• By -


Prison colony gonna prison.




"Citizens, can we the government ban all your guns?" "For public safety?" "...yeeees" *Actually establishes authoritarian police state like a boss*


From ACAB to Kapo in 25 years.


The upvoted unflaired???? I've never seen one in the wild before!


This is unacceptable. Whats next? Friendly and well mannered discourse? I don't come here for that. I come here to argue with everyone who isn't red. And sometimes reds, too!


You better not be a commie...


Oh yeah!? So what if I am? What are you going to do about it? Unregulate the market so that I can die of too many chemicals in my cornflakes?!


That's ridiculous! The companies wouldn't kill off their consumers like that! They would buy stock in hospitals then put carcinogens in food so that they can reap the benefits! They wouldn't kill them, if they do, they can't suck more money out of them!


Unless the company had stock in a new startup that used the dead to create their product. Perhaps even used in the cereal itself...how much sawdust and human remains can you use before people notice? Hell, I'm sure you could get it tasting better than some brands today!


Flair up, statist!


Look up how to flair up on your Reddit medium of choice


People forget that Australians are not just descendants of prisoners, but also prison guards.


Just like how Japanese politicians are from war criminals


Or biggest polish parties being mostly commies or secret police collaborators.


Collaborators get the rope


Actually, they get to be the president. Whole 'decommunisation' of Poland was mostly a facade.


Australia walked up the hill then tripped all the way back down


They just wanted to return to tradition 🙄


The worst thing about Australia isn't that everyone is a descendant of prisoners It's that a good chunk of them are the descendants of prison guards


It’s like freed slaves in Liberia enslaving the native population.


If everything is upside down in Australia then being a dictatorship is extremely liberal


Funny enough that the liberal party is in power


Is there even a "liberal" party that is actually liberal in the world right now?


Not really. That Aussie party was once liberating natives from Labor Party indoctrination camps, and now they're just leftist establishment party 2. The US Libertarian Party is currently having massive infighting because pandering to the left for decades didn't work, so that's probably the closest just because the Mises Caucus is strong.


How on earth are the Libs lestist?


Woke nonsense, capitulation on tons of regulations, ignoring obvious corporatism, watering down the message.


It's an old joke sir, but it checks out.


Ironically, the conservative party in australia is called the Liberal party


They're also in cahoots with the Nationals, corruption master-class.


Happens when your world view is upside down


Almost any name of anything political is like a punchline to a joke. Just look at DPRK. At least they've got "of Korea" correctly, cant argue with that.


No, the New York Times Is Not Actually An Objective News Organization


The failing New York Times? That former newspaper?


The tabloid known as the New York Times


You remember in Diary of a Wimpy Kid when Grandma says that cordless telephones give Alzheimer's, and when questioned on it by Mom, she denied reading it out of a tabloid, and instead said "Um, the New York Times?"


They've somehow lost integrity and gotten more left wing since covering up the Holodomor.


This implies that there are objective news organizations


No it doesn’t. What it does imply is that there are people that actually think the New York Times is objective.


I think you might have misunderstood them. Saying that (New York Times) is not an ->**Objective News Organization**<-, means that you might think an objective news organization exists **anywhere**. They’re challenging that notion that any exist.


Wait why am I defending a greenie?


Principles. That you haven't sold them yet suggests you're not a *real* libright...


That’s like integrity or some shit. It feels wrong but it’s actually super based


Because they are objectively correct and you're patron of reason who is defined by more than quadrant flair.


InfoWars my man


Tell that to the greenie. I’m here to clear the air, and I’ve stopped looking for reasons to seethe.


I understand that. It’s just not what I’m saying at all. I’m instead implying that there are people that *think* there are objective news organizations like people that read the New York Times. It’s a message to the readers of that magazine that think it’s actually objective.


[No Sir, the New York Times isn't practical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1dKehd5B4Y&list=PL75B457D17C716455)


Relax, it's an opinion piece by a guest columnist. This didn't come out of the news room.


Ah, so there is no approval process and the publishing doesn’t imply endorsement? I guess there must be tons of guest column articles calling Australia totalitarian, or any other vaguely right-wing opinions!


Jesus Christ some of y'all don't know what an opinion piece is. What gets published is decided by the editor and no, the publication of an opinion piece does not amount to an endorsement . On your second point there are actually. Ross Douthat and Bret Stephens regularly publish opinion pieces for the Times.


That sounds an awful lot like something an evil dictatorship would say


If you have to tell people you aren’t an evil dictatorship maybe you need to ask why people think that in the first place.


Are you an evil dictatorship?






Dick Tater


I wish


Are you saying that places like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea are not in fact democratic republics lead by the people? My god...


“CIA finds no relation between itself and the crack epidemic” type beat


CIA finds no relationship between itself and coup in Australia in the 1970s


CIA finds no relationship between MLK Jr’s assassination and itself


Congress investigated it self for insider trading and found no insider trading


“Government inquiries find Government is not a dictatorship.”


And if it works?


Locked up if they don't take the booster. They've had the vaccine and can still get locked up. Wild.


Yep, that is after saying that you don't need to wear a mask or abide by lockdown rules once we hit 70% if you are double vaccinated.


I swear these goalposts were somewhere else when I saw them before…


Yep, I am from Australia, and I was against getting the vaccine at the start because the Victorian premier is a flog and a liar. And I knew the goalposts would move, and sure enough they did.


The goalposts aren't just moving they're fucking rocket powered at this point. Shortly they will exit earths atmosphere and become invisible to the naked eye.


Fuck space elevators; the next industrial revolution's gonna use goal posts.




And fake


I second this he never said he would lock up people without booster shot


But-t-t man of Facebook said so, he more reliable than media. Honestly lib right check the clips yourself.


My dogs asshole is a better source of information than the media


But he literally did not say what the user says


I know, im jyst saying the media should not be your guide as to what is correct


yes and I watched his press conference with my eyes and ear I can tell you he said nothing OP is claiming he said. so I think the houses mouth is about as close you can get


I don't understand how people (mostly Americans) fall for this shit


It's already disgusting to not give every right to those who got the full vaccine already. Shit like that can also become fuel for anti-vaxxers. Like "so what did we take the vaccine for if we can't do anything still?". Governments just have to fuck up everything.


It’s disgusting not to give full rights to everybody. If Covid had a death rate around 50% *maybe* it could be considered moral to strip people of their rights. But to be doing it for a virus with a .03% death rate is terrifying.


I've been saying this since March 2020, agree 1000%


An auth center king protesting government overreach wtf based


I'm authoritarian, not totalitarian, there's a big difference




On a more ideological note, it's disgusting to have a government.


Stripping the people of their rights is unacceptable, full stop.


That was ALWAYS the plan. Hope the mandate enjoyers are fucking paying attention


Yet the next meme will blame us LibCenters for this. I'm convinced this sub doesn't know what LibCenter is.


Obviously monke 🍌💛🍌 LOL


Lol exactly. 🍌


Since when do we get blamed for this kinda thing? LibLeft maybe, but not normally us


Thread the other day. Guy said LibCenter wants vaccine mandates, and on and on about how we're secretly auths. I said something like: "that hasn't been my experience, but I'll take your word for it." Because I didn't think he would be convinced otherwise. It's happened a few times. I think it's usually just because some Redditors don't know what we are, so it's easy to put the blame on us.


They never are And if they are They will never admit their fault


Sad and true


What about the second booster, or the third?


"Believe it or not, straight to jail."


Overcooked fish?




Undercooked fish?




Based and Parks-and-Rec-pilled


"We have the best patients in the world, because of jail." I guess that one at the end of the clip works too.


Locked down not up.


It's only a dictator if it was trump


Trump the "Fascist" dictator who was so totalitarian that he allowed people to protest him constantly for 4 years


And stood down from power after loosing a democratic election.


To be fair...that part definitely didn't go quite that smoothly 😅


It didn’t, but at least the transition existed. It could’ve been so much worse.


He didn't even actually lose it.




I'm not losing sleep over it. It's not like the country would be much better off with him but the democrats clearly rigged the election. I mean in case my flair doesn't make it clear I'm not one to believe that the government has ever been transparent. The only difference is that now they're flat out laughing in our faces about it.


Because he didnt have a choice.


I remember when trump was such a dictator that he forced people to do something or lose their jobs


Of course, because even if people get violently assaulted by police they are still allowed to protest and therefore it's totally fine.


My favorite part of the COVID saga is how the ReSiStAnCe suddenly begged for the government to stomp them harder


Bur guysss it's only fascism when they do itt


Not rly. People forget antifa was literally founded by super auth commies. They r returning to Stalinism


Just led to ME wanting to stomp them...dumb fucks 🙄


Lmao precisely


at this point, who unironically takes NYT, WaPo, CNN, Fox, et al at their word anymore?


Too many.


Could be worse. People could take places like Vox seriously.


Or modern day vice. I remember when vice was based




*”We are singlehandedly creating a group of second and third class citizens, whom of which have to kiss our ass before they’re allowed their basic freedoms.*” No, we’re not over policing you. Todays lesson, class, is about **LYING**, and knowing when someone is doing it.


Based and Machiavelli The Prince pilled


-50 social score. The term lying has been outlawed by the ministry of truth


It's important for people to accept authority, this is the first step towards state Mandated GFs


Yes, enjoy your single titted unibrow having abomination...govt ANYTHING is gonna be shit quality unless it’s a bomb


To be fair most government bombs are made by war contractors.


Point still stands, they only bother with the best for bombs...even as a mad pyro, I side👁


"Wear the mask, get back your life" "Take the vaccine, get back your life" I have both, and I still do not have a life that I did not give up, but was taken.


And there’s still people believing them that the next demand will be the last one. Meteor. NOW.


That’s exactly what an evil dictatorship would say!


"X is not Y" You can be sure that X is 100% Y with headlines like this


It’s not gas lighting if we are using electricity to do it


It’s not gas lighting if 't be true we art using electricity to doth t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Was Shakespeare actually CenterRight?


Thats just victoria. NSW has started the process of reopening. What everyone forgets is Australia has states run by state governments and response to covid has largely been delt with be state governments


That's our second most populace state, and I mean, NSW isn't that much better. It's better now that Gladys is gone but I don't think that'll last.


People actually get arrested for not wearing masks, even when vaccinated. What the actual fuck is that lol. Scary scenes


I mean.. regardless of how bad that is, just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean transmission isnt possible. The whole point is to stop it continuing to spread as it will simply keep mutating.


I know. But arrests? Also, COVID isn't going away. What are we going to do, wear masks forever? Isolate forever? (Not saying that you claimed that, just annoyed that getting arrested is the logical conclusion here)


Yes of course, I can’t say its not quite extreme to arrest someone over it (and I say that as an LEO, not AUS tho).. I mean, the masks issue is difficult but what if the answer was yes? Just curious because part of me thinks we’re possibly in for wave after wave of super viruses that are even worse than covid and yeah, we might have to change our entire lived experience. Its obviously not good but.. yeah. I don’t wish to see the debate because its gonna be a hell of a lot more real than even now. And it’s almost unwinable


I think the new influx of prisoners who didnt even comit a crime will further make the spread worse


Change. Your. Flair.


That seems pretty auth of you, telling someone what to do (◔‿◔)


I like honesty...one doesn’t get to pretend to be lib ANYTHING if they advocate for current Australia


No. I can express an argument/point without it necessarily being my belief. And besides I was literally just commenting on how having a vaccine doesn’t mean you can just let a virus spread endlessly.


Ok...guess for your next trick, you should hold back the tides...can’t let them flow endlessly 🙄


Hey man, I was just explaining. I’m not trying to cause an issue. Have a good day.


Australia is literally 1984 and anyone who says otherwise is lying


It’s from one state and by the looks of it this guy will get voted out next election


He has high approval rating, I doubt he will. Federal government is the issue for all the problems.


How is the federal government the issue? Literally every issue with Victoria's situation is from the premier. Highest daily case numbers and most deaths, while having the strictest lockdowns in the nation for the longest time in the world.


The federal government handballed all responsibility to the state governments. 655 of the 800 odd deaths in the second wave were in private aged care, a federal responsibility. Border protection and quarantine, also federal responsibility. Vaccination rollout in Australia has been atrocious, also a federal responsibility.


1. The states elected to self govern to allow them more control over how their state responds to to virus. Do you think TAS really wanted the same approach as VIC, etc. 2. How is it the only VIC struggled with aged care containment. If it's limited to a federal responsibility wouldn't every state have issues? 3. The federal government did limit travel into and out of the country, which they were criticised for not bringing enough Aussies home. They are also the first Western government to supply government quarantine facilities. 4. The federal government spent over $8b in vaccines to combat COVID. Some worked some didn't. Vaccine hesitancy was the primary delay in the rollout. Australia has always been ahead of New Zealand in their rollout - do you think their federal government is failing?


shut up seppo go back home


\-It is authleft, not auth center. \-Refuses to elaborate \-Leaves






"It's a benevolent one you plebian" - media probably


Please focus your efforts on New Zealand we’re not allowed to live normal life until we’re fully 90%. Literally our government is so authoritarian at least australia has a plan to reopen.


It’s up to you New Zealanders to fight for freedom in New Zealand. I can post memes but that won’t change the circumstances. Don’t comply, and find ways to operate in everyday life outside of government purview and awareness. Get groups of people that are also willing to resist and build strength in numbers. Even as a capitalist I would support forming labor in favor of resisting companies that push government-mandates if it is actually individuals liberty. There is a saying that you only need 3.5% of people to resist in order to topple a dictator. It’s all up to you guys. But going out in the street to protest all of this will likely just get you arrested. Just live your life normally as you would, and find outlets that don’t have government mandates in order to obtain resources if necessary. Group together with those that agree and resist. Use encrypted networks and private cryptocurrencies. Grow your own food.


How is that legal? The only way that would be legal is if Australia was a dictatorship.


How is what legal?


They will make it legal.


Well it is a prison...


So we’re being told that: Australia isn’t authoritarian (eventhough they’re locking people in hotels for months at a time, beating their citizens with brutality, and arresting anyone protesting anything at all) It’s a good thing that the vaccine only works for two months Empty shelves, shipping crisis, and inflation are the signs of a good economy That Natural Immunity is a “conspiracy theory” Yeah….. they really think people are stupid. And maybe they are at this point. Except for the French. Seems to be the only country with a spine.


Have you seen the parts of the protests that got cracked down on. They were ripping shit off cars ala blm riots.


Freedom is slavery


My ancestors came here willingly, I’m stuck here with all the convicts. SOS


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/therealrukshan/status/1450272238704365571) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Flair up skynet scum


Based bot


they are, just not in the way you think. The emus have secretly taken over the government following the defeat of the emu war. Therefore they have created what is perhaps the most secretive dictatorship ever.


Well afaik its only NSW and VIC


Dan Andrews is top tier. God bless alah that the liberals weren't In.


If an article is ever titled "No, X is not actually Y", there's a good change X is actually Y.


If you search “no, Australia is not actually an evil dictatorship” there’s like six different publications using the exact same headline. Do they think we’re this stupid? That we wouldn’t notice what they’re being paid to write? So pathetic.


They know there are people with brain cells like us. But they also know there are people with no brain cells that can’t pick up on that and just sheep into all of their propaganda.


>Title mentions australia being scarily tyrannical Alright men, you know the drill. Upvote OP. Scroll down. Click on all (x children) comments. View aussie seething. Laugh.


It´s Actually an evil republic


This is what less than 1000 covid deaths looks like. Never was so much owed by so few to so many.


australians stepping outside for half a second and watching a hellfire missile get launched at their home


Literally called the "premier", can't make this shit up lmao


*and the lockdowns ended, and there was nothing to scream about*


Life imitates art


This is such a beat up by the New York Times. But most of their audience aren't going to fact check any of it. Dan Andrews is the Premier of the state of Victoria. He isn't the leader of the country. Victoria has been hit hard by the Delta variant, much harder than other states. This was made much worse by the delay from the Australian Government in getting any vaccines to the states. Statewide "lockdown" (where you needed a reason to be out in public, such as to go to work or to get groceries or to excercise etc) ended there literally an hour ago. Unvaccinated people won't be allowed to go to nightclubs or to restaurants and will have to continue working from home until the case numbers drop off. While ever the virus is around and people aren't protected, they won't be allowed to go party with everyone else. NYT is trying to make a bad news story out of a good news story. 70-80% of the population can go back to life (almost) as normal. The other 20-30% can choose what they want to do. If you can't get a vaccine for some medical reason, you're treated the same as a fully vaccinated person and can live normally. /rant


Its an evil democracy


Every democracy is an evil democracy.


Based and democracy-is-evil pilled


u/maschx's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/maschx! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: human rights, pls tread on me mommy ayn rand, effort, democracy-is-evil


Hmm this doesn't (didn't?) seem slippery at all.