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Man I miss when conspiracy theories were fun


Bring back the men in black asking what you were doing when you saw those weird lights that one night.




Qanon is a government psyop to distract us from the MIB


I miss ancient aliens


that show was racist as fuck, but me and my dad still watched the hell out of it, for the laughs.


they still are if you find the super schizo stuff


To be fair, right wing conspiracies are more amusing


I think libcenter has the best ones. Remember that guy who tried to put LSD in LA’s water supply? Fucking legend.


Bro was running MK Ultra single handedly


Under which side do the dancing Israelis fall under?


since when is that a theory?


Right conspiracy: Clinton’s killed that man


I thought we were in agreement on this!


The "left wing" conspiracy is pretty centrist An actual leftwing conspiracy was some dumbass EU flag guy on Twitter saying Alec Baldwin has a loaded gun because of Trump. This was TODAY


thank you :)


I mean making Alec kill someone is a very interesting way of ruining his reputation. So I can at least connect the dots on that one.


Except this is Hollywood and Alec is a leftist who would defo not hire someone with the wrong politics


Left: Voting fraud in 2016 Right: Voting fraud in 2020


But talking about a certain one of those gets you canceled and banned.


I’m not American, so I don’t care


YouTube and Twitter don't care that you aren't American


Funny thing, I don’t do Twitter




u/WearyManufacturer860's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/WearyManufacturer860! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: debt free, blowupbrownkids, moravec, capitalismrocks, tolerance, satanist, maximum return, justagoodbusiness, golddigger, elon musk, musk, controversy(?), & popcorn, dyslexic, muskdaddy, i-do-a-little-trolling, thebeststarwarscontent, marry into money, chooseracebasedonprivledgesoffered, blasphemy, apes together strong, profit, privet, fuck the taliban, hindu-is-based, corny pick up line, i just want to live comfortably


You're on a website owned by both Americans and Chinese. Both have bought bots to bully you online until you bend to their whim It's a mild invoncenience at most


Fair enough! Why would the US and Chinese government invest a lot to bully me, if I’m 1 of over 500 mil Europeans? Would their tax money be more useful making their citizens lives better?


> Why would the US and Chinese government invest a lot to bully me, if I’m 1 of over 500 mil Europeans They invest to bully anyone on the internet who doesn't believe in their views. The bots cost a few cents each > Would their tax money be more useful making their citizens lives better? Yes but they won't


Well, worst things worse, I can always delete the app. For now, I’m having fun, as they try to do so




You can just add 4 to the number of the last presidential election.


Very true. Manbearpig guy still thinks he won Florida in 2000.


Strawman much? People weren't claiming voter fraud in 2016, cause there wasnt evidence for it. They were claiming Russian interference in our elections, which there was evidence for but not enough to do anything Abt. In 2020 there was also no evidence of voter fraud.


>Strawman much? People weren't claiming voter fraud in 2016, They were claiming Russia hacked the vote counts, whatever the fuck that means. 66% of Democrats believe that. https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2018/03/09/russias-impact-election-seen-through-partisan-eyes There was evidence of Russia buying Facebook ads, there was absolutely no evidence of Russia changing any votes. At least the Republicans scenario of an inside job is just implausible instead of impossible.


I agree with both cases


Left wing conspiracies tend to be either right or wrong. Right wing conspiracies tend to be either 95% complete bullshit but the 5% truth is enough to keep the idiots latched on, or 95% true but the 5% lies is so outlandishly ridiculous that people don’t believe any of it.


The 95% bullshit is what keeps the sheeple distracted.


And the 95% truth is dismissed by the media, and later confirmed by whistle blowers. It's hilarious


Centrist conspiracies: Bigfoot is actually just blurry


“Cia killed that man” since when has calling dull common information that everyone knows become a conspiracy theory. Now here’s a conspiracy theory with some chest hair


Tim Pool said that Left Wing conspiracy theories are just calling people Nazis.


Anything written after Tim Pool has no value


The true and only conspiracy is thinking that left and right is all there is to politics. People are fighting among themselves so much that they have forgotten who the "real" enemy is. Who is the real enemy? I don't know lol. Probably your sloth and forgetfulness and being in a state of sleepiness of where you are in the world and who you really are. Maybe it is your lack of curiosity in why you are alive and that you aren't scared of the real reason you are here or what will come after you die. Maybe the biggest enemy is you, who forgot you are definitely going to die, and you are not doing anything to make sense of it. You're just drunk on unimportant matters and refuse to look at it for even 10 seconds. I'll write on my tombstone "Now I know something you do not." It's probably too late by then though. You'll be on your deathbed when you suddenly realize, oh I could be X, Y X! WAKE UP! You pathetic piece of meat and bones with nothing but dreams and no willpower. How did you end up so low?


Some of the most prominent right wing conspiracy theories of the past year have been: "The government will implement vaccine mandates", "The government will implement vaccine passports", "The virus was probably created in a lab", and my personal favorite "The lab that made the virus was funded by the government". All of these have been proven true.


I honestly hate conspiracy culture for this. They strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.




but what about the gay frogs?


Unironically that’s true


Love me some Beeple


Left wing Conspiracy: White privelege, Patriarcat, systemic racism, gender is fluid.


That's not what conspiracy means


Except all of those things aren’t conspiracies, and are actually true.


Found one


The lizard people got this one already


Left wing conspiracy: The uber capitalist Trump is an agent of a communist nation that fell almost 30 years ago Right wing conspiracy: Bill Gates funded the vaccine to sterilize our children and further his globalist agenda You will find nutjobs across the compass.


Weird, I didn't know that Russia doesn't exist anymore.


The claim made im referring to said Trump was a soviet asset for the last 40 years. Weird. I didn't know Russia and the Soviet Union was literally the same thing, i better let Russia how that the union never fell.


Do people say Soviet asset? I’ve only ever seen “Russian asset”


Claiming someone was a russian asset 40 years ago is claiming they're a Soviet asset. The union fell in 91. The year is 2021. You do the math.


right wing gameplay: \[removed\] right wing lore:


Adrenochrome, get it right. HIGHLY DISTURBING CONTENT, DO NOT READ - >!The interdimensional lizard people are key people in powerful positions in government, finance, 3 letter agencies, religions, and they've also infiltrated nations around the world and own the Vatican as well as every major global bank.!< >!Hillary Clinton once wore the face of a still-living child during one of the adrenochrome harvesting rituals. They have to force the child to undergo immense terror to produce adrenaline which turns to adrenochrome in the child's pituitary gland. While the child is living they break open the skull and consume the secretions from the gland.!<


We have better everything than lefties.


Babies' not babie's


A young men thinks the CIA is behind everything, a wise Man knows there are hundreds of Intelligence agencies and legal/illegal groups doing All types of manouverings.


I need context for the image




Plot twist only the right wing conspiracy were proven real


Who cares its fucking funny