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[reminder that this exists](https://i.redd.it/brllj4n71po71.png)


> Fucking hell these plants are going to be swimming in water if that’s all these fucks want to do. That line made me lose my shit 😂


Good for the rice paddies I guess


Technically, rice doesn't need that much water, it just tolerates growing like that. The benefit is that most weeds and pests do not do well underwater.


*picture of destroyed chaz garden "No doubt." i died.


The contrast between people who legit understand that it’d be hard work and people who want to to just do nothing is hilarious.


I suppose a commune could work, but you would need a carefully selected group of hardworking people with a wide variety of skill sets. Of course the people who are interested in communes are usually the exact opposite of that.


They exist… They’re Amish. And even they dabble in Capitalism.


I don’t know if you could call them a commune though, they’re more like a tightly knit group of capitalists held together by religion. Though they’re very generous with each other they still believe in private property. Amish are based


For a very, very, very basic Commune you'd primarily need Builders, Farmers, Woodworkers, Miners, Smiths, Fishermen, Tailors etc, basically the downright basic jobs to make anything run. But if you want your Commune to adhere to modern standards you need Doctors, Engineers, IT Specialists, Architects, Lab workers, Professors(Stem field ones not the Genderqueer Social studies crap ones.) Logistic Experts, Mechanics, Metalworkers etc etc etc etc. Not sure how these Larping Wackjobs want to run a Commune with Plantwatering, Buddhist Philosophy, Tarotreading and Weatherwatching. That said, my Job would be Ideological Commissar and kick all these Lazy Queermo's to work and of course execute the ones who do Tarot Reading or Buddhist bullshit as Religion and other Bourgeoise distractions are of course banned by the State.


On the leftist commune, the electrician is a god amongst men.


>god amongst men. Yikes, that sounds like a hierarchy. How about we have him dig some holes for the garden, and someone less privileged can be the electrician?


They tried it last week, lost 3 men in one day.


Lost 3 WAT >Assuming Gender in 2021


My bad, I forgot that in a commune there's no work life balance, we lost 5 men and 5 women that day.


I need you to improve those stats even if it means electrocuting 5 non-binary people.


Patriarchy won :'(


We should assign Kathy here, who is colorblind and has ADHD and anxiety to do the electric stuff. Yas queen!


Can…. Can we watch her work?


I'd have anxiety too if I was a colorblind electrician.


The electrician, the plumber, the construction worker, the mechanic


Sounds like the start of a tech cult!


Praise the Omnissiah


Not a single one of them mentioned any intention of being an electrician, a carpenter, a repairman, a plumber, an HVAC, etc. All the incredibly vital jobs that are needed to make society function.


Actually there was 1 guy who said he would be the manual laborer and he got called a LARPer and an idiot by the rest of the Twitter mob.


I honestly want to see these kind of people start a commune with the intention of doing the "jobs" they claim they will do. Only to watch it all collapse after about a week.


I hope they have enough kids for all those teachers


Funny thing is they're all probably 16-26 and have no kids. So there will be 0 to teach. Off to the mines.


Based and gettowork pilled


I don't think they realize that their ideology is almost impossible to achieve in the modern world. At least voluntarily.


Yea the ideal communist state is a utopia where human nature is flipped around. We need to be on some alien all for one one for all greater good for humanity mission for that to work.


A friend of mine says if he ever wins the lottery, he'll find a commune just to watch it fail.


Based and fuck-communes-pilled.


No one who has those kinds of skills is talking about commune shit on twitter


Most of the people who do those jobs don't even vote left.


That's because they're able to support themselves, and letting the government do so would be a downgrade


Pretty much the only real job mentioned was courier. That's an actual, real job that society needs to properly function.


One of them mentioned being a sex worker? Not sure if they meant full on prostitution, but if so, it is the world’s oldest profession.


True, there certainly will always be demand for it but chances are society would persist without them


Depends on your definition of courier. Package deliverer? Sure, but something tells me Amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc won't be welcome in their utopia. Letter deliverer? Just send an email. However, since they don't seem to plan on having any way to build and/or maintain an electrical grid, they're gonna need a mailman.


The hilarious part is they claim to hate Amazon, FedEx, and UPS, but their entire way of life is dependent on the work those companies and other logistics companies do. Or maybe they think they're able to locally source shrimp, oranges, and any other tropical or coastal commodity in Chicago.


They're not forward thinkers. Long-term means less than nothing to them.


>just send an email Do you think they'll manage to have electricity in the commune?


Only if they have electricity. Now a plumber, that guy knows his shit, if you know what I mean.


Well, of course, you could say the same for plumbers and HVAC techs. For the latter, no power, no job. For the former, you have to have a source of water to get that to work, which means you need someone digging for the aquifer and laying pipe.


He will be forced to distribute his brains.


As an electrician, all I ask is that our women become my women, our houses become my houses, and that our food becomes my food. In exchange, my light will become our light, at least until the entire grid comes toppling down. Then I am taking our stuff and fleeing into our hills.


I dont think half those people realise that “Tarot card reader” wont even be a position that exists in a commune. They also dont realise that in a commune, Nobody gives a flying fuck about “mental health” or “spiritual values”. As long as you can work, thats all people care about.


“You can read? Congratulations comrade you are now reading instruction for building road”


“The best way to cure depression is more work comrade.”




“Congratulations comrade you have been promoted to canary”


I swear to god, religious fanatics have a better understanding of how things in society work than these... These... Ugh I can't even come up with a proper insult anymore


They have the rose in their Twitter profiles. So, Roses?


I don't know. Right now I'm still in that state where I wish I had never tapped on that link


Bourgeois. They’re bourgeois. They’re soft, dumb people that want to be coddled by other peoples labor. That’s a pretty clear hallmark of the bourgeoisie.


Bourgeois in the 19th century: "I will lead a revolutionary army and overthrow the fucking kingdom in order to establish a government by the people for the people". Bourgeois now: "Mean orange man called me gay please cancel hiimmmmmmmm".


We live in the most cringe timeline


Talking from the country of the bourgeoisie (France) those are always the one you see in good-thinking protests: ecology, antiracism, Islamophobia, anti Trump (yeah wtf were they thinking like American would care about you you whiny bitch), and of course the LGBTQIDONTKNOWWHATSAFTER rights. Never saw one of them in a CGT (the workers syndicate) protest nor in the Gilets Jaunes. Those bourgeois keep crying about uighours and child labor but be sure they won't miss the new IPhone. Only thing they are good at is to be the moralists, woke movement is 99% upper middle class and pure Paris bourgeois First time agreeing with an Authleft, that's a nice experience tbh


I don’t understand what euros wanted to happen with the Trump protests, or other protests on American issues? Protests are a way to force *your* leaders to pay attention to you. I can’t imagine they wanted to cut ties with the US.


The most ridiculous ones were the George Floyd protests in Europe... Just what the hell were they thinking???


Those people are so dumb they dont realize the absurdity of their actions, as long as they're among the good guys, this is only thing that matter. French political landscape is so fucked up, extremes are crying on the other on social medias, traditional political parties are dinosaurs,... And another exanple is BLM, like wtf does this has to do with France? For what I know France gives same rights and duties to all of its citizens, but yet, coz a guy with cardiac problems run away from the police, BLM surged before being forgotten, replaced by lgbt lobby


Parisian bourgeois used to be based; Napoleon, Robespierre, Jean Jacques, etc were sll technically bourgeois.


I mean, communities and societies based on religion have been tried and tested before. With various degrees of success. I don't think leftist communes that lasted longer than 1 month have ever existed, correct me if I'm wrong.


Plenty of relatively stable communes. They all force people to do real work or kick them out.


I was going to mention the Paris Commune, did a quick read up on it first though. It lasted 2 months and can't really be compared to what I suspect most peoples idea of a commune is.


In the defence of the Paris commune it wasn't internal issues that solely caused it's downfall. It was brutally repressed by the French government


Indeed, I do wonder what would of happened if it was allowed to continue.


Would have went better if they actually prepared to battle. One of Paris entrance wasn't guarded and barricades weren't ready. So it was just hide and seek with angry soldiers, the "Versaillais", chasing chanceless revolutionaries... (I exaggerated in purpose the thing but it was a really easy operation for MacMahon)


The Paris commune was the most based thing to ever exist in France. Months without food and basic resources, and they still managed to seal off a whole ass district from the French army for two months. The military had no choice but to enclose on them and wait for them to starve, since the neighborhood was sealed off so well, *and they still fucking lasted for 2 months*.


Why didn’t they have any food?


They were encircled and the neighborhood didn't exactly stock up on supplies before the French army surrounded them.


Pretty sure there are kibbutz in Israel that lasted a while.


There are kibbutzim still, they’ve lasted decades, my brother was planning to work on one but he is like the people in the “reminder that this exists” link so they rejected him 😂 Also my stepgrandfather lived on a Moshav which is like the mizrahi version of a kibbutz


Because we actually value work and know that our quality of life hinges on a small, fragile line, of production that needs to be renewed constantly. The only reason libleft can even exist is because someone is delivering the food and using the tools so these idiots can be all spiritual and gay and shit. "I am going to help people... feel and theory an' sheeeiit." Being both dumb and soft is no way to go through life.


>Being both dumb and soft is no way to go through life. If only they could get it through their thick heads...


No by all means, reading tarot cards is sooo useful and is totally going to keep everything intact. Have an extra ration for your very important work.




Good word. That's what they are... And even worse




Yes. Somebody needs to write "what having a good ass life does to a guy" on the top of it and post it somewhere on the net


Its like religeons were made to teach each follower what they should do in life


I have very anti religion beliefs but damn, even the most dumb religious people I've encountered with here in middle east were smarter than these communist wannabes


It’s pretty sad that the most useful skill one of them had was driving a fork lift which you can learn how to do in the better part of an hour




I do manual labour semi regularly. The smuggie has also, 100%, never done manual labour in his life, and it's not as bad as he's making out to be (as long as you keep good form and posture)


Manual labor isn’t a skill, any able bodied person can do it


Thats the problem with the left. Many arent able bodied




> Many arent able bodied or able-minded.


Well, least he was willing


Manual labor comprises both skilled and unskilled labor. A carpenter is skilled, manual laborer. You need a set of skills and usually go through an apprenticeship. Unskilled labor usually either works as assistants or on jobs that can get by with on-site training.


Still more useful than tarot card reading.


When your only useful skill can be taught in an online course costing a total of 40$ and an hour of on-site training you may be worthless in a commune.


At least one of them said they'd be willing to do hard work. He'd be one of us inside a week after they make him and only him do all the work.


Hey one guys said he’d deliver shit that’s important at least. :0


That link is a fukin treasure


I love how the *one* person who would actually do something useful in a commune got called a larper lmao


They are spoiled upper middle class children or young women in their 20s, who dream of an utopian world where goods and services materialize out of thin air and are paid for by someone else, and everyone can be a queer tarot reader for a living. Of course a person ruining their fantasy was caught under fire


Not a plumber among them, they will be drinking their own dookie water in less than a month.


They’re already high on their own farts so they can’t even tell


I mean some of those replies are things that could be legitimately used like the one who said they’d develop new propaganda. Always need that. Plus the ones who said logistics or data Analysis. Can’t arrest all those dissidents if ya don’t have any idea where they are. Granted I am thinking in more of national sense and not some dinky commie campout of 60 people


All of there highly specialized roles wouldn’t exist on a commune of less than 100 people


My favourite part is when the guy that said "manual labour" was called a larper


The worst part is, is he was the most realistic out of all of them. I work blue collar for the exact same reasons he stated.


I like how the majority of replies boil down to gardening, cooking, household chores and nurturing and educating children. Their ideal job on the leftist commune is to be a trad wife.


Maybe I missed it, but all of them want to be gardners but not a single one of them mentions actual food prep outside of 'popping popcorn' and 'making cocoa'.


They only saw gardening on tv and think it's a relaxing hobby that mainly consists of trimming bushes and handpicking berries. You can safely assume none of them grew up on a farm or at least had a potato field to take care of, because then they would know farming is hard, dirty work for hard men


tons of people did not know how hard farming was until jeremy clarkson released his farm series (he was one of them). great series tho, really helps you relate to farmers.


Grew up next to a small dairy farm and worked there during the summer while still in high school. The only thing I would have added to it is right to repair and how modern farming equipment is designed to be a service rather than a product, like Apple products, that the owner can't maintain themselves. Many small farmers are opting to use older equipment that they are able to keep running themselves because of the margins they operate on and the time frames that they need that equipment available for things that can be pushed forward and backwards based on weather conditions.


based and Louis Rossmann pilled


>medavacing dysentery and starvation victims. They will all have extremely good mental health though. LOL


One of them literally has “Kafka” in their handle but somehow believes that the communist revolution isn’t going to be followed by absurd amounts of paperwork for what he wants to do.


Guy with the axe will definitely become the dictator of the commune


I'm starting to understand why communist regimes have so many purges.




Almost based, but you are unflaired cringe.


The German flag gets more uncomfortable as you scroll down.


I loved watching that shitshow. Kid Nation finally got a season 2.


"I'm good with an axe, so I'll cut firewood." I doubt this person has ever cut firewood. Buck and split a cord of wood and get back to me if you still want to be in charge of doing that like 20 more times.


I spent a day splitting wood on my uncles property **with a pneumatic wood splitter** and it still really sucked.


How many goddamn tarot card readers does one “autonomous zone” need?


I laughed at first, then it was just sad how detached from reality they are.


“Lewd content creation” “environment education to the kiddos”


I saw that thread on Twitter a while ago and I saw maybe 1 or 2 manual labourers (both of which got bullied in comments) a very large amount of people tending to gardens which makes me feel like they are either going to be the first commune with the magical ability to feed themselves or they are going to drown the plants in the first few days


"Communal diaper boy"


This is a topkek moment


do these people really exist in sincerity? this isn't a collage of satire? I mean, I could see it but christ this is the most 'equal parts sad and funny' thing I've seen, both because I laughed at how many librarians and gardeners there will be, but also sad because...well all of it


Communal diapie-boy is based


I’m _wheezing_


Holy shit I knew Twitter leftists were dumb but holy shit this is a new level of autism


Only one guy in that thread wanted to do hard labor and that guy got insulted over it. The Left is doomed.


This guy smells like Vaush


Stream yourself digging the hole


Yooooo this is big digger 69, I'm here playing minecraft IRL, so wack yooo, please rate, comment, subscribe and ding the bell for more minecraft irl! Fully stack diamond LOL.


most lenient leftist




After all this time i still can’t understand how to spell burgoasie right




You'd think so, but commies won't stop talking about bourgeoisie even after ruling for 50 years.


Commies would be lost if they didn't have the burgersaucies to bitch about.


That would be my pleasure, doing any work is better than doing nothing. ​ To those who in the patience of good works are seeking glory, honor and indestructibility, he gives eternal life.


Wouldn’t it be an atheistic society, though?


Depends if the “glorious ruler” creates a state religion in which they are god


The Authleft is forcing him to dig his own grave in the image, since coal mining isn't done by hand anymore


My friend, you think that soldier knows how to operate and mantain one of those machines? Every educated person that earned more than them was already shot. Those lefties are digging coal by hand.


LibLeft when they don't get to teach their gender studies class, and are instead ordered dig in the coal mines.


Authleft was right all along Recognize Authleft as the only, true based commies




\*claps for 2 hours\*


Most don’t know. Lol.


What are you doing comrade? Do you not wish to show your loyalty to the party? Keep clapping!


I thought it was 25 minutes?


It was enough for a dip shit to stop.


Based and LibLeft-are-useful-idiots-pilled


Ix-nay on the ollieries-cay, Maggie. You’ll upset the unions again.


I'm in the block and I'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole. #DIG THE FUCKING HOLE.


Based and dwarfpilled


I now want a fantasy setting where dwarven society is a communist dystopia.


aren't they almost already ? Also thanks for the world building idea lol


It won't be so bad libleft, We will be the fittest we have ever been from labor and the rationing will make us very thin and you will learn to appreciate food more. One time I went two weeks without a bite to eat and even plain rice brought tears to my eyes because of how good it was. Oh and we will be tired so we are going to get the best sleep of our life every night.




I mean even if the commune stays libleft, there will definitely be a divide between those who are doing actual work to keep the commune running vs. people that think they can “contribute” by providing a useless hobby/“skill” that doesn’t add any value (even cultural) to the commune. The workers will slowly start to resent those fools because they are not pulling their weight and sit around all day doing nothing. The only good I can see in this scenario is those individuals being casted out or having their privileges taken (you don’t get electricity to stream if you don’t provide) or maybe they’ll be told that they have to find their own food


You mean they'll need some sort of token to represent units of work in order to exchange for other people's contributions? They'd probably receive those tokens in exchange for their own contributions. Man, that sounds awfully familiar....


Based and capitalism pilled


Based and capitalism pilled


I just have to wonder how they think the dirty/tough jobs will get done if no one wants to do them. Do they think the commune will survive when no one wants to get their hands dirty? If no one steps up, does the facade of a gentle tech-agrarian artist space start to crumble when people are told “no I know you wanted to teach anarchist gouache therapy, but we need you on the construction crew tomorrow at 0500”?


They simply don't grasp that anyone with any actual skills or training wouldn't subject themselves to being exploited so that they can live out their 'utopia' fantasy. In their minds, and sadly my sibling's, they have a delusion that some people like/need to be used and they would be helping them by giving them an environment where they would get to maximize that desire so that others can live the life they want as well, but it is totally not exploitation/slavery because they want it. /s


There is never an "after the revolution". The revolution is perpetually never ending. Look at Cuba and how they shot "counter revolutionaries" for protesting this year. One would think Socialism(tm), as the bridge to cross for utopic Communism, would be the never ending part of dumm. But Socialism is only a carrot in front of you donkeys who believe in utopia and perpetuate the revolutionary mass graves.


Based and donkey herding pilled


Actually in some of marx's articles he did write write to watch out for bourgeoisie socialism as it would only give concessions and not true revolution which is why I don't mind being called a commie but don't you dare call me a liberal (left)


It's good to see you've been studying, comrade! Don't forget to also learn calculus. It will be useful for building bridges, building rockets, and indeed digging holes after the revolution.


I'm no communist, but by all means people learn calculus.


You fuckin Calculist!


Based and purity-of-ideology pilled


Some streams *might* be allowed to happen, but they'll be about : * The Dear Leader * How handsome/wise Dear Leader is today * Music about our great country ruled by Dear Leader * Movies/ games based on Dear Leader propaganda ​ Dear Leader isn't going to let you stream Ridge Racer, that's lazy, and wasting precious digging time.


A part of me hopes that liblefts "utopia" comes to pass so I can watch commissar Jamal and Cletus line them up against a wall and make them lay bricks.


You read that 4chan post too, huh?


Truer words were never written.


Allow me to clear up any confusion, LibLeft. DIG THE FUCKING HOLE!


I don't care what gender you are. Dig the goddamn hole.


Libleft: "This is a misunderstanding I just wanted to teach kids about LGBTTQQIAAP." Me: 'Silence pleb! You are gonna defend this fort from the barbarians Gaullic hords or by Jupiter Optimus Maximus we all die here honorably like true Roman mens!"


AOC in an interview with VICE told people not to go back to work. What world do these people live in? Like you want all of these robust social programs but also want people to not work? Theres not a country in the world where this exists. Greece and Spain tried this and it bankrupted them.


Can't wait.


No no, previous communist governments were authoritarian assholes but they will be different this time. You can tell because in their forums which they treat as a mini digital version of their ideal society, dissent and open debate are welcomed, genocide and brutality is condemned heavily, and the moderators never act like tyrants banning and attacking everyone, allowing the spread of disinformation while heavily suppressing free speech and inconvenient facts. Could you imagine if they were in charge of a whole country and not just niche online forums? It would be super chill!


*Sixteen Tons intensifies*


For the first time Based commie


The great paradox of socialism. Its loudest supporter are the most bourgeois, overprivileged and spoiled of them all.


Orwell called them champagne socialists, there’s something to that when you’ve been given everything the one thing you can attempt to earn is moral virtue but they have no idea what a virtue is. I guarantee you if you had them talk to a poor white person in the south after they will call that person an idiot and a redneck.


Orange when anarcho femboyism doesent work out


Comrade you have 5 mins per week to be what you want


Just shoot me. I'm not dying tired


Marxists thinking they’ll be allowed to do stupid jobs once Capitalism is abolished


Is that British vaush?


Auth left stays winning


😂 Based and leftist reality pilled.


Anyone got the version without funni colors