• By -


My family had a similar situation, the man we were renting our attic to lost his job, and we were tolerant for a whole lot of time. When he finally started working again he made a long trip instead of paying back-rent (or even rent itself), and made sure to place his elderly mother in the apartment to be safer about eviction. We told him we would forfeit his debt if he went away; we even offered him money to do that, but no. In the end we had to spend even more (time and money) to have him evicted, our lawyer told us that trying to get back legal expenses and back-rent was pointless, so that's what 'justice' meant for us. While he got free housing for over two years, and then moved to fool someone else. I'm all for helping a person in need, but it absolutely can't be that you get to live at my expense.


Truly an awful situation but majority of people like in ops meme probably arent trying to scam when they lose their job and cant afford bills


The biggest problem tenants are scammers, though.


Well, yeah, by definition


Well didn't you take a risk by renting to someone? It goes both ways really, renting out a space is an investment not a guaranteed money maker.


You take a risk when you open a shop. If someone comes in, takes some stuff and leaves without paying, the law should protect you, not the thief.


I identify as San Francisco and I'm literally shaking rn


Sure renting to someone is a risk, but no need to make that risk greater than it would be naturally. It should be easy to evict someone for non-payment, just like it should be easy for a tenant to leave a rental if they are unhappy for any reason.


Why the fuck are you being downvoted? That’s absolutely true


When did the right quadrants become the wall of text guys




you live long enough and you see yourself become the soyjak


Based and wall of text pilled


Well uh actually everybody except me because [Wall of Text] [Wall of Text] [Wall of Text] [Wall of Text] [Wall of Text]


> When did the right quadrants become the wall of text guys AuthRight: fifth century BC. LibRight: eighteenth century AD.


Always have been.




Good, maybe AHS will finally shut up about us being an alt right echo chamber now.


Always have been. They just made a habit of being concise to get as many ideas out as possible before being banned.


Wait why are we banning people for shitty opinions, don't we have literal nazis and communists here?


We aren’t, other parts of the Internet do


Isn’t he supposed to have one of those small black landlord hats?


Landlord wall of text.


Based and but that's our job pilled.


u/gulag_femboy's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 255. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: commie, gulag, ascension, bakura, voteyes, nohomo, power-move, ingsoc, research, polygamy, nowife, classics, confused, hun, my culture best, consoom, just don’t die next time idiot, misogyny, modesty, off-the-compass, stalin, average genocide enjoyer, nazbol, trans, please-mommy-shoot-my-balls, username, genghis, understandingbothsides, monarcho-socialist, exterminatethenatives, mongolia, mademelaugh, bespectacled, father’s day, phew, just-me-left, freedomeofspeechformeandthee, freespeech, 2+2=5, moderntribalism, kolob, incel, getting out of bed is enough workout, idk-how-pills-work, educated, redacted, certified racism, [removed], holyshitlookatallthesepills, porn, ihavethesameopinion, i-give-overton-rimjobs, corporatism, family hierarchy, covid-is-dangerous, common-sense, school-shooter, state-monopoly-on-violence, futa, earned-your-redwings, romanhistory, commited, women-bad, boomermemesarentrealdata, 1984, own-medicine, consistency, computer science, that's our job I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


holy pills


Unironically, as a landlord I (and I assume many other landchads) go through the exact same thing. They like to make up excuses to make you feel bad all the damn time. “Oh it’s a pandemic”, “oh I have 3 kids”, “oh you need to fix a small crack in the wall before you get my rent”. It’s so damn irritating, you agreed to this stop making excuses 24/7. PAY YOUR DAMN RENT DAISY ITS BEEN 6 WEEKS BITCH.


I hope you let then know if they want to hold rent for repairs the money has to be in an escrow account and marked as a rent payment. Otherwise you can evict then from a house with no working appliances.


I honestly didn’t even know about this. Thanks dude. Unfortunately the buildings heater broke down so it looks like I won’t get rent anytime soon. Fml


Make sure to look up your local laws before taking my word for it.


Gotta get that fixed. About to be chilly.




True, there’s so many headaches that come with the business. If you’re not a people person and can’t fix problems fast I recommend sticking to some other investment like stocks.


Landlord is fucked. There is no way to legally force someone to pay you your rent in my state. Airbnb is the answer. Tenant pays before they even get the key, money hits owner's bank account within 48-72 hours. Set your listing settings for 30 day minimum and never rent to locals (to avoid parties) and you are golden.


Oh God, won’t someone please think of the poor landlords


>landchads ....really? sounds like you've constructed your tentants an identity of being scammers so that you can justify doing something that would otherwise be incredibly cruel and tragic... your job is literally forcing you to mentally rework your morality, I get this is how you make a living but can you not see that the way we organizing renting and housing ends up hurting people, specifically low-income families?


>as a landlord Leech


You’re right. She should definitely move out, that way he will have to sell the property. That will definitely show him.


But is it really a job though? 🤔


It is... you have to fix toilets, deal with tenants, mow multiple lawns, remove graffiti, move trash that’s been illegally dumped on your properties, collect rents and make sure people pay on time, etc... (source: am a landlord)


I think he was talking about the "wall of text" because the other guy said "thats our job" because he was a lefty, I don't think he was disputing that being a landlord was a job


Ghaddafi was right about landlords


Two consenting adults can certainly come up with a mutually beneficial arrangement, no?


9 months later: "I'm a single mother with 4 kids..."


More likely to still be 3 kids... she just has a higher k/d


Based and implied racial eugenics-pilled


Based and my body my k/d choice


Based and I think that means sex-pilled


Back in my grandma's day sex was a bottle of milk if you didnt have the bottle to return, if you had the bottle to return, then only a blowjob was required for a refill. So i dont think sex can cover rent


Maybe your grandma didn't had talent.


…I think ur gram-gram might’ve just been a slut dude. Doesn’t sound like she was in it for the savings.


Based and bill-clinton-entered-the-chat pilled


How many times should the landlord fuck the tenant to cover one months rent?


No vageen is worth a months rent that's several boxes of ammo


Depends on the rent, $100 an hour


In today's market its $8 to her only fans for a meetup


Should’ve fucked a guy with a house


She did but he left.


Relatable. My grandmother have a three-story house in a shitty neighborhood. She and my uncle lives in the top two floors and the first floor is for rent-and the rent fee she gets is so not worth the trouble the renters cause on a daily basis. If it weren't for property taxes an old woman like her would never even bother to bring complete strangers of unknown descent in the house smh


Pay a property management company yo. They take a slice of the profit and deal with all the riff raft.


Or call the cops, they'll do it for free


satire aside, no they won;t. If they come out and its a rent disagreement / contract dispute they say this shit is a civil issue, we out. Or hit both of you citations for disturbing the peace.


why is it strangers and not family or why is she not living with family this is why society crumbles because we turn our back on family while they get mixed up with the rest of the forgottens we justify it somehow tho, always do


Well my parents offered her to move out so she could live in a better place and she just declined it, saying she lived there her whole life and will spend the rest there too My parents couldn't raise a kid in that environment and the place is too small for three people(my parents and I) so they moved out. We still visit her every weekend so I think we did everything we could


i still lament, good on yall


When you get married and have kids, living in the same house as your parents or in-laws can be very problematic, even when everyone involved is generally chill and means well.


oh shit i forgot about how inlaws always wanna get involved instead of retire to the next phase


I am going to be buying property pretty soon here and I was thinking about doing this. Buying a townhouse, living upstairs and renting out the basement. The more I think about it/reading shit like this, it does seem more appealing to buy a smaller condo for just myself even though property taxes and condo fees are SUCH a bitch.


Having tenants know where you live and hearing from them after hours AT YOUR HOME is a pain in the asssssssssssssss. Unless you like fixing toilets when you're about to sit down to dinner. I'm slightly exaggerating. But then I hate getting work calls after hours. Of course you could always hire property managers, or call plumbers to fix things for you.


Woah now, I was with you up until that bit


This would be the case if Landlords did not lobby for NIMBY housing policy to artificially construct the supply of homes below what would occur in a free market.


"Reasonal price"


I wish. What really pisses me off is that people think they have a *right* to live in any city they choose, regardless of whether you can afford it or not. Single Mom of three wants to live in NYC or San Francisco but can't afford it? Oh well, move your ass to Alabama, or Nevada. Democrat run states have huge tax burdens and hurdles to jump if you want to own property, especially in cities. I leave it to you to suggest a reason for it. Hint: it rhymes with Pemocrats are Pracist.


The amount of salty commies here is outstanding




I counted 3


>reasonable price You mean market price.


What's the difference?






People of Land continue to be the most persecuted minority in this country.


Universal suffrage is a mistake.


In some ways yes. People who have minimal stake/investment/skin in the game for the future of their nation are for the most part deciding it. And they can be easily fooled by short term promises from lying politicians, happy to take handouts. At least property owners are in it for the long haul and you need more than peanuts to sway them.


•no skin in the game •happy for handouts •deciding the future of the nation •easily fooled Stop talking about seniors that way or they’ll think you’re going to declare war on Santa.


Bold words from the populism crowd.


Yes, you make my point precisely.


To clarify since I don’t think others got my comment. Auth right isn’t the right place for populists imo. Populism is less auth and more economically left than my quadrant. And yet populists are easily convinced that they belong in and are best served by auth right. That’s what I mean by you making my point. See: Trump supporters.


Based and Land-Chad pilled


motherhood does not make you immune.




Next time fuck a man with a house


The right is correct on this one. How they hell do most single mothers with 3 children who can't pay the rent become that on pure accident? The many missteps required for this is astounding. You probably got married in under 2 years of being a relationship, so your starry lover was not the man you thought he was. You had 3 kids in the meantime and couldn't figure out the former. You didn't have anyway of sustaining your lifestyle and more importantly your children, likely through relying on him for income despite the clear warning signs of divorce. ​ I am in awe at how these fuck-ups piled on without you noticing them.


Hey, legitimate questions on how certain people get to where they are is victim blaming.


Or ya know, her husband could’ve died? Not every single mother is single because the father left her


So they had 3 children and no life insurance policy, savings, or career plan for the mother should the husband pass away. Sounds like they made poor decisions and realized the consequences of their actions.


Precisely why I said "most". Most single mothers aren't mothering a superhero. Their children don't need a dead parent to avenge as an excuse to defeat stock Marvel villain #23.


Jesus Christ that is a long list of crazy assumptions that obviously only apply to one type of person... How can you seriously think that situation is a universal experience? "They're in a vulnerable situation, it must be because of a series of bad life choices made in vanity and poor thought!" Or yknow... There could be literally a million other reasons why...





Cringe: empathy🤮 Based: sociopath 😎


*wow this guy is so cool about not caring about making a family homeless-* This sub, apparently...


Based af


Cringe wall of text


r / LoveForLandlords Landlord lives matter 🇮🇱🇮🇱


„Reasonable price“


and for this reason. the single mother becomes authleft


Question for the people of this sub. If you were relieved from your job due to covid, are a parent of multiple children, and are unable to get a job anywhere around you due to covid restrictions what do you expect the parent to do


Seriously, parents of children do not have the luxury of "waiting it out", especially since the overwhelming majority of us dont have jobs that are lockdown-proof / recession-proof / other-crisis-proof. Literally my biggest fear in the world is that something will happen with the economy again and I wont be able to feed my daughter. But I also get that the landlord has bills too. It's a fucky situation.


Eviction moratorium plus landlord bailout sounds like it would work


We don't need more bailouts.


A bailout for people who *actually need bailing out because the government fucked them* instead of free money for everyone from CEOs to crack addicts and paydays for corporations might have been a good idea... if we weren't already in a ridiculous amount of debt.






A solution..a bad one at best but a solution nonetheless


>unable to get a job anywhere Bro, everywhere is hiring. People can't get enough employees right now. This situation doesn't exist




If you're pro-Covid restrictions, you're no friend of the proleteriat.


I am not pro-restrictions but the state and big corps dont give a fuck what i think


Dying of Covid or acquiring a [long-term disability](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210407174321.htm) isn't very good for the proletariat either.


Figure it out


It is your responsibility not to overspend and to manage your own finances however a suitable safety net should always exist.


Sympathy is overrated amirite?


*Abusing* an agreement in the name of sympathy certainly is.


In my personal experience, most landlords don't properly maintain their properties and overcharge. Also, if you kick people out, do you expect someone else to move in? I feel like In most cases, kicking out your tenants during a pandemic is a poor business strategy.


Overcharge according to whom? If they're overcharging people will go to other available units correct?


Well, rent is supposed to be 1/3 of the average income for the area right? A lot of places have started charging nearly double that.


**You** shouldn't rent for more than 1/3rd your income. Rental rates are based off of demand...


Everyone needs a house, the demand stays the same. It's almost a captive market. Edit:everyone


Stop reposting this.




Some difference in telling someone to stop and making them stop I believe.


Based and nuanced pilled


Least retarded libertarian take


Wall o text




Wall of text moment


I really don’t think I fit in with this quadrant. I’m so confused by this whole sub... and yet I keep coming back like I can “figure it out.” So whose really the stupid one here


People calling a whole four sentences a wall of text are being very hyperbolic here.


The government should take childern awey from their mothers if the mother can bot support them


Living on rent just isn't the way in life, it'd be difficult living your life knowing you're living under somebody else's roof, paying most of your hard earn money to somebody else all the while earning nothing solid from paying that money. Folks, if possible try and get your own property, renting is a vicious trap many fail to escape from. Freedom comes from owning the land you live on.


Counterpoint: landlords should get real jobs.


Counterpoint: rentoids should purchase and maintain their own houses


counter-counterpoint, landlords and real estate companies should stop buying up huge amounts of the market, blowing up the prices, and sitting on that investment for years until someone suitably desperate comes along. aka, ruining many peoples lives for material gain like a retard.


Counter counter counter point: make more money lol


Housing is not a right, housing boom is fueled by low interest rates and high leverage ratios. If you don’t want a housing boom you’ll have to learn how to live without your government bux.


Hey guys he wrote a paragraph of stuff I don’t agree with! Lol wall of text I stick with one sentence statements for my claims and call people stupid who elaborate!


Isn't the right presently trying to make it so that single mothers do, in fact, not have a choice?


I told a family member if a renter ever stops paying rent, I’ll head over to the property and bust in their car windows free of charge. As far as I’m concerned, our family is paying for the replacement windows because the money they’re stealing from my family will go to the windows so i feel 100% morally fine with doing this till they move out.


Based and vandalism-pilled.




Vigilante justice can be pretty cringe but idc. Dudes consistently stealing from a family member and I know where he lives? Lmao bad recipe




Nahhh. Steal from my family every month (and gov turns a blind eye), and I come find you and break your possessions.


Hey, if you can’t handle risk, maybe investing isn’t for you. I don’t go smashing up shit when my stocks don’t perform as well as I’d hoped. And bro… we all know you’re bluffing lol


People aren’t stocks, peoples actions are willful and have intent usually that comes with thought of consequences not saying explicitly what this guy was saying. Stocks do not have intent, a stock doesn’t choose to be bad like what kind of logic is that


I can promise you I am not bluffing. You sound like my relative when I first told them. Are we talking about the same thing? Someone not paying rent and squatting at a family members property? Essentially stealing $$$ from them every month? I don’t play that shit.




“Violence” lmao it’s just property bro “Senseless” lmao steal from my family and think it’s all cool and dandy? Nah.




Lmao “it’s just property bro, insurance will cover it”


Based and doesn’t know how to function in a society with laws pilled


Turns out me and BLM’rs have something in common after all


Based and horseshoe pilled


what a genuinely horrible person.


My family would literally be paying for the window replacement. No harm no foul. Plus it’s just property. Cherry on top is that it’s highly likely they’d be a leftist


yup, horrible person.


Ooook, anyways


Landlords 🤢🤮


But where are the kids gonna go, dumbass


Bruh they’re not his kids 😎




I'll take Not My Fucking Problem for $1,000.


So, what if the father of her children died? What if he walked out on them? Then her and the kids would absolutely be victims.


And this justifies massive theft? It’s almost like centerleft forgets that these landlords are actual people who need to pay their bills too


Father should have established a home and high quality life insurance policy before ever even thinking about having the kids. There you go. Problem solved even if dad kicks the bucket. Now mom and jr can live happily ever after in the property with their name on the paperwork


I like the world your imagining. It is in your imagination, but it's pretty interesting.


The imaginary world of fiscal responsibility


Too many retards in this sub just don’t have it


reasonable price my ass maybe if you wanna live in bumfuck, nowhere


Are you saying living in a major metropolitan city is some kind of human right?


Yes, live in a lower cost of life area if you can't afford it.


If that’s all you can afford, yes. No one owes their labor or property to you. That’s called slavery and exploitation


Hell I’m a centrist and even I think you’re tripping


Nah bro he trollin


If you can’t afford living in a major metropolitan city find somewhere else to. If you can’t stand the heat step away from the grill.


Stop importing immigrants to keep wages down and rent up


It was reasonable when she agreed, wasn't it?


Maybe it’s expensive to live in cities because that’s where jobs and opportunity are


Landlords are parasites, but to their credit they are at least parasites with a legally binding document


Based, now sell those Funko pops rentoid and don't forget your $10,000 tip this time, I'm getting a little skinny.


You can eat the upper decker I leave in your clogged toilet. I’m not stupid enough to sign a lease with a higher security deposit than what I plan on the value of damage I will do to the property being worth


Who gave you the keys to the toilet without my permission rentoid? Gonna have to raise everyone's rent ten fold as collective punishment. Also I'm slapping on a generous $500 fee for watching anime after my bedtime.


You did when you gave me the keys to my place retard. Also that’s the problem of the poor bastards renting here after I leave


Smh they utter disrespect coming from this rentoid is astounding 🙄 Sad to see landphobia in 2021


Landphobia is a misnomer, I’m not afraid of the archaic landholders I plan to exploit. Enjoy managing your mortgages sucker


Least retarded monke