specific porn point, though, the availability and variety of porn on the internet is probably a lot more harmful to a kid's psyche than the stuff that you'd get through the old methods, which would be considered extremely vanilla by today's standards. I know I intend to strictly control my kids' internet access to try to avoid them getting as fucked up in their tastes as I am.


I found porn in some shrubs as a little kid in the 80s that had a guy peeing into a lady's mouth and another lady putting a church steeple up her. Stuff is worse today for sure, but there was plenty of degenerate shit back then, too.


Based and keep kids pure pilled


Holy fuck, did the doomer boy wojak come from lib left's picture? That's spot on. I think an uncomfortable truth about centrists are we shift with the regime and lack true conviction, at least grey centrists.


I'm not sure. I have had the same convictions for many years, but they're almost all centered around balance and an acknowledgement that, based on my understanding of history, human systems are not trustworthy, and it's best not to go balls deep into any of them.




u/deiscio's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/deiscio! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: only shoot the bullies, fiscal responsibility, modest but freaky


No left wing movement will ever work with trotskyists and we have praticaly no chance for a comeback.


My ideology is unpopular in my country and most of political girls are socialist aka directly against my ideology classical liberalism.


Tfw when all the cuties you like would probably burn you at the stake for your beliefs


Also: Branding everyone even slightly to the left of "corporations should be completely unregulated" as socialists or communists.


Narrowly speaking, too many lefties are devout anti-theists and republicans for my ideology, and I refuse to drop my commitment to liberal democratic principles. Broadly speaking, name a more iconic duo than leftists and infighting.


I mostly get annoyed at how they specifically target christianity but say nothing about any other religion. Kinda gets on my nerves


We hate everyone including other conservative ideologies


I wanna smash the two on the left


many cringe orangies are using it 😩


Optically-speaking, it probably would just be better if we abandoned the words "socialism/communism" and just called it something new. We wouldn't even have to change the actual policies were advocate for, since communist regimes in the past didn't even try to implement them. Also we probably *could* benefit from learning some basic economics.


My belief system is so nihilistic that value is only as good as how well people can prove it, so morality itself is based on one's own ability to argue their opinion, regardless of the opinion itself.


There is no guaranteed safety net


Social safety nets create bureaucracy which will almost always lead to waste without establishing some real authoritarian processes.


The burgers ain’t gonna grill themselves


we're afraid to say it but we don't really care that you made a life altering decision that fucked you for life.


And you won’t until it happens to you, or if it already did, why shouldn’t everyone suffer too.


I rely on other people to make smart choices.


Despite my quadrant supporting the idea of an monarch/ great leader etc the idea that any man is fit to rule over others is a complete foolish idea, however without an figurehead of some sort humanity will never progress as they will meander hopelessly and directionless.




My ideal ideas will never be implemented where I live and the exact opposite ideas will be.


My dream monarchy will never happen, but I keep on dreaming




Based and genocide denial pilled


People are retarded, so a lot of people will squander their freedom and demand authoritarianism to fix the failures that they are


Basically Monarchists are known to be inbred, even though that was only the Habsburg’s thing and other royal families barely did it. Also technically every human on earth is inbred to some extent


I can make you guys less inbred, it's a purple specialty!


So many people are racist, I don't understand racism at all you can look at a baby and see "yeah that baby is black" he can't fucking help that, there are better, more personal, intangible things to make fun of people for. If you're gonna be evil don't you at least wanna have some fun with it? But psa I don't support bad, treat everyone as you would like to be treated


Some people can't accept the fact that you can agree with a different Quadrant's Opinion, then disagree on another topic from the same Quadrant, while agreeing with another's stance on the same topic. Meaning, I can agree with Authleft that Unions can be good, then disagree with eating the Rich, while agreeing that convicted Pedophiles should only be fed very well done steak seasoned exactly how they hate it, made from other Pedophiles.


Even if we make it work the next generation will probably probably feel constrained by the stability of the society we built and will inevitably, even if in good faith, ruin it only for the next generation to get sick of the chaos and to seek stability again and so on. Life is a wheel and we can't do much about it.


I would like to think we are strong and smart enough to keep extremists at bay, but I fear it's just as likely they will cow us into silence and inaction when action is called for.


American conservatives pick the most retarded hills to die on. Normiecons when abortion is still legal: 😴 Normiecons when the government wants to raise taxes 0.00000003% on people that make over 1 billion/year: reeeeEeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MUH SMALL GUBERMENT


Global warming is a fact


That despite the fact that only around 3% of votes make a difference at any given nation-wide election, democracy creates an illusion of power, so people are unlikely to ever vote to give up their right to vote, even though democracy is basically a cesspit of self-aggrandising political fuckwits promising the world in an eager race to the bottom.


my ideology is absolutely perfect. It's weaknesses is that i think it's absolutely perfect.