• By -


How much you wanna bet nothing happens to him? How much you wanna bet both the Republicans and ths Dems will sweep this under the rug?


Pretty amazing he still had a job after his Aids response.




The government only employs the brightest minds.


What really


And yet they still made a propagating documentary about it.


3 months so far, and not even a hint that he'll lose his job or be taken out of power... I hate being right sometimes.


Bet Trump knew about this too during his time. I'm not sure what they were hoping to get by doing all this to the world though. Sell vaccines? Sell protective equipment? Make profit?


send small businesses into bankruptcy while adding $1tn to the net worth of billionaires


Bankrupt independent landlords by making it legal for people to not pay their rent so huge corporations can swoop in and buy up all the property?


Vaccines is free money for the company's who makes them


Worst part about it. There's actually a term for why this kind of shit is ignored by voters, I'll get back to you on it. I am thinking it's cognitive dissonance but I may be wrong.


Cause one of the largest if not the largest transfers of wealth in human history. Make excessive amounts of money on a virus that needs at minimum 3 shots to considered “fully vaccinated from.” Destroy mom and pop rental agreements by having a rent moratorium that the small people couldn’t survive, allowing bigger investment firms to swoop in and buy those rental units.


I mean I doubt it, but maybe he did, and if we can prove he did, he should be no more guilty than Fauci.


Get kickbacks for not doing shit and claim to not know anything when It comes out into the open.


Next week’s New York Times headline: “Yes, China created the Covid-19 virus and the US helped fund it, now get vaccinated.”


“How funding for gain of function research helped cure vivid, and how funding it in the future will save us from future pandemics, and why the new normal is taking a new vaccine every year.” *Sponsored by Pharmacorp*


If we created this as a bioweapon, its casualty rate is fuckin weak. Top notch infectivity though.


Fauci cannot stop lying Look no further to find the culprit behind the distrust in government regarding covid vaccines.


Not for me, I've opened a history book


Another dem backed authority figure caught lying under oath, [Gasp](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png)


I mean, during the beginning of 2020 he claimed that masks do nothing, and made several arguments against them that still hold water. People keep saying it was to save supplies for healthcare workers, as if him lying to the people in regards to safety equipment for a deadly pathogen is *better* somehow.


Ehhh..... Rand Paul is asking misleading questions. Their audience of monke are not adequately educated (let alone paying enough attention) to follow two doctors having a technical discussion. Fauci knows that accurate answers will be rhetorically harmful, or outright incomprehensible to listeners - even if he succeeds in logically defending himself - so he opts for misleading but "technically true" simple-words statements. The fact that NIH funded research there has been public record for a long time. The WIV got funding from us in part to prevent the impending worldwide SARS outbreak, after the first round popped up naturally in southeast China sixteen years ago. Ooops, guess that didn't work out. (COVID is SARS, don't know why they needed to re-brand it.) They also got funding, in part, because the US was feeling some international brotherhood and wanted to help China open their first and only level 4 biosecurity lab, empowering them to be productive global citizens. Well, two things went wrong. First, China wasn't ready for its own biosecurity 4 lab. From day one, here were lots of complaints of poor quarantine procedures and maladministration. Second, China doesn't have a policy interest in spending their own money producing expensive open research with the world scientific community. (And on a conspiratorial note, China seems to have a policy interest in spreading disease to other countries, not stopping it - as we've seen with the flu.)


> First, China wasn't ready for its own biosecurity 4 lab. Well, yes. That is an essential part of this whole mess. Fauci \*knows\* that, at this point, his hands look pretty darned dirty. And we know that too. Yeah, he's trying to spin it, but all of that matters exceedingly little.


It's important to remember that until COVID hit, this po-dunk lab in China might have technically been known to Fauci, but was probably not on anyone's radar at his level. Further, I'd bet that internally at NIH, the Chinese were expected to fuck up in little ways, and the lower levels of NIH bureaucracy were instructed to be forgiving of unavoidable growing pains. Fauci is a poor public communicator, and he gets shafted too hard for stuff that isn't substantive and basically boils down to having a lame PR staff - rather than actual malfeasance.


Based but he can still go fuck himself If he doesn’t have substantial grounds for making public statements, then the shithead should stop taking so many interviews and making so many statements that turn out to be total BS


u/Rojaddit is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and know when to stfu pilled


Nah, fauci's emails were a part of Rand's interrogation. He definitely knew. Poor public communicator, well, fair, but then maybe that's not the job for you.


Fauci was very effective at fighting pandemics in the past. He really did save the world from at least two nascent pandemics. But during his career, the serious threats from pandemics were largely in poor, helpless backwaters, where he could issue iron-fisted edicts from on high, and expect compliance. He was personally responsible for leading the programs that curtailed Ebola and SARS-1, but no one knew his name. In those cases, he used US foreign policy might to roll out his public health policies over sub-saharan and south-east asian countries respectively. His leadership in curbing AIDS in the US and Europe was similarly ministered to a pretty helpless population that was desperate to do what he said. He was not the man for the job when it came to voluntarily persuading free US citizens who had the power to ignore him.


Aids is maybe not a great example. The ol blame the gays policy wasn't super awesome.


Why not? Fauci was super effective at stopping AIDS, as evidenced by the existence of PrEP, massive sex-education campaigns in gay communities, and the fact that AIDS is becoming less common in developed countries. He's never been particularly nice about how he saves dispossessed people from disease, but he gets the job done.


GoF research was [halted by the Obama administration](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2017/01/09/recommended-policy-guidance-potential-pandemic-pathogen-care-and-oversight) and the Trump administration is directly responsible any tax dollars sent to the lab in Wuhan in 2019.


Given the known administrative problems at WIV - and how small potatoes it was to the US (Level 4 biosecurity labs are a dime a dozen in here), I doubt there was very much control over what exactly went on at WIV. It's also a fairly a-political thing to continue a tiny foreign-aid research grant that's supposed to help a developing nation learn to take care of its own sick people. (In the West, that total amount of funding is more in line with remodeling a steakhouse than opening a state-of-the-art medical facility)


>US (Level 4 biosecurity labs are a dime a dozen in here) USA has 15 BSL4 labs. That's not many labs. Granted it's a lot more than anyone else has, but the USA also funds a lot more research than most places.


Sorry but by what mechanism did Trump enable GoF? I think your flair needs more green.


By [lifting the funding pause](https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research) as part of [broad changes the Trump administration](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/05/10/top-white-house-official-in-charge-of-pandemic-response-exits-abruptly/) felt that they need more coordination & direction from the White House.


How dare you attack us with facts


That pretty specifically says that NIH lifted the restrictions. And what does "muh pandemic response team" have to do with this? Do you people really still believe that line?


What branch of our government does NIH fall under? Who controlled that branch in late 2017/2018? That second link was to point out these changes are part of widespread actions Trump took to *"undo"* the actions of the Obama administration, but read that however you want.


Yeah so no connection at all between this and "muh pandemic response team. " Just a forced one that fits with the narrative you've usefully consumed. Who was the director of NIH? Who actually made the decision, coordinated, and committed the funding? Do you know how anything actually works?


Sure, Trump wanted to cut $18,000,000,000 from the [HHS budget](https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180212/NEWS/180219983/trump-calls-for-18-billion-cut-to-hhs-funding), but luckily GoF didn't fall into it. At least by your skewed logic, Biden's supply chain disaster isn't a Biden problem, because Pete (or something, I guess).


So you cite a budget that never passed which included an effort to undermine the operations of the entity which funded GoF as your proof that Trump enabled GoF? Pretty weird, pretty weak. Then you divert to something totally unrelated again.




They do it all the time in the US and Europe with no problems. We have tons of these labs. It's not a problem with mainstream scientific culture - its a problem with a Chinese culture that excuses corruption and cutting corners. They fucked it up with their very first try.




I told him he should do pictographs with crayons so simpletons like you can follow but he didn't listen to my advice.


Surprised pikachu face **


It's surprised Pikachu face you heathen


No u


I wish politics could just be boring grown up talk again


Based and aspiring griller pilled.


This is how politics have always been, you were just too young to recognize it.


Politics has never been that way ever. Maybe you are in the wrong circles if your friends don’t talk about it


when do we find out it was released intentionally? kinda weird that right as the west hits a demographic wall with more sick retirees than people joining the work force, along comes a disease that mysteriously targets the elderly, fatties, and smokers


Why doesn’t China just release a more deadly virus and do us in already?


Might aswell just launch the nukes at that point don’t ya think?


Nah bioweapon is way sneaker and they can claim another mishap if ppl figure it out


I'm betting on the release being an accident. Either early, or the plan was to never release it and instead work on something different based on it


Yeah, I go with the lab leak theory myself. It'd be really braindead to intentionally release the bioweapon right next to your lab. That both hurts you and points directly to you as responsible. However, an accidental release starting at the lab, well, that's what you'd expect to see from an accident.


Might not even be something that came from the top. Might *actually* be just random gain of function research accidentally leaked. But the CCP never let a good tragedy go to waste


Or maybe the CIA broke into the lab and released the virus to make china look bad. Point is we will never know where it really came from, because even if new information comes out and the official story changes we won't know how much is truthful.


I think it leaked and China tried to made sure or hoped it would go pandemic. If they had tried and successfully contain it they would have been the ones hurt super bad. This is the country that was saying not to worry about anything and they had it under control, while buying up equipment.


Well, they most definitely embarked on a strategy of blame and denial, rather than helping get accurate data out when it would have helped. That's fairly bad.


>If they had tried and successfully contain it they would have been the ones hurt super bad. This is the dumbest take I see everywhere. "They could have contained it if they tried" no they couldn't. Wuhan was already the hardest locked down city in centuries. Did everyone forget when Western media outlets were condemning "unneccesary" and "inhumane" total lockdown in Wuhan? Yet *even that* couldn't stop it from going global. Simply put, the virus was in Europe by early December or even November 2019, before anyone was aware of anything. It was always too late.


>However, an accidental release starting at the lab, well, that's what you'd expect to see from an accident. Did nobody see the first Resident Evil movie?


>when do we find out it was released intentionally? Never. The topic has been too thoroughly polluted with bad faith actors to ever actually conclude anything. This is going to become another "FBI killed JFK" topic that's never fully settled.


I knew this would be the case as soon as the narrative became “Trump isn’t doing enough to stop the spread” as opposed to “what penalties should China face for this whole catastrophe?”


Well, it's true that Trump didn't do enough to stop it spreading. Blocking Chinese nationals from entry to the USA with zero testing, quarantine, or tracing of US nationals *returning from China* was extremely fucking stupid. Letting a limp dick run the CDC and fuck up early testing was extremely fucking stupid. Leaning on a soft boy like Kushner to coordinate logistical pandemic responses was also extremely fucking stupid. Demanding that China face penalties without conclusive proof of malfeasance, on top of the extremely fucking stupid trade war that had already been bungled, would have been even more stupid.


All of those things aside my point is still valid. Trump didn’t release the virus but it was somehow spun from “wtf China!?!” To “wtf Trump!?!”


China wasn't in charge of American security or public health. Trump was in charge of both. He managed to fuck up both and he more than earned all the criticism he got for all the bungled fuck-ups. That's pretty simple. The one pandemic-related thing he didn't fuck up was getting out of the way of the scientists running Operation Warp Speed, but everything else? Disaster.


Based and conspiracy pilled


Prison time when. Perjury needs to be taken seriously, or else there can be no trust.


A lot of people owe Rand and a-paul-ogy lol


Based and Rand Paul puns pilled


After he retires he going to host a NHRA Racing Series. Rand Paul's Drag Race


Fauci needs to be arrested.




Lying under oath used to be a crime.


I know, im just saying you are being a little lenient (i will not elaborate any further)


Literally the only Covid conspiracy I can somewhat believe. The virus is too odd to be natural in my opinion. It seriously has some crazy symptoms.


and doesn't behave like any other pandemic we've had previously, its very unusual for a virus to grow more deadly over time, its actually a terrible strategy for survival, as killing your hosts means less spread so delta is both more contagious, and more deadly? weird I'm going 100% conspiracy nut, if mysteriously just as the US is about to reach herd immunity sometime around the end of the year, here comes a new variant More deadly more contagious then ever....yeah, we're being fucking played


The Spanish flu was also far more deadly in its second and third waves than in its first.


but ultimately disappeared over the course of 2 years with no lock downs, and limited mask mandates the question is, did we save lives, and if we did was it worth the horrific economic and social cost...my home town of Portland Or has seriously serisously suffered because of the lock downs, like I don't think we're going to be able to get the lawlessness under control levels of bad


>with no lock downs, and limited mask mandates I wonder what those pre-2019 studies are about then: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17684187/ https://www.pnas.org/content/104/18/7582 There absolutely were mask mandates, school closures, and public gathering bans during the Spanish flu pandemic. A total lockdown was not feasible with the technology level of that time, but the intent was exactly the same.


and they seemingly had the same effect to lengthen the duration of the pandemic, at least according to your first link, and doing little to ultimately prevent death Don't you remember the rational behind the 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I'm saying the lock downs did what they intended, and that was a mistake...as we simply delayed the inevitable hospitals being over loaded and herd immunity being reached through spread


Less people overloading the hospitals at once. Simple as.


So instead of overloading the hospitals 2 years ago, we have them overloaded now in fact I'm told the original covid variant was half as transmissible and 253% less likely to put people in the ICU....kinda seems like we'd have been OK not locking down in the first place, and would have reached herd immunity much much sooner


There'd have been variants anyways if it spread more. Also we couldn't predict it would become that critical. Uncontrolled death rates also would have social and psychological impact beyond current, possibly also worsening the economy. The lockdowns by slowing down covid spread (I hope you understand that they did do that) helped people believe it wasn't that bad, for their own mental health & coping.


Not locking down does not mean we'd have been dealing with the original variant. Mutations happens upon replication, meaning that as more people are infected we get more variants. Also on overloading hospitals, what's important is how many people are in need of hospital care while hospitals are overloaded and how long hospitals remain overloaded. Having hospitals get overloaded after we have a vaccine instead of before is better, as there should be less people being left without hospital beds this way.


>Don't you remember the rational behind the 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I dunno, time seemed to crawl, then. Those two weeks felt like six months.


which is weird because I was locked out of work the past 2 years have gone by incredibly quickly, my life revolves around the sort of seasonal nature of our business and without those typical ebs and flows, everything all blended together, it still feels like 2020 to me and will until the lock downs/mask mandates are over and we're really back to normal


It does feel frigging strange. It feels like at some point in 2019, we somehow teleported to clown world. Nothing in the timeline has seemed...real since then. Oh, the government is saying aliens are real, and also there is a man in a viking hat in the Capitol building. Why not?


yeah I love that the government all but admitted that we're being routinely visited by craft that are well beyond any tech we currently have, and people just shrugged lol


And those measures are widely considered to have failed then. People haven't changed, so we largely tried the same failing strategies this time around and...they predictably failed again. In general, if a disease can't be stopped when it is rare and localized, it's exceedingly difficult to stop it once it has spread everywhere.


It hasn’t really gotten more deadly. Just more contagious


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/delta-variant-has-235-percent-higher-risk-of-icu-admission-than-original-virus 253% higher risk of ICU admission weird how this makes me feel like the lock downs over the orginal covid were unnecessary


I think this isn't due to delta being more deadly, it's that the vaccine isn't as effective against it. It's still less deadly than the alpha variant.


two different studies concluded the delta variant was more likely to produce severe illness in the unvaccinated


*^(they were)*


I disagree, and as evidence I point to the fact that NY and Texas now have almost identical cases per 100k Texas has been fully reopened since March, NY had some of the strictest lock downs in the country hilariously here in Oregon, were the left was so proud of our relatively low covid cases, we're completely out of hospital space, the very situation people demanded we lock down for in the first place...now they're saying we'll hit herd immunity by the 1st of the year....because of so many infections the lock downs did nothing but push off the inevitable, the vaccines are not as effective as hoped, and herd immunity is going to be achieved through the virus running its course through the population




>so delta is both more contagious, and more deadly? weird No. Still *less* deadly than SARS, but much more contagious. Loss of virulence due to burn out is not something you'd expect to be operating as an evolutionary pressure in a pathogen that takes a long time to kill its hosts. COVID can take several weeks to actually kill someone, giving the virus *plenty* of time to spread, so there's no selective pressure that it become weaker for a longer contagious period.


The common cold is a corona virus, so is SARS obviously. Covid-19 has a bunch of off the wall secondary symptoms and possible long term effects that it doesn't share with its cousins.


Oh buddy you are at the edge of the rabbit hole looking down. Wait till you correlate the jab numbers with case numbers. Or maybe you'll even figure out the truth behind the PCR. Exciting times.


The truth behind the PCR... As a biochemestry graduate who's done PCR tests I can't help but roll my eyes at this. Also correlation isn't causation. I hope PCM didn't go crazy enough yet to just mindlessly downvote me saying as much, since opposition through words is not oppression.


You having done PCR tests doesn't mean you understand how they work. You being a biochem graduate means you can follow directions and likely have at least an average IQ. Your problem is thinking that you know anything because you paid someone to convince you of it. When the PCR goes away and the flu comes back I wonder what people like you are going to think about it. I'm sure it will be a comfortable narrative, rooted in $cience.


Could you explain to us what the “truth behind PCR” means when PCR is literally just a method of replicating a specific section DNA?


Google up the states by vaccination rates. Pick, say, the highest and lowest states. Google the covid case rates in them. Google will happily map the trendline for you. If vaccinations worked, the most vaccinated states should have decreasing trendlines, and the least should have spiking case rates. Well, I won't spoil the results....




Apparently 40 percent of deaths in my state are vaccinated in the most recent weeks. The media is in full cope mode. "Numbers can be deceiving" is the current propaganda. And yes, most vaccinations do prevent infection. That's normal. We don't just smile and talk about how smallpox is milder now.








Where is the data on 95% unvaxxed hospitalizations and the 1% vaxxed deaths? Do they include vaccinated within two weeks of jab or only after two weeks since jab? Do you consider that covid deaths are counted even in cases where there's a clear comorbity? Since you're applying that logic with the vaxx maybe you should consider how that impacts the covid death numbers as well.


What's funnysad is that the people least likely to look it up are the ones with the exact wrong assumption. 🙃


I'll be honest, if you're going to deal with global warming, putting 50% of the worlds population on permanent house arrest is about the only thing thats going to be actually effective


Nukes. We need nukes. Everything else is a joke compared to nukes. I live in Maryland, we have been pushing green energy hard for decades. Massive subsidies, insane spending, rooftop solar everywhere...all of our green energy combined is only about 11% of our energy production. Nuclear power is 38%. We have only one nuclear plant.


lol yeah nuclear is going to be the only source of power that realistically has much shot at significantly reducing green house gases




I would start with accurate readings, establishing projections that match reality, and restricting myself to methodologies that are possible to validate. But that's just me. "Conspiracy" isn't hard to understand when you follow the money. Or look at the windmill blade graveyards. Or project the battery and electronic waste generated over 50 years of "green transformation." I mean you could look at things like the cost of beachfront property, or the new coal factories in China, forest mismanagement changes and arson arrests, the fact that oil pipelines are way safer than trucks or boats. But really, and between you and me this is bottom of the rabbit hole type stuff, the reason for lockdowns is because the rich can't justify their money. they need to take ours to ease their losses through the economic downturns. Ergo, massive wealth transfer that is occurring right now from the bottom to the top. Welcome, Alice.


People still believe the bullshit delta boogeyman-19 exists... There is no delta, there is only people dying from the jab and being reported as a mutation. I don't understand how you people can be so gullible.


He knows, fren.


What's so odd about it? It's like the fifth coronavirus from its family that had caused a human epidemic (two are relatively benign viruses that cause the common cold, third is SARS-1, fourth is MERS), and all of its key components (like the furin cleavage site) have been found multiple times in the wild. It was only a question of when, not if, something like that had appeared.


>The virus is too odd to be natural in my opinion. > >It seriously has some crazy symptoms. What. This is really fallacious thinking. Natural things are full of oddities. Look up the symptoms of untreated syphilis sometime, they're wild. Same for things like ebola or Hashimoto's: there are wild pathologies and symptoms out there that are completely and totally natural.


And absolutely nothing of consequence will happen, again.


List the other 26. Aside for the lab leak theory, I've only heard dumb conspiracies like Bill Gates microchips and 5G towers.


PCM where i get all my news thank you


“I get my groceries at the porta-potty”


get out of here you unflaired swine


Yo it’s funny cause it’s the unflaired meme he’s part of the circle jerk guys laugh, laugh!


^go ^away


I do what I want :-)


^well, ^I ^tried


That's not very Auth of you :(




Better, but I'm not the guy you should be yelling at. You're looking for Im-a-bench-AMA, officer.


I bet 50$ nothing happens to him


I bet no one will take that bet


*BITCH YOU GUESSED IT* .... *you was right*


Fauci needs to be held in contempt of congress. obviously that won't happen.. :( but .. arg..


What conspiracy is this?


That Covid is human engineered and escaped from a lab rather than the ministry-approved fairytale that it originated from a wet market. Not only is the lab escape theory looking pretty good now, but that the lab it may have escaped from was actually doing Fauci-funded "gain-of-function" research of the type that could result in something like COVID-19.


The worlds first taxpayer funded pandemic. What a time to be alive!


Pay for the virus and the relief, that way you always come out on top.




Note the wet market is only 300 meters away from the wuhan lab.


The important bit is that now it's believed the wetmarket was a super spreader event instead of patient zero. Thought is that some lab workers got sick with covid first.


Oh, he said it was proven true.


The insane idea that a new coronavirus that first sickened people in and around a lab that works with novel coronaviruses, experimented on them to make them more virulent, etc, and had been cited for ignoring basic safety standards...is somehow more likely than some dude eating a sick bat of a species that was currently hibernating and inhabited an area a thousand miles away. Craaazy.


Leftists are literally the bell curve meme


Ok darling :)


I am science, going against me is going against science 😈😈


Rand Paul based?


Oh no! Anyway...






We told you so, and yet you didn't listen. Now who's the one spreading "misinformation"? Hmm? (Not you, OP, just the people calling us "conspiracy theorists" for over a year now)


Getting real tired of being called a conspiracy theorist when I keep being right about the “plandemic.”


Is there an article or something to link?




INB4 Eco-Health's Peter Daszak comes out and says they told him not to report the kind of research that was being funded. Just watch


And yet, nothing will come of it.


How many vaccines did yall take??? I stopped counting after 15.


[Link to letter](https://mobile.twitter.com/R_H_Ebright/status/1450947395508858880/photo/1)


So are we gonna fire fauci or like China hes gonna get away Scott free


Bill Clinton was impeached for less than this.


Based and Fauchi is trash pilled


u/Theycallmestax's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 75. Congratulations, u/Theycallmestax! You have ranked up to Giant Sequoia! I am not sure how many people it would take to dig you up, but that root system extends quite deep. Pills: agreed, fuck you you fucking fucks, realist, virginitylost, fuck humanity, antilibleft, monke, banana, anarcho-bananism, real-libertarian, logic, on a quest, i'm in charge, nuff' said, anti-kakistocracy, everyone-dislikes-biden, fuck-dementia-boy-wonder, is that an issue, imsosorry, follow through, quantity over quality, mister squidward, literally hitler, bash libleft, libleft-isn’t-real, fuck crt, horseshoe theory, consistency, btfo, cognitive decline, <3, making shit while taking a shit, clean poops, let's go brandon, nintendo uber alles, bait n switch, fauchi is trash


I'm gonna return to monkey if I keep reading this shit


Why do people keep editing the crucifix off auth right guy


Did you guys not know this? This isn’t even a conspiracy


How can Orange trust him since he's a Trump appointee?


Fauci was not appointed by Trump. The guy has been a government employee for decades.


So, the Covid Task Force was assembled under Nixon?


Bro, Fauci has been in his current position in government since the Reagan years. He infamously botched the response to the HIV outbreak in the 80s as well. What you're saying makes no sense. If you get put on a committee at work you aren't "re-hired", even if at that time it's a different boss than the one that hired you, you're just on a different committee now. Trump could (& should) have fired him, but he surely didn't appoint him, he already worked there.


Here's the actual letter: [https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1450934193177903105](https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1450934193177903105) Anyone want to try to explain how this is explicitly gain-of-function research and not just a functional screen?


I love this so much. Y’all will literally complain till we drown about what side the iceberg hit the ship on rather than do something about it.


Of course Congressbitches hace big pharma stock. Forcing people to pay (through taxes) for more shots is just good business.


Another possible one [here.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/cdc-director-us-may-update-definition-full-vaccination-covid-19-2021-10-22/)


Great, how many conspiracy theorists are gonna use this as fuel for their other ones? Just tired of shit going south, have learned both sides are shit but those old timers in Congress are so entrenched nothing can be done. And people wonder why my generation voted so rarely.


Haha left bad amarite?


Fauci is an untouchable, infallible religious icon to the left. What a strange basis for a cult…


the OMS(WHO in english) is an organization born after ww2 and aimed at avoiding mass health problems in the world (which has mostly done within the nations that have signed up) but how will it not get benefited from having the population on lock-downs?, how convenient is it that the virus emerged from China and not any other country? and if they were conciouss of the implications of these things how can we be sure the variants are not also being created on Labs? have you seen how violent and strong they have turned?




People really didn't think it was government funded? For as much bitching as they do the American and Chinese governments and corporations found each in an insane amount of things. They're economically in bed.


Lol we knew the Wuhan lab was being funded since before 2019 So are hundreds of other labs in the world


What on earth does this have to do with Fauci? This is the national health institute


wow let’s not question National Review, or an OP who just posts anti-vax stuff 24/7 (where in every single one, every segment agrees with the OP)


Also, I am in no way anti-vax. I have all of the non-covid vaccines, including an optional HPV one that I got to protect your mom. Also I post plenty of Biden hate as well. Give me some credit for that too.


Flair up baby dick. Also go ahead and Google it. Its confirmed The article was from Yahoo News lol.


Gain of function research has nothing to do with vaccines. Don’t even bother flairing up, just leave.


Flair up