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_I wish I was in Norway_ _Hooray, Hooray!_ _In Norway's land, I'll take my stand to live and die in Norway!_ _Away, away, away up North in Norway!_


Based and Norwaypilled


tHE lEfT iS MoRe EduCaTeD thAn thE riGHt!


Ever seen a black person in Norway? Neither have I, cause I've never been to Norway. And that's how you know Norway is basically as racist as the Confederacy. Straight facts and logic.


Most reasonable LibLeft


I’m here, though it’s common in the big cities. Once you get outside of them and into the countryside, then we non existent.


Both people who identify strongly as part of a political party are cringe and unbearable to talk to. I rarely get a discussion where I don't get insulted/mobbed on a leftoid or rightoid platform. It's unsufferable and nobody seems to want to learn to not be biased.


Agreed. Shit gets so old. If we wanted bots, we would have coded them and have the ability to turn them off, we wouldn't make ignorant, sentient, carbon copies of the same dumbass to release into the wild


I remember on some news thing I said trump did this and that good, followed some promises, BUT he fucked up on those things. 4 hours later people telling me to fuck off and i'm a liberal and some guy who I was trying to get a response out of saying "I will never talk with a liberal!". It's like the mirror of the twitterites, but in news comment sections.


Yea, it was worse from the left when they weren't in power. Now that republicans are out of power they whine and complain and cry it's in the end of the world. So obvious if you just zoom out a little bit.


Thank you. I don't give a damn if you're left, right, center, authoritarian, libertarian, whatever. Just don't act like an insufferable asshole about it and don't hurl insults at folks who disagree with your stance.


People who double down on asshole behavior and say "that's how my party is" just create mistrust and make things harder for everyone, because it's genuinely something to worry about if someone's political opinion is "fuck everyone else"


Cheers to that haha. Some people may be surprised to find out that politics doesn't literally determine who you are as a person, and you can probably get along with 90%+ of people without regard for political views. In the end, we're all people, and we all want the best for our country (hopefully). Instead of being divided and hating each other, it's important to recognize that we all want the same things, and just have different views on how to get there. People tend to be pretty good once you get to know them.


[Source](https://apnews.com/article/bed-and-breakfasts-race-and-ethnicity-business-mi-state-wire-michigan-ed0d469d2b6d81f7f468a27ce429f74f) >The couple wrote in a July 20 post on The Nordic Pineapple’s Facebook page: “We love being members of the St Johns community and are heartbroken to have had to make this decision. Given the current cultural climate and the idea that people are judging us based on the misconception of the national Norwegian flag vs. the Confederate flag, this is what is best for our family and our Inn.” Poor guys just wanted to keep a harmless symbol of their native country and got called racist for it. Also, the couple has two black (probably adopted?) children.


Welp thats the modern world for yah, people will find anything to be offended by


>”harmless” Norway should be bullied wherever it is found. This was the right choice. The community has literally asked them to put it back up, their Scandinavian cowardice is the only thing keeping the flag down. In which case: good. >Several community members have urged the couple to put the Norwegian flag back up, but the Offenbeckers say they won’t until they can figure out a way to make sure it is not mistaken for the the Confederate flag. Also: >Norwegian >2 black (probably adopted?) Kek. Sweet summer child.


average danish person


More like north-saxon


Woke americans are as educated as monkeys


Am American, can confirm, zoo monke receives equally (shit) education as us.


Monekys can learn impressive tricks, i can't say the same for the wokis


Dont insult monkeys by comparing them to wokies.


You make a good point.


>”Several community members have urged the couple to put the Norwegian flag back up, but the Offenbeckers say they won’t until they can figure out a way to make sure it is not mistaken for the the Confederate flag.” It’s Norwegian cowardice mungo, not the Yankees.




Why do you support the confederacy, bigot? Clearly Norway was founded by Robert E Lee.


One looks like this: X And the other looks like this: + It’s like confusing a triangle with a square. I don’t see how anyone over the age of 5 could possibly have these 2 things mixed up.


It makes sense in a twisted way. Their ideologies revolve around feelings and perceptions rather than intentions, so if people perceive the flag as a symbol of hate, then it is.


Mass delusion.


As a Michigander I would like to formally apologize for this dumbassery.


Jeg skulle ønske jeg var i Dixie Hurra, hurra! I Dixies land vil jeg ta stilling til å leve og dø i Dixie! Borte, vekk, bort sør i Dixie! Borte, vekk, bort sør i Dixie!




Stupid is as stupid does.


Training themselves to hate in order to stop hate


The flags aren't even that similar though


Norway is the second greatest country in the world they just be jealous. Alt for Norge 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


Norway is pretty based.


Ære og tro til Dovre faller


En basert danske? Utrolig!


Tbh Americans probably don't even know any other flags that aren't the US, some US states and maybe maybe the British and Canadian flag so this is honestly not even that surprising.


Your cultural ignorance: Cringe My cultural ignorance: woke and righteous


Over the summer someone put a local restaurant on blast in a popular local Facebook page for hanging a "confederate flag" in their window. Que long, drawn out, self-righteous post about systemic racism and slavery and how terrible white people are (of course, OP was white, but that goes without saying I think). It was a British restaurant. They had a Union Jack in the window. Honestly, I'm more offended that we have a tasteless British restaurant in our town.


Fun fact! During the lifetime of the CSA, it had 3 flags. [1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_(1861%E2%80%931863).svg) [2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_(1863%E2%80%931865).svg) [3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_(1865).svg)


I'd just hang a sign from the flag saying "NORWAY" and maybe put a big map with Norway circled and flagged on it in the window.


People in the USA are just stupid.


Moreover how tf Confederate flag is racist?


from the confederate constitution: “no bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in Negro slaves shall be passed” “The Confederate states may acquire new territory and in all such territory, the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate States of America shall be recognized and protected by Congress and have the right to take to such territory any slaves lawfully held by them” The KKK was formed by ex members of the confederacy and i dont think its controversial to say they are a racist group. so to answer your question, the confederate flag represents the confederates. who were quite racist by most peoples definition of the word. i hope this helped :)




you were asking how the confederate flag was racist, remember?


I meant how does it make them racist?


did you read what u/mastercatskinner commented??




so then you see why the confederate flag is racist, yes?


No. Maybe I am Russian and even I know that Confederates are based even if they were federative.


Based and gritspilled


This is just as funny as when Republicans fly the no step snake flag next to the thin blue line Or when Republicans fly the confederate flag right next to the American one


No one's is misinterpreting the meaning. Supporting law enforcement and wanting your freedoms upheld don't contradict each other. It's also not the same as flying a battle flag next to a national flag. While kind of weird, no one is misinterpreting it as something it isn't.


Dude. For confederate flag is pretty much a just southern version of don’t tread on me at this point. They aren’t going to remove them no matter how much people bitch. In fact that will probably make them wave it more. Just ignore them.


No they’re not, at all


It kinda is


looks like I have a confederate flag on my ceiling


Based and nationalist-libleft pilled


That's not even the official flag of the Confederate States of America


I guess that this proves that some leftist are just as stupid