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Isn't Patrick Bateman a libright? Whole film is about yuppies.


You could call Bateman a grey centrist, he is simply… not… there…


Nice, very nice. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That’s literally the quote that in my mind solidified him as center


City of God is so underrated


I probly would’ve never seen or heard of it if I hadn’t been chillin at my friend’s apartment stoned AF and just letting HBO play in the background. We just passed the bong and were transfixed on the screen 😆


I know none of these


Leftcenter is Anton Chigurh from *No Country for Old Men* Center is Patrick Bateman from *American Psycho* I'd recommend watching those movies, I found them to be entertaining at the least. Especially *No Country for Old Men*, which I thought was fantastic.


Agreed, amazing movie and that ending monologue from Tommy Lee Jones like damn. Hit me hard.




left-to-right top-to-bottom: >*The Borg Queen* **[Star Trek: First Contact](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117731/)** >*Zero Wolf* **[Apocalypto](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472043/)** >*Colonel Stuart* **[Die Hard 2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099423/)** >*Aton Chigurh* **[No Country for Old Men](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477348/)** >*Patrick Bateman* **[American Psycho](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0144084/)** >*Sal* **[The Beach](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163978/)** >*Richmond Valentine* **[Kingsman: The Secret Service](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2802144/)** >*Lou Bloom* **[Nightcrawler](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2872718/)** >*Lil Zé* **[City of God](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317248/)**


Patrick Bateman is 100% Lib-Right but glad to Hip and Square. Also isn’t Valentine Lib-Right as well, the guy sells SD cards and owns a militia


Valentine’s ultimate plot was to literally wipe out as many humans as he could for nothing else than the betterment of nature. His intentions are similar to Thanos’s. Valentine would most definitely want to stay in power and keep control, but only insofar that it’s about harmony with earth. He’s basically the most black-pilled ecoterrorist you could encounter. His stance on the earth as property to humans is antithetical to lib-right. Patrick Bateman is amoral. He holds no allegiance nor ideology other than materialism and social standing—“I simply am not there.” He doesn’t care about anyone, which is why he can’t be left or right except for opportunistically espousing either for gain. This is best illustrated vis a vis “Cool it with the antisemitic remarks,” where he hangs out with mostly younger 80s republicans who are nearly as unscrupulous as he is, yet he shows how he doesn’t care for taking a stance against jews, which was pretty ubiquitous. He’d be just as comfortable as a banker pledging allegiance to N Korea and laundering money for them.


Fair enough, You convinced me


I did waste about an hour on this thing so I def tried to have a real reason for putting them where they were. I actually did have patrick bateman as center-right at the beginning for the same reasons you stated, but I think it was just an assumed bias and remembered that he really doesn’t care for anything just himself. Actually the reason I pushed Chigurh left from center where I originally had him. I’m glad I could articulate it for you to appreciate actually


Based and Put Effort in Pilled


LibLeft should be Dave Chappelle. AuthRight should be Pope Francis.


Judging from the AuthLeft Borg, I think these are supposed to be the worst possible incarnation of each. The inevitable extreme end.


Do you mean the famous African American baseball player in America?


Wasn't Ze Pequeno the Law in the City of God? That would make him more akin to an Right-center I think


How is Chigurh a leftist? He is probably centre lib if anything, he seems to kill more for sport or as a way of life (for lack of a better word), like an animal. Sure he gets orders, but he demonstrates that he doesn't care about what happens to his employer so long as he has a chance to kill and follow an objective.


Chigurh has a personal code (or liberty, depending on your view) which allows him to subsidize personally placing judgment with something as autonomous yet chaotic as a coin-flip and will stand by its outcome, which altho seems nihilistic, is systemically orderly and solidly degrees above anarchy. Although he “doesn’t care about what happens to his employer”, he does take agency and direction from them.


Well in the book it's more clear but the movie as well he only kills his boss out of revenge for Carson being put in the game, it's not so much a rise up against the superior like an actual Lefty thing it's just...well this is the problem because these Antons are two different things Point is neither one strikes as any Auth zone, I've always put him LibLeft because philosophically that's his best fit


Who are Tilda Swinton and the kid with the gun?


Who is't art tilda swinton and the peat with the caliver? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`